The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 28, 1911, Image 2

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ARTHIR l. MOh.l'ubll.her.
Subscription, SSl.."it IVr Year.
Turn ner a new k-af, liurry ai
finish those Christmas prc-tnt cu:
and iiar ell smoking, take a fan wt
party and taboo jags fouver im.rr aiui
to lilt- tune of soft music txh-iie i.exx
resolutions arc l-eii g writbii. It all
sounds mighty go..d. 1: dee
great thing, 'bis i'sMi!,,,:;
ing fjff (it, re ;i j ear. Hut w
tu bat kslnlg. Ot,r nicrn,l-pim-us.Uon
fur splinter c
month of ,laM-.irv. In.h i '!,
tin' most of Ft I.ruary tu pa K
frrn iliifi i iit i a':- of our a-,:
and supply the toothpick market.
it is
liirn g
it li'lv
K. II. M H r, one of the most popu
lar of the Valley's young ranchmen
i orchardists, wad marrti d in I'ert-
I land last Tuesday to Miss Frances
1 , ,1 ... A .., .U 1,1 . .. M.
! t Kit'! leu li r . liiei ni'niii t: ' .
aii Mrs. Muller came to llnd 1'iver
in (1 spent the fsight, leaving for t ho
h.i,st . wht re they will spend the holl
!ax with Mr. Midler's parents at
ili-H-klwi, N. Y. Mrs. Molier is well
kvtwn in the Hood U:cr Valley,
wlicte f ! made munyisi';, and In. r
.-timing I i re to make fu r home v. ill he
wi li-uiiii' i vas to htr many f i ;'i;..-.
I I hi- leitouit.g is laKi-n irm nun-
l' rhajiM the:
hshif v to he I,
the ilitr. reit
II i vi r. !'n r
tiie i.ier'Ui:!
mouth of the v
run o! si
thus spoiling i
.re h lightful
state than it;
of the llo. (i
tisheiu-ati tell us th:it
f nets in or near the
lean, will prevent the
Ml till
ar,l .-aiii.i',1 tr
ihi Niu.n.d who r
angle for tin si' dehizt .-.'.m of the bub
bling pools. Tin ism whohaie Plantain-
eil i.ets iii (In- river a-sctt thai it
I rolU. Therefore why should
!trt i;n not he t
of ('.-Ling t han
li.--.eil to any i
.hat of the r
Civil g the ii'H a '
quainli'il with
i.,ll..l:le i -t
cr-. 'll.e V
oilier such g
ti r 11,01,1 he.
,1,; of t
e to h.
h other,
el: H-.-i- ;
, sli,.,
he two
'Dine wi
i dcridid sec
have nwi)
fin in
!l Li
ly a i
lav s Die g.e.ian :
A Weil -ling of the
eelehiate'l without '
which was ir.ten slii't'
in, m i of view, was the
Sara Franc, s (Jherti n!!, i
Hl.oi.iles M.JIer, of Ho.,.1
Hishoj, Ch;rli s Hea.lilii.u.
copal Che-i-h, olfieiatiii).'
w.-i it :nl lit 7 o'clock tit
the hi'iiie's father. W.
ill the pre
l!ii,'iini;s (hiring 'hi
The j nsie: I'.iii'i'iui ha,- ins! ;.-Mied
a ilel'iiled unnoilM'eiiierit of the st it is
i ics of she .state relative n population
i i i-'srnn has I! I i-eui, I n -m. '1 he populli
linn of tlH"--o counhia r.iiiiies from
L'.oll in furry fmnity to i:!,2iil i
iMiillnoiiiali (anility.
'1 he following terriloiinl ciiauiri
have hcen mailt; iiim-c li'iill: I'ait of
Wasco (utility Was taken in l'.MIS to
form Hood Uiver County and part of
Union County was annexed tn l!ak
Cniiiity in llin.
(hvini: to the oraination since l!Mi(i
of one new ciiuid y from part of another
county, as shown aimve, Hie cmripan
hon of increase or decrease iii popula
tion i.-i ir.ndi' for only countieH and
one cmiihiimi urn of counties. 'Ihe
counties coinhnied are Hood Uiver and
W.'iM'o. In order to ill-termini1 the
iieliial rate of incn ase for this eouihiu
iitinn of CounluH, it is net essary to
add thi' population of the new county
to that of the old county from which
it was formed. Thirty-one ct, unties
anil the one ciiitiliination of counties, in
the stale increased in population dur
ing the last deciiili;. 'Ihe rates of in
crease for the .'ll counties raiiKe from
eiedil-leutlis of I per cent in Union
County to !;!." per cent in Crook
futility, and the ai'holiite iucreiuu'S of
the same count ies from 1 1 in VV heeler
County to l:'. I,(i;il in Multnomah Coun
ty. The coiiihined 'count ies of lloml
River and Wascn increased 11,15:!, or
M 5 per cent. One county in the stale,
(Irani, showed u decrease;, namely, .'111,
or h.7 per cent. Nine counties and the
one comhiimtion of counties show u
higher rate of increase Hum is shown
for tin;, state as a whole, which, as
Ktated iji'lore, was (i'.',.7 per cent.
