The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 08, 1907, Page Eight, Image 8

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imiutiKD 1900
L H. Muggins & CO.
Butler Banking Company
Our entire stock of Ladies' Silk and Lawn Vaistsat sweeping reduc
tions. We predict a speedy sale for these raro bargains, so don't delay.
Wo quote you the following rediculously low prices.
Capital Fully Paid, $50,000
Ladies' Silk Waists, exceptionally well
Ladies' L;iwn Waists, a good assortment
of designs and sizes. (9 10
Regular f 2. 7.r values yIV
Regular $2.00 values $1.50
Regular $1.50 values spl.lO
1 1 11 A. .1 !-.. fe V X
made and 01 exceueni uesigus. nu
Itegularf t.7."i values $0.yO
Regular $3.50 values $2.98
Ladies' skirts in Panamas, voiles, mohairs and serges, t t prices you can d fif 4t
not resist. A snappy blue Panama. Regular $7.50. Now
Other garments proportionately reduced.
CORSET COVERS at Bed Rock Prices. They wont last long at the
figures put on them.
Before going elsewhere inspect our line of CLOTHING
at money saving prices, style and durability are characteristic oi ail
clothing bearing the trade mark shown in the cuts.
Lbsui Bdtleb, J. N. Ti., Tbcmaii Bctlm,
President Vnv President. Cashier
, J. W. Fbinch R. T. Cox
a Phone 491
Ou April 20th hint the Oiegonian
published a apeoial induHtrial edition
devoted exclusively to the exploita
tion of Oretfon. Jt probably contained
ruoie special and niiucellauoous in
formation about Oregon than any one
fablioation that has ever been IhhiiuJ.
t is peculiarly useful and valuablo to
the bomeseeker, becauxe It gives the
latest and most reliable Infurmation
about so many different subject that
the bomeseeker Is naturally iuteiested
in. Almost evory deportment of In
dustry is specialized, and both de
scriptive and statistical iiiforiiiitiiin
of a highly valuable character Is K Won
extensively and In entertaining form.
Heeideuts.of Oregon who kuow its
advantages as couipured with the con
gested east, and who still have friends
back there whom they would like to
see hate enjoying the good things of
this favored state, can aid lu a spleud
id work now without cost and very
little effort. If you think your friend
would be interested in knowing mote
about Oregon and might eventually
become a valuable citizen, send his
n 11 mo and Rddrens tn the genera! pas
senger nguui; cf the Oregon Kuilway A
Navigation company, and a copy of
this special edition, with n complete
summary or ttie several suojoots treat
ed, carefully indexed, will be mailed
to hi in pioiuptly. In this manner you
may be the means not only of doing
your filoud a good turn, but of help
lug to stimulate the growth and pros
pority of Oregon.
Don't forget that commencing Hep
tomber 1st and continuing daily for
two months, tickets will be ou sale at
almost evory railroad station in the
east to all points in Oregon uud the
northwest at what has couie to be pop
ularly known as "colonist rates."
These rates are the cheapest general
lung dlstanue rates ever established,
and enable one to reach Oregon from
any part of the United blutes at but a
trifle more than one cent a mile.
They are the greatest Incentive to col
onization and progressive home build
ing for any known agency, and if the
restles, dissatisfied resident of the
east is made to kuow before bund the
advantages he can enjoy bete, the
problem is solved, and tho bUr of em
pire will continue to more steadily
Now is the t i in d to spread the gos
pel of Oregon, so that it may bo heard
and ht edeti by I tin time the rates go
into effect. Seuil cno name or two,
or a dozen, and you will be exerting
a worthy influence toward the up
kulldiug of our stte. Send them to
your nearest Oregon Hallway & Navl
gnitou Co. ngeut, or to Win, M11M111
ruy, Oenerail Patwengor Agent, Port
laud, Oregon.
Farmers Control the Stock.
