The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, August 05, 1904, Image 7

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SiTMprHIj b unquestiona
bly tho greatest blood and
liver incdidno known. It,
positively and permanently
cures every humor, from
Pimples to Scrofula. It is
tho Best,
Blood Medicine.
Illeaard Il Ilualneaa.
The ladles of tti club were dourly
grouped about the speaker of the aft
truoon, a remarkably successful wom
an, In whom commercial and lllcrury
ability were admirably balanced.
"Tell us, In a few words, how to be
successful," said one of the ladles, in
sistently. "To bo surrcasful." anld tho success
ful one, "all we women have to ilo la
to make aa much of a business of our
own business aa we do of the things
that are none of our business."
Cat Bport.
The ticket speculator entered the prW
Tate ofllce of the great uianuructurcr.
"Now, air," aald the foruier, "let we
ell you i scasou ticket to tho baaeball
The groat manufacturer ahook tits
bead sndly.
"No." he sighed. "I'm only the boss,
lou'll have to tee the oltlce boy."
An Important Personage.
Caller Well, the nerve of that!
Merchant What?
Caller IHdn't you hear that snip of
boy referring to you sa "Ullir
Merchant 'Shi That's our office
boy. So long aa I ran pretend I didn't
Lear blm It's all right rblladolplila
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
dee Pac-Slmlla Wrappar Bstow.
Yary wauOl am4 aa rf
. lUlMHilUb
l c?nti I f oraly Taffetalla.(wv
P. M U.
Mo. Jll04.
TfTUEN writing to Bdvartiaara p1m
f ?
m.ntlun thla papar.
The worst disease the world has ever known, and
the greatest scourge to the human race, is Contagious
Blood Poison. One drop of the virus of this most
horrible of all diseases will pollute and vitiate the
purest, healthiest blood, and within a 6hort time after
tho first little sore appears the system is filled with the
a ... f 1. 1 nniann anA fliA f 1-! Ken n 1 n k... 1 l -
the glands of the groins swell, the throat and mouth become ulcerated,
the hair and eyebrows drop out, and often the entire surface of the body
a covered with'copper-colored splotches and sickening sores and erup
tions. Contagious Blood Poison is as treacherous and elusive as the
serpent. You may be carrying it in your veins with no visible evidences
of its existence ; for while
mercury and potash seem o?o
to Cure and all external VJl - and trying- the best phystolane
aiona diannnenr h Ala. yrTS (Ta obtainable, and all the patent
Signs disappear, the OMS- ifJ5IAMf medloineaproourable.andatead-
ease is doing its destruc tJbrSi lly tinainar to grow worse, I
live work within, or the MffiffiW, XnnTry ani
. . ' , ,fKili?siIil pnysiolans pronounoad xaj ease)
patient IS constantly yln70 InonraWe. Hoping aaralnat hope,
harassed by returning E&His-jra' J rl?.?VV?i'. ipi?ve? t??m
. . . . 6 the first bottle, and after taklnr
Symptoms and unmietaka- twelve waa cured eonnd and
ble traces of the blood well, and for two years have ha4
Tl. . j . c rstnrn or symptom of the vile dlaeaae.
poison. Thousands of,N.0. H. M. bbozstbxu
physical wreck a and
chronic invalids from the effects of Blood Poison know the uncer
tainty of the mercury and potash treatment that it stifles but does not
kill the serpent. As long as there is life in the serpent there is danger
in its fangs ; and while your blood is tainted there is danger of infec
tion. Safety lies only in crushing out the life of the loathsome disease
and killing the serpent. For many years S. S. S. has been known as
an antidote for Blood Poison. It is a remedy composed entirely of
vegetable ingredients, and we offer $1,000 for proof that it contains
witnout leaving any Daa atter-etlects.
Write us about your case, and our physicians will advise with
out charge, and we will mail you free our home-treatment book tell
ing all about Contagious Blood Poison and ft different stages and
yroptoms. r;;f SW!fT SPCiFIG cq,, ATLANTA, GAm
The Tboorr.
