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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1902)
l Monte m :Carl At Prices Consistent with Good Shopping. Come quick. We are running low, and will soon let well enough alone. Yours truly, FRANK A. CRAM. O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. East bound No. 2, Clilongo Special, 11:26 a. m. No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 8:40 p. m. No. 0, Mail and Express, 11:22 p. m. West bound No. 1, Portland Special, 2:05 p. in. No. 8, Portland Flyer, 4::(0 a. m. No. 6, Mall and ExpreBB, 6:42 a. m. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Peerless flour at Hartley's. Fakir's festival Thanksgiving night. Feifer's Union 5c cigar atW.B. Cole's. Get Bartmesa' prices on shingles. Write your insurance with Friday & Barnes. No. 1 baled hay for sale atthe Transfer & Livery Co. List your property with Friday & Barnes. Bottom prices on doors and windows at Bartmess'. Get your material for Thanksgiving fruit cake at O. B. Hartley's. Dressed chickens, young and old, at McGuire Bros. Saturday. Flour and Feed at Spot Cash Gro cery. It will pay you to get Bartuiess prices on building material. Doors and windows Bartmess has the most complete stock in town. Fetch Portland quotations on house furnishings to Bartmess and save freight. If you want to tile on timber land homesteads, call on George T. 1'rather, U. S. Commissioner, district of Oregon. It will pay you lo get our prices before buying jour winter supply of groceries. The Spot Cash Grocery. Mrs,. W. D. F. Mercer and children moved from Mrs. Howe's cottage to their ranch last Saturday. Frank Noble has built a. stone wall and leveled off his lot, making a great improvement in that part of Oak street. Mrs. J. B. Hunt, who has been seri ously ill for the past two weeks, is how in a lair way to recover ner uuw ucnm. STORE NEWS. 84th SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE. GRANITE COFFEE FOTS-At the price of tin ones; quart; just the right size for family ue-23 Ct3. Don't you need a new one? SaturdayChristmasOpening: . i .1 o in? when we will mien the doors ..... T. "J. in ... EMPORIUM- jsaiuruay at iw A Few Hardware . ... t . . ri I5it Screw pnvers, i ntra, " v 5S Hatch Handles, Hammer Handles, etc.. at very little minims, ii ;"' " ' , !,,. Kunmnii wire noivnere 15e PXto&lf iTlil7 fey are --thing very nice. Baskets W-5MMr Silverware ? SSJfSJTSt'SS Goods nice; prices little. Perfumes "tr." p""k'8"' p""' ' DPeCiaCICa Ht your eyes frame Spec in case, 4tte mif II Crte? We are Bhovvlng wine excellent WalKiniT 5KlllS uesi.ithis line; new styles fabrics thai will please you. i Our two stores will be attrac.ively filled wit . holiday novel . i.-v trl.d to anticipate vour waul and shall leave it to Sr Ju , e ,t s o whether we have surfed. AVe shall be glad -irt iw"" niil Christmas any elections you wish to make; ill Seller cu.e at one whiie our s.o,k M nbr.:ke Come Just to See - - - - You jrlBuy AUTOMOBILE TICKETS with your purchase TRADE TICKETS Vom ItrmtUr Hi to iS our tint Store trill be infn ttH 10 I'- -V THE LITTLE STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES. Always Up To Date. Has Some New Arrivals in Three-quarter length Short Jackets AND Capesof allkinds Charles Chandler left Sunday for a visit to his former home in Texas. L. D. Tweedy, who spent two or three months in Sherman county engaged in weighing wheat, returned home last week. Miss Emma Bonney has returned from ' her homestead in Tygh valley and is again at her desk in the Commer cial Co's office.- Judge and Mrs. L. Henry will in a few days take their departure for South ern California, where they expect to spend the winter. J. LVan Loan of the East Side is suffering from blood poisoning. He scratched bis hand on an apple box and a few days later had to call on a doctor and have his hand lanced. Foresters of America of Hood River will give the crack ball of the season, New Year's eve. They will have first class music and supper and popular pri ces, especially the latter. Win. Stewart has commenced the foundation for bis residence on State street, and if he carries the work to the completion of the structure on the same lines as he has the preparatory opera tions, he will easily have the finest resi dence in the city. Hood Kiver assembly United Artisans has incorporated with a