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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1940)
PAGE ELEVEN Want to Buy, Sell o r Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! r MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MED FORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1940. i Read evry ad on this Pg rou tu prooaoly find xctl the thing rou nave Ma loot' lag for or a ea or trad for unused ertid rou may nave Search four tueo tor-room rou but Rod out thing otbera ar ttng and m sol to realise immediate cub U hit you want lent bare, advertise for it TrlDun Clas sified Ad ere inexpensive ellectlvel RATES Per word first tnwrtloi (Minimum tsc) Each additional Insertion, per word g (Minimum Wc m tin per month wltbout copy Changs ' CASH or money order must ae company all mail order classified adi. LOST AND FOUND LOST Black r " purw on South Central. Return to Ray's Market. Reward. FOUND Rose colored suede glow. Mall Tribune. REPORT lost ou. sniuisl cruelty cases Humane Society Phone 1' WANTED MALE HELP 6TEADY WORK GOOD PAY RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on . , T.y.u.nn mumv. No ex perience or capital required. Write nm .......aH St.. Oakland. Calif. RELIABLE MAN take care store route. New plan of distribution. Inline H At W. Nut CO., St. Paul, Minn. tir avTrrt Fmerienced SALESMEN WADrJVhnfJ?i with proved jKcord of aalca abil ty. Permanent position with car wnicn la leader In ita field. Automobile experience not essential. wimnniitlDn nlan. State sales ' experience. Our men know of this ad. Address Bos 833 Tribune. WANTED An experienced r a n e h hand. Single man. R. V. Beau. B-all Lane WANTED FEMALE HELP FREE DRESSES for yourself snd up to 623 weekly showing famous Fashion Frocks. Not house to house. No Investment. Write fully giving ace and dresa size. FASH ION FROCKS, Dept. V-8648, CIN CINNATI, O. WANTED Girl for light housework, care of small child. Call st 332 Weat Sixth mornings. MALE AND FEMALE HELP 830 WEEKLY. OROW MUSHROOMS. Cellar, shed. We buy 3SC lb. 40-PAGE BOOK FREE. Mushrooms, Dept. 404, 1927 Third, Sesttle, Wash. COUPLE WANTED for ranch work. Box 1168 Trl bu ne. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By mlddle-ased American widow, ear of Invalid, convales cent or light housekeeping. Call S88-J. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WILL PUT UP HAY on aharea. Charles B. Cook. Rt. 4. Box 236, Fern Valley, Medford. WANT 6500 for on year. Pay 10. Well secured. Box 80S Tribune. WANTED 86.000: will pay 8 Wtn. first mortgar 600 acr sheep ranch, rrlbune Box 1180. WILL car for children, night or day. 1139 W. Main. COMMERCIAL SPRAYINO Phone F. E. SAMSON CO 838. Work don by McOonagl. WANTED Cow to pasture Clarsne Arnold Rt. 4. Box 484. Buckahot Hill road LAWNMOWER3 SHARPENED, work guaranteed Call and jerver Mas Floyd'e Phone 320 332 N river aide Mak your old mower Ilk new WELL DRILLING- 61 SO per ft first 60 ft., etc. 1. M Dodg. 6)8 King WANTED Wool, mohair, hides snd pelt Medford Bargain Houa. 37 North Orap St Phon 1063. Rt PAY MORIS CASH For Your Furniture BARNF.Ht RO AMREW8 6th and Front. Phon 847 WANTED Dressmaking, alteratlona Kathertn SstterLie, Singer Shop 33 South Orape BESY PRICES PAID "or Your '.'rntture. EAD9 riRMTIRi Phon 1I81- HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID For Your Furniture MKI1KORI1 BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Ors-e St Phone l"62 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR PENT Cory 8-room pertly fur nnhed houf. call 31 Hssel St. north nesr Big Y Market. FOR PENT During June and July a compltteiy furnished country home Jut outside city llmita. Very reasonable to responsible person. Phone 403 -J-S Monday. FOR RENT Furnished I -room mod ern cabin Inquire Dark s Oro)ery. Stewsrt Ave. and Thomas Road. FOR PENT Nw 4 -room house, fully fiirnn.u,d 27 50. water paid. Vic tor C. Sether. FOR RENT 5-room house, in excel lent condition. S'.eepirg porch, double -7ra?e. !awn. trees t2t 50, wster p-l. Inquire 516 So. Ivy. FOR PENT- Modern 134 BtAik 8tv room house. rOH RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished houe. cut id. aim unfurnished bout, tnt Bid. "DAD" ROBERTS. 