1 4 t* ft t 4 ■I 4. i VOL. XXXVÍ k 4 ! ♦ X 1 X HOOD RIVER, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 5, 1924 Ì NO! * J t A. TWENTY YEARS AGO These subjects and other lu tercet lug topics will, be thoroughly cussed by Head Hepraoentatlve from New ïork ou BEMIANO. • ■ t- » 4 ^--3 .< A Free Lecture arn^ Démonstration to be given at iFt Personal, individual attention to every call for service is the rule of this Bank—and the successful * application of this rule is proved by the hosts of friends who today are numbered among our patrons. X'- • • The Men’s Forum of the Upper Val­ ley United church and the Women’s Auxiliary have act hext Thursday evening as the date for the strawberry festival. A committee, compost'd of 8. G. Gibson. E. C. Etiwer and Geo. W. Blodgett, has been appointed to aelect a festival queen. The jmlgi-a have announced that bobbed hair will not be an Isaue in selecting the queen. The Knights of Pythias bund will participate in the festival, which, It 1« anticiiHited. will draw a large dele­ gation from thia city,. The entire evening will be character- ited by many unique entertainment features. Those In charge of the pro­ gram are working out many novelties. The entertainment will be staged In the grove adjacent to the grade school and the gueats are assured that every­ th teg will be «lobe to make the evening enjoyable. The committee wauta it to lie understood that though a nominal charge will be made for refreshments the desire of those sponsoring the event is to make the festival a social success rather than a ttuanclal gain. The proceeds will be used iu aid of «-omaiuuity work. The program, which is free to all. will commence at 8 p. tn. and an Invitation la extended to all sections of the county to particti«ete. KRESSE DRUG COMPANY 4. ICTOE3I 1924 A Purcluse here Cerries Tlut Pleasure Of SatbfKUM The First National Bank HOOD RIVER. OREGON V egetables itamins S' 1ST NATIONAL BANK TWENTY YEARS OLD OUR NONPAREIL GREEN ASPARAGUS HOOD RIVER BONDISSUE V . is one of the best tonics, easy digestible and quick acting The bonds are in denominations of $100 and $600 and are ¡yable aerially beginning June 1st, 1927, the last bonds maturing me lit, 1941. Sujfitäftö Œtttrk m JOHN KOBERG, P roprietor BUTLER BANKING COMPANY BERRY PICKERS r SCREENED COMFORT he thinks of it This is about what before what it was to Make the Grange Store your buying place while in the “Valley Come in and we will help yon plan one for your home. We not We give be& quality, be& prices and read service. We have real specials ■B on groceries at all times only handle all materials for Screened Porches, but also we manufacture Screen Doors and Screen Windows to fit your openings. GRANGE CO-OP. STORE MILLER BATHING CAPS EMR Y LUMBER & FUELCO Everyfhin# to Build Anything ,fi X KILLER cap in every hue In the rainbow to match your bathing suit,. ▲ style and shape for every taste and pur­ pose. Water Wings, Rubber Sponges, etc. TW t MILLER Beach Ban with you. Tsungani I have installed several seta of these wonderful pistons in the last three months, and their performance is won­ derful. Drop in and let me tell you about them. HOOD RIVER DRUG CO MERCHANTS* LUNCH FOUNTAIN SERVICE HPkM* A » A AT THS FASHION fiÁRAGE - The Flrat National l>ank «Tfebrated II h 2. (’ooper, K. J. Beck and and surplUH Jun«* 1, 1904, waa 83IUNM). Alfred Neal, the party repaired to Today It la 8120.000. The total assets the table«. A aumptnoru luncheoig Jun« 1, 1904 reschwl »35.000. Todav waa served. R«*v. C. R. TWepInc pre­ they reach 8LO49.867. , sented the gifts. After he had finished. Mra. Neal «ailed on various others of the assctybled |uirty for remarks. Among th’• Antihan fe­ Pythian Bud Win Pby Fer Crevd n» To one and all we give sincere thanks for the hearty endorsement of our service indicated by their patronage. We offer and recommend aa a desirable investment the new 6)4% bonds of tbe Farmers Irrigating Co. aad W< nte Yalhy in and attempted to waken him. Fail­ ing in this, physicians were called and said be apparently had died shortly after 3 o’clock. Mr. Furnish formerly resided at . r Pendleton, and went to Portbiud In 1909. Until bls health began to fail . ‘ . - ,. —■ / several years ago be waa premiaei-t in Republican politics and in 1902 waa CROWDS FROM MANY QTIRS OOMG Republican