Tin; following Hood River data is
vnven in the report; the fi;tircH repre
sentihtf, ti e number of the population
of each respectively iiatui tl division:
I'lilih; IM .f. ,-iiii t j (inj
lino. I Hlv.i pi. i-ini-l. iiicllliliiix
i f II. liiv,-i nt - , . . , 1 Ir.'l
H.iii.l PiM r i-ii u.i t i.l ) '
'loo, I u.r H.i.,.1 lino (-i i v In l.n-,1
It . mi.I His i-l I i-ll.i-l, 111:, I Yv'i -.1 II, mil
11 I u I- I'l , I I iH-i s 2 'Vll
taiiv ri,.iii,i ' ,
pal I 'I II
ii'iiu i;
ii.ii-ii l i 1 1 ,.-
S iiiti, S!,,,,,l
I -I. II,. .1
p ol i.l II -Hi
llo.hl I,,-,
Toljil I,. i ll,
I .-lilt r lo i-i 1 ui-1 , 1 tir-l nit I )K
it J (pill I oil
i in-
I I'l-i-lll.l, I 111-1 11(1 1
1-1' , ,i v
V il'Oi I. I'l
, ' . I'oniit y , s
In order tn ,
the Use of exnl
the heavy suhsi
anlin in tlraii
thviiue.h v i 1 1 eh
pern I i al e, t l:e
which I). M,!h
stiihitive, i;:u,
i li Mi.ine the value of
o: iVI'H III llHlt'lih,r UP
al in tui'luiid holds anil
':' by makinit seams
ihe winter laiim miiy
Uupniit l'o,tlt r Co., 'f
maid i-- the h.,-,d ,,-,re-
a in
h was
from a s"i.n
ii.arriai'i' i f
r aid Kinar
Ci'.er. With
f the Kpif
the service
t he home of
Obi rtcutler, of a few relatives and
ater about I'M quests ca'le'l
at He r'fiption. Ihe decorations il
holly and ...insettas, used throughout
the hoiisi , I were sntfesii ve of the
Christiiias .-vs-iin. 'Ihe bride was
chat-mi. '-' in her robe of ivory bra
t ,' det! satin, cut i n train and elaborated
wilh pearl root ifs and real iace. Her
t'llle veil was held in place by a wreath
of otai i'i 1 Inssoti:.-! ami she carried a
-h-wer l i.ii'i'ii t of hrale's roses. Hit
only ornament was a pearl pendant,
the i:lt of the hndi'L-room. Miss
1 rain'i Nihon, of Albany, as hnd
maid, was in a ("own oi tun
chiffon over white satin, trimmed with
elver lac. he carried pink ro.
buds. Maxwell Wood nctetl as he
I're,' idint' at the table in the d'uiinir
r.ioin, wihcli was decorated with pink
hi at ii:tli and tulle hows, were Mr
Kaiph MiTiwan and Miss Helen Driver
of 'I in- . ma. Assisting about the rooms
vvi'ie a number of the bride's Kappa
A li,f,a Theta sisters of the t-niversi'.y
of (iri'Hun.
We have a bunch of dull finished Rubbers, with
one buckle. Good heavy soles and made to stand
heavy wear. Ilotli men's and boys' sizes. We
lought these last season and they did not sell at
the regular price so we have decided to let them
tro now even if we do not get one-h;i!f of what
they are worth. The boys' sizes we are going to
let you have at only
25c a Pair
The men's are worth $2.00 and $2.'S and you
can have them for
69c a Pair
K. II. 1'ooley, who owns one of the
Valley's lareest orchards, wan married
in Portland Monday to Miss Dorothy
Newliiill, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs
llenrv II. Newhall.
The following report of the wedding
is taken irom the I cirtlanil. Oreiron
oiirnal :
"At half past eieTit o'clock last
evevihK Key. ICoy hdgar KemiiiL'tiin
read the nuiriiane service in All Saints
hpiscnpal church which made Miss
Dorothy Newhall the bride of Kilwin
Randolph I'uoley of Hood River. The
hiirch, beautifully decorated with
lilies "to nd creens, was lilleil with
host of fi'ienils for the ceremony. The
bride came in on the arm of her father,
enry II, Newhall. Her bridal robe
was fashioned, ei.traine, of ivory Rutin
with elaborations of rose point Duch
ess lace, hho ware a lone; veil with
orange blossoms holding it in place.
