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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1946)
V rl 1 BALKS EFFORT TO Republicans In House Group Try Surprise Move lo End Hearings on Truman Bill. Washington, Jan. 17 (U.R) The house labor committee by a tie vote today rejected a surprise Republican motion to approve President Truman's labor bill without further hearines. The bill would meet Mr. Tru man's request for fact-finding boards with statutory authority and permit them to subpoena mrnnv records. It also wuuld provide a cooling-off period of 30 days in laDor disputes. 7 to 7 Tie Tk. nmmittee vote on the mo tion for immediate approval was 7-7, with all Rcpuoncans present supporting the motion. It was offered by nep. um ollu R Ind., during committee hear ings on an entirely different sub- Landis said mai controversial provisions of the bill the sub poena authority and the cooling off period could be taken up later- , , . Democratic members charged that Landis motion was out of order, and was "hasty and ill advised." Republican House Leader Jos epn W. Martin, Jr., Mass., mean while put the labor problem at the top of the Republican list for quick congressional action. Speed Demand Ignored Democratic congressional lead ers did not appear to be impres sed by general Republican de mands lor more speedy consid eration of the problem. At the present pace of procedure neith er the house nor senate is likely to have a chance to debate spe cific labor legislation before Feb. 1. .... . , FLAYS TR1 FEPC MEASURE Washington, Jan. 17 U.R The sena'e today voted to take up at once a bill to create a permanent fair employ me nt practices commission. The vote was 49 to 17. The motion was made by Sen. Dennis Chavez, D., N. M. South ern Democrat voted against bringing the controversial meas ure up for debate. They have threatened to filibuster against the bill. President Truman, despite the southern opposition, has repeat edly urged passage of the bill. Sen. Walter E. George, D.. Ga., criticized Mr. Truman and the Democratic party for bring ing up the FEPC bill at this time. Party Criticized "I criticize the Democratic party," he shouted, "for bring ing it up under the explicit con dition that no controversial mat ters would be brought up at this time. "My party can take whatever course it will but there are men on this side (Democratic) who are free men. They will not fol low the party whip. "I serve notice that if the president has nothing more im portant to submit to the Ameri can people in a time of industrial crisis than this bill, then I must say to him I shall follow the best course I know. "If this is all that Harry Tru man has to offer, then God help the Democratic party" yelled George. He wavtd his arms and his locks of white hair flapped up and down. Nightingale Club Destroyed By Fire Fire about 6 a. m. today com pletely destroyed the Nightin gale Club, located on the Crater Lake highway near the Big Y Market. One small compressor was all that was saved, accord ing to G. H. Johnson and Sam Mete, owners. The club, under construction, was to have open ed in about two weeks. Cause of the blaze was undetermined. The loss was partially covered by Insurance. SIDE GLANCES By TRIBUNE REPORTERS Sign of the tinier ' Pearl and Ned CovorcJalc de ciding to go into the real estate business after being offered sums up to S2.000 above the price cf a house which they didn't even own yet, the offers starting to come in while they were making their first inspec tion and continuing even while they r'K their John Henrys on (be iottr4, linty Medford United Press Full Leased Wire Fortieth Year Kimmel Claims Simple Jap Device Wrecked U. S. Fleet in Pearl Harbor Washington. Jan. 17 (U.R) Sen. Homar Ferguson, R., Mich., today requested that former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill be asked to appear as a witness before the Pearl Harbor investigat committee. Washington, Jan. 17 (U.R) Adm. Husband E. Kimmel said today the Japanese aerial torpe does that wrecked his fleet in Pearl Harbor were a simple de vice which "the best brains of our navy department" had been unable to produce. Seth W. Richardson, counsel for the Pearl Harbor committee, said the Japanese merely at tached wooden fins to standard torpedoes to make them useful in the shallow water of Pearl Harbor. U. S. Experts Failed Navy witnesses have testified that it was the plane-launched torpedoes which caused the most damage to the fleet in the Dec. 7, 1941 attack. Richardson asked Kimmel for his estimate of the Japanese suc cess in developing such a weap on. "It was a device which all the best brains of our navy depart ment had been unable to arrive at," Kimmel said. "When you see the solution It is simple ... it was a device which the Japanese discovered and our own people had been unable to discover." Kimmel denied Richardson's suggestion that he subordinated security to training after receipt of war warnings from Washing ton. "I took the steps which I thought advisable and' which I thought the situation demand