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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1915)
I': ? ape pit pEoet VOL.XJ.VI . HOOD K1VEK, PRECOX, THUILSDAY, MARCH 4, 1935 No 40 k 'I t The Nation bestows 3 honor on all s mpn vhr hnvn SS y made good use J of their time," I George Washington will always live in the memory of man as the "Father of Our Country." II His gallant efforts are the most glittering pages in our history. He was an honest, prudent map of unquestion able character and his fortitude and determination made our prosperity possible. Saving money, industry and honesty builds men of character and the Nation is proud of her sons who labor and save. 4 Interest Paid on Savings FIRST NATIONAL Capital $100,000 BANK Surplus $36,000 Bank Advertisement No. 47 The following amounts have been placed with us by our customers to be invest ed in first mortgages on im proved income bearing property: $300.00 $800.00 $300.00 $1200.00 00 $1500.00 $2000.00 $2000.00 $3500.00 BUTLER BANKING COMPANY Seeds Arriving The finaj shipment of BURBANKS Seeds in cluding a supply of their real art catalogues has ar rived. Balance of BURPEE'S with leaflets and catalogues is expected daily. You can get lower prices and any seed adapted to local conditions from these; the two finest lines produced. Oliver Typewriters $45.00 Office chairs and desks at one-half price Folding chairs 1-3 to 1-2 off Lace curtains 1-3 off Headquarters for trunks Hand Bags, Baskets Furniture Bargains A Steel Range used 18 months now $18.00 Roofing slightly damaged by fire at prices ;k cord ing to conditions International Stock and Poultry Foods, Remedies Tennis, Fishing and Sporting Goods in endless sup ply at prices others don't make. Your credit is good No trading stamps but we return 5 cents in cash on every dollar paid us. Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co. BEAUTY OF BIG FAIR IS TOLD will be in place-and the weather will be ideal. . I'erhaps third uf the whole ground plan of the eXDusitiun ia deluded tn ik. .one. It ia the Midway, the Pike, the Pay Streak of the San Francisco fair. It in crowded with worthy entertain- MANY TOURISTS SEE SAN FRANCISCO 1 1T Th7tp7A"bi."n't i Pply to opening day. The Camp of . . ...... . . I rorty-nme rather overplayed its hand iiuurouuj jt .Animus uiie ui ine J10M, riuiury in. n was so devoted to a EXPERT WILL COME HERE Interesting of Which is Hood River' Big Red Apple (Ry LeRoy Armstrong) veritable reproduction of the old days that it was closed by the authorities about the middle of the first afternoon; for the saloons, dance 'halls and gam bling houses were absolutely true to nature. They had faro, roulette and Two things I want to et rett ..II P"Ke' "na. l0, of ni.onte. the deal- to.the beginning of this article :' The T eh" . .Tf'.l." "1 T..'1 rair at San Francisco is not ready, and Bella IW I nH h. V hK -u le Hood River's big apple Is with one .K.i" L"l"",Jn?Ahe. A'hambra-.f those PxpPntinnh lnn resurrection or exhibit on the grounds. The Examiner n rfflu ?:." " L has a monster printing press, running . i, VL ' . I . thnnaamt. nf S..,. . v min 1 "? i "ve .r.8ld b h "y P"l'ce. But the j UMIIOVVJ lilB R. W. ALLLN SICCFDS C.C. STARRING 4 TpTy E?E MR COLTGR OR M0NF.7 RAHtf IT WILL Ml You don't risk a. rout. Ynn .l.m' air ..i try this cough remedy Inch we titmlv believe to bo the very best uf the many makes we carry entirely at our risk. If you find tlm! Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup d,.es not relieve you, we will gladly refund voiir money. We don't want ft cent for it or any other of the "Kexall Remedies" that does not satisfy and please you Isn't that fair? Can you afford to overlook u generous offer like this when in need of a cough or other remedy? Very pleasant to the taste. Children like it. Prices 2,re, 50c and Ifl. Hold only by the Kresse Drug Co.Jhe Rexall Store four colors. There is plenty of space about it, andthe crowd isjlarge, inter ested and constant in size. About the big apple in another building, of course there are as many people as can see me interior, the beautiful re production of Hood Kiver's summer panorama. They seem impressed with it, ask questions, and they remember. On street cars and in