730 W. 2nd. ATTRACTIVE 6-room modern home. furnished; for mmmer months Box ine Tribune. 4-BOOM furnished house with bath Close In. 122 60. water paid. L. O Pirkell, 1 S. Bartlett. CaU 865 or 1J80-J. FOR RENT New fl-room fur- nisbed duplei: electric stove. Prig Idalre. fare, laundry room, lawn Reasonable. 208 8. Ivy or Inquire 711 King St. FOR RENT 6-room furnished bouse. 838 Haven. TOR RENT Af ARTMENTS FOR RENT 3-roora furnished apart ment. S3 No. peacn. FOR RENT 2-room furnished apart ment. Adult, a Laurel. TWO-ROOM APARTMENT, kitchen ette, bath. 818 So. Oakdala. Key 718 So. Oakdale. FOR RENT Upstairs apartment, modern, private bath, garage. Adulta. 834 N. Bartlett. FURNISHED 2 and 8-room apart ments; also house. Adulta. 604 West 10th. FURNISHED Al-ARTMENT. prlvst bath. Frigldslrs. 808 W. Main. FOR RENT Furnished. Hotel Hol land apartments. Electrlo range Frlgldalre. OE BAUER APTS 8th at Oakdale Prestige, courtesy, with comfort able modern home Furnished or unfurnished Moderate prices By dsy. week or month. Phone 718-Y HOUSEKEEPINO mond. ROOMS. 22 Al- APARTMENT FOR RENT Small furnlebad apartment. 6iower. Hot and cold water paid. Steam beat. 2 closets. Cabinet space. In Mall Trib une Building Apply at busi ness office Mall Trlbuns. APARTMENT FOR RENT Reason able and quiet. Call at 383 Scenic Drive, Aahland. PRUTTT Apta.. over Honoways Groc ery. 119 N Central. Ph 1415 or 33 MualcRadlo Center. . . . - -. n -,. ,- MODERN furnished apartment, heat. hot water. Electrolui. garage. 10 Quince at. FARMERS es Frultgrowera Bank apartments. 3 rooms and bath. ga heat Inquire 217 West th FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Very desirable room with private bath; lor gentleman, looi W. Main. PLEASANT SLTEPINO ROOM rent. 33 no. Peach. FOR RENT Furnished room, close In. Home privileges. Board If desired. 141 So. Holly. COMFORTABLE housekeeping room end bedroom. Close In. 337 N. . Central. FOR RENT Well furnished sleeping room. 335 So. Riverside. FURNISHED house. 130 ROOM, nesr 8. Laurel. FURNISHED room tor rent, hot and ' cold water In room. Garage. 11 8. Orange. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, 404 8. Grape. FOR RENT Room, 62 80 week, vat entrance. 408 Edwards. Prl- FOR RENT BOARD ROOM ROOM and BOARD- -NIC clean room with twin beds, suitable for two. Phon 843-J. 822 So. Oakdal. ROOM AND BOARD 716 E. 61 per day. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE STATION and Grocery Store for rent. Poaalbllltl for garage and feed store In connec tion. Box 867 Tribune. PIANOfl POH HENT 62.50 month. B. J. Palmer. Telephone 108, Central Point FOR RENT Stor building and two office rooms See Al Llttrsll or Rolsnd Hubbsrd. FOR BALL POULTRY FOR SALE 16 R. I. Red laying bens. Ressonsble. Kettleweli's. Phone 862-J-3 rOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fresh cow. D. P. Dug gsn. Sams Vslley, Rt. 1, Centre! Point. FOR SALE or TRADE Young Guern sey bull, ft months old. CaU Sunday or evenings after 6:30. Jack Blcklsr, Box 137-A, Spring St. FOR 8AL8: A good ssddle mere: cow. fresh sbout June 1st; fst hogs, feeder hogs. Corcoran. Ross Lane. FOR SALE Two heifers, lust fresh. Tel. 447-J-3. FOR BALE Durhsra-Jerney milk cow. fresh, a. A. Hsnsen. Brownsboro. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Adjoining Mac's Mark ft. North Pacific High' way. FOR SALE I milk cows and 1 year ling Durham bull. Inquire Mann. 4 Corners Station, Midway Road REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE SWINE Brood sows, open gilts, boars, ajid weanera. Complete herd to be sold at once, at private treaty. W. H Hamana th Bona, Rogue River. Own FOR SALEDOGS AND PETS AIRDALE PUPPIES for sale. Phone 7C7.J I7fr Msin FOR SALE RLAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lease on Service Station. pumpa. restaurant, 3 cabins, good living quarters, shady camp site; good going buln Clarn over I20O month now. M7$ ctJi; stock and equmnt. 