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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1942)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1942. PAGE FIVB LOCAL and VUlU Hare Orvllle Lumen of Williams creek vu a visitor t the E. D. Scripter horn at 60 Rose avenue yesterday. Vliiton Here Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hurd of Seattle, Wash., were visitors In Medford last week. Mr. Hurd la northwest representative of the Allts-Chal mers manufacturing company. Returns Here Mrs. J. W. Bean, who has been residing for the past seven months at Ash land, has returned to this city to make her home. A former Medford resident, she Is now liv ing at 202 South Crape street Clothing Room The Church of Christ at Central avenue and Jackson boulevard, reports that the clothing room is open each Friday afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock. Anyone In need may come to the church at that time and clothing will ba furnished without charge by the commit tee, the announcement said. Contributes Mrs. Edith A. Garrett, who operates the Kar melkorn shop at 113 East Main street, has contributed her li brary to the collection of books being assembled for the .men in service and donated a large sheepskin-lined coat for use at one of the aircraft warning posts, the Jackson County Coun cil of Defense announced today. The council expressed its grati tude and complimented Mrs. Garrett on her generosity and patriotism. Enlisted Sgt. Joseph W. Cushman, commander of the re cruiting station In the Medford federal building, today an nounced receipt of official word of the formal enlistment at Port land, January 15, of the follow ing men: Leonard L. Bommers bach, parts man at the Crater Lake Motors, Fred L. Herrin, 509 Hamilton Street, Richard N. Davis, employe of the Cali fornia Oregon Power company here, and Kenneth E. Knox, Grants Pass. Joint Meeting Members were reminded today that the Past Commanders club of southern Oregon will; join with the 40 et 8 societe in a banquet-meeting In the Lithia hotel Ashland, at 6:30 p. m. Wednesday. The American Legion Kiltie band of Ashland will provide entertain ment. A large attendance Is ex pected from the various Legion posts in southern Oregon. Of ficers today issued a special In vitation to all visiting post past commanders and 40 et 8 mem bers. On Leave Don Stanley, son of Lieut, and Mrs H. A. Stan ley, Crater Lake hlghwa, Don Gillespie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gillespie. 304 South Hol ly street, Roland Rinabarger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rlna barger, 138 Vancouver avenue, end Chester Robertson, Eagle Point, have been spending sev eral days in this city on leave from Sand Point navy station at Seattle, Wash., where they have been receiving training in naval aviation. The boys are en route to Dallas, Tex, where they will be stationed for fur ther Instruction. Gives Talk Robert F. Kyle, secretary-manager of the First Federal Savings & Loan associ ation of Medford, returned home last night from Corvallls where he gave a 15-mlnute talk on defense savings bonds at the annual meeting of the Oregon Savings & Loan League. Mr Kyle waa elected a member of the executive - committee, the governing body of the league. He served on the resolution? ommittee the past year. Satur day night Mr. Kyle attended the Pose Bowl home-coming banquet given in honor of the victorious football team of Ore gon State college on the cam pus at Corvallls. DR. A. R. HEDGES Chiropractic a Naturopath Fhrstnan Phona 3170 128 E. Mala St. INFECTION There are various types of in fections as well as various in fecting organisms. Much depends upon the potency of the infect ing material, the location of its inception, and the vital energy inherent within the tissues or organ involved. Nevertheless, when infections strike, the de fensive forces of the body put forth their greatest efforts. The nerves the communicat ing nvstem carry the messages of need from the tissues In volved. The proper tissue cells receive the orders, and soon, out over the sunnlv lines the circa latory systems go batallions of phagocytes to counter-attack the infection. Unhampered supply systems snd normal function enable the bodv's defense forces to success fully combat the invading forces. 