candidate tor governor, a position he failed to achieve by less than 400 votes. He served two terms Nernmkm to Get T m ef H mf - aa sheriff of. Umatilla county wbou a Street Parade Starts at 1 P. I. young iuan and waa noted for hl« cool­ ness and courage -in running down All Stone to O cm «•attic rustlers and bad men who then iufested what was a frontier country, ATUpThns have beep completed for latter lie served aa vuyor of Pendleton. Furnish was born at Rente, Mo.. the big Woodmen of the World eete- The August Iff. 1863, and came across the bratioi) and initiation today. plains with bls parents when he wan committee lu clmrga has spared no three years old. He spent hia boyboo«! I link* and exiteus«* to make thia a great in the Willamette valley and began event, one, that, will long be remene- his business career as a grain buyer bered by the citlseua of Hood River In Portland. lu tbe late 70s he went as w« n aa many other ettiee la this to Pendleton as a grain, buyer. He state- and the state of WashlagUm. quickly realised that UmatUla county Visitors l-egan arriving “la«t evening was destined to be a great wheat and early this morning and from *fi growing region, and became interest«*«i indicatloua the expected 8,000 will be lu tbe o|x*ration of farms. Later be here The largest number of candi­ purchased the old Pendleton Having*« date« from any of the 11 cittee repre- Bank, which he built into a large and aented will be from Qoldeudale, Wash* which «ectired more Hum 75, Hood imecesaful lustitutkm. Meanwhile he acquired thousand«* of It I ver being a close second. The pro­ acreji of wheat land and at hia death gram for the day wHI start with a was the owner of extensive wheat and big street parade, whirl» will form M orchard proia*rtiea in various part« of riiuM*ntb street and Cascade aveaue at 1 p. m. After parading tbe prin­ the Pacific Northwest, He took an extremely active part in ciple streets of the city, led by the developing eastern Oregon. Among hi- local K. B. band, the vtaitora win re­ constructive ent erprlsea ta numbered turn to tbe picnic grounds at the foot the lO.UOOacre* Furnish irrigation of Thirteenth street, where the aftee- proj«M-t at Htautteld. Thia regluii waa ma>n will be given «ver to ethletie a desert when Mr. Furnlali with a few event« of all. kinds. At 8 p. m. one frlemla decided to make U productive. .ton of baked Cotumhla river salmon Today hundreds of homes dot the laud "will la* nerved free to all who attend. and orchards and alfalfa have re At 8 p. m. cnndMatee win be te- itlated. There will be uiuate and plac«-d the sage brush. Mr, Furnf Hah was a member of a dundng all during tbe day and even­ nlimiter of 1 fraternal arderà, including _____ _ ing. The public la Invited to attend. . the Pen diet OU lodge of Elks. He re­ sided at 5<»3 (Tifton street and la sur­ vived by hia widow, a aon, William Eldon Furnish, of Portland, ajad a daughter, Mrs. Stewart J. Moore, Qt thia city. ‘1 a,»—is» a« . —n. ft- ISON UPPER VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CLUB ROOMS FRIDAY, JUNE STM, AT t P. M. Every year of contact with tbe farmers, bum men and home life of Hood River has shown us ways of improving our service. W. ft W. Hi BERRY FESTIVAL HEALTH AND BEAUTY DEMONSTRATION NEXT THURSDAY (ten air tiw Faw. Da W mbm Shew Their Agef It ta, Why? Hew to Bofimve U ms anti Wrinkle«. Shetad Waeam U m DeaMetiea? The First National Bank opened its doors—twenty years in which it has been a helpful, stimulating in­ fluence in this community. 1904 ■ ' “fi* Mrs. Pet Gallagher was the victim of a clever bunco game last week, when a woman, who gave the naum of Mary G, Alien, appeared at her home, purporting to he in search of rooming nccommodatiitns. She selected quar­ ters and sought to make a de|M>sit. However, she had no funds, and Mra. Gallagher was unable to cash a check. She so manipulated her conversation ns to request Mra. Gallagher’s signa­ ture on a piece of paper, in order, as she said, that she might mak<* arrange­ ments to pay her by check, if ahi* chose. The woman then visited the First National bank, seeking to cash a check for 845. Wlien the request was made that she he Identified, she said she knew no one, but Anally she appar­ ently recollected tbat she had the sig­ nature nf Mra. Gallagher, which she