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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1894)
-Y-i -v The Hood River ti l r. , - ri .,.- , - It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. V.:V:-; : VOL. G. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 28, 1894. NO. 9. 3eo.d Iiver Stacier. PUBLISHED EVERT 8ATUBDAT MORNING BT The Glacier Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. On. year .. ..,..... M Six months ..i. ............ ........ 1 Ot Three month. M Bugle cop; i Cent THE GLACIER BarberShop Grant Evans, Propr. Second St., near Oak. Hood River, Or. Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done. Satisfaction Guaranteed. TH EL SMALL. POSTS WilljPractically be Abandoned i by the' Government. THE OUTCOME OF THE STRIKE The Troops Now Gathered at Chicago Win Constitute Fort Sheridan'. Per manent Garrison The Commander on HI. Way to Bar Harbor. '' Washington, July 18. Daily reports received at the War Department from troops engaged in preventing disturb ances on the railroads in the West show that thedisturbahce of the strikers has generally diminished from formidable rioting to petty operations and obstruc tions. General Merritt at St. Paul re ports obstructions have been encountered on the Great Northern running north from St. Paul,,, likewise at Livingston, Mont.There is friction on all the Pa cific roads. From San Francisco Gen eral Ruger reports that it will be neces sary to send the trains under guard for some time.. General Miles reported the frightful accident at Chicago day before yesterday, and will take steps Jto ascer- tain how it occurred, apd may appoint a board for this purpose. ' ' As soon as in General Miles' judgment it will be advisable to do so, the regulars in Chicago will be withdrawn, but until General Miles so recommends no sugges tion of the outside or request will nave any effect with the authorities. The history of the Chicago riots has con firmea -in official circles here a belief in the soundness of. General Schofield's policy of concentrating troops at great central points near the large cities. It is the intention now to carry out this idea as far as practicable. The first man ifestation of this decision will be at Chi cago, for, although the troops will be withdrawn from the city, they will go to Fort Sheridan, fifteen miles distant, and none of the companies of batteries and troops that have been brought to Chi cago from Eastern and Western points will be sent back to their posts. They will constitute the permanent' garrison of Fort Sheridan, which, with this pow erful force so located as to be easily and quickly marched to Chicago or to any point of disturbance, will become one of the first units of the new system of army posts. JJnless. Congress shall provide for a substantial increase of the regular army, this may ; involve the practical abandonment of many of the small posts in the West. GENERAL SCHOFIELD'S VIEWS. Boston, Mass., July 18. Major-General Schofield, commanding the United States army, arrived in Boston last night on his way to Bar Harbor. In conver sation witn a reporter he said that the late strike in Chicago had caused him to modify somewhat Ms views expressed in a recently published article signed by him, in which he had taken the ground that a. small but well-disciplined army with better coast defense would be suffi cient to protect the country from inva sion. The question of interior disturb ances had not been reached at that time. The Gefteral said : . , " I think upon considering the events which have recently taken place that an increase of the army's forces is needed. Several thousand men should be added at once. A small army well disciplined is obviously superior to a large one ill trained, but a larger, army well drilled is now absolutely required." -.-. -- In speaking of the massing of troops near large cities he said : " It has been the policy of the govern ment to 'mobilize troops near railroad centers, and as these centers have been large cities, the problem has been solved to a great extent. The troops are placed near - Chicago, for instance. I was in command of that division in 1884. At that time- this mobilization of soldiers was done. It is done yet because Chi cago is a large city and because it is the railroad center of the entire Northern frontier. "We can send a large force un der this system to any desired point." Willing to Take Baok Strikers. Chicao6,' July 17. Vice-President Wickes of the Pullman Company says the company is willing to take back its striking employes. He says the mana ger at the works has been under instruc tions for several weeks to start up the works as soon as enough men are ready to go to work to make the running of all the departments possible, or about 1,000. ALIENS GOING HOME. Exodus From Chicago That Will Make Demand for Labor. Chicago, July 18. The Evening Jour nal prints the following : The European low rates inaugurated by the trading steamship lines may result in a wholesale exodus from Chicago of many men con' nected with the late, strike. Never be fore in the history of