Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1924)
«n K « i P V , ■M .- ’ HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, APRIL. 24, 1924 •w—■—————s—— . ■ -L . ~ —k—s T e Win. Terrill, uArtioaler. was »bop- , 1 ,1»».„ui t»l ping In Hood River and drove out to the Johu Griffith home for a short time Saturday. —— Miss Helen Hays was a dinner guest of MI hh Dorothy Murphy» Sunday. . Mis» Eilna Phelps has returned to school, having lieeu a I went a few days on account of aickni’ta Miss Mildr»*d Hays spout Sunday with Miss Ethel Pyles. Mrs. I'bauey and daughters, Mias Ione *knd Mrs. Fiets C. Ross, of The Dalles, visited at John Griffith's home Sunday. Mrs Chaney is Mrs. Griffith's daughter. Mr. and lira. Roy Armstrong, of Enterpr***, •** visiting Mr. Arm strong's grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gil her. They will stay for a while, Mr anil Mro. Ed. Wcwtrlck, of Long view. \Uiil!.. who have hpen visiting Mr. Wertrlck’s grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. ^icU G'lcher, returned home Mon day. Miss.'Nemo McKee, Mro. Roy Arm strong aud Mra. Ed. Wertrick called at tie home of J. Griffith Bunday even ing. Eau/er sersices of the Sunday school» at Valley Christian and Chris tian Advent churches gladdened the hearts of many of the youngsters of the valley. . I k I L. s « $ BARRETT 7. ' ; CONGRESSMAN SIN NOTT IS ON JOB ■ Cards have been received announc- * gem, duugbtor"of Mr. and Mra, Neto QUALI» Hagen, and Elate Biniti). BodavUle. -I (From The Dalles Chronicle) After havtiK spent the past Aererai GOODS “Nick” Sinnott is very much on the months here O. H- Ehrck has rvuimed job at Washington, regardless of the DEPARTMENT to Beist. ALWAYS fact that thia is election veer and that the. moat highly organised attempt to Miss Marguerite Ferrin spent Busier STORE AT LOW “get" him in ids career Is being waged with home folk at Pine Grove. In eastern Oregou. From tlna- to time Miss Dorothy Dunean, of Salem, was ORGANIZATION Ï F1UCW come brief from the capital the week end gneet of Mias Bweugel. telling 'of how the congressman from After having spent a week here with the second Oregon district haa put her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Poul Han- aeroaa another bit of substantial wcjrk, ach, Mrs. Norman Shrum returned to such as the recent park approprition j her koine la Astoria Monday. bill. Then, every once in a while. Sin- Eister guests nt the Hansen home A uott will be mentioned in press dis T 4 wert Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hansen. patches. in connection with some iai- Mrs. Norman Shrum and Mrs. Lowell portant lilt of legislation which muat Nickelson. tsiss througb^he committee of which Mrs. Job Hhepperd was • dinner for Warm W«ath«r Wear These meager flashes from the guest at the hrtne of her son, Georgs Our Manager is away in capital, augmented occasionally by Sheppard, for »ist. r. . __ _____ , , For Boy* and Girl*—2 to 8 Year* quest of new goods. It's the report of some local resident who Jesse Iuitham left here Bnnday “ True Blue” Play Suits—our own brand. One of the has visited Washington,' constitute his twice-a-year job. He is night. He returned to lito home at Sinnott's campaign for reelection, to most practical suits for children. Plenty room for com« examining the things our Aloxandart la. date. Mr.- and Mrs. Turney attended the New York buyers have fort and freedom of movement. "Sinnott to doing hto utmost to se Bickford-Campbell wedding Mondey: carefully assembled. cure recognition in the bouse house for the *¿ ft- Miss Edna i’log spent the w»*ek McNary-Haugen -bill," was the Word He will select and buy end st the home of her mother, Mm. brought back from Washington by >» ' Ixmls I’log. Herbert Egbert, state president of tbs only such goods as he Farmers’ Union, after Mr, Egbert had Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Davis and little knows the people of this ✓ * spent several weeks at the canltal lob daughter, Barbara Jean, spent Easter community need. In this bying on ,l>tlniJi-of the bill. Simda? in Portia ixl. he is qualified for he has “Sinnott is working hard,” was the Mr and Mrs. M. Hawthorne sjient cryptic uwaaage aent back bv Dr. J. A. A. given much thought to the * the week cud visiting tetotives in Ore Reuter, who stopped in Washington OAK GROVE matter. gon City. ' ' tf while , on hto way to Europe. Mrs. H. C.