The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, December 30, 1904, Image 7

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    No Appetite .
Means loss of vitality, vigor
or tone, and Is often a pre
cursor of prostrating sick
ness. This b why it is
tcrious. The best thing
you can do is to take the
great alterative and tonic
Which has cored thousands.
tadeou Broke Tha Up.
Tlert trt erjr few things that et
rap tbs botk't of collegt students
when tbey appear eu mi sat. This wu
demonstrated at an uptowa theater tha
other tTeolug when a stirring inelo
drama waa being enacted, aaja the
I'hiladnlphla Itecord. A group of ten
tudenta occupied the front row of tha
taleonj. Just Mow thein aat a party
of young women. It waa when tha
beautiful heroin waa about to b
thrust out ou the mercy of a pitiless
world that trasedy waa turned Into
comedy. True to feminine emotional
nature, the feeling of th group of
.women aforesaid wer ao wrought up
that teara began to flow. There waa a
baity atruggle for handkerchief a. a
deep dlTt Into pockets and baga and
then a ptusa. Only on of th alx
glrla had bad th forealght to provld
herself with a handkerchief.
With a sympathetic glaure of com
prehension ah wiped the teara from
her own eyee and then passed the bit
of linen along. One by one th weep
ing maidens dabbed their eyes with th
handkerchief and then It waa smug
gled back to the owner and the game
of progressive handkerchief waa begun
again. The atudenta aaw all this, and
one of them took a handkerchief from
fala pocket to wipe away Imaginary
teara and passed It along the line. Ixud
Maoba" drew attention to them. In a
moment the bouse waa convulsed with
laughter, and It waa only after mana
gerial Interference that the by-play
waa atopped and the alx maldena with
th on handkerchief wer spared fur
ther mortification.
Doing Great Work.
Florlsant, Mo., Dee. 19. (8peclal)
That Dood'a Kidney Pills ar doing
a great work In coring th more terri
ble forma of Kidney Diaaaef tneb a
Brlgbt'a Disease, Dropsy and Diabetes,
everybody knows. Bat it must also
be noted that they are doing a atill
greater work in wiping ont theourand
of case of the earlier stages of Kidney
Disease. Take for instance Mrs. Peter
Barteau, o! this place. Blieaya:t
"I have been subject to pains in try
back and knees (or alout three years,
but since I have been taking Dodd'a
Kidney Filial I have been entirely
Others her tell similar stories. In
fact, in thia part of Miisouri there are
scores of people who have cured the
early symptoms of Kidney Disease with
Dodd's Kidney Pills. Th dm of the
Great American Kidney Remedy tbns
saved not only th lives of Kidney Dis
ease victims, bat thousands of other
Americans from years of sufferings.
New Uses for Roller Skates.
Little Johnny Say, pa, will you bny
me a pair of roller skates?
Pa What In the nam of common
sense do you want with a pan: of roller
Little Johnny Why, pa, I want to
use tbem for mowing the lawn In sum
mer and shoveling aaow In winter.
What else could I use them for, pa
Cincinnati Enquirer.
A man should weigh 2U pouada for ev
ery foot of his height.
Columbus. Ohio. Mar lo. iqo.
Bome four years ago I waa suffering
from impure blood and a general run
down condition of the system. I had no
appetite, was losing Ccsb, and bad an all
cone tired feclimr that made me misera
ile. I began the use of S . S. &, and
after taking seven or eight bottles mjr skin
waa cleared of all emotions and took on a
ruddy, healthy glow that assured me that
tny blood had been restored to its nor
mal, healthy condition. My appetite was
restored, aa I could eat anything put be
fore me, and as I regained my appetite
I increased in weight, and that "tired feel
ing" which worried me so much disap
peared, and I was once again my old self.
I heartily recommend S. S. 5. as the
best blood purifior and tonic made, and
strongly advise its use to all those in need
ot eucb medicine. victor Stubbins.
Cor. Borthman and Washington Avcs.
Wheeling, W. V., May 33. iqoi.
