The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 27, 1923, Image 3

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Spend the winter there or, if
going East, go via California.
Round Trip Fares
Similar /are» to other point».
4 trains
daily from Portland. Through Standard
and Tourist Sleeping Cars to San Francisco
and Los Angeles.
llluilrated booklets, describing the attraction, of California, may be bad from your
local agent, aa well as Information concerning hires, train schedule*, etc ,or by writing
J ohn M. S cott
A mi . I'amenser Traffic Manager
Portland, Ore.
Southern Pacific Lines
We thank you for your many favors and the
valued patronage of the past year, and hope for a
continuance of our pleasant relations.
Wishing you the Season’s Greetings and hoping
that the New Year will be a Happy and Prosperous
P hone 1811
Nrm tirar’0 (grertings
The young 1924 will have been bom before another
issue of the paper. We take this means of acquainting
our friends and customers of our deep appreciation of
their patronage for the past year. May we have as pleas­
ant reciprocal relations in 1924.
We wish all of you a full realization of your desires
next year.
Stopover privileges willl permit you
to tarry a while and visit its nu*
merous points of interest
making direct inquiry as to the re­
sources of this section; to assemble
stories of Horsethief meadows, the
Irtsnds of Mt. Hoed and have these
stories and other items published in
newspapers and magazines and to is­
sue a small pamphlet describing our
(By C. O. Huelat. of M. H. 8. Co.)
(By Leroy Childs)
To the Old Year :
“A city must think progress, must district.
Everyone interested in the develop­ To iuy niind the most important
lbs guided by its optimists, must value ment of Hood River should be a mem­
event of 1923 was when she passed
constructive men more than destruc­ ber of their Chamber of Commerce.
tive ones, must have a dear idea of
To the New Year:
the demands and possibilities of future
We have much to look forward to in
I city and national growth, and must
the actual fulfillment ef severa I prom­
have the courage to live up to its
isee of great moment.
Ideals.' Thia is the foundation of a
The Columbia River Bridge is now
modern Chamber of Commerce."
under construction. The completion of
Everyone realises that it is impos­
this project thia year will mark the
sible for a county, city, organisation or
fulfillment of a dream long cherished
individual to stand still; they are board.
by Hood River citizeua, and in moat
either progressing or going back. It Company).
cases it has never been considered
is just as necessary to -put something
other than as a dream. And because
back into your community as it is to ments of the people of this district of thia I consider this the most im­
build up your soil in order to main­
the year 1923 is that of bringing portant consummation or the big
tain its productiveness. You get out for
successful conclusion' the work of thing« accomplished during the year
of a community just what you put in. organising
for the purpose 1924.
Your Chamber of Commerce offers a of building a a eonqiany
the Colum­ The completion of the Mount Hood
field for active endeavor.
bia between Hood ltiver and White Loop Road, the Coopers Spur ltoad.
The Chamber of Commerce under­ Salmon.
tin- taking over and developing of a
went two reorganizations during the
The construction of the bridge is new and ample city |>ark, playground«
yesr 1923, snd in two strides, has now well under way and there is no and chautauqua grounds, which will be
emerged from practically a dormant reasou to doubt that the bridge Will among the moat, if not the most at­
state to an up-to-date organization. It be open to travel within a year.
tractive ill thu- North west, the prolxtble
is now recognised aa one of the most
The contractor« tell us that they building of a mountain reaort hotel in
efficient chambers in the state.
encountered no unforseen otmtacles of connection with the Coopers Spur
Tiie services of a trained secretary any kind and Lt i« very gratifying to Road, and laxt hut not least, the pav­
were secured and Mr. Allyn assumed those who labored ho eame«tly in sell­ ing of the east end of State street : all
his duties on March 28, 1923.
ing the preferred «tix-k to find the re­ these really important event«, will, in
One of the first tasks to be under­ port of the consulting engineer being my judgment, place the year of 11124
taken by the Chamber of Commerce fully confirmed us the work pro­ as a most memorable one in the liis-
tory of Iltxid River. Now If Jack Cul­
was the bridge campaign. When the gresses.
sale of stock whs turned over to this
Chas. B. Wing, consulting engineer bertson will just paint the front of the
Organisation, the possibilities of a of Stanford university, who 1« re­ Hall building, kalsomine the interior,
bridge at Hood River looked very garded as an authority on bridge con­ put on a new roof and a new walk in
doubtful, but after securing the ser­ struction, under date of August 17, the rear of the building. I will say that
vices of Mr. McCroaky and effecting a 1923, said, “I find the design and hx-a- this is the grandest year that ever
complete organization of local business tion agreed upon are well adapted to happened.