capital stock of :1500. The purpose of the incorpora tion is to buy land, erect a hall and lease the same. The incorporators are F. C. Brosius, A. P. Batohara, D. Mc Donald and Fred B. Barnes. J. E. Batson, from Northfield, Minn., is a new arrival in Hood Kiver. He is an old acquaintance of Judge Prather. Mr. Batson has purchased the Taylor place of 40 acres on Neal creek and ex pects to some day make Hood River hia home. Charlie Davidson, the sage of Bellamy Gardens, has taken a homestead at Mt. Hood, half a mile east of the postoffice. He went up Sunday to view his new possessions. He finds that he has 40 acres that he can putinto apple orchard, and will procure a lot of Angora goats to clear the same. A fine big spring bub bles out on the upper part of his land. urA at u-nrk t?tttlnr our store f our MAMMOlll 11Uiijai a nr...nt ioeverv Ixtv and girl. " Arrivals iniM 1k Hand Saws, foninass Saws we can measure and Good lenses, niekled exactly. val- and : Joseph Huber, who has been working at Mount Hood, went jto Portland Sat urday. Mr. Huber is an old soldier who seems to be in a streak of bad luck. He worked all summer clearing land 'on a homestead held by a Portland man. While at work, bis cabin burned down and he lost bis clothing and commisary stores. A survey of the land made about this time, proved that he had cleared the land, about 3 acres, on an other man's claim. He then went -to Portland, and the man he had been working for refused to pay him anything because the work had not been done on hio claim. He then came back to Mt. Hood and worked a month for another man, clearing land and holding down his homestead. The man he worked for boarded him but failed, so Huber says, to pay him anything. The old man was given a ticket hy Canby post to go to Portland. He is a pensioner at $6 ' a month, and served in the 1st Kentucky and 183d Ohio, in the civil war. The Watson track, adjoining town, will soon be put upon the market. The syndicate having it in charge, represent ed by J. F. Batcnelder and R. R. Irwin, is only waiting now until the plats are properly filed and accepted by the com mon council. The Idlewilde property, adjoining the Watson tract on the west, is also controlled by this syndicate, and lots and blocks in this desirable locality are now in the market. The syndicate will make the streets, build the side walks and culverts, and have the addi tion lighted by electric lamps. River street will be improved to the State road and Oak street, also, will be improved so far as it does not interfere with the big springs on the place. These springB will be utilized to furnish water for the addition, and purchasers of lots who build according to the conditions will be given water free three years. Five acres and a fraction in the southwest part of the Watson tract will be reserved for a hotel and summer cottages. A. Ad Keller of The Dalles has taken the agency for "Treasury of Knowledge,'' a publication of 1050 pages, edited by Trumbull White, which is one of the most meritorious recent works that have come under the observation of the writer. It treats of five different sub jects, viz: "The Industrial Age," "The World's Science and Inventions," "Mar velous Peculiarities and 'Noteworthy Facts of All Nations," "Amazing Won ders of Nature,." "Things We All Should Know." These subjects are treated by well known authors and writers in a clear and concise manner, and compiled by Mr. White in a way to be compre hended by all. The book is higftly il lustrated, making it very attractive. It is sold at $2.75, $3.60 and $4.50, accord ing to binding. This work should be in every library. Mr. Keller was in Hood River Tuesday and Wednesday taking orders for this work. He will caiwaas Hood River valley next week. Last Friday evening Miss Mignon Abbott was given a party in honor of her twelfth birthday. Among those in vited were: Misses Pearl Bradley, Anna Jackson, Alberta Jackson, Bessie Stran-' ahan, Susie Vaughn, Ella Holman, May Mooney, Florence Hanna, Eva Connell and Lulu Bird; Masters George Howe, Arthur Cunning, Clinton Mooney, Ells worth Hanna, Johnnie Connell and Horace Stranahan. The evening was passed in games and a good time in ' general. At 10:30 refreshments were, served, and after wishing their hostess' many happy returns of the day, the guests departed. D. McDonald of Hood River was in town