Her flowers were a watm-fall of lilies
of the valley. Miss Lillian Liielmer
was the bride's only attendant. She
wore a beautiful gown of pale nink
liilfon over pink iiH'Ssnline with dainty
tn, liming of white embroidered design
on the hodico ami skirt, iler flowers I
were pink ruses. Albert Peters, of
Hood Uiver, was the lmnmistnan and
the ushers were Richard lYinlev. the
room's brother. Roger Newhall. the
bride's brother, and fount, tie Ifedimr
md Philip AtwnterJ of Hood River.
Mler the wedding a sinai! retention
was helil at the Newhall home, where
pink roses and palms were the ilecora
lions. Mr. and Mrs. Kilwaid Pooley,
the groom's father and mi, titer from
New York, joined Mr. anil Mrs. New
hall in receivinir with the bi-i.lal i,-n-i
Mrs. A. Rogers with Mrs. flill'ord
Nichols presided in the die lite i-iiiuii
sled by Miss Margaret Hates and
Miss (lieti'lieii klosterinan Mis M...
aret W eber caught the hi ide's btm-
liet. Mr. and Mrs. 1 I'uoley left hlsi
veiling for Coroiiodii Reach. Tin y will
etiirn the last of .lainmiv to make
their future home on ih,. p,,l, . ,.,,.,
I loud Uivt'i'. "
I be local people who attended the
'tiding were: Air. and Mrs. Albeit
Rabies, Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. K
Smith, Philip Cnri,,. Henri tie
ig, U. W. Kell y, l'iul. D. A twitter,
raw turd and .lames I I c
I'onnan and llrooks llauoith
Special, Choice One-half Price
We wish to clean up just as nearly as possible
on our Ready Trimmed Hats and so we have made
another big reduction and will give you your choice
of any ladies' trimmed hat in theliouse for only
Half Price
Men's Jersey Ribbed Fleece
Lined Underwear
Special 37c
Some broken lots in Men's winter weight Un
derwear, mostly shirts, that we wish to close out
and you can have your choice for the garment
McKibbin Furs at Less Than )
tt nr i at .-
nan ineir value
We have quite a lot of these and we want to
close them out. We have sold a lot of these this
year and are anxious to close out what we have
left so you can buy these now for one half and less
than one half their value.
Special $1.98
We have quite a number of pairs of men's leath
er boots made of a very fine grade of calf uppers
with good double soles well made and finished.
These boots are worth $4.50 a pair. About all
sizes. While they last, the pair only
Special $2.98
Here is certainly a big bargain in Suits for
Young men. These range in price from $5.00 up
to $10.00 and $12.00. Good all wool suits in sizes
12 years to 20 years, in mixed grays, browns,
blacks and blues. These are not away back num
bers but good styles, and as for quality, why there
is nothing anywhere that can compare with them
in this respect.
Your Choice Only $2.98
Hood River's Largest and Best Store
Jurors Drawn.
The following jurors have been
drawn for the next term of the circuit
court: 11. M. Huxley, A. Whitehead.
Peter Saltzman, Jesse Ingalls. John
Sosey. J. H. Jackson, J. VV. Moore, W.
K. King. H. K. Duncan. II. .S. RhpiI
J. Nunamaker, L. K. Dart. J. A.
Thompson, K. L. Rood, f. Dethman,
II. II. lomlinson. Ceo. I. Slornm. M
mdergast, Andrew Pearson, Kdward
ige, VV. S. Nichol, S. E. Hartmess.
M. Parkins, F. H. Sherman, O. H.
Raker, P. L. Auhert, E. A. Morton. J.
W. Hicks, J. (). Tompkins. Fred E.
Newhy and f. VV. Reed.
A tvtedieval tvtegaphone.
A curiosity of great nntiipilt y In Mill
to he seen within St. Andrew's church
fit Willotightoii, near Cainsboroilgh,
says an English niagiiziiie. This Is a
(piainl .speaking trumpet with nu ob
scure early history, dating back to the
times of the Knight Templars. In
shape it resembles a French horn nnd
more than fixe feet long, having n
hell nt Ihe end of the gradu.'itgd tube.
It was formerly six feet In length, bur
Is now telescoped at the loints. where
the lnelal has aiumreiillr ileenv.,,1
raditlon declares it. xxas formerly
sounded from the tower to summon
Id In case of need, us when hlmvn
n height the weird, deep notes the
i-timpet produced eouhl he heard n
great distance nxviiy in bygone days.
is believed (hut this curious Instru
ment has often been used to call to
gether the villagers, Hum dispensing
xvlth the usual bell, ami to give niltli
lioiial power and slrenglli to the choir,
being then probably used by Ihe chief
singer, as the trumpet Intensities vocal
sound to a marked degree.
