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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
ST. VOL. XVII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, MAY 3, 1906. 51 i' I. ;. . ' '7 i, r V-1 ";- .: I' it' '..V' 't.l r. SOCIETIES. H MOOD RIVKK COMMERCIAL CI.UB-Meet . every second Monday In ea n month at S p. n., la Um club rooms over Jackson's (tore, : H.F. bsVilsioN.Prea. , . MM ttrcn luty. . MUUUKilVKK U'i'i.h .Mi. 105, A. V. and A. ' M.-HhM Haturday eveulng on or before each tall niwiQ. A. 8 Blowkks, W. M. D. MclMMiu, BecreUury. HOOORIVERCH APTKR Ml. . R. A. M. Meett first and third Krlday nights of each month. . b. McboNAi.D, II. P. A. V. mob, Hecretary. ii HOOD KlVER CHAHTKR NO. , O. E. 8.- HhIi second and fourth Tuesday evening oleaeb mouth. Visitors cordially welcomed. Mm. T. J. KIMN A1KD, W. M. Muk Thbkeka Castn aa, Hecreiury. . IDUCW11.DK LoDOfc NO. 107, I. 0. O. K . MeeU In Fraternal ball, every Thursday nlvht. K. (4. rARIUVrT. H. U- -'aV,iri Um, Hecretary ... -.. ii EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48, 1. 0. O. K.- t, Kegalar meeUug second and H'tirtb Monday! , ' of imii month. H. u. Cook, C. P. t H. C. Bmith, Hcrlbe. - J.i LAURKLREBEKAH DKOREE LODOENO. ' I II, I. O. O. '.-Meets flmt and third Fridays ' i la each month. . . ' "- Mho. E. W. Udell, N. O. i . KU Doea Thomson, Hecretary. f "f ACCOM A LODOB NO. 1W, K. OK ". Meet la K.ol P. hall every Tuesday nght. l'HO. F. Johjison, C. C. . . V. C. Brock, K. of R. and U. MOOD R1VERCAMP, NO. 7,118, M. W. A. ' . 'Meets. la -K. ot ?. hall every Wednesday "llhW K8.MAYBH, V.U .; C.u.PAKm. Clerk. . ' MOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 524, WOMEN OK ' Woodcraft-Meets at K. Of f. bull on the first and Third Fridays of each month. Lou McKBYNOLUS, U. N. ; F. W. McREYNOLUs, Clerk. 1 , BUTWWWS IAIPMENO. till A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Saturdays at each month. F. H. Blaou, M. W. " '"!rrt j;;'R. BKADEBT, Financier : t ' ,1.'mbtbm8hutk. Recorder. qlkta ahbemblV Ko. in. united art- laans.-Meeu the first and third Wednes days, work; steoBd and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' nalL. . O. W. Thompson, M. A. O. h. HBwmcB.Mecretary. ' COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORKHTERa of JLmerka.-MeeU second sad fourth Man ays lu each uiontn In K. of P. hall. ,TT, . ., Uknkl'A F. Fouts, C. R. .- r. U HBoaiua, r. v. CAN BY 1,0. A. R.-MEETH AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and (ourtb Hatur days of each uiouth at t o'clock p. m.. All ' ii. A. R. members Invited to meet with us. ' H. A. Hkinnbh, Commander. Thomas Ouae, Adjutant. . CAN BY W.B.C..NO. 16-MEETH SECOND and fourth balurdays of each Month In A. . , 0. U. W.haJlBlSP-uu- Ellbh Bloost, President. Obbtkudb B. InoLks, Hecretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. tW, R. N. A. MeeU at the K. of P. Hall oa the second and ftourlh Fridays ol eaeh month. Mas. (JabkikBkosiub, 0. MM. Ella Dak is, Recorder. . J.-F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON." Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. (SURGEON O. R. A N. Co. , U "11K8- MARY JOKDAU, m. d. . ' Physician and Surgeon. - -'. OBeesand Residence In E. L. Bmlth Building . . Over First Nl Bank. Entrance, mar PhoUS 871.' H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON. , "r . . Buoceesor to Dr. M. F. Hhaw. - Calls promptly answer 3d in town oroouutry, .'rV DayorNlKht. . (i. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 013. !. OflUw lu the bioslus Bulldluf. , DR.J. EDQINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office oveT the First National bank. . Office phone 1433. Res. phone 76X1, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. ' lOfflce phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 693. W. GAVEY.M.D. .' ,' PHYSICIAN AND cURGEON Calls DronrpUyin-swerecl day or night. : Phone Main 681 office and residence. . Office, Smith Building. D M H-. SHAKP Db. Eojia B. HHAHP L- Osteopathic Physicians ' Graduates oi the American School of ' Osteopathy; Kirksville, Mo. . Office and. Residence -Huxley Cottage, .River street. Phone 25 ' Hood RrvKB. 0. WtOSlUS, M. p. THY-8IC1.AN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. VT'OffloB,"' flours:. 