The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 31, 1907, Image 6

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A Tarrlfrta Eimt traaa;r la
taa FhlllpBlara.
For a real lively matinee perform
ance the coming of tlie rainy season In
Cb Philippine has no end of right to
M consider
Alt if the experience of one wom
an to supposedly arrived during the
dry season:
Seated at ber window she could bear
a roaring tattoo In the grove of abaca
valma to the south. The noise neared,
roae, thundered.
Long, lithe cocoanuts began an lnex
pltcabie bending to and fro, their tops
circling In trembling descent almost to
the earth, then twinging back to the
prlng of the bow tense trunks In
movement exaggerated and violent, like
that of some stage tern pout
Ont In the grove, beaten, trampled
down, there advanced Into the open a
blade wall of rain, perpendicular from
earth to sky. Ahead of it dust, twigs,
rnbblsh, suddenly ascended to heaven
In rotary spirals. Trees were flayed of
their leaves. Roofa flew up like gigan
tic bats.
Then her own bouse, strongly built,
shook ag with earthquake. The thatch
of the roof sprang vertical, like that
stiffens with fear, and between the In
terstlces she saw the muddy sky
stream by.
powder of debris, of dry rot, snow
d. Down upon the table, the books,
the chairs, little lizards, nnperched,
struck the floor with a squeak like that
of a mechanical doll, remained as dead
for a long minute, then scampered
rrnm the room and up the walls
again. Great black spiders, centipeds,
scorpions, fell; sometimes a large rat
Then the nlpa clicked back to posl
tlon as a box Is shut Breathless si
" lence, a heavy Immobility, petrified the
T. world. There came three or four de-
tached. resounding raps upon the roof,
" and suddenly a furious roaring beating
? as of atones coming down, great stones
' , chuted In thousands, In millions, and
? f the church, the plaza, the mountain,
i : the whole land, disappeared In a yel
f low awlrl of water. McClure's Maga-
It Matched Hla Dog and laUaa.d thm
Tax Collector.
Emile Ooudeau, a celebrated charac
ter of Paris, was one of the most con
firmed bohemlans that ever lived.
There Is a story of him and a cer
tain black spaniel which followed him
with the faithfulness with which the
historic little lamb attached Itself to
' the historic little Mary. Goudeau and
' the dog. In fact were never separated
It dawned upon the tax gatherer of
the neighborhood that Goudeau had
not paid bis dues for the "Inferior
; He approached him, therefore, In as
j friendly a apirit as possible, being, lu
' deed,' an old acquaintance, and said,
t ! M, Ooudeau, I must ask you to pay
- your tax for the spaniel."
The bohemlan was Immensely sur
prised, or affected to be. "But don't
' ' you know, my dear sir," be said In a
' ' tone of remonstrance, "this Is a sheep
' dog, useful to me In my work and con-
- sequently exempt from the tax?"
, "But yon are no shepherd," returned
I the tax gatherer; "you are a poet."
"No shepherd!" replied Goudeau.
4 "Every poet Is a shepherd, ilnve you
not beard of Virgil aud Theocritus"
The poet would have recited twenty
J other names if the tax gatherer, alarm
. ed at such a display of learning, bad
not stopped him. "But at least you
. " have no sheep," be snld.
"No; I admit Unit," said Goudeau.
U "It la because I am too poor. But I
will rectify that."
And be did. Next day he was ob
served promenading the streets of
; Montmartre with the same old black
spaniel, but with a newcomer In the
'shape of a real, live, weolly sheep.
London Sketch.
The Word "Cutler."
"Cutler," according to Its preseut use,
should mean a man who makes things
that cut, but really it has no more to
do with "cut" than "cutlass" and "cut
let" have, which 18 just nothing at all.
"Out" has some Teutonic origin, but
"cutler" comes through French from
the late Latin "cultellarlus," which
meant either a soldier armed with a
knife or a knlfemaker, and "cultellus,"
a little knife, was the diminutive of
"culter," which, among other things,
meant a plowshare or "coulter." "Cut-
lass" comes from the same source, and
"cutlet'! Is "cotelette," a little rib.
One Thins Lacking1'
Hi "I hear," Bald HI Tragedy, "that
f while" you were playing In one of the
'country towns a fire broke out In the
'7 "Yes," said Low Comedy, "aud there
'' might have been a horrible panic but
for one thing."
" "What wus that?"