Hit Bills Were Queer, and So
Hit Eating and Praying,
In 171MI there died at Romford, In
Essex, England, a well known butcher
of that town named Wilson. Mr. Wil
son, It appears, was notable for his In
tegrity lu business and for the gen
tleness of his manners-two ijualities
which, perhaps, would scarcely have
entitled him to the notice of posterity
had lie not also exhibited n remarkable
addiction to psalmody, extraordinary
prolicleiiey in penmanship and a high
ly peculiar manner of eating his din
ner. .Such butcher's bills as he sent to his
customers had never been seen before
and have never been seen since. They
were nil exiptisilely written bv his
oxxn nana, tint the top ime would he. I "t even the gambler's chance, since
perhaps. In (iernian text, the second lu j be will be doing exactly what the
Roman letters, simulating the finest J powers back of the market want him
print: beef would be In one style of to do in order that they may as quiok
writing, mutton in another, lamb In a ' l.v as possible get his principal before
third, while each of these kinds of , It Is exhausted by the constant nibblim-
It is time to think about those roses and bulbs you are going to put in
fall, to have bloom next spring. Iietter gee the roses in bloom and pick
xx hat you want. We have a full line of shrubs, vines mul nnrunial r.i,..,...
A broker once told me that there I flowers and designs to order on short notice.
Advice to Those Who Would Buy and
Sell on Margin,
was one rule which he would give If
he dared to his customers to guide
them lu selecting stocks for trading
purposes. -Take a piece of chewing
gum; reduce it to an adhesive condl.
Hon, mold it into a form convenient
for throwing: throw It at the board.
ISiiy or sell-the stock Indicated by the
spot on the board to which it adheres.
Go to Europe for three months.' By
following tills advice, be said, the cus
tomer xvotild have a chance not much
of a chance, it Is true, but some chance.
If however lie rends the financial page
of the newspaper and listens to the
gossip In the brokers' offices, he has
not even
Phone 1972 M
Fletcher (L Fletcher
R. 1. Hood River
day en
near V.
incut u
Prof. VV
epci t,
evt i y vv
f,,',s' r
It is p
fill III .'.,1
cumin.-; i
a- ranch
I lulu si
made ,il
II. I.awr
of Pel
ll loll.
that, I, i.
l I'll. Oil
,v l.araxxay
I lie I j II
licit. it Kill of
as-vie1 that it was in
laieny. However,
wiviuv, ' it was ais.j
i c .pl.isivcs I'-hniiid not
ciio'.iM.y in iiicl.aids." iiitin tlu lu-.ii
hii An-..,'
e Hia-,,1,1
( '-, pel lir.e
1 1
i ti
ll al:
pi ni'li'
!.!-' e
t ui!i
XX 1 1
tl).. (a
il Soll.-tiell
son- point
ail'airs !,,r s.
reached in the prop
nitiTi' I voluntarily bv
,' of
Silii'iheisi nf ihe iU;h' Suii.
t.i' l'l'i and Water ('oinin;!.
'itv t'..i:i:cil in ti t ir rei-,,,1 1 i
il,' lt III! 1,1 t i, ill.
the xxal. v sitnat nm. ,,
in Heed liner nioiiu-iiuil
yen is, I as been
''d arbitration
the U iiiiaeetneht
" ' oh i t-iu-r .v l.ll.iu I ii., w hn
i. IV, r to withdraw the at. peal t the
.viipvemc Court, if the city xvill deliver
to them cold cash in lu u of the war
rants, xvl, it'll (hey declare are not valid
because of chaster rest rid ions, provid
ing fur an indebted!-.! ss ,,f t,,,v snm).
'tin' city metis the tr s stem.
('Id litigation .-.bould be tl'awii to a
cnncoision, i,0 biisiees of its eni.siriii--Hon
should be made debniic bt'fnie
nr-nt lit r summer fi lls hi ii, md, and the
plant it- , If sh"ii!, be uiak r w ay. If
l y the means pi, ;m:ed the t-,ueu;iUei'-nieii
can bring to a cm, elusion the lung
th'fei letl in,; tih, moot, they will de
serve ihe thanks of the whole com
imiii.ty. 'I l:e New present, which
they xvill preset to the citiz.'is of
(he city will le one to create deep felt
j "'.
VV lu-n we look at the coiidition of the
i-ti'ccts, it is impusilile to Iii tl any
rtiKutii-iii .ig.uiii any possilile delay tn
the water i.ysteui. It is the deferred
dt linite ai'litih of Piiiluing a iminicipnl
water system that is holding back the
street iu piovemei t. Cult! the city
mains aie laitl, the streeie should not
be paved. Hut the sxsUm should he
hurrietl so that the streets could he
"Jlie mail nf the two xveeks precei'tl
ing Christmas, and i specialty on the
days just before has been enormous,"
"ays J. P. I, oca"., postmaster. "Es
H'l'iaily have we ha I a large number
ol pa, -k.TgeK. 1 luring tiie two weeks
t 't ceding Vuletide, the packages reg
istered lit this ollice have tmntbercd
d'ei. We have receiv.d for tlisl ributinn
h,d r, iiislered packages. The ordinary
pai'liact s, containiiig ( bust mas pres
ents, have been received and sent nut
by the thousands."