10 to U A.' M.j 2 to 8 ; . and6ta7 P.M. H, D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. v.I sr. ScM,riT . .Capwif' Bkuxik VVohk a'Kpbcialty. Office over ' First National Bank Telephbiie Mi Main 811 0. ' H. JENKINS, D.M.D. nntMralhi( on Ttrn and lirldze Work. ;a-V.' ,;-.!.Telephoue: bfflce, S83;. residence, lftlS. :u.! ': see over Bank Bldg. , ,, Hood River, Ore. ; M E. WELCH, -LICEJiSei) VE1'tRIAKl SLKl.tU. - l.... -i t.l An snr- Wfiflr i th VAUrtll ' "i jy'.fiaer U eau be found bgealluui at or ; "iBhtg (o Ctarke s drug store. . : ;... TAUIVCD :.' .Abstrtcti'Farnished. Money Loaned. ' 11 H0O0' RIVER, OREGON." EVH. hartwiq, ; -lawyer; "... Will Practice In All Cooru. :" 'OJBot Wlrh Geo. D. Cnlbersoa r'" '',!'.lSlooa, ibttracta. 8rttlemett of 1 tlioeneoa a 10. vui ffwuues. vUOOl) K1VKH, OEK iO. FOUTS & DERB Y, ' Attorneys at Law ' Brosiusflulidlng : " . HQOO RIVER; OREGON. JOHN LELAND IJENDEKOS - AtTOBLSEY-At XAVC, ABfTRA( TKB; NO- V TAkVPUm.IOandKKAL ..;'. . KSJATE AOKNT. . ' Per B years a resident of O egon and Wash- ImtoB, Has toad many yean experience in - II ill KsUtM maUers, as abstractor, ercner of tlllM and aenk batislacUon (uaranteed or ao chare.' The Best Farms In the Hood River ; District ABE L1STKD WITH J. 11. Heiibronner & Co. We have ( improved and uu improved lands that are ..Real Bargains.. Prices range from $20 to $150 an acre for uncleared land and from $100 to $500, an acre for cultivated land. Gall and look over our list of bargains before buying. Our motto is ; DO AS YOU AGREE J. II. Heiibronner & Company Fruit Lands, Real Estate and Insurance Ground Moor new Davidson Hlilj!. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Hood River Studio -I'OU- First-Class Photographs We have the iHtei-t In mount and enn en large yonr l'hotos In t.'niyoji, IMatlnold or Bepia. butlnl'acticin guaranteed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. BONTON ...Barber Parlors... The plane to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection ' DeBORDE & GREY. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEFK. JlR.JONES.Dentist : Crown and Bridge Work. . ' Teeth . Without Plates. Treatoient of diseased teeth and gums Ottiee BroiU8 Building. I'lioiif 1033 . W. A: Morgan & CO. HnoceHOrt to Ganger & JlartUy Heavy aijd Light- Draving and Team Work, etc. Phone 1421. '. HOOD BIVEK, OK f: g. coe Carpentering i Phone 671 FAHTANUV, E. UHM1TH, K.O. Bl.ANCHAB 1'rw. VW-e-l'iva. Dattliler. V. 0. lliKKK, AhjI. Caxhler. The First National Bank OF HOOP R1VKR, ORKOON. (iitiil and Surplus $:t(),0(IO. P. M. HALL-LEWIS & CO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Make KtirvVK. planK aDd eKtiiimtes for sew er, litrht aii'l jower and railway plants, and ftirnlHh, autijitto aiipnival, plantt, HpeiMnca- iion. and etmmates tor all ciaaaesof ouiiuinKS pnbllc, private and inereantlle. Ir pedal at leotlon elvan to econcunic and slow-bumlnv ennstrtictlon. Accuracy and economy guar an teed. PAVIDbON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON.' S H. COX Contractor and Builder FLAM AMD ElTIMATM FOMItllA. FREDERICK A ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furniihad on all kinds ot work Phnnoo- Arnold, Main 88. SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Decorative 1'aiiitijig: an1 Pnpcr Hanging rinns ftiriiiHhed. EBtimates carp ftilly martc HOOD RIVER, OREI30N. E. A. JEROME, Architect u.utnff huH apvprAi veara exnerience in drafting and building. I would rcHpectftilly solicit a part oflhe patronage of the peotile of Hcxid River who anticipate bulldlnir. Terina reasonable, a id aatlRfHctlon guaranteed. Of fice at residence ou Heights. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER l'litme 7fifl FigurcH nntl eetinmteB fiiiuitilieJ on all kind ot building and contracting. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I am nnallfli'd and prcpiircd to do Alt fctndu of rirst-clHw lml surveying. AccurHcvuar anleert. Those who wis first-class wot'k.dune. addrem K. F. I. i., Hood Kiver. rnone aixi. M OIGON HUB BELIEF ASSOCIATION of Mi Miinn illi'. Oregon, will inmire your property at Wl per eent kws cost tluin any other iiiR.itution. V. r. KUs, special agent,, Hood Hiver, - - Oregon GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS 1 have for location nome choice apple lands and tlmqer claims; alo rellnqulslimentN and land to script. Call on or address. Wm. f. hand, lies. I'lione 370. Hood River. Ore. C. A. DANO Real Estate HOOD RIVER OREGON Intending purchasers would do well to eee my list of city and farm property hetore pur chasing. Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with ail parts of the I'nited H atea and are in g ! posi tion to sell vonr Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. ' Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am int'pantd to execute all ordeiK for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. WE WANT LAND We have buyers waiting for suitable locations in the fruit belt. List your property with u We are located -tit the hub and give special at tention to the Hood Itiver district. Portland projierty to trade for fruit land. LANGILLE 4 RAND 73 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood, I have a new steam wood caw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. Phone 121; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. Lnlled Stales Ijiud ollice. The Dulls, lire., April 1H, 1WM. Notice Is arrehy given that the following uumed settler bas nied tioller ol his Intention to mi'ke final prool In toj ii i ol his claim, and that mid proof will be made before the Hegiiiter and Receiver ;nt The Dalles, Oregon on May Hist, 1WM, viz : DAVID M. DUVALL of Moster, Oregon, on H. K. No. WsBi, for the lots 1, it. 8, and t, section 28, towush p 2 north range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culllva' tlon of said land, vlt: Lewis L. Goodwin, William K. Huskey, Geonte W. Huskey, Wiu. V. Htephensou, all of Mosler, ore. MICUAfcXT. NOLAN, al9-m21 Kelster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, United States Landontce, The Dalle; Oregon, March nth, MIS. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his In tention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before Ueo. T. Prattler, II. H. Commissioner, at his office In Hood Hlver, Oregon, on April U, 1WI6, via. : MARK K. THOMAS of Hood River, Oregon, II. K. No.8tM8 tor the Kit HKM, HKv Hec. JU, and NWW KK, Sectiou A, towusbtp 'IS., range 11 K. W. M. He uaiuea the (otiowlug witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said laud, Tit : Peter Haltaman and Jens P. Hanson, Hood River, Oregon. rn-Jt, alt) M1CHAKL, T. NOLAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, United Slates Laud Office. The Dalles, Oregon, April tt, 1WW. Notice Is hereby given that the following mimed settler hailed noil of his Intention to make final proof In nupport of his claim, and that said p oor will tie made before Ueorge T. Prsther, U. H. Doniniliwloner, at his office in Hood Kiver, Oregon, on May 15th, 1 WW, vis: EARL v. BARTMKSiS, of Hood River, Oregon, on II. K No. I'JHJtl, for the K'i HK, section .'I, Uiwnalilp a! north range U est, and lols i und i, section ID, towu nil I ' north range I0eul W. M. He mimes the following witiieies to prove his continuous residence iiKu and cultiva tion of said land, vis: Kdward H. ilartwlg, Hurry A. Hackell, Ralph Jarvls, Andrew A. Jayne, all of Hood River, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, slim 10 KeglsUT. ITImb r Land, Act of J tine I, irl N0T1CK FOR PUBLICATION United States lnd Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, Jan. 2llrd, ilHM,. Notice Is hereby given that in compllunoe with the pmvMiousol the act of Congress of June X, IH7S, entllled"Au act for the ssie of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the public land states ty act ol August 4, llsu, WALTER HPKED ofHt Johns, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day riled In this office his sworn statement No. mi. for the purchase of the lots 9, 4, 7 and s of Section IS, Tp. 1 mirth, ranges E., W.M. That he will offer proofs to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the tim ber or lone thereon than lor agricultural purposes, und to estsblirih hi claims to said hunts heiorr tti" Kegislcr nnd Receiver at the 1,'iml otllcu in The DhIIih, Oregon, on May I JIh, linm. Hunumealhe following witnesses: Nils C. UImiii ml Wm. H. Rallixnte of Portland, Ore gon', John ('. Hedges of T uululln.Orrgoii, and P. l'rualM-h of Homl River, Oregon. Any hikI ull perkiiiN clHliiifngudveraely any i,r the bove described IuiiiIh iuh nsi nested to filrlliiMi chiiiiisln llil" olll.w on or belore the said Will 'luy ofMay, lim. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, niHinlO Rcglater. iTImbor Ufiiii. Aet Junes, l7.J NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION. United Hhtti' Land (lllioe, The Dulles, Ongoii, Jiinunry 15, lliflll. Notice Is hereby given Hull In compliance with the provisions of (he actof congrcMsof June II, 1H.'H, enniled 'An net for Hie sule or Umber liimls In Ihe Nlnli'H of Ciililot-nlu, (Ircgoii, Nevada unit Vahlni:toii Territory, " hh exUimiiHl to all Ihe pulillc Isml kIjiich by act of August 4, 1NHA DAVID KOIII.KKS or I'ortiHiid, I'oiiuiy of Multnomah, stide of Oii Kor, hus Una clay Hied In this office his sworn Ntiiicmi-ut No. 27WI, lor the purchase of the MWSE'. S f,HE(4 end N'fcHWfc, sec Hon 5, township 1 north, runge9 E., W. M. That hi will oltcr pi'isif to show that the lulu! sought arc more vuluabie for the tim ber or stone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and (o establish his claims to said hind belore Ihe Rcglxter and Receiver at the land office In The Dulles, Oregon,on May 101 h, IWd. He mimes Ihe following witnesses: Nils (.'. olxon, c. W. Embody, Heiilamiu V. Klsher, of Portland, Oregou, and John K. Hedges, of Timlalln, Oregon. Any and ull iermns claiming adversely anyot the shove-described lands are request ed lo file their claims In this office on or be lore Hie said 10th duy of May, luoi. niHmlU M 1CII AEL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Lsnd, Act June 8, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Htutes Land Office, The Dalles, Ora. gon, Jan. 4rd, llnni. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1H1K, entitled "An act for the Mile ol timber laads In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public Laud States by uct of August i, lltri, uiiELAii otrrAViA rollehton of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of iiroroii. has this day filed In this omos nis sworn statement No. 2793, for the purchase of the lots III and 14, section si, lot , section xi, tp. '2 N., R. W East and lot 4, section I, Tp. 1 north, ran e E.. W. M. That she will otter proof to show the lands a light are more valuable for the timber or stone thereon than for agricultural purpon nd lo eatHhllah her claims to said lands belore the Register and Receiver at the land ollice lu The Dalles, Oregon, on May 12, lVUfl. Hhe names the following witnesses: Nils C. OlKon anil W. II. Ralhgate of Portland, ore.; Walter Hpeed ol HU Johns, Oregon; K. r'rauU schy of Hood Klver, Oregon. Any snd all persons claiming adversely anv of the above described lands are request ed to file their claims In this office on or be fore the said 12th day of May. im. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, ' mum 0 Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION United Htutes l-and office. The Dalles. Or. March M,. lsl. Notice is hereby given that In coiniillunre with the provisions of the act ol congress of June 3, 1X7, entitled "An act for thesuleor iimoer iuuos iu me sisies oi Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory ," as es tended to all the public laud stales by act August t, ww, PAUL V. McCULLY, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this uay niea in tnis omce nis sworn statement No. 2X16, for the purchase of Ixit 4. sec. 4, lOts 1 and it, snd r!E4 NK'.; sec. . In township I, rsngelteast, W. M., and will oiler nroof to show that the land sought more valuable for Its timber and stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the Win day of Mav. lWKi. He names as witnesses: Ntles C. Olsen. Port land, Oregon; r red rrautcby. Hood River, Oregon; George Hundley and Davis Foulkes, Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the shove described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before the 'Ann day of May, lUutl MICHAEL, T. NOLAN ni29 mu Register, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of tbe Htale of Oregon, for Wasco County. In the matter of tbe estate of Phebe Jones, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court for Wasco County, Oregon, administra trix or the estate or fbeoe Jones, aeueasea and all iwrsons havingctaime against the sal eaiiLle are reoulied to breaent same wilh 1h proper vouchers attacned, within six months from