-Heft visited friends in An Exceptionally Mr .and Mro. Oscar Hukarl and Mr. The plain facta in the case are that Some of his purchases Cascade Locks last week. - and Mrs. Zachary Annala were gUests “Nick” Biunott to too busy to do much will be for late Spring de For the w or k m a n,j Dorothy Pemberton, who has lieeu of Mr. and Mro. Armas Jakku, of active campaigning, even through the Good Value livery. Much of it for late suffering from an attack of pneumonia, O<lell. _ _______ nanal publicity bnreaq manner. He Easter _______ Bunday. camper and tourist. All I Buffering from an attack of pneuwmi^L^' ^ nnlnber of Oak Grovlt« must rely on hto part record, one of Summer delivery. And / seams fully taped. Brims; wna Von frmn fViftnir«* hospital nnaiiit-al. Jt . . .. « >> ___ was tn taken from tliA the Cottage large quantities will be for '■ the trip up the Loop highway unusual achievement, and the support A to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton' Bunday and picnicked near the last of of hto frlonda at home to see that the art stitched into shape.. the holidays. Fletcher, where she is convalescing tlie winter's snow. oppoaltkm does not-become too firmly With or without screen Mti»»factority. Our preparedness must Mr. and Mro. A. L. Upson, of Port lntrench<*d. He doe-t not intend to front. Only Mr. and Mro. Bader moved from ths land. spent Bunday at their Oak Grove slacken in hto work at Washington, .6 • , be complete at all times. which may. mean so much to eastern Allison Fletcher place to Parkdale ranch I Wednesday of last week. Oregon farmers during the next month The Oak Grove Social club met at Buy several of these attractive e>. Mr.-and-Mrs. R. H. Kemp visited-at the home of Mro. Elno Jakku Thurs or no, wlth-tiie farm relief bill to be the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Cher day of last week. A large number passed on by the bonne and with Sin suits for the children. ry. of Mosier, Bunday. Mrs. Kemp la was present and enjoyed a delightful nott on the all-powerful steering com mittee, which virtually dictate« whi<4i Mrs. Cherry’s sister. Sunday after bill» shall be reported out and which noon they called at tlie home of Robt afternoon. The annual eighth grade party was shall be relegated to oblivion. Livingstone. Jr. Mr. Livingstone has master general, who shall submit to To return to hto district now for n one of the allow places of Wasco coun held at the school auditorium last Fri the president the name of one of the ty. a l>caatlftil property which he day evening. The teachers and the sfieakUig campaign would be neglectbig highest three qualified eligible«, ana inn mothers of the members of the eighth his duty, «0 Sinnott to staying on tlie calls Lehowa Place. ing. of course, that the examination in grade class acted as hostesses. ’ About job, confident that the voters will not Sunday school night will be ob 50 young people were present. The fail to realize hto position. <|uestion him produced as many as served at the Methodist church Thurs first part of the evening waa spent in three eligtfiles.’ It might be explained day night (tonight). Chicken noodle playing games, tlie latter part in danc j, „Blnce news came here recently an Just here that the commission holds The annual strawberry shortcake (By J. R. Heaton) CHURCHES mqiper at 6 o’clock, program at 8 ing. ’Much credit for the »access of nouncing that only Thomas F. John many examinations in which there lmnqnet of Riverside lodge. A. O. U. A large crowd of rootertb watched o’clock. son bad lieen recommended for ap- are only one or two competitors. W„ this city’s first fraternal organlsa- the evening is dtie Mro. Eino Jakku, isiintment to the local postofficv, much’ -“You will now wish to know, of lion, bids fair to ecliime the events of Hood Illver and Dufur romp through Nfixt Burnjav services at the usual Mrs. May Horn and Mro. Esther Hu- English Lutheran Church comment has lieen expressed on the course, why it was that the commis all former years, according to H L. nine canton of wild baseball, Sunday, hours. Epworth Ix-ague topic, “Tak- kari, who planned the entertainment 8un- Regular services st 11 s. m. outcome of ,the matter. Reasons for sion with seven competitors foe the Howe, who was elected grand over tiiore 5 to 3, HorAl River on the short Paul's Advice.” for the evening. Perfect playing would have dsy aehooi meets st 10.30. the action are expressed in the fol- imstmanterohip at Hood River certi seer at the grand lodge meeting *of end. Mro. J. E. Ferguson represents the The first meeting of the newly or brought the score down 1 to 2 in Du P. Hilgendorf, Pastor. lowing corresjKindence. fied only one candidate as eligible for Workmen in Portland last week. In- Sunday school at the