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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1940)
i MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY SI. 1940. PAGE FIVE v YOUNG ARGENTINIANS HELD BY POLICE FOR ANTI-NAZI OUTBREAK Buenos Aires, May 31 (U.PJ The son of the president of the Argentinian house of represen tatives, Carlos Noel Junior along with eight other promi nent young men, have been taken into custody by Buenos Aires police after two anti-German demonstrations. The . riots apparently were caused by news of the sinking of the Argentine freighter, Uru guay, by a German submarine off the Spanish coast. The sons of numerous promi nent Argentine families are re ported to have taken part in the demonstrations. A crowd of which the arrested youths were a part marched to the office of the Deutsche La Plata Zeitung a pro-Nazi Ger man language morning news paper. There they manhandled per sons reading a German high command communique on a bul letin board inside the window. Tongue Point Job Bremerton, Wash., May 31. (P) Comdr. R. G. Thomas, dis trict public works officer, today let a contract to Lord & Lor yeau of Portland for construc tion of a barracks, officers' quarters and administration building at the naval destroyer and submarine base at Tongue Point, Ore. Closing tim. (or Too ute to du al fy Ad Is 1.80 p m. BOYD'S Mill Phone 1054 for I Prompt, Convenient, Courteous j Delivery Service 4 Times Daily 8:30 A. M 10 A. M. SPECIALS for Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING pts. 21c qt. 29c VINTAGE CHEESE A new tatty cheese product. lb. 27c 21b. 53c Wesson Oil. C"7 W-gal. cans 0 I W Snowdrift SHORTENING lib. palls Bib. pails 43c 85c Del Monte Cream Style Corn. 303 07 lis. 3 cans I C Del Monte Whole String Beans. No. 2 OC tins. 2 for faOC Del Monte Early Garden Peas, No. 2 O C tins. 2 for 9C Del Monte Grapefruit. 303 3 cans. ............. 25c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 2. C 2 for tCOC Clorox. - Q qt. bottles IOC Vi gallon 25 10 lb. cloth 53c bags JS-lb. cloth bags $1,33 Palmollve Soap, 4 A I Sunbride Cleans- M bars..... 14C I t. cans 1 UC l ' 111 !7 t fl? I . , J 111 I U Li FH"' '' CH : : r7j ' Flagstaff Flour 4Mb. bag . SI. 39 Blue Ribbon Flour 49-lb. bag SI. 49 Kitchen Queen Flour 49-lb. bag SI .49 ntuPAY CASH AND SAVE Winner Crosses Finish ZMi n I Ft . - T in :A Wilbur Shaw is shown be In the annual dianapolis. 500-mile Mem Schooner Given Tow San Francisco, May The steam schooner Kather ine Donovan, crippled by a broken propeller shaft, was be ing towed into San Francisco today by the Red Stack tug Sea Ranger, after having en countered rough weather off Humboldt bay. I P. M. 4 P. M. June 1 and 3 HONEY MAID GRAHAMS Lb. box 1 5c 2-lb. box 25c GUITTARD PURE GROUND CHOCOLATE Lb. tins 200 31b. tins 50? Folger's Coffee Lb. cans 23c 2-lb. cans .... 45c Albers Flapjack m 0 Flour. No. 10 bag 40 C Whaaties. 2 pkgs 19c Baking Powder, Ct Gold Label. 12-oa. tinOC A. k H. Baking Soda. lb. pkg. DC Haley Beef Sandwich Spread. 7Vi-oi. cans. 3 for sCOC Haley Beef Cubn.AA. 1S-OS. cans sCUC White King Toilet 4 ft Soap. 3 bars I UC White King Washing Pow dr. family i cOC ing flagged down as the winner orial day auto classic In In- s2iM TO RECEIVE Indianapolis, May 31. (VP) Wilbur Shaw of Indianapolis, who looks like a man-about-town but who has made a small fortune in one of the world's ; toughest sports, automobile rac ing, today will collect approxi mately $30,000 as a reward for his third victory in. Indian apolis motor speedway grind. Shaw won a history-making 500-mile race yesterday at an average speed of 114.277 miles an hour and joined Louis Meyer of Huntington Park, Cal., as the only other three-times winner of the classic. He also became the first man to win two consecutive races and won the first complete race finished under the yellow cau tion flag which required all drivers to hold their places. Officials hung out the cau tion flag at the 375-mile mark because of rain and left it there until the contest ended. Menus of the Day (By Mrs. Alexander Cieorce) COMPANV FOR HL'PPfcR The .Menu Hot Chicken Soup Toasted Wafers Shrimp a la King Boiled Blot Spiced Pears Buttered Broccoli Hot Roll Currant Jam Avocado Surprise Salad Pilled Angel Food Cake. W nipped Cream Topped Coffee Shrimp a la King 4 tablespoon butter 4 tablespoons flour 2 cups milk teaspoon salt ' teaspoon celery alt teaspoon paprika 4 tesspoon mlnoed peralej 2 8 cup cooked shrimps 2 3 cup cooked shrimps (cleaned) 1 hard-cooked egg. diced 2 tablespoons minced green peppers (cooked) 1 tablespoon minced plmlentot 2 ejtg yolks, beaten Melt butter and add flour. When blended, pour In the milk and sea sonings. Cook slowly until a creamy sauce forms. Stir constantly. Add shrimps, hard-cooked egg, peppers and pirolentos. Simmer until hot. Mix in the yolks, serve at once poured over hot boiled rice. Avocado urprle Halad 5 avocados 1 cup cress, washed and datned 2 3 cup cubed pineapple 1 tablespoon lemon Juica 8 tablespoons French dressing Cut the avocados In halves, dis card seeds and rinds. Cut th avo cadoe Into half Inch cubes. Mix with the cress, pineapple-. Juice and t tablespoon of dressln?. Chill until serving time and mix In the rest of the dressing, pass in a bowl or arrange on salad plates. Oarniah with crisp radishes and thin stripe of carrots (chilled In cold water until very crisp.) Fishing la Alaska's greatest In dustry. National forests constitute 13 cent of Wyoming's total area. I I -- I II, II E 1 I l I 1 " ' i "'i - - Democratic Committeemen Listed for Jackson County The official count for Demo-, cratic precinct committeemen and committeewomen, com pleted today, shows a number of ties and several instances where husband and wife were elected, under the provision which requires one of each sex to serve as precinct workers. Among the ties are four wo men in the Mound precinct. All received one vote each. The matter of straightening out the ties will be settled later in all the precincts. The count for the untied pre cincts is: Ashland, Boulevard, Gertrude M. Balis. Ashland, East Central, O. H. Rose, Delia M. Rose. Ashland, West Central, Guy T. Applewhite, Dorothy F. Spccht. Ashland, Oak, Hal McNair, Lorena Alice McNair. Ashland, North, Harley R. Brower, Katharine K. Brower. Ashland, East, D. L. Patter son, Pearl M. Roberson. Ashland, Southeast, E. B. Poyer, Elda F. Anderson. Ashland, Northwest, Bessie M. Cook. Ashland, South, V. D. Miller, Myrtle B. Miller. Ashland, West, . Antioch. . Applegate, William N. Carl. Barron, A. R. Kincaid, Clara Kincaid. Belleview, Herb Moore, Lois Moore. Brownsboro, . Butte Falls, E. A. Hildreth. Clara Edmondson. aawaaa.aaaaa.......w.....;j.a.w..wai...aaaawaiaa We readily agree that quality is always paramount not savings when you receive Inferior merchandiiel can your prices be so low, and yet your quality so is simple. We buy huge quantitiesl We pay caihl cash basis with a very small profit on each item. by our efficient storekeeping methods. This means feature the LOWEST PRICES without sacrifice of Five-Grain (J ASPIRIN t Tim of It K A 3 for 5c Jr Horsehlda GLOVES All Leather 39c pair S1.00 Hind's Honey and Almond ('ream, Orarie Allen's aperlal Expert Film e fy HINKLE jl PILLS ls (7 Bottle at too g Phone 274 Central Point, North. Scott Hamilton, Mrs. E. E. Scott. Central Point, South, Ray W. Anders. Reese Creek, , Derby, . Colestin, , Eagle Point, . Flounce Rock, . Foots Creek, Letsy Miller. Gold Hill, James Chisholm, Hazel Shunterman. Griffin Creek, Dean Pieper. Hillcrcst, . Howard, Cha.i. T. Sweeney, Mrs. Chas. Sweeney. Jacksonville, North, Chester R. Pursell, Lulu Saulsberry. Jacksonville, South, J. B. Wetterer. Grace Hamaker. Lake Creek. . Medford, North Main, Lester C. Fox, Mary Ellen Fox. Medford, South Main, H. S. Boise. Medford, North Central, Charles P. Champlin, Jr. Medford, South Central, A. F. Stennett. Mrs. A. F. Stennett. Medford, South Riverside, R. O. Stephenson, Josie L. Steph enson. Medford, North Riverside, . Medford, North, Wm. E. Phipps. Medford. Oakdale, J. P. Naumes, Mrs. J. P. Naumes. Medford, Newtown, A. E. Reames. Medford, King. . Medford, Northeast, Marie Ulrich. Medford, Cottage, . Medford, Southeast, Ward B. Spatz. FLIT ob FLYTOX pint 17c EPSOM SALTS 5 us. 1 8 OIL add AGAR pint 39c Toilet Paper S 6for25c PALMOLIVE per cake 5c A widely read newspaper columnist In a recent article told of the relief to Hay Fever sufferers that could be obtained through the use of SOLUBLE POTASSIUM CHLORIDE Tablets. We have ample stocks now, at money-saving prices. 100 five-grain soluble tablets -391 100 ten-grain soluble tablets 59 POT CLEANERS 2 for 5c MINERAL OIL TARGET Thrift Kit. 3Sc Value DAY'S WORK WEST AMERICAN CIGARETTES SATURDAY 11c pkg., SI. 05 CARTON CHESAPEAKE Smooth cut Tobacco for pipe or cigarette 10c-37c-69c GENUINE G-E MAZDA LAMPS At New Lower Prices 1525 WATT I. F. NOW 10c 40-50-60 WATT I. F. NOW 13c 75 100 WATT I. F. NOW 15c Developing FREE With 4c Prints Western Thrift R 0 Y A L T Y Rose Blolse. S months, who won a hrallhlut baby contest at a Brooklyn, N. V., hospital, exerciser hrr womanly privllrse at the crown int: she talked, freely. Medford. Queen Anne, Fred W. Kelly, Maude Codding. Medford, East, J. C. Collins. Medford, Southwest, E. G. Narregan. Medford, South, J. R. Mar shall, Mrs. J. R. Marshall. Medford, West, . Medford, Kenwood, Vcrr Canon, Mrs. Verne Canon. Medford, Northwest, . Medford, Haven, . Mound, . Orchard Home, . Perrydale, . Phoenix, East, Fay Carver. Phoenix, West, . Pinehurst. . Rogue River, Harry Lytle White, Myrtle Whipple. Roxy Ann, . Sams Valley, . . . . that savings are You may ask. "How high?" Our answer We sell strictly en a We save you money that we are able to qualityl Heavy Russian Pint 23c 29c Chewing Tobacco 3 for 20c GRAND SLAM Plug cut Tobacco for pipe smokers 9c-25c-47c 30 North Central Sterling. . Talent, East. Will A. Thatch er. Nora E. Walter. Talent, West. Jay Terrill, Par thena S. Terrill. Trail, Ray Briggs, Eva Segess man. Union, -. Watkins, . Willow Springs, . Wimer, , A meeting and banquet of the Last Man's club of Jackson county was held Wednesday eve ning at the Hotel Medford. Table was decorated with flags and bouquets of roses and a vacant place was set to repre sent all lost comrades, a helmet being hung on the chair and PAY LESS and PARK EASIER" at the A R E T HOME OF BATTLE CREEK HEALTH FOODS 313-315 No. Riverside. WE NEVER CLOSE. Phone 351 OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE CRACKERS '- FIG BARS, factory fresh shipment.. FLAPJACK CATSUP, Heins, 14-os. bottle.. CERT0 S 3 for 45c SALT Morton s 8 lb. sack 19c OYSTERS, Wiegant's fey. med. sise 3 cans 25 SARDINES 3 cans 25c TUNA. Mid Pacific Flakes 2 cans 25 0 K "s" 7 bars 25c SOAP CHIPS, Crystal White 5 lb. pkg. 29 I II I ft C Grapefruit, Texsun, 46 oi. 15 J U I U C Pineapple. Dole. 46-os. 25 SALAD DRESSINO, Tasty qt. Jar 15 TRIANGLE PANCAKE FLOUR, 28-01. pkg. CANE and MAPLE SYRUP Both f 0T 35C W Ffatura Our Own Home Grown STEER BEEF It la th tst local Stm Beef It U pos sible to obtain and are not gnlnc to cheapen oar beef to meet some local prices. Meat Prices for Sat. and Sun. Onlj PORK CHOPS, tender pig loin or rib lb. 17M PORK SHOULDER ROAST. Juicy Jb. 14Vt BACON SQUARES, not back fat Jb. 10 Fine lor frying or SFMonlni BACON, by the piece Citnulno home LARD, Portland Rose 100 Hi bar. ons of the Lunrh Mp.i. In 25 lbs. No. 2 SPUDS.. Fancy TOMATOES . LETTUCE fancy, large local 2 for 9s GRAPEFRUIT 2 portion size doz. 20: American flags were used for decorations. Places were also set and glasses turned down for mem bers having passed away sine the organization of the club. The bottle of cognac that is to be opened by the last man was placed at the head of the table. This bottle is kept in a safe de posit box and is only brought out at the annual banquet. Music for the occasion was furnished by Mrs. Harry Pren tice and her accordion band. Next meeting will be held on the eve of ArmlMlce day. "MM W JMM-"' WOMEN HEED THIS ADVICE I LydlA K. Plnkham'. Vgtabl. Com pound TABLETS help tbouaanda of women Uiru "trying tlmw". Th. my they help rellev. femal. func tional dtfitrena with It. nervous, moody .pell. la often amaalnK. They ALSO help build up ricb red blood which meana mora ilrenglhl - 2 lb. box 15c 2 lb. 19 No. 10 bag 43c . 2 for 35 PRUNES Fiesta, pkd. by S.fcW. 2 lb. pkg. 13c GENUINE Not yearling Mutton SKf T CHOPS . . lb. 27c Loin or Bib LEG . . . lb. 25c A real bar tain at this price SHOULDER lb. 171c Also makes delicious roast BREAST . . lb. 10c Very economical lb. 15 cure wood smoke pure pork 4 lb. 35 Larseat awtirtnwnts et Southern Oregon CAN THEM 11017 We have reached the peek of Usa season. Don't delay or you may be too late. 25 a n is VERY JUICY