The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, October 28, 1904, Image 7

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After Eating
Jfauic between tneili, belching, toio
Ulrtj, flatulence, fiti of nervous bead,
ache, il a In the stomach, are all
symptoms of dysp'rpile, and the longer
It Is nrglectcd the harder it U to cure It.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
and Pills4 '
Radically and permanently care it
1 strengthen and tone the stomach and
pother dlgeitire organs for the uaturul
1 performance of their functions.
Atrrpt no substitute for Hood't.
"I had dyspepsia iwenty-flvs yee's and
took different nfodlctncs but cot do help
ttntll I began taking Hood's Sarseparllla.
liars Uxsn (our bottles of this r:.dde
and can now eat almost anything, sleep
well, bare no cramps In my stomach, do
burning and do distress. r Mia. Woman
0. Bassm. It Oln. St, ProTldtmee, R. X,
Mood's tarsaparUla promises U
ura and keeps) the promlea.
nrnill lias a Fine Tea.
United States CoiimuI Ame writes
from Para a recoutnt'iidntlon of a lira
alllan beverage, yerba mate tea, whlen
I prepared from the roaated and pul-terlxtKl-
leaves of an evergreen forest
' tree. . v
Yerba mate Is largely consumed In
' Paraguay and In the llraslllan 8tatea,
where It Is made. 'It la exteiislveiy
consumed In Argentina.. In Uruguay,
aud to a leas extent In Chill. There Is
a small consumption In other States
of Brssll, a small quantity Is exported
to Europe and still less to the United
States and Canada. Estimated exports
may reach 43.000 to 57,000 tons annu
ally. - ' -
Yerba mite has a peculiar bitter,
emoky taste, which Is usually consid
er unpleasant, and this has largely
operated to prevent Its more extensive
use as a beverage. This smoky bitter
ness Is chiefly due to the rude meth
od employed for drying the lesves and
It seems likely that the Improved
methods of drying the mate on Iron or
copper pans would give a much more
delicate and agreeable product Mate Is
aald to have all of the best qualities
of coffee and tea as a stimulating
health beverage, without the dlaadvan
tage of either. It Is a, more gentle
stimulant than either and Is said to be
much used In the hoapltals of Paris.
The tree could probably be grown
In southern California, perhaps In
southern Texss, certainly lu many
parts of the Phlllpplnea.
Could Get No lest.
Freeborn, M'nn, Oct.. 17 (Special)
Mr. II. . Goward, a well known man
here, is rejoicing In the relief from suf
fering he has obtained through using
Ikxlil's Kidney Pills. His experience
is well worth repeating as it , should
point the rosd to health to many an
other in a similar condition.
"I had an aggravating case of Kid
ney Trouble," says Mi. Goward, "that
gave me no rest dav or night but using
a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills put
new life in me and I feel like a new
"I am happy to state I have received
great and wonderful benefit from Dodd's
Kidney Pills. I would heartily recom
mend all eufTereis from Kidney Trouble
to give Dodd's Kidney Pills a fair trial
as I have every reason to believe it
would never be regretted." ,
Dodd's Kidney Pills make you feel
like a new man or woman because they
cure the kidneys. Cored kidneys mean
pure blood and pure blood matins
bounding health and energy in every
part of the body.
A Little Too Goo I.
Husband Why do you shop at Slogo
It Co.'a, Instead of st Faatime'sT
Wife Fastlrae's has some new sort of
electrical contrivance which brings yonr
change ao quick you don't have time to
change your mind. .