restaurants down town l neara Irequent comments on the Hood Kiver "big apple," and none about the four-color printing press Linked with their admiration for the novel in Air. Kaviln s exhibit are com mcnts on the beauty of the valley. The desire to see the district, to have nrun- erty here, to share in the fortunes of our people, seems deeply impressed. If there is anvthins in ailvprlisino than our big apple is a good investment. And the gentleman who thinks there is noiniug in aaveriising, is reuuked by the whole exposition. Advertising is the rock on which that unleivliii aim. ture is builded. It is the desire of peo ple to know, to see. to exnmine tn lie informed ; the purpose of other people to show what they make, what they raise, what thev have fur ! nil united in the exposition. If there were nothing in advertising there would be no Dig and no little fairs. Anrl ub sbould remember that the men who put up exhibits are the shrewdest, the most successful and the must ha u established in their several lines Aa the pueple who inspect their wares are me must progressive, intelligent, tiro HO in i Hutu ana valued citizens ol the na tion. But the fair is not now ready. It will not be readv for more than a month. I would advise eoini? no earlier man June. true, one eels munev worth now. Hut it is in the snlemlur or me great conception, the admirable plan of grounds and the impressive grandeur of buildings. More than that the color scheme is a constant delight At Chicago the universal white, charm ing at first, grew awfully tiresome at noon, and painfully headachy at night At han francisco the eencra cnlnr is low tone of dull ri lls nnii vi'llnuia tans and bronze. And everywhere out side the buildings the grateful relief or green completes the picture, and accentuates its beauty. They have ripening oranges in every avenue, skill fully graded evergreens sloping down to massing vines. And evervwhern nra tlowers-the most beautiful, the most tastefully arranged I have ever seen. 1 he Statuarv ia a triunmh 1 think one should givela day to that alont. It illustrates ine colossal movement of races-the facing of Kast by West; the cnarm oi mvtno OBV. the essnn nt hn man nature ; it impresses the quality of grace, of energy, of achievement; it expresses the emotions of love, and of hate, and.ot triumph. Mvery court 1 "1 If HAT would you think of a person who would plant some " seed in the ground and then go out and dig the seed up every day to see if it had sprouted? We know that you would think that he was very light in the head and ought to have a guardian appointed. Yet that is about the way some people do, who start a bank accoui.t. They put the money in the bank but the balance never grows because it is checked out as fast as deposited. In order to get ahead and se cure enough funds to make a profitable investment, the deposit should be left alone to grow, like the seed in the ground. llwh I HI! . THE HOME OF QUALITY GROCERIES Make known to us in person or by phone your wants in the grocery line, and we will do the rest, which means the best! ELITE GROCERY W rnone moi. Ben BKhr. We civ,,. tory, and opened again less interest ing, mayoe, out more permissib e MO one can rtvsrrihx I ho fuir I ,., not been trvintr to. 1 knew I innMn't do it before 1 bcean. I have tried to mention some salient noinls in th mosi impressive picture and the most tsupendous event in all American ex- Dositicns. I have ipm ('fiu. i Louis, Omaha and Seattle, and their several fairs. This is the best of them In plan as in achievement stands first. In beauty it excels. It expresses the progress of race-as it snould. for the race has nrnirrpsseit 1 think of the Centennial exposition. withont an electric licht nr n tlnh -and you have a measure of the mar velous road the nation ha invnU the stunendoua advance hu th chil.l ran oi men. And it will lead all others in attend ance, as it does in attractions. No one Can 8 (lord to miss it. I hnna nnna r you win. LeKoy Armstrong. FAIR CONDITIONS CAUSE OFFENSE Mrs. H. G. Moe. nf Davtnn Wuh wno nas lust returned frnm weeks automobile tour of Califori arnveu aiurnav lor a evenma r,r u visit with the families of Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Moe and Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Ulackman. Mrs. Mne wim will, a nuriu of Dayton friends. They visited the ban Diego exposition and the 1'anama tacitic International exposition at San Francisco. "The San Diego fair is complete and is un excellent exhibit." f)HU Mrs Moe. "However, at San Francisco many of the buildings remain Incom plele and have not been nneneil. It will .be three months before the fair ia ready entirely. On v the main thnr oughfarcs have been finished.' Mrs. Moe states that opened the prices at some of the hotels nave ueen dour ted, and charges of gar age and other accommodations have risen materially. The Davton nartu left Sun Francisco disappointed and otlended by conditions that prevail in many places. All of the nartv hud purchased tickets for the creat antn mobile race that was to have been given while thev were there. On ac count of rain the race wan The management of the race, hnwever would not refund the munev fur the tickets, but stated that they would be honored at the race on March 6. It was impossible fur anv memlier nf ih party to reinuin for that date. Thous ands of those who bought tickets were ireaieu in me same manner. New Horticulturist of Lxptriment Station Has Had Broad Experience, Having Mude Soil Survey! At a conference Saturday between the recently elected memhera .r ih. lo cal avdisory board of the Hood River branch experiment station, Director of the Oregon Experiment Station A. B. Cordlev and I'rnfs. ('. I toi. ii S. Jackson, K. W. Allen, who for the past six yean has been in charge of the experiment station at Hermiston, was appointed to take pharos r th- work of the local station formerly at- icuucu io oy kj. starring. Mr. Al len, who has made a numher nf uiaii. to the local territory, havi the experiments of Mr. Sarring, ii al ready familiar with the mnm f ik. tasks and problems of the station. a i a recent meeting of fruit grower a resolution was aiinnted Prof. Henderson be ceed Mr. Starring. These recommenda tions were submitted to the Agricul tural College men here Saturday, and while thev expressed the maelvea aa m. gretting that they would not be able to comply with the wishes of the irrnw. ers, it was stated that Mr. Allen had been selected for the months ago. lhe O. A. C. men stated that M. Allen, had received a unru oiler from North Yakima, and in order to get him to remain with the Oregon station they had promised him an an. pointment here, and that it was felt that he should be named to the position. I he advisory hnarrl ia inn the following men: Prof. Thompson, representing West Side; C. A. Reed. East Side: Frank A. Maaaee f irioii district, and C. P. Johannsen, the Up per Valley. A. R. r.nnlt.r a. .. elected to repiesent the Upper Valley, uui cuuiu noi serve, j ne upper Val ley citizens met and selected Mr J. hannsen to take his place. ine members or the advisory board have arranged for a general meeting of the fruit growers to be held on Sat urday, March 20. Profs. Lewis and Jackson will be present to discuss with the growcrs'the problems that will be studied throughout the year. air. Alien made a boil survey of the Hood River valley hefnra tlnnA P county was established. Another reason for the non-annnint. mcnt of Prof. Henderson is the fact that hia work has been that of a hot- anist, and therefore along pathological lines. The station alreadv haa a nath. ologist in J. R. Winston. If both of the men in charse of the institution Were Pathologists no nroviainna umnlit be made for working' out some nf the most serious problems that face the grower, sucn as i nose connected wt cover crops and irrigation. ith QUADRANGULAR BAS KET BALL MEET B3Enn"naa ll. Ford, Dodg'e Bros., Cadillac tfD. Franklin MOTOR CARS Satisfactory Titles are demanded by the wise buyer. Our work is unquestioned and guarantees protection. Satisfactory Insurance i deemed a necesfity by the wise property owner. We represent 10 strong companies and have millions of insurance in the Valley Satisfactory Bonds may sometime be required of you, contract, court or security. W hen in need of such service inquire of us. Hood River Abstract Company i Columbia Auto & Machine Co. I The Star Grocery, Perigo & Son Curtis Ripe Olives When you eat 61ive3, why