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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1902)
ivJf js) 1 1 I 1 - si vi n &W li Jr 0 " "IT'S A COLD DAV. WHEN WE GET LEFT." VOL. XIII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 11)02. NO. 45. HOOD RIVER GLACIER Published Every Friday by 8. F. BLITHE. Term, of subscription tl.SO a year when pill In advance. TUB MAILS. The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock a. m. Wednesdays aud balurdayas depart, tha ame day, at noun. Kor Chenoweth, leave, at I a. m. Tuesdays, Tburadava and Saturdays; arrive, at 6 p. m. For W hite Salmon ( W a,h.) leave, daily at t:tl . m.; arrives at 7:1.: p. m. From White Salmon lenves for Fnlda, Gilmer, Trout Lake and dlciiwood daily att A. M. KorBinaen (Wash.) leave, alj:4ip. in. ; at rive, at 2 p. m. SOCIETIES. JAVUEU KKHEKAH DKURKB LODGE. No i 7, 1. 0. (J. K. Meet, lirat aud third Hon ayi In each month. MlM I ITU Ektbican, N. 0. H. J. HlBBAKD, Secretary. rUNBY POST, So. IS, O. A. R.-Mrts at A. J O. V. W. Hail second and fourth Saturdays of each month at it o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. member, invited to meet with u. 1. w. Kioky, Commander. -C. 1. Hayu, Adjutant. - CANBY W. R. C, So. 1-Meet, fl rat Satur day of each mouth in A. O. (!. W. hall at 2 p. m. Mks. B. V. Bitor.MAKKR, President. Itaa. 0. L. Btrakahan, Secretary. HOOD RIVER I.omiE Ko. 1C5, A. F. and A M. Meets Saturday evening on or before each full mnon. Wm. M. Yates, W. M. C. I. TuuHraoN, Secretary. HOOD RIVEK CHAPTER, No. 77, R. A. M. lieel, third Friday uiglil of each mouth. E. L. Smith, H. P. A. N. Rahm, Secretary. fJOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 28, O. E. S. II Meeta tecoud and fourth Tuesday even, lift of each month. Visitors coidiaily wel comed. M aa. -Mollis V. Coi.1, W. M. MRS, May B. Daviwo.n, becretary. 0LETA ASSEMBLY No. 101. United Artisan!, Meets rlrst and third Wednt-adaia, work; eecona and fourth Wednesdays attcial: Aril aans hall. 1'. C. Bruuts, M. A. 'hid tot, Secretary. WAUCOMA I.OIXiE, No. 80. K. of P.-MceM In A. O. U. W. hall every Tuexiay nicht. C. K. Markuah, C. C. Wm. Haynxs. K. of R. It S. RIVERSIDE LOIICE, No. 68, A. O. V. W. Meet, tint aud third Saturday, of each month. Frkd Hows, W, M. Uao. T. Prather, Financier. IDLEWILDE 1,0 DO K, No. 107, I. O O. P. Meet, lu Fraternal ball every Thursday Blent. I.. E. Morse, N, o, , J. L. Mindirson, Secretary. HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. 0. T. M., meets at A. O. U, W. hall on tha first and third Fridays of each month. Walter U, Commander. KIVERS1DE LODGE NO. sO. DEGREE OF HONOR, A. O. V. W. -Meets first and third Saturday, at P. M. Mrs. E. K. Bradley, C. ol H. Lena Evans, Recorder. HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,701, M. W. A., meets in Odd Fellows' Hull the first and third Wednesdays ol each month. F. L. Davidson, V. C. I. R. Bradley, Clerk. A KC1ENT ORDER OF THE RED CROSS. A Hood River iMdg No. 10, meets in Odd Fellow,' hall second aud fourth Saturday, in acb month, 7:ao o'clock. C. L. CoprLE, President J. E. Hanna, Becretary. Q H. JENKINS. D. M. D. DENTIST. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Offloe In John Leland Henderaon'i residence. Hood River, Oregon. JJR. B.T.CARN8. Dentist. Gold crowns and bridle work and all kinds ot Up lo-Data Dentlstrj. HOOD RIVER OREGON JJ L. DUAIBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bucceuor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered in town or country, Day or Niitht. Telephones: Residence, 81; Office, 83. Office over Everhart', Grocery. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON I attorney:atLaw. abstracter. no- 4 A IV 1 ri niiiv inti nanii ESTA'Itt AGENT. For 23 years a resident of Oregon and Wash In, ton. Has had many years experience in Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent eaiisfactiou (uaranteed or Bo charge. J F. WATT. M. D. Surgeon for O. R. A N. Co. Is especially jMipd to treat catarrh of nose aud throat and diseases of women. Special terms for otlice treatment of chronio case,. Telephone, office, 124, residence, 45. JREDERICK A ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER8 Estimate,, furnished fur 11 kinds o( work. Hepairirjg a specialty. All kinds ol shop work. Miop on Mate ftlreet, between First and Second. THE KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY 1 It t)i place to set the latest and best in loDirctionenes, lanuiea, imhs, looaeco, Cigsrs, et. ....ICE CREAM PARLORS.... AV. B. COLE, Proprietor. p C. BROSiUS, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Tho'tie Central, or 121. Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; S to 9 t fi l 7 P t Q H. TEMPLE. Metlral WltrhmlksP 9 ItVsllP. My long experience enables me to do (he best possible work, which I iully narantee. and at low prices. gUTLER 4 CO., BANKERS. Do a ireneral bannf bosineM. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Q J. HAYESpJ. P. Oflice with Fiona Bu-thera. Bnttnaisi will be attended to at anv t b Colle-tiona wia-1. w HI toraia oa rail govarssaeBt lands, etlbef Kjsaar ar Unsiaf EVENTS OP THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. K Comprthsrulva Review ol the Important Happenings ol the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Farm, Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. The senate Is working on the oleo margarine bill. An Alabama negro wag lynched for the aflpault of a little white girl. An agent of the Southern China reb els haH arrived in this country to buy arms. Governor General Wood, of Cuba, is being talked of aa a eucceuHor to Gen eral Miles. An ex-pmniier of Japan saye his country is not going to have any trouble ith RuBHia. A Kansas postotfice roblier hax been captured on the Pacific coast after a chase of over 5,000 milox. The uiineworkers association of Penn sylvania has it-sued an ultimatum, and if it is not accepted by the mine owners a repetition of the l'JOO strike will oc cur in the anthracite region. A man lias been arrested in Wiscon sin for burglary who confesses that he is an anarchist and that he tied the handkerchief over the hand of Czolgosz ust prior to the shooting of McKinley. Oholera has broken out at Manila. A coal miners' strike in Virginia and West Virginia is probable. A hardware trust has been formed with a capital of $30,000,000. A combine is being formed in New York which, if completed, will control Die entire nickel output of the world. The new Chinese exclusion bill con tain! a clause which will prevent China from participating in ' the St. Louis lair. The Canadian Pacific freight sheds at Winnipeg were burned, together with all freight records for the pattt 22 years. Loss, $150,000. The senate passed tha war revenue repeal bill. The house has passed the rivers and harbors bill. President Roosevelt will retire Gen. Miles in the near future. The bill for the protection of the president has passed the senate. The anthracite coal miners of Penn sylvania have demanded an eight h"ur Jay. Another delay in the ratification of the Danish treaty by the Danish gov ernment has been brought about by the opposition. Large holdings in the Rock Island have been purchased by the Harriman interests and now that road will not be extended to the coast. An inventory of Collis P. Hunting ton's estate shows it to be worth about $29,000,000. William J. Bryan celebrated bis 4 2d birthday by moving onto his farm near Lincoln, Neb. Anthracite coal miners of Pennsyl vania are on the eve of another strike. The trouble is over the wage scale. Governor Brady, of Alaska, has asked congress to appropriate $100,000 with which to represent Alaska at the St. Louis exposition. A resolution has been introduced in the senate thinking Rear Admiral Kempff for refusing to join the allied forces in the bombardment of the forts at Taku, China. It is understood that the president is considering the appointment orex-Sen-ator Wolcott, of Colorado, to succeed Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock, who will retire from the cabinet. Fire on the Hoboken, N. J., water- tront caused a loss of $1,000,000. Ex-President Cleveland celebrated his 65th birthday on the 18th inst. First Assistant Postmaster General Johnson has resigned on acconut of poor health. Joseph II. Manley has been offered the position of first assistant postmaster general. The senate is working on the meas ure for the protection of the president against anarthists. King Edward has made arrangements to feed 500,000 of the poor of London during coronation week. The state asylum for deaf and dumb at Jackson, Miss., was totally destroyed by fire. Loss, $40,000. Prince Henry has landed on German The senate has passed the ship sub sidy bill. The house is working on the rivers and harbors bill. In a collision at Milwaukee between a passenger train and street car 10 per tons were injured. Governor Taft, testifying before the house insular committee, denied reports that Filipinos are cowardly. The Pennsylvania management con templates a new union station for Chi' cago, to cost, with terminal facilities, $10,000,000 to $15,000,000. William Hoey, for many years gen eral superintendent of the Adams Ex press Companv, committed suicide at New York whila temporarily insane from illness. The Irst farmers' institute in Hawaii has just been held. Tension reduction in the next ten years, it is estimated, will be 60 per cent. i Automatic coal and or nnloaders will be in general use at lake port this year, and each one saves the labor of 80 men. If omen teachers have deserted Ltd don because tba minimum salary has rtaan iwdnned. and tha school board is unabls to fill vacancies. ARMISTICE IS IN EFFECT. No Fighting for a Time Between British and Boers Negotiations Under Way. London, March 26. The Daily Chronicle this morning asserts that an armistice has been arranged pending the duration of Schalkberger's mission to General Dewet, and that offensive operations against Dewet, Delarey and Botha have been suspended. The three generals have agreed to observe the 'mistice honorably until the return of the envoys to the Boer lines. It is be lieved, continues the Daily Chronicle, that the envoys, after acquainting Botha with the result of their mission, will again confer with Lord Kitchener, although no arrangement for a second conference has actually been made. How Amsterdam Explains It Amsterdam, March 26. It is believed n Boer circles here that the action of Acting President Schalkberger is the