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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1940)
PAGE TWELVE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEEFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1940. E transfer to their new h-vna on the north Pacific hlghwa. All furnishing were being moved to the larger quarters, and the job was expected to be completed by tomorrow. The public utilities commis sion office, now on the third floor of city hall, will be mov cd to occupy Chief Ciatoui McCredie'g office .n t'ie present city police quarters, according to Marion Hortoi P.b.C field auditor here. . he said he ex pected the tranrfer t' bo com pleted this week The Works Progress Admin tstration whose qurnon are located on the third floor, is expected to expand in .ccupy the present P.U.C. offK. IS which concluded official busi ness of the state convention here. Bend was selected for the 1941 convention, with Bend and Redmond co-hostesses. The con vention will be In June but exact dates were not selected. Other new officers am- Nar. land, organizer; Dorothy Har tung, chapter AW, Portland, recording secretary; Frances Reynolds, chapter U. Klamath Falls, corresponding secretary; and Helen Kaser, chapter AG, Grants Pass, treasurer. 6:30; MBS 9 30, 8, 6:30; WJZ NBC 8. WABC-CBS 6:1S Gov. A. H. James on national issues: 7:13 Dean Carl W. Ackerman on "War Propaganda." WJZ-NEC 8:30 light heavy ference speaker Gov. H. Stassen. Thursday: Europe NBC 4 a. m.; CBS 4 a. m., 2:45 p. m WEAF NBC, 9:30 a. m. ' WEAF-NBC 9:15 Mrs. Roose velt broadcast; CBS-Chain 2:15 national open golf summary, Cincinnati was settled in 1788. NEWP.E. 0. LEADER Medford city pollen today itarted rroving thilr f!rt-floor quarter! from tht south end of city hall to the rr&cioua loom at the north end of the building, formerly occupied by the itate police prior to the The first submarine used for war purposes was the Turtle, designed by David Buahnell in 1778. It failed In an attempt to screw a charge of explosives to the bottom of a British ship in New York harbor. Grants Pass, June 8. (Pi Orah H. Buhl of chapter O, Albany, was elected state presi dent of the P.E.O. sisterhood at elections Wednesday morning Radio Highlights weight fight, Billy Conn vs. Gus Lesnevich. MBS 3 Talk. John D. M. Hamilton; 5:15 talk Dr. R. Be teta, Mexican under-secretary of state; 6:30 governors' con clssa Shaw, chapter A, Port-: land, first vice-nreaident- Frina Beatty, chapter P, Oregon City, second vice-president; Miry By Associated Press. (Time is Pacific Standard.) Tonight: Europe CBS 4:53, Closing ttmt tat Too Lite to Clu. llfT Ada U 1:90 p. m. Dm Mall Tribune want sea. hum King, cnapter z. Port A Smashing Bargain Event BUflELSOia'S MOJUD GOTHAM VASSARETTE LE GANT PLAYTEX GIRDLES Everybody loves a bargain. Grand old word. If you want to have fun saving money, come in during this sale. But i stand crowds, stay away. We haven't seen such bargains since the good old days. So come one, come all and come , Jt .. v.v,,-. w. n uaiguu uce, nun cveryimng oia-raanionea except the merchandise! f you can't early! It's FINAL CLEARANCE OF ALL SPRING COATS And SUITS GROUP 1. BETTER COATS Consisting of our famous Honeycomb 'v, fl uid Feather Kruih exclusive fabrics Vr- n i .. . . . . . MM.wMvns. i.u imponta iwoeas and boucles. All guaranteed lining, full lengths and iltted models. Regu lar values to 139.75. Final Clearance Half Price SPRING COATS Consisting of Gabardines, Tweeds and Boucles. Broken sites. Lots of colors and navy and blacks, ff J p Values to 129.75 ) 1 O.UU 5 DRESSMAKER SUITS In Botany, Crepsa and Twills. Black, Navy and Beige. Slses 12 to 20. Regular values io 122.50. Clearance .... $15.00 Just the Suit to Travel in GROUP 3. SPRING COATS Consisting of Boucles and tweeds. Broken lies. Values io $19.75 $10.00 TWENTY COATS Consisting of Tweeds and Boucles and Fleeces, A ft ft Broken slses. Values to 114.95. Final ClearancetOaUU 18 Mannish Tailored SUITS roiul.tlnf or Wool Gabar dine. Midland aoola. Colon: Blark, Najr, nroan and hlh hadra. llniarn ilin, Bru lar Talnrs to SI6.M. June