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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1912)
f HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1012 QC DC OC DC DC ONLY A C0UGHD0N'T WAIT Delays are dangerous. A bad cold may fill up the lungs and poison your system very quickly. Cold c. break up the cold in the Red Spruce, Pine and Syrup quickly relieves the tickling in the throat and reduces the inflammation. Tablets system, while our Eucalyptus Cough REIRO.CASS Smith Block Reliable Druggist ROGUE RIVER VIEW OF MARKETING METHODS I prove Uiver DC 3C7 36 ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS mm UNDER U.S. GOVT SUPERVISION OPPORTUNITY The man who succeeds is the man who is pre pared to take advantage of an opportunity. If it is a business opportunity, ready money will be needed. This bank will help you to prepare your self by accepting savings in any sum down to $1. We pay 3 per cent interest on savings and offer you unquestioned safety by reason of the bank's conservative management, Federal supervision and its extensive capital, surplus and stockholders' liability. You've Wanted Something Better Than Printing for a Long Time. You Will Find it in the . EMBOSSED WORK . LETTERHEADS, NOTEHEADS CARDS, INVITATIONS, ETC. At th GLACIER OFFICE ASHAMED OF HER FACE Stanley- Smith Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath. Shingles, Ete Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley We are Now Taking Orders for Apple, Peach and Pear Boxes Would Advise Ordering at Once Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. Phone 124 Hood River, Oregon "I was ashamed of my fnoe," wrltvs Jllss 1'ifkiinl uf North Carolina, "it was all full of pimples and scars, but utter using I). 1). 1. Prescription for Kczema I can say thut now there 1m no sin nf that Eczema ami that wan three years asn." This is but one of thousands of cases in which Lx IX D. has simply washed away the skin trouble. 1). I). 1. cleanses the skin of the germs of l.c ema. Psoriasis and other serious skin diseases; stops the itch Instantly, and when used with 1). P. I), soap the cures seem to be permanent. Nothing- like 13. 1). D. for the complexion. Trial bottle 25 cents, enonsh to prove the merit of this wonderful rem edy Ve can also Rive you a full slr.a bottle for $1 00 on our absolute guar antee that if this very first bottle fulls to Kivc you relief it will cost you noth ing. KKIK CANS. Notice of Sheriff's Sale In the 1'lrrnlt Court of the Stale of Oregon, lor Hood Kiver County. Ueo. 1'appaH, Plaintiff, vs. Ueonte W. McCoy and II. K. Manual), DeleuilitiilH.- lly virtue ot an execution, decree and order of Fale duly iHhued out of mid uti'ter the seal ot the Circuit Court, of the HUle nf Oregon, lor the County of River, to me directed and diited the 2th day of Kebmary, 1012, upon a decree lOr t he foreclosure of acertaiu laborer's lien and ludumcpl rendered and ea ten din Kftld Court on tiie 2tilh day of June, lull, In thealiove entitled cauHe In lavor ot plalntlffand against defendant in the sunt ot SI4-.V!, and tiie Mini of ill. -10 Willi Inleies! thereon at the rate of (i per cent. er aiiuuin from the nth day or August lull, mm tiie Hi' ther sum of ITft tO attorney g fees, and the fur ther muiii of U7 fill cokIh and disbursement. Willi inierest thereon from the dill) duy ol June, Pill at the rale of i: per cent per annum, and the costs ot ana upon tins writ ami com manding me to make sale of the real properly d"rr bra In such nmee ot loreciosure anil hereinafter de"rlbed, 1 will at the hour ot ten o'clock In the f renoon on the sttth day ol March. M2. at the front door!of the County I onrt House In Hood River, Hood Klver ( ounly, Oregon, sell at nubile auction U) the highest bidder for cash iu han't all the right , title and inlercst which defendant. Oho. W. McCoy, had on t lie Si.t h day of June, lull, the date of the Judgment aforesaid, or which such defendant, Ueo. W. McCoy, liHslnreacitilird or now has In and to the following described real properly, ttitualed and being iu the County of Hood Klver 'Hlate of Oregon, lo-wli: The Hr 'i or wee. a, l . s it. e.., w . m.. or so much thereof as will satisfy said ludginent aud execution, to wit: The sum offH2.7.ri and the sum of Jll 40 Willi interest thereon from Hie tilti day of August, l'.MII, at the rale ot h per cent, per annum, and tiie luither sum of JTS.Ot), and I be sum of;wllh Interest thereon from the 2tit day of June, Hill, with cost and accruing costs on the Writ or f.x edition. Bald