result of a communication from the Boer representatives in TEurope. An ex-member of the Transvaal govern ment said tonight: "After the exchange of the Dutch- English notes a conference was called for February 3. This conference was attended by Mr. Kruger, Dr. Leyds and the delegates, and it was decided to send six emissaries to South Africa by different routes with dispatches for Steyn and Schalkberger, giving thorn a detailed account of the situation. One of these agents ought to have arrived about this time. Documents lately re ceived from Schalkberger indicated that peace terms had been recently issued by the traders in .South Africa, but the leaders declared they could not accept anything less than the terms demanded at Middleburg by General Botha, Feb ruary 28, 1901, and especially the point of complete amnesty for Cape rebels, because the greater part of the com mandos actually in arms are composed of Cape insurgents. "The fact that the Boers in the field are inclined to compromise their de mands for absolute independence, ; con tinued the speaker, "seems to lie indi cated by the plan Schalberger has out lined for the government of industrial centers. This consists of a British board of administration, with propor tional representation." PHILIPPINE MINERAL LANDS. Senate Committee Agrees on i Plan for Thtir Disposal. Washington, March 26. The senate committee on the Philippines today accepted the report of the subcommit tee, consisting of Senators McComas, Deitrich and Rawlins, appointed to pre pare a plan for disposing of the mineral lands in the Philippine islands, and prescribing the conditions of mining in those islands, and the plans suggested will be adopted as a substitute for the portion of Senator Lodge's bill dealing with this subject. The substitute adopts the British American system of not permitting the locator of a lode claim to go outside his boundaries vertically extended. The locator of a lode or vein is allowed to enter a tract of land 1,000 feet square, and he is required plainly to mark his claim with posts. Record of claims is to be made with the secretary of the province in which they may be located. No one person is to be allowed to make more than one location on the same lode, and the surface land and the timber are to be used only for the de velopment of the lode. It is required that not less than $100 worth of work shall be done on a claim each year. To secure a patent on a claim $500 worth of work must be done. Flacer claims are to be limited to 20 acres of land for individuals, and 160 acres for associations, and authority is given to enter petroleum or building stone land under this provision. En tries of coal lands to the extent of 160 acres are authorized. PHILIPPINE COMMERCE. Latest Reports Show An Increase In Imports and Exports. Washington, March 26. The insular division of the war department has pre pared for publication a comparative statement showing the commerce of the Philippine islands for the nine months ended September 30, 1901, and 1900. The total value of merchandi-e im ported during the nine months ended r Member 30, 1901, was $21,818,212, against $17,187,991 for the correspond ing period of 1900; and the exports of merchandise amounted to $18,866,798, against $17,883,200 for 1900. These figures show an increase of 27 per cent for the imports and 6 per cent lor the exports during the nine months. Gold and silver were imported during the nine months of 1901, to the value of $2,082,644, for the same period of 1900, $2,363,291; exor!ed during the 1901 period, $730,167; corresponding period of 1900, $2,222,087. The value of merchandise coming from the United States for the nine months ended September 80, 1901, was $2,712,190, an increase of $1,140,218 over the corresponding period of 1900, while the exports for the period of 1901 amounted to $2,737,059, an increase of $629,534. Trains Meet In a Fog. Yonnirstown. O.. March 26. In a head-on collision between freight trains this morning on the f itisDurg, lonngs town & Ashtabula division of the Pitts burg, Fort Wayne A Chicago road, four men were killed and three injured. The trains crashed together tn a heavy foe. romnletelv wreckintr both ensines and piling the cars np. The cause of the wreck is not yet determined. Th engineers on both trains state that they had orders to go ahean. Engine Blows Up. Salt Lake City, March 26. A helper engine on westbound freight No. 206 blew np about 3 o'clock this morning while going up Lake Hill, 70 miles west of Ogden. Three men were killed and one died from bis injuries several hours later. The engine was a new compound. The cause of the explosion has not been ascertained. Traffic was blocked for about two hours. The trainmen state that the boiler and up per part of the engine were blown (0 feet from the tracks, while the tracks rwmamed on the) road bod. NEWS OP THE STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Cotrnncrcial and Financial Happenings ( Im portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvement of the Many Industries Throughout Our thriving Commonwealth katut Market Report. The Weston brickyard, the principal industry of the town, has again re sumed operations. The Columbia River Development Companv, of Arlington, has