ed," Kimmel responded. "It put you on a training basis rather than an alert," Richard son said. Fleet On Alert "No," Kimmel insisted. "The fleet was on the alert at that time." Richardson showed Kimmel a navy dispatch dated April 1, 1941, in which the chief of na val operations warned that "past experience shows the axis pow ers often begin activities in a particular field on Saturdays and LOCAL BOYS HELD FOR AUTO THEFTS Arrest of two 17-year-old Med ford boys was made Monday night by city police and the boys are in the county jail awaiting hearings on car theft and bur g'ary. According to the officers, both have confessed stealing a car Jan. 11, driving it to Butte Falls, where they entered a pool hall, taking wine, cigarettes and oth er articles, including $10 cash, and returning it to North Cen tral avenue from where it was stolen. Confession was also made to taking a second car Jan. 12, be longing to H. L. Nichols, 609 West Second street, and driving it around the country before re turning it to place of theft, ac cording to officers. Police said the youths also ad mitted prowling cars about the city. Betty Johnson, 15, . Reported Missing Reported to city police today as missing since noon yesterday was Betty J. Johnson, 15. daugh ter of A. H. Johnson, route 3. box 195. Police were told the airl was last seen at noon yes terday and was wearing a light green tweed suit, pink blouse and tan coat. She is five feet three inches tall with brown hair and eyes. WANT A LOCOMOTIVE? Washington, Jan. 17 U.R Here's the chance for you rail road fans to buy a locomotive but you may have to enlarge your living room a bit to accom modate it. The war assets cor poration announced today that it has placed seven locomotives, complete with coal tenders, on sale at its Portland, Ore., office. The state of Wyoming stands ceond in wool production in Uie Ufiited SUM WET Sundays or on national holidays of the country concerned." Kimmel pointed out that the dispatch was addressed to com manders of the various naval dis tricts, not to fleet commanders. He said he never saw the dis patch before Pearl Harbor. But, he added: "I didn't feel then that an at tack on Saturday or Sunday was more likely and today I think it was no more than a coinci dence that the attack came on a Sunday." I WATCH OVER LAKE AFTER SNOW TREK A group of men, including F W. Cater of the United States geological survey, succeeded In reaching the rim of Crater Lake Tuesday and established Cater, with food and supplies. In the park lode from where he will observe the lake for signs of re curring volcanic activity it was announced by E. P. Leavitt, Crater Lake park superintend ent, yesterday. The trip was made by sno-cat and news of their safe arrival was radioed back yesterday. The Instrument which Cater hopes to install in the lake to measure sounds from the lake floor was .lot taken into the park on the first trip but will be tak en later if it is decided feasible to make the Installation now, Leavitt stated. Cater was accom panied by J. Carlyle Crouch, chief ranger; Daryl Palmer, equipment operator, and Paul Herron, former mechanic and boat operator for the Crater Lake park company. Danger Present Crouch, Palmer and Herron are all familiar with both win ter and summer conditions in the park, Leavitt said, and their opinion of the feasibility of in stalling the sound equipment now will be considered. Since the park has already experienc ed an unusually heavy snow fall, it may be considered too dan gerous to attempt taking the in strument down the steep walls of the crater, according to the superintendent. If the plan is delayed until spring, the navy may cooperate in the project, Leavitt declared, since the equipment to be used is similar to mine-locating in struments being developed by the navy. The instrument is said to be a drum-shaped affair at tached to about 1,500 feet of cable. Ground end of the cable would be attached to a recording drum which must be watched daily, Leavitt states. Heavy Snow The men reported by radio that they found more than ten feet of snow at Annie Spring. Crouch, Palmer and Herron are expected back in Medford to night, and will bring with mem snow measurements taken at I Dark headquarters Trial runs with the sno-cat were made from Union Creek for a few days before the trip to the lake rim was attempted. Geologist Cater was sent here several weeks ago after federal agency heads decided to investi gate reports last summer of a cloud of smoke or gas hovering ' over the iake waters. New Automobiles $41 to $117 More On Latest Listing Washington, Jan. 17 U.R) Motorists will pay from $41 to S117 more than in 1942 for 32 new 1946 automobile models for which ceiling prices have been set by OPA. The latest prices, issued yes terday, included the first speci fic ceilings on 28 new model Plymouth. Chrysler. Dodge and DcSoto cars. It also covered four additional Ford models. All prices are FOB Detroit. They do not include federal ex cise taxes, transportation or handling charges. They also ex clude optional equipment such a br-ater, radios and grill guards. - " IViAXT . Z3 1 ,500 STRIKERS MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17. 