on business Tuesday. He gives a very interesting account of methods in connection with the strawberry crop at Hood River. From what he says a large family, the larger the better, can make a living and save money on five acres in Hood Kiver valley. Mr. McDonald had some bhi acres in berries himself as a side issue last summer, and after hiring everything done cleared 75 an acre. Land ia high in the valley, but when prof its of this nature are taken into consid eration it is little wonder that a big price is asked for desirable places. Wasco News. Uncle Oliver Bartmess passed the hat and got contributions enough to light the with electricity and place a good, strong light in the street in front of the church. Uncle Oliver gave $5 towards the good work, himself, and several others contributed $5. The street light shines for all, all night, and belated pedestrians will bless Uncle Oliver as long as the light shines. Thos. Bishop was one of the delegates to the irrigation convention at Portland, and reports a rery good meeting. Mr. Bishop sars that the visiting delegates were royally entertained by the eity of Portland and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Warm Suggestions For the cold, wet fall days. 1 You will find our Fall and Winter Goods to be very warm, congenial friends, and our prices are sure to give you that frieudly feeling towards us. We have studied carefully the quality of our purchases and bought only worthy goods. We have avoided everything of doubtful quality. Quality is First Consideration With us, and next after QUALITY is price; but we do not sac rifice quality for price. You can always get quality goods at a good stiff price. You can always get cheap, inferior goods at a cheap price. FROM US you can always get good, reliable goods of un questioned quality at fair, reasonable prices that are in your fa vor as compared with some quality goods elsewhere. We do not claim to have the cheapest on earth, and don't want it. Nei ther do you. , 1 The weather suggests and we recommend our Fall line of Heavy K-toe Hosiery, Wool Hose, Mittens, Wool and fleece-lined Underwear Felt Slippers, Velvet Slippers, Felt Boots, German Sox, Complete line of Rubbers, Men's Wool Hose, Ice Wool Shawls, Fascinators, Circular Shawls, 2v illiiiery, SHOES in a large variety of styles, but only one quality, and that good. ' , Bight now is just the time to order your Winter Suit built by the Royal Tailors. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoemaker arrived at Hotel Pendleton Saturday evening, from The Dalles, where they were mar ried on the 5th instant. Mrs. Shoemaker was Miss Maude Gilbert.daughter of Mr. andMrs.C.L. Gilbert, prominent citizens of The Dalles, and was a favorite of the young people of that city. ' Mr. Shoe maker is very well known here where he lived during his boyhood days and he isre ceiving the congratulations of his many friends. He is general manager ot the Spokane branch of the Washington life insurance company and is recognized as the most successful man in the business today. He won the prize given last year for writing the most policies of any of the company's agents. Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker will remain here a few days before going to Spokane, where they will make their home. East Oregonian. Georare Knantv bridge constructor for the Columbia Southern railroad, came down from Sherman county Monday. He reports that the rains in Sherman county have not been enough yet to wet the ground deep enougn lor tne piow. But there was plenty for the work of seeding, and the crop is up and looking fine. Farmers are elated over the good prices they are getting for their big crop of wheat. It is now worth 60 cents for No. 1. A man who is running a chicken ranch made a good thing by following the threshers with a fanning mill and cleaning Up! the chaff and straw where- the machines stoou. ue cieanea up as high as 22 sacks in one day. Captain ' Blowers, member of the council of administration, G. A. R., met with the board in Portland last week. The date of meeting of the next encampment was fixed for May 14, 1903. Portland was selected as the place at the state encampment in Astoria.iTents will be provided for all those who wish to camp out. The tents will be set up in the parks. May 12 was the best the captain could do for Hood River. But