filed arti cles of incorporation. Capital, $500, 000. The settlers rates itiven by the rail roads are bringing many new arrivals from the East daily, who are buying homes in various parts of the statu, .,,, The Baker City & Snake River rail road, with headquarters nt Baker City, has tiled articles of incorporation. Its object is to build a railroad from Baker Ciiy northeasterly to the mouth of r-'quaw creek, on the Snake river. Caj ital stock, $2,500,000. Regarding the recent decision of the interior department vesting authority to grant grazing permits in the Cascade reset ve in the executive committee of the Oregon Woolgrowers' association, satisfaction is generally expressed, and the move was considered a judicious one by the sheepmen who attended an informal meeting of the association in The Dalles last week. Republican county conventions and primaries were held in a number of counties Saturday. In the Second con gressional district the fight between Moody and Williamson was the chief issue. Results seem to have left the contest in as great doubt as ever. Moody appears to have the best of it in Baker county, and Williamson in Union. Wheeler and Gilliam are for Williamson and Sherman for Moody. Columbia county is said to be moBtly for the Wasco county man. Clatsop will go for the man from Crook. For governor, Geer has carried a number of counties, and Furnish iB in favor in Eastern Oregon. In many of the more important counties, however, the dele gations are noncommittal. Cocs county Prohibitionists havs) placed a ticket in the field. The district convention of Christian Endeavor societies of Lane and Douglas countes will meet in Eugene March 24. Of the 41 delegates sent to the Wheeler county Republican convention, 23 are for Moody and 18 for William son. The Polk county Prohibitionists will hold a convention in Dallas April 5, for the purpose of placing a full county ticket in the field. The board of directors of the Florence school district have decided to extend the school term one month, making the closing of seven months of school on April 18. Continued heavy rains in Southern Oregon have kept an abundant supply of water in all the ditches, allowing the hydraulic placer mining operations to continue in full blast throughout the Josephine mining district. It is esti mated that the output will be 60 per cent greater this year than in any sea son past. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 63fa'64c; blueetem,66c; Valley, 64g6Ec. Barley Feed, $2021.; brewing, $Zl21.50 per ton. Oats No. 1 white, $1.151.22; gray, $1.101.20. Flour Best grades, $2.803.40 per barrel; graham, $2.602.80. Millstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid dlings, $20; shorts, $20; chop, $16.50. Hay Timothy, $1213; clover, $7.508; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton. Potatoes Best Burbanks, $1.101.30 per cental; ordinary, 7080c per cen tal, growers' prices jsweets, $2.252.50 per cental. Butter Creamery, 2530c; dairy, 1822ic; store, 13 15c. Eggs 14c for Oregon. Cheese Full cream,' twins, 13(3 13,c; Young America, 14 15c; fac tory prices, 114C less. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4.00 5.00; hens, $5.00(46.60 per dozen, l 12Hc per pound; springs llfgll c per pound. $34 per dozen; ducks, $5(86 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12(313c, dressed, 1416c per pound; geese, $6) 7 per dozen. Mutton Gross, 4c per pound ; dress ed, 77c per pound. Hogs Gross, 6jjc; dressed, 6J7c per pound. Veal 8 Vi for small; 77K for large. Beef Gross, cows, 3?i4c; steers, 44c; dressed, 6t7sc per pound. Hops 12(9 13c per pound. Wool Valley, 13(3 15c; Eastern Ore gon, 812sc; mohair, 2121)'c per pound. . About 32,000,000 tons of water roll over the cliff at Niagara every hour. It takes the constant labor of 60,000 people to make matches for the world. From a twenty-year-old mulberry tree 218 pounds of leaves can be p...cked yearly for feediug silkworms. Hop growing has so greatlv increased in the United States that last year 240,000 pickers were emploved to strip 72,000,000 hop vines. The Rothschilds employ 27,000 men in the various copper mines that they own. Rev. Joeph W. Cook,- pioneer of In dian missionary work in Wyoming and the Dakotas, died of valvular disease of the hart in St. Louis. He was en route to Florida. Rev. William Stark, of Baltimore, hag submitted to a remarkable opera tion, his brain being lifted and the roots of nerves which ransed excesisve neuralgia extracted. His recovery is expected. REF0RMER3 BACK OF IT. Revolution In Souther China b Serious and Spreading Rapidly. Victoria, B. C. March 25 .Accord ing to the advices received by tha two Oriental liners which arrived here to day, the reformers are at the back of the big revolution in South China, which is a widespread and serious movement. Colncidentally, reports come from Kansu and Mongolia, in the northwest, of outbreaks fomented by Tung Fn Hsien, an ex-Boxer, aided by Mongolian princes. The Nang corre spondent of the Shanghai Mercury says that 10,000 rebels have massed at that aity to move on Kwang SI towns. From Shanghai comes news of excite ment over the decision of Germany to maintain her garrison there, which means that France, Britain and Japan will also be obliged