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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1940)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON'. THURSDAY. JUNE . 1940. PAGE ELEVEN BOURBONS FAVOR' WARD SPATZ FOR STATE action. Frank Tienwy of Port land hold the position at the present time but another chair man is to be elected this year. The state committee will meet following organization sessions in the various counties, called for "within 40 days after pri mary election." Boom for Local Man Gain ing Headway Throughout State; Dissension Factor Moves to elevate Ward Spatz, Jackson county Democratic chairman, to the post of state chairman are gaining headway throughout southern Oregon, re inforced by considerable sup port from other sections of the state, according' to Democratic leaders. Reported dissension in the ranks of the party, especially up-state, along' with the fact that southern Oregon has never placed a representative in the chair, are considered main fac tors In the move. Spatz re cently indicated he would be willing to assume the position If favorable support were evi denced. Democratic heads In this area have been busy contacting par ty officials in other areas and have reported favorable re- REFUSE APPROVAL OF national executive board of the CIO that resumption of peace negotiations with the AFL would be "futile and a waste of time." Levis. CIO, to'.-i-tv-porters this was the view both of the CIO peace committee and of the executive ooara OF 4-H BOYS, GIRLS AWAITED AT OSC MfHTQUlTS 2000 Expected for Opening GUILD OF LAWYERS r:zs account red tinge Baton Rouge, La., June 8. ! (JP) Louisiana Democrats re fused to approve third term sup port for President Roosevelt and drove U. S. Senator Allen J. Ellender from the platform with boos and hisses at their first state convention in 16 years. The convention voted last night to send delegates to the Democratic national convention at Chicago uninstrurted and di rected them to cast the state's 20 votes as a unit. This action came after the con vention had howled down El- lender's attempt to have the dele gates instructed to support Presi dent Roosevelt for renomination. A resolution, later adopted, said that "the unfavorable re ception given Ellender was not to be construed as any reflec tion on President Roosevelt." Ellender formerly was aligned with the forces of the late Huey P. Long which recently were defeated by Governor Sam Jones. 75 WILL SEEK WINGS IN OREGON TRAINING Eugene, June 6. Seventy five students will begin the Job of winning their wings at the University of Oregon this sum mer. That number will be train ed here in the national progrfam to produce 50,000 pilots. Finley Confirmed Washington, June 8. (!P) The senate confirmed the nomi nation of George Finley, Rose burg, Ore., as a land office reg ister yesterday. Corvallis (Spl) A peaceful invasion, a veritable blitzkrieg of boys and girls, is impending for the Oregon State college campus as some 2000 members of Oregon's 4-H clubs converge on the campus for the opening of the twenty-sixth annual 4-H club .summer session June 10. The session will continue to June 21. The "invaders" will reach the campus by special trains, busses, and private cars. Boys and girls from southern Oregon points west of the Cascades will reach Corvallis by bus. Last year total attendance at the session reached 1975 and, while the attempt was made this year to have approximately the same number, indications are that the total may go slightly over 2000, says H. C. Seymour, state club leader in the O.S.C. extension service. AU dormitory facilities on the cam pus, as well as 30 fraternity and sorority houses, will be used to provide accommodations for the clubbers. The usual daily schedule will be followed, with mornings de voted to classes, early afternoon to auditorium programs, and the remainder of the day to recreation. Dm MU Tribune want ads. LEWIS SEES NO HOPE OF PEACE WITH AFL Washington, June 6. (IP) John L. Lewis declared today in a statement authorized by the T L Washington, June 8 Adolf A. Berle, Jr., resigned to day from the National Lawyers' guild because, he said, its man agement was not prepared "to take any stand which conflicts with the communist party line." Berle, assistant secretary of state, wrote in his letter of res ignation: "The National Lawyers' guild was formed in the hope that expression might be given to the liberal sentiment in the American bar. "It is now obvious that the present management of the guild is not prepared to take any stand which .conflicts with the communist party line. Un der these circumstances, and in company, I think, with most progressive American leaders. I have no further interest, in it." Bcrle's resignation followed those of Attorney-General Rob ert H. Jackson and Nathan Mar gold, solicitor of the interior department. SCHULER PASSES EXAM AS REALTY SALESMAN Salem, June 6 4tP) Nineteen real estate brokers and sales men passed examinations In the past few days In Salem and Medford, the state real estate department said today. They Include: Salesmen