Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1902)
. Sad Cane of Drowning. Alice Pearl Shaw, the 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Shaw of Portland, was drowned in the west fork of Hood river, about half a mile below Sandy Flat, last Saturday after noon. Tbe mother and child were (.rousing a sheep bridge at the lime of the accident, and it is thought that Mrs. Hbaw lieeame dizzy from watch ing the swift running water, for she was Been to full headfirst into the stream and drag her little girl witli her. The river at this point narrows to 10 or 12 feet and is dangerously swift and deep. The little girl struck on a rock as she fell into the water and never came to the surface until taken out of the water 400 yards below. The mother floated in the water and was rescued few minutes before herchild. For a week or more there had been camped at Maple Dell Mr. and Mrs. .SI) aw and daughter Alice, and Walter Holt and Wife of Portland and Walter MeOuireand family of Hood River. Sat urday, the party picnicked at tbeshee p bridge just below Sandy Flat. About 8:30 in the afternoon, the party except ing Mis. Bhaw and daughter, went 60 or 100 yards up the west ba-ik of tbe stream. The woman and girl sat on the bridge playing with sticks in the water. They were seen to get up and cross to the right side, and when with in a step of the bank, Mrs. Shaw, pull ing the little-girl with her, fell head long into the swift waters. The alarm was given aud everyone rushed to the assistance of the drowning woman and child. Walter Mcliuire was the first fo reach the bridge, and threw Mrs. Shaw a chunk of wood he tore from an old log on the bank. She clung to the stick of wood, but the swift current prevented McGulre from pulling her to shore. Clinging to tbe price of wood, Mrs. Shaw floated in mkUtreatn out of reach of those on the bank. None of tbe rescuers were good swimmers, and a struggle with the drowning woman in the rapids would have meant death to any one. Some sheep-herders near by came up quickly and aided in the rescue, one of them pulling Mrs. Shaw out of the shallow water. She had , gone over a three-foot full, but escaped witb only slight bruises. Shortly after being taken from' tbe water she faint ed. The little girl never came to the surface after falling in, until pulled out of the shallow water by a sheep-herder about 50 yards below where her mother waa rescued. She had been in the water for about 400 yards, and every effort was made to resuscitate her but in vain. Charles Castner brought Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and the body of their little girl Into town that night, and the be reaved parents left tbe next morning for Portland. Cradlebangh on tbe Journal. John H. Cradlebaugh has gone to Portland to do editorial work on the Oregon Dally Journal. Thiepaper will hereafter have an Hdded interest for Hood River people. No man has more friends in Hood River than John Cra dlebaugh,'. Asa writer he is known and appreciated all over Eastern Oregon. Under tbe new management of C. S. Jackson, the Journal promises to be come one of the leading afternoon pa pers of the Pacific Northwest. It is etated on good authority that Charles I arid of Portland Is backing theenter prinwith bis capital, and it is also ru luorixl that W. H. Hearst, the million aire newspaper promoter, is behind the paper. The big presses discarded hist year by the Sun Francisco Examiner will soon be installed in the Journal office, when the paper will he increased to sixteen pages. The Journal uses the Scripps-MeRao association news service, furnished by a company doing afternoon work only, and which is fast becoming one of the best newsgather iiig associations in the United States. People are anxious for today's news to day, and the afternoon paper is bound to be the great paper of the future. In this the Western newspapers have a big advantage over those,of tbe East, of from one to three hours difference in time, which with type-setting ma chines and fast presses, means a great deal. With proper management the Journal is bound to succeed. The Gla cier wishes the enterprise success. ? The Jiew Town on the Hill. Hood River is expanding. It has stretched out over the hills and has be come a city of magnificent distances. The once beautiful pine woods known as Parkhurst, on the hill south of town, have been invaded by the surveyor and are now laid off in town lots. The real estate dealer got in his work, and these lots have been sold to home seekers. Now beautiful homes are found among the pine groves that have escaped the woodman's axe. On the road loading south from Blow era addition by Stranahan addition