I am cotnt telled by a sense of gratitude
to tell yon the great good yottr remedy
has done tnein a case of Contagious Blood
Poison. Among other symptoms I was se
, , verely afflicted with Rheumatism, and got
almost past going. The disease got a firm
hold upon my system; my blood was thor
oughly poisoned with the virus. I lost in
weight, was run down, had sore throat,
eruptions, splotches and other evidences
of the disease. I was truly in a bad shape
when I began the use of S. 8. S., but the
persistent use of it brought me out Of my
trouble safe and sound, and I have the
courage to publicly testify to the virtues of
your great blood remedy, S. S. 8., and to
recommend it to all blood-poison suffer
ers, sincerely believing if it is taken ac
cording to directions, and given a fair
"trial, it will thoroughly eliminate every
particle of the virus. Tam&S CTOsUN. ,
Stark Hotel, Greensburg, Fa,
Painful swellings In the groins, red emn
' tions upon the skin, sores in the mouth
and loss of hair and eyebrows, are some of
the symptoms of this vile disease. 8, S. S.
is an antidote for the awful virus that
attacks and destroys even the bones.
S. S. 8. contains no Mercury, Potash or
' other mineral Ingredient We offer i,ooo
for proof that it is not absolutely veget
able. Home treat
ment book giving
the symptoms ami
other interesting
and valuable infor
mation about this
disease, ; mailed
free. Our physi
clans advise free
those who write us.
The Swift Speol&o Company, Atlanta, Ca,
Mrs. Anger I csn't see wbr mv hue.
band should be Jealous of me. Her
Kriend No one can, my tfear.
lira. Wlndyclty 1 hear thst Mrs.'
Fscker Is quite a collector. What la
her fad) Mrs. Lakeside Husbands. I
Strangor Do express trains stoo
here . Big Hsnk (ststlon srenn Onlr
fer railway officials an' trsn robbers.
"f I .. L .1.
. wvuuk it jVu iuuw toe uiuerence
ltWMfl trillifAllAM n I - M
"Oh, but I do. Grand onera Is rnmlc "
"What would you suggest as a name
for my new yachtr "Why, It seems
to me the Floating Debt would be ap
propriate." Evelyn Yes, my great-grandmother
eloped with my great grandfather.
Cbolly Just fancy I Old people like
that! Smsrt Set.
Doy Father, If there should be a
strike of the dog cstchers In the Phil
ippines, would the Igorrotes tske to
eeUng beef? Ex. J
"Mr. Smith bsd a hsrd time to get
bis daughters off his hands." "Yea,
and I hear he has to keep tbelr hus
bands on tbelr feet."
Knlcker Yes, Johnny, there Is only
one wsy to lesrn, and thst Is to begin
st the bottom. Johnny How about
swimming? New York Sun.
Flrse Nurse I won't be able to s-o
to the picnic to morrow. Second Nurse
way not? First Nurse To tell the
truth, I'm afraid to leave the baby
with Its mother. Ex.
Continuous: Nell Yes, he actually
had the Impudence to kiss me. Belle
The Ideal Of course, you were In
dignant? Nell Oh, yes. Every time.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Chauffeur You'd better be a little
csreful, air. My machine might make
your horse run. Farmer Oatmeal Do
tell I Well, It'll be the first time In
thirty years.-Chlcagp News.
"I don't have to work for a living."
said the shiftless Individual. "Of
course you don't" rejoined the busy
men; "If you did It's a safe, bet that
you , wouldn't be living." Chicago
"I'm trying to find the Idea In your
poem," said the editor of the Squint
uary Magasine. "Oh, don't worry
about that" said the anxious young
poet; "there Isn't any. You can use It
without the slightest fear." Chicago
"Do you think you can cure me, doc
tor?" asked the society woman. "I
think so, with the help of Providence,"
replied the good physician. "Why not
Newport? The climate there Is surely
the ssme as that of Provldeuce."
Philadelphia Press.
Mrs. Honeymoon (to husband In rail
way train) Do you love me? Old
Party (confidentially from other Beat
to bridegroom) She's asked you forty
seven times aires. I get out here,
but I'll leave the score with this gen
tleman by the window.
"Glad to meet you," said the polite
cannibal chief to the new missionary.
