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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1908)
Ettas nit?ii3 k&& i&h&vki. ukkon B9,ifto3. OREGON XKWS IN BRIEF, The Castle Hoik Frultgrowert A relation was formed last week. The capital atock was fixed at 1 10,000. The aecond annual convention of the achool officera of Lino County waa held In Albany last week. The Engene Commercial Club will take census of the city this tprlnj. The State census of 1905 gave Ea Kene a population of 6.000. 8tate Grange Organizer Voorhee has organized a new grange at Ir lng, with a membership of 45 on the charter. It will be known as Irln Grange. The Washington sheepmen who brought their flocks Into Oregon from Washington last season without com plying with the Oregon laws con cerning Inspection and dipping, wera lined $100 in the Circuit Court at Pendleton last week. Schwartzschlld & Sulzberger, the biggest Independent firm of meat packers in the United States, will build a packing plant In South Port land costing $1,500,000 if the council will permit the establishment to be located within the city limits. While a clerk was engaged In weeping the floor at Culver'a cigar tore in Roseburg a coin sack con taining $27, that had Just been re moved from the safe and laid mo mentarlly on a billiard table, was tolen by some unknown person. W. C. Chase, a member of the lower house of the Legislature of 1907 from Coos and Curry countie. has filed his petition with the Secre tary of State declaring his candidacy for renomlnation ou the Republican ticket for the same office. The Senate public buildings com mittee has reported favorably on Senator Fulton's bill appropriating $50,000 for a public building at Albany, and authorized a favorable report on a similar amount for Pendleton building. When Colonel W. F. Butcher of Baker City arose the other morning he found that his trousers, whioh he had laid on a chair by the side of his bed, had been removed and a search disclosed them on the back porch with $ SO missing from them P. A. Worthlngton, representing the Oregon Eastern Railroad, has filed at the United States land of fice at Burns the amended maps of a railroad survey and location through Malheur and Harney counties. His presence gave rise to much talk of early construction. Roy Collins, electrician in charge of the Portland General Electric sub station at Wacon, on the Oregon electric line, touched a live wire and received a shock of 31,000 volts of electricity. He was severely burned on the face and arms and rendered unconscious for a time. George A. Dorrls, C. S. Williams, F. E. Dunn and A. C. Woodcock, all substantial citizens of Eugene, have Incorporated the Asparagus, Cherry and Walnut Company, with a capital stock of $50,000'. They purchased, last fall, the old "Dicky" Robinson farm, seven miles north of Eugene After being locked up all night and deliberating for 17 hours, the Jury in the case of the State of Ore gon against Louis A. Kroschel, euarged with violation of the local liquor law at Albany, reported in court that an agreement was impos sible and was discharged. Peter ChristenSen of Oregon City had a narrow escape from death by falling 15 feet from the second floor of the beater room of the Crown Columbia Pulp & Paper Company'a mill. He struck on his head on a pile of soft pulp, and this was the only thina that saved him. One leg was bruised and his head was badly cut. The most enthusiastic mass meet ihg ever held 'in Roseburg occurred Friday night, when 500 representa-J Uvea' of 'the; city assembled to hear Tom Richardson deliver ah address upon Improvements and progress In the State of Oregon. At the conclu tan of the speech $6,400 was ralaed tor advertising purposes. . Mr.. John Riha, Vining, la., says: "I iiaKd Wn BPllinur DeVVitt's Kidney and Bladder I'ills fur about a year and they Kive lietter satisfiiction than any pill I ever sold. I have used them mycell with nue results." bold Dy Cass. trouble which art Inherited, we