1946. ncQiunucD damc imn MMTDni ltid uolwiuhlia urtiio unu oumiAUL I ui r , ri I DEMOBILIZATION ARMS INDUSTRY IS t M-Urf"-S DEMONSTRATIONS CZECH PROPOSAL Sf ap-sMff Leader Says Time for Mass Protests Now Past; Three GIs Confined in Honolulu. Washington, Jan. 17 (U.R) Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower will explain the army's de mobilization program to the nation at 6 p. m. PST tomor row in a 15-minute broadcast over Columbia Broadcasting System. Washington, Jan. 17 (U.R) Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower re vealed tody that he has order ed all army theater commanders to forbid further mass demobili zation demonstrations by sol diers. Eisenhower told a senate sub committee on demobil i z a t i o n that this did not preclude in dividual complaints. "But the time for mass dem onstrations is past," he said. "With publication of the army's demobilization policy, demonstrations could serve no useful purpose." Gen. Joseph T. McNarney, U. S. commander in Europe, already has issued an order forbidding further mass demonstrations. Threa Confined In Honolulu, three enlisted men were confined to quarters today pending investigation of activities In behalf ot speedy de mobilization since point score reductions were announced Tues day. Lt. Gen. R. C. Richardson, Jr., mid-Pacific army command er, told his officers that "further agitation" in behalf of demobili zation "will not be tolerated." Eisenhower's testimony before the senate subcommittee came as the committoe chairman, Sen. Edwin C. Johnson, D., Colo., suggested raising the draft age limit and reducing physical qualifications in order to draft men to replace combat veterans. (Eisenhower told congress that the war department has ordered that all enlisted men with 45 points or two and a half years service either be discharged or aboard ship returning home by April 30. This will be reduced to 40 points or two years of serv ice by June 30. He said it was Impossible to release two-year men by March 20.) NORMANlTTER BY Norman J. Nutter, eight, son of C. W. Nutter, 1114 Stevens street, was reported recovering at Osteopathic clinic today from skull fracture, abrasions and severe ligament strain sustained yesterday about 5 p. m. when hp ran bpfnre an auto operated by John Olson, 906 Sunset ave- nue. according to a report from local police and the attending physician. The boy ran into the street near 830 Crater Lake avenue and was struck by Olson's car. which was traveling south, police said. Sacred Heart hospital attend ants said today that Jimmie Den- nis, 11. who was struck by an auto driven by Leland Breed love at the intersection of 11th and Holly streets Jan. 5, is still unconscious and his condition re mains unchanged. Another Clue Fades In Kidnap Slaying Chicago, Jan. 17 (U.R) An other lead in the kidnapslaying of Suzanne Degnan dissolved to day after police released Dcscrc Smet, 35 year-old janitor, rear rested on the testimony of a Smut was released after! Gloria Williams, also known as Patricia Johnson, 22, was unable to identify him as the man she claimed to have overheard in a Chicago tavern talking about a $20,000 job." The geographical center of the UnitetTstate a u iU&U4. vdJ VdJLns U!j l Lb Lb U v!LbUVcLb I ! Vs 1 . i c ! v. 8WT?nH.r iJTV J Britain Offers to Put Three African Mandates Under United Nations Trustee. London. Jan. 17 (U.R) The United Nations today received an offer from Britain to put three African mandates under UNO trusteeship and a proposal by Jan Masaryk of Czcehoslova kia for UNO control of the en tire world armaments industry. Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin said preliminary negotiations had started for Tanganyika, the Cameroons and Togoland to pass into UNO trusteeship from the status of British mandates. Eloquent Plea Bevin also announced that Transjordania may soon be de clared independent and reserved a pronouncement on Palestine until the Anglo-American in quiry is finished. Masaryk followed Bevin to the rostrum with an eloquent ap peal for the United Nations to control all means for war in cluding the "latest devastating Inventions." "May 1 add here in all humil ity but with profound convic tion express hope that not one particle of uranium (basic ma terial for the atom bombs) pro duced in Czechoslavakia will evor be used for wholesale de struction and annihilation,". Mas aryk said. Would Protect Science Masaryk urged UNO protec tion for science against abuse of its progress for political or mili taristic schemes.. He proposed UNO regional centers for social and economic problems, UNO presentation for trade unions and a speedy international solu tion of the Jewish problem. Bevin made a strong plea for the UNO to outlaw war through justice and pledged Britain's wholehearted efforts to make the organization successful. British commonwealth nconles have been engaged in battle one day in every three during the past 30 