"I shall expect to see more of you to
morrow. We dine at high noou." "Er
thanks, awfully. I shall be delighted
" "Not at all. The pleasure will
be all mine, I assure you."
It is human to doubt. Display a
sign with the Inscription "Beware of
Paint," and nine men out of ten will
draw their forefingers across the newly
painted surface to see If the sign Is
not merely "en Invention of the en
emy." The teu.a man never learned
to read.
Da aha way You say your sister will
be down in a minute. Willie? That's
good news'. . I thought perhaps she
wanted to be excused, as she did the
other flay. Willie Not this time. I
played a trick on her. Dashaway
What did you do? ' Willie I said you
were another fellow l--London Tit-Bits.
"Wiseman To look at that English
man you'd think he was a tramp,
wouldn't you? Jokeley Well, I know
for a fact that he hasn't a place that
he can call home. Wiseman Non
sense! Why, his mansion In London
Is Jokeley Sumptuous, yes; but
he calls It " 'ome." Catholic Standard
Times. Helen and Malda were at play when
Malda was overheard saying: "My
mamma does not allow me to use a bit
of slang. She says It Is coarse and
vulgar." "Thst's Just what my mam
ma soys, "replied Helen. "My! but I'd
get It right In the neck If she' heard
me using slang like some little girls!"
Teacher of Physiology Now we will
dissect this odd little animal. But
first, Jimmy Phallg, will you Jell me,
what we have here? Jimmy Faith,
and It's called a bat, sir. Teacher
Very well. Now, how many kinds of
bats 1 are there? Jimmy There are
folve. The black, bat, the red bat the
acrobat the baseball bat and the
brickbat, sir. '
A tourist In a remote part of Ire
land, having stayed the night at a
wayside inn' not usually frequented by
visitors, Informed the landlord In the
morning that his boots, which had
been placed outside his room door, had
not been touched. "Ah," shure," said
the landlord, "and you molght put
your watch and chain outside your
room door In this house, and they
wouldn't be touched." The King.
Do you like your thin, rouh,
short hair? Of course you
don't. Do you like thick,
he ivy, smooth fcslr? Of
course Then why
Hair Vigor
not be pleased? Ayer's Hair
Vigor mikes beautiful heids
of hair, thit's the whole
story. Sold for 60 years.
I have ased Stmt's Hair VW for Vftt
I . Intfaed, a H4rui hair Un,W,
rHn( health I lit hair seelp. and. mi
l (MM Urn, frorltnr a .pLndid rmnf.m
vav n. iaTy, mtmiu, mm. t.
fl .M fcMlla.
f O. 4TIDOO.
tw.M Vim.
AH Amrn.ta.
Weak Hair
fto Many Have.
"Here Is sn article about our cor
rupt police," aald the reporter. "How
should I bead It?"
"Oh, juat say the city has a bad case
of the blues," replied the greet editor.
a' BaeMVa SlraatiUFuMW ana
mi roTiANo.or,
Good Joke at Charoh Fair.
"Had a great time at the church fair
last night!"
"So? What was doing?"
"They bad some strawberry short
cske, and I nearly laughed myself to
desta thinking bow I fooled 'em. I
didn't eat It"
Stats or Omo, Cir v or Tolsdo, I
FaAKK i. i'RSHCV wakw out that b Is
tan tor partner of lha Arm of K. J. ChbxkV
Co., doing tu.tntMtn th CltrofTolado.Coan
ty and Stat sfurvntid n4 tbat tald Arm will
par thaanmof ONE IUJNDRKl U0LI.AR8 for
eh and errrjr raaa of C ta hum that cannot be
urad by tna um of Hall's Citaseh ''
worn to befora ma and iutcribd In my
prawnoe, this tb day of Lmber, A. D., lus.
Aw., A. W, OI.KASON,
sbal hoiarjr mile.
Hall's Catarrh Cura la taken Internally, and
acta dlrMtlr on the blood and mucoue lurfacea
of the srstam. Sand for tmtlBionlala, free.
m.M f. CMISKY CO., Toledo, 0.
