The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 02, 1895, Image 4

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    By Authority of Congress.
U.S. Gov't
Baking Powder
' Tests. ;
' The report of the analyses of Baking Powders, made
by the U. S. Government (Chemical Division, Ag'l
i - Dep't), the Royal superior to all other powders,
and gives its leavening strength and the strength of each
; of the other cream of tartar powders tested as follows :
.'' Percent. Cubioin. peroa,
ROYAL, Absolutely Pure, 13-06 . . 160.6
112.58 . . 151. 1
11.13 33-6
10.26 . . 123.2
9.53 . . 114. L ,
0.20 . . 111.6
8.03 . . 96.5
7.28 . . . 87.4
These tests, made in the Gov't Laboratory, by impartial
and unprejudiced official chemists, furnish the highest
evidence that the " Royal " is the best baking powder. 'v
Not at Breakfast. '.
English Sparrow Mr, Swallow, join
me at breakfast tomorrow. I have in
vited a company of gay birds, and we
will have a jolly time. . ;'
Mr. Swallow Make it dinner, and I
will accept Look at my iw allow tail.
I don't want to be taken for a Chicago
bird. New York Herald. .
Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., com
pounded this medicine of vegetable ingredi
ents which had an especial effect upon the
stomach and liver, rousing the organs to
healthful activity as well as purifying and
enriching the blood. By such means the
stomach and the .nerves are supplied with
pnr)e blood; they will not do duty without it
any mor,e than a locomotive can run with
out coal. You can not get a lasting cure of
Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, by taking arti
ficially digested foods or pepsin the stom-.
ach must do its own work in its own way.
Do not put your nerves to sleep with so
called celery mixtures, It is better to go to
' the seat of the difficulty and feed the nerve
cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Biliousness and Nervous Af
fections, such as sleeplessness and weak,
nervous feelings are completely cured by
the "Discovery." It puts on healthy flesh,
brings refreshing sleep and invigorates the
whole system. .
Mrs. K. Hknke. of No. 806 North Hahted St.,
Chicago, III., writes: "I regard my improve
ment a s simply
wonderful. Since
taking Dr. Pierce's
oolden Medical Dis
covery in connection
with his Pleasant
Pellets ' I have gain-
ed in every respect,
particularly in flesh
and strength-. My'
liver was dreadfully
enlarged and I suf
fered greatly from
dyspepsia. No phy
sician could give
Now. after two
months I am entire
ly relieved of my
disease. My appe
Mrs. Henke.
llee is excellent;
food well digested j bowels regular and sleep
much improved."
Manhood restored.
The life germ
and vital force oi
plants and flower;
it gives vigor,
power and size to
the vital organs of
man. -
Night Emissions,
Weak memory.
Atrophy, Sexual
Weakness, etc.,
Surely cured by .
Easy to carry in
vest picket.
Price fx. Six for $5
Sent in plain
wrapper, or at
all Druggists.
Standard Rem. Co
cattle. wash
pao. coast bhano:4
1 he most won- I
derful achievement
in Medical Science.
The only acknnvl-
oded fermanent
cure gufranzea
New York
S 15-117 Fulton St.
Portland, Wal'a Walla,
Spokane, via 0. R & N.
Railway and Ureal
-Northern Railway to
Montana point". St.
Paul, Minneapolis,
Onmha, St. Louis, Chi
cago and Fast. Address
I nearest agent. C. C.
Donavan, Gel). Agt.,
Portland.Or.: R. C. Ste
vens. Gen. Agt.. Seattle.
Wah.; C. U. D.xon, Gen. Agt , Spi.kane, Vh.
Nodu-t; rock-bailiint t'ack; tine scenery: pal
a e slot plug and ointngciirs; biiflVt-librarycars;
family tourist sleepers; new equipment. ;
The Best CURE for Coughs, Colds and
Sold by all Druggists.' Price, 0 cents.
GATiS A CO., Proprietors,
417 Sauiome St.. S. F.
. P. N. 0. No. 681 -8. F. N. V. No. 668
am m A Mr h
Unique Bachelor Club In Detroit Designed
to Encourage Matrimony.