(men the quota of *75,000,000 for the meet physical conditions ana are in
Wind River Timber Deal
mld-Columbia district was over-sub­ accordance with the requirements of
scribed in ten working days.
accepted practice for such structures.
A deal involving the purchase of
The Hood River Chamber of Com­ Detailed estimates of cost based on 27,000,000 feet of timber in the Colum­
merce also organized the Washington contract unit prices, as well as the bia national forest in the up|x>r Wind
side of the river, and the Hood River time for construction, come within the River valley by the Wind River Lum­
sales committee, consisting of 24 men, limits set by Meanr*. Gray A Chand­ ber company was clotted at the district
«pent one day covering the Washing­ ler.”
forester's office in Portland, Monday,
ton side with representatives from the
Another indication of the stability according to T. T. Monger. forest ex­
local districts and raised *15,000 in of the men who are building the bridge aminer. The majority of the forest
one day. There is no doubt that the was the comment of Mr. Gray, presi­ consists of Douglas fir, of which there
success of our campaign secured the dent of the company, when he was are 18,q00,<MMJ isiard feet. Of the re­
bridge as considerable time was neces­ asked when the first pier would be mainder there are 4,000,000 feet of ce­
sary to complete the financing outside dedicated. He promptly replied that dar, 1,000,000 f«>et of white pine and
of thia section.
there would be no dedication of ’the 4,000,000 feet of hemlock.
The Chanitx-r of Commerce has been find pier and that in- wanted no cele­ Prices nre said to Is- ,3 a thousand
represented at different meetings held bration until the bridge was com­ board feet for white pine. *1.50 for
tn the state, such as the annual meet­ pleted and ready to open for travel.
Douglas fir and cedar and no cents
ing of commercial secretaries, the Au­ The completion of the bridge should for hemlock. It is understood that
to-Camp conference, meetings with bring through Hood ltiver the travel the lumber will be milled at Cascade
railroad and forest service officials originating in Bpokiine, coming on Locks and that cutting will be com­
and others and in general keeping down through JVa 11a Walla valley. the pleted. by June, 1i>2K, _
Pasco and Kennewick districts and the
with the pulse of the state.
The Chamber of Commerce with the Yakima valley. The new short route
Rubber Half Soles, best of all, at
American Legion entertained the State to Yakima, known as the Muddy river Smith’s. Second st.
Editorial Association convention in route, will bring the distance to Yaki­
Notice to Creditors
Hood River at the time of the annual ma down to alxnit 100 miles and travel
Legion climb, resulting in advertising from that thriving city of 20,000 people
Notice is hereby given that the un­
to Hood River of an inestimable value. will be greatly increased by the build­ dersigned, Henry P. Jochlmsen, has
Tiie editors also assisted greatly in ing of the new road and the opening of been appointed, by the County Court
Btxuring the Cooper's Spur lateral the bridge.
of Hood River County, State of Ore­
The direct and immediate benefit to gon, Executor of the last will and es­
A road map of the Hood River val­ lloqjl River will, of course, be that of tate of Catharina Jochlmsen, deceased,
ley, showing distances and camping extending our trade territory to in­ and baa qualified as such. Further
clude the Washington side of the Co­ notice is given that all persons having
places, was issued.
The Chamber of Commerce has been lumbia from Htevtmson to Lyle and ex­ clainiH against said estate are required
called upon to entertain a numtier of tending back to the Glenwood, Gilmer to present the fm<\ duly 'verified as
by law required, at the office of E. H.
distinguished visitors during the year and Trout Lake districts.
With the exception of the Columbia Hartwig, 7 and 8 Smith Building., in
and to acquaint influential men with
the City of Hood River, Oregon, within
the needs of the’^county.
The Chamber has assisted in having Road, the building of tills bridge is the six months from thè date hereof and
published articles in newspapers and most important step yiat has been the date of the first publication hereof
magazine«, with illustration«, showing taken in developing the mid-Oolumbla which is December 13th, 1923.
Henry P. Jochlmsen,
the advantages of Hood River and Mt. district in many yeats.
E. II. Hartwig,
The Chamber of Commerce, through
Attorney for Estate.
the traffic Association, secured a hear­
ing before Stephen J. Maywood, ser­
vice agent of the Interstate Com­
In the Circuit Court of the State of
mission, at which time all of the prob­
Oregon for Hood River County.
lems of this district were discussed.