My system was rundown and my joints
oched and rained me considerably. I bad
used S. 8. S. before and knew what it
was, ao I purchased a bottleof it and have
taken aeveral bottles and the aches and
pains arc crone, my blood has been cleas
ed and my general health built up. lean
icsiiiy 10 ii as a inooa punner and tonic.
1533 Market St. JOHN C STWN.
If you have any
symptoms of dis
ordered blood
write us and our
physicians will
advise you free.
Our beok ou
blood and akin
diseases sent free.
The Swift Spoolflo Company, Atlanta, a
- isiissUr
I m Mm
i sk
' a mv iiii ill u SM'fTi
0: - ijfci isLlr i "i'I r" '" sMssssr1-! gm
rnip, TJl Uooi Uaa I I
Bom vj oranuM.
lira re, generous and humane" waa
the tribute that bis enemies paid to the
memory of Menard Montgomery, the
American general
who waa killed at
the assault upon
Quebec on the Slat
of December, 1773.
"Distinguished In
boldness of enter
prise, courage, per
aererence, eon
tempt of . danger
and of death." waa
u:ciiDH0HT0OMaTth9trlbutt0f th.
Congress of th country b bad died to
Daring, dashing and reckless of any
personal danger, Itlcbard Montgomery,
although a Drltlsh subject, having IxM-n
born In Ireland In a sjot that would
seem to have been aptly named H words
and having served aa an officer In the
Kiitlsh army, waa among the first to
eNpouse the cause of the revolutionists.
He waa among the first to be appoint
ed a brigadier general, having In May,
1773, been given a command in Can
Ills first victory was the capture of
the IliitlHti fortreNsea at St. Johu'a.
The colors which he secured from the
conquered regiments were the first
lirltlsti colors taken In the war of the
revolution. The capture of Montreal
followed. Hut Montgomery realized
that all military operation In Canada
would be fruitless unless Quebec were
Adding to his own 300 men the GOO
of liencdlct Arnold, be made ready for
the assault upon the city. On the 31st
of December, 1775, he led his men to
ward the ramparts of the old town.
Straight toward the guns of the foe
he rushed, calling back to hla men:
"Men of New York, you will not
fear to follow where your general
They did not fear, but when they
came to where he had led they found
that their gallant general waa dying,
Disorganized, discouraged, they wer
repulsed from the attack. But the In
spiration of the courage of Ittchard
Montgomery waa aa a beacon light to
the faint hearted of the revolution. If
a man of foreign birth could dare
death for the cause of the freedom
of their land, could they not do aa
well? .
Among the heroes of the war of the
revolution the fume of the IrUb hero
of Quebec I pre-eminent. Even more
than for hla wild gallantry Is he re
membered for his Intrepid honesty In
the cause of freedom. Even the Brit
lab general against whom he fought
acknowledged grudglpgly that hla vlr
tuea had won for the Americans half
a hundred battlea that were not all
battles of blood, though every one waa
a battle of honor.
Mrs. Collins took off ber bat with a
weary air and speared it; by its two
pins to the bead of the lounge. "Do
take off, your things and stay to din
ner, Jane," abe said, languidly, to th
cousin who had come borne from
church with ber. v
"I'm all tired out with looking st
the people In front of me who hndu't
taken the time to finish dressing prop
erly. I don't consider warm weather
or a long distance a sufficient excuse
for such carelessness. It shows n
want of respect, according to nly Ideas.
You were farther back, Jane, so I
suppose you didn't notice, nnd at any
rate, you are not so much disturbs!
by such things as I am, It nearly d
stroyed the pleasure of the service for
"Oh, I saw Homethlng of the sort,'
aald the cousin, evasively.
"Well, I don't believe you noticed
that Mrs. Thompson hadn't hooked bci'
placket, and Mary had, hooked hers
wrong," said. Mrs.. Collins, plalntivo
ly. "It was distressing to look nt
them when they stood. And Milly
Rogers bad twisted the seams of her
waist all out of place, and her cousin
Margaret hnd put her stock-pins in as
crooked as a ram's horn. And when
I looked away from them, there Avas
Dorothy Cole on the other side of the
aisle with five hairpins Just ready to
drop out of .her hair, and her hnt on
one-sided. What did you think of
"Why, I didn't really see her at all,"
anld Cousin Jane, easily, "because, to
tell the truth, Mary, when my mind
wandered from the service it was oc
cupied with one question whether
you Intended to start a fashion of go
lng without belts or had simply mis
laid yours, or possibly"
Mrs. Collins' look of horrified pro
test as her fingers sought her waist
was proof that the third, uustated, sur
mise was the correct one. Youth's
Companion. .
ills Credibility Destroyed.