years, Bevin said. And for what purpose? For gains for themselves? No. For aggrandisement? No. But only lo uctcat those who would de stroy liberty and would harness the soul of man to a pernicious system." Diamond Match Co. Seeking Plant Site That large industrial concerns arc interested in prospects of the llogue river valley as a plant lo cation is revealed in a report mat inc uiamond Match com- pany has made inquiry at Cen- tral Point and Rogue River. Unofficial reports indicate that the firm is seeking a 10-acre tract in the valley. Exact nature of the type of property sought was not stated. It is also reported in Central Point that Dul'ont chemical rep resentatives have inquired re garding possibilities for their company there. Meat Strikes To Have Little Effect On Supply Locally Valley housewives will prob-iter houses, but tliiit supplies of ably find local supplies of beef, cured and canned meats arc ob- veal and lamb unaffected, at least for a time, by the present strike of meat handlers em ployed by the nation's four largest packing firms, but the already small supplies of fresh pork, ham, bacon, other cured meats and of margarine will probably become even more dif ficult to obtain. This was the opinion of local meat dealers polled this morning, but all rc- furled that no exact information had been received by dealers here as to which plants on the coast might be affected and to what extent. It was pointed out that valley meat retailers obtain a large share of their beef, veal and lamb from local sources, patron- i iuu& unall packa aad ilausii- ftlBUNE United Press Full Packer Tie up Blocks Chicago Streets , . rat f I i . -v (Acme Telrphato) Striking meat workers block traffic nt entrance to Chtctico stockyards as 35.000 workers there and 300,000 throUHhout the nation stop work, despite urging of Government officials to postpone strike. The walkout, which threatens to shut off most ot Uie nation's meat supply. Is largest slngls work stoppage since pre-war days. ARTICLES FILED T Ashlund, Jan, 17 Articles of incorporation have been filed by the Rogue Valley Broadcasting Co., Inc., with M. S. Hamaker, H. H. Hlld, R. E. Dodge, R. R. Peck and F. J. Van Dyke named as directors. The incorporation is unlimited with a capital stock of $50,000. General business of the radio station will be rental of wire facilities and "the sending of music, speech and pictures from one source to another." A spokesman for the firm said construction of a broadcasting station would be started immedi ately if and when a permit from the Federal Communications commission is received. It is (he plan of tho corpora tion to reach the entire Rogue River Valley. The request is the second ap- plicalion for a broadcasting per mit to be made here recently. BELL'SllRTY SELLSJLPROFIT Los Angeles, Jan. 17 'U.R' A 200 per cent profit was realized j today on the sale of the Tip Top hotel in Azusa, Cal., part of the properly from the bankrupt cs- tale of Arthur L. (The Voice) Bell's Church of the Golden Rule. The hotel for which Bell originally puid SI5.0U0 was sold by trustees to Hiram Eiscnstcin for $45,000. A bid of $375,000 for the Con tincnlal Hotel in Los Angeles was rejected and Ihe property will be offered for sale again. taincd principally from one na tion-wide firm affected by the strike and that in all probability these supplies will be shortened even more than at present. A large share of the valley butter supply is produced local ly, it was said, but margarine is imported. It was said that this butter substitute! has been very hard to obtain for many weeks. Dealers were generally of the opinion that the scope and length of the strike would be the determining factor and that ii it is snort-nven, little effect would be felt In this area. One local alleviating factor is the prevalence of cold storage locker boxes filled with private stocks of meat. This condition tends to prevail only in rural aud nctf-iuf 4 wwas, il wa tM. Leased Wire NO. 253. y.JN.i MW 1 .AC t5T- Vi', ' FREEDOM, ORDER WORLD'S PROBLEM SAYS MODERATOR "In this hour the great prob lem of the world is to discover the way by which men can have liberty and also have an orderly society" declared Dr. William B. Lampe, St. Louis Mo., moder ator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church who visited the Medford congrega galion last evening. "Every where you turn, men are grop ing for that. The only answer Is found within the teachings of Protestant Chrlstianily as it has been developed In the United States," the moderator said. The church head declared that this Is the most climatic moment In the history of the Christian church "since the day Jesus commissioned his dis ciples 'to go into all the world and preach the gospel.' " Thousands Suffer Dr. Lampe also spoke about the displaced people of Europe, slating that thousands are suf fering more Intensely now than they did during the Nazi dom ination. "They are being driven relentlessly from place to place without food, shelter or cloth ing, more neglected physically by the Allied powers