5 mi'.cs south j Oregon Li&e, Highway M. I FOR SALE REAL, ESTATE I RAVE three good residence prop erties In Jacksonville. Or., all clear of debt and rented to good partiea. will trade for property closer nome. or will sell. L. B- Morse, Browns ville. Oregon. run SAUK A real Bargain: o-nm, . SZr eSSZ' ..r. eL school, o'wne, go.n, W, take uii moofli car. touu price, iew. 40 fterM clot in. trd for larger ranch. Total ptic, 91500. Alio mall houses and S lota. Total price, 1600. U5 cash A. W. WALKER Tel. Ala 417 E. Main. FOR SALE 35-acre ranch Just out good barn, two wells and electric pumps. Alfalfa and pasture land. Known as the EMrabeth Leever place. CaU H. G- Enders, Ashland FOR SALE OR RENT Modern house. 3 bedrooms, ltnen closet, enclosed back porch. Call at 1405 N. River aide or phone 1341. A BAROAIN 150 -acre ranch, good buildings, road, free water. Crop tn. 6 miles from town. Wilt trade. Terms. Write May Butpbln, Route 4, Box 183-B. Medford. WEEK-END SPECIALS For Bale Very desirable 8-room modern furnished house: fireplace, hardwood floors. Paved street, lovely shade. East side. 92500. Party leaving. Also 5-room modern, furnished house, clone In, 91400. 9300 down. Also 6-room unfurnished, modern, plastered house. Paved atruet, cement foundation. Another anapl 91350. Can get 91000 loan. Bal ance to suit. Also 4 -room modern house, lovely lot, east front, garage, woodshed. 91000. 9300 down; balance terms. Also 5-room modern house, basement. 1 acre all In cultivation, city water. Real sacrifice. $900. 9300 or more down: balance to ault. Clear of all Incumbrances. Z ain't mad at nobody. Rope no body's mad at me. So I guess that's why you otta buy your Real Estates from me 11 And If you have some land to sell, you bet I'll do that quite as well!! "DAD" ROBERTS, 730 W. Snd. FOR BALE B-room plastered house with bath, newly decorated, large screenfd-ln porch, corner lot, 8 English walnut trees. Priced at 8180O. terras, or woud accept car as part pavment. L. Q. P1CKELL, 16 So. Bartlett. FOR SALE Furnished home, 413 Laurel. .1800 CITY and country properties. RENT ALS. LOANS. INSURANCE. C 8 Buturfleld. 408 Medford Building FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS Convenient terms Lists avails me at National Farm Loan Office Holly Theatre Building Medford FOR SALE 200 acres tn Williams Creek, Oregon. Modern 7-room house, running water. 70 acres tillable. Wl" accept amall Improved acreage In exchange as pavment. Sacrifice. Phone 10-F-ll, Medford SMALL PLACE on 3oss Lsn Cor -ale. Csll 3094-J. $5000 Very attractive suburban home In excellent condi tion. larne living and dining room, large fireplace, two bedrooms and two Insulated and Inclosed sleep ing porches, bath with base tub and shower, kitchen with lots of butlt-lns, service porch, oil heat, garage 40x36 with concrete floors, barn and pasture. Large spacious grounds with beautiful shade trees and shtubs. Irrigated and also city water. Walking distance to hWh ad grade school. Price Includes 500 worth of new m. Terms. ELMER HERRIED Exclusive Agent. No. 4 N. Bartlett St. Phone 1406 or 1613-J. FOR 8 ALE fl-rooni modern bouse, furnished or unfurnished, nice lawn and flowers, at 616 So. Ivy. Owner at bouse. 3650. 4 acres trrlgaved. 4-rooms. bath, laundry trays, barn, chicken house, woodshed, storeroom, gar age, pasture, alfalfa, bearing fruit, walnuts, almond. strawberries. Cow, heifer, wood, furniture, tools. Jars, aeperator. 3 miles from court house. Write Box 072, Tribune. FOR BAlfc OR TRADE Completely equipped ranch, 46 acres. Be r creek bottrm land, gravity How Irrlga Ion, good Improvements; wlU take cattlte, farm machinery, small suburban or city property. Trib une Jox 957. 