Carrie When he told you he loved
you and that you were the first woman
he ever did love, you looked as though
you believed him.
Bessie Well, yes? so I did at the
time; but later In the evening he told
me about a fish he caught up in the
country. After that, you know, It was
impossible to place any credence In
anything he Bald. Boston Transcript
Half a loaf may or may not be bet
ter than no bread. It depends alto
gether on the maker.
4 Little Lesson
In Pal riot Ism
-k ::::-.:ir;;::i::
t :::::::':z::"
Mis. Henrietta A. 8. Marsh, 769 W.
16th St., Los Angeles, Cal., President
Woman's Benevolent Aee'n, writes:
'I suffered with la grippe for seven
weeks, and nothing I could do or take
helped me until I tried Parana.
"I felt at once that I bad at last se
cured the right medicine end I kept
steadily improving. Within three
weeks I wsa fully, restond, snd I am
glad that I gave that truly great rem
edy a trial. I will never be' withont
it again."
In a letter dated August 31. 1904, Mrs.
Marsh says: "I have never yet heard
the efficacy of Pernna questioned. We
still nse it. I traveled through Ken
tucky and Tennessee three years ago,
where I fonnd Pernns doing its good
work. Mnch of it is being need here
also." Henrietta A. 8. Msrsh.
Address Dr. Hartmsn, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium. Columnus,
Nothing- But the Truth.
"Yes," said Mr. Stormlngton Barns,
"we did well in the West At a one
night stand in Arizona we played to a
J 10,000 bouse."
"Say, what are you giving me?"
queried Mr. Walker Ties.
"Facts," answered the great footsore
tragedian. "The one man who com
prised the audience was said to be
worth fully that amount"
Motbrriwlll And Mr. Wlmlow'l BootMna
Byrup tha best wmMj to una for their okUdrea
during the teething period.
Dusty Dennis Ah, lady, I have fac
ed the dangers of fire many a time.
The Lady Were you a fireman, my
poor man?
Dusty Dennis No'm; I smoked a ci
gar butt in a haystack.
Pi so 1 Cure (s a rainedv for con r ha. colds'
and consumption. Try it Price 26 cents,
Seasonable Inquiry.
"Allow me, Mr. Blfklns,' said the
hostess to a late arrival, "to introduce
Captain de Jones, a man who has
faced death in a score of battles."
"Pleased to meet you, captain," said
BLklns. "By the way, are you a mili
tary or football captain?"
Manv women are denied f h.I
happiness of children through
derangement of the generative
organs. Mrs. Beyer advises
women to use Lydia E. Pink"
ham's Vegetable Compound.
11 Dkab Mrs. Pikexm: I suffered
with stomach complaint for years, I
got so bad that I could not carry my
children but five months, then would
have a miscarriage. The last time I
became prepnant, my husband got me
to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. After taking the
first bottle I was relieved of the sick
ness of stomach, and began to feel bet
ter in every way. I continued its use
and was enabled to carry my baby to
maturity. I bow have a nice baby
girl, and can work better than? I ever
could before. I am like a new woman. "
Mrs. Frank Bsteb, 23 S. Second St,
Meriden, Conn. $5000 forftit If arjfna f
6aat attar proving gtmilninus cannot as proiuotd.
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs.
Pinkham. She will undcrstamd
your case perfectly, and will treat
you with kindness. Iler adrlce
Is free, and the address is Lynn.
Mass. No woman erer regretted
harine written her, and She h&a
helped thousands.
II Mm !
1 '
- -.. . . 1
Waralag Note Calling the Wicked to
BILK bat on some
like a new
.n a a
uture possibili
ties determine
present facts.
Ile wbo follows
In faith need fear
no failure.