The city of Detroit, famous afar because
of Mayor Flngree's municipal potato
patches, has again come to tho front with
a matrimonial aid society that is as unique
in ita way as the potato patch scheme,
The society was recently organized by a
score of gay young bachelors and is called
tho Bachelors' Mutual Benefit and Matri
monial Insurance association. D. Lindsay
Russell, a young attorney, drew up the
constitution and bylaws, and the object of
the association is to accumulate a "con
jugal jack pot or trust fund" by means of
monthly dues of $1 a member. Of this
sum 10 per cent is to be paid on the day
of marriage to the successful young lady
who opens tho jack pot by entering into a
matrimonial allianoe with any member of
tho association. The remaining bachelors
belonging to the club stay in the game, of
course, and tho fund continues to accu
mulate and to be drawn on Whenever a
charming young woman wing the heart
and hand of a member and a "rake off '
on the all important fund as well. In or
dcr to allow sufficient time for all well
moaning Michigan bachelors to come in
and to guard against possible conspiracies
of a hymeneal oharaoter, no young lady.
who marries n member 01 the society be
fore March, 1305, will be allowed to open
the initial jack pot. After that time,
however, the fund may be drawn upon at
Before a member Is admitted the advi-
sory committee of the association carefully
looks up his previous and present status
with reference to the gentler sex, and no
engaged man is eligible. Each member
must answer these quostions:
"Aro you married? Are you engaged?
Is there any prospect or probability of
your becoming engaged before March,
1805? Aro you hopelessly, irretrievably
and unrelentingly in love with any lady,
oithcr young, middle aged or superannuat
ed, and, if so, do you think that she will
consent to marry you, or will it be a case
of bankruptcy of the heart? Do you pos
sess either constitutional or acquired in
clination or propensity for failing in love;
and, if so, how many times have you-been
in that condition? Do you enter this as
sociation voluntarily and with an earnest
desire to promote and foster the interest
and welfare thereof?"
John-J. Montague of Detroit is presi
dent of tho association, and Humphrey
Harold of Grand Rapids secretary and
treasurer. Tho conjugal jackpot threatens
to become deservedly, popular among
Michigan girls.
Reward of Enterprise.
"That was a good article yon .had in
the paper this morning, Mr. Wrounder,
giving tho details of the method by
which an expert burglar opens a com
bination lock without having to blow
the safe to pieces," said the editor. "I
have instructed the cashier to give you
$10 extra for it. Sorry to part with you,
Mr. Wrounder, but we shall not need
your services any longer. "
"Wh-what!" gasped the reporter.
"You give me $10 extra for that artiole
and then discharge me?"
."Yes, sir. I disoharge you for know
ing how to write it. "--Chicago Tribune
Irish bog oak is probably the best
known example of workable wood dug
from the ground. It is perfectly black
and has good grain for carving. ' .
Suicides In France.
In four years no fewer than 26,000 men
and women have taken their own lives in
the "happy land of Fraanoe." This formi
dable total makes an average of 6,600
suicides a year.
Ha Prefers Clear Havana, bat Come
Down to Cigarettes if Ho Has To.
A billygoat that smokes cigars and
cigarettes, just like a man, is in the
possession of Charles Beber, at 120
Krauss street, Carondelet. The goat has
a 13 year growth of horns and whiskers
of about the same age waving gracefully
and odorously from his chin. - After a
hearty feast upon tin, tacks, rags, pa
per and anything else in sight Billia, us
be is called, takes his Siesta. Unless a
cigar or cigarette is provided the after
meal enjoyment- is all broken up for
Billie, and he bleats continually until
provided with a smoke. .