160 ACRE ranch, all fenced: good buildings: 63 acres tn oats and clover; 4 acres Ladino clover: first water right. Compute price M.000 2500 will handle. V,. H Ramana & Sons, Rogue River. Oregon. WHEN yon think of real estate think of Brown White ROUSES FOR 3A1.I rn Medford and surrounding towns Easy tern.s Jackson County Pedertl Savings and Loan Awocstlon FOR EXCHANGE Hl EtUl SELL OR TRADE for city property In Medford. amall farm In western Lane county. Modem house, 10 acres, orchard, garden, good river land, mountain spring water. Ideal for retired couple. Call at 323 W. Sixth mornings. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity in both city income or Improved 6 acres. Consider trailer house, good car or what have you close. Box 901 Tribune. ; roR SALE OR TRADE 160 acre unimproved mountain ranch. Free range. 8 turn page value of timber wlf .rt Box TMi-une FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE or trade for oows Dodge screen side delivery. Low mileage, good shape. Also standing clover. vox m spring at. U3T 8TUDEBAKER Coupe. Srand- new motor. Tnere ts seldom an opportunity to buy ft used car of equal qualit -M&6 1037 CHRYSLER Sedan. This car completely reconditioned A ride win convince you 653S AUTO SALES k LOAN Corner 4th and North Riverside 136 FORD 60 Tudor, only i o ww mnea.. .40S . 295 - 945 1637 Chevrolet Coupe. 1636 Chevrolet Coo-e. 1939 rorrt fUf--, AUTO ;..L1. ,V LOAN Corner 4 th aod Korth Rlvtralda FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES I NO INTEREST! NO FINANCE CHAROES! X will pay your Interest snd Flnsnce Chargca on the following Used Cars. May IS to May 28, Inclusive: "rmouth Sedsn. blu. finish... ! fVX? 795 560 575 445 475 445 I 37 Nash Sedan, ovsrdrlva, bed... 139 DocUe Coupe 97 Ford Coupe .... . 1 37 Lafayette Sedan.. 9fl Ford Convertible ! 35 Ford Coupe, reconditioned motor - ,35 Bulrk 2 -door Special series., j 34 Chevrolet Master C""p .,, (33 Pont lac a -door - . 795 , 345 . 325 , 15 , 285 35 Ford Sedan ., IT '"ZTII Chevroleta. J. O. COOICSEY Cockney's Used Car Lot Ninth and Bartlett BETTER USED CARS 37 CHRYSLER Royal Sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive. 37 CHEVROLET Master Sedan. New rubber, low mlleafre. 36 OLDS 6 DeLuxe Sedan Ready to go. Low mileage. 36 FORD Coupe. Runs and looks like new. 9 rubber. 34 CHEVROLET 3 -Door Sedan. Ra dio, heater, spotlight. Best buy In town. 34 FORD Coupe. Oood motor, paint and tires. MEDFORD OARAGE Oldsmoblle Sales and Service 131 North Bartlett. Phone (537. OPEN EVENINGS EXCEPTIONAL 1940 Chevrolet pick up, low mileage. cars priced to 8100. 811 down and amall weekly payment. Call Brlngle, Miles, or Wilson at Rogue River Chevrolet. "35 FORD DeLuxe Coupe good tires, good pslnt. good mechsnlcal con dition. Special this week only. 8337 Bank terms arranged. Phone 886 1836 DODOE TRUCK (brown llpe equloped) and wentwln Trailer 8875 Allls Chslmers Tractor with Ateoo Hydraulic Dozer..... 83660 AUTO BALKS & LOAN Corner 4th and North Riverside QUALITY USED CARS 1938 Zephyr Coupe Heater and ra dio, tires, like new throughout. $895 1939 Mercurv Paint, upholstery like new, guaranteed ....iaw 1937 Zephyr Fordor Hfater and radio; excellent condition 745 1936 Zephyr Heater and Columbia axle. A wonderful buy 6596 1938 Ford Fordor New paint, seat covers, gooa tires, an reconot t toned 8525 1938 Ford Tudor New paint, extra gooa tires. line upholstery, low mileage, thoroughly recondi tioned 8535 1938 Ford 60 Coupe Like new, ex cellent condition, guaranteed, low mlleaee 6495 1933 Plymouth Sedan A real buy t 9185 Model A Fords and Chevrolet ...845 and up aim sood - buya In Truck and Pickups. C. B. GATES AUTO CO. USED CAR LOT No. Central and 4th St FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MODERN, used, electric range and refrigerator. Phone 1332-W. FOR SALE Trailer, 815; used ear. in good running condition, 630. Call evenings. 