VV I. ih; it is reported that with the
coming of the Christmas weeks the
po.-ois nt the postal savines banks
I'ost.dlii'es in 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 v cities were xvilh-
diiiwi!, air. Lucas says that the month
ol December has bt-cu one of the best
that he has had. At present the local
postal deposits total the sum t f Sl,2',ili.
Pi'stmliee money orders lflV0' 'y',
bun rather heavy during the p;,sl
xviek. (In one day in a very few min
utes imincy order.-; t the'ei,-,,i ..c
,ltiil were putchaied.
Costly Coats.
An Indian prince alter a court func
liipi in Loiulon went home for a chat !
xvilh a friend, also an eastern poten
tate, (m arriving he asked to be al
loxveil to take oil' his dress coat ami
then that his friend's private secre
lary might put It in the safe for the
night. It xxas u silk frock coat, but
tercup yelloxv and heavy xvilh Jewels.
"How much may you he xvoiih xvilh
ymir coat on':" the prince xxas asked.
"About foiin.mMi," xxas the reply.
"1 am a poor man beside you," said
his friend sadly. "My dress coat is
worth not much more than half that
A Question of Lo-3lity.
First Lady Utiest - We're so com
fortable here and the poor men home
working hard. Lei just i,,e to see
my husband smoking now, wouldn't
Second Lady Ctiest -Oood heavens,
no! My husband's dead! -Exchange.
Adding Insult to Injury.
First Hen Slopped laying?
Sl' "I Hon -Yes; they expect us to
nil Ihe niortiuige for the auto
runs ox or ns Harper's ita'nr.
meat would be still further distinguish
ed by a different color of ink.
He xvas a great friend to the church,
observing all its ordinances and a tri
fle more. Every Sunday he entertain
ed the congregation xvilh a solo, sing
ing the psalms by himself until the
minister came into the desk. And on
every fast day. while all the rest of
the congregation went home to their
refreshment and rest, between morn
ing and evening service, he never
quitted the church, but went about
from pew to pew repeating the Lord's
Prayer ami singing appropriate psalms
until he had performed these favorite
ilex tit ions in every pexv in the church.
He had a large appetite and seemed
determined that all Romford should
know it: for. Instead of sitting down
quietly to dinner in his back parlor, he
would usually sally forth into the
street xvilh a leg or shoulder of lamh
In one hand, a large knife In the oth
er, a small loaf of bread in his pocket
ami a handful of salt in the bend of
Hie arm which carried the Joint; and
thus equipped would perambulate the
town, eating as he went, until lie bad
consumed the whole of tills very sub
stantial meal. Chambers' Journal.
Advertised ( tiler List.
D .
ember IS. I'M I.
I..: Clarke. Mrs
Mis. .1. .1. ; Miller.
Mrs, Cora ; Toxvn
, K- E. ; Crone,
ri' ; n.-ihi. l. a
'.v. VV. T. ; Helms,
- II-: Hedges, C.
Hooper. W iih,. -
rratti Mercantile Co .l,i,.u,, i. i... '.
Ktllx . Pa. IV; l.oopa, l'wai'gi ; T.Mhc'
1'. I'.. : Mi. ass, John; McP-..-,!d. Jerry'
Mendenhall, C. K. ; Nelson, Earnest '
I orter, Ceo. C. ; Kichnior.d, Walter-'
occicy, x . r. ; Mupiev, (h,,s
Narain; .Smith, F. K. ; Tin, nip
I". ; Thompson, J. p. ; li.m. ,,,,
I he I hci ill Hros. ; VValho e ,
Watson Calm A: Kenneth: Will'
P.'oth, M,-s. M.
William E. ; Jordan,
Miss Helen; Miller,
-end, .Maty; Ihibs,
Rosello; Cross, IV
Douglas, Jack ; f ,
V. C ('') ; Hunter. .
VV, ; Honker, ,1. O
1' :
III -1
I 'at
I an
X el
A v,
xx ,,
Good Evening.
;ls turn, ,1 his4h
il S very l,i,;h
le I,,, n h.r s there,
iie.l iii a ch.iir
in m tnv lap,
il.itii; ti.ip
M.i in niii .Murine
n ti a I'l. He el ITidiic
c t lu .a t s siting there;
HI' sl!li,;; ,
tli on the s.-tll...
b's in th,. mi He.
i v late at inchl.
tclief In si-,t.
v I Heist en
t von realty, Jup?