the dale of the first pnblicalloa of Ibis notice, at the office of Fouls Derby. Hood River, Oregon. K7.MA R. JONES, Administratrix of the estate of Phebs Jones, deceased. bated and first published March IS, 10t. XUT8 A DFRBY", Attorneys for Administratrix. CODLING MOTH AND TREATMENT TIMELY ARTICLE BY MELANGER Taken From a Bulletin on Orchard Practice, Complied bjr F. A. Huntley. The Codllna Moth is a brownish miller about one-bait inch iu length, which lava eggs on oi near apple", lu little over a week the eggs bat"h iu- to Codling Worms, In nearly all lo calities two distinct broods of worms occur each year. After feeding with in the apple for several weeks the worms leave.the lruit to cocoon. Most worms make tbeir cocoons iu the ground, many can be found beneath rougn bark, rneooooon stage is com pleted In from two weeks to a month during the summer. Worms leaving apples lata iu the summer remain iu the ooooona over winter.- When the cocoon stage is completed the codling worm baa changed to the codling moth, and is ready to lay ita ggs. . How to Combat Ihe ( willing Moth. The only lemedy for the colding moth is' straying. Other measurts are useful but cannot be depended on alone. Clean culture, especially wtlr- ring up the ground beneath the trees, is of great importance as it destroy the worms in their cocoons. Bunding trees with burlap will trap 40 per cent of the worms. Apples should be thinned so that no two touch. Trees should be pruued so that they can be easily sprayed and cultivated. A nen orchard should be set with trees thirty feet apart to allow for passage for the spraying outQt in the future. Spraying;. After the codling moth has entered the apple spraying does no good. The object of spraying is to provide a coating of poisou through which the worm will have to eat Its way. Alany worms enter where apples touch. 11 the fruit is thinned so that no two apples touch the worm is more likely to get poisoned. Most of the euly worms enter apples at tne blossom end. In order to place poisou iu the blossom end a spraying must be given just alter the petals fall and before the oalyx cup closes. This will be several weeks before tne nrst worms are hatching but must be given. It i most Important spraying of all. other spraying should be given ) the The just as the lirst worms of each brood are hatching. .' How to Time the Sprayings. The time for the first spraying is definitely fixed. But tbeie is mure doubt as to when the other sprayings sboull be given. The best time fur spayiug can easilybe ascertained by the foUowlng simple method, lu a quart Kings jar place a number of cocoons obtained from tne cruuit oi an uneven tree. This jar should have a cloth cover anil suouia be inneea in tne shade iu the oicbard. Add teu days to the date wheu the moths Hist up peared in the jar to allow for the hatehlua of the egg and the date for the secoud snraviutf is obtained. Ob- tuiu some new cocoons a mouth or so later and rear the moths of the second brood In the same way. The date fur the third spraying is thus found. A fourth sprayiag should be given one month after the third in tne warmer localities. What to Spray with. Load arsenate is giving better satis faction than any other substance. Lead arsenate nun be obtained on the market most economically as Swift's Arsenate of Lead or as Disparotie. Mix two pounds of lead arsenate paste with fifty gallons of water, (lire three or four sprayings which are ne cessary. One spraying alono will uo no good. Lead arsenate sticks won and snows np well on the apple. An ordinary rain will not wasn it on. it can not scorch. It has given such good re sults that it is the cheapest iiiHecti- olde in the long run. If lead arsenate can not be obtained use one pound oi runs greeu to ii.i gallons of watei. Add the Paria green to two pounds (no more) ot iresniy slak:d lime in mixing. Keep this mixture constantly agitated while spraying. How to Spray. Be thorough. One spraying proper lv done is better thau a dozeu incotn Dlete sprayings, uvery sine or every aoule must be sprayed. If an apple is only partly covered it win pronaoiy become wormy, use as mucn iorce aa possible; the mixture will penetrate better, spread better, and hick better. The one object of the first spraying ia to set poison into the oalyx cup To do this it