343 Mse St. TWO OAS ENGINES, lust over- overhauled. for stationary use. Hot-Point electric rantre. Will sell cheaply or trade for calve. W. L. Oreen leaf. Central Point. FOR SALE Cull potatoes and Red wood poets, also black oak wood. Pine Tree Auto Camp, north of Central Point. FRESH SALMON EGGS, crabs, sea food. Liberty Market. Phone 164. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L. Jumps i. Make Into Itsther a. Stake for roast- n:g meat it Wicked 15. Daughter of Cadmua 14. Source of sugar 16. Obstinate non compliance 15. Male ducks 19. Large arteries 10. For example: abbr. 11. riait IS. Alack ti Lata 14, Money given for small services f. Canine animal 10. CompostUoua for on IL American humorlit Solution of Yesterday's Puntt ILiAiTiHrgP'A P SHAlLlP fotmlgAE bEMAfflk E ' A I P. MiOfslT ag:AlTTQiWE.!wl!s aTiOre'SMAU R E toA v e is Eono: TjA P Eift S O N A;l.gSiP;EtD S.E NSraRXiO'EliK llTiE ENSl 15. Be urier obll- 5s Hon or 14. blactf bird IS Nourish II. Note of the scale IT. Place where the current runs fast 16. Concealed 14. Not imparting knowledge 44. Unaapl rated 47. Corrode 45. Bon or Seta 4 Pitcher 60. Coloting agsnt (L Give of? fumea L Assemblage of cam ' ia i3 r if i4 17 Pf if i" 'l 'mi w IS li J -j-- 7-r- -rrrr- rr- -rn r7r , ',: .'(' ': ' ' ' Wi j, ,, , .-ty "UULJMlL Sin Hi '"( if;, 2f PlUS n Jf ';.4 . l -sfesisoo soa CJ.f 44 45 1 ' ' ' i.i ' i ri i i i rOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ALL SHRUBS IN STOCK at greatly reduced prices. Carlton Nursery at Barnum Orchard. 3 tulles south on Pacific Highway. FOR SALSUsed Electrolux. 1 109 W. Main. Phone 10541. FOR SALE First crop alfalfa Bill Bowman. Ross Lane. hay. FOR SALE Sea Ktng outboard 4 h p. 403 Park, after 6 p. m. FOR SALE CHEAP Use J house electrlo rYv. Riverside. Wetln SJ5 So OAPDENERS' SUPPLIES Hoes, rakes, shovels, grasa hooka, garden cultivators, hose, nozslee, etc. Check on our prices before buying. Pacific Feed b Seed Co. 17 West rtourth fe Fir. Medford FOR BALE Logging Trailer, perfect condition, complete equipment, tires size 8 -35" 30, nearly new. Bar gain price 8398 PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Truck Headquarters TWO BOATS FOR SALE. 319V, 8. Newtown. SALE of MOTOR OIL While It Leate. Western Oil, gallon 39o, Eastern "m, gallon 69c. In Your Container. LEWIS SUPER SERVICE STATION DRY FIR Big double load 87. All kinds of fuel at city ruei Lumber Co. 622 South Central. Phone 93. TRAILER, reasonable; 3-wheel., ball and socket bitch. Oood tires. 413 East Main. 1914-J. INSECT SUPPLIES Bug-geta, Red Arrow, Black Leaf 40, Oreen Leaf. Ant Bait, Ant-B-Qon. also Mole traps and baits. Let us supply your needs with service. Pacific Feed fe Seed Co. Medford, Oregon. FOR POULTRY AND DAIRY FEEDS use Crown Products. We carry the complete line. Let ua supply your needs. Pacific Feed fe Seed Com pany, 4th and Fir St.. Medford. Ore. FOR BALE A South Bend lathe and counter-shaft and pulleys. 40" center, 13" awing. Carl Oentnar. 305 West O St., Grant pasa. FOR SALE LINSEED MEAL, 63 CWt. Monarch Seed 4s Feed Co. FOR SALE EARWIO BAIT. Kills 'em right now. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE ICE-CREAM SALT Brok en lots. Monarch Seed Ac Feed Co. FOR SALE BERRY HALLOCKS and CRATES. Monarch Seed it Feed Co. FOR SALE DAIRY FLY SPRAY. 0C gal. in your container. Monarch Seed 4s Feed Co. FOR SALE CHLORINATED LIMB, 10-lb. pkg. 6100. Save 40. Mon arch Seed b Feed Co. FOR SALE SNAROL kills slugs over night. Monarch Seed it Feed Co. FOR SALE FLOWER PLANTS Larg est stock In town. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Common dry land al falfa seed. Sudan grasa seed. E. B Luraa. 14 miles north of Beagle post office. INDIANA Baltimore tomato plants 30 Laurel. NICE TRAILER HOUSE for cheap. Inquire Cbastaln's Nur sery. FOR SALE Large child's crib and studio couch. 