0m Tawss PERSONAL Driver Fined Joseph Jay Sil va, 29, Phoenix, was lited 81 and 84.50 costs in Justice of the peace court Saturday afternoon when he pleaded guilty to a charge of operating a ear with out a tail light Plan Passengers Mrs. 3. L. Segar arrived from San Fran cisco by United Malnliner yes were Mrr. T. S. Johnston and W. A. Ward. Other Mainliners were flying on regular ached ul but had no passengen for Medford. From Lava Beds Lawson H. Brainerd, ranger at Lava Beds national monument, spent today at park headquarter in Med ford federal muilding, confer ring with Ernest P. Leavitt, su perintendent of Crater Lake na tional park. natures From Park Ski con ditions over the week-end at Crater Lake national park were reported to be fairly good by Thomas C. Parker, assistant su perintendent of the park. Who returned yesterday after spend ing the week-end at the lake. Returning Tomorrow Miss Florence Stephens office secre tary at the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, is ex pected to resume her employ ment tomorrow after enjoying a few days of rest at her home on the Redwoods highway near Grants Pass. Fine Levied George Vokaes. Medford, was, fined 85 in city police court Saturday on a charge of parking his car in an alley. Alonzo E. Alexander. charged with the same offense. was also fined 85. He served a day In Jail and paid the balance of the fine, 83.50. Llllard Hare Mack Llllard special investigator for the dls triet attorney's office in Klam ath county, was here today to transact official business. Llllard formerly promoted wrestling caros Here and in Klamath Falls. He arrived last night and plan ned to return to his Klamath Falls office tomorrow. ' Son Kara Mr ' Thihv w Cheadle. 448 North Front street, was today in receipt of word that her ton, Donald H. Cheadle, was safe and in good health at me Hawaiian islands. The let ter from her inn wa wrrltt.n TW cember 22 and expressed wishes for a happy new year. It was received Dy Mrs. Cheadle Jan uary 17. Donald had previously been stationed with Out inw at Fort Lewis, Wash. Here On Visit Mrs. R. M. Evans of Philadelphia - is here for a visit at the home of her mother. Mrs. Lottie Daniels, and brother. Frank Hull, of 817 South Grape street.. Until a few months ago Mrs. Evans resided In Washington, D. C, from where she used to write a col umn, "To You From Washing ton," for the Mail Tribune. Her husband was transferred to Philadelphia a few months ago. . Court Citations Lester F. Higgins, 24, Prospect was cited by state police yesterday to ap pear in Justice of the peace court at 3 p.m. Tuesday charged with passing another vehicle with In sufficient clearance. James D. Fleming, 80, Medford, waa cited to appear at the same time on a charge of parking on a high way. Chong Lee, 32, Medford Chinaman, was cited to appear at the same time charged with driving vehicle without an op erator's or chauffeur's license. Minor Accident Cars opera ted hv SaT FaWlw mS Vmmlm Point and Waldo W. Mulke of noute i were involved to a mi nor mlihan t ft,. of the Crater Lake and Central roint nignways four miles from Medford Katlirrlav mn.nlnu mt. cording to a report ori file to day. Arthur Coping er of 844 Da kota avenue and Jack Duane Wood of 307 South Holly street arove cars involved in a slight accident on the Old Pacific high way two miles from Medford yesterday afternoon, according to a report on file today. Ski Accidents Two ski acci dents were reported at Crater Lne national park over the week-end, according to an an nouncement today from the park office In Medford federal build ing. Mrs. C. L. Zumwalt Klam ath FaVs. sprained her left ankle Saturday at 4 p.m. when she fell at the base of Knob hill. She ws accompanied by her husband, C. C Zumwalt Mrs. R. O. Sproat, Klamath Falls, sprained her left ankle yester day at 3 18 p. m. on Knob hill. First aid. Including cold packs and a triangular bandage, was applied by Ranger O. W. Folles Mrs. Sproat was brought Into headquarters by Ranger Folles and members of the ski patrol. AsthmaAgony i Doat Tfff on mofct, vprtrv tn4 tajve-- uor.i a jt-xj tr-jarr iroai wrnsn rtirrin. ftrtl dot f Uod maillr ealluttt ! AMi-im ipm m4 looarat ttUek ftrtacl'.nc ir. a mu. th-4i prenotlnt frr Miittiirf ami mrt rtrtful On MtndMo in taMtlMC tahirfa from drjrtlu emit tv. Moo hack BRITISH DETAIN BURMA CHIEF AS London, Jan. 19 j"P) Prem ier U Saw of Burma, who quit London