No ardent lover of the fragrant weed
pulls at a cigar with more relish than
this goat. A complacent smile curls, his
upper lip when the lighted weed is
' placed in his mouth, and the right fore
: foot makes motions toward the whiskers
' as though to stroke them. But Billie is
no ordinary smoker, nor is he unskilled
, in the habit. He is not. only a connois
seur of the best clear Havana goods, but
is an adept at fast puffing and graceful
manipulation of the weed while in his
mouth. The smoke is never puffed out
of his mouth. Billie inhales it and blows
it out through his nostrils in great
clouds. It is related that he attempted
to make a smoke ring once, but in
puckering up his lips swallowed the ci
gar, blaze and all.- He evidently relish
ed the bite as a dainty morsel,' for since
that incident he never takes more than
one or two puffs at a cigar or cigarette,
swallows it down, then blows the smoke
out of his nostrils with the ease and
grace that would put to shame a two
legged cigarette fiend..
It is only of late that Billie has; taken
to the cigarette habit. It was apparent
ly with much regret that a brother goat
in an adjoining yard watched him tackle
the papers. He. prefers cigars, as a rule,
however, but when nothing better is to
be had a cigarette is welcome.
Charles Ueber, the owner of the goat,
notices his growing fondness for cig
arettes with much alarm. "With a
cigar in his mouth," remarked Mr.' Ke
ber, "he looks like the full grown, 12-year-old,
160 pound goat he is, but
when he wants to dude up with a cute
little cigarette it spoils his handsome
oast of countenance." Mr. Reber is; very
solicitous for the welfare of- his animal
and has great expectations that the'' cig
arette crusade now on in the city will
be carried into the animal kingdom and
save his goat from the grave of a con
firmed cigarette fiend. St. Louis Globe
Democrat. ?
Lurk in the blood of almost everyone. In
many cases they are inherited. Scrofula
appears in running sores, bunches, pimples
and cancerous growths. Bcrofula can be
cured by purifying the blood with Hood'B
IMS creat rem-
edy nas had
wonderful suo-
cess in curing
this disease. It thoroughly eradicates the
humor from the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures the sores and eruptions by removing
thp'r pflnNO imnnrifinH in thA h'find-
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 23c.
1.1. 1 .1 m.nwantAA htt all AmiCAm
Bist3. It cures incipient Consumption
and la the best Coueh and Croup Cure-
the world over, endorse It;
babies and children like the
taste of it. Weak mothers
respond readily to its nour
ishing powers.
. iw 1 1
........ .-(
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
Is the life of the blood, the
maker of sound flesh, solid
bones and lung tissue, and
the very essence qf nourishment.
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Fwparsd by Bsott Bown. H. Y. All DrurltU.
Ely's Cream Balm
Cleanses the Nasal
Passages, Allays Pain
and Inflammation,
Restores the Senses of
Taste and. Smell. -Heals
the Sores.
A nnl. R.lm IlltO MCll DOfltril.
ElV Bbos.. 66 Wvnn St., N. Y.
if you use the Petalum
Incubators A- Brooders.
Make money while
otners are wasting
time by old processes.
Catalog teh 9 all about
it, and describes every
article needed for the.
poultry business.
The 'ERIE'"
mechanically the" best
wneei. jrretijcsi mouei.
We are Pacific Coast
Aeents. Bicvcle cata-
full description, prices, etc., agents wanted.
Branch House, 231 S Main St., Los Angeles.
ltl' and"!
81.00 Bottle, (jl Ss B f J .ifll
One cent a dose, gp Jjp.iagaffiwgg?
str 7
HI 48 Page ,
Vijl Illustrated !
PgiL Catalogue HJ
FREE. . - .
" Many days yon have lingered abort my
cabin door; hard times, hard times come
again no more."' All the same Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year passed as
though the land was flowing with milk and
honey. Borne bought one thing' and some
bought another, but one 01 the best invest
ments for a Bmall sum paid well. It was
not for a Christmas bush, but thousands
got it and thousands who had suffered long
ana wearily witn rneumatism were man
doubly happy in being cured by St. Jacobs
Oil. It leaves no trace behind, and all the
same, the harder times will come no more
to them. The luxury of health is worth
fortune.- - ; - ; -. ,
Evangeline's Calm Response to th Plead
, ins; Voice of Her Mother.