property will tie sold subject P i he rollowliiK ludumentK. to-wll: A judgment for '.lie sum ol 2i!6iK) and In terest thereon from I he tit li day of August 1H1U, at the rale ol 8 per cent, per annum; for the sum of twill) attorney's fees, with Interest ther on from the Hill day of June, Hill, at the rate of ti per cent, per annum; and for the sum of UK 75 costs and dlsliursinenlH, witli In. ivrxsi thereon from the Mill dav of June. Pill at the rale of 0 percent, per annum, and tJft W costs In theHupremecouii. A judgment inane una entcrea againsi sain defendant, ieo. W. McCoy, and against said described real pr iperty on the taih day ol June, 1911, In and for the sum of J.ill0.fl. and Interest theieon from the lith day of August. 1W0, at the rate of li per cent, per annum; and for the aum or 1100.011 attorney's fee, with In. terest thereon from I he l:ilh day ol Mine, lull, at the rale ol 6 per cent, per annum; and lor the sum ol til.lh costs and dishursaients, with Interest thereon from the i:tlli day of June, lull, at the rale of ti per cent, per annum, and fi") 00 costs and dlshurseiuenu, and fAYiiO costs in the Supreme Court. And a judgment made and entered against said defendant, Ueo. W. McCoy, and against said described real properly on the 311 day of May, I'M 1 , in and lor the sum of W.M), and Interest tnereou irom ineiiia uay oi aiuuni., 1910, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum; tor the sum of HO 00 attorney's fees with Interest thereon from the :ilt day ol Mav. lull, at the rale ot ft per cent er annum; for the sum of i;t HI, wltu inoresi uiereou iron) uie uay ol May, 1911, at the rale of per cent per an mini: for the lurthei sum of Ml. 00. with Inter est thereon from the :ilst day of May. 1011, at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum; and for the further sum ot 151.110 costs and disbursements on said judgment in the mipreme conn which three Judgments last described are prior judgment liens on said land. Haiti rtrmiertv will be told subiect to confir niation and canity of redemption as by law nmvlriprt. hated at Hood Klver, Oregon, this '.tl) day of February, IKI2. l lion. r. .iuiiih.-j., Sherlffof Hood Klver County, Oregon B W Stark, Attorney for Plaintiff. ISSmSH the ..Livery, STABLE Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure' first-class rigs Special attention given to moving furniture bd pianos. We do everything horses can do. Notice for Publication. hK.PA RTM KNT OK TH K 1 NTKRIOR. U. H. lnd Office at The tialies, Oregon, Jan. narv :!. lsu. Notice la hereby riven that Roy II. Kotilson of Parkdale Oregon, who, on November Hi, 1910, made llomesiead, No.uTW, for KSWV,, Hection id. Township I Muuth, Range 10 Kast u i utmette Merm an uasmeu nonce m in tention U make Klnal Commutation establish claim to the land above described before K. A. bishop, II. H. Commissioner, at his office at Hood Klver, Oregon, on the 1Mb day of March, mi. Claimant names as wunenwa: r.. n. nmwu, I,. H. Kose. J ('. McKee, of I'arkdale, Oretym Cyrus Sparks, of Ml. Hood, Oregon. fsm7 Register. NOTICK TO APPLK TRKf Pl.ANTKRH We are mnnlng a bargain counter Nursery We can do this because we are presiuen manager, secretary, treasurer, planter, grow er. dtriter and packer of our company, w have lor sale several standard varieties ol one and two-year-old apple trees at bargain counter price. All trees guaranteed true to name and free from disease. We are looking for a nargaln, are you? Write or phone 21 K. J T. Neslelah. Hood Klver, Ore., I. C. Nel rigu, K No. t, Muerwood. Ora apr 15 Aftei the fruit meeting of lust week the following- article taken from the Koeue River Fruit Grower should docideulv interesting to Mood growers, who, so the article states, have the finest selling machine in the L'nited States: The toll that is extracted from the farmer for marketing his products is all out of proportion to the price that he receives and the consumer pays. Government statistics prove that it costs the farmer more than double to market his products, than it dut's the manufacturer or other town producer to dispose of his wares. This is large ly due to the large number ot middle men that intervene between the farmer and the consumer. It ia not alone caused by high freight rates, as alleged by the commission dealers, for the railroads give a lower rate on fruit shipments than they do on manufac tured articles. The rate on apples from Rogue River Valley to New York is $1.00 per hundred pounds. And fruit ifoes bv fast, first clas freight. No factory