last November in a huff after falling to obtain dominion status for his country, has been arrested by the British for plot ting with the Japanese, An official announcement to day Indicated seizure of the round-faced, skirt-wearing little oriental had balked a conspiracy to hand over to the Japanese the British Asiatic possession which holds a vital role in the defense of Singapore. This statement. Issued from No. 10 Downing street Prime Minister Churchill's official resi dence, said U Saw had been "in contact" with the Japanese since the outbreak of war in the Pa cific. "This fact has been confirmed by his own admission," the statement added. "His majesty's government accordingly has been compelled to detain him and it will not be possible to permit him to return to Burma." Just where U Saw was taken Into custody was not disclosed. He went to Washington from London and was in Hawaii on his way back home when the Japanese started the war In the Pacific. This forced htm to re verse his Journey. .U Saw left Lisbon Jan. by airplane for Cairo, according to a Lisbon dispatch of Jan. 4. EKWALL, KNUDSEN Washington, Jan. 19. MV Patrick J. Hurley, former secre tary of war during part of the Hoover administration, is going into the army as a brigadier general. President Roosevelt sent his nomination to the senate today, but the White House declined to say immediately what assign ment Hurley would receive. He will not however, be a line officer. The nomination of William S. Knudsen, chosen by the chief executive to take charge of the army's war production and pro curement program with the rank of lieutenant general, also was sent to the senate. Brigadier Julian F. Arnea was nominated to be a major gen eral, and William Ekwall to be a judge of the United States customs court in New York. Ekwall Is a former member of congress from Oregon. The White House said he was recom mended by Senator Minority Leader McNary. Madras, Ore., an. 19. W) Two trainmen were killed and two others injured early yester day as a northbound Spokane, Portland & Seattle freight train crashed into the rear of another that had stopped for water at Metollus. S. P. & S. officials said Fire man Adrian Wilson, Wishram. Ore., and Brakeman Tony Ma- her. Bend, were killed outright. Trainmen said efforts failed to signal the second train to a halt KEENER To Mr. and Mrs. D. S Route 4, Jan. 18, a boy, Ronald Daryl, 8 lbs., at Stanley Maternity home. HANSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Norman R - RMitjt 1. Jan. 17 a girl, Carmin Joyce, 7 lbs-, at community hospital. YELLOW QUISLING Births PUBLIC AT Members of Master Dance gave a demonstration on modern dance technique at the Medford high school assembly this morn ing. Tonight a free public dance recital will be presented at 7:45 o'clock in the school auditorium at the high school. Master Dance la an honorary of proficient modern dancers from the Uni versity of Oregon, and are ap pearing here under the auspices of the Girls' league at the high school. Working on arrangements for tha recital tonight are Beverly Brooks, Miss L. K. Phillips and DeVer Taylor, publicity; Jean ette House, ushers; Homer Mor ris. Tiger guards; Connie An drews, programs; Bob Holmes, Austin Murray and Jack Moffat technicians. Local residents, students at the University of Oregon, ap pearing on the program are Eugene Bennett, Helen Smedley, Elise Older, Merlin Dow and Bob Forsyth. DAIRY INTERESTS To consider problems arising from the establishment of the army cantonment and other sub jects that are vital to the dairy industry of the Rogue River val ley, a meeting Is to be held at the courthouse in Medford Wed nesday evening,. January 21, at 7:30. All milk producers and dis tributors are urged to attend this meeting. A planning committee for the dairy industry has been making a survey of available sources of approved miik, and tCv making a study of the problems of sup ply and distribution that will hive to be met by the dairy industry. This committee is com posed of Robert G. Fowler, county agent for Jackson county. Mr. Paul Carpenter, farm econo mist of the U. S. extension ser vice and Oregon State college, and Frank A. Rowe, representa tive of Oregon milk control board. Rogue River Rigue River, Jan. 19. (Spl.) The civic club met last Fri day a the home of Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Wiley