steamship rates has it been possible to go from Chicago to an European port so cheaply. Since the cut rates have been inaugurated, the exodus from Chicago and the Northwest to various points in Europe Has figured up a third of the local traffic to New York according to estimates of local steamship lines, and the announcement oi the last cut in rates has started a real hegira of European-born people. Dozens of men who said they were now on strike have been making inquiries at the local steamship offices within the last few days, expressing their intention of going to the "ola country" in case the strike was a failure. There were a half-dozen interesting phases of the present situa tion, and their is much food for thought in the depletion of the standing army of unemployed in this country by return of workers' to their homes abroad. It is es timated that before long labor will be at a premium instead of a discount, and there are not a few who figure on a sea' son of prosperity as a consequence of the return to Europe of thousands who have been Vh the past six months unsuccessful candidates for employment. CRUISER MINNEAPOLIS. Her Speed Even Better Than at First Indicated. Washington, July 18. The Minneap olis has done even better than the first reports indicated on her trial trip. Yes terday Commodore Selfridge telegraphed the Navy Department that the vessel made 23.05 knots, subject to tidal, cor rections. These corrections were made last night, and to-day the Commodore reported that after making allowance for tides and currents tne average speed was 23.07 knots. By the contract she was re quired to make 21 knots, and the con tractors were to receive a bonus for ex cess of speed on the basis of $50,000 for each quarter knot, so that according to Commodore eelfridge's figures tne premium earned will amount to $414,600, the largest ever earned by a vessel. When proposals were received for build ing the Minneapolis, it was found that the Bath Iron Works were the lowest bidder at $2,690,000. Cramps coming next with a bid of $2,746,00. The Secre- tarv of the Navv thought the Bath Iron Works had hardly a sufficient plant to undertake the construction of so large a ship, and he offered to bestow the con tract on the Cramps if they would re duce their bid to the figure of the Bath Iron Works, which they did, so that, with the premium earned on the trial, the total cost is $3,204,600. NO CHANGE IN COREA. Chinese Government Still Demands the Removal of Japanese' Troops. Washington, July 17. Latest tele graphic advices received her.e indicate that the Corean situation is substantially unchanged. It states that the Russian government has expressed itself as sat isfied with the reply of the Japanese government, disavowing any design upon Corean territory, but declining to with draw the Japanese troops from Corea until some action was taken to prevent the constant recurrence of the disturb ances in that country of which Japan complains. It is also stated that the Chinese government has promptly re fused to consult with the Japanese gov ernment for the purpose of devising means to assist Corea in her cause and simply reiterates its demand for the re moval of Japanese troops from Corea. This, it is understood, was the substance of the answer made by Sung Li Yamen last week, when the British Minister in Pekin tendered his personal good offices to effect an amicable settlement of the difficulty between the two countries. TARIFF CONFERENCE. A New Plan Suggested for Revenue on . Whisky. .Washington, July 16. The tariff con- f errees have had suggested to them' a plan for revenue on whisky, one of the largest revenue-producing items, which has not heretofore been considered in either the House or Senate. It was pro posed by one of the Senators, and senti ment toward it is quite favorable. The plan contemplates a sliding scale, the minimum tax being $1 per gallon on whisky out of bond at the end of five years and advancing 5 cents per gallon for each year in bond beyond five years and not exceeding nine years. On this basis the tax would be : Five years, $1 ; six years, $1.05; seven years, $1.10; eight years, $1.15. By this arrangement the eight years' bonded period is secured by the distillers, although it is onset by the tax of $1.15 per gallon if advantage is taken of the full nine years. - Alleged Jury-Bribing. ; ' Chicago, July 18. A sensational jury- bribing case developed in Judge Baker's court to-day in the condemnation suit of the Metropolitan Elevated railway vs. Millionaire Warren Springer over a strip of land valued by Springer at $700,000. One of the jurors, George Marmon, told the Judge tnat a woman naa called on his family and offered a bribe in Spring er's behalf, intimating that the caller was Springer's wife. Judge Baker sug gested that Mrs. Springer appear in the court and make an explanation. Her husband indignantly denies that she is connected with tne anair, claiming that she is in Wisconsin. THE NEW STATE. She Will Take Her Place as , the Forty-fifth Star. HER FUTURE VERY BRIGHT The Conditions Under Which the Terri tory of Utah Is to