than they were while slaves of Nazilsm, Dr. I.ampe said. The moderator presented this picture by quot ing directly from a letter writ ten by an eye witness and per sonal friend now Investigating conditions in Europe. "These p e o p 1 e," he said, "have no other source of helps save that which the bounty and generosity of America can fur nish." Representatives from church es nt Ashland. Phoenix, Jack sonville, Grants Pass and Glen dale were present for the din ner and meeting, with about 70 persons from outside the city. Nearly 200 In all attended. Fol lowing dinner the Rev. Harry Hansen, pastor ot the local church. Introduced 'lie Rev. and Mrs. David Barneti, Sr., Grants Pass: the Rev. and Mrs. Edgar of Ashland: the Rev. and Mrs. George Shuman, Ashland; the Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence Mitch elmore of Jacksonville and the Rev. Harold Roberts of Med ford. Mrs. Lampe was presented with a corsage and gave a brief description of the Journey through the southwest and up the coast. The dinner was planned by the Women's association of the Medford church with women of Crater Lake Guild in charge nf , )C ,jning ro0m and kitchen ! cPrvi,.e Tokyo, Jan. 17 (U.R) Allied headquarters today ordered the Japanese government to take immediate steps to stamp out an Increasing smallpox scourge by reestablishing a compulsory na- J Ucmwicic vacciuaUuu program. ROUTED AT GATE OF LOSA. PLANT Tear Gas and Clubs to Break Up Lines; Kansas City Packers Also Breached. By United Press Violence broke out today in the nation's industrial crisis which has nearlv a million work ers and become a pressing prob lem for administration leaders and lawmakers in Washington. The most serious outbreak on the picket lines came at Los An geles where 100 police routed 1,500 CIO electrical workers from the gates of the V. S. Mo tors plant. The police used tear gas and clubs to break the line so that 50 office workers could enter the struck plant. A num ber of persons were injured in the fighting. Packers Breached There was violence also In tha nationwide meat strike when po lice drove a flying wedge through packinghouse workers picket lines at Kansas City, Kan. About 50 members of an inde pendent union passed through the CIO lines after police opened a gap. Ten CIO pickets were arrested at the Chicago stockyards for violation of the state picketing law. Police charged the pickets prevented non-strikers from reaching their jobs Inside tha center of the nation's meat pro ducing area. At Washington, administra tion leaders hurriedly sought to settle the steel and meat wage disputes. The deadlocked steel negotiations came to a show down at the White House. Presi dent Truman promised to sub mit his own proposal for set tling the controversy over tha CIO stcelworkers demand for higher wages unless the dispu tants reached agreement today. Meeting Slatad Representatives of AFL and CIO packinghouse workers, gov ernment officials, and officers of the big four meat packing com panies were scheduled to meet late today in Washington to seek settlement of the meat strike which started yesterday. In the overall strike situation keeping more than 920,000 workers from their jobs the major developments Included: 1. President Truman told deadlocked principals in the steel industry that if they didn't arrive at a wage agreement to day, he would submit his own settlement formula. 2. Representatives of tha ma jor meat packers and two strik ing unions met in Washington with Labor Secretary Lewis B. Schwcllenbach in an effort to end a nationwide walkout, idling nearly ,300,000, workers. 3. I here was no move toward a renewal of negotiations be tween CIO electrical workers and officials of General Elec tric, Westinghouse and General Motors, whose 78 plants were strikebound for the third consec utive day. Two Cents Difference 4. Contract negotiations were resumed between the Ford Mo tor Co. and the CIO auto work- wlth a difference of only two cents blocking settlement of the crucial wage issue. 5. Officials of six independent unions, representing 68,000 Western Electric Co. employes. conferred on the possibility of another nationwide telephone tie-up. Without a steel settlement, government officials held little hope of ending the coast-to-coast work stoppage n gainst the major meat packing firms. ' The meat strike, now In its second day, already had curtail ed meat supplies. Striking AFL meat union lead ers yesterday announced they would call off their end of the walkout for an additional 15 cents an hour, but CIO officials stuck by a 17'i-cent demand. Top industry offer was 10 centa from Swift & Co. BUENOS AIRES 'CHANGE ROCKED BY EXPLOSION Buenos Aires. Jan. 17 (U.R) The Buenos Aires Stock Ex change was rocked early today by a bomb explosion which broke window panes over a 50 yard radius and slightly Injured a policeman. The explosion occurred at 1:45 a.'m., less than two hours after the end of a three-day lockout by business and industry against a government decree raising wages and granting Christmas1 buuust:3 to worker. ,