"' Klat 1 "ll c.".ni,v
t ini emu. im iin"" savs sh
ain't a illekcna
i xi niiin for tne?
-t'inenu,, l-teeont-Herald
by TellllV-
ih.x daughter
i hose
Ihe Hotel
on, C.
L. A.;
Miiny Generations.
' of six general ions livin ts
11 Hills: "Dauirhter
to her daughter
lighter's dauchler , rt.
'ieofee Hakewell in the seven-
cc'itnry had imagined
more. lor In Ins "Apolo;
mat me nnilhei- s-ii.l
hiii Jite-r. -1 i.-iitchler
tcr led ,.T daughter
lei's daughter ha Hi
eiT'iiiiee lupine! hi
cemeuariaii only.
XX I ile.
ih'" ho
to her
bid thy daugli
that her daugb
a daughter." n
In the case of a
( iregon, are spendin
their parents.
Th Avvakeninn.
XT-I Iiienirted Moth..,- ,,r n,....
I - ' ' ' I'-l'iri i e
Pride (to soii.-i editnri And little
Dorothy, sister of the bride, who Is
ntid (" be a flower gtr!, xvill be dressed
neat i like a Dresden shenhcfdess win, .,m.
j en crook festooned with rosebuds and
is hcen w,,rk-1 A'oime V, ,!,-. r,..,,,, ti,.. k.-,..:
.11,11 IV. IV .HlllTillV. xvho
teaching school ,, i;lp
Ci'eeon nroviiie,! its
gu.'sts with a special Christmas dinner
r-.icn guest was iv.
xvith a souvenir program of
g Lester Murpl
mg in Portland
has been tcae'
now the Movable Effect Is Obtained
In Electrical Designs.
great many electric signs nre of
moving type. Walk down most
city street after dark and von
win see many illuminated signs of
novel and interesting design. Here a
long red and blue snake seems to bf
wiggling from the street to the top of
a building. On the other side a wheel
Is rapidly revolving, below It yellow
smoke is issuing in clouds from a huge
brown cigar. There is also a large
theater sign which suddenly flashes
into view, only to disappear after an
Interval long enough to rend It.
It is finite puzzling to the ordinary
pedestrian to explain the wonderful
light effects. It Is apparent that the
light is obtained from electricity, but
this Is about all that Is understood. In
such signs as where a snake seems fo
be wriggling along, a cat chases a rat,
volds (hat spell themselves letter by
h'ller and in nil other slmihir siena ttio
I effect is produced by a mechanical
I device called a "Hasher." which lights
I the tiny electric sign lamps In the or
der required to produce the effect.
'This Hasher Is driven by a tiny motor.
The Hasher Is made up of a number
of lingers, and each finger drops In its
turn upon a metal plate that Is elec
trically connected xvlth a certain letter
or series of letters, or. In fhe case of
the snake ov rat chasers, xvlth certain
bulbs. j'le flasher Is driven rapidly.
"thi In this way the snake can be
speeded around Its course very sxvift
ly. Where the only effect desired Is a
sign in which oue letter Is Illuminated
at a time the flasher becomes a much
simpler device, but in all cases the un
derlying principle Is the same. New
Vork Tribune.
of t he broker
"A well to dosuiun showed, his in
genue bride a check' for $1,800. 'Do
you see this check? Now xvith this
I'm going to buy sugar. Sugar is go
ing ui). and I'll give you the profits.'
Sugar went down, and he lost his
$1,800. The lady asked for an ac
counting. 'My dear, sugar went down.
The money Is lost.' 'And yon haven't
even any sugar?' she asked plaintive
ly. 'Not even any sugar?'
"As a means of making money spec
ulating on margin is worthless; as a
means to loss and ruin It has no rivals.
With the large number of sound in
vestments constantly offered by hank
ing houses to the public on terms
which offer a reasonable chance of in
creasing value, together xvith security
of principal and Income, It should no
longer be necessary for men and xvo
nien to put their savings into mnr-gliis."-Eilxviml
Sherwood Meade in
Measuring Moonlight.
The full moon is said to give a great
deal more than Iwiee tlte light of the
half moon. The ratio Is approximately
as nine to one. Taking advantage of
the extreme sensitiveness to light of
a selenium cell, experimenters have
measured the amount of light coming
from the moon at different phases,
with the result above mentioned. The
reason for t he remarkable difference
slioxxn is to be found In the varying
angles of reflection presented by the
roughened surface of our satellite to
the sun. The moon is brighter be
tween first quarter and full than be
tween full and last quarter. The
cause of this is evident lu the more
highly reflective character of that
part of the moon that lies west of its
XX anted -To rent it ritimli BtrHwhcmm or
orchard with youim Irees. In acres in, r
Willi), Box Hi, Rome .No. 1. j, '
Wanled-A pohiiion by expert primer win,
win courtlier t lav or
can lirlnit beat resulln
contract work. Atldrens,
Mosler, Ore.