presented to G m * paying Leiter, who recognised It. The wiynan stated that she could secure Mrs. Gallagher’s en- dorseqient to the cheek, which she did, securing the cneh front the hank. Hh<* failed, however, to appear to take IMMtaeasion of her rooms, and Mra. Gallagher grew snspidous. Tlte bank Anally began an Investigation and dia- «■overed tbat the cheek, drawn on a Central la. Wash., bank and signed by Geo. W. Allen, was worthies«. When city aueaker« of the day have ll>o Inled to stage the Independence day celebra­ tion Include: L. B. Glheon. publicity; G. A. Palmiter, program In hall; 8. G. Oxborrow. de«-oratlonH; E. M Lape. gnmoK and sports: E. It Moller, park­ ing; Aatto Annala. carnival; Mrs. II. T>. Eleele ami Mra. (’. M. Ilurlbnrt, solicitation of prizes; Mrs. G. E. Mer­ rill, dining Imll; H. E Wylie, hot dog stand: Mrs. F. N. Taylor, Mra. Mc­ Clain and V. A. Crow««, ice cream. Soft dr I like« etc.; F. N. Taylor, treasurer, arid L. L. Gooch, dancing. The exec­ utive committee consists of A. Q. Wing. H. E. Wylie, Mrs. E K Moller, F. N. Taylor, W. T. Forty, G. A. Palmiter and I. L. Gooch. A. W. Stone, who June 1 terminated hia connecttou with the Apple GeowMm Aasociatlon, immediately began the task of converting the Mosier Frait- growega Association into an organisa­ tion eftaracterised by strictly coopera­ tive lines. The Mosier asaoeiattoa, which Is one of the few aalaa cuaoans of tbe Northwest with which the growers of the district are afflUated 10O per cent, was formed on corporate tinea that will DM permit It to fe» numerons exemption« that apply ta agencies that are entirely coepsirativa Mr. Htone, who wlU daaata hia entira time hereafter tn tbe Interest of grow­ ers i’ cooperative Institution«, spent yea- -day at -may. he says, terday ... Mosier. ... He . ____ later establish an ofllce in Mr. Rt. came to Mood River ta ■ health. He purahssed uw etaS«M ticaidK ysAm — ----------- - to was m u attorney In Buffalo, N. T.. when* he effected -the ratvesafnl cooperative or­ gan ¡ration of independent ail concaaw*. He A rat became Interested la cooner- ntlve efforts of apple growers ta 1MK when, because of bls experience ta financial matters he undertook tbe re­ financing of the old Hood Hirer Appto Growers Union, lie was one of the prime movers in tbe organisation of the Apple Growers Association, which succeeded the Union and other fruit sales Interests here. Mr. Eton« pre­ pared tlx* by-laws and eoastitutien of the sales agency, the first of Ito kind in tbe United Htates to incorporate a dofible system of voting, tonnage and membership franchise ls*ing combined. The itlan baa since be«*n adopted! by various growers' organisations. Mr. Etone Is-came the Association's first manager and Served io thia ct- pacliy until the end of the fiscal year in 1923. For the past year he waa traffic mauager. Tbe Association started without a dollar. At the time lie left It as manager it bad a fund of 8230.000, ulilixed In the purchase of aiippli«*« for mexnliera. It had amassed a buildtag fund that reached 8280,000. Th«*se properties were ««a-ured through asat-Mnu-nta no higher than growers had paid to private shippers for ser­ vice«. Tbe property, in case of dis­ solution of the sal«*s agency will re­ vert to tbe growers, u division being made on the basis of tonne««’ furnished the organization. Before the Apple Gruwtws Associa­ tion was formed it bad lieeo customary for directors of cooperative aasocia- tlons to give personal endorsement to not«*s signed for funda ueeded In ad­ ministration of tbe bustaesa. Ths sys­ tem of contracts aigneera of the tennlM team of the Hoed Hirer Country . won every event In which they participated. A. B. McAlpin, who la-camp inter«*nt®d In golf, defaulted hia game to Stewart J. Moore. Tn the singles the men, the visitors Arat mentloDe«!. Were matahed a« follows: James Mu«set>all team Sunday defeated Tbe Halles tram by a score of 4 to S. An­ derson and llewey fornu*d the local battery. The local team Is maintain­ ing sr«w>d plac«* in the mld-ne- of tba hard­ est fought of tbe season. Walter Hhay la huay eqntoplng a nrw type "f mldgvt sutomobHe to bu nacd In Portland at the Rose Festival ncxt week in advertfsing the Mount Hoo«l IzOglon cilmb. The machine ta a hnnidtngcr and wtll attraet ho smaU attention In the metropoito.