in this Valley could get this low rate to ship its products to the Atlantic Coast by fast fneeht. n the sale of manufactured products there are seldom more than two mid dlemen between the producer and the consumer, a wholesaler and a retailer, Often the manufacturer eliminates the wholesaler and sells dinct to the re tailer and there are many manufactur ers now that sell direct to the consum er. But the farmer through his lack of organization and co operation and his inexperience in the methods of trade has been forced to depend on middlemen to sell his ptoducts. Tak ing advantage of this dependence of the farmer, the middlemen have in creased their numbers and their charges until it frequer'ly occurs that farm produce will pay toll to a dozen dealers and it is seldom that less than four of these profit sharers have hand in the deal that leaves no profit at all for the luckless farmer. In the endeavor to eliminate some of the middlemen, and thus lessen the cost of marketing their products, far mers in various parts of the country have formed selling associations. In a few instances these associations are success and a benefit to the members, but in most cases they have not les sened the farmer's burden at all. In this new arrangement, the farmers all too often have found that their profits, previously taken by the mid de men, absorbed by big salaries for managers, assistant managers', cashiers, secretar ies and a host of other clerks und em- iloyeea, big telegraph lo.ia, elaborate ottice equipment and other lavish ex penses. this is to be me experience oi tiie fruit growers of Rogue River Valley, who went into the Rogue River rruit Produce Association. I his associa tion, formed by the consolidation of the local associations tit Mtdford and Grants I'ass, started out two years ago with a large membership anil tine pros pects for success, but the greed of a few and the inilinerence oi the great majority of the members, has put this organization in a fair way to go to a finish, as has so many oilier co-opera tive marketing organizations, it is thus nossible that this Association may not handle another crop, for many of the owners of bearing orchards in Roeue River Valley are to the know cue ot the editor of the Rogue River fruit Grower, planning to market their crop of this year through some other channel. One of the many expensive mistakes made by this Association was to em li ov as manager tor the nrst year, an ex-commission man direct irom t in cago. The opportunity was turned down fnr securing the manager of the Hood River Fruit Growers' Associa tion, it man who had made a success in handling association marketing, and who had a high standing for Ins ability, integrity, economy and close attention to all business matters. The Chicago man was a total stranger to Rogue River Vallev. and knew nothing of ocal conditions, and admitted that he had no knowledge as to marketing pears, the principal fruit crop of the Valley. He was paid a salary of $fi)00 year, though the Hood River man could have been hud for $3,000, with an additional generous allowance each month for automobile hire. The Asso ciation fitted up a line suite of offices fur him in Medford. and installed roll topped desks and other elaborate fur niture. A force of clerks sufficient to run a bank handling deposits of a mil lion dollars were employed and paid liberal salaries. All went well, and the fruit growers were proud of their line office and their dignified manager, whose broad ex nanse of white vest and pompous manner impressed strangers that the orchards of Rogue River Valley were cold mines. As a real estate advertis ing scheme, the Association for that year was a booming success, but when the members began to get statements showine the returns for their fruit their Dnde turned to resentment ana thev bowed out their manager, he of the broad expanse of white vest. Then a new manager was elected, man who had lived a few years in the Valley, but had had no experience on andling an association or margeiing fruit. The assessment being rather heavy on the memoeis, tney cut tne new manager's salary to $3,000 and made some reduction in tne nutnuer lerks, foremen, etc. I hen the rea fruit erowers again took up their or chard work with the tond hope that when they got returns for the year that there would he something of showine on the profit side. Again they were disappointed, hvidenliy to mane a display of activity and to impress atranuers passing on Southern I'acifie trains, the new manager naa inree