Oregon OiunCil ganized Boy Scouts waa held at the favor. Bruce started for Hood The following is a letter received that office. / /2 to __ ________ A b an aid an nnffet- dnstry lodge of Portland tmff arganiza- fur's of Religlouaj Education in Portland school houae Monday evening. Scout River, allowing two hits, getting five Seventh Day Adventist Church from Representative Hlnnott : tions from other sections plan on send standing of the commission's action in thia week. Master Arvo Hukarl waa assisted by strike outs, walked one aud made Sabbath school Saturday 10 a. m. . “I tofc U> acknowledge receipt of this connection, it seems well first, to ing large delegations, Mr. Howe said. three wild throws, which, coupled with The Ladies’ Ajd society will meet at ■MB* Jakku, aasiatant scout master. your inquiry regarding the selection, “Indeed,” said Mr. How, “it ap- wild pegs from third, let In two rune. the home of Mrs. G. F. Purdy Wednes and Fay Dinsmoor. Fourteen boys Preaching service 1115 a. m. Prayer of eHglbles for the H inh I River post direct your notice to the terms of the announcement, under the terms of *1108» tlmt we are going to consume Ernie Smith, finishing, was touched up day afternoon. April 30. Mrs. Purdy were present. Tills la a fine move- meeting, Wednesday 7.45 p. nr.~ All office. which, the examine at Hood River a record lot of strawberries and cream for five iiita while getting six strike and Mrs. Howard hostesses. ■Mt and one which deserves the sup- ape welcome. "The eligible« for postmasters, un was held. Thia uncement pro this coming June." onto. Dufur earned two runs off hto The observance of Easter at the port of the entire community. der the axMutfve <wder of the late vides that, ‘the candidate must show A. Pdugbaupt. Summit orchard- delivery and received one more un Miss Ione Wedemeyer. of Portland, St Mary's CathoUc Church « Methodist church was tieantiful and President Harding, issued May 10, that for at least three years he haa 1st. Geo. was elected grand inside guard- earned. Shrleve, the opposition hurl- impressive. Following the Easter pro visited at the Pierson home over Bun Fimt Mass, 8 a. m. and second Maaa 1921. are aelected-by virtue of a com iKHm engaged In.occupations in Which men at the grand lodge session <*r, went the route allowing fonr hits gram of the morning the sacrament of day. at 10.30 each Sunday morning. Even petitive examination held by the Civil lie Ima deiuonatrated ability to con Other Included {.'heater Shute and M. H. for one earned run, gave free trans- baptism was observed, eight young The npper grades assisted Mro. An ing devotions at 7.80 o’clock tomorrow, Service Commission. Meinlier« of con duct the affaire of a business to the people being Imptised. Thirteen new nals and Mias Annala in providing an Friday, evening anjl Sunday evening. gress are not consulted by the Civil exteut retjuired of a postmaster of the Nickelsen. The local Imlge wua praiacd IMirtation to three and «track out six. very highly at the Portland meeting A feature of. the game was foul fly mcmla-rs were received into the Easterr egg hunt for the primary Tel. 3132. Father Joe Smith, Pastor. Service Commission when these exam postoffit-e for which he is a candidate.’ for. the advancement it had made in balls, due to the heavy west wind. church, four denominations being rep grades Good Friday afternoon. inations are held and we have nothing In addition to the foregoing retpiire- memliemhip and in general energy of Seven time« Dufur's fielders caught resented among these members, The First Christian Church to do with the rating of the applicants ment an to exiierience all candidates officers and mcuiliera. There will be no reaper services at h Mr. Howe, the fouls from Hood River lists, while following were members of the <i>m- Park grange thia month. Runday school at 9.45 a. m. Preach or the selection of the eligible«. must have demonstrated their ability newly elected grand overseer, la a char Dufur fouled out four times. Hood niittee in charge of the Easter pro- “ When the eligible« are »elected by ing service at 11a. m. Christian En meet and deal with the public sat- to Mias Hilja Annala spent last Fri ter member of the Sheika, high soicIAl lilver slim,ied up better on the liases gram: Mro. W. W. Gilkeroon, Mrs. day deavor, 6.30 p. m. Evening service at the .Civil Service Commission, tlie iafactorily, and muat jmhwm - mi a general order of the Workmcti. and Saturday in Portland. by stealing sewn to Dufur's two. In _ ■ G. A. Weber. Rev. . W. 8. Glehter. Mire commission certifies the