Tnll health food doesn't do aay
good. snorted the Irate customer,
Terhapa you overlooked the flrit
rule relating to Its uie," suggested the
"What's thatr
"First get your health. Tou don't
seem to understand the theory of It
You wouldn't get dog blacult uuleas
you had a dog, would your
"Or birdseed unless you had a blrdT
"Then what are you doing with
health food before you get health?"
"Uut If I bad health I wouldn't need
"Well, that's your lookout"
Proved Beyond a Doubt.
Middlesex, N. Y July 25. rW
lal) That ltheumatisin ran be curel
has been proved beyond a doubt by
Mrs. Iletscy A. Clawaon, well known
here. That Mia Clawsort had lU-eu
matism and bad It bad, all her ac
quaintanees know. They also know
.ha la now cured. Pod l's Kidney Tills
uiJ It. Mrs. IHawaon Id la the atorv
of her cure as follows:
"I waa an invalid for moat five veara
rauaed by Inflammatory Hlieumatisrn,
helpless two-thirds of the time. The
nrst year I eould n'it do ss much as a
la by could do: then I rallied a little
on and then a relapse. Then a rear
ago the gout set in uiy hands and feet.
i sunereu untold agony and In August,
1003, when my husband died I could
not ride to the grave.
"I only took two boxes of Dodd's
Kidney fills and in two weeks I could
wslt on mysell snd saw my own wood.
I dug my own potatoes and patfiered
my own garden last fall. Dodd's Kid
ney Tills cured me."
Rheumatism is caused by urio acid
In the blood. Dodd's Kidney Tills put
the Kidneys in shspe to take ail the
urio acid out of the blood.
Does It pay to savs Are per cent of
your Income by economizing on your
vacation thia year and break down next
yenr from the continued atrniu and be
obliged to pay 60 per cent for doctor's
bill, besides the time lo.t In enforced
Idleness? Sucras.
riTP P'rmanantiy vttrwa.
110 after Aratdr'auiMMrir.Kllii.'.UrMtNrre
f !";. Hrnd tr rr. trial bourn an1 traaitaa,
li.H.U.kllu,LW..4.' Ana bt-. I'iiUadalpUl, t
If S folded lied must be used, rnntrl.
some way to keep it sired snd whole
$100 Reward, $100.
Thai tAr1rei Ihtsi -artaft tll1 V.A .1tmaLaY.-l a
a v a i v.u va l'cvi aV ' I V UW". SrV
learu thai there Ut icait od dreaded dlftciM
mat tcleuCfj hu buen able to cure In all IK
I a. ..... m. . il. .t I ..... .U I .III- - . V.
bmscs.. saui aiiei m v saiisrru. nan v.irru
L'ura it tneonljr positive cure known to the umwmiij, mvmifu uviui usjnamiu
Umial d I reoulrei a ooniUtuiiotial treat-
RianL If 1 1 'a (' ml i rh f'timuiAS a. lnAfia1l w
actltif directly upon the Mood and muouui
urisxusi vi iu ysutjiiii HitjrruT u'ivrov.i.y ui
foundation o the dlmsase, and (tWinf the t4
Uant treiiftb by btkildlujr up tho oouilltutloD
and aialatlnsr nsiliirsi In ttAi its wrrtrsr 1hs
propria tors bavaaa much (alih lu lu ouratW
powera mat mer oner una iiunaroa iXiiian
L.a U l.ll. i.. ..... S 11.1
" veaj (Male askUaV W VUI SJ OfJUU W
nf I atia II m iittlala
va vivmiuutaiina V. I. niFVRY Jk m . Tnliuln n
duiu dt uruminn, too.
K.ll'a fill. . m Ik.
v . m .... maw m.i.
A SCneme for Ilia eitnbliHhm.nt nf a
a . .....
permanent wireless service between Swe
ucn sua ueruiauy ts near realization.
Vnr fnrtv v..r. Il.n'a Pum trm fsm.