U all's TaAlff FUU or Ike beat.
Har Mother's Procnoettoatloaa. .
" He Why does your Bother insist oa
your having sa elaborate church wed
dins? She She says It's the last chance I'll
ever have to show off In fond clothes.
Motherawlll Sad Mrs. Winalow's Soothlnf
Syrup the bett remedy to ue for Lbalr child rea
durlnj the teething period.
The late Anton Tchechoff was sn inti
mate friend of Gorki and Tolstoi, and it
wss the remarkable success of the former
that encouraged him in his literary
, '
Flso's Cure U a good couch medicine.
It has cured courhs and colds for forty
years. At druggists. 23 cents.
The Washington Monument, In Wash
ington, D. C, is the highest In the worhl.
It towers C.15 feet in the air, and iscom
posed of 18.000 blocks of marble, each
two feet thick.
Mrs. L C Glover, VJce-Pres-
Idcat Milwaukee, Wis.; Business
Woman's Association's enother
one of the million women who
have been restored to health hv
using Lydia E. Pinkhsm's Yege-'l
table Compound. .
" Dk ah Mrs. Pixkbam : I was mar
ried for aeveral years and no children
blessed my home. , The doctor said I
had a eomplication of female troubles
and I could not have any children un
less I could be cured. He tried to cure
me,- but after experimenting for sev
eral months, my husband becume dis
gusted, and one night when wo noticed
the testimonial of a woman who had
been cured of aimilar trouble through
the use of Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound, he went out
and bought a bottlo for me. I used
your medicine for three and one-half
months, improving steadily in health,
and in twenty-two months a child
came. I cannot fully express the joy
and thankfulness that is in my heart.
Our home is a different place now, as
we have something to live for, and
all the credit is due to Lydia
E. Plakham'a Vegetable Com
pound. Yours very sincerely, Mas.
L.C. Glover, 614 Grove St, Milwaukee,
Wis." Vice President, Milwaukee
Business Woman's Association. isooo
ftftlt If rtfimu f eat fetter jraeay fiaaas.
eat eAJMet ee rea'aee.
t I Best ughflyniiistei OoolL'baa A '
1,1 Intim. Sold by drnnrlMa. t-I
Faraa Sow la KaoMa City (told by Saw
tor CckrU tat tioyhood.
If Senator Trancls Msrlon Cockrcll
could have tvttnrrn when be was a
boy that the great city f th MUmmrl
valley would be built here at the Junc
tion of the haw and Missouri rivers
he might now be a multlajilllonalre. In
eiamlnlng an abatratt to lot on
Tracy, betweeo Thirty-sixth and Thlr-
ty-aeventn streets, it. J. Holmden. the
attorney, tnade the dlx-overv thut
CockrelL In JS47, when he was a boy
of 13, own?d eighty acrea there, and
be sold It all for S'JOO. The lot which
Mr. Holmdon wss looking up sold re
cently for S5.000.
The Isnd. WO acres of It wss deeded
by the United 8tstes government In
1SZ7 to the State of Missouri for semi
nary purpose. The tract was all of
section 21, township 40, range 33. In
JS33 Jowpn Cockrell, father of the
Senator, bought eighty ncrea of It from
the Stste for 12.02 an acre. Mr. Cock-
rejl died, and In 1SI7. when Francis
Marlon Ox-krcll was 13 years old. he
peUtloned the court, tlirouzh hla cuar-
dJan, to sell the eighty seres.