One of the results of this meeting was
As we are about to enter upon a new >C. Dethman, Plaintiff, vs. James E.
that the Pacific Fruit Express Co. year we cannot help recalling some of Steele, Susie E. Steele, and The Bank
stationed a car distributor at Hood the things that have Jx«n succe«Hful in of Lincoln, a Corporation, Defendant«.
To James E. Steele, Susie E. Steele
River, who not only distributed cars, our line of liusinex« during the year
but saw that an adequate supply was just closing. Our architectural deiMirt- and The Bank of Lincoln, a Corpora­
always in the yards at Hood River.
ment, at our general office, has en­ tion, the above named defendants:
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
The Traffic Association through coop­ larged its quarters and has given our
You and each of you are hereby re­
eration of the Mt. Hood railroad customers the very best service to be
hauled 1130 cars to December 1 as bad. We have up to date plana ixxiks quired to appear and answer the com­
against 069 last year at thia time and with new designs and ideas that have plaint of the plaintiff herein on or be­
it was only the lack of facilities and been worked out by expert engineers fore six weeks from the date of the
not the fault of management, that all ao it lias become an easy matter to give first publication of this summons, to
orders were not taken care of immedi­ our patrons service of great value in wit, on or before six weeks from the
buildings of any description, for we 15th day of November, 1923, and if you
The Hood River Traffic Association have the “dope” to suit any and all fall so to appear and answer said com­
plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the
sent apples to all the newspapers in kinds of buildings.
Portland during Apple week, securing
The new friends and customers wt- Court for the relief prayed for in bls
a great deal of publicity for their have gained have only come to us liy complaint, to wit: For the foreclosure
industry. The committee on Apple our efforts to give them rea* service of that certain mortgage made and ex­
I week was very successful in H<x»d and a square deal. It has always lx>en ecuted by the defendants James E.
River this year. One of the notable the policy of the Tiun-A-Lum Lumber Steele and Susie E. Steele to the plain­
features of this week was the work Company's head officials to make it tiff herein worded in Volume 15 at
done by, the Women's club. Mrs. Geo. plain to their managers to give their I’age 171 of the Records of Mortgages
of Hood River County, Oregon, and
W. Thomson was chairman of this customers service.
committee which took complete charge
As we look forward to the New Year for the sale of the real property cov­
of giving apples to all passengers on we can do so only with a sense of op­ ered thereby, located in Sections Four­
through trains of the Union Pacific timism. We do not quote Babson, for teen and Fifteen, Towu«hip 1 North,
during Apple week. These apples were It is not altogether whst Babson says, Range 10 East of the Willamette Mer­
accompanied by a greeting card from for business to some extent is what we idian hi said County, and particularly
the Hood River Chamber of Commerce make it. The business of our commun­ described in the complaint, and for
and brought much favorable comment ity depends largely upon us. If we all such other and further relief as to the
link together and cooperate in all our Court may seem just.
from all over the country.
This summons is served upon yon
The Cooper's Spur Lateral road com­ business dealings, it will make! us all
mittee conducted a state wide cam- feel that we are a part qf thia commun­ and each of you pursuant to an order
paign to create public sentiment in ity. We can all pay our bills every of the Hon. II. L. Ilasbrouclc, Judge of
favor of Jhe road and met with success month, for we will all have our money the County Court of the State of Ore­
in every corner of the state. They and we can make Hood River a better gon, for Hood River County, duly
also secured the aid of the entire Con­ place in which to live. I«*t ns live up made nnd entered on the 15th day of
gressional delegation as well as the to our obligations and resolutiona and November, 1923, wherein you and each
I good will of the forest service, with may the new year bring prosperity to of you are required to appear and
answer the complaint on file herein
the result that actual construction will ua all.
on or before six weeks from the date
Tum-A-Lum Lamber Co.,
begin next spring. Tliis will be one
of the first publication of tills sum­
By Wiu. W. Eraelstyn, Mgr.
of the most valuable assets to H<x*d
mons, which date is the 15tb day of
November, 1923.
A. J. Derby,
During the latter part of Beptemtær.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
the Chamber of Commerce put on a
Hood River, Oregon,
re-financing campaign and was success­
ful in raising an additional fund for
the coming year.
The Chamber has arranged for a num­
(By Mrs. Wm. Munroe)
ber of good speakers, such as Mr.
Progress lias been one of the out­
Dodson, Mr. Dudley, Mr. Cuthbert
Selene« prove« that
the granger only
- features of _ „
and Mr. Farley.