Admitted to the ; Union Polygamous or Plural Mar- ' rlages Forever Prohibited. Washington, July 15.: Private Secre tary Thurber has in his custody at the White House a gold pen set in a silver holder. The implement is from an arti san's standpoint a fine piece of work, but if it fulfills its mission, it will never be dipped in ink but once. ' That- will be Monday, July 16, 1894, and it will in scribe the name of Grover Cleveland on a parchment headed : " An enactment to authorize the peo ple of Utah to form a constitution and State government and to be admitted to the Union on an equal footing with the original States." delegate Kawnns of the Territory of Utah, whose efforts were largely instru mental in bringing about the enactment of the act, secured the pen and holder and entrusted them into the keeping of Secretary . Thurber until the time for their use. To-morrow Rawlins, having secured the signature of Vice-President Stevenson and Acting Speaker Richard son to the enabling act, will carry it to the White House for the Presidential autograph. The ceremony would have taken place Saturday but for Richard son's absence from the city, and it was hoped to have Speaker Crisp's name on the document ; but the Speaker will not return from Georgia in time. No one but the President will sign the act, and when he has done so Rawlins will take charge of the pen which made it a law. At first it was intended to have a solid gold pen and holder, but as Utah comes in as a bimetalism State, and Western ers, who are making the silver fight in politics attach some' sentiment to the fact, the white metal (silver) was al lowed to share honors at the accepted ratio. After the pen has done its work Rawlins will take possession of it. It will be suitably engraved and enshrined in the State capitol of the new State with its other historical souvenirs. The signing of the act does hot make Utah a State, but merely sets in motion the machinery by which she becomes one. December of 1895 will probably be the time when Utah will be entitled to the forty-fifth star in the flag. The constitutional convention will meet next March to frame a State constitution, which will be submitted to the people for ratification at an election in Novem ber, 1895,' when the Governor and other State officers and a member of Congress will be elected. If the constitution is ratisfied, and if the President finds that it provides for a republican form of gov ernment under the provisions of the act of Congress, he will issue a proclamation announcing the fact and declaring Utah a State. The Legislature elected at the November election will meet early in December, and one of its first acts will be to choose two United States Senators. It may safely be said that the senior Senator is likely to be the present Dele gate from the Territory, whose fight for statehood is expected to certainly re ceive recognition, if the views of his Congressional colleagues are shared by his constituents. The government pays the expenses of the Territorial Conven tion, as it does for the Territorial Legis lature. There will be a new registration of the voters, upon which the apportionment of 117 delegates to constitute the conven tion will be made, kach county is to have at least one delegate and one ad ditional for every 2,000 of population. First the convention must declare on be half of the people of the State to adopt the 'constitution of the United States. Several important requirements for the State constitution are made by Congress : That it shall be republican in form and make no distinction in civil or political rank on account of race or color, except as to Indians, who are not entered ; that it shall not be repugnant to the consti tution of the United States and the principles of the Declaration of Inde pendence. One of the most crucial re quirements of the State constitution which was ever evoked by the power of the Mormon Church is that it shall pro vide by ordinance, irrevocable without the consent of the United States and the people of the State, that perfect toleration of religious sentiment shall be secured, and that no inhabitant of the State shall ever be molested on account of his mode of religious worship, pro vided that polygamous or plural mar riages are forever prohibited. , Nicaragua Canal Bill. ' ' , ' Denver, July 17. The Chamber of Commerce to-day received the following from the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce : : .,' " Will you aid by telegraphing to your Senators and Representatives in pre venting an adjournment until the Nica ragua canal bill is reported?" - ' . After due consideration the following telegram was sent to Representatives Pence and Bell : , ' "On behalf of our Pacific Coast neigh bor we urgently request favorable action on the Nicaragua canal bill , before Con gress adjourns." -: ' To the President of the Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco this message was dispatched : - -; . .- " Reciprocating favorable action on silver by your people, we have sent a telegram to Messrs. Pence and Bell urg ing your request." 