VaIIII tfattat mm AM
Ayt7SaaTV c, be strong with
' 1 1 V" out being sour.
It takes mor
than an accent to make eloquence.
Feelings go a long way toward mak
ing facts.
A waspish disposition gets no honey
from the rock.
The glory of riches does not lead to
riches In glory.
Only a frozen piety can be bound
down to a form.
God often says. "Wslt;" but lie nev
er says, "Worry."
Oaelng at Heaven keeps some people
from going there.
The sermon need not be silly to be
suited to the child.
' Nothing cools off a meeting quicker
than a hot scolding.
When a man winks at himself the
devil nods with him.
The sense of smartness Is sure to
make a man shallow.
The love that lightens another's way
lightens my own load.
Our mercy Is good, but Ills tender
mercy Is many times better.
The beer that makes the brewer Is
the beer that makes the bums.
One little thing well done Is better
than many great things but begun.
It is better to win man's .condemna
tion tban the devil's commendation.
Christ Is preparing a place for those
who are preparing a people for Him.
Teople who spend their lives pack
ing their trunks never go anywhere.
Har Early Training and Her Preeent
Character on the Throne.
When one bears stories of the gentle
kindness of the Czarina and of the
deep and earnest interest that she
feels In all that concerns the welfare
and happiness of her people, one can
not but remember that she Is the
daughter of that Princess Alice whoso
sweet disposition and winning ways
so endeared her to the English nation
before she left her native land for her
husband's home in Hesse.
"The education and training of the
future Czarina and her sisters were
their mother's most serious- considera
tion." says the .writer, "and she fre
quently corresponded with Queen Vic
toria on the subject 'I strive to bring
up my children free from pride in
their position,' the grand duchess
wrote on one occasion. 'I feel bow all
Important It Is for princes and prin
cesses to know they have the double
duty of living for others and of being
an example of goodness and modesty,'
and we have ample, proof that these
lessons have not been wasted.
"The Czarina's youth waa passed in
the most frugal manner. She was
trained to have as few wants as possi
ble and to help herself a most neces
sary thing, for her father's means
were very limited. She had to learn
to dress herself without the assistance
of a maid, and was taught to take the
greatest care of her. frocks, many of
which were made by her mother's own
hands. Her nurse and governess were
both English, and she paid many visits
to her august grandmother, both at Bal
moral and Osborne, where she is still
remembered for her bright nnd win
ning ways. These early visits to Eng
land made a great impression on tu3
young princess' mind, and In dress and
manner she still retains traces of their
influence." Lady's Itealra.
How Sharpers Set the Rop-a to De
ceive Unwary Investors.
So In six weeks you see a handsome
ly furnished set of offices down in
the Wall street neighborhood, wtth
"The Golconda Gold Bond and Invest
ment Company," In gilt letters on the
door. .
It cost us $500 for office rent and
first payment on furniture, 51,500
more, went for printing and advertis
ing. Atterbury knew his business.
"Three months to a minute we'll last,"
says he. . "A day longer than that and
we'll have to either go under or go
under an alias. By that time we ought
to clean up $30,000. And then a money
belt and a lower berth for ine, and the
yellow journals and the furniture men
can pick the bones."
Our ads. did the work. "Country
weeklies and Washington hand press
dallies, of course." says I, when h
was ready to make contracts.
"Man," says Atterbury,"ns its adver
tising manager you would cause a
Limburger cheese factory , to remain
undiscovered during' a hot. summer.
The game we're- after Is right here in
New York and Brooklyn nnd the Har
lem reading-rooms. They're the people
that the street-car fenders nnd ' tha
'Answers to Correspondents' column
and the pickpocket notices are made
for. We want our ads. in the biggest
city dallies, top of column, next to
editorials on radium and pictures of
the girl doing health exercises."
Pretty soon the money begins to roll
In. Buck didn't have to pretend to
be busy; his desk was piled high up
with money orders and checks and
greenbacks. Feople began to drop in
the office and buy stock every day
McCI ure's Magazine.
You can hardly find t home
without its Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral. Parents know what
it does for children: breaks
up t cold in a single night,
wards off bronchitis, prevents
pneumonia. Physicians id
vise parents to keep iton hand.