this date will hardly interfere with our strawberry harvest, and Hood River can turn out a full delegation. Sherman Young, the rural mail car rier, has a covered vehicle in which are apartments and pigeon holes in regular post office style. The outfit cost him 150. He has a good, strong team to haul the vehicle, and everything is in shape to give good service. It is a well known fact that the salary allowed tlie rural mail carrier is not sufficient for the service rendered, and as Mr. Young has gone to' so much expense to accom date the public he serves, his patrons should patronize him whenever it is in their power to do so. Jas. F. DeBord of this city has been awarded a free tuition contract by the correspondence institute of America, Scran ton, Pennsylvania. This en titles the holder to a free mail course in either illustrating, ad writing, journalism, proof reading, book keeping, stenography, practical electricity or electrical engineering. . As Mr. DeBord already had one of these contracts, he will be glad to transfer the extra one to any worthy person who is interested. A golden opportunity for somebody. Nice apples. for a permanent exhibit are wanted in Portland. Hood River can send good specimens and should do so. Send to George H. Lamberson, secretary of the state hoard of horticul ture. Hon. E. L. Smith will take charge of any specimens left with him for this permanent exhibit if he is here at the time they are brought in. At Portland they will be put in glass jars. The larg est jars hold 17 good-sized apples. L Struck, on part of the Heald place, had a fine lot of Newtown apples. He will realize abouX 1,000 for his apple crop on six acres, besides taking off good crops of strawberries and clover planted between the rows. The apple trees were Irrigated. Irrigation on that land has proven it to he first class for Newtown apples; without irrigation it was a failure. The Davidson Iruit Co. bought the apples. " Oscai Stranahan and wife returned home from Snokanelast week. They were called there two months ago by the seri ous illness of their son Bert, who was sick withty phoid fever .They nursed him until he was able to come home with them. Mr. Stranahan was very much taken with the city of Spokane and invested in ten lots. He thinks it a good place to in vest in real estate but he doesn't go back on Hood River. Mrs. Louise Goddard left Sunday for a visit in Portland, after which she will join Mr. Goddard in Tillamook, where the latter is engaged in leacmng vocai culture, having a large class of private pupils.and also teaching it in the school. Mrs. Goddard has been solicited to teach elocution and music this winter in Tillamook and will remain there un til spring when she and Mr. Goddard will return to their home in Crapper. - Prof. W. F. Werschkul of Portland formed a very interesting class in vocal music at the Congregational church on Mondav. The class consists of 35 mem bers. Professor Werschkul is a Very busy and successful teacher and his presence ia Hood River affords the musically inclined people a rare oppor tunity to cultivate their talents. Another double apple has peen pre sented to the Glacier office. This time by Judge Henry. It is a Newtown and has one stem that divided, or ft I it, and serves each part. The Newtow n is now even with the Ben Davis. Professor Werschkul of Portland w ill sing a sacred solo at the Congregational church on Sunday at th 11 o clock ser vice entitled, "Thou art Weary." Wool Tarns In great variety, Heavy fleece-lined Jersey Leggings, Men's Gloves, Lougley Hats for men, Overgaiters, Ladies' Gloves sud Gauntlets. Outing Flannel 4c Knit Skirts 63c Bed Spreads $1.16 . w . , .l u l i . . . ...... i -.. '. Special large size plain white bed A lot of outing in all the best color- A handsome lot of knit skirts which 8preuds for iron or brass beds; Marseil- lngS, pre ty stripes regu ar 6ihnd 7c were to retail at fl.OOand $1.2u, we will Uerna m , Vftr, values at 4c yd. A splendid flannel sell at the low price of 63c each. - values at $1 16 each for quilts. : Blankets $3.74 pr. Niht Shirts 47c Corsets at 75c Men's and Ladies' outing flannel AU our L0O corsets in the Kabo, Blankets of fine white wool, colored nightshirts, In a big assortment of the C-B, F-C and Amiorsido. we will sell borders, silk bound, 10x4 size. The best very best pattern, which is a bargain