1 INDIAN HEAD TESTS. A New Armor-Plate Must be Found for . . the New Projeotiles. , Philadelphia, July 17. The appar entease with which the heavy armor plates were punctured in the tests at In dian Head during the past few days has been a disappointment to Pittsburgers, who are proud of the big mill at Home stead ; but the projectile used was also a product of home industry, and both could not prevail. President Cy Wheeler of the Sterling Steel Company, manu facturer of the new prejectile, said the system of armor-plate was all right, but the fault lay in the Harvey process of hardening, fie contends that the plates, to successfully withstand this projectile, must be made by the same process. He thinks he has worked out a plan,' and the Carnegie Companv is now making some plates on the plan he has mapped out. They will bo ready about the middle of August, when they will be tested. The President frankly admits that, if the test is a success, he must improve his projectiles and bust even the new plate, if he can. Instead of hardening the plates with carbon, as is done under the Harvey process, and putting in nickel to toughen the material, Mr. Wneeler is having a plate made on the principle used in producing the pro jectiles. He puts chrome or chromium in the projectiles, and this material he will substitute in the plate for nickel, and no carbon for hardening will be used. The chrome is very hard mate rial, and is found extensively in this country and in Europe, particularly Germany. There are large deposits of it around Baltimore. Mr. Wheeler thinks the fault of hardening plates, es pecially the thickness of 17 and 18 inches, is that you cannot tell how far it pene trates. You may think the hardness goes into the plate for some little distance, when really it may be close to the sur face. PAN-AMERICAN NEWS. Da Gama Has Sent Word That He Is Ready to Surrender. New York, July 17. The Herald's Valparaiso dispatch says: The corre spondent in Rio de Janeiro sends the following news : '" " Admiral da Gama, who is in Portugal, has informed President Peixoto that he is ready to surrender. This action has probably been taken to keep Admiral Mello in exile. - . : TO BE DECIDED THIS WEEK. The World this morning prints the following from San Salvador r A tele gram to the government from Washing ton reports the question of surrendering Antonio Ezeta will be decided this week. This news was received with satisfaction. A complete survey of the country has been ordered, something never done be fore. VARIOUS ITEMS. The Herald's Panama dispatch says: The arms and ammunition which have been arriving in Colon recently on Brit ish steamships have been transferred to a sailing vessel in the bay, which takes them to the Mosquito coast. The correspondent in ban Jose, Uosta Rica, sends word that an envoy from Zelaya has arrived there and hopes amic ably "to settle matters with General Ygle sias. From Port of Spain the correspondent wires a yellow fever epidemic has broken out there. Word comes from Belisle that in the future American gold will be the only legal tender in the colony of British Honduras. From Tegucigalpa the correspondent sends word that Congress is in session there framing a new constitution. 11 Spokane Banker Escapes. . San Fbancisco, July 18. H. L. Cutter crossed into Mexico at Tia Juana the night of June 30, and thus evaded ar rest by officers who were in pursuit of him. The fleeing banker, for Cutter was cashier of the defunct First National Bank of Spokane and President of the Spokane Savings Bank, is wanted at Spokane for embezzlement. Upon this charge the grand jury indicted him, and Governor McGraw of the State of Wash ington issued requisition papers, which were approved by the Governor of Cali fornia, Cutter having left Spokane and taken up his residence in San Diego. ' England's Eye on the Canal. London, July 17. In the House of Commons to-day attention was called to the bill regarding the Nicaragua canal introduced in the United States Senate, and. the government was asked what steps it would take to maintain the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. The Foreign Secretary replied that attention would be given to the subject. . The House fin ished this evening the report on the stage of the budget. William Harcourt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced the third reading. French Ironclad Set on Fire. Toulon, July 14. Just previous to the launching of the new French ironclad Carnot a dockyard official discovered smoke issuing from the hold. . The fire was easily extinguished. A large bottle of , turpentine was emptied over the woodwork in a manner well calculated to cause a rapid spread of the flames. It is reported a dockyard workman, sus pected of being an anarchist,. was ar rested and confessed he and his accom plices planned to burn the Carnot. Four Tears in Folsom. San Fbancisco, July 17. Walter D. Furnand, originally accused of stealing the Jacobson diamonds, but who was al lowed to plead guilty to receiving stolen goods, was to-day sentenced by Judge Daingerfield to serve four years in Fol som prison. WE WEREN'T IN IT. The American Team Beaten by - the British Team.' JOHN BULL IS MUCH ELATED. But the Spirit of English Fair Play, of Which They Are Wont to Boast, Was Supplanted by One of Most Intense Jealousy Mr. Bayard Attended. . London, July 17.