Sumption has cured coughs and colds. At
arugglsts. Trice 25 cents.
Several species of ants keen cows, tlia
a puis auaweriug the purpo.o, and milk
tnem at re.'ulur intervals.
ruiHli rtKMAntNiXY CURtD
In a year nearly 100,000 persons trav
erne uie forty-seven mil... Dt railwa
scross the isthmus.
uib icuob jjuihv,io ui Mici.uiy, puiusu or
other mineral. It thoroughly purifies the
blood, improves the appetite and diges
tion, and tones tin all nnrta of thft avefom.
) In chronic and long-standing cases of
. e .
uiooa roison, b. b. b. acts promptly and
S : v
"111 Sl'lUlI OF T11C PACiriC."
Borne of the berolc atatuarr ac the
IU Louts world's fulr Is verr beautiful.
One of the moat exaulslte la "Th.
6plrlt of the Pacinc," by Isidore KoutL
lhe Manner of Maklny It Take Cour
aua to JoapecU
I hare never had the couraire tn ner.
sonally Inspect. I only know that In
stead of being fabricated In the home
or In great, clean, sanitary factories as
in uie united States, It Is tnnde aome-
wnere In the bowels of the earth undp
the email bake shops.
J would no more dare ro down Into
one of theso bread kitchens than I
would daro ask my cuislnlore how
many times in her life blie has bad a
wholo bath. I have seen eunuch at tho
counters where bread lu sold to act th
French point of view concerning bread.
which Is even worse than the French
point of view coneernlirg literature.
Just - as I am wrltlnir I irlnnee
across tho street Into a baketdiop oppo
slto, and I see a woman dusting off a
pile of bread In the window with a
feather duster. They have absolutely
no sense of any difference between
bresd and wood and coal, and they de
liver It at one's home accordingly. It
Is never wrapped, and In pushcarts
made of slats or In sreat onenwnrir
baskets It Is heaped less carefully than
wood or coal Indeed, because bread Is
easier to buy than wood or coal in
rarls. The carta or bnskets are Dushed
or carried by women wearing atout,
blue aprons covering them from neck
to knee, which aprons, like the sheets
on a French bed, are changed perhaps
as often as once a month. Arrived at
a bouse where bread 1 to be delivered,
the open cart or basket stacked with
the staff of life Is left In the road for
the femmes de chambre all around
merrily to shako down upon It any
thing Uiey will, while the woman
mounts to one'a apartment carrying
the day's ration of petlts pains bundled
up In her apron, and the two long, thin
loaves of bread, unwrapped, of course.
one under each arm." Harper's Bazar.
Numbers In Early Days.
In a paper read before the Phtln'o-rl-
cal Society of the University of Michi
gan recently, Trof. Georee Ilemnl
commented upon the forerunner of
our present system of numernHnn.
Some two years ajro. In geeklnsr the
origin of the Ituulc letters (the first let
ters used by tho (Jermnnlc races),
iTof.-Hempl discovered the primitive
Germanic numeral notations. This
throw new light upon the carlv Ger
manic numeral system, as well aa irnon
the primitive Indo-Euroj-.ean numerical
system and upon the development of
the Greek alphabet and the Greek nu
merical notation.
The primitive Indo-European numer
leal system was a mixture of the dec!
mal and the sexagesimal. The. first
large number was the "shock" that
Is, sixty and the next lanre numher
was the "hund," or "hundred," that Is
10. Between CO and 120 there were
no numbers like our 70, etc., 70 being
a shock and 10." and 80 belm?
shock and 20." The Introduction of our
present numbers between GO and 120
arose out of the Introduction of the
decimal hund or hundred, that la. 100.
in distinction from which the old hun
dred (120) was called the duodecimal
hundred, or the "great hundred."
which Is still used In Iceland and Darts
of England.
Mistook; the Motive.
An old man was sitting: In the
street-car. In the aisle near him stood
a young woman. He made a move
ment to rise, says the Detroit News,
as If to give her his seat
"Never mind, sir." said the roum
woman, Imperatively. "Just keep your
She smiled patronizingly on the old
man, .who stared and looked dazed.