there is quite a collection of store build ings as well as' residences. O. L. Stran ahan was the first to build in this neigh borhood, and hia dwelling house is one of the most commodious and best fin ished of any houi in Hood River val ley. It Is' a delightful home. H. H. Bailev, C. H. Stranahan, J. T. Holman, Bird Bros.K Frank Smith and W. T. Hansberry have recently built good houses here. The deweliings of II. 11. Bailey and C. 11. Stranahan are still in process of construction and when fin ihed will be substantial improvements. M. M. Abbott is the pioneer merchant ol the locality. : He has good buildings and opened Ids store last spring. He carries a full liue of groceries, flour and feed and is doing a good business. He recently dug a well on his lots and struck a. good flow of water at 42 feet. Mr. Abbott recently sold half a lot (25 feet) to W. E. Godsey, who has lumlier an the ground to build a blacksmith shop. At the rate for which this half lot sold, lots fronting the street dividing Hull and Stranahan additions are worth fo a front foot. Opposite it. M. Abbott's store are the large business houses of J. H. Gill and the Carmichael Pros. J. H. Gill's building is 30x(U), two stories with 10 upper rooms for housekeeping. He has a splendid view from his upper rooms of the valley, Mounts Hood and Adams, the Columbia river and the White Salmon country. His neighbors, the Carmichael Bros., have just as good a view of the grand scenery to be seen from this neighbor hood. Mr. Gill will open a general merchan dise store as soon as his. house is com pleted. At present his family is camped in the big store room on the first floor. Carmichael Bros, have a building 24x50, two stones, with living rooms over the store room. They will open a line of drvgoods and notions when their building is completed. The three stores of If. M. Abbott, J. II. Gill and Car michael Bros, will have an electric arc light hung over the street in front of their stores. Across the street from Carmichaels' is building In course of erection which will be nsed bv S. C. Jackson for his barber iiop and also a department for his picture frame work. J. T. Hoiman baa rented ground from Mr. Gill to erect boildini; for a meat market. which will be run by a friend ot Hol- oian to arrive irom the hast. xmtn oi Jackson's building is the store of Henry Blarawn, who is conducting A confectionery and is doing well. Mr. Blarseon came here fur the health tf his family. His son Otis met with a ferious accident two weeks ago. He was peddling fish, and his horse started tip while he was some distance away. As ho ran to catch him he tripped on some wire, which threw hiin and dislo cated his shoulder. His shoulder was set, but for some reaeon the operation had to be done over again last Sunday, which was very painful. The street dividing Hull and Strana han additions is level and is a favorite place for bicycle riders and driving par ties. There is a dispute in regard to where the street lines should be. J. L. Henderson's survey and that of the county surveyor do not come within ten feet of each other. The buildings on the west side of the street are set back to correspond with Henderson's survey. If the property owners who build here will continue to set their buildings back and leave a wide street, they will some day have a boulevard to be proud of. Especially will this be the case when the Indian creek bridge is built up to a level with the road on both sides. Tree Struck by Llghtuing. F. P. Friday and family, while camped at their place seven miles from town on the East Side, had an expe rience during the thunder storm last Wednesday night which they don't care to go through again. The thun der storm was particularly severe du ring the hours of 10 and 12, and the frequent flashes of lightning lighted the woods brighter than diy. Atone time there was an awful crash of thun der, and Mr. Friday saw the lightning strike a 180-foot fir tree within 40 feet of the tent. The lightning holt de scended the tree in a spiral path, peal ing the bark a foot or more In width, and breaking oft' many of the limbs. The noise at this time was something awful. Mr. Friday says it sounded like the exploding (if a thousand bombs, and with the lurid lightning the whole scene was as near hell as he can im agine. The campers thought they bad had enough outing after that, and broke camp for home the next morning. Accompanying Mr. Friday and fam ily were Mrs. J. Otten and Mrs. W. E Sherman of Salem, mother and sister to Mrs. Friday. Mrs. Otten suffered a partial paralysis of her left side for two hours after the electrical shock. A re markable thing abont it all was the fact