--Despite the love of fair play, of which the English are wont to boast, the crowds which witnessed the contests between Oxford and Yale teams to-day were generally most unfairly par tisan. Of course, in the box, where the American Ambassador and a number of prominent Englishmen were gathered, the Englishmen made it a point of clap ping their hands when the Yale team successful, and Mr. Bayard was equally careful to applaud the successes of Oxford men, but everywhere else the most intense jealousy was manifested. In front of what was supposed to be re served for Americans a crowd of well- dressed men and women gathered, and when the little knot of Yale men gave the college cheer many of these people would turn around and make insinuating remarks. "They call themselves gen tlemen," scornfully remarked a lady in the American party, and when Yale won some event and her partisans were re joicing, a big: burlv Britisher veiled: " Remember the Britannia beat the Vig ilant six times!" None of these remarks were made good-naturedly, but with the most intense passion. The scene at the end expressed the whole feeling. While poor Pond, who ran one of the pluckiest races ever seen, was lying in his friends' arms, the Oxonian who had saved the English from being tied was being borne triumphantly to the pavilion, men' and women following with faces aflame and running and yelling in mad delight. It was all typical of the British feeling. Hickok of the Yales and Frye of the Oxfords were interviewed after the games. Fry was very happy. He said the Oxford team were delighted with the Yale athletes. He thought the Ameri cans had done their best, and certainly were not up to the record. This was be cause they were overtrained, while the Oxford men had not reached their best form, because they were undertrained. All the members of his team were sur prised at Hickok's work with the ham mer and weight. He regretted that the weather was not better, and thought, if the track had been dry, Sheldon would have cleared twenty-four feet in the run ning broad jump. He said further that, although it was difficult to induce the Oxford men to train in the summer time, be was determined, it possible, to get Oxford to agree to a return match with Yale in 1895. He hoped the athletes from the two universities could meet annually. Hickok said he was bitterly disap pointed, not so much because the Yales were beaten as because the men did not do as well as they did in the trials. He added : " I have thrown the hammer over 125 feet, but to-day I could not exceed 110 feet. However, there is no use in look ing for reasons. They got there first, and we were beaten. They are a splendid lot of fellows, and there is nothing to re gret but the result." TO FORECLOSE b6nDS. Suit Brought Against the Union Pacific Raitroad Company. - , Topeka, July 17. Suit was filed in the United States Circuit Court to-day against the Union Pacific Railroad Com pany to foreclose bonds amounting to $111,725,000. The suit was filed by George J. Gould and Russell Sage, trus tees of the bondholders of the Kansas Pacific, by their attorneys, Rossington, Smith & Dales. It is alleged the bonds are in default. It is also alleged that since the property of the Kansas Pacific passed under the control of the Union Pacific its revenues, which were suffi cient to protect bondholders, have been used to defray expenses on other parts of the system. Plaintiffs ask for the appointment of receivers to look after their interests. Judge Foster appointed S, H. H. Clark, Oliver W. Mink and E. Ellery Anderson, three of the five re ceivers of the Union Pacific, as receivers of the Kansas Pacific, with instructions to continue to operate the road as a part of the Union Pacific system, keeping the accounts separate. It is rumored here that this is a step toward the reorganiza tion of the Kansas Pacific. BICYCLE RIDERS. The Englishman is No Match for the American. Pakis, July 16. Fifteen thousand peo ple assembled to-day at the Velodrome to witness the contest between Zimmer man and Barken, an Englishman. The first race, one mile, was won easily by Zimmerman, who finished a. dozen lengths ahead of his competitor. In the second race, five miles, Zimmerman fol lowed with the pacemakers until the fifth lap was entered upon. Then he let himself go, and shot ahead so fast that Barken, seeing there was no chance to win, retired. Zimmerman's time was 11 :59 2-5. Zimmerman then won an other race, Wheeler finishing second. The crowd went wild over Zimmerman's victories, and he was given an ovation. A number of spectators waved small American flags when they saw how eas ily Zimmerman had won. TRIAL OF HUGH. LYNN. He Is Charged With the Murder of Two Men Last October. . Vancouver, B. C, July 18. The trial of Hugh Lynn, charged with the mur der of Jack Green and Thomas Taylor on Savary Island