, "There weren't enough people In the
audience to create one," Moonshine,
The Regular Chare.
, "I've come to pay my bill," said the
patient" "120, I believe?"
! "Yes," replied Dr. Soakem, "making
a total of $122."
; "Er I don't quite understand."
; "That brings It up to date, including
today. I charge 2 for office visits, yon
" know."-I'hlludelphla Ledger.
A Loophole.
"When In doutt," said tho weather
'prophet, "always predict something
' ."What for?"
"If you're wrong, people are so pleas
ed they don't criticise you." Washing
ton Star.
The fate of all of us, men and wo
man alike, Is to be forever wanting
what we heve not Jerome K. Jerome.
. Approval?
"Do you think they approved of my
I sermon?" asked the newly appointed
?, rector, hopeful that he bad made a
good Impression on his parishioners.
"Yea, I think so," replied his wife;
"they were all nodding."
When Schumann was In love he
wrote, "I wish I were a smile, that I
might play about your cheeks."
i Life is such a poor business that the
I strictest economy must be exercised la
Its good things. Schopenhauer.
PmIIbs ( lacrrtalaty la Perfarm-
aae mt Raatlaa Wark.
"When poopte fall into the habit of
wondering whether they have dons
routine thlugs It Is high time for them
to consider the advisability of a rest"
aid a physician. "There Is no surer
sign, to my mind, that the system is
becoming overtaxed than this reeling
of uncertainty.
"I was staying with a friend toe
other night-spending the night with
him. In fact He's a man whom I
know pretty well, and I thought at
dinner and through the evening, from
little nervousness in his conversation
and manner, that things weren t all
right with him, but I wasn't abso
lutely convinced till edt!uie approach
ed. We were sitting upstairs In his
study, his family having retired, and
be asked me to excuse him while he
saw that the house was locked up.
It was a still night, nnd I could follow
bis progress around the various rooms
on the first floor. He seemed to me
to be unnecessarily long, and, without
being Inquisitive. 1 really became In
terested to know whether he wasn't
making the rounds twice. Finally I
heard him go Into the parlor, a room
I was sure he had visited at least once
before. When he came upstairs I
asked laughingly how many times be
had seen that each window was fas-
ened. But be wasn't lu a laughing
mood at all.
"It's a funny thing, old man,' he
said, 'but I've been fool enough to look
at each window two or three times
Do you know, It would strike me after
I bad left a room that perhaps I hadn't
put the catch properly on oue of the
windows there, aud back I'd have to
go to make sure. Being in there, I'd
examine the other windows again. It'
been that way for half a dozen nights.
Somehow doing these things doesu
seem to make the Impression on me
that one would expect. This lack of
sureness Isn't confined to locking win
dows either. I find myself at the
office wondering whether I hava given
auch and such instructions Instruc
tions that are so much a part of my
dally work that I suppose I give them
mechanically and then forget them
Nine times out of ten I And everything
Is all right but I'm not quite happy
till I do. I guess I must be getting
old maldlsb In my old age.'
"It was my turn to be serious then.
I explained to him that his forgetful
ness all came from being overtired
From bablt he worked like an automa
ton, doing this, that and the other
thing In bis business or home life, but
a great number of bis actions were
without the cognizance of the brain.
lie needed rest and If be did not take
It be would break down.
"I got htm away from cares for
bit, and the next time I saw him he
laughed as heartily over the Incident
of the much locked windows as I pre
tended to. Ho doenu't kuow It, but he
bud a narrow escape. I'm telling this
story that It may serve as a warning
in an overstrenuous age." New York
Wlilatlrr and Color.
Although WhlstlT did not care for
music, he made use of bis technical
knowledge for themes. "Symphony In
Gray and Green," "Variations In Blue
nnd Green," "Nocturne: Opal nnd Sil
ver," "Arrangement In Black and
Brown," are exumplea of this particu
lar trnlt. Ills most ambitious desire
was to pnlnt n grand concerto-like pic
ture with the title "Full Talette," "Just
as In muBlc," he explained, "when they
employ nil the Instruments they make
It 'Full Band.' If I can find the right
kind of thing, I will produce a har
mony In color corresponding to Bee
thoven's harmonies In Bound." Otto II.
Bacher in Century.
A Bis Sarins.
"Listen!" suld the man ot middle age.
lie was beutllug over the palmist,
whispering excitedly In her ear.