not eat ripe olives. They are matured fruit and have much food value. Curtis ripe olives are graded as to color, size and quality and you can't buy better ones. -:- .:. Small olives 15c pint, Large olives 60c quart Medium olives 35c pint, Medium Olives $1.50 gallon Eat Ripe Olives "Good Things to Eat" a a nailery of statuary that should leave is impress on the souls of men. ni 1 Tr TillPIA nirrn Related to the statuary are tho frea. II A S I A IKK II I IV H If II 1 I' .U 1 .I1UMUU UIUII -tD un wan auu LiriiinK. me uaneis. the framed and unframud pictorial ser mons that seem too unoii tn he Inxt in one swift summer. And vet thev will be lost, for they are limntd on plaster and must come down when the fair ia ended. In the liehtini? system thia fair ilia tances an omars. that is natural. new inventions come swift v. It in gratifying, too. I think no one ever saw a scene so splendid as the Sun Fran cisco fair at niuht. You don't see the iuhts themselves. Ynu see nnlu the alfect of them. The flame is concealed Its pent e rnflinncn ia puomibliuru fin the imposing columns of the Temnie of Jewels there plays a succession of Vivid reds and ereens and bluea ami yellows and pure 1 1 n h t that seems to transform the crude material into all the glory of a dawn, or the ethereal splendor of an autumn sunset. All that memory cherishes of sacred scenes, all that imagination coniures of seraphic splendor is visibly ex- pi eased in that wonderful picture. The whole buildincr seeina um.urut.d trmt, earmiy elements, ana irom the founda tiong, banked in a profusion of beauti ful., detail, up through an architecture that borrows from nature and from art. up to the matchless globe, 400 feet atiove the pavement, glittering in ever changing brilliancy of color and visible for manv miles, it stand the rarliui.t obedience to that first divine command "Let there be light !" No one who has seen the lower uf Jewels at night wi ever foruet it. And it ia but the center fif a fnlnr scheme that makes the darkness more glorious than the day. My landlord and his wife own a car, and they took me up on that Nob liiil where wealth once muue us nume, over neignts cave recurring near views nf the tilalting picture, and then up the wind- C A VO IITnfP prr i trr.T inn roads of the Pieaidin tn the .MI. .11 llliP. M A IV III. V awu ouutii, anu wb luuntu uown on me whole length and breadth of that matchless panorama. I know of noth- "I have no knowledge of any extras ine OUtside the llonk of Kevelatinna tr fnr the Pjdnmhin Uinkiu.H ...... I. U. : adequately express a parallel. being done by the Newport Land & i nave saia ine lair is not ready. Construction Co., says Judge E. E. inai means inere is mucn uncompleted Manton, "despite the fact that re roaaway, wun consqeuent mud for cent newspaper articles have stated inia sun is the rainy season at San that the contractors have called for at rrancisco: mucn sound or the hammer eat no (Win mn,a ih.n th - - P " ...... limn .iiu aillUUIIV ana ine saw, many scailulds, and an noying interruption by heavv laden teams. Colorado bad not set spade in earin ior ner building on the oneninu uay. rrance naa lusi begun. Many ma ie uunuings, yregon among them. ireiseiiieu an interior conrusion 01 un opened boxes, lumber piles and fren ziedly busy carpenters. The water front was a wilderness of sand nilea Probably the creates! haakpt tall meet ever held here iB to be staged to morrow and Saturdav. The Dull... h!h school team cannot playttheir games at Home una year, ai me gymnasium In the basement of the new hi oh a.hnnl cannot be finished this month. At the present time White Salmon and St AT 0. 0. NYE'S HOME ""ffi'MTOSSS v. u. lllliU UVillLi m they wi, bfl jn thQ (i8ht with n one saimon end Fifteen of the fruit prnwern nf the West indo were invited bv (). H. Nve 10 nis nome lust week, when the plans oi ine iirowers Louncil and the work of the Hoard of Control and Kxecntivu com mi tee were thoroughly discussed. flii were convinced that the move ment is in the liaht direction" Mr. Nve. who was one nf the ll.,,l Kiver delegates to the Tacoma cnnfnr. encu and is a member of the Growers' Cuuncil ine movement seema tn me " aua Mr. Nve. "to be the imlv aalvalinn nf the fruit grower. As vet. however. many do not understand the mirnr.