last October, com menced this morning before Justice Drake. . The murder was one of the most atrocious ever committed in the province. Green kept a store and Tay lor was an employe. Lynn, the accused, and a kloochman lived on the island, he being employed by Green. When the bodies were found, Lynn and the kloochman were missing. Both men had been shot with rifle bullets, but the murderer had placed shotguns in the hands of the deceased to make it appear that death was the result of a duel. The house and store had been raksacked, and the money, furs and provisions had been stolen, v Lynn left oy his own boat, ' which was found subsequently adrift off Comox, where he had purchased a canoe. -A trail of shot was discovered from Green's store to where Lynn embarked, and similar shot were found in the boat. Lynn was arrested last spring at Orcas Island, in United States territory. It was learned that he had traded a rifle similar to one belonging to Green and also had sold furs like those missing from the store. Lynn's kloochman and little boy gave damaging evidence against him . at the preliminary hearing, and these facts have been worked up by the officials into a strong case. Lynn is a native of ' British Columbia, his father having been one of Colonel Moody's engineers, sent . out here by the British government in . early days. He has the reputation of being a desperado. LETTER FROM JUDGE COOLEY. He Warmly and Feelingly Commends Cleveland's Course. Washington, July 18. In view of the criticisms that have been uttered in certain quarters on the legality of the course pursued by President Cleveland in using Federal troops, notably at Chi cago, not to preserve the peace, but to execute the decrees of the Federal ju diciary and keep in operation the pro visions of the interstate commerce law, the following letter from one of the most able exponents of the constitution in the land, Judge Thomas H. Cooley, has peculiar application. , It was sent to-dav . to President Cleveland : "Now that the great strike in which your official intervention became so nec essary has been clearly- shown to be a ' failure, I beg to be allowed to express my unqualified satisfaction with every step you have taken in vindication of the national authority and with the restoration of law and order which has been followed or is now in progress. The caution and deliberation with which vou have proceeded are, I think, worthy, ike the accompanying firmness, of high praise, and i am specially gratified that a great and valuable lesson in constitu tional construction has been settled for all time with remarkably little -bloodshed. You and the Attorney-General also have won the gratitude of the coun try, not for this generation only, but for all time, and may God bless you for it, is my sincere prayer." UNION PACIFIC BRANCHES. Reoelvers Ask That They be Separated . From the Main Road. St. Paul, July 18. To-morrow the re ceivers of the Union Pacific will be asked to appear before the 'court pursuant to an order to show cause why a large num ber of the branch lines of the Union Pa cific road should be considered and con ducted as a part of the Union Pacific system and not be hereafter regarded as independent lines. The reason for this action is that the Drancn lines are not earning sufficient money to pay operat ing expenses and taxes. They are a con stant drain upon the income of the Union Pacific road, which has been ob liged to advance money to maintain them. The present receivers ask that their ac tion at previous times in making these advances be approved by the court. The names of the branch lines are indicated in the petition as follows : Cartoon Cut Off railway, Brighton and Boulder branch, Junction City and Fort Kearney railway, Omaha and Republican Valley, Salina and Southwestern, Denver, Lead ville and Gunnison railway, Kansas Central railway, Kansas City and Omaha railway, Atchison, Colorado and Pacific railway, Atchison, Jewell City and West ern railway, Washington and Idaho railway,- the Oregon Railway Extension Company. v Approved by the House. , Washington, July 17. With less than half an hour's discussion and with prac tically no opposition the House to-day adopted the following resolution offered by McCreary of Kentucky: "That the House of Representatives indorses the prompt and vigorous efforts of the Pres ident and his administration to suppress lawlessness, restore order and prevent improper interference with the enforce ment of the laws-of the United States and with the transportation of the mails of the United States and with interstate commerce, and pledges the President hearty support, and deems the success that nas already attended his efforts cause for public and general congratula tion' The Cholera Virulent. : '.' London, July 17. A dispatch to the Times from St. Petersburg says the chol era epidemic is assuming alarming pro portions. The present visitation is of a more intense and more fatal character than was the outbreak of the two pre vious years. The disease has even pen etrated into Finland, which has hitherto been free from cholera. VY