to close at 75c. Don't miss this while blauket of the year at 3.74 a pair. at the extremely low pfiee of 47c. they last. Umbrellas $1.05 Ladies Aprons 22c n&lSc Waistingsln a good many colors in , Men's gloria silk umbrellas, paragon Ladies' flue muslin aprons, in hem- the 16c grade we will sell at 13c, and frames, steel rod, bulb runner, a good stitch, lace trimmed, which were to those in 25c grade we will sell at 18c. assortment of handles. Big values for retail at 35 and 40c, that we will put This is a bargain, and you should this week at $1.05 each. out this week at 22c each. not miss it. Phone 91. E. D. West and family are now in Gilliam county, where he is farming along with his youngest brother. Crops were good last season and they got 70 cents a bushel for wheat. Mrs. West came down last week and moved their household furniture. She went to Mos ier Monday with the children and Tues day expected to go to Gilliam county. The family will return to Hood River in March. Mrs. Laura Baldwin went to Salem Tuesday, where she may remain till spring and take a position in a store. Her mother, Mrs Jas. McGuire, is in Salem, visiting a brother. She lately had a fall and has been partly laid up, and Mrs. Baldwin has been uneasy.fear ing it might be more serious for her mother than she made it out to - be in her letters. There's a weekly letter from Wash ington, D. C, in the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean, and its contents alone make the paper well worth its regular subscription price of 1 a year. Yet by our special low-rat arrangement both the Glacier and the Inter Ocean may be had for $1.90 for one full year. Can you think of a better investmentT Captain Henry Avery, lately of Hart ford, Connecticut has leased Eggermont and, with his wife and sister, Miss Rose M. Averv, will permanently reside there, and not "for a season, as was lately stat ed in these columns. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Eggert will still retain their summer residence on the place. O. D. Brace, wife and child of Tygh valley are visiting his brother, F. O. Brace. Mr. Brace is a successful farmer. He grows wheat and hogs. Hie wheat fed to hogs nets him over one dollar a bush el. He brought a load of eight hogs with him to The Dalles and sold the load for 97. Mrs. Harry Bailey is laid up with a severe attack of rheumatism. She was about to start for a trip to her parents' home in Missouri when she was taken sick. She is now improving and will go as soon as able to travel. Mr. Bailey will go to Eastern Oregon to look out a location to go into the stock business. R. R. Irwin returned from a trip to Lynden, Washington, whe. his family and Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Watson resides. He reports Lynden a lively little town in Whatcom couuty. He found the folks well. Mrs. Irwin and the children will return to Hood River in the spring. The Congregational C. E. society gave a Very interesting social at the A. O. U. W. hall on Friday evening. At this so cial the young people raised an amount sufficient to pay for a memorial window in Bethel Congregational church, now building, near Woodburn, Oregon. An entertainment for the benefit of the public school library w ill be given at the opera house Friday evening, December, 5, when the cantata, Red Riding Hood, will be rendered. A chorus of 35 school children will take part. Solos by Dr. Brosius and other prominent singers. C. L. Ireland of the Sherman County Observer was in town Saturday. He was on his way home from the irrigation congress, which he attended as a dele gate appointed by the governor. His business in Hood' River was to purchase wood, which he found held at stiff prices. J. O. Eastman will give a dance in their nice new residence on Phelpscreek Friday of this week. Nimble footed people of the neighborhood will be sure to have a flue time. A supper will also be given after the dance. , Young man, buy a piece of rough land, Get some goats and brush it op. Plant ten acres of C'h1 winter apples, and in your middle life it will keep yoa at a good hotel. Saleip Journal. iioney Talks AND TALKS FOR YOUR BENEFIT ,'BV ' .... If you do your trading with us a trial will convince you. . We want your trade and are willing to make it an object for you to do business with u& ' Bone & McDonald. GOODS CHEAP, not CHEAP GOODS I CAN