6 in «v«ry 188
need ever b« bald* But
Tiie Chamix»r of Commerce turned throughout the valley the. past year.
thousand* of men and
over two regular monthly meetings
women, too. are preatly
to the discussion of the apple Industry built a fine community hall worth concerned by failing
which lead« to
and was represented by a large dele­
baldn««*. Thia 1« poet­
gation at the Washington State Hor­ of the grange as well as equipped for lively unnoc<___ ry.
Kia, the now
ticultural Society meeting at Yakiina, all neighlxtrhood activities and gather­ Van
.i en tifie liquid «¿alp
in December.
maaaa*«. la all that le
A cooperative store was opened,
necessary to remove
The Chamber of Commerce is in­
vestigating the possibilities of secur- which is doing a fine* business. Joseph «calp and «top
grow new hair.
Vaa K m .
ing a new auto park and is collecting Teal, of Portland, was invited to speak through ita scientifically designed appli­
goee to the roote of th« hair. It
much valuable data on parks th rough - on the shipping and power possibilities. cator.
clean« out the infected Sebum which
As a result of his visit the bridge move­ cause«
all of th« trouble. Tones. cleanses;
out the state.
and nurturee the hair roote which etili
During the coming year the Cham­ ment was launched.
in «short time develops a growth
The legislative achievements have Of now, healthy
ber has outlined a very comprehensive
program for 1924. which includes the
Be «uro to got Van _
Wo will givo
popularizing of the road to the snow
line of Mt. Hood ; improvenfcnt of
' A. S. KEIR.
shipping facilities; assisting in secur­ grangers Is *now busy pruning taxes
ing accommodations for 3500 visitors and is doing commendable work.
Governor Pierce recently addressed
to thfe Oddfellows’ convention next
spring; to establish a tourist bureau Pomona Grange. With the buslnes« ac-
which will interest the tourists in our tiltles of the grange a strong social life
community, this will mean both -a for old and young is enjoyed.
large immediate revenue and adver­
Ancient Still is Feund
tisement for our apples and scenery
and the bringing in of new* capital ;
While R. A. Collins and John A.
to secure more road signs and have Wood. Dee Flat ranchers, were In the
some of the old ones relocated to bet­ foothills of thst section last week on I
ter direct tourists ; to make a complete a cattle roundup they discovered parts, Cl
Phone 1201
survey and outline s program for the of an old moonahine still. The illicit
redevelopment of damaged orchards manufactory had been located in a'
Leaves Hood River daily
which will mean increased productive­ deep canyon. The remains gave evi-. 4.80 p. m.
ness for the orchardlst. greater purch­ dence of a hasty removal of other
asing power etc; to' make an indus­ parts from the vicinity. It had not
Leaves Parkdale Daily at
trial survey of Hood River Industries, been operated for a long time.
Chamber of Commerce will be a center
The ranchers expressed the belieP a. m. (except Sunday).
- - - - I «-en operated to,
for all information and will be a clear­ that it had * probably
ing house for all community projects; furnish moonahine tor workers in the ' Every Saturday Leaves
will reply with Literature and personal Oregon Lumber Company’s logging Parkdale at 6
letten to several thousand persons camp.
Parkdale Auto Stage
C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Pmprietor
Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director
F you need to, make good
olutlons and Initiate them
promptly next Tuesday.
Make resolutions that will
not merely result, if you
keep them, in good tex yourself but
to all Hood River Valley. Let’s all
pull together, good and hard through
1924 to make our town and valley
known far and wide for the accord-
pllshment of things we need.
In a summing up of the year
1923, we would not feel content
without expressing our appreciation
to our friends and patrons—the peo­
ple pf Hood River. We thank you
and wish you
A îjappy Nein $rar!
The Home of Quality Groceries
Slip pappimi
of Nm $rur0
Anderson Undertaking Co
Happy New
I wish to announce that I have purchased the ELEC­
TRIC KITCHEN from Ralph S. George.
I come to Hood River eager to take a place in ,the
business life of the coinmunity, earnestly wishing to give
a high class service in our line of business.
It gives me pleasure in my first greeting to the Hood
River folk to wish al I-of them a Happy New Year.
For Christmas Candies, Cigars, Cigarettes
and Tobacco See Us!
211 Washington St.,
Portland, Ore
Reference: Hibernia Bank, of Portland; both local Banka.
Free address stamps may be secured at Glacier Office
Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers.
Phone 1381,3821