Evangline O'Glary came home from
the ball wearied and distrait. Prior to
the ball she had been' working all day
in the telephone office.'' Despite'' the
fatigue and weariness which crushed
her, however, she felt it would be im
possible to sleep with the memory of
Archibald Eooney's manly voice ring
ing in her ears.- She had been beautiful
that night, she knew,' but Archibald
bad been cold and distant, save for one
word of formal greeting in his resonant,
baritone tones. Restlessly she thought
it over while tossing sadly upon her
conch and gazing through the damask
curtains out upon the pallid, gibbous
moon. 1
.,"He loves another!" she murmured
in an ecstasy of pain- "Even thdugh
have ever discriminated in his -favor
when any one calls up central for his
number." ' '
. chapter it
Worn out With fatigue and sorrow
and heedless of the fact that she must
be at the down town telephone exchange
at 8 in the morning, Evangeline did not
fall asleep until the onyx and ovoid
ormulu clock on the mantel told the
hour of 3. '.'.-''
' Then she slept. "' '
"Evangeline I Evangeline!'1
- It was her mother's voice calling her
in the. morning. -
."Evangeline! Get tip! Ypd told me
to call you up at 7, and it's 7:801" ;
' Evangeline turned uneasily jn;.her
slumber. The spoken number bad dimiy
reached the innermost . recesses of her
Her ripe lips' moved.
"Busy now, " she murmured mechan
ically. "Call 'em Up again I'-'-i-Chioaga
Record. ! :
The Largest Window,
The largest opalescent glass: window
in the world is in the new St.-Paul'
church at Milwaukee. 'It is .what is
known as a nave window, the 'lower
half being composed of three immense
panels and the upper half of a splendid
rose and tracery in a semicircle! of bril
liancy. This monster window1 ib; its ex-'
trenie measurement is ou ieet aim 1 il,-
in width and exactly '2 4L feet in height
It is beautifully executed, the --subject
being the cruoiflxion in .fact, it is-"an
exact copy of. -.Dores 'masterpiece,
Christ Leaving , the- ,,tTaet(orium.
There are over.SOO life-sizeflguijes-tepre-
sented on-tms wonaerrui wmaow. -bt,
Louis Republic. ' v -5' '
Is withered by that tremendously destructive
engine, malaria, put on the brakes with Hostet
ter'B Stomach Bitters, which will checkits prog
ress and avert disaster. Cnlils and fever, bilious
remittent, dami ague and aguecakeareproqipt
ly relieved and ultimately cuied by this genial
specific, which is alo a comprehensive family
medicine, speeauy useiui in cases 01 nyspepsia
biliousness. constipation, sick headache, ner
vousness, rheumatism and neuralgia! Against
the hurtful effects of sudden changes of tem
perature, exposure in wet weather, close appli
cation to laborious mental puruita andv other
inmienee? prejudicial to ricuitn n is a 1110-.1
trustworthy safeguard, it fortifies the system
against disease, promotes appetite and sleep.
and hastens convalescence after debilitating and
nesn-wasting qiseaBes. -.v . :- '
Sparrow How nice and wtrm this telephone
wire is! Swallow Yes; there must be a prize-
ngnt or a loot Dan game somewnere.
Mrs. JonesThere goes Mr. Gray. He's an oc
togenarian. Mrs. Kobinson Are yoa sure of
that? I have always understood that he was a
t ft inrnion niiiniTiAuTLip 1 trrrM ' ! V.
Has justly acquired Jjie reputation .of ibeing
The Salvatbr'for
I N-iyp:'
,r.,rf The-Aged.n , "
An Incomparable.: Aliment 'for th? .,
Growth and Protection of INFANTS and
A superior nutritive in continued, fevers,
And a reliable remedial agent,' .