DIVIDE The usual profits with my customers, because my expenses are small, and sell WATCHES, ladies' and gents' . sizes, of Elgin, Waltham, Hampden or Springfield movements in Fahy's Montauk or Boss 20 and 25 year cases with Simmons' 20 year gold-filled chains, the very best standard goods, for even LESS THAN EASTERN PRICES. Likewise with CLOCKS; Alarm clocks, Eight day striking clocks, as well as the WONDERFUL 400-DAY CLOCK. My Btock also Includes RAZORS, the finest made, SILVER and oth er Fancy Tableware, appropriate for presents, useful, ornamental. SPECIAL BARGAINS in Cuff Buttons, Brooches, solid gold RINGS and lu fact in all kinds of jewelry. JEWELRY REPAIRING neatly done; watch work a specialty and second to none in accuracy, owing to long experience and careful study. Satisfaction Guaranteed; If youb eyes need attention, I can fit them with the proper Glasses by means of scientific tests, and furnish you with the best gold- ' filled Frames at reasonable prices. Q J TEMPIiE Specials i J. E. A marriage license was granted Sat urday morning to R. W. Evans and MiBS Josephine McClure. The young lady is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClure, of Mosier, and the young man a recent arrival in- that neighborhood, and a relative of Lee vans. Cbarlev Davidson has moved to town from Bellamy Gardens temporarily. He reports mat. jac- rrusv was in cyiucutc at the Gardens last week. Thursday and F'rlday the thermometer registered 20 at 6 o'clock, and the ground was frozen about two inches. Chas. Mooney met with an accident one day last week by which he came out a different looking man. He ran against one of our stilt west winds ana lost his mustache. Every one has to look the second time, now, before being sure of their man. Friday & Barnes, Saturday, sold 15 acres belonging to M. A. Cook to A. O. Hershey for f 2,900. This land is one mile south of town, and Mr. Hershey got it at a bargain. Mr. Cook paid $1,250 for the 15 acres a year ago. Frank Chandler has purchased 10 lots on the hill near T. J. Cunnings. He will build a barn for a temporary resi dence until he can complete plans for a handsome and substantial dwelling house. Louis Baldwin, J. E. Koontz and daughter Allie went to Portland last Friday, returning Sunday. They report good weather during their stay in that city. Indian Gardens ranch supplied the Glacier force on Tuesday with a liberal supply of Concord grapes, for which our thanks arB due. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notloe in hereby given that the nmlemlened has beeu duly appointed exeiMitorof the Last Will of Van JohQuOD, dv-Re1, by order of the Hon. County Court of the County of Wasco, Slate of Oregon: and all nei soua hav ing claim, against said eUU) are hereby notified toprwteiH the shmio, prerly veri fied, to the undersigned, at the office of A. A. Jayne, In Hood Kiver, Oregon, within six months from the date of tlrsl mihliintinn of toil notice. HKNKY I'KKIUK, Executor of the last Will of Van Johnson, Dated at Hood Kiver, Or., deceased. this loth day of October, 1PM. . Timber Land, Act June -t, 1STS.) KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States lnd Office, Vancouver Wash., Nov. d, MM. Notice is hereby given, that iu compliance with the provisions or the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S. entitled "An act for the safe of timber lands In the Suites of California, Oregon, Nevaila, and Washington territory," as exu-nded to all the Public lnd HlHtos by act of August i. Its ; JOWEFH ZIMMKKMANN, of Sublimity, county of .Marion, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement, No. 2XS7, for the purchase of the south of northwest and south of northeast H of section No. .14, In ton slilp No. 6 north, range No. it east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable for iu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Kecelver of this ofllce at Vancouver, b.,on Wednsaday, thelllh day of March, lwn. He names as wilnesses: Wesley A. Miller of Seattle Wash.; John Kinls of (sublimity. Or.; John Kiser and George U Chandler of Glen wood. Wash. And JOHN ZIMMERMAN!, of Hubllnity, county of Marion, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn staleiiu at. No. 2kl for the pnn-haaeof the sooth west of northwest east 4 of ssnthwest and northwest .if southwest in es quarter of section . Z, In