up Evans creek road. Seventeen ladies were present and plana were made and completed for the library supper which was to have been given on Dec. 9. It will be given Tuesday night Jan. 20 at the high school. A dessert lunch was enjoyed before the meeting. A committee meeting wus held Monday afternoon at Mrs. San dryg by those who are to help serve this supper. The funeral for Cat Stephana waa held Monday afternoon In Oranta Paaa. Mr. Stephens paaaed away very euddenly while setting reading. Ha baa lived many years up Bvana creek and haa a heat of rnenda who wui miaa him. Ha la aurvlved by hta widow, Nellie, two eons. Earl and family or Bvana valley and Leo and family of Calif. Mr. an1 Mra. Wilbur Ml ton have moved to Portland, where Mr. Mil ton haa employment. Cloyd O'Kelley hav mo-red Into tba houae made vacant by Mil tone moving and Mr. and Mra. Raymond Oummlngs have taken poaeeaalon of the house va cated by the OKeliye. Both houaea are on Oak St. Wa are aorry to report tba ulnaea of Mr. W. H. Sparks. Mr. Sparka la getting quite old and hla lUnaea la really due to bis age. On Friday. Jan. I. tba Ladles Aid met la an all day meeting at tha horn of Mra. Jamea Whipple. Mot many ware out but tha ladles did lota of aawtsc for the needy. A pot luck dinner waa enjoyed at noon. Tha next meeting will ba an all day meeting thle Friday. Jan. IS, at Mrs. Mary Mattaon'a. Itogue Mvar baa completed tha aircraft obaarvatloa listening post and a watch of hours la held by each two people on watch. Bach I people have a noun a week. Mra. Fred Dangler. Mra. Ray Moore, Mra. Belle Hart and Mra. Dave Oel vln from hare attended tha Royal neighbors elub la Oranta paas Tuee. Craterian Role With Charles Laugh ton as her co-star, Deanna Durbln's new picture. "It Started with Eve", which opened a three day run yesterday at the Craterian the atre, gives the screen's charming songbird one of the best pictures of her career. An euetlea sal en Bat, Jan. S. at the Holllster store finished up the dosing out sale. And now thara ta no store Us tha brick building. AU Rogue River waa aorry to saa tola atora quit business. Mr. and Mrs. Mile Holllster an moving Into tba Osborn nous on Broadway. Tha book have been moved So tha new library on Oak street. Word haa been received from boule Ptckbaum. who left early la Dae. for a visit to hta mother tn Iowa, that hla mother paaaed away Dee. 19. after only a few daya illness. She waa In her eighties. airs. Fowler haa been working hard lataly on the Red Croea war relief drive. She re porta very good re sponea. Tha quota here waa S3S0. Delmar Blake'v and Kenneth Bad ly left Friday. Jan. s, for Portland, where they are .raiting to ba aent to tha naval training station at San Die no. Mrs. Lovell Berg, a high ecbool teacher alnoa the first of tha term, haa re&igned to move to Portland where her husband baa bean trana ferred from hla preeent altuaUon tn Medford. Mlsa Margery Southwell. a graduate from Oregon state ool lege, haa been elected to fill her place. Miss Southwell arrived In Rogue River Tueeday but will not tart teaching until Monday. Jim Whipple and Sam San dry re turned to their mint on Warda creek after apendlng a weak at home. Mrs. Anna Odea of Wuner la taylng at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Malvln Lutrnan la Oranta Paaa, where aha la receiving medical treatment. Arthur Whlma and Harry Barr are both patlenta at tha Veterana h capi tal In Portland. Prospect Prospect Jan. 19. (Spl.) Local boys who were drafted in the U. S. army and left for Port land for their physical examin ations, Jan. 14, were B ib Moon ey, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mooney, Sr.; Lloyd Arnold, lumber hauling contrac tor of the George L. Jantzer Lbr. Co.; nnd Milton Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rogers, and employe of Dole's sawmill John Falrchild, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Falrchild. Sr., was also called at this time, but de ferred until the first nf March on account of the recent ampu tatlon of a little finger. Harry Ooode waa dismissed tram a Medford hospital, Sunday, where ha waa confined for a fa daya with tha Influenza, and baa resumed his work aa logger for the Oeorge U Jantaer Lbr. Co. Announcements were received here tel. g of the birth of a 74 pound baby boy to Mr. and Mra. Ralph Laoey of Prospect at a