VV. 1..
U res hack,
Wanted A contract to clear land. Will
clear fracts of lu to 75 acres. In writing KiVe
till particulars, terms, price, location, etc in
Irst teller. In order to save time. Wllllion
ltrowu, frludle, Wash., careo.W. K AN ro
For Hale or Trade Modern
8. J. Frank. Phone 217-M.
Ivrooiu cottage.
Wanted to Hent-A furnished or niifiir.
nlslied house, prefer live or six rooms, mod
eru. close In. c. mi,s with 0. Y K,,
wards A Co., phone 22H, B7tf
The Old and the New.
lie was an old timer slowly adapt-,
ing himself to modern customs and
acquired wealth. , He had progressed
as far as the open back shirt and was
f proud of If. The coat front xvas yet
to be attained.
"Just look at me," he said to some
friends calling on him while he was
dressing. -Ry heck: When 1 came to
this town 1 hadn't a shirt to my back,
and uow-noxv I haven't a back to my
sturtl Judges Library
Wanted Main pup. Fox terrier or oilier
small breed. Phone a K. a:s
For Hale-Good home grown timothy Iihv.
Hume 1st. L Herman 1'regg. dism2s
For Hale-82IU-L.
Alfalfa hay. K.
HenrlcliH. phone
For Hale-ChtcHeriitK piano, reasonable.
Addiess box, Hood Klver, ore. d.'sj4
For Sule-iihode tslund chickens client) lor
"Hsii, must sell, going away. Phone 27:(-K.
Address, 717 Kngeue Hireet. d"8
For Hale-1 2 Barred Plymouth Rock roos
ters, tancy Mock. A. Ostrander, 1014 Flue
street. i'S
Betty at the Age of Twelve
Played Richard 111.
Of all juvenile prodigies was there
ever one to compare xvith Master Bet
ty, the infant ItoieitK? I'l .. press of
the day voted him "a very extraordi
nary phenomenon, playing
marbles in a morning nnd Richard
111. in the evening; an in
spired being of exquisite
Judgment and sensibility, f,e
energy of whose delivery xvas such as
to leave all description nt a distance.
The intelligence of manner,
the eloquence of Hie eye when speech
was denied, the rapid yet judicious
transitions from prostrate atllictitm to
diguitied resentment, are qualifies
which a Garriek might display." The
Edinburgh manager xvas in fear that
the young actor's voice would not fill
the bouse. "My dear sir," said the
twelve-year-old genius, "I beg you xvill
be under no apprehensions upon that
score, for if my voice does not fill !
your house my playing will."
Writing for the stage seems always
to have attracted the prodigy. Doug
las Jerrold wrote his successful farce
More Frightened Than Hurt," before
he xxas fifteen, and Lope de Vega, the
famous Spaniard, xvas not fourteen
wheu his first play xvas produced.
Ami William Ireland produced his
Shakespeare forgeries, which were
good enough to deceive the learned.
when he was about fifteen. Loudon
Berlin's Outdoor Life.
lyernn is an amazing contrast to
Paris and London In the complete ab
sence of a leisured, well to do class
xvith outdoor tastes. It has no
Thames, no Raneliigh or Htirlingham,
no xveed-endy Brighton, hardly any
motoring do naughts. Its flat races
are intended by dowdy tens where the
rate courses within reach of London
are thronged xvith smart thousands. -Berlin
Cor. London Bystander
He Didn't Tell.
"Gee! Noxv tell me as man to man
what you would do if you were mar
ried to that woman."
"You fell me what you would do. I
am married to her."-IItiustou Post.
She-Why did you ask Belle to go
iin us: lie 1 snxv she xvas goin,
nnynoxv. and l didn t wish her to feel
mean over it.-Smart Set.
For Sale-Good home grown timothy hav
Hei man I'regge, phone lull,. marl..
Wanted Second hand l o i.
good condition. Mulleubk ..u.t, iienil M,,.
n,,j i?m "Jfsl!! maku' Phone Mi-K, morn
ing to 10 o clock or evening. us
For Hale-One of the finest young teams of
bay mares, ages (1 and 7 years, weighing
about am Also almost new harness and
wagon. Address A. L. McCiiuley, Odell If
For Sale-Hotel. As 1 have other work
which requires my time, 1 will otter for a
Hhor time my 20 room house at Underwood.
Wash., tor sale. Place has no com,,eIii,oa
and a promising future. Write or call on me.