posi tively know that this D. D. D. Pres cription, whenever righll need, will cure every last case of genuine Eczema or other skin trouble, which did not ex ist at birth. We know thia. Anyway yon; your-1 sell, will know that v. D. V. Prescrip tion instantly takes away the itch the moment it Is applied to the skin. Keir 4 Can. Hood River, Oregon, btop that itch todav instantly. Just call at onr store and try this refreshing and tooth-1 ing liquid; also ask about. V u, u. 80a p. . Vote R lor State InlTemltr. East Oregon Ian. Pondletot. Or. It is to bt sincerely Doped tnai tut vot er of Oiegon past the University of Urwon appropilatlon bill at tot com- log election, rot bill will Dt on tot oilioial ballot toi a referendum vote. Oregon cannot afford to have itfsaid that tht refused to build op her state university. She cannot an or a to dtive her young men and women to I Washington and Idaho to teourt el hisber education. Union KeDDblioan Amonff tit ref erendum bills that will tome before I the people this spring will bt ont that deals with tht appropriation for the state university at Eugene, and unless I tht signs are misleading It will M ap proved by an overwhelming majority, I and it is ud to eastern Oiegon to do Its part In this matter. A state tnai strangles it educational institutions is a eood one to set out or. ana ure son does not propose to bt in that alsoa Dailv Herald. Columbia. Mo. : in Oreson the referendum has been .In voked by persons dob tile to ine sum university to tie ud tot appropua tiona for that iustitutlon. At the last geneial assembly of Oregon a bill wai passed increasing tbt university ap propriation from 47,&uu to sr-,uw. "Yes" for Hood iver County Also see our line of Fine OAPS TOILET A vertible saponaceous treat. At prices that will cause you the utmost astonishment. Esson & CiisTin Graduate Pharmacists Phone .66 Successors to HALL & ESSON Moderate Rates Excellent Service YnAn la tndav the bestknown remedy far all itlanrderi of the Stomach. Itich as Ibt bill had praotlcally a unsnlmousl(jVgDepsi heart burn.sonr stomscli and . - 1 . . I Una i . ' . . . n 1 I I t' .: I. t.. DelcDing 01 gas. ooiu uy icir u . Kiss Her. Say, young man t If you've a wife mss ner. Every morning of your life, Kiaabei. Every evening when the sun Marks the day ot labor done Get you homeward on the 'run - nise net. Even though you're teeling mad, Kiss her. It she's out of sorts and sad, Kiss bar. Ant as If you meant it too; Let the whole true heart of you Speak its ardor when yon do ' kiss ner. If you think It "soft" you're wrong, Kiss her. Love like this will make youNtiong, Kiss her. Von'ra her husband now, but let Her possess her lover yet. Every blessed chance you get, iim uer. Every good wife likes ber man, iviss ner. Be a man then, when you oan ; Kiss ber. If you'd strike with telling force At the evil of divorce, Just adopt this simple course; kiss ner. J. Daly in Catholic Standard. LISTEN and reme.nber the next tiino that you suffer from pain canwd by damp weather when yonr head nerriy Dnrsts from neuralgia try Ballard's Snow Lin iment. It will cure you. A prominent busiieKS man of Hempstead, Texas, wri'es: "1 have used youuiuimeni. Previou to u-ing it 1 was great suffer er from awl neuralgia. 1 oin pleased to y that now 1 am free from Uiew complaint,- i '.am ,u" .owe una to your, iiniuwuii.; -,-.omi..uj Chas. N. Clarke. . , , . , ..... i4? .. .'Lost an Eye.1 'Mrs. Joseph Kloker has just return ed from, the Hood River hospital, here she went to consult JJr. uuaries W. Edmunds, an eye specialist, it was neo ssary to remove the right eye on acoount of the viruleuoe of the other eye. The operation was suc cessfully performed, and Mrs. Kloker expressed great giatitude when seen by our representative ou ner remiu home to (lotdendale, because ot the dot treatment, reeeived from Dr.. Ed munds. Goldendale Agri. . vote in the seneral assembly. Mow, however, it must, upon petition from a number of voters, be appioved at the November