Dig warehouses erected along mat railroad though they were not needed to handle the season s crops, and but one was used and it but little. These useless building expenses mean more assess ments on the members. And the fruit growers in this high priced Association have found to their disappointment that as a marketing combination for getting better prices it is no improvement over the old sys tem, nor less expensive than were the middlemen. Both seasons that this Association has handled fruit it merely loaded the cars and consigned them to a California commission firm, as any individual could do. This California firm then consigned the fruit to East ern commission houses and these in turn sent it to retail. rt and at last the fruit trot to the consumer, but at such a big price that each could purchase but little. That cut down the con sumption of fruit and thus limited the demand, and the haif-dozen commis sions cut down the profit to the vanish ing point, and that left the hapless fruit erowers in the same financial difficulties that they weie in when they depended on the middlmen. Billine the cars of fruit to the Cali fornia commission house and leaving to them the task of seeking a market was a soft snap for both of the man- The Coughs of Child ren They may not cough today, bat v.hut abcu; tomor ow? Better be prepared for it when, it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold n cough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at hand. This cough medicine is especially good for children. No anodvnes. No alcohol. Toledo Ranges Many t child is called dull and atupid when the whole trouble it due to a biy liver. Te firmly believe your own doc tor will tell you thst in occasional dose cf Aver's Pills, sugar-coated, will do such children s great drtl of good. Ask him. Sit. hi tha 1 O. T CO . Lewall. Vif. agers, but after a two years trial with only meager returns tor fruit, the the growers became restive and de manded a change in market met hods. In an effort to save his bob and fat salary, the present manager worked up another marketing connection. Ins plan was really only a change of con signees with no decrease in the numlser of commission houses and tolls, and it imposed no additional work on him, for by this new deal he would continue to bill out the cars, leaving the rest with the middlemen. This deal was to be with the Northwest Fruit Exchange, a Portland corporation of jobbers in fruit, which is affiliated with the North American Fruit Exchange, a corpora tion of New York fruit jobbers. The Portland firm was not content with the usual commission on sales, but de manded that the Rogue River Fruit & Produce Association take stock in their corporation, and pay $H,000 in cash for it and to be given only a small minor ity share. This scheme meant more assessments on the members and they turned it down hard. The last move of this shifty manager as to endeavor to get the association Mood River, Yakima and Vtenalchee go in with Rogue River aud form a lling agency but this has been de nied, those districts nad just gotten their associations in good, working I..u ) I. -t....l .... ....,)!!. 1.. orncr, nuu onvc woi acu u i nuiiiauiu arkets for their fruit und do not for i e present care to experiment in an i uncertain ileal. Just what will be the : next move on the part of the manager , r of the members of the Rogue River j ruit & Produce Association, it is hard ; to tell. One of the greatest handicaps that 1 on Rogue River Valley is the enor mous amount of money that (lows in a steady stream from the Valley, anil far n excess of the returns had from local resources. Much ot this money goes or commodities that could be produced as cheaply and efficiently at home as broad. To be an aid in stopping this nancial drain, that brings business tacnation to the Valley whenever the nllow ot newcomers money ceases. was one of the plans of the progressive workets in the organization of the Rogue River Fruit & Produce Association. The present failure of the effort to ave one tug association to handle all the fruit of Rogue River Valley does not mean that co-operative marketing an not be made a success in this Val- ev. HtlUN Rlvr.K, will) inuw nan ON 10 OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL ASSOCIATIONS IN 1 HE UNIT. I) STA1ES, made two efforts, each fol- owed by a Hat failure before they got their organization in good working rtler. And every other farmers inar- eting organization that is now suc cessful operation was built up on the ruins of one or more failures. 