eligible list to The eighth grade class is very.busy 7.30 p. tn. Mid-week, prayer meeting the Post Office Impertinent. Then tlie all around suitability by reason of 'fi the third frame Renter and Smith Grace M. Chambers assisted with the at 7A) Wednesday evening. All are character and personal characteristics. pulled a.jirett.v double steql, Smith _ decorations which were beautiful and getting ready for commencement. Doings of Company C Post Office Deimrtment write« a letter welcome at all services. In order that w* might form a thor going to second while Renter took • appropriate. The school board has set Thursday to the representative in congress from oughly dependable Judgment respect Chas. W. Johnson, Pastor. Monday night's drill waa the first the district in which the pent office* ing the qualifications and suitability for some time that we were able to third. Tuesday afternoon the Parent- afternoon, April 24, to fiuisb th» work And now for the markers: Dufur concerneel to leicated, notifying him of of t|ie several applicants at Hood Riv work outside. Due to the unfavorable Teacher association held a ten nt the that wm not eompleted clren-up day. Mlaaiooary Alliance scored <<ne in the second by an easy the eligible*«. grange hall to plan for a study coarse They would appreciate the help of er, the commission, in conformity with weather much of the work has lM*en try by third, a wild throw to first, an Regular aervices; Bunday school at “I am herewith enclosing copy of a to be held throughout the vacation anyone who can spare the time to 0.45 a. m., H. C. Delta, Supt.; preach letter of March 18tb from John IL the practice customarily followed in carried on indoors, but now that It to other wild heave to second and third ‘ months. The county health nurse, help. »uch cases, sent its personal repre getting warm enough to drill on the and a long fly to left field. Hood Riv ing anrvice at 11 a. m. Young people'» Bartlett, first assistant iMsetmaster Mro. Ha.ven Bickford, will be in charge aervioe 8.30 p. m.. R. C.’Samuel, presi general, notifying me of the Heiexl sentatives' into your community with street without freezing we will lie out er evened it np in the second by Pad of the ctaaaoa and will teach by lec directions to make a iMinstaklng and CENTRAL VALE every week. Drill last Monday night dy's hit to right field, after which he dent Evangelistic service 7.30 p. m. River eligible* list. ture and demonstration. The course ' Impartial investigation among the consisted of work in both close order stole third and came in on a wild Mnthero* club will meet at the home Prayer meeting every Wednesday, 7.80 “I had a similar inquiry as y° yours, will Include much of everyday value Ary as u f", 'leading liusitiess and professional ln- and extend«! order, scouting and pa- throw by Dufur's first baseman. Hood < the applr terests of Hood Hirer. A present ex- troling, and first aid and hygiene. as it will touch off infectious diseases, of Mrs. E. B. Mose thia afternoon. p. tn. Everybody welcome. W. P. from C. E. Grave«, one of River stepped up in front in the third » .• ■ • r » •* e*antH. for the Hood River twiuf |s>st r»mr*o office. amination tlieir symptoms and care, first aid Everyone bring thimble and needle Kirk, pastor, phone 3063. of their report indicates The schedule from now on will lie Verse by Benter going' to first on etate*el March 24th. wtiieffi I submitted that the investigators have performed treatment for spasms, hemorrhages, please, prepared to new. First Church of Christ, Scientist to tl»e Civil Servl<*e-4kwninlsslem for their assignment with reasonable thor- devoted more to tlie work that will Fargher's muff,.«, tielng advanced on Miss Marie Fletcher wag quite ill etc.. Invalid diet aud many other valu better preiiare the conqiany for the Hale's sacrifice, stealing third and Services in church building. Sunday. reply. able helps. It to a course that every for several days. Ptomaine poisoning, oughueM and nowhere in their state 11 a. m. Sunday school the same hour. "As my correspondence* with Mr. ment of findings do we find any sug annual encampment, and an much as coming in on Puddy's hit to center woman in the community would profit the do«*tor pronounced it. possible will is* done outside. field. Dufur tied the score at two all by taking. Mrs. Heer, of Portland, spent a The reading room la maintained in Grave*« and the Civil Service* Commto- gestion of prejudice on their part The encampment, as annomiced last In tlie fourth by a hit past short and la the Davidson building. Room 8 slon fully explains the