Mry V.olsen. diwtf
For Sale-Poultry at once, as I must Intve
the room. Ciockrels from the following ikt,s:
Brown i Leghorns; 2 siraiusof White Leghorn
one of which is Hap nested strain. Two
Mrainsof Hlioile Island Keds n,, rtUu,,.i
one light s'rain. Also win i,.,,. ..a
roosters froin the following pens: Ply mom h
KiK'ks. KtlOdfi Is mid M,lu lli....... ,
Brown Leghorns. Also will 'sell one k Usn
potato limner at a hn,ui u- u ,-
Avalon Way. Phone 2122-b. sit tf
ForSale Lot and 4 mnm hm,w i,.h
electricity; city water In kitchen,' Willi sink
and drain to cesspool. Call 272M or No. 3. tf
For Hate ViA nitfu 7..a u ,
, v li j ,X cm. o ntTKB UU1
A Fault Finder.
iou were alxvays a fault finder,"
growled the wife.
es. dear, responded the husband
meekly; 1 found vou."
Dr. and Mrs. VV. R. Collie
Portland visitors last Saturday.
M..,.t..l.,l.l.Ui-U.U-i-i-i..i..i.i ......
4 J J
f Fare 50 Cents I
To Portland and Way
on the
Steamer Tahoma i
which leaves Teal Landing Mon
day, WednesJay and Friday at
8:110 a. n:. We have recently in
stalled a covered wai f boat, which
insures dry and clean handling of f
freight. For further information
Phone 226
j S. PAGE. Agent
g the holidays xvith
Ma, xx here is the waslirag? Juda
Plans For the Future.
She xvas a visitor to the prison, kind
ly and well meaning, and as she chat
ted xvith a burglar who had been sen
teiii-ed to sis mouths' Imprisonment
she thought she detected signs of re
form in him.
"Ami now," she said, "have yon any
plans for the future on the expiration
of your sentence?"
"Oh, yes. ma'am," he said hopefully.
"I've got th, plans of two banks ami
a I'ostoiliee." Stray Stories.
You've Wanted Something Better Than
Printing for a Long Time. You
Will Find it in the
At Ihe
fill OHIH tl HVno M (mil Pod nA
if'r MaiVy !Stock' Mrti- J' H- Shoemaker
, Un? or Hale-230 acres of land for sale
from (Ml per acre up. will sell In ai-acre
tract with part la trees. I:. J. tiatkins nlume
i ' .
F'orHale-1 work horse, weight LffiO pounds
true anywhere, price J75.(KI II taken now. J.
J. Kuapp, phone j2; X,
For Sale Cord wood,
F. W. lirown, Park.
For Hale
A bargain.
Tuexedo .Suit in good condition
See Huelow, The Tailor. tf
TYPKWRITKRS-For sale or rent on easy
terms. A. W.Outhank. aai-lf
For Hale Apple trees, Newtowns, Hpliz and
riley. jti2 uer himrit-arf iion, L-nou
miles 8. W.ofOdell. '' tf''
Notice At ihii htitni ui i:i.,iurUr,vx.i u.,
my disriiav of rti inrtf tin liuitrl uit-l. unit.
able for Christinas presents, baskets, em.
Droldery and fancy bead work, t all and Bee
me early. Mary V. Olsen. d7tf
IrfXSt Pair nose crlmae.
turn to lilin ier tor reward.'
name. Re.
An excellent onenlmr for ounania vcililiir
niau who can invest a few thousand dollais
in the company, to laket-hane nf ni,arull,,ns
on a aim acre commercial appleorchard which
s being developed in the White Halmon di
u ,,.L'y 8 relial,e company. Addressdrawer
K. White Haiinou, Washington. d2jt
High ar. rip n.oi a... n...,i.,
snipped from New York stale, coming fresh
Jan., ieb. and March If ,ic, ,,,u,inpM
will ship a car load. Parties u,u,l,, mill!
cow, win do we, to wre u MartfeI)UMih HU(1
orown.u.a, l.ith street, Portland, Oreon. jt
w e want relladle agents who can sell our
nigh-grade ft utt trees, grown at Kennewick
S-ii!,.?,,"k.?ne v"?y. Kxpenses advanced
h.r'?, y', rllPer lvi to fruit gi-owent,
ny Irof Van Holderbeke, for Ave years
XX ashlngton state horticulturist.
Van Holderbeke Nurseiy Co.,
Boys may be had and sometimes Kil l?. The
, i Rl ordinary wages and others to be
... u,,,cv( BmI careo for m
servient rendered.
F'or particulars ndriresa.
return for lltthl
Sum kin ,11-.... V, : :
jaiand, ore 'Q fWcle'y r 0r'u
Destruction or cutting of trees
within the parks of the city is posi
tively prohibited. Any and al! of
fenders will be vigorously prosecuted.
By order of the Common Council.
v City Recorder.