election. In the mean time, of course, tbeuniveisity suffers. To have the people veto I he legitimate appropriation bill would not only oripple high education In Oregon, but be a blow to tbe system or reiertu- dum. It is to be hoped that there Kill he no Hiinh result. Knoane Rett ster. The people OI Oraann are ronsina ud to the taot that to atrika at the state university is to wonnd the state In a vital spot and Inflict injury from whioh it wilt taka years to recover. Nothing would glva Oiegon a blaoker eye with Intending homeseekers all over toe union man for the voters to say they art opposed to hicher education. If people ffho live in Oreson. or oome to this state, have to send their sons and daughters tn outside universities in ordei to olve them a homDlete education., they will be disposed to move to int aia-es where such means of education are nnhftld wkh Dride by tbe people. To oarry the referendum against the state university will be tbe beginning ot a Dnnernl movement asainst all forms nl advance-! education. UuhIIt result Inn in slim nation of all but puonc schools. If Oregon should beoome tne onlv state in tbe Union wltbout a ate university, it wouia ue me oue state held ud to tbe ecoru cy me whole civilized world as tbe spot on tha Paniflo oosst to stay away Irom as they would evade a land infested with tbt plague. MO CASE OF RECORD. There is no case on record of a O'Ugh or cold resulting in pneumou a or con sumption after roieys Money ami iar has been taken, as it will stop your cmiyli and bak ud vour cold quickly. Refute but the itenuine roleyo Honey ami Tar in a vellow package. Contain no opiates and is safe, and Wurt.y t lark Drug Store. ' ... .. : At the River Crossing; An Allegory. We sat by tbe river band In band, JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise Fancy Grocer ies Flour and Feed and Lumbermen's Supplies, Free Delivery. Home Phone HOOD RIVER, OR. RETAIL WHOLESALE THE DALLES NURSERIES R. H. WEBER, Prop. THE DALLES, OREGON. GROWER AND DBALUt lit GRAPE VINES AND SMALL FRUITS Rotes and Shrubbey. FRUIT, SHADE ORNAMENTAL ... EvtetMi TREES Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. Keir & She Pinned a Rose en Me. Bba sweetly bit the stem off short ' iniVnlnnad' a. roae on me; She had to slightly rata her head, . - - .mall vmi'MAA 1 ' J? Or BUB 01. ...... J And we were all alone Just then. She eweetly bit the stem off short And pinned a rose on me. I pressed my hps upon her Hp. i-.a AvAnwAH mv eves. ok. AiA not anv. 'How dare you. sirv r,,f v.. vm1 ,-ift. hanDV sighs. She was my mother, sweetheart. alL I pressed my Hps upon ner mm, . A-t i- full our eve: Oeorge Cookman Watson In New Tort Praia. . . ' . . - ; ETZEMA KOV( CCRABIaE. ill Itrhlna-.Skin Diseases Which Are , ot Heretlitu j Kelleved oy Oil uf Wiutergrren. Can Ecsema be cured? jf Soine rhysicians say ' xes. t ,.r;V.r..!on is. "What is meant The real q hv Err-ema?" erui)tionf, those ";.'"i".nA -rhaos not until ?frln. ...ti,n ihfre csn uo ioniser "nvauestion that these form. o,f E sir a nnratita. ' - l "S "l. tslile oil of. wintererrf 11. rnixeU with other vfgetmbMiirert . .11 .iotiiii lhnt infest th ". 'in.mlv the .afui Hch.i's BKIIl, "' ' i h Iliillilf'U nnderinslv. Throngs were crossing ids stream . . & J At.-I 1 t us. near as, ail buoyant, joyiui, ukul hearted and merry; Tender little annla swHrmina like baDDV bees in tbe sunlight, looking forward to tbe hiloht land Into whioh tbey were innrotiTlukT. danced up from the mys tical Klver bank ana trippea out iuio tbe wide expsuse ot tbe country ahead of them. " Wheie do you come from, merry nhlMrnnV we asked. "We oome from across tne Kiver, tbey answered, and ilauoed joyously " . . . 1 . We looked but we couja noi see me other tide. Mo one has ever been able to see from bank to bank. It it a wide, musical, mystical stream, ana over this rippling ford tbe tbroous ihAnsaantlv'Dour. We cannot see tbe waves wbiob make music fur our ears, We oan bear their.' lisping ana,, we know it is a wide, deep Stream but it cannot be awesome tor. have not these naked Souls crossed Into our lauo, faarlnaalv and DjeriilvT rf - - "WhHhei do you so. nappy onuu rn?" ota asked. 