that the two children with the party, Laberta Friday and Florence Brosius, slept soundly through the whole storm. Death or "Uncle Hilly" Eastman William Graves Eastman, who died at his home in Hood River valley, July 30, 1902, at the age of 82 years, 5 months and.l day, was born at Rupert.Benning ton county, Vermont, February 29, 1820. At the age of four 4 years, he went with his parents to Cattaraugus county, Western New York. Here he grew to manhood and engaged for a number of years in the dairy business, until he re moved toTrempeleau county, Wiscousin, about 1859. He farmed here until com ing to Oregon in May, 1889. He settled in a home on Phelps creek, in Hood River valley, where he lived an active life until his death, Wednesday morning ot last week, in IBM. Mr. fcaBtman was married to Miss Betsy Jane Wick ham, who with his two sons Earl L. and James Otis, survive him. Mr. Eastman enjoyed good health, up to within a few months of his death, the immediate cause of which was a hemorage of the lungs, lasting about five minutes. Dur ing liis 13 years residence in Hood River he made many friends and was known by alias "Uncle Billy" Eastman He was a staunch tieliever in the principles of the republican party and was always proud to say he cast his first presidential vote for William Henry Harrison. To Estimate the Fruit Crop. The Davidson Fruit company is mailing return circulars to the fruit growers of the valley asking each one to give an estimate of the number of boxes of fruit he will have this year. The growers are requested to make a conservative estimate, as the Davidson Fruit company wishes to make the in formation valuable to the farmers in marketing their crop to the best pos sible advantage. The company is gathering this information for the pur pose of preparing itself for furnishing the necessary boxes in which to pack tbe crop, and to learn the qualities of the different varieties to be marketed. Mr. Davidson says his company is re ceiving many inquiries for' Hood River apples, and as the company wishes to act intelligently, the fruit growers should give this mutter their prompt attention. Oregon's Pioneer (ieologlst. Dr. Thomas Condon of Eugene, ac companied by his daughter, Mrs. H. F. McCornack, is visiting his son, Seymore Condon and family, at White Salmon. Dr. Condon, the pioneer Oregon mis sionary and geologist, was 80 years old, March 3, last. Though advanced in years, the venerable professor is still vigorous in mind, and recently issued a book descriptive of the geological con ditions' of the Pacific Northwest. He holds the chair of geology at the Uni versity of Oregon, and is the one re maining member of the original faculty, organized at the state university 2(1 years ago. By the students of the university he is loved and revered, and there are many young men and women of Oregon who will cherish fondly the memory of the hours they spent in the class room under the guiding inspiration of Dr. Condon. Lively Runaway. There was a lively runaway on River street Friday afternoon. A team of horses attached to an empty wood wagon, and lielonging to the Fuller livery stable became unmanageable a block above the old box factory and started down the street on a dead ran. Henry Fuller and Levi Tyler were in the wagon at the time. The horses started point blank for the Gerdes lodging house, and brought up against the west wail witli a crash, the tongue of the wagon going through the weatherboardiug and rip ping off the paper on the inner wall. By standers had an idea about this time that someone was severley hurt, but horses and men both escaped without an injury. Had the team kept the street it would have collided with ixm Morse and a livery hack filled with women and children. At the Parker House. Following are the arrivals for this week: Mrstieo I.awrem'e.jr, and baby, Mrs (lav, Mr Fisher, Mrs Stephan and daughter, Mr and Mrs Nargard, Mrs Dan Alctiill and baby, Mrs 11. Uillan and son Martiuam and little girl Mil dred, Miss Myrtle Marqunm, all of rortlami; .Mr Mare or Hamilton, .Mo.; Mrs Howard of Honolulu; Mr and Mrs James Forbes and daughter of Port land. Several more have engaged rooms, while others have been turned awav on account of a lack of accommo dation. Erne Ik-ntschen Blatter. A German paier is soon to be pub lished in The Dalles, the first issue probably making its appearance about tbe middle of tbe mouth. C. S. Ar nold, wlm recently came from Mil waukee, w ill be the publisher and the name of the journal will be "Der familieiifreund." The printing will be done in the Last for some tune. Col. Ilarrv Haines of Forest Grove is visiting his friend A. C. Staten, with hia family. The colonel lived for , a good many years in Utah, where he helped run the republican party till it got in the ascendancy and the now state became solidly republican. He then reformed, rame to Oregon and is now an nonest farmer in Washington county. InLtah, his family and Staten's rusticated to gether in the mountains every summer, and they get-together every summer now to have their outing. 