631 Park. FOR SALE 6 h. p. outboard motor, cruiser type boat; trailer with apare tire. 839 Mae. ALBERS PROVEN FRYER RATION, 62.60. Medford Feed and Seed. 4tb and Fir. Phone 1795. GOOD used 7-ft. SUPER-COLD re frigerated display case. Bargain. Phone 12. Cross-Word Puzzle 8. Stp descent or decllvitj 9. Breath quickly 10. Peruvian Indian 1L Oolf mounds 18. Support for furniture 11. yuartsr acres St. cold dish SS. Bustla 71. Softly St 8sasun for naa SS. Disturbed . 28. Sailor ST. Arttflclal sltUng 50. Sows 14. Small wheat SS. Consisting of emallr particles 51. Rest nous sutxtanee ST. Regulation SB. A (rent i 18. Evergreen tree 4a til lsn t 41. Cattle 41. Cry of the ancient bacchanals 4S Writing labia 44. Bum I. Above 8. printer maur 4. Quanebea 8. Nervous twitching a v 4. Keel -billed cuckoo T. Representation by char aotara FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS! ALBERS TRIP-L-DUTY A chick or turkey poult statter mash, 93 40. Medford Feed and Seed, 4U and Fir. Phone 1795. PREVENT your poultry troubles wtth Albera Proven Lailve Mash. 93 70. Medford Feed and 6eed. 4th and Fv. Phone 1795. ALBERS PROVEN PULLET GROWER 93 45. It .peaks fv itself. Medford Feed and Seed. 4th and Fir. Phone 1795. FIRST CUTTTNO alfalfa hay tn shock. Ed Hanley piece. Rose lane BRAND-NEW SPARK oil heaters Bargain price. Phone 13. PANSY, ZINNIA, ASTER, etc. IOC doa. Vegetable pianta. 20 Laurel ALFALFA RAY. baled and loose Ed. Hanley Ranch, Roes lane. NU-WAY Mitt res and Upholstering to. rnone 293. ao west 8tn . v PIPE Pip and Fittings New and Used Larve stock. All sues, oat out price. MEDFORD BAROADC ROUSE 37 N Grape St. Phon 1063 TRACTOR EQUIPMENT F-14 Mc- Cormick Tractor. 7-ft. disc. 10-ft drill, 3-14 plow. 7-ft. mower, and other equipment, all practically new. What do you offer? W, H Hamann & Sons, kogue River. Oregon. LAWN MOWER SERVICE, saw filing Phone 979-Y. i06 W. Clark. SONG BIRDS 1127 West Main St JACKS Jna n.nd Store. Ui Hous of a Thousand Bargains Harrises spring tooth, pumpa. shingles fur littJrrpoTSatOGOrar BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENT OR LEASE Grocery stors and Service Sutton. Write Tribune Bos 1308. FOR SALE st half Talus, on account of slcknsss. Will sscnllc ths Rlversld Apartmenu. 38 rental apartmenta and 4-room apartment tor manager. Best Duy in Oregon, snd s mony.maker. Compltlr furnlahsd; clear tula; food busl neaa. Phon 4S7-J. FOR SALE OR LEASE Store (a aiation, Deer-win license, Rood business, 8 rented isblns, rooms, 3 main hlghwaya. Owner sacrlflc Boa 1311 Tribune MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROLUX AGENCY. Phon 1088 FREE PASTURE for horses. Phon 1438. FISH1NO WAOERS repaired. Prices ressonabla. Brlnf thrm to Burr xexaco servic, Eaat Main i Hawthorns. SADDLES Mad to order. Olbson Baddls Shop, Oraot Psss. 813 So no. Elsctrolus Cleanar Stmce. Pta 1088 LAWN MOWERS machine ground 979-Y BUSINESS DIRECTORY Loans MONEY TO LOAN on modern dwell ings of 1st construcuon. 80 76 par month per thousand. Low Int erest rats. BROWN ft WHITE. 104 W Msln Auto Loans ADVANTAGES OF OUR CAR LOAN PLAN 1. No Interest charged la sd7snee. a. Your own insurance accepted a. Csr does not bar to be paid (or. 4. Ycm get th money tn ten min utes. t. Spsclsl low spring payment. g. You deal direct and ssvs money W I. THOMAS, Msnsger OREGON FINANCE CO. At Our Msln Office 48 South central. Phone 13. License No. M-317. DRIVE IN AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING SERVICE Deal with a southern Oregon own! Independent flnsnce ooir pany where your needs will reoalv PERSONAL CONSIDERATION at all tin-,. Immediate action) No red tape I Our years of experience Insures you of the beat service DRIVE IN for your confidential loan Used CARS BOUOKT AND SOLD "DHIVE IN" P. T. "JERRY" YOUNO Motor Investment Company Lie M-374 Phon 188. 8th snd Bsrtlett. S20 TO $1,000 On Your Car. 131 to 1940 Model ears and light trucks. 