Atter two blocks more he acrnln at
tempted to rise, but tho younir worn-
an pushed him back, explaining po
litely, "I've stood so long now I don't
mind It riease keep your seat."
"I say, young lady." cried th old
man in shrill Irritation. "I want to irit
off I You've made me eo half a miiA
past my street already."
Hearing Fly Walk.
It Is said that a fly makes 4(Vi
strokes per second witu its wlnga, and
It has been proven that by the nsa of
the microphone you can hear a fly
Lockjaw, or tetanus, la caused by
tne development In the body of the
tetanua bacillus, a term livlnz In the
soil In many places, enpeclally In city
Bireeia, round barns snd stables and
in pastures. This bacillus does not
grow readily when exposed to the air.
so mere Is usually little danger of
lockjaw following large wounds. The
danger lies In the punctured wounds,
the ragged wounds, snd often also the
seemingly trivial wounds which beat
rapidly, and so seal up the tetanus
germ away from the air; there it And
the conditions most favorable to Its
development and tie manufacture of
the nerve poison which causes the
symptoms of this terrible disease.
Such being the case, the treatment of
Ultie wounds from pistols, torpedoes
ana crackers Is to make them bigger.
This requires some courage on the
part of the doctor, and the more cour
age the smaller and apparently more
lnsignlflcsnt la the wound, and par
ents ought not to Increase bla trial by
pleading against the necessity of cut
ting deeply Into the wound, opening It
wiaeiy and washing It out thoroughly
with antiseptic solutions. It Is only In
this wsy that the danger of lockjaw
can be reduced to a minimum, and
even this In exceptional caaes does not
prevent the disease.
The modern treatment for thla dis
ease Is the Injection of tetanus anti
toxin. Even this may fall If Injected
simply under the skin or Into the mus
cles, and the antitoxin has occasion
ally been Injected Into the sheath mv.
ering the spinal cord, or even beneath
the membranes of the brain, so that It
may the more directly reach the nerve
centers chiefly affected by the poison.
The proudest day In the life of Nellie
J. McMillln of KushvIIIe. Ind., was
when the County Board of Education
presented her with a gold medal for
punctual school attendance. Miss Mc
Millln is 16 and has attended school
since she was 5, and In all that time
she was never absent or tardy. The
Inst four years she has lived In the
country, which made punctual attend
ance a serious matter, but her record
la unbroken. She has graduated now.
English Bard Was Right.
Dramatic critics and commentators
have long been puzzled to account for
the fact that Shakespeare placed the
scene of "Hamlet" at Elslnore, In the
Island of Zealand, whereas the Dan
ish prince lived and died In Jutland.
But Just recently the municipal au
thorities at Elslnore, or Helslngor,
have discovered in their archives that
on English company was acting in
their town In 1587 or 15S8, and among
the names of the actors are several of
those who were acting with Shake
speare In London in 1589.
Obviously, these actors must have
talked about their adventures In Den
mark, and so Shakespeare became well
acquainted with Elslnore. and. when
he wrote "Hamlet" naturally placed
the scene In a place which he knew
by description rather than In an Island
of which he knew nothing. The poet
was no great stickler for accuracy In
geographical matters and this visit of
the ungusn actors piausioiy explains
the reason why the tragedy of "Ham
let" was placed In Zealand and not In
Care for Indigestion.
Rflnrtflf Invpstln-nrlrvn Vina lannv.
ered that that troublesome disease,
dvaneDsla. can ba cured hv ahnrt in.
w ar w v v au
tervais or exposure to intense cold,
followed by hearty eating. M. Raoul
Plctet, a Swiss gentleman, was ex
perlmentlng with a low temperature.
lie naa produced an artificial temper
ature In a sort of pit which caused the
thermometer to sink to 140 or 150 de
crees beiow ero. Among other ex
perlnients he exposed himself for a
brier interval to tnis temperature by
lowering himself Into the Dir. On
emerging he found himself Intensely
hungry and ate freely. The process
was repeated several times, and ns a
result he found himself cured of chron
ic Indigestion, from which he had suf
fered for years. .