township So. i north, range No. li esu. W."M and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for lis timber or stouethan for agricultural pun-", and to establish his claim to said hind before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vsn eouver. W ash, on Wednesday, me UU day of March, MH. He nanus as witnewe: W esley A. Miller of Settle. Wash.: John kinti of Muhlimity. Or.; John Ki-cr and George L. Chand ier of tileo wond, Washington. Any and ail pern ons claiming adversely the above described lends are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said Ulh day of March, 1MOH. nJ W. R. DUNBAR, Register. RAND. Free Delivery Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash. October 18, 1WM. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress ot June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ter ritory," as extended to all the public land slates by act of August i, 18)12, JOHN YOWT. ol Trout Lake, county of Klickitat, state of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement, No. 2H1, for the pur chase of Lot 'i ot section No. 1, township No. 5 north,range No.lOeast.w M.andwlll oiler proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural fmrposes, and to establish his claim to said and before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the tfth day of January, l He names as witnesses: Harry Powers, Jacob V. W. Clatterbos, Fred Ktoller and Joshua Aernt, all of Trout Lake, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims In tills office on or before aaid Oth day of January, Vm. o3Un2 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 8, lftH-Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land slates by act of August 4, I8IU, OSCAR W. PKARCR, of Trout lAke, county of Klickitat, state of Wash., has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement, No. 2M8, for the pur chase of the northeasts of northeast of sec tion No 7, and south of southeast aud northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section No. tj, in township No. tt north, range No. 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Friday, the 6th day of March, lt. He names as witnesses: Christ Outer, Wm, M. Vampllctd and Fred Moore of Trout Luke, Washington, and Win. lie.rlngerof Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to file .their claims in this otlice on or before said mil day ol March, lltl. niljii W. R. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land ofllce at Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 31, liKr.!. Notice la hereby given that I lie following-named settler has tiled notice of his In tention to make final proof in sup- Krt of his claim, and that said proof will made before W. B. Presby. U.S. Commis sioner for district of Washington, at his ofllce in Ooldeniale, Washington, on Mou day, December li, HUB, viz: ALCIHK W ILLARI), Homestead entry No. IUslti, for the northeast quarter of section 30, township tf north, range 12 cast, w. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: Mary Baraer and David Plett of Golden dale. Washington; August Berg and Thomas tuigley of Olenwood, Washington. nd ' W. K. DU.NBAK, Register. TTImber Land, Act June It, 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States I nd Office, Vancouver, Wash., November 8, lMTJ. Nolle Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act fur the sale of timber latxta In the slam of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory, as extended to all the public land tales by act of August 4, lrj, JOHN KINTZ, of Sublimity, county of Marlon, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. Smsh, for the purchase or the N 'H of NW, east S of NWU and SW'V( of the NK1 of section No. Jj, In township No. 5 north, range No. Ueast, W M and will om-r proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for iu timber or sune man lor agricultural purposes, and to estmn. Ilsh his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash, on Tuesday, tlx 10U day of March, 1WM. He names as witnesses: Joseph T.lmmer mann and John Zimmermann of Snbllmllv. Oregon: Wesley A. Miller sf Seattle. Wash. ana mssrge , manaier of uienaond. Wash. Any and all persons claiming advenetT the ahova-deacribed ads are requested to file tneir claims in mis omce oa or nefora said Hah day at March. IWfl. BAI-5 W. R. DL NBAR, Register.