Three-Ufths of the stock of the East
Sido Irrigating Co. which bought the
Hone ditoh bus been sold to the farm
ers, who have made cnutraots with the
company by which the water lights
go with the ditch will be tied up to
the land, This places tho company on
a sound and sine basis, puts the con
trul with the farmers, where It be
longs, and gives a perpetual water
right to the laud wheie the contract
are made subject only to the cost ot
main ten unco.
The ditch was puroh-ised from Mr.
Hone for 17'IDOO. '!he capital stock
ot the company is frjO.UOO, divided in
to f0() sbares. There is a debt ot 8;ll,
000 which the new company will as
siirae, it being the Intention to bond
tho ditoh to take up this indebted
ness, tno tiiimncn ot tho puruliiine
prioe being paid to Mr. Hone from
tho sale of stock. The amount of 423
sbares have been set apart for this
purpose, Hiid probably uo more stock
will be sold, leaving the tin lance in
the treasury until the ditoh is en
laiged. Ot this amount about 300
shares hare been sold, and at a meet
ing ot the stockholders Saturday it
was deoided to extend the time U0
days in order to give more of the
larmers a cbnnoe to come in at the
low prioe uud secure a permanent
water right.
The matter has not been fully un
derstood by souio, und lack of means
has also kept many from buyiug
stock, but Mr. Hone is prepared to
make oontrac.s with those who are
not ready to pay cash at this time, by
whioh tbey can secure water ou a fu
ture payment, and it would be well
foi tbo$e to see him.
The future strength ot the ditch
company lies in the entire stock be
ing in the baud of the land owners,
and the more who have shares the
better it will bo. There can then be
no danger ot manipulation of the
affairs - ot the company. The prioe of
water each year will only be the act
ual cost of maintaining the ditch.
Will Make a Fine Itoad.
The Mt. Hood people are very inuoh
interested in the ne grade that is be
ing petitioned fur up Neal cr.tek. The
road has just Letn surveyed, and it
will nu doubt be giuuted by the coun
ty couit. It ha been pretty well
brushed out at privuto expense, so
that the grade cculd bo teudily seen,
and It Is estimated it will cost about,
$2,500 to make a good wagon road.
There ix some rock to be blasted out,
but only at short Intervals ajd the
advantage of a water grade to the up
per country will be well worth tbe
A road np Neal creek has always
been contemplated at some time by
tbe early settlers in the valley, but
the llrst road was run over the Sta
right and liootb hills to aooommcdute
the ranchers along the way, and also
bb it was cheap to build, but tbe new
grade will cut out tbe grades now ex
perienced in climbing both bills, and
beside shorten the distance consldei
able. It Is said that a team can trot
all tbe way up the new proposed
grade, and consequently shorten tha
time, as well as make it easier to trav
el between liood Hiver and tbe upper
While the petitioners are responsi
ble in raising tbe money to make the
new grade, it is expected that tho
county will hoip some, and also a
popular subscription may be circulat
ed to raise money and build a sub
stantial, permanent grade, and put it
In rlgbt from tbe start, ine roaa dis
trict also contemplates voting a ton
mill tax this year, tbe major part of
which wili be applied on tbe new
Tno School Hook May lie Reduced In
While making comparison of the
"text-book circular to the Oregon
school oUioers issued under direction
of the state board ot education In
compliance with law," which has just
been made ready for distlrbutiou,
with the same kind of a circular is
nod by the Tennessee board of edu
cation concerning the new books
adopted by tbe text-book commission
ot that st.ite, Charles 11. Jones, edit
or ot the Oregon Teacher's Monthly
mode a discovery which may result in
the saving of a few thousand dollars
to those Oregon lain who will be com
pelled to purchase the new school
books at the opening of the new
school year tbe coming fall, and for
the ensuing six years the aggregate
saving will make quite a large sum.