subject matter either for or against any applicant. Maurice Graff was np fro'm Port couple of days at her ranch home on open week days from 8 to 5, with an of your ineiuiry. I am herewith en Your own claims together with those week, will Is* held at Del Monte. Cal.. a aeries of wild |s*gs. Dufur counted I land to s)>end Easter with hto par Willow Flat this week. Jnne 10 to 24. We will probably leave two more in the sixth by four hard 5. closing the correspondene-e* relating attendant in charge from 3 to ents. Mr. and Mro. II. J. Graff. Miss Olive M ohs , of Portland, spent Wednesday evening service at 8 thereto and trust this will give yon of your fellow competitors have been here alsnit the Rth, which will fall on blows to right field by Renick. Morris, submitted to an exacting analysis, and Hunday. It will probably take alsiut fBireves and Butler. The O. H. S. will present their op- the week end at the home of her par o'clock. I^esson subject: “Probation the information you desdre.” Again they the whole considered in the light of 48 hours to reach our destination, counted one more in the ninth by an , etta, '"The Torreadors,” Monday night ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Moss. Tlie* letter from Mr. Bartle*tt to Mr. After Death.” testimony collected through general ’> at the Rialto theatre, Hood River. Mrs. Oscar Cameron returned Satur Sinnott shows that only Thomas F. inquiry among the leading ettixens of which will put us in camp Tuesday. error on third, a wild throw and a The trip down will be made in tourist ■teal hjime. The home lioys staged a The posters have lieen put out an day from Roseburg, where she has Johnson was e*ertified. Valley Christian Church your community. The investigators nouncing the primary eleetiona to be been visiting for several wi'eka. Mr. Graves» wrote to Ileprewntatlve have no part in determining the elig sleepers. We will have our own cook rally in the ninth that gave them an Revival services at tlie Valley Sinnott an follejws: car and the cisiks will get our meals other counter, (looper beat the throw held May Iff Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Matchet and Christian ibility of apidlcants but on the con church will close next Mun “Ace'ordingTo an announcement from trary are required to record only find on the way down. Homewhere en to first after he hit an easy one to Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sellar wete their two children and Mr and Mro. day night.' -Friday night Evangelist the Oregon trisips will protiably short, made second on a wild peg. third Portland visitors the first of the week. Ralph Meashaw have lieen sp»-iidiiig Stivers will hold n meeting In honor the Heiod River Glacier, you wired ings of fact and statements of persons ronte de-trafn and parade through some Cal on Anderson’s easy out and home on them that the Civil Service Commis several days at the home of their (tar- Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Davis and chil nf father, subject, “A Man's Work in sion only e*ertified one name to the Interviewed n4atlve to the various ifornia <-ity and show them what kind Wilson's long fly to right. The hitting A dren knd Mr. and Mrs. H. Heft visited ents, Mr. and Mro. Frank Meashaw. competitors. > of a national guard Oregon has. a Mun's Way.” Bunday morning the tragedy of the game was that of Heb- Mrs. Frank Masaee had the pleasure suitJect will be. “Putting on the Whole l>ostmaster general for tlie le>cal peeat- friends in Cascade Ixtcks Easter. “The office of postmaster at Hood While the training schedule has not crleln, Dufur’s first baseman. He masteraliip. The presidential order eif The Odell baseball team played the of entertaining several of her friends Attior.” Sunday night, farewell ser- May 10. 1921. requires that the name*s River is an executive-administrative yet lieen announced, it w1l) certainly went in the game In the fourth, fanned Monnt Hood team last Sunday. Mount the pest week: Tuesday of last week. V1W; subject, “Where Hliali I Spend e>f the highest eligible« is* e*ertlfied. It position paying an annual salary of lie Isith Interesting and inhtrnctlve. twice and was the first man up in the Hood waa victorious by a small mar Mr. and Mro. Boles and Mro. Parker, Eternity?" A cordial invitation is ex- to Inconceivable that none of the 12IMN) per annum, which, in addition Plenty of time will lie allowed for ninth. He smashed out a three bag of Portland; Friday. Mrs. Haviland, tended to the public to attend these gin. to many other rfuties requires the recreatiou aid sight