In all gastric and enteric diseases ;
often in instances, of- consultation over
patients whose digestive organs were ' re
auced to such a low and sensitive condition
that the IMPERIAL (jRANUM was
the only nourishment the stomach
would tolerate when LIFE seemed
depending; on Its retention ;
And as a FOOD it would be difficult to
.. conceive of anything more palatable.' '
Sold by DRUQQISTS. Shipping Depot,
K it -"'-''ii.iiua-in,..
uonsomptrves ana people
who have weak lungs or Asth-
a ma, should use Plso'sCnrefor
Consumption. It has cared
thousand. It has not ininr
ed one. 11 Is not bad to take.
It is the best cough gyrus.
Bold everywhere; 85a. ''
High Government Authority.
" - No authority of greater experience on food products ex
ists than Dr. Henry A. Mott, of New York. Dr. Mott's wide
experience as Government Chemist for the Indian Depart- :
rnent, gave him: exceptional opportunities to acquaint himself
with the qualities and constituent parts of baking powders.
He understands thoroughly the comparative value of every
brand in the market, and has from time to time expressed ,'
his opinion thereof. On a recent careful re-examination and
analysis he finds . .'.. .'
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
superior to all others in strength, purity, and efficiency. Dr.
- Mott writes : ; . .. '
. :, --..j; :- ' New York, March 20th, 1894.
- I find Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder to .be -"superior .;.
to all others, for the following reasons : ' : ,vr "A-';.; " .,
. ' 1 st. It liberates the greatest amount of leavening gas .
and is consequently more efficient. ; ; i
2nd. The ingredients used in its preparation are of the"
purest character. . . - , . . - - - .. . .
, ; -,3rd. ; Its.keeping qualities are excellent.- ' " " "
. 4th. On account of the purity of the materials and their .
relative proportions, br;iPrice's.Cream .Baking Powder must ; 1
be considered the acme oj perfection ! as regards wholesomeness ; '
and efficiency, and I say 'this having in -mind "certificates I
have given several years ago respecting two other baking 1
powders, v -:' ' - '.:'"': '' ''. '.
The reasons for the change in my opinion are based on '
the above facts and the new method adopted to prevent your "
baking p'owdei ' from caking and deteriorating in strength.-;
v:';.,-'! ' - Henry A. Mott, Ph. D., L. LD." '
" ,: Helpins; Out a Medical Authority. '
' A medical authority says that, in'vievr
Of .-a theateiiitifr - rjl'a&ue 1 Deoule cannot
be too careful' ih the selection of the ice
they use, as all sorts of disease may be
communicated by this medium, but no
directions governing the selection of ice
are given. In order that the' public wel
fare may , be conserved we present a few
general rules' for the guidance of ice
purchasers. ; -:
.. . The best ice is al ways cold, and some
times a slight moisture may be observed
upon the surf acet It is devoid of smell
and will melt WhetV exposed : to a tem
perature of 110 degrees F, . Ice made
of .water;, is most desirable. It should
be" transparent, or, nearly so, and should
preaK , into, rragments . . wnen given
a shaVp- blow; Tough-ice that will iibt
break is generally , adulterated. Avoid
soft ice or ice, that has beerj . subjected Jo
excessive b,eat, wiiile under process -of
manufacture,, ;;: -.-.,'.-.:.,.:; ""''
It sometimes, presents a fine 1 appear
ance, but is unhealthful, . Ice more than
three days old should not be nurbhased!
as it is liable to turn sour on your hands
and will, have to be thro wn. away. After
haying melted, ice loses many of its vir-
tues and should not be used.. . It should
always be kept in a cool place and at a
distance from gas fixtures to avoid ex
plosions. -T-. Washington News. 1 . ,
. No Sleep For a Tear. ij.
The Soull guardians, Count; Cork, have,
according to the West Cork Eagle, discov
ered a case of insomnia In tbatwdrkhouse
which possibly la without :a 'parallel. A
mart' -named' Deeburoey, Who Is half wit
ted, :has, it is alleged, been 880 days with
out sleep, day or night. He-Is-over 70
years of age, eats his meals regularly and
Is In excellent health.
Zerah' Colburn, the mathematical-won--
der, could mentally raise any sum leu than
three figures to the sixteenth power. - -
.,- Doubtful Seeds alone. Tlfa. best
are easy to get, and cost no
. moraj ask your aeaier lor - .