'Ah, have you not near a t we go into wide, new Country called Liiie; thv aav it is beautiful and ipleudld. Wh are hurrying to get iuio u buu- ahlne. its bowers, its glorious exper iences. Do not Dinaer us, lor we era in hnrrv to tsste its joys, bbould we not te exceedingly nappy?.. Let us ianna on Into the sanliabt wnlon we can see from tbe River bunk here.' WW Al Sunset we bad wandered down thA ft) war a short distance. It waa tbe same stream wide, aeep. mnainol mvfttiRal. U D6X OlS I DBd. inniraH hut aould not see tbe faitb er ebore hete. ; No oue:bd't been able to see from bank to Dank a. inn plaoe -It was a lord, also, -andncross tbe River thronged, eren as great a miULitiirifl. on! nil iu. BU ODPOSitt Ol- " . . 1 I 1 rant nil. l'bev were oua aowo imu the luunnui log stream fearlessly, al- ihabI inrnnalv. r They weie older now, laden with ex perience, iinssttnea. r'pt. it. jwa, , i tthr hare vou beeu?' 'We asked nl tha thrnniri ooina down t.tjje lord. Ah have vou DO. oearai k... haan in that atranse.sreat ioua tr ealled Life. Only tbia morning .... . . L . . .Ik.. . A4 ma mam V.HI KlLLl II U II IUB. UllUBr IW1U h. .hinh entered tbls lauo, e wandered Iar into itg- mazes, tasted if a olnriAA. nluoked iti fruits una its Wonderfol-lalum We have traversed it to toe lannereat hnrAar ami -now we ait KOI OS aca. ..MILLER'S DRUGSTORE.. Has just received a shipment of American and Im ported Perfumes, Lundberg's, ltieger's, Koger & Gal lett's in bulk and presentation boxes. The Finest Imported Soaps for the Toilet Toilet Setsj Fancy Tapetrie, and many other ar tides suitable for Presents. On the Heights,- ' Hood River, Ore. Why Go Down the Hill? Hotel Waucoma A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE P. F. F0UTS, Prop. Farmer's Dinner Hood River, Or TIIOS. CALKING WALTER ISEXBERO Riverside Dairy We can supply you with any quantity of Fresh Milk PRICES ON APPLICATION Free Delivery. Phone 414 GOULD & SNYDER PLUMBING Steamland Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. S. E. BARTMESS UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Dealer in Furniture and Building Material BUY CUPID FLOUR c. p. R. Next Door to McGuIre Brothers. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired All work done with Electric I roi) and guaranteed Neglected Coldx. Every part ol the mnedua mein- hraue, the noee, throat; ears, head and Iuniti, etc.. are aubiected to disease and blight iroin negieciea coiu. uKumu Uorebound syrup is a pieaeani auu ei- lective remedy. 1 ... . t it- Vf Ilia Tawao v. AKeiiarica, iiojr raino, writes: I have used JBaiiara i nore- hound Syrup for cougha ana tnroai trouble; it ia a pleasant and moat ef fective remedy.' Sold by Cuag. " N. Clarke. Tbe Dalli-i Not in Ir. At tbe regular meeting of the mem bers ot tbe Busineea Men'a Aiaocla tioD last week it waa decided that The Dallea ihould not be represented at tha Koae Carnival to be beld at Portland lo June. At first consider ation tbe business men tbougbt it would be g tod thing, but realizing that all good , things ooat. .money and that thia would cost too much tbey decided to stay "conspicuously out of it." O. B. Thomas, ot tbe soliciting Henartment of the carnival, was ores ent at the meetina and showed some nlana that oouid be used by ine Dalles for a float. Don't Complain. If vour chest twins and you' are un able to sleep because of a cough, buy bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup and vou-woirt' have any couuli. bet a bottle now and that cough will not lust ! . - t .11 .... Ji- lullg. A i:uro lur bii pumi';imi-uic- eases. Mrs. j.uaivetoti, lexar.wrius: "I can't sny enongJi for Ballard's Hore hound Syrup. The reiiet It n8 ve" me is all that is necestary for me to ay. ' .Sold by Unas. . uiaTae. Pot bargains io real estate see Ros well Shelley Canon, Wash. Ifynu rneai. inor..j had a wonderful experience. diseases wu .. . .l... Jn r'Wtilid not atDinnj ouy - R, - ,.,h. ,n,--r,d .a rfiaanneaied'.dewn' Info its mints nil arsra Inst to view. Nn tii.n has eer aow aw from bank to bunk and no ope knows wbat is on tbe f1ftbr alioi'e; : but it cannot be au awesoo e river, lor meee throngs cross tt joytuiiy ne raoru-ino-unit at Sunset' tbe bo back by - i .