In his petition he said that be al
ready owned a farm In Wsrrensbnri:
sufficiently large for his needs when
be aliould become of sgc, and, besides.
he said, the big storm of 1844, the
year of the great flood, had blown
down all the trees on hla eighty-acre
tract In Jackson county and therefore
it would be useless for hlra to hold it
because, when he would come of age,
the timber would be all dead. Hicks
and Smart of Independence were Cock-
rell's lawyers. The court granted bis
request end the land was bought by
Joseph Brown for $000. Kansas City
, Btorm Cannons,
The storm cannons now In use slong
the southern side of the Alps, where
dsmsge from hailstorms during har
vest time la Imminent look like a huge
megaphone, such as boat-crew coaches
use, and they are set "ltb their wide
mouths gaping skywsnd, beside little
houses that look like sentry boxes.
When they are fired they boom like
"sure enough" csnnons, and send re
verberstlng, echoing, boom-booms car
romlng about among the hillsides; but
Instead of a ball or shell, or other sim
ilar projectile, they emit a ring of
smoke which grows larger and larger
as It ascends, until st last before It
breaks, It Is big enough to surround a
ten-acre field. Whst the effect of a
smoke ring upon a mischievously In
tent cloud Is I cannot exactly say, but
Instead of ball, only rain falls when
the guns are used, and damsge to
crops la prevented.
riTft Permanently imna. wefltaornarTODaaeai
fllO anarSratSayiuaaomr.Klhie'iarwrtKarra
faetenvr. ton tat Frea S) t trial bottle and treatise.
M.M. H. miaa.Ud.. MJ Arab 8k, Philadelphia, fa
The Royal Color. "
Purple has always been considered
the royal color. The Ill-fated Charles
I. was, however, at his own desire,
crowned In' a robe of white. Although
he was seriously reminded that of the
two exceptions to this rule, Richard II.
ind Henry VL who wore white satin
robes at their coronations; both had
come to a violent end. one at Pohte
fract castle and one in the Tower,
Charles I. was resolute in his decision,
ind, when, twenty-three years after
ward, almost to a day, his body was
eonveyed to its grave through a heavy
nowstorm, the superstitions could not
help remarking that the third "white
king" had suffered a violent death.
Monkeys Eaten in Brazil.
The savage tribes In the interior of
Brazil are exceedingly fond of roast
monkey' Humboldt estimated that one
small tribe of 200 Indians consumed
over 1,200 monkeys during a year. It
is said that until recently monkey
meat was for sale In the butcher shops
0' Rlo4 Janeiro. Mr. Wallace, when In
the Amazon region, had a monkey cut
up and fried for breakfast The flesh
somewhat resembled rabbit in flavor
and had 00 unpleasant or peculiar
taste. ,
CLASScorpe of teacher, location. build
In equipment the best. Send for cat
alof ue. .
Term Opens September 18,1904
Beit faWanlxed standard wrought Iron pipe
Inch, S5.S0 per luo fet Beet galraniied
standard wrought Iron .pipe, 1 Inch, 7.1 pet
100 feet All siiei in black and ralrahlied
pipe at lowest market prices. Wood pumps
capacity on barrel per minute, S. Rubber,
leather and canvas belting, hose and pactins;
at wholesale prices. Write u for your wants
in the machinery line. Irrigation plants a
specialty. R.lereon Machinery Co., Port
land, Oregon.
Dr. C. Gee Wo
HOM1 ,
This wonderful Chi.
m doctor la called
irrat brcanm he cnive
prop). WHhont opera
tion that are tlYwi up
10 die. Me curat with
thoe. Wonderful t'hl
mm h.rba, roota, huda,
barke aud .ftahle
that an entirely on.
know a to medical eot
.nee In thla country. Throngb the am o'
thoe harmlree remedies this famous dootor
knows the actio, of over MO different rem
edies, which be ncceearully uses In different
rilaeue. He (uarantees to cure cattarh, asth
ma, lnn(, throatj rheumatism, nervousness,
noroach, liver, kidneys, etc.: has hundreds of
Mftlniealals. Chargea moderate. Call and
sea him. Patterns out ef the city writ, for
blanks and circular.. Bend stamp. l!ON8Ulr
TheC Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
ZSS ..Alitor St.. PurUaad. Orefea.
a-Mriio.. papr. '
P. N. U. V" . No. 43-1904
BEN wrtUnf to advertiser pleaea
nutna sosa papvr.