1 he colonel is a veteran of the civil war, a jolly good companion and a true representative American ciuen. John Leland Henderson swam across the Columbia and back, Monday after noon. He started about a quarter of a mile above the boat lauding and landed 210 vards below the White Salmon wharf. Returning he landed on the sand bar opposite the ice house below town, having swum a distance of over four miles. He was in the water two hours. Chris Low and Fred Kelley ac companied Mr. Henderson in a row boat. This is a creditable swiming feat for a man 61 years old. . J. E. Rand is possessor of a large thoroughbred St. Bernard dog, a gift from Fred Shoemaker. Fred brought the dog with him on his return from Pendleton last week. While with Fred at the Mount Hood hotel the St.Bernard met with the little pet Spitz lap dog be longing to Miss Maude Gilbert. The spitz was but a mouthful for the St. Bernard and he passed to the happy be yond like a rat in the jaws of a Terrier. This is why the big dog belongs to J.E. Hand. , , ' Charley Prathar, the old G.A. R. man who lives on Rock creek, east of Hood River, will leave, August 15, for his old home in Illinois and will attend the na tional encampment of the Grand Army at Washington City, October G. At the last meeting of Canby post he among others was asked to give an excuse for failing to attend the meetings regularly, lie answered that a good soldier alwavs looked before him. not behind. Charley expects to extend hia stay in the t,ast two years. ' R. E. Harbison reports crops conditions for Hood River as follows: "The valley was visited by a hard rain Wednesday evening, accompanied by hail and heavy thunder, doing much good to growing crops; the hail being fine, caueed no damage; hay crop was good, and a large surplus has been baled ; grain is in stack but no thrasing has been done; the ap ple crop will be large. The Christian Endeavor society of the Valley Christian church held a success fnl ice cream social at the church Inst Thursday evening, and cleared $14. The society is arranging to secure permanent stands to be placed in the grove at the church, so that everything will be in readiness for such affairs hereafter. The monthly socials by the society are found to be very profitable. J. H. Koberg's creamery is a profit able enterprise, . and Mr. Koberg .-ex pects soon to make some extensive im provements on the same, lie will in crease the Bize of his creamery and put in a water motor for the operation of his seperator. At present he is milking 8 cows and marketing from .40 to 50 pounds of butter, at 50c a pound each week. , r- The Hood River telephone exchange has extended its suburban system to frankton, where 8 subscribers have been secured. Among those who have contracted for telephones are D. N. Byerlee, proprietor of the Oakdale poultry and fruit ranch, Abe Foley and Robert Rand. The phones are contracted for at $2a month. Mrs. S. E. Bartmess and sons, Earl and Meigs, and the Misses Madie and Ethel Carlisle spent last week at Cloud Cap Inn. While at the Inn they visited the falls of Hood river, about half a mile below the Inn, where the melting waters of the glacier take a 150 foot plunge dow n the canon. This water fall pre sents a very pretty Sight. .. . . , f W. G. Carlisle and daughters, Misses Madie and Ethel, left Tuesday for their home in Atchison, Kansas, after a two weeks' visit with 8. K. Bartmess' and family. Mrs. Carlisle is a cousin to Mrs. Bartmess. Mr. Carlisle has extensive lumbering interests atChehfvlis,Wash. An entertainment to conclude with a dance will be held at Underwood school house, Underwood, Saturday evening, August 9. The occasion will he John Dark's brithday anniversary, when he will be 37, and the proceeds will go for the benfit of the school. 