-iea of the organization. It will nut sell a single apple. It is a growers' oreaniza tion over and above the lines of auencv afliliation. It has for its purposes the maintenance of tirices. and tn a eon wnoiesaiera and commission men from waging their battles with the erowers' money. And yet it is not antagonistic to inese middle men. I he word 'stabilize' haa often dean used in connection with the new move ment, and 1 :an think of nn I,.. Iter in a description of it: for the erowers have it in their power to put their industry on a Btauie pasij. 'F.vervbodv ia nleaarH tn Dee W 11 r ii r . . . ... t auinamus ac the heart or the new nr ganization. He has had such unnrece dented success with the business of his berry men s association that we have every reason to believe that the new plans will be carried to successful ends. HI "KN0W0FN0 EXTRAS" Stevenann rnunh Gronewall, of The Dallca.aaya his team can do thia and he is coming down to camp here the end of this week with The Dalles cohorts of rooters to prove this. The schedule of uamea ia aa fnllnma The Dallea vs. Stevenson. Friday nloht" March 5. at 8 cm.; The Dallea va White Salmon Saturdav nftarnonn. March 6, at 2.30 p. m., The Dalles va. Hood River Saturdav nisht. March fi at 8 p. m. A. M. Grilley, or some other Portland referee, will officiate it these games. lhe Hood III ver team has lost every game in the league so far thia season. In explaining the failure of his team to Win this Season Coach Critea aairi "There are better baaket hall teama in the league this year than there has ever been before and my team hag not kept the pace with the others." of HOOD RIVER NEW- TOWNS SELL IN CUBA With a wranner nf the Annie Hma. era Association enclosed, the following letter was received by the Glacier from W. r. and U. M. Uavidann. hrnthera Charles Davidson, and uncles of H. uaviason or this city: We have this day in the city of Ha vana, Cuba, W. 1 , purchased some Newtown Pippin apples packed by the Apple Growers Association. Hnnd Riv er, Oregon, and find them in perfcet condition, away down here in this trop ical climate where the Isle of Pines produces the grape fruit and pine ap ples as delicious as does the Hood Kiver valley the Pippin and the Spitz." uaviason Bros, own large interests in fruit lands in the Isle of Pines. specified in the contract f.r.H nnn The Publicity eiven theae alatpmanta aroused Judge Stanton to an invention. tion. Last week he wrote to Engineer J. A. til lot t. who IS in charce of the worn ior the state, askinc him tn make a report of the matter. "Many people I nave come 10 me alter seeing news of the aliened call for extras." cnntinnarl Judge Manton. "As for a I m , va ooiiu uijcb. 1 uuitvi kJiamuil. o tur inn 11171 OT , big timbers, railroad tracks and lakes approximately $58,000. the Newport ui siiaiiuw uiuu. oume state oui dines uana & uonstruction Co. did not take were reaay. Illinois, New York and California were in beat and mmt sentable condition. Of the foreign nations, Canada de serves peculiar commendation. The war in Europe will seriously limit the exhibits in the great buildings, but by midsummer everj jhing to be expected EXPERT WILL TELL OF SCHOOL GARDENS Prof. F. L. Griffin, who ia in rharoa of extension work nf the Oresnn Agri cultural College, will be in Hood Kiver vaney on warcn iv, 18 and 13, when he will deliver lectures to the school chil dren on school gardening. Thia is an activity that has been creating no small amount oi interest throughout the State, especially in Portland, and it ia tnougnt rror. unrhn's lectures strike root here. "We have not arranged ill the work on a Hat figure. If the esti- gram of Prof. Grilfin'a stay while mates of State engineer are correct t ha here " i M Tk.. ..,... t i . . . , . 17 I -.--- .u.. lUVIIIuavil, VUUIJkV figures submitted by the Newport com- school superintendent. "He will prob- pany anu accepted by the county court ably deliver a talk on to the city schools and the State Highway Commission children and visit the valley." will bring the cost to this amount. If y.f r. lhe ". th For lessons in singing phone to J. Ad- cost, of course, will be greater." rian Eppingi 6837 8 8 10 a : I i- 4 if-