"Listen!" he said ngnln. "My -wife
la coming to you this afternoon to
have her fortune told, nnd if you want
to make some money on the side"
He laid a bank note on the stuffed
owl's head,
"tell her on no account to buy a
motor car, because you read In her
palm that she Is doomed to be killed In
an automobile accident." New York
How lie Remembered.
Professor Huxley had a fuuny way
of remembering certain anatomical de
tails of the human heart. On the left
aide of the heart there Is a valve with
two flaps resembling a bishop's miter
and known as the mitral valve. The
corresponding valve on the right side
has three flaps. The only means by
which be could remember their re
spective positions, said Huxley, with
his skeptic's humor, was by the re
flection that a bishop could never be
In the right.
From r n lnar Pa to Fire.
"Life la full of contrariness and non
payment of alimony," complained the
woman ns she took her seat reluct! -ntly
at her desk on the morning aftas the
dance. "When I was mariled and
had more leisure than anytbil im
the days were long and deadly, but
now Unit I um free and life might be
one endless dream of gayety I hare to
work." New York Press.
"Now, dear," snld the hew of the
elopement as they boarded the train,
"we are safe from pursuit." "And
also," said the young girl radiantly,
"safe from starvation. Here's a check
pa made out to your order." Ex
rhantre.. Dangers of a ('old and HwW it Aruld
More fatalities have their origin In r
result from a mid than from any otfi r
caue. This fact alone should mar
people more careful as there ia no rl'B
eer whatever from a cold when H le
properly treatol in the beulnlng. For
nianv years Chamberlain's Ooosh
Remedy lias been reco) niie as the
most prompr and effectual tvedicljJ '
use for this disease. It acta in n"4rt
plan, loosens the cough, !,"",?, the
lunifs, opens the secretions .a wlaa na
ture in restoring the system to a healthy
condition, told by Keir & t ass.
All our meats are purchased in Port
land from the Union Meat Co. and are
government inspected,' which is a guar
anty of its wholesomeness. M.Guire
Soeler t rait Lasd.
Just6 miles east of Hood Rivtr, in
the Mosier vslley, V. 1). Morgan !
some excellent Iruit land in large or
small tracts which be can sill ehrap f
taken soon. Parties wishing to luy win
do well to write or see C. 1. Morgan,
Mosier, Or.
Food don't digest? Because the atom-
acb lacks some one of the essentiul di
gestants or the digestive juices are not
priiperlv lialanceu. men, hk, iv in um
undiirested food that causes auiiriies
and painful indigestion. Kodol For In
diirestion fdiould te used for relief. K
dol is a solution of vekftable acids. It
digests what you eat, suil correct the
diiiciencies of the digestion. Kodol
conforms to the National Pure rood
and Drug Law. Kiltl by here Williams
toe's Addition oa the Market.
We have placed in our hands for sale,
all the lot belonging to H. C. Coe in
CWs Addition to Hood Itiver.
I-otn will lie sold at the price ot 13)0
and up for tiie next 30 days. This is the
best opportunity to secure lots in mm
beautiful portion of llooti Kiver ever
offered the public.
Then umber is limited and the choice
should be made early. One lot with
house, was sold last week. Five lots
and house were sold yesterday. Two
more inlay. They will not last long at
these prices.
For further information see
I am prepared to furnish mill and slab
wood, also other kinds of wood.
I have a new steam wood saw and am
prepared to do sawing. Also do general
team work.
Phone 121.
About two hundred bead of my cattle scut
tered and strayed from the mountains shout
the head of Bager and the head of Hood Kiver
that nre likely to come out at Hood Kiver,
Moaler. eight Mile, Fifteen Mlle,Tygh Valley
or Waplnllla.
My mark la a crop ofTthe right ear and tin-
derelope of the left. 1 think all my cattle are
marked with thla mark.
My brand la a spear point or arrow head,
senerally on the blp. All of my cattle
have this brand exoept a few of the "!'
cattle hereafter referred to.
Many ot the cattle were purchased by me
mm other parties and have their brands in
addition to mine. Among thene are (1) "KM
brand, (2) "heart" brand, (3) "E" braud
some have the '"circle bar" marid, ncneriilly
on the aide, (5) ' D" braud. Home of these cat
tle with I he "It" brand do not have my spcur
brand, (o) "atlrrup', brand on the aide, (7)
"seven-lip" brand on the hip or side.
in addition to ihcae brands and some oth
ers not described, aicood many of the young
cattle are marked wlln two nolcnes or dew
liiim in the brisket.
