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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1910)
t HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 134, 1910 ill:: ! i 'mi. i t nnmr'-'-'iii -ii rliimiitTin- vi ffiiTlfirfc rjITTTj j V'Jiiiiiiriiiiiin 1 I'i;, The Peddler: who is he? How many buildings has he erected in Hood River? How much does he contribute to the schools, churches or the Commercial Club of Hood River? The Local Merchant: who is he? The man who contributes to all the above and then some. And besides that he gives you more value for your money than any peddler. Before buying compare our $45 malleable range with the $80 ones handled by peddlers. Don't be an E. Z. Mark. Investigate. We shall be pleased to show our line of reliable Ranges and you are not under the slighesl: obligation to buy. It is a pleasure to show the goods. Blowers Hardware Co. We Have Moved Call and See Us The grocery of Kinnaird & Kinsey has moved from the Heights to the room formerly occupied by Morlan & Latbrop at the corner of Oak and Second streets, downtown. A call to phone 78, the same old num ber, will give you prompt delivery of the best groceries. Kinnaird & Kinsey fi.T..Ti.T..T. When You Clear Land Come to us for the best Logging and Grubbing Tools. If your old ones are worth fixing we can make them good as new. Snow & Upson, Hood River AT THE OPERA HOUSE Sole Agents for Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges TTTtTl 0. P. DABNEY & B a litlPit An Appeal to the Force of reason will tell you that, inasmuch as we are extremely careful buyer we are naturally careful sellers. Try us and see. A. C. STATEN On the Heights "SUten Is Standard' Where Will You Buy YourRangc From a Pcddlar or Your Dealer? t.-t t-.t.. 1. t-T..i-.i.f.-.--.t..t. t Wo are now showing our fine large assortment of Heaters Stoves Ranges Furniture Linoleum Carpets Art Squares Mattings Rugs Tin, Graniteware In fact anything you need for the house. New and second hand. We make a specialty of Packing Furniture for shipment. Relin ing Heaters and Fur niture Repairing. SONS CoZ:rie THE RIGHT DIRECTION to go for pure, fresh and reliable Groceries is to make a bee line for our up-to-date store, where every thing ia of the best anil where qualities are uniform. Phone 136 The unsuspecting farmers who didn't hear our call, But paid enormous prices for Ranges plain and small , repented when we showed them the error they had made,in buy ingof a peddlar the forty dollar grade and paying over eighty while careful buyers bought finer larger, stronger ones, for what a feller ought. Profit by this lesson, friends, and keep your dorg about, or the peddlar "'ill get you if you don't watch out." (Apologies to Brakespear) G. C. IIAWORTH GETS A SQUIRREL Friends of G. C. Haworth are tel ling a story about his great success as a hunter and he is said to hold the record for hitting the same squirrel nine times before knocking it out of a tree. Chipmunks are plentiful on Mr. Haworth's west side ranch, and a few weeks ago he procured a 22 riile and started in to exterminate them. He was successful and landed a few every day. One of the members of the household plunked a chikmunk in the act of running off with a pumpkin the other dav and wishing to give the crack shot of the family a chance at the little beast, the squirrel was nailed into the forks of a tree in the barn yard. A few hours later Mr. Haworth came along and spotted the little brown rodent in the tree. He hurried to the house and secured a gun. He opened (ire on the chipmunk, but the animal stuck to its place. The gun man was pretty sure that he was hit ting the squirrel and could not under stand why it did not fall until as he fired the ninth shot a chorus of laugh ter came from the house and he real ized that he was being joshed. Jtoth Speedy and Effective This indicates the action of Foley Kid ney Pills, as 8 Parsons, liatllo Creek, Mich, illustrites: "1 have been afflicted with a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble for which 1 found no relief until