The Oregon text-book law provides
that the publishing house whose books
aro adopted shall not at any time
during the peilod covered by the con
tract charge foi or sell its said books
at a greater prioe than Is charged for
such books in any other state or tei
ritory in the United States.
The Tennneseee circular shows that
for the "First Hook in llygieu, A
Piimer of Physiology," the exobauge
price Is 10 rents and the retail price
23 cents, while the prices submitted
to and adopted by the Oregon com
mission in this iustanco were 18 cents
and :)5 cents respectively, and for
"(rnded Lessons in Physiology and
Hygiene" the prices In Tennessee are
20 cent a ami 48 cents respectively,
while for Oiegon they are 30 and 00
Mr. Jones called Superintendent
Ackermuu's attention to the discrep
ancy aud the latter forthwith ad
drossod a letter to tbe publishing
house ot 1). Appletou & Co , New
Voik who are to supply these partic
ular nooks, calling their atteutinn to
the matter and notifying them that it
must be lectifled to comply with the
Oiegon text-book law, whioh will
menu a slight reduction in the pi ices
of tbe books mentioned to those who
nill be required to purchase them
during tbe next six years in this
state Salem Statesman.
What do Vacation Days Mean to Ton!
"Almost every self-supporting girl,"
writes Mrs. Anna Steese Richardson
In tbe Angust numbei ot tbe Woman'
Home Companion, "when asked what
her Idea of a vacation is wMl roily:
'A time when 1 can do just lb 1
please, when 1 can sleep in tbe morn
ing, when there are no hours toi me
to observe, no rules for nie to follow.'
And when you Hgure with tbe average
woman wage earner on Ulty weeks of
work and two ot vacation, you can
hardlyl pronounce her definition nar
row or selfish. In reality, however,
bet vacation means much more than
t Lie, and in tbe end she it not satis
fied with these privileges alone. The
habit of labor Is strong, aud after tbe
first reao.ion, which oomei with re
lease from daily toil, she finds that
the right to do just us she pleases
palls upou her. So the girl accustom
ed to a daily routine ot office, store
or factory duty, finds that the condi
tion of having nothing to do becomes
Irksome. Sbe is cloyed with tbe
sweetness ot realization. Ninety girls
out of every hundred, returning to
business after a vacation, admit hon
estly that tbey are glad to get back in
harness. Once rested, tbey missed
the legulai louline. Tbey could not
settle dowu to doing ni thing grace
fully. Within bounds, this is a nor
mal, healthy sig i; but when the work
er frets every minute she is away
from her post, it means that her
nerves are sadly striaued aud she is
unfit for business. If yoi. do not feel
rested at the end of a fortnight's va
cation, it you feel that business is
hateful to you, and all buoyancy has
left then something is wrong. Either
you need more rest, n o e relaxation
to recuperate your nerves, or you are
not meant to be a business girl. Tbe
real, dyed-in-the-wool business gin
hnugeis for ber work as a born house
wife yearns to mlnistei to the physic
al welfare of her family."
Will Stay In Hood River
The remedy that makes yon eat, Meep
and grow strong, called I'almo iatilels,
will lie gold regularly by Williams'
Pharmacy, Hood River. These great
nerve and constitution builders cost only
50c per box, six boxes, 2.50. tf
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
Diarrhoea Remedy, llettt-r
Than Three Doctors.
"Three vears ngo we had three doc
tors with out little boy and everything
that they could do seemed in vain. At
last when all hape seemed to be gone we
began UBing Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a few
tiours be began to improve, today lie
is as healthy a child as parents could
wish for." Mrs. H. J. Johnston, Lin
ton, Mist. For sale by Keir & Cass.
For the good of those suffering with
eczema or other such trouble, I w ish to
say, my wife had something of that kind
and after using the doctors' remedies
for souio time concluded to try Cham
horluin's Salve, and it proved to be bet
ter than anything she had tried. For
sale by Keir & Cass.
Man-led at The Dalles.
Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Burton, Mr. Eli 11. Stewart aud Miss
Pearl Willard came up from Hood
tiivei last night and at 10 o'clock tbia
moi ulna made their way to tno Aletn
odist vnrsonago where Rev. A. A.
Luce said tbe tew Important words
that made them husband and wife,
Those who have trouble, no
matter' how slight,' should give every
possible' he'p'to the digestive organs,
so that tho food may be digested with
the least effort. This may be done by
taking something that contains natuial
digestive properties something ' like
Kodol For Digestion and Dyspepsia.
Kodol is a -preparation of vegetable
acids and contains the very same juices
found ina healthy stomach. It digests
what yon cat. Sold by Keir A Caes.
Louis O. Helmor and Nellie O
Wishart were married last Thursday,
August 1, at the residence of Charles
Wishart, at Mt. Hood, lie v. 11. U.
Clark officiating.
The Ocean Roared.
"This breeze," said John, "la some
what faulty.
It makes my niustaoiie tmte quite
With smile demure, said pretty Sue:
Yea, doesn't it I I thought so, too."
August Lippincott's.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Wbhco.
In t hr matter of the amended application of David
A. Turner to reRmter the title to lot number
lour 14) in block number lour U) Winan a Ad
dition to the town (now city of Hood Hiver,
Mrs. 0. P. Initio, and Mr. O. P. Dodge, her hus
band, and all whom it may concern. defendanU:
lo all whom It may concern:
luKe notice, that on the zni day of July. A.V.
1!H)7, an amended application waa filed by said
David A. Turner in the Circuit Court of Wasco
County for initial registration of tte title to the
land above described. Now unless you appear on
or before the tenth day of August, A.D. 1907. and
show cause why such application ahalt not be
granted, the same will be taken aa confessed and
a decree will tie entered according to the prayer
of the application and you will be forever barred
from disputing the same.
S. BOLTON, Clerk,
John Lkland Henderson.
HaS Applirant'a Attorney.
In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon,
for the County of Wasco.
In the matter of the amended applicat ion of
I.iuuh K. Turner to register the title to lot
number tliree(!l) In block four(l) of Wlnan'a
Addition to the town (now city) of Hood
itivur, Oregon,
Mrs. O. P. Dodge and Mr. O. P. Dodge, her hits-
hand, and all whom 11 may concern, detun.
To all whom II may concern:
Take nm Ira, that ou the it Hi day of July, A
D. Uirr, an amended application was tiled by
said I aiir K. Turner In the Circuit Court of
Wasco County fur initial registration of the
title to the hind above described, rnw unless
you appear on or before the tent h day of Au
gust, A. D. IU07, and show cause why audi ap
plication shall not be grained, ttie same will
be taken as confessed aud a decree will been.
lered according to the prayer of the appllen
tion and you win oe lorevcr oarrod iroiu dii
muting tlieaame.
H. BOLTON, Clerk.
John I.klano hkneh.n,
jllaS Applicant's Attorney,
Remedy for Diarrhoea, Never Known
to r ail.
"I want to say a few words for Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. I have used this preparation
in my family for the past five years and
have recommended it to a number of
people in York county ntid have never
known it to fail to effect a cure in any
instance. 1 (eel that 1 1 an not say too
much for the best remedy of tbe kind in
the world." S. Jeiuimm, Spring Grove,
York County, Ta. This remedy is for
sale by Keir A Cass.
Department of the interior, I-and Office at
rue imues. Oregon, July ,11, IBU7.
Multce la hereby given that
formerly Kttle I. Sperry, of lioud River, Ore
gon, has II led notice of ber Intention to make
nnai nve year proor in support or tier claim,
via: Homestead entry No. ttiSR, niade May
27, ISM, for the NB, of Section It, Township
i, North, range east, W. M , and that said
proof will be made before Ueo. T. Prattler.
V. H, Commissioner, at bis ortlce In Hood
River, Oregon. o,i Wept 9th, 1907.