seeing. ger but failed to touch first base. other six candidates are eligible. Will supervision Hood River, and Hunday, when re services. *“ . of a considerable person The camp is close to the town of When the smoke cleared away and the Services at the Vnlon church next of vou not write me, explaining the situ church, she wan sur The experience and general qual Del Monte, which is alsiut three times ball returned to play, he was calmly Sunday are as follows: Sunday turning by from ation in deMail? I am anxious to nel. the coming of Mr. and Mrs. Baptbt Churdi ifications of each candidate have been the size of Hood River. There to a sitting pretty on third. The ball was school at 10 a. m.t preaching at 11 prised know what has happeneel." of Portland, and Mian Frat is. by those standards which fine hotel with large grounds which in deliver«! to first liese and the umpire Easter was 11 great day for the Bap o’clock by Rev. Judson Bown. After- Mott, Tlie request of Mr. Graven brought measured Alaska, who spent the day with tist church. An offering of S600 en- uniformly applied in 'the examina the past has lieen thrown open to all called him out. -- noon sen Ice at 8 o'clock tn charge of of forth the feillowing letter from John are her. tion of candidates for first class poat- men in uniform. We think maybe it Tlie Dulles beat Wasco 5 to 3 and ilbtod the church to have the $1.000 Rev. C. W. Johnson. Christian En Miss Frey, who teaches the pri for missions it had prayed to have T. I>oyle. secretary of the Civil Ser masterships and as a result, we have will be done again this year. About White Ha Inion heat Goldendale 9 to 8. deavor at 7 p. m. followed ut 8 o'clock vice Commission : mary grades, was ill Tueaday and un liefore May 1. Moreover, the Bunday by preaching by Rev. Down. “Your letter of Mareh 24. directed l>een obliged to conclude that there is 10 minutes’ ride from camp to a fine Next Runda.v Hood River playa The *u'hool program in the morning, and to the White Houae In which you ex but one applicant for the postmaster bathing beach. Ran Francisco to only Dalles at The Dalles. Cj The Easter services at the Union able to attend school. Percentages liiat rendered by the choir at night, press disapproval of the commiksion'a ship at Hood River who entirely sat about four hours' ride by bus. an easy chffrch last Sunday were very well isfies the requirements set forth in week end trip. Leave camp Raturday Won Lost Per Cent were remarkably Inspiring. attended and beautifully rendered. action in disponing of the* examinatiein the WIYEAST CLUB announcement for thia position. afternoon and return in time for flrat Wasco ■ 800 4 1 'Next Sunday, school at 10 a. tn. for presidential poatauuiter at IIes>d The singing liy the primary depart- 3 , flOO The Dalles 2 The Wlyeast club will run an all Morning service at 11 a. m. Subject River, haa be*en referre*el to this offiev Tlie commission recognizes of course call Monday, morning. tneit win pnrtlefilarly worthy of men that any decision it may reach in cases This is going to lie a very interesting Dufur. 600 2 . 8 tion. Rev. Bown delivered a sermon day trip to Rim rock next Sunday. ’of the sermon. "Thomas and the Res for cemsideratiem anel answer. We of thia kind can scarcely be expected camp and every man Who can possibly White Salmon 000 3 2 Starting from the Mount Hood hotel urrection.” Evening service at 7.30 have carefully netted what you have at 11 o'clock and again at 8 p. m. to meet with the entire approval of make arrangements to get away should Hood River 400 3 2 at 7 a. in., the .party will proceed l»y p. m. Subject of the sermon. “ The had to sa.v in. thia connection, and Rev. C. W. Johnson will represent auto to the lieginning of the trail a First Chapter of Gem-sis and Sciencer” all persons concerned in the outcome do so. Camp is considered about 75 Goldendale * 5 000 . 0 genuinely regret that yon have dls- the Unibn Rundny school at the state short distance beyond the Mount Hoo<l Junior B. Y. P. Lt at 5 p. m. in the While -we per cent of the year's training and e-erned in the circumstances of this of such examinations. convention in Portland tills week. I>o«toffico. The trail zig-zags up the auditorium. Intermediate B. Y. P. U. examination features which have led would prefer, of course, to accommo anyone whq does not go is missing Notes of W. O. W. hillside to Long prairie, a meadow in at 5 p. m. in the prayer meeting room. vou to suspect the commtosion of un- date our decisions to the preferences Just that much. You lose the benefit of individuals, we are