to have garrisons lliere, and Shanghai will become an in ternational garrison town. The Shanghai Mercurv savs that be fore his death. Li Huns Chans' surren dered full privileges to Russia in Man churia, and the uegotlatiens now going on are said to ba a blind to hoodwink lival powers. The Mercury says that had Li not died, hia adhesion tn Rna. sia'a policy would have involved China in war. Anxiety at Washington. Washington, March 25. The situa tion in Southern China s attracting the anxiety of the state department offi cials, who are in no mood to become again involved in that quarter of the world. The latest advices to the depart ment from the seat of trouble were con tained in a cablegram received here from United States Consul McWade, at Canton, dated March 18, saying: "Viceroy reports rebellion in Kwang 81 almost crushed." This is not borne out by the press advices of later date, hence the anxiety of the otlicils. Chinese Rebels Capture Town. Hong Kong, March 25. The rebels have captured the prefectural town of Kan Chou, in the province of Kwang Tung, and have seized the arsenal and granaries. The Mandarins of the garri son fled and appealed to Canton for re inforcements. The viceroy of Canton replied that it was impossible further to deplete the Canton garrison, and urged General Ma to make the utmost efforts to put down the rebellion. 8TRICKEN FROM THE BILL. House Committee Rejects Clause Prohibiting Employment ol Chinese Sailors. Washington, March 25. By an al most unanimous vote the house com mittee on foreign affairs struck out of the Mitchell-Kahn Chinese exclusion bill the paragraph prohibiting ships flying the American flag from employ ing Chinese sailors, under $2,000 pen alty for each offense. This provision has proved one of the chiof sources of controversy over the bill The senators and representatives fiom the Pacific coast states regard this provision as the most important. The main argument leading to'strik- ing out the provision was that the American ships on the Pacific compete with English and Japanese lines, and that the latter ships would indirectly receive a great advantage in continuing the employment of Chinese at $7.50 per month, whereas the American ships would have to pay about $30 per month for white sailors. Representative Kahn, of California, has talked with Speaker Henderson as to the exclusion bill when it reaches the house, and it is understood that while Mr. Kahn considers the sailors' clause most important, be will not in sist upon it to the extent of jeopardis ing the entire exclusion measure. Cholera In Manila. Manila, March 25. The board of health is making a strong effort to pre vent the spread of cholera. There have been 16 cases and 15 deaths among the natives in two days, and other natives are suspecetd of having contracted the disea o. The importation of vegetable matter from China is prohibited ; in spection camps are being established in every district, and leaflets are pub lished advising the people to boll their drinking water before using it. tl nally, every one is nrged to co-operate in the destruction of this dangerous en emy. Will Civ Bozemaa s Library. Bozeman, Mont., March 24. Word has been received from Andrew Carne gie, who will furnish Bozeman with free public library, provided the city is willing to support the institution at not less than $1,500 a year. The library is to co-t $15,000. Troops for Coronation. New York, March 25. It is stated, says a London dispatch to the Tribune, that there will be 2,500 colonial troops in London for the coronation. Practi cally every colony will be represented. Destroyer Barry Launched. . Philadelphia, March 25. The Barry, the third of the series of torpedo boat destroyers which have been built for 1 the United States government by Betie A Levay, has been launched. Miss Charlotte Barnes, a descendant of Com modore Barry, after whom the craft is named, christened the boat. The little fighter had steam op whenjthe launch ing toot place and took a abort spin down the Delaware river. Disaster la Japan, Victoria, B. C, March 25. A terri ble disaster is reported from West Ja pan, where an avalanche slid down up on petroleum works, beneath a bill, February 18, causing the death of over 100 Japanese. About 80 bodies were taken out aud fonr were rescued alive, but terribly burned. The oil works, warehouses, offices and dwellings were crashed, and in parts not entirely sub merged, fire started and all the buried buildings, with the embedded people, were burned. A STRIKE IMMINENT MINEWORKERS ISSUE ULTIMA TUM AND ADJOURN. Matter Is Now In the Hands of the Civic Fed eration Fsilure en lU Part will Result la a Repetition of the Great Struggle of 1900 Will Affect 140,000 Men-President Mitchell Makes a Statement. Shamokin, Ta., March 26. Unices the efforts of the Civic Federation are effective with the coal operators, It is more than probable that a repetition of the PJ00 struggle will cccur in the an thracite region. In that year 140,000 employes of the anthracite mines were on strike for six weeks. The conven tion yesterday of districts Nos. 1, 7 and 9, United Mine workers of America. which districts comprise the entire an thracite field, made a provisional strike declaration, leaving the date to