1 to 18 Months to Repay CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD B. BROWN AOINCY Agent 131 East Msln M-3M. Phon 807. CAR LOANS Solve your financial problems by rafinsncing jr borrowing LOANS ON CARS 1933-1938 Trl-Stat Acceptance Corp. Urne M-lftl MARK A. GOLDY in c Main. Phone T38 PERSONAL LOANS YOU CAN BORROW $100 If You Can Set Aside $1.$$ A WEEK Other Amounts tn Proportion. W Are Mad!y-kmfidnils Prompt. OREGON FINANCE CO. w I: Thomas, Mgr. Lie. No S-3II 48 So. central. Phone 188 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Drtssmaklng THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking, j Pur R mod ell ni Buttons and Buckles covered Room 903. 0. Nat Bsnk Blri Tel llftl Exprt Window Clnr LET JOE DO IT tipert Window Cleaners OenereJ house cleaners Floor waxing loe Spence Pht-ne 1173 Houtclanin ; LET OIRARD DO IT Houseclesntng, pslntlng, .ntert or decorstinf. floor finishing. Phone SI..W INSTRUCTIONS INS rRUCTION Piano Imoasrn and classical), violin, cello, fluu. trum pst, trombone Compos, arrange ISH HENDRICR Boa 499S Tribune. Painting TOM FENTON Painter and Decorator Flrat class work guaranteed. Phon 134 or 1749-7. IP rOU EN JOT first das painting snd papsrnanglng in vour nome. call Frank Skeen. 1103 W 10th St No Job too larg or too smsll Phon 1961 Radiator Repairing HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE S3 South Bflrtlett Roofing WE REPAIR or spply sny typ of roof Psbco Kooiin.s, sntngias. Costings snd Paints. Wall Paper Ekeraon Pslnt and Roof CO- 88 So. Bsrtlett. Tel. 343. Stocks and Bonds ONLY STOCK TICKER eervtoa In Oregon outsld of Portland con tinuous quotstlons during msrket hours. M- N. Hogsn Ox. 314 E Main St.. Medlord Transfer FURNITURE MOVINO AND STOR AGE We have Van moving quip ment for local and long anuses hauling. Dry and clean atoraga (concrete building) with special locker rooma at low rate. SAMSON STORAOB WAREHOUSE. Pbona 833 CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Household movini and general hauling 3 S. Orape. Phon 3080 day or night. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fir Street Insured Carriers Local snd Long Distance Hauling Phone 844 EADS TRANSFER At STORAOB CO. Office 18 South Fir Phone 818 Price rlgnt. Service guarantd. LEGAL NOTICES ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sesled bids will be received by ths Clerk of ths Central point, Oregon. School Diatrlct No. 8. Mr. Harold Head. Central Point. Oregon, until 8 P. M. Thursday, June 8. 1940, for the construction of a iramo Audi. torlum and Oymnaalum building to be erected upon the S'bool property Immediately opposite th present nign ocnooi. ice General contract will inciuo all construction work snd materials and Painting. Plumbing snd Wiring. eeparste bios will do recaivva tee th Heating. At the aame tlm snd dst Drawings snd specifications may be received from th Clerk or from Clark and Keeney, Architects, Med ford, Oregon, upun deposit of Ten Dollars, which sum will be returned to Bidder upon return of drawings. No proposal will be considered un less sccompsnled by s certified check or bidder nr Surety Bond In an amount equal to sfa ol tn aggre gate proposal. This applies also to the separate Heating bids. The runt la expressly reserved to reject ny or ll bid. Also th School District reserve th right to reject all blda. provided the proposed Bond Issue falla to carry. Blda win be opened st 8:00 F. as. Thursday. June 6, 1940, st th Cen tral point High School Building, Central Point, Oregon. ARNOLD BOHNERT, Chairman of the School Board. HAROLD HEAD. Clerk. F. D. R. WILL AC! TO SPEED PLANES NEEDED BY ALLIES (Continued trum Pag On.) goon aa President Roosevelt signed the bill, once it had won full congressional approval. Depending on how quickly congress acts, this provision. If approved by senate and house might make the money avail able as much as a month earlier than otherwise. Chairman Vinson (D.