I used Foley Kidney Pills. These cured me entirely of all my ailments. I was troubled with backaches and severe shooting pains with annoying urinary irregularities. The steady use of Foley Kidney Pills rid me entirely of all toy former troubles. They have my highest recommendation." C. C. Plath. Medford Apples Get Spot. Professor O'Gara, chief inspector of Jackson County, believes that ho has discovered that the black spots which broke out on apples in several cars shipped East from Medford this fall, were due to soluble matter in the arsenate of lead used in spraying the fruit. The apples when they left Medford, were in the best condition, but when they began to sweat, the soluble mat ter, which had entered the pores, caused small cavaties beneath the skin. Many of the prize apples sent to the display at Minneapolis were thus effected. Medford Special to Oregon ian. Not Sorry For liluiider "If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of con sumption, I might not be alive now," writes I). T. Sanders, of Harrodsburg, Ky., "but for years they saw every at tempt to cure a lung-racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discov ery. The effect was wonderful. It soon stopped the cough and 1 am now in bet ter health than I have had for years. This wonderful life saver is an unrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, lugrippe, asth ma, croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c, $100. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Chas. M. Clarke. Indian Celebration. At Johnny Slaughter's pla"ce on Indian Hill the Indians have been hav ing a powwow for the past two or three weeks. The latter part of last week a papponse died on Sunday and was taken to the burial ground on the hill, the ringing of a bell accompany ing the procession. On Sunday they held meeting at Timothy George's place adioining the town on the north. The Indians oall their religion the Shaker reliigon, but a large part of it is superstition. At each end of the building they have a small fire going and at the signal they divide and dance around the fires, swing their arms and pounding old drums and tin pans. If a white person happens in and laughs they put him out and the dancing, pounding and hollering becomes furious in order to drive the "evil spirit" out. White Salmpn Enterprise. Many school children suffer from con stipation, which is often the cause of seeming stupidity at lessons. Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle in their effects, anil will cure even chronic conttipation. Sold by all dealers. MERCHANTS' ASS'N VERY MUCH ALIVE In the current number of the Oregon Merchants Magazine some complimen tary things are said of Secretary K. H. Hartwig, of the Hood River Mer chants' Association and E. Brayford, one of the most prominent members. The Hood River association has the reputation among the leaders of the movement in the state as being one of me most iiveiy urguiiuuions in ure gon. The magazine thus testifies the good worKS oi Mr. uariwig: "Some months ago we ran an article on "Dead Secretaries, " referring, of course, to the secretaries of many of tne Mercnants Associations through out the state. We wish to sav em phaticallyl that our statement did not refer to rJ. a. Hartwig, Secretary of the Hood River Merchants' Associa tion. Mr. Hartwig is always on the lookout for things of benefit to his members." In prefacing a letter from K. Dray ford, who is third vice-president of the State association, the editor said: "From the pen of the bard of the beautiful Hood River Valley come complimentary lines anent the recent visit of President Perry to that hot bed of organization spirit." aTTberal offer. We Guarantee to Cure Dyspepsia, If We Fail the Medicine Costs Nothing. To unquestionably prove to the peo ple that indigestion and dyspepsia can be permanently relieved and that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will bring about this result, we will furnish the medicine absolutely free if it fails to give satisfaction to anyone using it. The