Anaone aeelnK any nllhe above cuttle will
confer a favor by letting me know at The
Pullet. Oi'ckoii, and 1 will iiludly pay for any
tt yuhle In the matter.
nzi Aliments. iir,
C. P. R.
Next Door to McGuire Brothers,
Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired
All work done with Klectric
Iron and guaranteed
OME to Radium
Sonncti and rest
Free vounell from the
and caret which have
worn vour nerve. Drink ol
the wonderful watert here, whose
remarkable 6rorjertiei will bring ture
relief from rheumatism, chronic con- '
dilation, indiseftion, kidney and
bladder trouble and many nervoui
diiorder. This splendidly equipped
sanitarium Donate every medical
resource, 'provide every luxury of the
finefi hotel and offert all the comforts
of the borne. Located amid the
mountains where magnificent scenery,
delightful walks, and fine fishing abound.
information a Im futpmtmt, mecom
aaaatadaM ana ratal ehtrfullf mpptltd
an eoorb Trap eontainlof opiates eonstt
ato tk bowels. Boo' Laiatiro Honey ana
141 saOTM tht bowatt and msuub aooputo.
Sold by KEIR & CASS, Druggists
We can save you money on
freighting household cootii.
WHw Of fcw ntri and olhrr particulars.
Oregon Auto-Despatch Cn.
. 2 nasi trim rMTUst. oatuoa
Best lor 1
Cough. 1
Coldt, Croup, I I
Whooping f I
Cough, Etc 1 i
NoOplatea, 1
Conform to 1 Jn
National Purs I
Food and 1
Druf Law. J J
Beautiful Home for Sale
Twenty arrea, ten In fruit trees, 1 bearlac
to ctMrry trm In full bearinc. All cleared
bill a'j arrt-a: 10 srren need no Irrigation: euroe
tuimlfiy: 6 -ren itwnl ready Ut raK
ln liecnf w atrr eoe wlih place; also tons of
hv; wood all nuder tried tnt winter. A
II .kn. Imtue, nix rooms, baih room and
in ry; hnrn and other outnullillno, all new;
(ik! water. Hue niacin and town only
no ten: mall rlvlit at tlie door every day. Price
ire i-r acre: 1'4J oer acre eheaier Uian land
wild all around the place. Ixjii t paaa by tills
tiiiiee without aeelug It. Add rata, O. W.
Smith, K. F. 1). No. i. May 15
tutted Htutea I lid office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, IK-it Inlx-r Is In.
Notlre In hereby elven that In compliance
with tht provision of the art of Coogreaa of
J one 3, 1n7s, eutltled "An art for the sale of
limber )mi in theatatea of 1 alllornla, Ore-
1,1, n, isevuiiK. ami waHhlnicton Territory, ' aa
extended to all Public Land btatea b. act of
AugllaH, KM,
of Mooter, Orrtton, county of Waaco, stale of
tirennn. has Ihla day tiled In thla office bla
worn atatement No. S7I4, for the purchase of
IheSW'toraection 10, In township 1 north,
rutin 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to
mow Hint the land aouirht la more vafuable
f r tu tiinbrror atone than for agricultural
niri"-. and to eatahllah hla claim to said before the Ketrlalerand Receiver at The
li -Ilea. Uienon on Hie 12th day of March, WOT.
lie iminea aa wltneaaea: (ieorice McVey,
Anna McVev. of Um I lies. Orecon. and
William Roy Btokes, Bertba Oodberaen, of
Mistier, uncoil.
Any and all p r-tona claiming adversely
Hih Mtxive-deaerlhed landa are requeated to
llin their iiIhiuh In thla oiilceon or before aald
Uth day ot Match, l'J07.
J10-m7 Kodlater
Department of the Interior, Land Offioa at
The lhtliea, orexon, Jauuary i, l'.S7.
Notice la hereby given that
of Hood Kiver, Oregon, hftn tiled notice of bis
iiiirntlon to ntHke nnal nve-year proof In an p.
porl tif Ins claim, via: Homeatead entry No.
iiihUc Nov. 4, laul, for the ENK' of esc
I on T, and WNvV'of section
, township 1
north, ranite 10 east. W. M., ana inai aaia
proof will tie inaile before the Register and
Itecelver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on February
lit h, l'.ti.