Peggy B. Staples, Roy I. Hood and Harry Hadden. Grants Pass: Howard M. Bailey of Roseburg, Albert V. McVey of Klamath Falls, I. E. Schuler of Medford. The Vacation Church school of the First Christian church had an enrollment of 110 Wed nesday with 93 pupils present for the day. Mrs. Arnold Bohn ert is general superintendent. The beginners department is under direction of Mrs. R. W. Coleman. Betty Latham and Dorothy Hansen are her assist ants. The beginners are learning to play and sing together. Mrs. C. E. Sargent Is super intendent of the primary depart ment with Mrs. Hopkins and Joyce Sims assistants. Theme of their course Is "Child Life In Bible Times." Junior department is directed by Mrs. Marmie Olson with as sistance of Mrs. Chas. Smith. "Discovering Bible lands" is general subject for their course. Dr. Sherman L. Divine of the Presbyterian church, spoke to them Wednesday about his visit to Palestine. Intermediate department guided by the pastor. R. W. Coleman, is following the gen eral theme "We All Need Each Other." Neil Coleman and Helen Young are co-presidents to lead. the group for the first week. They are publishing a daily paper on vacation church school activities, making recre ational equipment for the de partment and singing together Closing tuna (or loo Late to Claa Iry Ada la 1:30 p. m. under direction of Effle Herbert Kurtz. Laura Gentner Is serving as secretary for the school and as sistant to Mr. Coleman in the intermediate department. SLAYER OF FIVE PLEADS INSANITY Los Angeles, June 6 Verlin Spencer, former South Pasadena Junior high school principal, pleaded Innocent and innocent by reason of Insanity today to charges of shooting to death five school officials and teachers last May 6. Spencer appeared calm as Deputy Public Defender L. W. Robinson entered the plea. Rob inson was named after Spencer declared he was without funds. Superior Judge Frank G. Swain set trial for July 29 and named three alienist to exam ine Spencer. T The United States marine corps recruiting office In the U. S. courthouse at Portland has been authorized to accept an unlimited number of men for enlistment during June, ac cording to word received in Medford today from Captain James B. Hardie. in charge of marine corps ' recruiting activ ities in the Portland district. This, Captain Hardie stated, Is due ti congress authorizing expansion of the marine corps to J 4 000 enlisted men. Pro motion will be faster than it has been at any time during the past 20 years, the captain said. Male citizens 18 to 30 years old, without dependents, of good habits and character and In good health, are eligible. Man Bites Fir Fairbanks. Alaska. WV-Wei. tar Hansen was fishing with line rigged with two hooks. A big rainbow trout took one por tion of the tackle. Hansen Jerk ed on the line so hard the empty fly whizzed upward and landed in his mouth and the hook went into his lip. Hansen fell in the creek, but got his fish before he disentangled the fly from his mouth. : rS j it 'And PLENTY of It With, an Automatic GAS Water Heater All the Hot Water You Want Whenever you want It. Day or night after half a dozen baths or a family wash turn the faucet and the water flows HOT. They're easy to own. ONLY 949so Full Automatic, Fast Re covery, 20 GALLONS of real Hot Water Every Hour Day and Night! Pay Only $4.50 Down and $120 Per Month A The Choke of Experience! GAS CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES CO. in ffirta IMIIMII! .... -TAW- " 7-f - u u u 0 Youth I Grace! Slenderneeel Mart oil excess poundage and bring back al luring curves this new, easy, simple way! Thousands ol others are doing It and SO CAN YOUI Just plan a sensible, weIMalanced diet aroldlng fats and heavy foods) but including two slices ol Roman Meal Bread at every meal This de licious new dark bread will give you an EXTRA supply ol vitamins and minerals often wrongfully omit led bom reducing diets, and at the same time supply ENERGY to keep you feeling fit while you take oil too pounds. Also. Roman Meal Bread supplies needed roughage la mild, efficient form. No starring! No Iota of pep! You don't go hungry but you DO bum up mora completely the fat you are losing, and the Roman Meal Bread you oat kelps protect you from harav ml residues the often and Irritability. Roman Meal Broad Is specially pro duetd lor Diet Reducing and Rough ago. And It Is manralously GOOD TOEATI Flaked whole grains of ryo and wheat give each golden brown slice) a dean, appetizing flavor, and? lor extra goodness and health values. Roman Meal Broad is sweetened with pur honey. In fact this sensational now loai. already used regularly by thousands. Is winning now friends . vary day folks who have no need ol a special broad lor Diet Reducing or Roughage lust because It tastes so good and is such an excellent loai lor general table use! YouTl be thrilled by Roman Meal Bread's goodness . . . you'll be thrilled by what It will do lor you. too. Start your reducing program today with 4 treeh loai oi Soman Meal Bread. For Diet . . Reducing . . Roughage Baked by How On Sale At Your Favorite Food Store