t'learanre $8.00 Three-Plece SUITS June Clearance Half Price Hundreds of New Spring Dresses '-twin Hundreds of lovely Spring and Summer Dresses, all latest details. JACKET DRESSES REDINGOTES SPORT DRESSES AFTERNOON TYPE JERSEYS ALPACAS SHEERS PURE DYE PRINT LINENS ALL COLORS Sii.t 9 to 17 Missy 12 to 20 Half Sites 14V4 to 24V, Regular Values to $16.50 June Clearance $7.95 BETTER DRESSES Including Juniors, regulars and one-half siies taken from our Better Dresses department. Must make room for mid-summer merchandise. Regular $19.75 and $24.75 Values Clearance 2 DRESSES FOR $20.00 NEW ARRIVAL OF New Mid-Summer Dresses CHIFFONS PRINTED CHIFFONS PANORAMA SHEERS CABLE NETS MIAMI LINENS SOUTH AMERICAN TINTS COLORSi BLACK NAVY PASTEL SHADES WHITES PRINTS SIZES JUNIORS. REGULARS AND HALF SIZES Priced $9.85-$12.50 to $19.75 New Shipments of Navy and Black Silk Alpacas, d'T QC Redingotes, Sizes 12 to 44 P BETTER SLACKS In Spun Rayon, Poplins. Gaberdines. Jacket Styles Colors! Rose. Tonco Jacket Royal Blue. Aqua Tuck In Wine. Nary Siies 12 to 44. $5.95 to $7.95 YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND SLACKS AT BURELSON'S EXTRA SPECIAL Regular $2.98 Pure Dye Satin Slips TEA ROSE TAILORED WHITE LACE TRIMMED Siies 32 to 44. Regular 12.98. June Clearance Two Limit to one customer $1 98 HOSIERY - By Mojud and Gotham $100 Pair SERVICE CHIFFON ALL NEW. SHADES 9'i TO 11 Regular $1.15. Extra Special Best wearing hose In town. TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS in EVERY DEPARTMENT ALL SALES FINAL NO C.O.D.'S NO APPROVALS NO RETURNS BURELSON'S Ladies Mj--Wear Kicuiuru uuiiumg a cicpnonc ao JUNE Clearance Bargains IN Burelson's Downstairs Store BETTER DRESSES $4.88 From Oar Main Floor Late Spring and Early Summer Dresses Prints and Plain Colors Broken Sises and Colors. Values to $12.50. 2 DRESSES for $8.00 New Dresses by Georgiana & Lady Alice Spun Rayons, Bemberg Sheers, Sharkskin. Linen, Chambray, Dotted Swiss. Hundreds oi Dresses to Choose From at These Popular Prices. Sises 12 to 50. $1.98 - $2.98 - $3.98 SPECIAL HOUSE COATS Wrap-Around and Zipper Styles. Broken Sises and, A J HQ Colors. Reg. $1.98. $ aQ SPECIAL SILK HOSE Gotham Gold Stripe Full Fashion SerTice Weight and Chifion Sises 8V4 to 10i. All new spring shades. Reg. 79e value 69c 3 pair $2.00 SLACKS - SLACKS - SLACKS A complete selection of Good Looking Slack Suits, latest styles and colors. Denim, Hopsacking., Spun Rayon, Poplin, Sharkskin, Gaberdine. Sises 12 to 44. $ 1.98 - $2.29 - $2.98 - $3.98 BURELSON'S FOR SLACKS SEE OUR DOLLAR TABLE REAL VALUES ON THIS TABLE FARMERETTES Site 14 io 20 AA 91.00 91.00 91.00 BICYCLE SUITS Sites 14 io 18 PLAY SHORTS ODDS and ENDS Broken siies DENIM JACKETS Sites 14 to 20 ., " SPORT SHIRTS Chambray, Slub Broadcloth, Rayon." pia!n woiors. stripes ana tnecks. Sites 32 to 40. BLOUSES Rayon Stripes. Long Sleeves. Red, Pink, Blue ana Agua. sues ji to 40 91.00 " "vai-uaoeiaine. aires to 14. 59 each, 2 'or SI OO COTTON FARMERETTES Just the thing for the garden. ' Broken sites 59. ,,eh 2 , 1QQ Play Togs We Carry a Complete Line SHORTS Sharkskin and gaberdine, liiet 12 io 20, SI. OS SWIM SUITS Lattex, Puckered Rayon Satins, Rayon and Wool Mixture, with and without skirts: all colors: sites 34 to . - 91.PS 92.9S - 93.08 SHORTS and JACKET, sites 14 to 20 $1.39 PLAY SUITS Chambray and gaberdine combinations. Sites 12 to 20 ... 92.08 $3.08 SPECIAL SWEATERS All Pastel Shades. Button and Slipon styles. Sites 34 to 40. Reg. $1.91 value. Special $1.39 CLEAN UP RACK Odds and Ends in Dresses, Waih Frocks and Street Dresses. Unbelievable bargains Broken sites and col ors. No tryons. holds or exchanges. 79c ea. 2 for 1.50 Come early for these SPECIAL WOMEN'S SLACKS Gaberdine Brown Only Broken sites. Values to $1.91 Clean-up at 79c ea. 2 for 1.50 PINAFORES Several stylet and colors to choose Sites 12 to 20 51 e98 With Play Suit $2.98 Corsets and Girdles SPORT JACKETS Taken irom our Main Floor. Tweeds and Shetland Wools, sites 12 to 20. Reg. $1.95 value. June Clearance apO.UU Jutt the thing to "top" your slack suit. By Bon Ton and Le Gant. vaU to $7.95 $1.99