Is necessary to force tne BDrav tnrouub tne crown or stamens. Soray downwards into the flowers with all the force possible until the Mowers aie dripping. An angle at tne end oi the extension rod is a convenience. The other sprayings must be made crosswise and upwards, as the aim in to ooat the fruit with poison. Use whatever nozzle will break up the spray into a mist with the pressure available, Vermorel for bund pumps and the Bordeaux type for power The best results have been obtained by using the power pump and throw ins plenty of a rather coarse penetrat Ins sbrav. Bv this means from '.Ml per oent to almost the entire crop should be saved. But above everything else, be thorough. Fears-Beautiful Bartlett. Perhaps no more enthusiastic horti culturlst ever visited tbe Pacific Coa-t than United States Pomologist 11. 1. Van Deman. and be bas done about aa much to adveitise our fruit grow ins advao'auei as any other man, be oause bia reports have been extensive- Ivnuhlished in tbe fc&stern agricultur al papers. Among the fruits which most pleased him were the pears, of which he says: "We all think we know what is good Bartlett pear in the eastern states, and perbapa we do, but if every one could aee the beautiful Bartlotts that grow on tbe Pacific Coast and vara able to tasta them, when tbey really come to full maturity on the tree, tbey would think them good en ugh for anyone In size they ex eel anything that I have ever seen elsewhere. Single specimens have proven by actual test ou the scales to weigh more thau a pound each. Their color in nioft faces is remarkably beautiful, being a clour pale yellow and utteii with a blush like the mod beaiititul tide. 1 have tteu beauti ful Bartlett pears on exhibit hi Mass achusetts, ew i orn. und other of our best pear-growing sections, but those from the orchards of Oregou and Washiutgon exoel them all, so fur as my observation goes. While the Bart lett is tbe principal variety growu, there are many other pears sueu i'l almost eivery orchard, and they all reaoh too highest degree of perfection, where the trees are sprayed to kill hi oodling moth and to prevent the scab lu the humid sections. In the arid sectious, liefore mentioned, where there are very few fumtus diseases. spraying for the latter trouble is not necessary, llie Howell, llu, ('lair- geau, Slioklou, Anjou and Winter Nelis, are tbe kiuds generally grown, asidi from tbe Bartlott, which, of course, leads them all." Spraying; of Trees In Order. Many of the Hood Kivei apple grow ers are preparing to put ou their llret spray this week. The bUwsouis are beginning to fall, and by the end of the week sprrfyiug will be general. Snows a.e ready now, and should bo watched carefully ami nut wait too lute to spray liefore the calyx cup closes up The second spray should follow iu about a week alter the lirst. Die Union have delivered most of the ai senate of lead spray material. It was very lucky that tbe supply wits hero before the San l'lancisco ilro, as no spray cen be had now except mm the east, when the prent i-tucks iu towu are exhausted. Xt w York Fruit .Man Vlmis Hood Hlver. Horace W. Day. of Sgubel & Day. New York, visited Hood llivor Friday. Mr. Day has been making a tour of inspection over the various fruit sec tions of the country, aud came here from California ile reports that thaic will be a good crop oi apples all over the country. Watsonvillu has a big crop, lno Hogtie Kiver valley lias a good crop, and a large iriigation dituh Is being put iu at Medford that ill irrig'itu the oictiards aud uo doubt increase the size of the apples Hie liogue Kivei iNewtowus have al ways been rather small iu size, and irrigation will no doubt help them. Feins in California promise a good orop, but will be more or less nil ec ted with soab. Peaches will be a snort orop in all tbe peach districts. The strawberry crop iu Missouri is about the average. Comic Opera liidt r a Circus Tent. Among circus owners it lias comu to be a tradition that Norris & Howe, the young western circus owners, never do anything t li tit some ono else has done if they can possibly avoid it. They have gone into uew territory aud strange places that no other show bud the teniotity to attempt. They wore the first American circus to invade .. . . .! , i I lin 1 .'mm III io 1. 