- .1 R , AIWBr the. best. Known
B -everywnere. 'errv' seea .
Annual Tor 1SU9 tens von
ir,. .-n ... .... ,i
r wnai, now. ana wnen lo niani.
oenir-ree. uet 1U' Address .-i
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
. Uetrolt, Mich.
Itfi Wearhiif otirtltlesarenrisulrnits'seaiaotually
outlasting two boxes of any othertBrtind, Free
fromAnimil Oils. ;GKT THE GKNDINli.'
. , , and Dealer generally --.p
6W sals ky all Druglsta, WCnbsWMk
ache? ! Does
jH Jill trT (ItlWI (HI I V
mu j i
Buy yonr GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS of us, and we will save you money. We hftnVMe thai
,,'oodsand deliver free to trains or boats. Wa bi nd .oil ," ..!;? ?ne the best
r, - . - --a . -.""'--- "V1
nest pranos or nour per parrel 2 16
"u " 3-"" "e. we wm
MARK L. COHN & CO. 146
; From ''; ' '
Hood's Calendar for 1895 is " a thing of
beauty." In the tio.velty of theu'esign and
the exqaisiteness of the coiorih'g"the calen
dar surpasses all previous issues, i The cal
endar is formed in the shape of a heart,
and is ornamented with two beautiful child
faces. The calendar gives the usual iuf u
niation concerning the lunar changes, and
upon the back is printed a table of astro-,
nomical events especially calculated for C.
I. Hood & Cor - '
The calendar is iBsued to advertise Hood's
Sarsaparilla, Hood's Pills and the other
preparations of the firm; The edition of
HOod's Calendars for 1895 was 10;500,000, or
about 2,500.000. more than last year.
Those who are unable toi ohtain Hood's
Sarsaparilla Calendars at tbe drug stores
should send 6 cents in"stamps for one, or ,
10 cents for two, to-C. I. Hood A; Co., Low
ell, Mass. ,.- ';'? ,
She I'm sorry I married youv-H-e-fYou ought
to be. You cut some nice girl out of a miEhty
nice husband. , -.- '''-a, . -
.' NO .DGBTi !.
It iS not mere! V nain thnt nsnnla rlT-oo
insickness;' ,Many,a ;uian,'ilib; bear the
pain - unflinchingly .who ntterjj: breaks:
down in view of the heavy expense in
volved, often increased bv his -beine inca
pacitated for .work and thus deprived of his
To such persons Allcock's Pobotjs Plas
tERs are an unspeakable boon'." They are
within, the reach of every one. They are
erable counterfeits and imitations it is al
ways easy for anybody to make sure of get
ting the real thing at a low price.' .
Any one suffering from weakness of the
chest, thrpat,- stomach, kidneys, liver or
from lame back will find them a cheap and,
and sure remedy. , ; .. '' .
RNDEKTH s Jtills are a good-Corrective. .
"Here comes your old enemy, the Major?" "Is
he loaded T" "I thiuk so." ""Jug or thotsunT"
Ose lnamellne Stove Polish; h6 dust no imeU.
Try Gkbmia for breakfast.
4.3S Fine CaltkiOuigarou;
eesTP0NG0U. . '
Over On Mlllloa Peoole wear tha V '
W.L. Douglas $3 &$45hoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory ,
Tnev fflve the beat valna fnr imn
Thov equal custom lhoes In sty le nd fit. -
i neir wnnn quaiiues are unsurpassed. '
Tha prices are uniform, -stamped on sole. '
Prom $i to $3 saved over other makes.
If your dealer cannot supply you vczn, " 1
FEEL RADt nnifs -vaiiw,.-db-
every step seem a bmderi? . TOu need
Sleet Vipainii
....... vs:-iJ:.P : i ,
?''! . , :. z. Pt'Vp CUT
muuittva - HtVEALED REMEDY.
dco, Bum uu per ease i ti on
Arbuckle's coffee per pound-. mlz
male you special prices. Address your brd.ri
Front Street, Portland. tjr0ia,n