be de clared by the executive boards of the three districts. This was practically the last official act of the delegates, and the convention adjourned sine die at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The adoption of the resolution con taining the ultimatum of the minework- ers was followed by a scene of wild en thusiasm, and the opera house rang with the exclamations of the delegates, who, with lusty cheers, approved the work of the special resolution commit tee and expressed their confidence in President Mitchell. The result of the first session showed a disposition to in sist on an adjustment of the miners' grievances, but the delegates were will ing to relinquish the question of recog nition providing more concessions wore granted. This fact is' evidenced in the resolution adopted which states, as the chief demand, a shorter work day, a minimum day wage scale, a uniform increase in wages, and the weighing of coal whorever practicable. The Civic Federation is regarded by the dele gates as the last hope of the minework ers in their demands for improved con ditions, and the gravity of the situation was manifest in the words of President Mitchell: "I am free to say that to me a strike seems imminent." The resolution adopted was the result of a difference of opinion among the delegates as to the methods to he pur sued in enforcing the uiineworkers' de mands. Resolutions had been presented to the convention from several dis tricts, but none of them were satisfac tory to the entire body of delegates. It was then decided to place the matter in the hands of President Mitchell and the district presidents and vice presidents. Before completing the draft of the reso lution, President Mitchell communi cated with the presidents of the coal carryiug roads, making a last appeal for a conference. RIGHTS OF IRELAND. Redmond and Devlin, at Chicago. Appeal for Their Cause. Chicago, March 26. William Red mond and Joseph Devlin, Irish mem bers of Parliament, before an audience of 10,000 persons here made a stirring appeal for the rights of Ireland, and spoke in praise of the Boers in their heroic struggle against the British. At the close of the meeting hundreds of persons pledged themselves to the sup port of the cause by becoming members of the Irish League- "If our policy in the British parlia ment can do nothing else, we can ex pose our grief ; we can harass the Brit ish empire; we can stand upon the floor of the parliament and pray and call God's blessing on the Boers every time the English are defeated, said Mr. Redmond. "If we cannot in the Eng lish parliament, win home rule, I prom ise you we will destroy the parliament of England; if we cannot govern our selves, we can take good care not to al low them to govern themselves." TO RAISE THE ISLANDER. Contract Closed for Moating and Bringing to Port the Wrecked Alaska Steamer. Victoria, B. C, March 26. Captain J. G. Cox, British Columbia's agent for Lloyd's, has closed a contract with Surtees Hope, of Seattle, for the rais ing of the steamer Islander and bring ing her to Victoria or some other Cana dian port. The Islander was lost in a collision with an iceberg at the en trance of Lynn canal on the night of August 15 of last year. Treasure that has been variously estimated at from $150,000 to $275,000 went down with the steamer, and no attempt has been made to recover any of it. Where the steamer sank there is a depth of water upward of 40 fathoms, but the exact depth wherein she settled has never been ascertained. Hope agrees to start work within 60 days, and is to receive 75 per cent of the value of the hull when raised, and will else have claims for salvage and get the gold. Italy Denies the Report Rome, March 26. Rumors to the effect that an Italian expedition against Tripoli was being fitted out at Naples, and Fpezia have been current for two weeks past, but they have been persist ently but not categorically denied by the government of Italy. Statu of McKinley. New York, March 26. The first statue to the late President McKinley has just been delivered in the plaster to a foundry at Providence, R. I., where it will be cast in bronze at once and be ready to be unveiled at Muskegon, Mich., on Memorial day. The sculptor was well equipped for the undertaking, as he hsd made a bust of the late pres ident and had all necessary measure ments, which he had made at a sitting Major McKinley gave him. Wrecked by Landslide. Charlottesville, Va., March 26. Pat senger train No. 38, northbound, on the Southern railway, was wrecked by a land-dide at Coveysille, 15 miles sooth ot here, at 4:15 A. M. The train was 40 minutes late and running at an unusual rate of speed. Tbe engine was ditched and six coaches completely de stroyed by fire. The loss of mail was tbe greatest in the history if Southern railroading. Two men were killed and 11 injured, several of whom will die. FAST DYING REVOLT. Acting Governor Wright Says Ninety.flve Per Cent of the Philippines art Pacified, Washington, March 22. Judge Wright, acting spivil governor of the Philippines, has written a personal let ter to General Marcus J. Wright, of this city, which gives an interesting in sight into the condition of affairs in the Philippines. "We are so far removed from the