1' Muvlcn u, wl now t.hov I mtioduce for tho very first time a complete little comic opera under can viih. It is given upon the elevated stage by thirty demure young women lieuded by tho clever singers Aliuo lirndner, M'llo (Hover aud the Dowar Sisters. The title of the ono act oper etta is culled "The Seronmlers. " The enstu i es and special scenery lire pic- tiiret-iiue in the extreme; the music outchy and tuuulul. Signor Oeislei the clever e'Mieetrinu director bus hown his ability aUo as u ballet mas ter aud bus arranged a sorios of pretty dances lor the )Ciing women, and they teem to cuter us l eurtily into the enjoy men t of the mazes of tho dunce and the catchy uuisio as the large tin di 'lice. At the night performance, a new operetta is given. This time tho giris appear lu a one act comedi etta entitled, "My Lady Nicotinu." It Is just as attractive as 1 no Seren ades." Noma & Howe deserve con siderable credit lu getting away from tbe beaten paths and introducing something uew and stirring in the world of tho arena. The new aud gieuter Norris & Howe circus will ex hibit ut The Dalles ou Suturday, May liith. Killed by a Ira n. W, K. Cotiirhliu was killed on the railroad track Saturduy night just bo low tbe freight depot by the passonger train due here from the west at 10:10. Tho engineer of the train reported to tho night operator that tie thought that perhaps he hail struck someone, but was not certain, and the operiitoi went down and looked aiouud, but saw uo one. The next morning he in formed Agent lioylo, who summoned Undertaker Nichols, and the two went down the track at six o'clock aud dis covered the body of W. K. Coughlin, section foreman at Viouto, lying about to feet from the main track, where lie had been htruck and thrown by the engine, llie body was uauiy bruised, the right thigh aud wrist being brok en aud the chest bruised. The man evidently died from iutemal injuries received. The bod 7 as taken to Nichols' un let taking rooms and put iuto a casket, and then taken to tho home of the family at Viouto. Monday morning the remains were hi ought here and in terred in Idlowild cemetery. Tho lo cal camp of M. W. A. hold services ut the uravo under their ritual, llie ne- ceaHod wiih a mimibsr of the order, but not of the local lodge. The deceased was I1H years old and leaves a wife and live children, be sides a brother aud sister in the eiibt. Mr. Coughlin carried other insurance besides that in the M. W. A. order, and leaves the family iu comfortable circumstances. It is reported that the sulphur spring in Ashlaud is flowing ten times its UHiiiil quantity of water since the earthquake at San Francisco Wednes day morning. The regulator in li. L. Whited's jewelry store stopped run ning at exactly 10 seconds after the time the earthquake was reported to have been first telt. Medford Tribune. Such a (rainlfatluT. A young man was being examined by a lite insurance official us to his family record. Among other ques tions the following was asked, "Of what did your grandfather die:"' The applicant hesitated a few mo ments and then stammered out "1-1'in not sure, but 1 think he died in in fancy. "May Lippiucott's. McDonald stills house paints. It will pay you to get prices iroin him lielore buying. BOURNE GETS THE NOMINATION LATE RETURNS IN HIS FAVOR Cake's Majority in the First Returns Steadily Decreased by the Country UhdrlcU It is now decided beyond a doubt that Jonathan Bourne, Jr., is the Re publican nominee for United States Senator. While II. M. Cake came out of the city of Portland with over 2,- C00 majoi ity, aud led in many conn- ties, the lato returns in the outlying districts steadily reduced Cake'a ma jority until the final count gave Bourne several hundred votes to the good. With hardly a dissenting voice, tbe Rontitilicana UAtierAllv annent. t.hA rsr. diet aud the state Republican press will support the 1-iopublioan nominee legardless of their personal prefer ence of the several candidates for Son ator before the piimaiies. This is the first test of the primary law, and as the law was accepted before the piiuiarics, so it will tie accepted at the finish. There is uo doubt bul that Jonathan Bourne will be a strong man for Ore gou lu the United States Senate. lie bas proved liinifelf to be it tiielesa worker, a good organizer aud an