remarkable success of Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets is due to the high de gree of scientific skill used in devising their formula as well as to the care exercised in their manufacture, where by the well known properties of liis-niuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with Carminatives and other agents. liismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recognized by the entire medical profession as invaluable in the treatment of in digestion and dyspepsia. The pepsin used in Rexall Dyespep sia Tablets is prepared by a process which develops its greatest efliciency. Pepcin supplies to the digestive ap paratus one of the most important elements of the digestive fluid, and without it the digestion and assimila toin of food are impossible. The carminatives Jprocess proper ties which aid in relieving the disturi bances and pain caused by undigested food. This perfect combination (of the ingredients makes a remedy in valuable for the complete relief of indigestion and dyspepsia. We are so certain of this that we urge you to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets on our onw personal guaran tee. Three sizes 25 cents, 00 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at- The Rexall Store. Carl A. Plath. Hood River's Fame Sent Abroad. Telegraphic advice that the Hood River apples won first prize at the National Apple Show at Spokane last week was sent to the officers of the National Land and Fruit Show which opened at Chicago Saturday, and a dis play of this fact will be made at the Oregon exhibit at Chicago. William McMurray, general passenger agent of the O. R. & N. Company, who will be in Chicago to take part in the "Oregon and Washington day" exercises November HO, has advised agents of the road to advertise the Hood River premium apples. Glacier Ownership Maps. Up to date blue print, present, owner ship maps of the Hood River valley are for sale at the Glacier office. This map is in two sections, the lower and the upper valley. It has the roads and streams marked and the names of land owners written over their tracts. The price of the map complete is f 1. It ill lie sent to any address postpaid upon receipt of the price. N.V. MARKET LOADED VIRGINIA USES BOX Reports in the eastern fruit trade papers are to the effect that there have been heavy receipts of Western box apples in New York, but in snite of this market has been fairly steady. Prices quoted lor flood Kiver apples are not as high as in some other years, but they are the top prices listed and there is a fair margin of profit for the buyers at that end. As all the Union pack was sold F. O. B. here the growers have no immediate gain or loss resulting from the price received by the jobbers. Many consignment shippers are not getting altogether satisfactory results. Some Watson ville California Newtowns were only netting the growers 35 to 55 cents a box. Hood River Newtowns have been selling in London at $3.25 or twice as much as the English are paying for the California apple. A letter in one of the papers from Richmond contains the following. "We notice that our Virginia people have gone very heavily into the box business. The Rose Cliff Orchard proper brought an experienced packer from Hood River and the effect is very perceptible." YOU TAKE NO RISK. Our Reputation and Money Are Back of This Offer. We pay for all the medicine used during the trial, if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipa tion. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way what ever, if you accept our offer. Could anything be more fair for you? la there any reason why you should hesti tate to put our claims to a practical test? The most scientific, common sense treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten like candy. They are very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in action, and particularly argeeable in every way. They do not cause nausea, diarrahaea, flatulence, griping or any inconvenience whatever. Rexall Order lies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. We urge you to try Rexall Orderlies, at our risk. Two sizes, 10c and 25. Remember, you can get Rexall Rem edies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store. Carl A. Plath. Humboldt county on the coast of Northern California has succeeded in raising fine apples and this year three carloads from that section were ex ported to Australia. SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVER COMMERCIAL CLUB Meet, very tecond Monday Id eco month l I p m., in the club room, over Jarkaon'i store. , . n Chas. Hall, Pre. J. C. Skinser, Secretary. BOOD RIVER LOLKiE NO. 106, A. F. and A. M.-.Mt Saturday evening ou or before ech full uioou. K . 8 a vau c, W . M I). McIionai.o, Secretary. Hood Klver (Yminmtidery No. 12, K.T Mwla every tint Tuendav evenluif PHl'bmoutll. H. I,. liASHKOt'CK, K.C K. O. Hlaimlnr. Recorder. UlKlO K1VKKCHAPTKU NO. fOCXTWZ Mwt first and third Friday nights of eura niontti. c. N. CLAKKK, H. P. Rkv. W. C. Oilmokk, Secretary H( .it. .ma 1J-.I V. , W. 1. CT. UwltBIUMAII.I U..H 1. 1. ....... Mtft UlVk'U IHOlni'l'U . it .uvv.nxi.uu auu iuui iu A ueminy evening Of each month. Visitor cordially welcomed Mrs. Khancim ottkn, W. M. Minn Meki.k Hlis.n, secretary. IULKWILDK IjOUUK NO. 107, I. O. O. P. Meet in FraHTnal hall, everv Thursday A. WnioN, N. U. Uko. Thomson, Secretary KDKN KNI'A Jl eI k'N I- Nil l I f i. y Rctitilar niectlmr second and fourth M,il.,iu'v jf each month. J. II. Fkkiii win ( v Uko. SHKi'ABl), Scribe. LaUKKL, RKKKKAH IXJDOK NO. 87, 1. o. o. r. .ieei nrsi ami mint Aiouaays in eacu ni. 'lllll. TllKKkJA M. 1'aw-nkk, n. u. kti'ib M. Moskm, Secretary. K KM V LODUK, No. 1K1, I. O. O. K.-Meets In. mien una Fellows' nail every Sat ur day night. Visitors cordially welcomed. W. A. Look man. N. ti Oko. HiiKi'Aiin, Skc. UAZFX RKHKKAH I.OIMJK No. 15B, l.O.O.F. ieeu me ursi Him unru i uesuay eveuing lu each month In the Odd Fellows Hall, seven miles sciilh of Hood Ulver, R. 1). 1. Mrs. Mae Khrck, N. (I. Mrs. Uertrude Clark. Sec, W.O. W, meets the At and 4th Wednesdays enru uiuiiin ai iv. oi r. UHii. isuors cor dially Invited. W. A. F.BV, O. C. F1.0VU Sl'UKi.IN, Clerk. HOOD RlVKROIRCl.K NOi 521, WOMKN OF nwHicran-Meetaal K. of F. hall ou the first and Third Thursdays of each month. Mim. Wm.Uaniiru. N. w Doha IIakbhtt, Clerk. WAUCOMA LODUK' NO. JW, Kf oK i- MevU In K. ol P. hall every Tuesday night. Aitrui'it ci.ahkk. :. - Lewis S. Isknukko, K. of R. and S. UOODRIVKRCAMP.NO. 7,702, M. W. A.- aieeis in i. u, u. r. nan every Wednesday night. A. 11. chump, V. V. El). MAYKH, Clerk. tt!V KR8IDK LODUK NO. HS A. O. II. W.- uecis tirsi aun iiura Saturdays ir each mouth. K. K. CuaI'SIan, M. W. UKO. humus, Financier CUKMTMt SluiTK. Recorder. OLKTA ASSEMBLY NO. 103, UNITED ART- isans.-ftieels tne first and third Wednes days, work; sccoHd ami fourth Wednesday! Artisans' hall. C. D. Hinhichh, M. A. W. H. Austin Secretary. OOURT HOOD R1VKU No 42, KOKKSTKRH oiiAiiienca, jueeis every i nursday eveulug at H o'clock. Wm Kl.BMINO, 0. R. F. 0. liRosies, Secretary . OANBY KMT, NO. 16, 0. A. R.-MKKTH AT A. o. u. w. hull, second and lourth Satur days of each mouth at '2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. R. members Invited to meet with us. Kkkd Di ktz, Commander. 3. F. Bl.YTUK, Adjutant. ANhY W. R. ('., No. lf.-MEE'll MKl'OND aud fourth Saturduys of each Mouth lu A. O V. W. hall at 2 p. in. UlWI Tl lilt ill VlllV May Fkknai.u, Secretary. MOUNTAIN IIOMECAMF No. 84ii9, R. N. A. meets hi 1. u. o. r . nail on llie second and fourth Fridays ol each month. Mrs. a. R. CHUMP, O. Mrs. C. U. Da kin. Recorder. PiVMTtll Lruim.1 kj,. oi in km i, meet first aud third Fridays of each month at K. of I', hall. Carson I'res. AUO. UUIONAHD, Sei. MT. HOOD I.ODUE No. '205, 1. 