Medford hos pital, Dee. IS. Thle la their first child and also la tba first grandchild of I, and Mra. Louis Robertaon. Oeorge need haa recovered from a ease of mumps, and arrived from hla borne la Mllwaukla, Sunday, and baa again Ukea up hla work aa mu. sic and English Instructor la Pros pect high aehool. Mr. and Mra. William Herman left Tuesday morning for Portland where they will spend a few daya attend ing to bualneaa affaire. Tha "Letterman's Club" of the local high school, are sponsoring a GIVE YOUR COLD THE AIR WTsea cold ejoga your boss wMi strlffh' stiifnnssa gH quick relief the faasoos Penetro Noee Drop 3-drop way. Heed aa diraeted-helpe opea up eold staffed aaasl paeeegaa. lavs supply easts ealy 34. PENETRO SSS'p. ROXY Mtes On It S:4S-S:0 SS Inc. Us Kiddle II Including us Ends Tomorrow Nital Their Last and Their Funnlaet WED.-THURB. WITTS Joan Ouy ENNETT KIBBEE Franchot TONE U "She Knew '"'l All tha PHi Answer" Strings" Screen Revival One of the many favorites of bygone days who appear in Tillie's Punctured Romance", which cornea to the Rialto the atre tomorrow, is Marie Dress ier, "grand old lady of the silver screen." Others In the cast of the biggest hit of 1918, which Is being brought back for one of the most unusual film offerings of recent years, include Charlie Chaplin, Mabel Norman, Ford Sterling. Slim Summervllle and the original Keystone Kops. George Bernard Shaw's "Ma jor Barbara", starring Wendy HUler, will be companion fea ture. earlea of movies, given In tha aehool gymnaaium, for tha public Tha first picture. "Touchdown la The Army", waa on Jan. la. Mra. HatC. Clark la quite Ut with a ceae of tnfluenea at her home In Jantaer Village. Mr. and Mra. Lewis Jantaer visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Oaylord Tloe at Oranta Paaa over the week end. Mr. and Mra. Oeorge U Jantaer apent Sunday In Klamath Falla, ehootlng with the Klamath Falls Oun elub, and Mr. Jantaer had the good fortune of winning high acore for tba day. Bob Dickey, high school aenlor. re ceived a badly Injured ankle while playing a practice baaketball game, Dae. IS. Dewey Hill took btm to Medford for medical treatment. aimer Clemena returned from Coy ote Greek tn Joaephlne county. Dee. 14, where he haa been hydraulic giant operator at the Davla mine, and baa taken up hla work of run ning tha log-loader for tha Oeorge U Jantaer Lbr. Co. Mr. and Mra. Raymond Artmlre and eon, Frank, were guesta Tuee day, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raa. of Medford, Mrs. Artmlre la a sister of Mr. Rae. Mra. Phyllla Booth, who haa apent tha paat two weeka visiting mends In Loa Angelea, returned to her home here Sunday morning. Robert Richardson, who came hare recently from San Francisco, and la living In one of Mr. Millard e cabins at Shady Cove, baa enrolled In Proa pect high aehool in tba freshman Lewta Jantaer haa been confined to hla home with an attack of erth. rttle. since- tha first of tha week. Be went to Medford for medical at tention, Monday. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Los Angeles, Jan. 19. (AP) Samuel McLaughlin, 84. Santa Monica, was shot fatally yester day while driving past a military area. Coroner Frank Nance said the elderly man was shot when a rifle discharged accidentally is It was being inspected by Private Gene Morgan, 21, just going on guard. Closing time for Classined Ads t a. m. Too Late to Classify 1340 p. m. Mats JOc tax Se-SSe Even 40r tat c-4Xr II to IS-tSe Riddles lie Inc. tax Mate 1:45 Eves S:4lt-:M Ends Tomorrow NIMt A R I B.T ICKLIII Mil l II I LM3E1J Starta Wednesday 3 SMASH HITS! freat tba MtgraTeat story foj CENC fllRNET Iras fcrt larrr CUOT tAjUOtt Calfl MICKEY MOUSE 4 DONALD DUCK ta Walt Plsneyt "Orphan's Benefit" ta technicolor The -easier that raratoM history i "WAR CLOUDS In the Pacific" GERLINGER HALL RATED A HAZARD Eugene, Jan. 19 m The University of Oregon defense council has condemned Gerling er Hall as a fire hazard, necessi tating transfer of all student as semblies and dances to Mo Arthur court The 21-year-old building has Inadequate exits, the council said. Too Late to Classify II ACRES, 6-room home, good bual neaa and home 41 tea, electricity, eliy water, trriiretion. In Basle Point. See w. w. Tnlede. $3700 IS acres, S-room houaa. laro barn I I . ,mn .1.. water, fine location, close tn, easy terme. H. N. Lotland, 33S