0. A. f, STUDENTS NOW ALMOST 3,000 ! The total to date of all students registered for lectures and courses at the Oregon Agricultural College, ac cording to the latest statistics of the registrar, is In the regular courses there are j.zhii students registered, representing all the counties of Oregon, 33 other states, nd 8 foreign countries. Ihe enroll ment for the fall short course was H42, and for the poultry demonstrations and ectures TBI. making a total ol l.bu.i in the special winter work. The college rolls for the second se mester contain r5 new names never before recorded here, one being that of a Stanford graduate here for work in horticulture, aud seven others Irom dillerent parts of California. FREE IF IT FAILS Owing to a change in the business of the manufacturers of TOLEDO RANGES we offer a SPECIAL DISCOUNT of 10 for CASH from our regular prices, or will sell on weekly payments if desired. The Toledo Ranges have been sold in Hood River for many years and a better range for the price has never been offered in this city. About 150 of them are now in use in Hood River Valley and are giving perfect satisfac tion. They outweigh any other range for the same price that we have ever seen. Guaran teed for ten years, and will pleasv you. Why pay $40 to $50 for a Range you can buy from us for $30? ACT NOW This offer will positively be withdrawn Saturday night, March 16 Blowers Hardware Co Phone 99 u Oak and 1st Sts. 8 II Furniture Pianos Moved Draying, Express and Baggage All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Peed Store in Connection o T AFT TRANSFER CO. Office Phone 29 Residence Phone 238K labaafjUiiwjj S3 A Litlle of Our Meat is really more nourishing than a whole lot of coarse, inferior grades. MORE APPETIZING, TOO, as you'll readily agree when some of our chops or steaks are set before you. We Only Ask You to give them a trial. We know full well that then goodness will make you a steady patron of this market. Your Money Back if You are not Satisfied With the Medicine We Recommend. We are so noaitive that our remedy will permanently relieve constipation, no matter how chronic it may be. that we offer to formal) the medicine at our expense should it fail to produce satisfactory results. It is worse than useless to attempt to cure constipation with cathartic druijH. Laxatives or cathartics do much harm. They cause a jeaction, irritate, and weaken the bowels and tend to make constipation more chron ic. Besides, their use becomes a habit that is dangerous. Constipat.ou is caused by a weakness oT the nerves and muscles of the large intestine or descending colon. To ex pect permanent relief you must there fore tone ud and strengthen these or gans and restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try Rexall Orderlies on our recommendatiou. They are exceedingly pleasant to take, being eaten like candy, and are ideal for children, delicate persons, and old folks, as well as for the rouust. they act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently have neutral action on other associate organs or glands. They do not purge, I cause excessive looseness, nor create any inconvenience whatever. They t may be taken at any lime, day or night. They will positively relieve! chronic or habitual constipation, if not of surgical variety, and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ail ments, if taken with regularity for a reasonable length of time. 12 tablets. 10 cents ; 36 tablets. 2: cents ; fcO tab lets, 50 cents. Sold in Hood River only at our store The Rexall Store. Carl A. Plath. If you have trouble in pe ting rid of your cold you may kn"W that yi.n are nut treuting it properl. There is no reason why a cold should hang on for week arid it will nt it you take Cham-b- rlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by all dealeri, HOOD RIVER MARKET Storage We have storage space for all kinds of goods in a concrete building Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move Anything Complete Transfer Service iYansfer & Livery Co. Phone 5 EVERY LOAF ALIKE ill (reslmeiis, rrfrpmH, JightiH and tiKitlisiMiiciifS". No disap pointments in our btead s there are in home Imkiiiji. We ihm'l see why anv woman should worry over a lint tire, with results al ways uncertain when we will dn her baking better and cheaper. How do we do it". We buy our Hour in large ipiaiili'ics for cash; our terms are cash ; yon ;et the hem-tit. 24 Bread Tickets $1 ASK l-'OU TlOKl'.TS HODEL BAKERY Fourth nd State Hood River, Ore.