H immea the following witnesses to prove
tilscontinuoiie residence upon and cultiva
tion of the vli :
TliomiixH. Collins, .laim Knglish, Albert
Mchiller.r'n-d Kmutschv, all of Hood Kiver,
J.1J21 Kegiater.
In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon for
the county of Wasco
Walter I'ike, Plaintiff,
Julia Pike, Dt'fHniiiint,
To Julln l'lke, above named defendant.
In the name of the Htate of Oregon: Vou
are herrliy required to appear and auawer the
coiiipluliit tllttil against you In the above en
titled court and itauae on or before January
ii. ItKW, which la six weeks atter December U,
l''i. the dale ordered for the Hint publication
ot thin mil ice. and if vou fail to ao appear aud
answer, the plaintiff will apply for the relief
pritven lor in his conipiHini, itewii: tor a tie
crcc lls.olvinir HipJioihIm of inatriinouy now
i existing di ttiis time net ween aoovu iiainou
iiluintltr and defendant, and for auch other
iiiiii On iher relief aa to the court seems meet
mill Inst..
TIiih summons In published by order of the
Hon. W. L. tiradahaw Jw1kc of the atmve
miiiiei! court, mane anil finer on me Din
tin v of December, won. K. J. nuKowsay.
dVijH Attorney for i'laintlfT.
Steam and: Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
100 Men Wanted
No. 9 Shoes
To call on us. We are overstocked in this size. Also
have a large stock of
Womens' Shoes
Sizes 3 and 4
We can save you money on these
owers Bros.
..Extraordinary Values in Head-Wear..
In onlorto make room for our Holiday line of Art
Goods, Richardson Wash Embroidery Silk
and Stamping Patters, Center Pieces, together
with many Novelties, just what you want for pres
ents, we shall sell hats regardless of cost. Watch
our ad for Holiday Goods.
always follows the use of White River
ami tioMon C'rowrrtlour. Whether vou
buki hri'iid, ekes, pies, or any kind of
pastry, you will finrt thisflour a safe and
reliable standby. Try it once and you
will newr use any other.
Car of Wood Wanted
Either pine, fir or mixed with oak.
In answering state price on board car
and what O. R. 4 N. station. Can find
buyers for several cars. Address C. L.
Ireland. Moro. Oregon. n39tf
Are You
If your liver is working
right yon probably are
not. When the liver is
overworked, as it fre
quently is, the system be
comes clogged. It is then
that sallow complexion,
bad taste in the mouth,
headaches, dizzy spells,
continuous languor, etc..
indicate that the poison
ous matter which should
be carried off is slowly
tainting the blood. If not
remedied at once this
condition will cause se
rious trouble.
provides just what is
needed to quicken the
liver into natural, healthy
action. If you take these
pills when needed all
danger of this slow poison
ing is avoided. Posi
tive cure for conntipation.
Price 25 cents
Flour and Feed
Wholesale and Retail
Lath, Shingles, Etc
Lumber Delivered to
Square Deal Store
"Honest Goods and Square
. . Deal for Every Han" . .
The Ideal Weeder
Is what its name implies, a Genuine Weed Ziller
and the nearest to perfection of any orchard
tool yet introduced in Hood River Valley. Try
one and he convinced. Satisfaction Guaran
teed or no sale.
Osborn Spring Peg-Tooth Harrows
Acme Harrows
Plows and Cultivators
Potato Diggers
Wagons, Hacks aud Buggies
Flour, Feed, and a Full line of Groceries at all Times
Car Load Stumping Powder just received
Yours for Business
Phone 741
3rd and River Street.
F. 8. STANLEY, Pres.
E. L. SMITH, Vice-Pres.
The First National Bank
Capital $50,000
We offer you the facilities of a well managed and
well equipped bank. The interests of patrons receive
our careful attention.
Hotel Waucoma
Moderate Rates
Excellent Service
P. F. F0UTS, Prop.
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic Si Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
- t 0 n mm m
Prompt Service Day or Night
Office Phone 1513, Residence Phone 1511 KOOD rivfb mf
Lumber Co.
Any Part of the Valley
Hood River, Ore
E. O. BLAXCHAR, Cashier
V.C. BROCK, Asbt. Cashier
Surplus $12,000
Farmer's Dinner
Hood River, Or