ANcfclalik Preparationfor As
slmHat'tng BteFoodandBegula
ling the StooactB andBowrcb of
rromolcs Digcslionhecrfu
ness and Rest Contains neither
OpiumforpIune nor liner ai
INot Narcotic.
A perfect Remedy forConsfipa
non, Sour Stomach.Diarrtioca
Worms Xxmvulsions .Fevensh
ness and Loss or Sleep.
Pac Simile Signature of
A Ron's SntKatlon.
"Papa." aaid little Arthur, after his
mother had punished him, "will 70a dcr
something for tatV
"What la it you wintr
"Marry somebody else, and I'd wish
you'd pick out grandma, because she's
always kind to me." Chicago Keeord
Uerald. Yea Can Oct Allen's Foot-Ease PRES.
Writs Allen & Olmsted, Le Ttoy.N. T., tor a
free aamtle of Allen's Foot-Ease. It en rea
eweatlnf , hot swollen, acMnf fact. It makes
mw or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for
corns, intrrowinanalls and bunions. Alldrn
alsusellit. 2ic Don't accept any rabstltnte.
Thoronarbly Experieaoed.
Official Yes, we have room for a few
more.! road guards. Had any expe
rience? Applicant (vlcoferonslyl Schnoowoo
mowwoystreet! Wake npl Don'tbeaU
day! Steplirelyl Shakaleg!
St. Jacobs Oil
The old monk cure, strong, straight, sure, tackles
Hurts, Sprains, Bruises
The muscles flex, the kinks untwist,
the soreness dies out. ' Price 25c. and 50c.
By Our
We are enabled to extract from one to B2
teeth at one. sitting, positively and aoso
lntelv without pain or bad alter effects.
People in delicate health ne-d have no
fear as our tnetliod of extracting is posi
tively safe and absolutely painle-s.
Absolute cleanliness is our motto.
We do crown and bridge work without
pain. Our 17 years' ex erience In pla.e
I - -"ts- W
won enaoies us 10 ni
'f V We"hi
..V-ifitii in 1 1 J open
r. 'i ne orst is the cheapest i
have feelings as well as you.
open evenings till
liK. t . t. to jab.
inCC DDAC TiMiticTP"
Uii DlUAJv
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co., ro
r a
rN '
Assi Vonr
U met carried by local grooers, write Wadhauu dt Co, who trill adrlss where obiaiaatue.
s a av- t a .- -4
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
T 2.1. -
Signature A $
For Over
Thirty Years
Choice Selection.
"I learn that the Van Ruitons allow
their chickens to diet on tbelr neigh
bora' flowers. Do they keep it se
cret?" -
"Well. I should think pot If yon
dine with them the suave Mr. Van
Rniton will ask If yon prefer violet
fed fowl or 'chicken de roses.'
Special Card ta the PslhBc.
tr C, Gee Wo, Chinese Medicine Co., 23
Alder tit.. PortWnd. Orea-nn. resrreta belne- cou
,lnset with Doctor Lee 8ina Hon, who waa
emeu icwTuviij in ruriiana. ,r. ng 1. got
dead, and Is practlcl f at same location, 223
Alder Htrert. Some people thought there was
only one Chinese doctor.
, e' "
Domeatto Bapplness.
Mrs. Neighbors Men have different
ways of making home happy.
Mrs. Hamer How so?
Mra. Neighbors Some do It by stsy
lng at home and some by staying away.
your moutn coniloit-
nth comfoit- i
l in tie end. A
i from 9 to 1
Sundays I
Main 2029.
Uu. V. A. WiB,
208-213 Falling Ed?.. Third and Vashinrton
Write for Catalogue
, and Prices
M a
Twi eearraua eesieaav. mtm
- X