4 Driggs, Culbertson & Co. sold the JohannisG. Fischer place, 100 acres, 3 miles west of Mount Hood post office Wednesday of last week to R. J. Mclsaac of Ocheyedan, Iowa for $1300, who will immediately place a tenant on the place and improve the same. . If yon have not received a copy of the Davidson fruit company a blanKS ask ing for an estimate of the yield of the principal varieties of fruit", notify the Davidson Fruit company and get your name on inuir mailing ust at once. In the livery stable of the Hood River Transfer company is this sign: "The nret son-oi-a-gun who. changes collars will get his head broke." rresuniably, the employes of the stable merely turn their shirts instead. J. F. Batchelder, secretary of the Portland Railway company," returned Tuesday to Porl land, after it few dtfvi' with his family, who are staying at Mrs. Alina Howe's, on Lyman Smith avenue. Driggs, Culbertson & Co. sold the tin improved 80 of the William H. Edick farm at Mount Hood post ofiice last SaturdaytoR. J. Mclsaac of Ocheyedan, lowa tor fuu. Dripgs, Culbertson & Co. made sale last week of the west 80 of the James Wishart farm, 2 miles west of Mount Hood post orhce to R. J . Mclsaac of Iowa ; consideration, f nz. Thei will be a special business meet ing of the Christian Endeavor society of the valley Christian church, Fri day evening, August. 8. A full attend ance is desired. Miss Mella White has been chosen principal of the Antelope nublic school. with Miss Louise Goodnow and Miss hlsie McAllister, as assistants. Mrs. P. S. Davidson, sr.. Mrs' P. S. Davidson, jr., and Barton Davidson are sojourning at Havel, Oregon, a sum mer resort on the coast below -Astoria. MissBeva Richardson, who has been visiting her aunt. Mrs. Price, at the home of P. S. Davidson, jr., returned to her home in 1'ortland last week. Mrs. J. J. Cornell of Tacoma, mother of Mrs. G. J. GesJing.isvisting in Hood River. She will remain a mouth or more. Miss Stella Burnette of Portland is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. A. Price, in Hood River. The Degree of Honor lodge has taken a vacation until the first Saturday in September. Letters remain in the Hood River post otlice for James A. Ho vie. Harry Hight (2). The Glacier is indebted to Professor C. D. Thonif son for a nice mess of trout last week. Miss Anna Gayle of Chicago visited the Savage family from Fridav until Moniav. House Building and Home Furnishing. . AN INTERESTING LOT OF CONDENSED FACTS. Material Department. Begin ning with the foundation, we furnish only the best of its kind at lowest mar ket prices Sand, inline, cement, Hair, Lath, Shingles, Brick. Sewe' Pipe ana uratn me. Doors. Windows, Moldings, Brackets and Columns, Newels & Pilasters. Our V ront Doors are gems ot art. Our agen cy is exclusive and enaoies us to meet every price and furnish the highest pos sible grade of material. Builders' Hardware.iJirectfaetory shipments of latest designs places this stock at your command below usual cost, with an endless variety to select trom. Nails, Brads. Tacks and all specialties are sold right. Mechanics TOOlS. -this new de partment is being enlarged daily. Our aim will be to furnish the latestand best. Paints. Oils and Glass This department iscomplete. The purestand best in lad, t;olors,Keauy Mixed faint, Varnish, Hard Oil, Filler, Enamel, Roof Paint, Fire Proof Asbestos Paint, Carbo lineuni, Bath-tub Enamel, Linoleum Varnish. Brushes from 5c to 5 each. Lubricating Oils.A good thing for rough machinery at 30c per gallon. Our line is completein Castor Machine, Neatsfoot, Engine, Cvlender and Black Oils, Sewing Machine and Bicycle Oils. Furniture ana t urnishinK. Something new every day a live,moving stock of all kinds of Furniture, Carpels, Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Matting, Shades, Couches, Pillows. -'. We do appreciate your help in building this business up to its present standard, and in return shall devote our whole time and effort to its con tinued growth. Buying as we do in the strongest competitive markets for cash, we place before you the newest and best at low cost. WM. M. STEWART, The Home Furnisher. PARK AND WASHINGTON, BOaTLAND, OREGON The school where thorough work is done; where the reason i alvvays given; , where ..confidence is developed; where bonkkeepin; is taught exactly as books are kept in business ; where shorthand i made easy ; where penmanship is at its best; where hundreds ( ; bookkeepers and stenographers have been educated for success ii life; where thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., PRINCIPAL McKee's Business College AND School of Correspondence. Now in its 23d Year. Every teacher an expert In hia special course. Our courses cover the entire range of business operation. Complete business course, time unlimited, by mail....' $25 00 Complete shorthand course, six months, by mail 15 00 Complete civil service course, six months, by mail 15 08 Complete English course, six months, by mail 15 00 - Complete select studies, six months, by mail 15 00 These courses are especially designed for those who have not the time nor means to attend college, and especially for those ' ; who have been deprived of a common school education. t The greatest care is given to each Individual student. Di--J i'plomas awarded graduates. Bend for particulars and state the course you want. . J. B. McKEE, Proprietor. Auerbach building, SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. University of Oregon, EUGENE, OREGON. The first semester, sossion 1902-3, opens Wednesday, September 17. The following schools and colleges are comprised in the University: Graduate School College of Literature, Science and Arts College of Science and Engin eering University Academy School of Music School of Medicine School of Law. Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law, Medicine and Music. Inci dental foe $10; Student Body tax, $2.50 per year. Cost of living from $100 to $200 per year. For catalogue, address, Registrar of the University, Eugene, Oregon. Philomath College Affords excellent opportunities for a youth of moderate means to ob tain an education. It is a first grado institution, with the advantage of GOOD MORAL INFLUENCES. No institution in Oregon has a larger percent of graduates in prom inent positions as teachers. For information send for latest cata logue. Address, PRESIDENT B. E. EMERICK. Philomath, Oregon. City Blacksmith Shop. J. R. NICKELSEN, Proprietor. General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing, carries in stock a full line of Blacksmith and Wagon Makers' supplies, Wheels, Axles, Toles, Shares, etc., etc. Agency for Syracuse T. C. DALLAS, The City Tinker & Plumber. Headquarters Fourth and Oak Streets. . I SCREAM When you can buy Ice Cream from JENSEN just as good as any Tort land cream, and at the same rates you pay for the Portland article. Whv shouldn't yon buy it here? Why Shouldn't You? The Prather Investment Co., The Reliable Heal Estate Agents. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Alistracls, GoayBranciiii, RbiI Eslats, Money to Loan.Iiisiirece. Lots and Blocks for Sale. Taxes paid for non-residents. Township Plats and Blanks in stock. Telephone 51. Correspondence solicited. Buffalo Bill's Wild West. Show THE DALLES, OR., MONDAY, AUCUST, 25. 1902. For the above occasion the O. R. & N. company will sell tickets, from Hood Kiver to The Dalles and return, at tbe rate of 9oc for the round trip. Tickets on sale Aoaust 25, with return limit, Augnst 2ti. A. X. HOAR, Agent. Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a home as the small decorations. Af ter June 15th we will put on sale at sur prisingly low cost a complete line of Por tiers, Rugs, Couch Covers, Pillow Covers, Rods and Fittings, Jardenier Stands, In dian Stools, Tabourettos, Mirror and Hat Racks, etc. It will be our aim to make our Furniture and Decorative depart ments so complete and so constantly re plenished with newest productions that you will call often. If only to inspect, you are always welcome. Specialty Department covers everything else you might need to make the home a thing of beauty and comfort. Screen Doors, Adjustable Window Screens, Poultry Netting, Screen Wire Cloth, Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Stretch ers, Feather Dusters, Tacks& Hammers. Mattresses, every style, from $2tof20. Our Elastic Felt at $13 is a prize. Sewing Machines. The days of high prices are over; $18 buys a good machine; $27 to $30 gets a full ball-bearing machine and a guarantee forSyears. In LAWN MOWERS we do not carry toys but the best ball-bearing, warranted. Washing Machines The right kind at correct prices. Paper Sand Paper, Grey Sizing Tints, Dendennlng Felts Carpet Lin ing, Tarred Felt. Picture Framing, Furniture repaired. A select line of Framed Pictures. Tents, Awnings and Wagon Covers. Uamp btools. Farm Implements. j. TRUE SNAKE STORY. Twenty-Six Big Reptiles Killed la the Midtt of Winter. Farmer Had.aU bkwvni ia. Oku. of Troublo with Spring M luuMln War ol Am UttlatloB. . According1 to the Hartford (Conn.) correspondent of the New York Sun, Deacon Joseph Pepper, of the Meth odist church of West Avon, is truth ful and a teetotaler, and doesn't see snakes where no snakes are. Through him a remarkable tale of snakes has. been made public. , Eilas Daniels is a member of Dea con Pepper's 'church, and he was an eyewitness of part of the occurrence and was in at the death. It was from him that Deacon Pepper learned the particulars. On the farm of Adelbert Hadsell, a neighbor of Daniel's, is a fine spring1 that never freezes over, ev.o in tha coldest weather. Hadsell carries th wafer from the spring through a pipe to the barn, for watering hi live stock. Recently the cattle refused to drink the water, and Hadsell noticed a few days ago that the water, which is usually clear