-Ga.) of the house naval committee meanwhile whipped into shape legislation to give Mr. Roose velt extensive emergency powers to suspend federal labor and financial regulations which, Vin ton said, might hamper the quickening drive to rearm. Vinson said he would have a comprehensive bill providing for suspension of wage and hour standards as applied to federal contract among other things- ready for committee approval Monday and would seek "prompt action by tha house.' Accounting Provided Th sen ute committee pro vided Mr. Roosevelt should e- count to congress for !:o Jump sum placed at his disposal by June 30. 1942. The army bill carried 11.499. 263.088 In actual cash and con tract authorizations to make the rest of its total. Additions to the regular navy tupply bill are scheduled to be LODGE NOTICES CARPENTERS LOCAL, 3087, mta A. P. of L. Hall first and thiid Frtdaf ch month. Vlslluig members wel com. made by a subcommittee next week in line with the president's request. They will bring th total prospective outlay (or tha navy to $1,303,980,728, of which $1,247,797,478 will be in cash appropriations and the re mainder in contract authority. Thus the nation's total defense bill, including cash outlays and contract authority, for the new fiscal year would reach $3,131, 472,452. State Totals (Continued from Page One.) Robert A. Elliott, 43.740. Robert S. Terrell, $3,833. J. Mann Fisher, 21.971. Frank Mahood, 18,222. Archie McGowan, 37,318. Phil Metschan, 62,317. Robert N. Stanfield, 81,13. Walter L. Tooie, 57,676. Peter Zimmerman, 43,524. Delegates. 1st District Two to be elected. (667 of 836 precinct) William Bain, 13,820. Guy Cordon, 17,373. Frederick S. Lamport. 17,703. Walter Norblad, 20,461. Raymond R. Reter, 6,733. Herman Schellberg, 13,378. Richard B. Swenson, 12,064 Delegates, 2d District Two to be elected. (396 of 414 precincts) J. H. Peare, 9.296. Harriett W. Ryan, 9,941. W. E. Sayler, 9,839. Arthur W. Schaupp, 8,14. President (1,337 of 1,693 precincts) Charles L. McNary, 96,563. Delegate. 3d District) Two to be elected. (333 of 443 precinct) . Henry E. Collier, 27,760. John J. Coughlln, 16.439. William A. Ekwall, 26,647. Delegate. 1st District Two to be elected. (638 of 836 precinct) E. W. Kirkpatrick, 8,182. Arthur K. McMahan, 9,896. George B. Murray, 7,431. A. E. Reames, 12,124. S. Stephenson Smith, 14,07. J. F. Ulrich. 14,162. Delegetes. 2d District Two to be elected. (383 of 414 precincts) Harry D. Bolvin, 7,889. Francis V. Galloway. 7,193. Will M. Peterson, 9,631. W. H. Strayer, 6.243. . President (1.400 of 1.693 precinct) John N. Garner, 12,500. Franklin O. Roosevelt, 86,34. Congressman. 1st District (740 of 83 precincts) Charle A. Robertson, 1,373. Congressmen. 3d District (378 of 414 precinct) Walter M. Pierce, 14,103. Congressman. 3d District (333 ot 443 precinct) . Ashby C. Dickson, 13,873. Nan Wood Honeyman, 32,678. Stat Treasurer (1.432 of 1,693 precincts) A. L. Brown, 43,182. Lyman Ross, 38,239. National Cemmliteemaa (1,432 of 1,693 precincts) Howard Latourette, 82,704. Flavel Temple, 32,830. National Commltteewemam (1,377 of 1,693 precincts) Emily F. Edson, 29,159. Cella L. Gavin, 18,417. Nora Hitchman. 2646. Eva Nelson, 13,275. Delegates at Large Four to be elected. (1.381 of 1,693 precincts) O. S. Blanchard, 13,977. .lames D. Burn, 13,369. Robert F. Cronen, 18,437. Ralph M. Erwin, 33.509. Martin A. Fitzgerald, 19,311. Clarence F. Hyde, 36,107. Lotus L. Langley, 37,511. Willi Mahoney, 54,224. Charle H. Martin. 23,973. J. W. Morrow, 39,717. A. W. O'Connell, 13,143. Jake Slskel, 21,410. Joseph F. Wood, 11,889. Delegate, 3d Dbtriet Two to be elected. (333 of 443 precinct) Roy A. Baynard, 6,639. John J. Beckman, 14,864. Ruth Lynn Dlllard. 4,847. David C, Eppt. 13,622. D. O. Hood, 4,944. William J. Prendergatt, Jr. 9,233. Monro Mark Sweetland, 13,130. LOAHO on nor.iE3 MtUruRO OlSTBICt VsrUkO laieieat FIRST FEDERAL SA VINOS a) LOAN ASSN. Of MEOPOSiD 3 North Heliy