Hhe names the following witnesses to prove
ner continuous resiueiice timn, ana cultiva
tion of the land, via : Andrew A. Jayoe, O. A.
Hlekle, John K. llluns, L. R. Uauo, all of
ttuoa tuver, uregou.
C. W. M(KRE.
X5 Register.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for
waaco county.
Nellie Tolman, Plaintiff,
Hert Tolman, Defendant.
To Mert Tolman, the above named defendant:
in the name of the state of Uregon: You are
hereby required to appear in the above entitled
court and answer the complaint filed against y,u
in the above entitled suit on or before the last day
of the time prescribed in the order of publication,
to wit: On or before the &!d day of August, 1907,
and if you fail to so appear and answer, plaintitl
will apply to the court tor the relief demanded in
the complaint filed herein against you. to wit: For
a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and youself on the
grounds of willful desertion: and for such other
and further relief as to the court may seem equit
able and just.
This summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof for a period of six successive weeks
in the Hood River Glacier, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation published in Wasco county.
Oregon, in pursuance to an order of the Hon.
W. L. Bradshaw. J wine of the above entitled
court, duly made on the 5th day of July, 1907. and
the date of the first publication thereof is the 11th
day of July, 1907.
jlla22 Guy R. McCoy, Attorney for Plaintiff
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Julia M. Smith, Plaintiff,
Wilbur C, Smith, Defendant
To Wilbur C. Smith, the above named defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon: You
are hereby required to appear in the above en
titled court and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit, on or be
fore the last day of the time prescribed in the or
der of publication, towit: On or before the 29th
day of August 1907, and if you fail to so appear
and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief demanded in her complaint filed herein
against you, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the
bonda of matrimony .now existing between plain
tifr and yourself on the grounds of willful deser
tion; and for such other and further relief as to
court may seem equitable and just
1 his summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof for a period of six successive weeks
in the Hood River Glacier, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation published in Wasco County,
Oregon, in pursuance of an order of the Hon.
W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the above entitled
court duly made on the 15th (day of July, 1907,
and the date of the first publication thereof is the
lHth day or July, IDOL sbneca t . r ouTs,
jl8-a29 Attorney for Plaintitr.
In the Circuit Court f'r the State of Oregon,
for Wasco county.
Fannie Munson, PiulnlllT,
Charles A. Munson, Defendant.
To Charles A, Munson, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon yon are
heteby required to appear and answer the
emnph'lnt tiled against you In the above en
titled court and cause on or before August
Hist, 1907, which Is six weeks after July lsth,
19U7, the dale ordered for tbe Hrst publication
i.r t n..t l.u. an A It .....I lull u,. a ..i
answer, the pialLtirt will apply for the relief
prayed for In the complaint, to-wit: for a de
cree dissolving I lie bonds or matrimony now
existing between above named plaintiff and
defendnnt, and for such other and further re
lief as U. the court seems meet and Just
This summons Is published by order of the
Hon. W. I,. Bradshaw, Judge of the above
named con. I. made and entered on the 11th
day of July, io7. Ci.viik Richardson,
J18-a29 Attorney lor Plaintiff.
Of all kinds suitable for carrying away
on excursions, outings, picnics, etc.
Canned Goods of many different va
are all the Groceries we offer. Our
prices are always tbe very lowest con
sistent with high grade Groceries, such
as we carry.
Free Delivery
Wood & Smith Bros.
In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon,
for tbe County of Waaoo.
In the 'natter oi the amended application of
.Laura . Turner to regisi-r the tine to lot
number two ('J) In block number four (4) of
Wlnsn's Addition to the town (uow city) of
II (Mid River, Oregon.
Ezra Hexton and Mrs. Ezra Helton, his wife,
and Mrs. o. P. Dodge, and Mr. O. P. Dodge,
ber husband, and all whom It may concern,
To all whom It may cencern:
Take notice, that on the 2nd day of July, A.