and pure, had become slightly muddy. He want to the spring to investigate. He saw nothing unusual about the spring at first, except that the wa ter was muddy, as though some an imal had worked up the mud at the bottom. Mr. Hadsell returned to the barn for a pitchfork, and when he got back to the spring he made an in vestigation. He jabbed the pitchfork about in the water without strjking anything but the mud at the bottom. While he was thus engaged he noticed that the bank at one side of the spring seemed to be in motion. He stuck the fork into this place and pried up a clod of the frozen earth, leaving m hole , about large "Tagged it out or thJ hoijl ' tnough to hold a man's fist. Out of this shot the head of a large black make. Mr. Hadsell promptly killed it and dragged it out of the hole. Two more heads made their appear ance and these two snakes were also dispatched. When Hadsell looked at the kprlng again the whole bank seemed to be a living mass of reptiles. He threw down his pitchfork and ran for assist ance. He found Daniels, and the two, each armed with a pitchfork, made an attack upon the army of snakes. They had a big task. The spring was full of hissing, writhing, wrig gling snakes, some of them of great size. .For a time the battle waged fiercely, but. at length the farmers routed the enemy with great slaugh ter. After it was over they counted 26 dead snakes on the bank Of the spring, the snakes being from three to five feet long and one of them measuring 12 inches around the "thick est part of its body. ' They are not certain that some of the Bnakes did not escape slaughter by remaining concealed in the hole. It is not known why these snakes should have shown so much activity in cold weather, for if they had been peacefully hibernating, as a self-rs-specting snake should do, they would not have brought down upon them selves such prompt destruction.. It Is supposed that there is a cavern or waterway through which the snakes reached the spring, and that . they were stirred to activity and ,:vigor when they found that the spring was not frozen over. Fowl with Loaf Tail.. An interior province of China has produced one of the most remark able curiosities in the shape of long tailed fowls in the world. Two speci mens recently brought to light, and which were kept in the imperial household gardens, are illustrated. The eock has feathers six feet long, and the hen a flowing tail 12 feet long. There are four varieties white head and body, with feathers and tail black; white all over, with yellow legs; red neck and body feath ers; reddish color mixed with white of body. High Art la Dreoratloa. A novel system of adornment for rooms has been perfected hy a Lon don electrician. Tbe walls are lined with panels of transparent glass, which are faced with negatives of well-known pictures, through which filters subdued electric light. The ef fect is somewhat the same as tbe light of a stained glass window, and is quite artistic. There is no glare and the pictures can be chosen ac cording to the taste of the owner of the room. ill Were Saved. "For years I suffered such untold mis ery from bronchitis," writes J. 11. Johnston, of Broughton, Ga., "thatoften I was unable to work. Then, when everything else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. My wife suffered intense ly from asthma, till it cured her, and all our experience goes to show it is the best croup medicine in the world." A trial will convince you it's unrivaled for throat and lung diseases. Guaran teed bottles bOc and 11.00. Trial bottles free at Chas. X. Clarke 's. Watermelons are ripe at The Dalles. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. "Sister says she will be down in just a minute." "Thanks. Just tell her, please, that I'm going out for a stroll and will be back in half an hour." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Slightly Mixed Now. "You are an authority on history, I believe?" "No," replied the scholar, sadly "I used to be before 1 began reading historical novels." Chicago Post. "So you've been in Rome four weeks? I suppose you have shown your daughter all the art museums?" "Oh, we don't need to see them! My daughter is an artist herself!" Luv tige Blaetter. A Cruel Stab. Miss Fortysummers "I had a proposal last night and re fused it." Miss Crusher "You are always thinking of the welfare of others, aren't you, dear?" Ohio State Journal. Farmer (in cart) "Hi, stop! Stop, you fool! Don't you see my horse is running away?" Driver of motor car (hired by the hour) "Yes, it's all very well for yon to say 'Btop,' but I've forgotten how the blooming thing works!" Punch. "I have here," said the editor ot the