nevertheless, of two weeks of intensive training, a The W. O. W. lodge is very busy ar tlie midst of the woods thr<mgh which Si nlor B. Y. P. U. nt 0.30 In the prayer fslrnere in its-trestment eif the eeuu*_ PINE GROVE largely to disregard considera dandy two weeks' vacation at the ex ranging for the big open air cere- flows the iteginning of 'Neal creek meeting room. Prayer meeting at 7.45, “An attentive study e>f yeiur letter obliged tions of thia nature and apply our» The two ball games last Friday bo From Long prairie the trail leads Wednesday. persuades us, however, that your dis selves to the forming of an impartial pense of Uncle Sara, with a trip to monial to be held on Batchelder park In June-! tween tile junior high and Pine Grove through the wood» on the top of tlx* • C. R. Ih'lepine. Pastor. satisfaction with the announced- re Judgment upon such facta as can be California thrown in. Watch the store windows next week. Wednesday evening of last week 30 teams resulted in a victory for the lulls for a distance of two miles to sults of th!« examination proceeds obtained through unbiased Investiga Enlist now and go with us to Del members met with W. E. Shay in the junior high boys and Pine Grove girls. Kim rock, from which a wonderful Asbury M. E. Church largely from a mlstnUrpretation of tion and inquiry. Monte. chair. Five visitors wore present from * Tile teaeh«*rs elected for the coming view of the Upper Valley and Mount Easter Sunday at this church was executive order of May 10, 1921. pur All memliers of the company will The Dalles and a class waa initiated “The commission would assure you year are as follows: Miss Alice Tom Hood is to la* had. The snow peaks a joyful time from the sunrise prayer suant to the terms of which Jhe exam kins, Miss <I*ln Holloway, Miss Ennleo in Washington are also easily seen, meeting to the sacred concert in the ination waa conducted. It seems prob in conclusion that it has sought dili turn In not later than May 5 a written by Past Council Commander Neighbor Ill-own, Mm, Ethel Miller and Ml«». Tlie return trip will he made over tire evening. Record <-rowds attended all able tod that yon may have lieen some gently to comply fully with both the statement as to whether or not you can Beard, of Portland. A large class of local W. O. W. will Helen Broal Miss Tomkins will also same route. Tlie' total distance is services. The Sunday schoof pageant, what misled by an Insufficient under spirit and the letter of the executive go to camp, and if not wliy not. If nlxiut 12 miles. Bring lunch aud can- under direction of Mm. J. li. Wilson, standing respectinc the commission a order governing the examination of yon cannot get away from your Job go to The Dalles April 29 to take the touch music. Those who need transportation and the cantata sung by the choir, requirements for eligibility. The com- applicants for presidential postmas fnrnish its with the name and address A. D. K. degree. All wishing to Join Miss Ethel Bickford, here to attend teena. the caravan to the Wasco capital are or mn additional transporta under the leadership of Mm. A. W. in i km ion accordingly foela that yon will ters. and' In Its treatment of the exam of your employer. ’er brother's Wedding) returned to tion are furnish requested to meet at the Electric ination at Hood River the commission requested to register with wish to reserve judgment In this mat Be<-kley, Were inspiring. At the morn Marshfleld Monday evening Kiti hen at 0..30 o'clock that night. All lias in nowise departed from these U. 0. Crew at the First National Bank. Dakota Educator to Talk Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Iloasc and Meinhera should tie prepared for the ing service .nine were baptised and 17 ter until yon have permitted this standards of thoroughness and impar members are urged to get a new can offi.'e to explain In some detail, the received Into memherohip of the dmurliter wove Portland visitors this iMMwibility of snow in tlie trail at the Next Bunday evening at Riverside didate. tiality by which It undertakes at all mica and regulations governing the church. Thirty-eight have been re week. chtirch will be held tire last m<*»*tlng iop o< the hill. Friends of the club, ceived Into church {pemltershlp in the imndurt of pnwidcntlal postmaster ex times to l»e governed. of the year of the Sunday Evening Miss Alic% Tomkins spent the week as well as memtiers, are invited to last six months. The prayer meeting aminations. , “ We are enclosing herewith for your -........ .... end at beg home in Cascsde Locks. join the party. “It ae<<ma dcnlrnhle tn the beginning Information a Copy of our Form 2223. club. The speaker will be Walter 1». will lie hold Thursday evening at 7 30 With a strong wind prevailing, a of Fargo, N. D. Mr. -Stock- The Amicus clnb will be entertained o’clock. Friday evening the Friendly to invite vour notice to the terms of which, togttthet with the present let- Stockwell, second alarm was sounded for an aux well is a fluent and pleasing speaker by Mrs. E<1 Dresser this afternoon. ter, we hope will dispel any mis the executive order of May 10. 1021. Boosters' Club will meet at the church. St. Mark’s Service Inspiring iliary tmck last Thursday when the you may have enter of national reputation. His subject garage Arvle Finch, who has been 11! at the The Easter services were well at Sunday the school will m»-et at 10 a. which confers Jurisdiction upon the apprehensions and two cam of Joe Ixwler will Is*. “ America's Needs." Mr. 8to<*- _ tained respecting the commission's Civil Hf Hervicr Commission^ with rrap»*ct ni.: IIIV the 1IIIUIIIU* morning worship'will rr narrai «I» ress» lie »rx~ at » 11 •• IIVIJ I » I’’ ' .................. — , Cottage hlspftal for two weeks, era» tended and the Easter carols and an- III., well has been a prominent e d uc a to r in -burned. The fire, which thrMtened , gund faith tn the conduct of the post Kp wort h Ig»»ue will rn presidential pret master examina- . IjrviWbt lmioe j esterdax morning.------ tlienra wrie splendidly rendered by the ■'Audi. o The oo ma _________ .. __ 1 1 — . zvlkss ililnirs North Dakota, having held the posi adjoining residences, started from an master examination in yonr com tliinq? Thia order, among other things, meet .at 0.30 p. m. -The- pastor will large choir. The offering was very 81;e Migimnnily supply chest Is well >'• tion of state superintendent of pnblic undetermined source. stocked wltb arlli ire and are talnable generous and it la hoped that deflnite deliver the memorial sermon to the provide« that when requested so to do munity.” Inst met Ion for many years. He to by the postmaster general, the Civil. Odd Fellows lodge at Mosier Sunday building plana may be WTnwmnced tn ♦u ease* of long Illness or accident. deeply interested tn the iioliticnl situ Service Commission ‘Shall forthwith Rose Starts Tie MUI Many have already«t*ed them They the near future. The childreh’a lent evening at 0 o’clock. Títere will lie hold Public health anlhorltiea have Is ation In that state and now holds the' an open competitive examination no evening service at thia chttrrtt. may lie had by railing Mro. R. R. Me- en offering surjiasaed every previous Fred Rose, Cppyr Valley rancher, position of grand secretary of the Ma sued a warnitik to ranchers not to use to lest the fitness of applicnnts to fill W. N. Byam, Pastor. Doftki*. I« T - - Includes - - : Bed record. The client started a tie cutting plant, which SildL vs»anc.y. and when such exam- water from irrigation ditches for do sonic liodiea of North Dakota. Those has The morning service next Sunday _i can. hotwnter pa», fine«» , . bottler ther- mestic purposes. The water, it was who hear him will will hear an In will be operated throughout the sum- inatlMi has' lieen' held and the papert Searches ol records and reliable ab mometer. cause, ahsorbept cotton. VHs- win be at 11 o'clock. The rector will connection therewith have been stated, has befin poisoned from orchard structive and pleasing address. Mr. mer season. Mr. Rose, who will em- . ••line, borfe _ ____ arid, epsotn J .«alts. Iron, preach. Tlie church school will meet stracts msde hv Oregon Abstract Com In rated the *«ld cominission shall cer stirs y s having lieen allowed to contam Stockwell while here will be a guest ploy six men steadily, expects ta tarn parir. A. W. Onthank, Manager. 305 Remington will - uulplmti, gnmumia. sheet», St »48 a. m. Bishop - of Mr.-and Mra. A. Gritowia. 1 out 75 ties each eight hour shift. the reeult« tify th* results thereof to the. post- post inate it., ’ b7 Oak Street. Phone 1521. JyEMf ata, -toweta aa* yowns preach at the morning servie» May 4. * • __ .. ---r*' - - l' ■ -• ODELL «T MR tf’ O ,T 475DEPARTMENT STORES '• J HOOD RIVER, OREGON Khaki Rollers “True Blue” Play Suite A I * 4 -a A I ** c 79 c 49c EXPLANATION OF . POSTAL APPOINTEE I I It /*/ ’■ 1 ! Bp - I sst «■F.. ■ I I? i 1 F ‘ gÿ • ' *. '■ > I . -/■ i Ü « I i « H ? b <1 £ I ■< F :W; i >•' -* '• HOWE ELECTED GRAND DUFUR WINS SUNDAY . OVERSEER, A.O.U.W. BASEBALL CONTEST * n h i? I I hi- I X, B a FT i ' TX t- * 1 ♦ .4" » . •—VW’- ■ ' , »6' X < A 1 « «hv Htg- / ■A ,*> -X I I