able man. lu Portland where he Is best kuowu lie will receive the uuited sup port of the Keptiblicans. All the can didates before the priumrlea for Sen ator have endorsed him, aud hia nomination will bo ratified at the June election. ( KOI RKl'UKTS. From the Fruit Trade Journal. Threaten Control of Tench Shipments. lieuton Harbor, Mich., April 18. The Hebrew settlers hereabouts, known as the "Flying Rollers," have about BOO acres of tne finest farming land in tho county, two-thirds of which is set iu splendid peach or chards. They are constantly increas ing their land holdings, and there la prospects that they may control the peach market of Berrieu county in tbe near future. Labor costs them noth ing, as they are a co-operative organ ization, and they have a great advant age over other growers. They expect to ship six to eight carloads dally this season. Rich Delta County. Delta, Colo., April 14, 1900. Delta county expects over 12,000,000 returns to her fruit groweis during tho season ot l'.XKS. About 2,000 car loads of peaches are expected to be shipped, over 1, 000,000 wot th; also, U.r'l carloads of apples, Bt an average nrina nf 1 nor Vinv or nil, ml KII 111 price of $1 per box, or about $000,000, i Krenii nuuuutuicu ub nmnii iiui,b niau will bo 'shipped. '"' (ioinl Fruit Outlook In WaHlilniften. North Yakima, April 0, l'JOG. The Thompson Fruit Co. re ort that prospects for a flue fruit ctop this season am veiy Haltering, as the trees have all wluterod well aud have es caped tho spring frosts so fur. This country U a largo producer of fancy peaches, Spltzeuberg aud Newtown i'ippiii apples, and we will have the largest crops of these fruits in our his tory. Kvury souhou shows a large increase iu production, owing to new orchards coining into bearing. Bartlett peara will not be as heavy as last year, ow ing to over bearing last season. We estimate the output for the county of Yakima at 800 carloads of all varie ties. Mrs. Clara B. Walte Dies at White Salmon. Mrs. Clara B. Walte died Saturday, April 2S, at White Salmon, of scarlet fever. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn her untimely death. Mr. Walte came to White Salmon fiom Minnesota about a month ago, and was followed by the family in a few days. The children were taken sick with scarlet fever, and recovered, but communicated the disease to the par ents, cunning the death of the mother. Mr. Waite is still sick with the dis ease, but is recovering. The body of Mrs. Waite was pre pared for burial by Undertaker Bart mess and shipped back to the old homo in Minnesota Suturday evening accompanied by a brothor.the.hiisband being unable to go on account of hia sickness. The family are quarantined at White Salmon on account of tbe disease, but two kind-hearted neighbors volun teered to take cure of tbcra, and are ministering to the wants of the afflict ed family while under quarantine. Mr. Waite came to White Salmon to make his home and iu this sad afflic tion iu a new country among strangers ho has the sympathy of the commun ity. End of Lecture Course, Friday night the Ladiee' Aid So ciety of tho Congregntiounl Church concluded their lecture course season with the entertainment given bv the Dixie Jubilee Singers. The house was packed, there being not a vacant seat in tho house. The Dixie com pany Is one of tbe best colored musi cal organizations in the country. Their entertainment is refined, enter taining and up to a high-class stan dard. They consist of a mixed sex tette, with a pianist of exceptional ability, and their voices are sweet, cultured and full of a stirring melody which appeals to tbe audience. The entertainment was'greatly enjoyed. Fruit as a Correc:ivo Diet. Common fruits aro not properly ap preciated as food. They have dietlo value and ideuty of it. Fruits supply a diversity of Biigar acids and the ne cessary wai-te of bulky material for the aiding of tho intestinal movemeut. Fruits aud fruit juices keep the blood in healthy condition. According to a decision handed down by Judge Mouroe of the Super ior Court oi California, a fruit grow ers who becomes a member ot a fruit exchange, signs tbe by-laws and agrees to sell his product through the ex change only, must comply with tbe obligation or pay the penalty' provid ed by the by-laws of the organization, -I !