new magazine, looking over a stack of manuscripts, "an embarrass ment of riches." "And in my depart ment," responded the business man ager, "the embarrassment is also of a financial nature." Indianapolis News. No Wonder He Was in Pain. Sou brette "The heavy tragedian says he got a rousing reception everywhere. He says it pained him to leave the last town." Comedian "You bet it pained himl 1 understand they rode him out on a keen-edged rail." Phil adelphia Record. "Do you believe in the eternal fit ness of things?" asked the gentle man with the philosophic turn of mind. "I did until that last shower," mournfully replied the practical one, as he glanced ruefully at his shrunk en spring suit. Baltimore News.. TUNNEL IN THE SIERRAS. Surver Lately Completed for Rail way Boro In the Mountain. Over rirc Mile. hong. The surveyors and engineers of the Southern Pacific railroad lately com pleted the survey for the new tunnel through the Sierras. The tunnel is to be five miles and 800 feet in length. Not counting our subway, it will be the longest tunnel yet excavated in this- country, surpassing the Hoosac tunnel in Massachusetts, which is four and three-qunrter miles long. The ad vantages of the tunnel will be chiefly that it will shorten the route through the mountains, will eliminate about 1,000 feet of grade and will reduce the length of the snow theds 28 miles; in other words the aggregate length of the snow sheds required to protect the track in winter will be reduced from 40 to 12 miles. Conspicuous as the tunnel will be among the mountains it will be in ferior in length to all the great Alpine tunnels, says the New York Sun. The Simplon tunnel now building will be 12 miles long, the longest tunnel in the world. The Arlberg tunnel, which joins the Austrian with the Swiss rail roads, is six and a half miles long. Mont Cenis, which connects Italy with France, is seven and a quarter, and St. Gothard, which unites the Italian with the Swiss and German railroads is nine and a quarter miles long. As our work on the siuhvt ay has dem onstrated to all 'New Yorkers, tun nelling has been reduced to a science, for the experience gained in the ear lier works has resulted in better meth ods and greatly improved machinery so that much tin e and money are now saved. It took in years to dig the Mont Cenis tunnel, nine and three months the St. Gothard, six years and a half for the Arlberg, and the Sim plon tunnel it is expected will be fin ished in a much shorter time, in pro portion to its length, than any ot the others. Co Caoo la Soprano Coart. Th. famous controversy growing Out of the ownership of a Sioux Falls cat has now reached the state supreme court, and bids fair to attract more attention than the celebrated Iowa calf case. Sony months ago the Fin tad and Lewis families, who were neighbors quarreled over the cat, which belonged to Miss Ida Finstad. It appears that the animal fell into the habit of going to the home of Mrs. Lewis. One day Miss Finctad went to the home of Mrs. Lewis to get the cat. Mrs. Lewis, it was alleged, not only re fused to surrender the animal, but slapped Miss Finstad. The arrest of Mrs. Lewis followed upon the charge of assault, and she was found guilty. Then she had Miss Finstad arrested lor the alleged theft of the est. Mies Finstad's trial resulted in her acquit tal. State's Attorney Scott prosecuted the case against Miss Finstad. He has Just procured a writ of error from the tate supreme court, and at the Octo ber term the cat case will be solemnly reviewed by the members of that court. -St. Paul Tioneer Press. Trial, of Travol. "I suppose," remarked the man Who is always in the front row with IS question, "that there are a great many disagreeable features connect ed with your profession." "There are," admitted the actor tvith the dust-embellished shoes. "What, may I ask," queried the tther, "do you find the most dis agreeable?" "Railway travel," replied the barm tornier, with a sigh from away Down. "The ties are either too far fcpart or too close together for com fortable pedes trlanisra." Chicafo paily Nw. imTii ituaiitia All Kwordx. Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doc tors to cure a severe case of piles, caus ing 24 tumors. When all failed, Buck len's Arnica Salve soon cured him. Sub dues inflammation, conquers ache;, kills pains. Best salve in the world. 25c at Clarke's drug store. J. E. Rand has added a delivery wagon to his growing business. Georga Smith is deliveryman and carries goods to all parts of town. lie also makes trips for customers in the country. The hordes appeared Wednesday bedecked in Panama hats, while a large umbrella shaded the driven seat. .