United States," says Governor Wright, "that I fear the people at home get rather an inadequate idea ot the situa tion here. The press reports of the last month or more, which have reached us here, together with the comments thereon, seem to indicate that the gen eral opinion is that the whole islands are either blazing with insurrection or else that outbreaks are prevented only by the use of troops on an extensive scale.' This is wholly misleading. The real truth is that in 05 per cent of the territory of the islands there is no in surrection, and Americans go about singly and unarmed, with about as much safety as they would in a large majority of the states at home. There is a fast-dying insurrection in two provinces of the great island of Luzon, and in the remote southern island of Samar. Here and there in more re mote sections there are instances of cat tle stealing and occasionally murder or robbery. We are dealing very energet ically with the lawless element, and the people as a rule are rebuilding their house where they have been destroyed. "Of course, telegraphic dispatches generally deal alone in something sen sational. I apprehend that if any one of us were in a foreign country and re ceived only news of what was happen ing in the United States in police cir cles we would get about the same idea of our own country as many of the peo ple seem to have of this. As to the progress we have made in the last year, it is tremendous and to me very en couraging. While I do not look for the millenium either here or elsewhere speedily, I see no reason to doubt that American authority can now be main tained without more troops than indi cated by Governor Taft. Of course, we must utilize the native in policing his own country, just as has been done by England in all her colonies from the beginning." MISSOURI ICE GORGE. River Below is Almost Dry Dynamite Being Uicd to Break Up the Jam. Chamberlain, S. D., March 24. An ice gorge which has been forming in the Missouri river at this place for some time has reached a point which has caused the river to overflow the lowlands for 40 miles op the river. The ice is packed so tight that the bed below the gorge for several miles is almost dry. Dynamite is being used, but without effect np to the present. At 11 o clock tonight the water in the Missouri river remains about the same as early this morning, showing a total of 11 feet. A gorge has been formed between Chamberlain and American island, diverting the channel to the west side of the island, where the water and heavy run of the ice is passing freely. This is very likely to leave the channel permanently on the west side of the island, as with an open channel there, no pressure exists to clear out the gorge on the east side. THE CHINESE REBELLION. Marshal Su's Entire Command Has Deserted and' Joined the Rebels. Hong Kong, March 22. Advices from Canton say it is credibly reported there that the viceroy has received tele grams from Lung Chin, on the Annara border, alleging that the whole of Mar shal Su's troops liavd deserted and joined the rebels. If this is true, say the advices, it adds to the revolution ists 20,000 foreign armed and drilled troops, capable of defeating any force the imperialists can raise. The telegrams further say the country is undoubtedly ripe for rebellion. Rob beries are of frequent occurrence, the long-continued drouth prevents the planting of spring rice, and this has led the farm laborers to become robbers. Well informed persons consider a rebellion similar to that of the Tai Ping probable. No Intention of Surrendering. London, Marcb 22. A dispatch to the Times from Klerksdorp, Transvaal Colony, says that the Boers in the Western Transvaal are well supplied with guns and ammunition, and have unlimited support and a large amount of stock; that their numbers give them confidence, while the blockhouse system has not yet been extended enough to alarm them. What is possible has been done, continues the correspondent, but, owing to the insufficiency of troops, the British columns have been too small to cope adequately with tbe Boer forces, which are all composed of fighting men, without any intention of surrendering. The Port Warned. London, March 22. In a dispatch from Vienna, the correspondent of the Dailv Chronicle savs that Great Brit ain, Austria and Russia have addressed a note to Turkey admonishing the porte to keep order in Macedonia. la Honor of Mist Roosevelt Wilhelmshaven, March 22. Emp ror William has directed that a former torpedo boat, now used as guard ship here, shall be renamed Alice Roosevelt. Prince Telb England to Wake Up. New York, March 22. The Prjsjce of Wales' address before the National Physical Laboratory at Bushey Park was the most interesting he has deliv ered since his famous speech in the Guild Halt on bis return from a tour of the empireoiays the Tribune's London co-respondent. He again told Eng land to wake utf her commercial su premacy was threatened, and the only way to maintain it, be eaid, is to give greater facilities for furthering the ap plication of science to commerce ant manufacture. BIG LOSS IN WHEAT A HALF MILLION ACRES RUINED BY HARD FRO8T8. Total Damage Is Estimated at Two Millions A Theoretical Shortage of Three Million Bushels