Willie's Definition.
Teacher Willie, you may construct
an original sentence containing the
word Hominy.' "
Willie Broadhead (after a season of
" -ivauucuu vuncr a Bcuson or
r;.C,)-Uom'n' dw m I
( J f
T "V"f 8
h V
V ; :l
TtlOUSandS Of women Suffer tmm
- . . ,w.. aw b .. hum vaus. nai nc I TvUI
ness and don't know It. If you feel fazzed out. bezln at once tMnr nr. Hr.
man s Peruna. It will relieve your catarrhal affliction and all your organs
will be restored to health. Buv a bottle todav. as it will
ate your case.
Salt ruhbed on the black
spots on
dUdiea will remove them.
Hothara will find Mm Wlnlnw' RmtMno
Syrup the bent reined jr to usa tor their children
durlna the teething poriod
The minimum rainfall at which trees
will grow ia twenty iuches.
Atgefab!e Prcparalionfor As
similating HicFoodandBegtila-
ung me 3 iomcib anaiiowels or
Promotes Difcslion.CheerfuI-
ness and ItestContaiiis neilher
Opiumforphine horfiiieraL
Not Narcotic.
Anprferl TJp.m(dr forrnneiSna,
fton, Sour Stomach.Diarxnoea
w orms .tonvulsions .Fevensh
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
k rVl-TAlk V
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co.,
f A
W can extract one or all your teeth with
out hurting a bit, and put in new teeth the
eau. day if you desire.
Our system of crciwn and bridge work is
simple, quick and painless.
Established in Portland 17 years.
The reason we advertise is to let yon
know wbero we are.
Open evenings till 9 Sundays from 9 to 12
UK. W. A. WlriBl , Phone Main
WISE bROS., Dentists
Bt. Paci Mimr.
621 Wabasha St.
Dr. Ilartman, Columbus, On
DearBir: "I took IVruna lat
summer when I wu all run down,
and had a headache and back
ache, and no amotion lor any
thing I now feel as well as I
ever did in all my life, and all
thanks is due to your excellent
renins,"-Bess F. llealr.
The symptoms of n turner ca
tarrh aw quite nnlike In different
caxe, but the m.t common ones
are reneral latitude, f l.iycd-out,
tired-out, ued-np, run-down fi-el-ings,
combined with more or less
heavy, stupid, listless, mental
condition. Kclinh for food and
the ability to digest food stems
to be lout
Skin eruptions, sallow com
plexion, bilioimness, coated
tonjrue, fitful, irregular sleep,
h;lp to completu the picture
which is so common at tin. sea
son. Pernna so exsctly meets all
these conditions that the demand
is so great for this remedy at this
season of the year that it is near
ly impossible to supply it.
Parana Contains No Narcotics.
One reason why Peruna has
found permanent ue in so many
homes is that it contains no nar
cotics of sny kind. Peruna is
perfectly harmless. It can be
used any length of time without
acquiring the drug habit
nlvi- ratirrh anI --. 1
Thrwhrmen ami Rawmll! Mrs Nate! ISO ft.
KDllea Linen Hutched, Heavy Canvax, 4 ply, 7 Belli nit.f.T.iw. lio 0. S lifch wide, ami aa
above, W-.OU. Tank Pump comp ete, with IS ft. S
Inch Huctiun Ilo-, 10 ft. Mm b jugt lluae, with 110s
xel and strainer, 110.40. lleltlriR, Heme and Packlna
at wholesale prioet General a ;enrjr for Paraona
Hawkeye Heir Feeder. lane mnnle mlU.ruaonl
dsTS, at a barsam. Write li r ca aloKa.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
tmi etwrawn aeatnurr. am voaa orr.
Write for Catalogue
and Prices
2029. Tiw
II II I 1 II a
For Over
Thirty Years
7 "i