"Tba Wat amfti atadMsa fjiofiay aia Vwf
la Ayr" Charrj aetnrl. Pot lb. cwaibt ait
ahlldraa notiilii eoold io-ttiy ba MMt
Jacob SaciX, saraiasa, Ia4.
tta.sta.fl at.
All dnj.irt.u.
. e. tm co..
Throat, Lungs
Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Chern
Pectoral In breaking up a cold.
Clerical Jolt.
She was wealthy and consequently a
target for much flattery.
"Is It a sin," she asked her spiritual
adviser, "to take pleasure in having
people call me beautiful?"
"Of course It is, my child," replied
the good old parson. "It Is always
wicked to encourage falsehood."
riTP Prmanantly fv rrA. Xo flu or arrromntm
I 1 10 aftrrBmtdar'atfMorbr.Kllnr'iUmU Nrrrt
hatorr. Knd for Kree irfal boitl and uvailm.
tit. K. H. KUna, Ltd., Ml Area bl, fblladelptila, fa.
She'd Looked It Cp All Right.
Teacher Have you looked up the
meaning of the word "imbibes," Fanny J
anny Yes, ma am.
Teacher Well, what does it meant
Fanny To take in.
Teacher Yes. Now give a sentence
islng the word.
Fanny My sunt imbibes boarders.
Woman s Dome Companion.
ItrhlBf Blind. Bleedlnc ar Pratrodlu Pll
Toar drncglat wUl refund money If PAZO OINT-
'LEMT fella to cars you la S to M ova. Me.
No Flowers.
A Bay County, Missouri, man bet $2
Chat he could twist the tall of a dan
colored mule and escape unscathed. In
reply to a telegram from the coroner
his father, In the East, wired: "Bury
the fool where he lit" Denver
Ti"n"u .ASJ borne the aigrna-
v u. a tvhKuvr, uiiu uas ueen maae nnaer his
Sersonal superrlsion for over 30 years Allow no one
deceiTO you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" J"s"ai"; are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OIL Parry,
goric, Drops 1 and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium,. Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its aje Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. lit cures Diarrhoea and Wind
L,cIL1ielieTe8 Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
mfh. f1"1 Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You to Always Bought
.Bears tne
In Use For
tm ocnt.un eeaiMir. tt
SAW n:u nMMjM
MILLS nigu UldUU
Write for Catalogue and Prices
Tho a u n
1110 11. II, HWOMII IfiauillllCiy UU. OREGON
-, . , L
11 ktI eanisd by local rrooers. wiita Wadhams Co, who wUl sditu wUrs obt&luabla,
TIU Sphere.
Friend Po yoti safer tsks a vaca
tion, doctor J
Doctor Very seljom. I'm kept buiy
ail summer doctoring peopla wbo bate
ia Using vacations. ruck.
Take Laxatlva Broana Qolnlaa TfcU.t. An iref
(lata rvfaad tha OMrf U H aula M nira. X. W.
UiWi atsaatara la aa aar baa. Be.
Blamilar bat IH Barest.
"Did yon ever attend a cooklna
school r asked the Chicago glrL
"No." replied her Boston cousin, "but
I graduated from a college of gastron
Lara and OMnplMa atork f ftra A pparataa, Mnao
aad Uapartmral Mapvliaa. Oar food are la aaa la
arsrljr trwrj tin Iwparuseat.
Ktandatd KUnriltwraL Common PUnraiahr
tthnatad)otata. Ill each. A. C L0!tC ftrtUW. Oi
: 'I
I osMoatm
I una a cswtwy.
. AJTWteilfclrJtmaiUA
P. N. U.
Na. S2-I904
WHEIf writer to advartlsars plaoaa
BBraUosi this paper. I
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
Murray amirr, nxm torn cm.
f I r- , W
are known by what Ibey have
J frown, for hlf a cmlury they
J have baen Iba etandanl hawn't
foiled once to pmdura bUcxar, brt-
lereroria thaa an? other. Hold
be all damlera. IMS Mee4 Aa
f Baal frtt to all apptfcania.
I Drot, Mich.
Toot Grooar