-it. .,. Club Chop House '. ANP . ,rV ;, RESTAURANT , Merchants' and Famcrs' DINNER 11 A.Mvto 2 i'. 25c ford just onl-Zr:jt. i,Ane. tantalwing itch disappear.., . - tU of this external remedy ou We fHrry m s" c oil ol winter- jimlJ into D 1' reen pro"''? 'another away: i.m-ipntific itreHa stion of veue-1 tM an a w tit natftRil diio-siani ana tlm same lmces fouud in tm niiv at.mnH-h. Kaih d'e ill di- if. t 8.000 araiiia of g.od fwd. Md by A SPECIALTY 7. W. DeBUSSEY HOOD RIVER Laundry Co. Does Washing at Reasonable Rates Call Up Main HOME PHONK 128 3141 OREGON Short like and union Pacific 3 Trains Jo the East Dally Thrnncrh Pnllman atjuirtards and tnnrlst alliln cars dally to Omaha. Chicago, 8po- kn: innrtHt aipins: cars nHiiy io kkiiphp f'Myr thrmieh Pnllman tourist lcepln car (pcrnofisally fondnrlen) wwkly to t'ninaa-n. RnrM.nlns rhalr cftra (Hat frpel to t.hf Kaal nally. Union IViHit- lav. Arrive ChliHtiKV Portland Speelal for thf K,af Tla t Injrton, dally 8:30 am fc!S0 pm Spokane Fly for MmiiTn waolilnittnn. wnna wnna, I wt.tnn. tAAtir d Alknand Orrat Northern point, daily MR pm $K)U am At ani p Firrrnn rortneE.asi via Huntington, dally :0O pm :45 am Portia nd-pendleton loplfnr nlf.tnlntRnpt.wppn PendlfiUtn and Portland; daily 7:16 am 5:15 pro RIVER SCHFDULE FOR A8TORIA and way point, connpctlntr with KtoamPrfor II m anil North Jipaphnlpani pr HkwmiIo, Ah atreet rtop k (wutpr ppr.) MO P. Si. I Pnlly exoept Hunday. Saturday. urn P. M. FOR tVton, Orptron ttty and Yamhill Klv pr p"inm. Anil atreet dock (water ppr.) FOR L K W IH TON, Idaho, and wy poinu, frntn Rlparia, Waah. 5:00 P. M Dally expppt Sunday 7K A. M, Dally PXPppt Hunday. 1:40 A. M, Pny eicppt Saturday Comfort for Horses 5 A Blankets bring comfort and health to the horse and save money for the owner. They protetft horses from the wintry blasts ; they keep horses well, save their lives. Strength, warmth and length of wear are characteristics of the 5A Blankets. Ask for 5A. Look for the 5A trade mark. Buy a fA Mai Olrth for the Stable. Buy a 6A Square for the Street. We Sell Them If You Want the best Money can Buy. We Have a Car of Fine OATS jst in. Hood River Milling Co. S. J. FRANK Harness and Saddles .BICYCLE SHOP. J. MARION REID Bicycles. Guns, Sewing Ma chines, Furniturs, Umbrellas, Stoves and Locks Repaired. KEYS MADE TO ORDER Bicyclea, Guns, etc., sent by expreM for repair will be neatly una promptly re paired and returned. Can Rave you (1 to 13.00 on price of new wheeli. Tiree, bt akea, and all kln'tls of repair! told at Portland prices. Prices 'furnished on application. Reference i Bradstree FAULTLESS Grubbing' Machines Wire Eope and Extras Wire Fencing of all Kinds Spray Pumps, Hose and Extras. Buckeye Welt Pumps. SHARPIES CREAM SEPARATORS VEHICLES and FARM MACHINERY J. R. NICRELSEN :30 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 40P. M Dally expt Friday i OFFICII HOCKS - Piwtffhl Mnnan-S a. m. to 12 norm: 1 to ft p. til.. Nt frHa-ht rwlyecl or dellwred after i ft m pHiweni-iT Pepol-Honra for dellwry of prw.Hi tmggacr will ne a a. m. mi a p. rn, ' ;WM. McMURRAY. (iedfral Paaamifer Agant, PortlHnrl, Or., C. P. ROSS Billiards and Bowling Alley and Confectionery PARLOR8 THE BEST LINE OF Tobaccos and Cigars in the crry The Oreironiaii, Telegram and Journ ' ON HALE SUNDAY. oc 3C 3IC DO WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF U 11! n Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TO US DIRECT FOR W00D.FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregon : j ' c Q J. 0 ST vviiiU we are n prescripiiuu. Keir A Cut. that it wili cure all mee.e -