In the Pacilic Northwest Crop is the Result of the Cold Wave, but Loss Is Offset by New Acreage. Portland, March 24. Half a millioa acres of winter wheat have been reeow a in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, the result ol the February frosts which came down with killing effect on a number of unprotected localities in the three states. Umatilla county alone was damaged to the extent of 100,000 acres. Walla Walla county was still harder hlt.Tureka Flat," wblcb prr duces more big crops than any other section in Washington, was practically all reseeded, and there 1b a big winter wheat district in the Pulouse that will this year be planted in spring grain after the fall wheat was wiped out en tirely or left in such Btraggling patches that it was drilled over and retown. Conflicting reports have been coming it from the wheat districts since the cold weather nearly two months ago, but it was not until the past few days of warmer weather that the full extent of the damage was learned, and some fields which had apparently come through the winter all right are now being reseeded. In Oregon the greater part of the damage is confined to Umatilla county, but some of the exposed patches in Mor row county were also touched sufficient ly to demand reseeding of the whole or a part of the affected farms. Between Umatilla county and Eureka Flat the damage runs in places as high as 75 per cent. Over toward Payton the damage is lighter, and as there is very little winter wheat in that vicinity, the effect will not be felt. The cold wave swept across Snake river and killed a lot of wheat on the new acreage around Washtucna, then hit the high spots again in the vicinity of Ritzville. In the heart of the Palouse around Colfax, Garfield and St. John entire fields were wiped out, and the per centage of dam age throughout that section was very high. It struck the Idaho line south of Moscow, but the effect was milder, the effect around Genesee being only about 30 per cent. The Big Bend es caped the frost, except in isolated cases, and the damage in that territory from this cause is inconsequential. The exact effect of this extensive damage cannot be determined until har vest. With a lavorable spring wheat season the yield on the reseeded ground, may be pulled up to nearly the same figures as would have been returned from the winter crop. Conservative men, however, estimate that under the beet circumstances it wnnld not be safe to figure 011 within five bushels per acre of the yield that would have been se cured from winter wheat. If this ratio of loss should hold for the entire tract damaged , there will be a theoretical shortage of 2,600,000 bushels of wheat. To this must be added 500,000 bushels of actual wheat used for reseeding, making a total of 3,000,000 bushels of wheat lost by the severity of the winter in February. At present prices this would represent a loss of approximately $2,000,000. With conditions similar to those of last season from now on, there will still be as much wheat in tha Pacific Northwest as there was last year, this Isdue to the fact that there is quite a material increase in the acreage, there being more new land under cultivation for both winter and spring wheat than ever before. From the Big Bend country, which turned off a wonderful crop last year, como reports that there is a decided lack of moisture and there the condi tion of the crop is by no means so good as it was a year ago, and it is feared that the lack of moisture can not be made up in time to do much good in pulling the crop up to the proportions of a year ago. In the Big Bend coun- -try there is more new acreage than in any other section, and it is on this new acreage that the railroads are depend ing for a stand-off for the poor yield which now seems Inevitable. The re seeding in Umatilla and Walla Walla counties has not been done under very favorable circumstances, for imnedi ately after the drills stirred np the ground a dry wind swept over the country and absorbed considerable moisture, leaving the ground so dry that tbe wheat was very slow in germ inating, and will not have a very good start. Carnegie Library for Denver. Denver, Marcb 24. Andrew Carnegie baa offered to furnish $200,000 for the erection of a free public library build ing in Denver provided the city will pledge itself to provide not less thsn $30,000 annually for tbe support of the library. Fir la Piano Factory. New York, March 22. Hardman, Peck A Co., piano manufacturers, suf fered a loss of $300,000, or possibly more, by the destruction tonight by fire of their plant at West iorty-eighth street and the North River. The fire started from some unknown cause in the packing room, which ia in the three story part of the big factory. There it quickly spread throughout the entire building. WUhelmina will Take a Trip. London, March 22. The Standard this morning says that the cjoeen of Holland and the prince consort will shortly undertake a tour of the Nether lands and the Dutch colonies. During the queen's absence a regency will be established. p.. New Pacilic Cab'. Wellington, SZ., March 22 The Par iff Cable rtfamer Angelia has reached Doubtless bay, thn completing the Australia-New Zealand link of the cable. . O 't I 'I c I