0. O. F. Meets every Saturday eveuing in untune s null Ml. Hood. A. M. KK1.1.KY. N. U. U, W. lusuiiK, Sec. H(K)I) HI V Kit VALLEY HUMANE HOCI ETY Hood Klver, Ore. E. II. llurtwlg, I'res. F. U. Coe, Hoc. Leslie Butler, Trca. UKEUON UHAI'K RKBEKAH LODUK NO. tni, i. li. (i. r . Meets second and tourtn Wednesdays In each mouth In Urlhhle's Hall, Ml. llis)d,Ore. Mrs. Mamie Dlinink k. N. U. Mrs. Nettle Urllible, Sec. WAUNA TKMl'LE, No. fl, I'YTHIAN HIS 1 Kits, meets every llrst and third Tuesdays of each mouth. Ocorglana Isenberg, M. K. C. Kate M. Frederick, M. ol it. aud C. MT. HOOD COUNCIL No. S. It. A S. M. Meets 1 MitMinlc Hull every third Tuesday In eh mouth. eac W. r . Laraway, 1. 1. M, I). Moe, Kec. 0. K. & N. Time Table. WKST HOUND No. it, Fast Mail (Mail Only). .4:50 a. m. V o 1 ..I .1 1.. Ir.ffK m. .), i oniuiiu nyer if.ooa. in. No. 7, Portland Local 7:48 a. m. No. ft, Ore. & Wash. Epress..8 :110 a. m. ik. 11 Kito.Klmliitm.Pnrtluml Q - fill a m No. 1, Portland IOcal 4:30 p. m. No, 17, Ore. A Wash. Limited inouu. 1 unman; o .to p. in. KAST POUND No. 2, Baker City I-ocal 10:35 .i. lit. No. 1H, Ore. & Wash. Limited (Solid I'ulln.aii) 11:55 a. m. No. 8, Tbe Dalles Ixical 0:20 p. m. No. 4, Spokane Flyer 7:55 p. in. No. 10, hast Mall (mail only) 8:'ir) p. in. No. fl, Cru. and Wash. Kxp... 10:20 p. in. No. 12, Hoo-Spokane-Port 12:55 a. m. FREDERICK A ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS la4iaMtMirftltb4 all kladaW wwfc 1 iio dm: t2EZXL& BOX WOOD Call phono 70x for box wood from the Stanley-Smith box factory at Iielmont. Delivery made any place. J. T. Holman See FRARY & TUCKER 1123-12th Street FOR SPECIAL BARGAINS TEN ACRES, cleared and plowed, fine location. $4,500. ELEVEN ACRES, all improved, near famous Tucker orchard; $8,500. TWENTY ACRES, all improved, 10 acres orchard, $20,000. $6,000 cash, any old terms. FIFTY-EIGHT ACRES. 17 orchard, 15 bearing, $36,000. $10,000 cash terms on balance. AT LAST i per and 4 lbs. best Popcorn, 50c. CROCKERY Our whole crockery line is over flowing with things you need at prices easy o pay. Hut there is nothing anywhere to compare with our genuine Hood River Souvenir Plate Our foreign decorator has been a year in getting these to us. !.'( while they last. Your friend will think you have sent a $5 present and it is sure a booster for H. R. TOYS TOYS It would take pages to describe the culmination of a eur'n effort to import a line not exceeded in desir able variety anywhere. This and the prices possible through direct purchase and import takes all the business. The Dolls are a sight ; also Doll Furniture, Go Caarts, etc. Always needed FlimitllTe A lasting present, Three car loads carefully selected justifiesyour spend ing days in selecting every present needed from this mamoth stock. Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co. Call at the Hood River Market For the very best of everything in the MEAT line. We enn give you what you want. ANDREW KERN, Manager Phone 92 Young Building. Third Street Statement of the Condition of the Butler Banking Company Hood River, Oregon At the Close of Businass, Nov. 10, 1910 Resources: LLouns ami Discounts 1520,027.70 Bonds and Warrants 12,8.'t7.70 Utlice Fixtures and Furniture 5,1.71.00 Cash on Hand and in Other Dunks 1 5.1,508.81. .fW.V05.:iO Liabilities Capital Stock -ft 50,000.00 Famed Surplus ami Undivided Profits 52,220.07 Deposits 591 ,,'178 i Fresh Flour and Feed COPYRIGHT., A SUCCESSFUL BAKING Follows the use of White River and Golden Crown Flour, When yon hake bread, pirn, rakes or any kind of pawtry yon will find thii Flour a sale and reliable standby, Try it once and you will never use any other. STRANAHAN & CLARK HOOD UIVKlt, ORF.G0N. SMITH BROTHERS Successors to Jackson & Jackson Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruit and Vegetables. Flour and Feed We Give All Orders Careful Attention and Make Prompt Deliveries. PHONE 47 PROMPT DELIVERY case where combination DaVS VOU. A niW stppl Pnn. Hardware Presents 2,000 Factory Samples. Carvers, Razors, Scissors and Pocket Knives offered at any price. Bought at lump prices they will be sold cheap. Sleds, Skates, Guns, thousands of fine presents in this department. The tool chest assortment is worth a look and the boy should be encouraged. 2oc to 81 5. The Celebrated White River & Golden Crown Brands. - . - . Made From Selected Hard Wheat 1 k s tr