D. 1107, an amended application was filed by
said Laura K. Turner In the Circuit Court of
Wasco County for Initial registration of the
title to the land above described. Now unless
you appear on or before the tenth day of Au
gust, A.I). I'.KI7. und show cause why such ap
plication shall not be granted, the same will
be taken las cnuresHeu and - decree will be
entered according to the prayer of the appli
cation and vuu will be forever barred from
disputing the same.'.
n. uuLiiun, viera,
Ioh Lklanp Hksdkhsos.
Jlla8 Applicant's Attorney.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon.
for Waco County.
Josephine AliiiaUuff, Plaintiff,
Edward Bates Con", Defendant.
To Kdwurd Bates Ooll, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon
are hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint filed agaiustyou In the above en.
tilled court and cause on or before Monday,
August 2llth, 1907. which la six weeks after
Thursday, July ll, 1107, the dale oidued for
the first publication of this notice, and If you
fall u so appear and answer the plaintiff will
apply lor the relief prayed for lu her com
plaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now exislln - hetweon
above named plaintiff and defendant, and
for such other and further relief us to the
court seems meet and Just.
This summons Is published by order of the
Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge id' tbe above
named court, j:ude aud entered outlieGth
day or July, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
518 Chamber of Commerce,
Dlst. Atty. accepted service, Portland, Or.
8. Bolton, clerk.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon,
for the County of Wasco.
In the matter of the amended application of
David A. Turner to register toe title to lot
number one (1) In bliK.'k number four (1) of
Winan's Additlou to the town (now cm j j of
Hood River, Oregon.
A. C. Buck and Mrs. A. C. Iluek, his wife, and
Mrs. O. P. Dodge and Mr. O. 1'. Dodge ber
husband, and all whom it muy concern,
To all whom It may concern:
Take notice, that on the 2nd day of July, A.
D. 1907, an amended application was tiled by
said David A. Turner lu t lie Circuit lourtol
Wasco CtMinty for Initial registration o. the
title to the land above described -Now iiiile-s
you appear on or before the teul h day of Au
gust, A.D. 1907. and show cause why such ap
plication shall not be granted, the same will
betaken as confessed and a decree will be
entered according to the prayer of the applica
tion and you will be forever barred from dis
puting the sume.
8. HOLTON, Clerk.
John Lkland Hrnpkrxon,
J la8 Applicant's Attorney.
is now open and solicits a share of your patronage. , A full line of
Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Combs, Brushes, Syringes,
Soaps, Toilet Preparations, Stationery,
and all those articlesosually carried in a first class drug store
given careful compounding by a Registered Pharmacist
On the Heights, Hood River Ore.
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
th t for the fall planting we will hare and can mp-
plv in nny number
Cherry, Pea r,Apr!cot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all tbe standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitien
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
For Fresh Meat, Poultry, Vegetables and Emit
We also carry a full Hue of
Lunch Goods
Cheese and Canned Meats
Orders receive our special attention and prompt de
livery. We solicit you orders. Phone Main 1401
Riverside Dairy
We can supply you with any quantity of Fresh Milk
Free Delivery.
Phone 414 .
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
ATTflK .
Hood River Box Factory
and Fatronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Home Made
Phone Main 71
...Hood River's Leading Druggist...
It is a certain tiling that there would be
much less diseases in the community if
every individual took proper precaution
to preserve his or er health. We can
not be too cleanly in our habits. Clean
liness is not only next to godliness, but
a sure keeper of good health. We should
d lily wash tht skin with a good ante
septic Soap, brush and clean the teeth
well, and see to it that our person and
personal effects are beyond reproach as
regards cleanliness. Every facility for
he Bath and Toilet are here.
NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on
The Big New and Secondhand Store
is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything inFnrniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and
Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable.
Come in and be convinced that we can SAVE YOU MONEY.
Phone 1053
0. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.