South Cakdala. WANTED TO BUT SO scree of good '"" . preiersoiy nay land, on Rogue River, please give exact lo eauon. lowest eaah price per acre, whether under water or dry. Ad dreaa p. o. Box 233. Medford. OOOD, small chicken coop, plenty of v. . wiiuuneite. FOR SALE Exceptional Chippendale . . . . - wi'iub woie. aining table, glaea cabinet. Sold separate ly or together. Phone 4060. FOR RENT Unfurnished 7-room, uicuy modern home, full base ment. furnace and fireplace. For particular see Wrights' Motel. Oranta Paas, Or. FOR SALE s-room house at edge of wnn a so 7 acrea In cluded. All under Irrigation, out buildings, rabbit hutches, fence hog tight' Inquire LUlle-s Piece. Corner - Ooort and Mr Andrews, eroas to large mllL Phone FOR KTV-Clrn 9-room bouse. ev-eara sleeping porch, and garage, tsleae In. IIS Almond. FOR 8AIK i Tpung Durham Brlndle tow, nwea one month. Inquire Talent Feed Store. FOR 8ALBJ 30 -Ion chopped hay on r' "e im. Adolf schuls, Sams Valley. BOMB steal radio baraalna. Alao .aS Smith as Wesson Revolver a" Men. trlfugal pump, S30. Pick Hardware. USB OASJOO BRIQUETS for a long eaungi or, valley Fuel Co. Tel. DRtVTlrfO) Loa Aneelea Wednesday. ra a. nva unaerwood, Tex aco crloe, Baat Main. MIDDU-AQBD Oentleman wishes to meet, vaooieaged lady. Box S004, Trlbvti. your eyesii TO- MORROW WED. Hot S Hits! -olr. -' r CHARLIE. MARIE CHAPO o DRESSLER in 'Tillhfs Punctured Romance9 "- . with these added names Mabel T aai-Ford sterling e Charley Chase - Rank Masa ailra trill -Edgar Kennedy Mack Swain . cnestat CoakllaV t erlglnal Keystone Cops - Soseni at ethers. Cerna j thows Today Itart at lt45-i4Hi20 I Kiddie II liJh-taUAMCfcrfLj I Kldoi lis I An Ine Tea Keep em flying I'.a A. All Ine Tat OFOR USE MAIL TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADS! WAST TO BUT Young sows. Boa aa. ventral t-oint, ore. FOR SALE SO acrea. SO cleared, lota or oaa and fir wood, some saw timber. 4-room new house, chicken house, wood abed. All for S1UO. Terms. ALSO AO acres. S3 acrea tn clover and hay. balance pasture and wood, ft -mom house, new barn, team of homes, all machinery, head of cattle. S4000. X. Gould. 403 West Jackson. WANT Partner for good bualneaa. man investment. Money secured. Tribune. Box iqos. TRT OASCO BRIQTJTTS Th finest eono r-ei available. Valley Fuel Co. Tel. SS78. FOR SALS1 "SS Plymouth coupe. Al- w duum waiter, inquire uoieS Place, Court Ai McAndrawa. WANTED email houaa. does tn. neaeonaoie. rnone 26 IS. FOR SALE -i4 3-door Chevrolet, Bwu unw, t.yi. can S19S. WANTED Alt kinds of uveetoek. Tribune, Box 181. FOR RENT S-room modern, rum isnea noute. S40. phone tsee. IF TOU are looking; for a trailer hoiiae. see Jack at 343 H. Front St. OASCO BRIQUETS Now S1SJO pet" urm 1,1 ug oeiier tnaa oaau Valley Fuel Co Tel. 8378. "ON THE SHELF la not the place tor uiai camera or yours. Hav It repaired while Kodak repair are 33 off. Or exchange It for cash. We buy them. Brainerd Cam era Shop. 40 South Central. HEAT WITH Sawdust At Hogfuel from MED. FUEL. Tel. Sill. BEST OFFER thla week Ukea Chev. Sedan. Running condition, good rubber. Metzger, Oregon St, Jackson villa. P B A Loanb qulctit efnelently aaoaiva raars nndf agency RAW FURS WANTED RIOREST cash prices paid for Mush rata, sauna. s"jnx, coyote and Boa Cats taveatlgata our prices baton yea eell MEDFORD BAROAIT BOUSB 37 North Grape Milk Mixture For Stomach Ulcer A recent medical dlacovery now ba mg used by doctors and hospital everywhere haa proven unusually suo ceeeiui m ine treatment or stomaca ulrers caused from excess ecld. It la a hermleea preparation yet so effec tive tnat in many caaee the pains or atomacb ulcer disappear almost Im mediately after It la used. Also reo ommended for gaa pains. Indigestion and heartburn due to hyperacidity. Sufferers may now try thle at bom by obtaining a bottle of Lurln from their drugalat, Lurln contains thla new discovery In its purest form, Easy to take Just mix two teaspoon rule In a half glass of milk. Costa but little. Try a bottle. It must saUsfy or money refunded. Lurln for sal by Western Thrift and drug stores everywhere. tut HmM Tonltt Fenny Singleton Glenn Port "Go West, Young Lady" Plus "Dead End" Kids "Spooks Ban Wild" 0 Oeorge Barnard Shaw undresses his favorite heroine right before .(W Btatting WENDY HILLER with REX HARRISON ANDi Back by Popular Demand 31 minutes of fun a-U-yestesday OLT: