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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1940)
PAGE SEVEN hWant to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. TUESDAY. MAY 21. 1940. V Bead every ad on this peg tou will probably nod sisclli thT things rou cava been look ing fOC Of S.S Of tTSdt fot unussd srtieles you mi bev eesrea four tuc at store-roara you but Rod meny things others srs erctlng and 0 able to mux lasmodiaw caah IS whet ou want tan her, advertise tor IV Tnbun Clas sified Ads ar Inexpensive HsCUVSl RATES ftr word rtnt lnsertlonJe (Minimum 88c) Cach addltwinal Insertion. per word 1 (Minimum inc) Per Una per month altboot top; cnanfa CASH or money order must ae company all mail order classified ads. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold wrist wstch. Owner's nsme snd Inscription on back. Re ward. Phone mo. LOST Sunday a. m. A pair of gold rimmed glasses. Return to this of fice and receive reward. LOST wlre-halr dog- Name "Psko Black and white, will pay 500 reward. Address A. J. Heckler. Route I, Central Point, Oregon. LOST Black horse branded ZH right shoulder. Finder notify Frsnk Wooldrldge, Central P nt. REPORT lost dogs, snlmsl cruelty esses Humane Society. Phone 1616. WANTED FEMALE HELP wANTED-Mtddle-aged woman house keeper and cook; good home and wages. Write Route 1, Box 486. WANTED Middle-aged lady aa house keeper. Oood home, smsll fsmlly. Box 1124 Trlhune. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG LADY with experience wishes work. Phone 4-P-4. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To rent ranch with option to buy. Tribune Box 839. WANTED TO RENT Modern fur nished house. 3 bedrooms. Box 1131 Tribune. WAH WANTED Cows to pssmre. Clarence Arnold Rt. 4. Box 484. Buckshot Hill road LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED, work guaranteed Call and Jenver Mac At Floyd's Phone 830 333 N raver side. Mske your old mower like new WELL DRILLING-81 50 per ft. first 80 ft., etc. J. M. Dodge. 619 King WANTED Wool, mohsir. hides and pelte Medford Bargain House, 37 North Orspe St. Phone 1063. 81 PAV MOKk CASH For Your Furniture. BARNRHLRG A ANDREWS 8th and Front. Phone 547 WANTED Dressmaking, alterations Katherlne Satterlje. Singer Shop. 33 South Orape. BEST PRICES PAID For Your "Lrnlture. BADS riRMlL'BE Phone 1193-J HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID For Your Furniture. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N Orspe St Phone 103 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 8-room modern house. Prloe 611.23. Inquire 619 N. Orspe FOR BENT Modern 8-room house. Adults. Phone 406-R-4. FOR RENT 4-roora house. Inquire Snd house past Msc's Market, No. Pacific Hlhwsy. FOR PENT Psrtly furnished five room house. Inquire 1013 West Msin. FOR RENT Modern house, 3 bed rooms. Vacant Msy 30th. 728 E. Jsckson. FOR BENT 6-room Phone 281. bouse, 627.50. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE In Med ford. close In: electric rang end ell heater furnished: 625. wster pstd. B. J Pslmer, Tel. 199 Cen tre! Point. 4-ROOM furnished bonne with bsth Close In. 122 50. wster psld. L. O. Ptckell. 16 8. Bsrtlett. Csll 365 or 1580-J. FOR RENT New five-room fur nished duplet: electric stove. Prig Idslre. garage, laundry room, lawn Reasonso'.e. 308 8. Ivy or Inquire 711 King St. FOR RENT 8-room furnished house. s? Hs-n . FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Hot water, bath. lights, refrigerator. Adults. 913 So. Oskdale. FOR RENT Furnished 417 King. apartment. FOR RENT 3-roora furnished apart ment 33 No. Peach. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment. Adults. 8 Laurel. FOR RENT Upstairs spartment modern. private bath, garage Adults 534 N. Bsrtlett. PURNtHED 3 sr.d 8-room spart ments: also bouse. Adulte. 004 Wen lO'.b. FOR RENT-Furnished Hotel Bol lend sasrtment Electric range Pt'llalre PRCTTT AO's over Hollowsvs Oroe ery 119 N Central Ph 1415 or 33 TOR RENT APARTMENTS rem RTNT Apartmenu. 10. quire Shsdy Nook grocery. In- 01 BAUER APT8 tb at Oskdsle Preetlge. courtesy, wltb oomfort able modern borne Purnlshed or unfurnished Moderate prices By day. week or month. Phone 7 IS-Y FURNISHED Ai-ARTMENT. priests bath, Prtgldslre. 0 W. slain. APARTMENT POB BENT Small furnfahM.. srjsrtmettt Blower Hot and cold water paid. Bteam beat. 9 closets. Cabinet space, in Msll Trlb uns Building Apply at busi ness oil Ice Mail Tribune. MODERN runtimes, apartment, beat, hot water, Electrolux, gsrsge. 10 Quince St. PARMERS At Fruitgrowers Bsnk apartment. S rooms and bath. gas beat Inquire 31? West th FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Well furnished sleeping room. 836 So. Riverside. SLEEPING ROOMS. 445. So. Front. PLEASANT SLEEPINO ROOM for rent. 33 No. Peach. FURNISHED ROOM, near house. 130 8. Laurel. FURNISHED room tor rent, hot and cold water In room. Oarage. 11 fi Orange. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. 404 8 Orape FOR RENT Room. (3S0 week, vste entrance. 408 Edwards. Prt- FOR RENT BOARD ROOM COOL. CLEAN ROOMS Large shsdy ysrd, special diets for elderly peo ple; reasonable. 825 West 13th. OOOD BOARD and room, sum's, 801 E. Msin. Pech- ROOM AND BOARD 718 E. Msin 81 per day FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS PIANOf FOii HENT 82.50 month. E J. Palmer Telephone 199, Central J FOR RENT Store euildlng snd two office rooms Bt Al uttrell or Roland Hubbarfl. FOR BALL POULTRY FOR BALE Turkey eggs. Call 303, Jacksonville. FOR BALE 60 New Hsmpshlre lay ing hens. Snyder. Phone 4-F-4. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK IS NICE feeder Chester White pigs. Will trade for model A rosdster or coupe. M. L. Crocker, Route 4. Lone Pine school. FOR SALE Duroc Roar, 9 months old, or trsde for heifer calf. Rte. 3, Box 230, Upper Stage Road, 3 miles west Central Point. FOR SALE 6 saddle horses. Wooldrldge, Central Point. Frank FOR SALE 5-year-old saddle horse, broken. T. C. Dugsn, Rt. 3, Box 11. Eagle Point. FOR SALE Fresh cow. D. P. Dug gan. Sams Valley. Rt. 1, Central Point. FOR SALE Two heifers, lust fresh. Tel. 447-J-2 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Equity In 33 Terrsplsne. A-l condition. New tires. Bee M. C. Davis st Perry Ashcraft'a. FOR SALE Model "A" phseton. ex cellent condition. Private owner. Oood reason for selling. Clsrk 685 QUALITY USED CARS 1938 Zephyr Coupe Heater and ra dio, tires, like new throughout 8895 1939 Mercury Paint, upholstery like new. guaranteed 6895 1937 Zephyr Fordor Heater and radio; excellent condition 9748 1936 Zephyr Heater and Columbia axle. A wonderful buy... 6595 1938 Ford Fordor New paint, seat covers, good tires, all recondi tioned 6525 1938 Ford Tudor New paint, extra good tires, fin upholstery, low mllesge, thoroughly r e e o n d 1 tloned . 8525 1938 Ford 60 Coupe Like new, ex cellent condition, guaranteed, tow mileage 6495 1932 Plymouth Sedan A reel buy at 3185 Model A Fords and Cbevroleta , Also rood buys In .: 64S and up Trucka and Pickups. C. E GATES AUTO CO. USED CAR LOT No Central and 4'h S. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Attractive cottagj. Pink of condition. Oood location. Lerte maple trees. 62300. Terms. Inquire 616 So. Ivy. FOR SALE Furnished house. Hard wood floors, rireplsce, nearly new electric range. Laree corner lot. 82850. Inquire 616 So. Ivy FOR SALE 8-room modem house. 3 bedrooms, child's nursery, breakfast nook, tiled drain board, hardwood floors, sawdust burner fumsce. Fenced In beck ysrd. 63600. terms or would exchange for acreage. si - ....I? ,,., ., 7" mne esst or psciiic Hignwsy. 630 per acre. Also B scree, all unrated. 4-roora house with bsth. good bsrn. city wster. well located near Medford. 61600. terms. Also Cory and comfortable 3 -room cot tage, screened In porch. 3'j lots, nice lawn and flowers. 6900, terms. L. O. PICKELL 16 South Bsrtlett SPECULATOR'S INVESTMENT. 62500 city property psys IT. Csll 1704-R. FOR SALE Almost new home, newly decorated: win sell very reasonsbls or rent to rellsb'.e psrty; by out- or-town owner. Box 806 Tribune. ALMOST NEW HOME for sale on east side. Bos 873 Tt:bune. . CITY snd country properties. RENT- I ALB LOANS INS I RANCE C a uttertleld, 408 Medford BuUdlx FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MEDFORD REALTY BOARD Tour real estete desl Ings are saiagusrtied when you deal with a Realtor. Members Brown At White, lot W. Msin Bt. Rsrald H. Brown. 123 E. Main Bt. Mark A. Ooldy. Inc.. 109 E. Main St. W. J. Roberts. 720 W. xnd Bt. Bo. Ore. Realty Co. 118 N. Rlv. Carl Y. Tengwsld. 124 W. Msin St. LAND st Ls.r.d Ottite 843 8. Central ffOOrtA 18 acres, nice modern pjUvU 4-roora bunttajow wltb sleeping porcn. Beautuui ansae. All kinds of fruit. 14 acres Lsdlno clover. Irrlgsted. 8 mllee from Medlord. About half price. Also m-sere tracts, 8465: 810 down, 810 per month. J. C. BARNES. 30 N. Peach St. Phone 1137-Y. THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE; gas flir- nsce; for ssle by owner. Box 1138 Tribune. FOR SA US Furnished home. ;1600 413 Laurel. FEDERAL LA NO BAKK ' FARMS Convenient terms Lists available at National Farm Loan Office Holly Theatre Building Med ford SMALL PLACE on Jiok Lane .'or .ale. Call 30M-J. 83850. 4 acres Irrlgsted. 4-rooms, bsth, laundry trays, barn, chicken house, woodshed, i tors room, gsr- -.7,, .u.'.f. Ti-.fitlraE FASHION SHOP-Dressmaking age pasture slfs fa, bearing fruit. Remodeling Buttons .nd wamuts. aimonos. strawberries Cow. heifer, wood, furniture, tools. Jars, seperator. 3 miles from court house. Write Box 873. Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Completely equipped rsncb. 43 acres. Be r creek botttm land, gravity now Irrlga Ion, good Improvements; wl'l take csttlte. farm machinery smsll suburbsn or city property. Trib une - kx 967. WHEN you think of real eatete think of Brown At White HOUSES FOR JAl.I in Med ford ar.d surrounding towns Essy tern.a Jsckson County Federal Savings and Loan Assoclstlon ! FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEWTOWN APPLES at Medford Ice As Storage. Dolph Phlpps. PRACTICALLY New, 1000 wstt Delco plsnt. Psld 6537. sell for 6300; terms. Grsnt Powell, Murphy, Ore. FOR SAIJt Good eratn hav tn ahork w. u. uray, 327 OBerlln street, Ash land. FOR SALE or HIRE Dump truck. Phone 369, or 440 Benson St. FOR SALE Combtnstlon gas and wood range: new, 8223; sell for 645. Fourth house esst Lone Pine school. VEGETABLES, melons, gourds, squssh and celery plants. Crster Green house. FLOWER PLANTS, petunls. aster, marigold, ssslysum. snspdrsgon. lobells, sgeratum and other vari eties, also gersnlum and canna llllea plsnts. Crater Greenhouse. FOR SALE Locust fence posts. 417 King. FOR SALE Trailer, 616: used car. In good running condition. 630 Call evenlnga. 343 Mae St. FRESH SALMON EGGS, crabs, ses foods Liberty Msrket. Phone 164. ALL SHRUBS IN STOCK st greatly reduced prices. Csrlton Nursery st Barnum Orchard, 8 miles south on Pacific Highway. FOR SALE Used Electrolux clesner. 1109 w. Msin. Phone 1056. FOR SALE CHEAP Used house electrlo range. Riverside. Weetlng- 336 So. GARDENERS' SUPPLIES Hoes, rakes, shovels, grass hooks, gsrden cultivators, hose, noczles, eto. Check on our prices before buying. Pacific Feed At Seed Co. 17 West fourth As Fir. Medford TWO BOATS FOR SALE. 819 Vi 8. Newtown. INSECT SUPPLIES Bug-geta, Red Arrow, Black Leaf 40, Oreen Leaf, Ant Bait, Ant-B-Oon. also Mole traps and baits Let us supply your needs wltb service. Pacific Feed At Seed Co. Medford, Oregon. FOR POULTRY AND DAIRY FEEDS use Crown Product. We carry the complete ine. Let us supply your needs. Pacific Feed At Seed Com pany, 4th and Fir St, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE A South Bend lathe and counter-shaft snd pulleys. 40" center. 13" swing. Csrl Oentner, 205 West O St.. Grant Psas. FOR SALE LINSEED MEAL, 63 ewt. Monarch Seed At Feed Co. FOB SALE EARWIG BAIT. Kill 'em right now. Monsrcb Seed At FOR SALE ICE-CREAM SALT Brek en lots. Monsrcb Seed ek Feed Co J FOR SALE BERRY HALLOCKS and tnaiiB. Monarch deed as reed co. FOR BALE DAIRY FLY SPRAY, 60c gal. In your container. Monsrcb Seed At Feed Co. : FOR SALE CHLORINATED LISdl 10-Ib. pkg. 6100. save 40. Mon. arch Seed ek Feed Co. ln SALE SNAROL kills slugs over, ! mght. Monerch Seed At Feed Co .FOR SALE-FLOWER PLANTS Lsrg. est stock In town. Monsrcb Seed At Feed Co. OOOD used 7-rt. SUPER-COLD re frigerated dlsplsy esse. Bargain Phone 13. FIRST CUTTING slfslf bsy In shock. Ed Hsnley place. Rose lane 3 BRAND-NEW SPARK oil heaters Bsrgsln price. Pnone 13 PANSY. ZINNIA. ASTER, etc. IOC doa. Vegetable plsnts. 30 Laurel NU-WAY Mattress snd Upholstering Co Phone 393 309 West 8th t PIPE i Pips I Lft: Pipe snd Fittings New and Used rge sicca All sues, uet our price MEDFORD BAftOAIF BOUSE 37 N Graii St Phone 102 I - JACKS 2nd Hand Store, the House , of a Thousand Bsrsslns Hsrneae i spring tooth, pumps, rur- tutus, stoves, at 106 . Orspe. rOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BONO BIRPS ll?7 W Mulri Bt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION and Grocery Store for rent. Poeslbllltlee for garage and feed etore In connec tion. Box 887 Tribune. FOR LEASE btore with living quar ters furnished. Oaa etatlon. doing good business. 823 month includ ing city water. A snsp for right party. Buy stock at Invoice prices. Any land you chance to buy. From me. la sure to satisfy 1 For I have bargains every dsy. And skm to pltese In every way. "Dad" Roberts, 730 W. 2nd. FOR BALE at naif value, on account of alckness. Will sscrtllce the Riverside Apsrtments. 38 rental apartments and 4-room apartment for manager. Best buy In Oregon, and a money.msker. Completely furnished; clear title: good busi ness Phone 4S7-J. MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROLUX AOENCT. Phone 1058 SADDLES Msde to order. Ssddle Shop, orsats Pass. 8th. Gibson 813 So Electrolux Clesnsr Service. Ph 1058 LAWN MOWERS HT9-T machine ground BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dressmaking Buckles covered Room 303. Tel 1181 Nat Bank Bldg Expert Window Cleaner LET JOE DO IT Expert Window Cleaners General bouse cleaners Floor waxing Joe Spence Phone 1173 Houteclaanlng LET OIRARD DO IT Rouseclesmng. pslntlng. .ntetl or decoretlng. floor finishing Phone 31-W INSTRUCTIONS lNSrRUCT!ON--Plsno (modern and classical!, violin, cello, flute, trum pet, trombone Compose, errange ISH BENPRICK Box 4995 Tribune Loans MONEY TO LOAN on modern dwell lngs of Iste construction 89 76 per month per thousand. Low Int erest rate. BROWN ft WHITE. 104 W Main PERSONAL LOANS YOU CAN BORROW $100 If You Can Set Aside $1.68 A WEEK Other Amounts In Proportion. We Are Friendly Confidential Prompt. OREGON FINANCE CO. W E Thomas, Mgr. Lie. No 8-211 45 So. Central. Phone 189 Painting TOM FENTON Painter and Decorator First class work guaranteed. Phone 124 or 1749-Y. IF YOU ENJOY first class pslntlng and psperhsnging in your home csll Frsnk 6 Seen. 1103 W 10th St No Job too large or too smsll Phone 19(13 Radiator Repairing HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE 33 South Bsrtlett. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Long nsrrow opening 6. Msdlclnsl barb 16. At a distance 14. Bark of the paper mul berry II. Old Indian tribe 16. Calmer 17. Teclars II. Helmsman 13. Ca.. forms rocktlali 10. Tropical fruits 13. Brazilian money 14. Oil: aufTlI 15. Aatenak 16 Hidden supplies 11. Bi quiet: ti. Avtv Scotch 13. Figurative nsrrstlve Ik Trunk of a failed tree If. Mak amende 19 God of love 10. Rowing Implement IL Native of a European country 14. Wine vessel 11. Composition for three IT. Australian win) dog Is. Expresv In words . Oaa Solution of Yesterday's Punle A P raB AllDHF A C m stanike 0 B L TjG eWb a JfTj E"; Rl HAjLjL blMLU NJEKK A R OlA j-jG AUAT TM E ,NjQgA C ,H -eMt O El EIS'n'eUb; EAElrTDI H. Pronoun M. by m bol (or noon M Powerful ft Engiih rlvr M Exclamation (0. American Irtitan 1. Kin of do( (4 pupnet Flat cap 9 Lara; plant 70. On liia ocean Tl Uuii of lyrle and amatory poatry ' I3 T rYpfr" iz 13 -m $F 'I "EL H!! MiUl w : '( :, w m. 17 "WW; 2 3' L.,; Ti ., 33 St , ' ',' ZZ ZZZZZ3rZS3r , ff , ',. it) M .) ZlZZZIZZZZZZ Z :j 1 1 1 ; 111 I'5 I I I BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aula Loans ADVANTAGES OF OUR CAR LOAN PLAN 1. No Interest ebaiged In advance 3 Your own Insurance accepted I. Car does not nave to be paid for. 4. You get the dioney In ten min utes. 5 Special low spring payments 6. You deal direct and save money See W E. THOMAS. Manager OREGON FINANCE CO. At Our Mala Offtce 45 South Central. Phone 139. License No. M-317. DRIVE IN AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING SERVICE Deal wltb a southern Oregon owned Independent finance com psny where your needs will receive PERSONAL CONSIDERATION at all t.rr.ea Immediate action I No red tape! Our years of experience Inturee you of the best service DRIVE IN for YOUR coniiuentisi losn Used CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD "DRIVE IN" P. T. "JERRY" YOUNG Motor Investment Company Lie M-374 Phone 159 9th snd Bsrtlett. $20 TO $1,000 On Your Car. 1931 to 1940 Model ears and light trucka 1 to 18 Months to Repsy CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H. BROWN AOENCY Agent 133 Esst Msin M-336 Phone 807 CAR LOANS Bolve your financial proolems by reflnsncing jt borrowing LOANS ON CARS 1933-1939 Ttl-State Acceptance Corp. License M-J53 MARK A. GOLDY 109 E Msin. Phone 728 Roofing WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof Pabco Roofinge. Shingles. Coatings snd Pslnte. Wall Paper Ekerson Pslnt and Roof Co.. 88 So Bsrtlett. Tel 243. Slocks and Bonds ONLY STOCK TICKER service In Oregon outside of Portlsnd con tinuous quotations during tnsrket hours. M N Hogan Ai Co.. 314 E Main St.. Medford Transfer FURNITURE MOVING AND STOR AGE We hsve Vsn moving equip ment tor local and long dlstsnce hsullng. Dry snd clesn storage (concrete building) with specie) locker rooms st low rates. SAMbON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Pbone 833 CITY TRANSFER As STORAGE CO Household moving snd general hsullng 29 8. Orape. Phone 3050 day cr night. DAVI8 TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fir Street Insured Camera Local and Long Dlstanoe Hauling Pbone 644 EADS TRANSFER At STORAGE CO Offices 16 South Fir Phone 816 Prices right. Service guaranteed Cross -Word Puzzle I. Nothing 6 Lete: coma. form I Pandant S7. Liquid part of a fat H Kali birda 29. Indolonr 10 Oray wltb aff I J, Stylo of numeral 14. .Balaian yoim1at I, liraunga 15. Ancient 41 Troublo makar 41 eMemoianda 46. European bird 50. Wort hi. M laaving at a mal 11 Peanut 51. DoMda t7 fathara Bt Fimt man ftt Stocking tl. klaatura tl. Padai xtrareltlaa tl Paittval 6ft. OraiRland 6T. Silkworm tt. Knock Tl Old Engllaa court Tl. Avrf 74 Mor matur 7. Princir Ital ian bOUM DOWN 1. Daifr wound t. MoItn rock 1 Nt Zealand hedg laural ft Olvlda I Ooridftn of dlarord Ir LEGAL NOTICES Citation In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackaon County. In the Matter of the Estate ol Mae Baglow Rankin, deceased. To Alice Woodward, Ida M. Mill! gan, Mildred Shlnno and Wayne Blgelow, and to all other devlaeee and heirs unknown. U any such there be, of the above named Mae Baglow Rankin, deceased. In the Nsme of the Btete of Oregon: You ere hereby commended to appear before the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County within ten dsys from the date of the service of this citation upon you If served upon you per sonslly In Jsckson County. Oregon, or if personsllv served upon you within sny other County of the Stste of Oregon, then within twenty dsys from the dste of the service of this citation upon you. or If served by publicstlon then within twer.ty-elght osys irom tne dste of tne first pub licstlon of this cltstlon. which dste of first publicstlon of this citation is tne 7tb dsy of May. 1940. and then and there show cause, If sny exists, why sn order should not be msde authorising and directing ths sdmlnlstrator of the above estate to eel! all the following described real property belongtne. to aald eataw, at private ssle, to-wlt: Lot One (1) Block Seventy-five (751 origins! townslte of Medford, Jsckson County. Oreeon. and the following personal property located on the above described real property: 1 dresser. 1 small table. 1 heater. 1 rocker. 1 couch. 1 Monarch stove. 1 smsll kitchen stove. 1 bedstead. 1 old dresser, 1 bedstead and snrln.vs, 1 deer hea-, 1 goat. 4 ehalra. 1 rocker, 1 bedsteed. 1 dresser. I dsy cot. 1 brsss bed snd springs. 1 mantel clock. 1 dining tsble, a chairs, oil panting and frame. 3 unpalnted chslrs, 1 best In stove. 3 Ironing boards 1 lswn mower. 3 shovels. 1 hoe. 1 sx. 1 ssw Witness, mv hsnd and the seal of the above entitled Court affixed thl 6h day of Msy, 1940. (SEAL) O. R. CARTER. County Clerk for Jackson County, Oregon. f H Beneston. Administrator. McLeod McLeod, May 21. Spl.) McLeod Extension unit met at the home of Mrs. Violet Dita- worth May 15 with covered dish luncheon at noon. Mrs. Ma bel Mack gave lessons on floor finishing. The following were elected to office for 1041: pres ident, Mrs. Zella Tullls; vice president. Mrs. Caroline Hard ing; secretary, Mrs. Clara Dlts worth; treasurer, Mrs. Maude Ditsworth; librarian, Mrs. Erma Beddingfield. Present were Mrs. Mabel Mack, Mrs. Zella Tullis, Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. Erma Bed dingfield, Mrs. Veda Neville, Mrs. Pattie Clemens, Mrs. Pearl Bendure, Mrs. Caroline Hard ing and the hostess, Mrs. Violet Ditsworth. Mrs. Leo Roeg ha returned to her home her after ssversl weeks visit Ing relatives In Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Lester West of Port lsnd are spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Bed dingfield here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hsrdlng. Sr . and son and Mrs. Zolla Tullls attend ed baccalaureate services In the Med ford senior high school May 18. Mrs. Plora Parser of Pocatello, Ida ho, la visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. Jess Oerber of Elk Creek. Nova Hastings hs returned home after spending month at The Dalles with his son. Mrs. Also Levin and children are moving to Dairy, Oregon, to Join Mr. Levin. Ml aa Alice Brill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brill, played her vio lin In a recital Msy 30 at Medford high school. Mrs. Ruth Proctor waa hostess at a stork shower May 16 at her home honoring Mrs. Alberta Chamberlain Present were the Meedsmes: John Vlnoent, Duke Seusekln, Jack Oore. Hate! Pulls. Tresala Vaughn, Zella Tullls. Oeneva McKlnaey, Helen Ax- tell. Nellie and Alberta Chsmberlaln. Helen Doek. Byrd Pence, Mrs. Hunt er, Ida Sturgts, Plossl Parser, Ollle Huston, Zella Ditsworth, Mildred Chlldreth, Kettle and Bettle Ash, Mlae Oroone and Ruth Proctor. Msy 17 wss laal day of school for Elk Creek pupils. There was a big picnic lunch at noon. The 4-H elub had a booth with Ice cream, candy, gum and sod pop, the money to be used to aend a delegat to summer school at Corvsllls in June. The teacher helped the children put on a splendid program, Including folk dancing. Jean Ann Chouehasky re ceived an award for perfect attend ance, others receiving awards were Robert Crowell, Raymond Mulllns. Donsld Young, Buddy Nethsrlsnd, Robert, Dorothy and Oen Phillips, Raymond Sinclair . Howard Wtmer. Carl Proctor, Virginia Huffman. Benny Ash, Inea St. Clslr. Oeorge Jewell, Esrl Messlcar, Barbara Pry, Joan Artel!. Oen Ditsworth and Wilds Beddingfield. Phoenix Phoenix, May 21. (Spl) Home Extension Unit will meet Friday at 10 a., m. at the R. A. Reedy home for an all-day meeting on the subject: "Floor Finishing." This Is an Import ant meeting and all members are urged to attend, bringing a bottle with a cork, and a small jar with lid. A covered dish luncheon will be served at noon and those attending are asked to bring either a dessert or salad. This meeting was origin ally scheduled for last Friday but dua to conflicting dates had to ba changed. Among those from Phoenix who motored to Medford last Wednesday to hear the Kath leen Norrls lecture were Mrs. M. F. Sheet and Mrs. Morgan. Meteorological Report Furfraiti Medford and Tlclnlty: Partly cloudy tonight and Wedneaday, tmpratur abova normal. Oregon: Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday with foga on tha coaat, temperatura abova normal In tha in terior, gentla variable wind oft tht cotut. Loral Data Temparatura tt year ago today: higheat 66. loweat 44. Total monthly precipitation. -49 Inch?; deficiency for tha month, J I Inchea. Total precipitation tinea Septem ber 1, 1939, 33 36 Inchea; aiceaa for tha aeason, 5 28 Inchea. Relative humidity at ft p, m. yt terday 30 percent; 0 a. m. today 74 percent. Tomorrow: tunrlaa 4:44 a. m., tun aet 7:31 p. m. Observations Taken at 4:30 a. n. 120 Meridian Time. "II u u hs a s is H S Bolae . Boa ton .00 PCIoiidy .10 Cloudy JS Rail J7 Rain .00 P Cloudy .00 P Cloudy .00 Cloudy M P Cloudy Jl Cloudy M Cloudy .00 Clear 10 P Cloudy .00 P Cloudy .00 p Cloudy .00 P cloudy .00 P Cloudy Chicago Denver , Eureka Havre , Lot iVngelea... 73 Medtord . 85 New York Omaha Phoenix . Portlsnd , Reno Roseburg Salt Lake . 70 , 83 . 86 . 78 . 87 . 80 . 78 San Pranelseo 6 Seattle 70 Spokane 78 Wash., D. C B Wens tehee 78 48 .00 Clear sa M Clear 63 3.88 P Cloudy 60 .00 Clear THE GRANGE Lake Creak Grange An Interesting program at the last meeting of Lake Creek Grange, honoring Mother's Day and National Music Week, open ed with singing by the Grange, accompanied by Wanda Wyant, piano, and Leland Charley, trombone. Roll call was answer ed by "Our Mother's Favorite Remedy." Claus Charley, wno started a presentation of the "Village Blacksmith" was forced to allow Reed Charley to com plete it. Other numbers were by Claus Charley: Violin selec tions by Grank Simpson, with George Brown at the piano; Mas ter Mary Moore, seated on the stage piecing a quilt, was hon ored as the oldest mother pres ent, with a solo by Mabel Brown, accompanied by Wanda Wyant, piano, and Leland Charley, trom bone, and was presented gift and bouquet of flowers by tiny Charmaine Charley, who then played violin selections, accom panied by Wanda Wyant. An article on the food stamp plan in Washington was read by Lec turer Ellyn Charley.' Other mothers were honored and pre sented bouquets by Charmaine Charley, Mabel Brown as a charter member mother; Nora Bradshaw as mother present with largest number of children in Grange, and Clara Wllhlte as newest mother member. "Medi tation on Today's Mothers" was given by Myrtle Charley, Gwen dolyn Bradshaw, Mary Moore, Dick Bradshaw, Ellyn Charley, Charmaine Charley, Betty Brad' shaw and Anna Tonn. Another dance, with music by Earl's Rhythm Makers, will be given in Grange hall May 25. Lunch will be served by Home Economics Committee of the Grange. nlllESlLLSM Los Angeles, May 21. UP) The Anglo-French purchasing commission plans to spend more than $400,000,000 In the Pacific coast area for airplanes and munitions. Sir Louis Beale, as sistant commission chairman, said today. He declared Great Britain and France are "buying every plane they can get their hands on." determined to put into ac tion an air force of overwhelm ing numbers, and a large por tion of these ships will come from southern California. PHILIP LOWRY TO KEEP 1940 CLASS PRESIDENCY University of Oregon. Eu gene. May 21. Spl.) Philip Lowry, Medford, president of the senior class at tha Univers ity of Oregon, has been named by classmates as permanent president of the class of 40 Lowry' was also named a fed' eratlon directorate to help plan and carry out a summer pro gram of University activities In different communities. Lowry, a graduate of Med' ford high school. Is a senior majoring in law at the Univers ity. He is tha son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Lowry. LODGE NOTICES CRATER LAKI CHAPTER. No iJ. ft A. 11 Stated eonvocstlon May at. R. L BARTON, R. P. CARPESTIRS LOCAL. J081. meet A. f. of L Hall first snd thud rMdsy esrh mootb. Visiting inembete wel come. AT THE National Capitol WITH John W. Kelly CONTINUED PROM PAOBONl fers them. These securities will be redeemed from taxes col lected from the people of the United States, and to that ex tent Americans are furnishing sinews of war to Hitler. Similar loot may have been, and prob ably was, taken by the Germ ans In Belgium and Luxem bourg, but in smaller amount. President Roosevelt was freez ing credits but Hitler was grab bing cash, which he needs. This story is authentic. It la an eye-witness account and ap pears In print for the first time. PRESIDENT Roosevelt has re- quested congress to appro priate $896,000,000 for national defense (authorize $286,000,000 more) and what Mr. Roosevelt asked as an appropriation is on ly $246,000,000 more than tha sum Hitler seized and American ! taxpayers must eventually pay to the dictator. Of course, the United States cannot repudiate any of Its securities which Hit ler may acquire, regardless of how he gains possession of them. But the part the Ameri can taxpayer Is playing in tha blitzkrieg is strikingly revealed when the Holland loot Is com pared with the defense fund Mr. Roosevelt wants. The assessed valuation of tha taxable property in Oregon la about $742,000,000, or only 92 million dollars more than those securities swiped In Holland. , WHEN congress comes to discus sion of what to us for money for th presidents request, expect a long debat and Innumerable schemes, some decidedly crackpot. Within an hour after th president's message on senator suggested a horl aontal Increas of 10 percent on everyone paying an Income tax; aa other advanced a sale tax. Oregon McNary argvsd that th burden should fsll on those who will make) th profits out of th defense pro gram orders slrcraft, powder, mo tor, steel, gun factories snd op posed distributing th load on th people who are not being financially benefited. Th tas problem will be a head ache for th next session unleas th war In Europe should be over by that time and th defense program bo slowed down a remote contingency. R. ROOSEVELT wants 1100,000,- 000 at once, to use a b see fit, snd sn authorization for another 6100,000,000 blank checks for 1300, 000.000. In th war with Spain Presi dent McKlnley asked for 860.000.000 and people were shocked to think of a president having that much money at his commsnd. In th world war President Wilson received 8100.000,- 000 and about all there la to show for that Is tn veterans' Attminlstre-. Hon building a few hundred fee from the White Hous. What Mr. Roosevelt hs tn mlna with hi 6300.000.000 hs not been revealed and he probably has no def inite program worked out. However, as he talked a few months ago of a military highway from th Col um Ma rl ver aouUi, along th Pacific high way, and a military highway along th Columbia to Bolae, hs could us sotn of th funds for that purpose. Or develop th proposed highway to Alaska. see rra president has never been aa serious a when he delivered hi message. He appeared tired, espec ially his ayes, and bis finger fumb led aa he adjusted his glasses to read the triple-spaced typed lines of th document. Always before he Joshed with th committee eecortlng him to ths Joint assembly; calling th member familiarly by their first names On this dramatic occasion he 814 nothing, and read his messag with out resort to thsatrlc dsllvsry which he can us so stfseUvety. Ae the) president spoke of preparations sgslnst war, splotches of erlmeoa could be seen on th ooete of burs- ' dred of men In th audience. It waa poppy day. reminder of th Ameri can expeditionary fore when th United State fought a war to and all war. LOANS OH HOMES , MMirORU DISTRICT Variable Interest FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS g) LOAN ASSN. OP MKIIPORD I? Mortis Hollf