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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1940)
PAGE NINE !y s vg! ummuuLruijw bjuj&i vy yg MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1940, Fmiwiiiip. Head every ad on this page. You will probably ilnd exactly the things you have been look ing for or a sals or trade lor unused articles you may have. Search your attic or store-room you may find many things others are seeking and be able to realize Immediate cash. If what you want isn't here, advertise for It Tribune Clas sified Ads are Inexpensive effective I RATES Per word first insertion tc (Minimum tsc) Each additional Insertion, per word .,..... .le (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without ' copy change .' $1.25 CASH or money order must ac company all mail order classified ads. LOST AND FOUND REPORT lost ooga. animal cruelty cases Humane Society Phone 1MB WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced girl for housework. Apply 618 Dakota or phone 1074-L. MALE AND FEMALE HELP AMATUER and professional talent desiring to Join with show, at lib erty to travel. Interviewed Tues day. Hotel Allen. Mr. Harry. WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady wants nursing in your home or mine, day work or motherless home. Reference. 532 Penn. ave. MAN and wife age 30. want steady ranch work with living quaxtera. i FOR RENT Room. 82 50 week. Prl P.O. Box 857, Medford. I vate entrance. 408 Edwards. GRADUATE NURSE will care for elderly couple or chronic invalid In her modern, suburban home facing Rogue River and Pacific highway, 4V4 mllea north of Gold Hill. Mrs. R. O. Lovell. Phone Gold Hill 478. YOUNG MAN, 29, attending high school wans work afternoons and nights. 615 So. Central. WANTED Bookkeeping or any of fice work. Phil Lounsberry. Phono 1184-X. EXPERIENCED GIRL wishes work as salea clerk jr waitress Refer ence. Phone 59 J Oreen. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HIOHEST PRICES PAID for Junk batteries. radiators, aluminum, copper, brass, all kinds of metals, also hides, pelts and wool. Med ford Bargain House. 27 N. Grape, Phone 1062. WANTED Brake and Electrical work on your car. Prices right, work guaranteed. We have roller skate tickets. Richfield Highway Service Station, corner 4th and ; N. Riverside. Phone 269. Martin Webb, Marvin Albert. I HAVE FIVE PROSPECTS who want nice clean furnished houses rent ing from 20 to $30 per month. Victor C. Sether. TJPHOLSTERING and furniture re pairing, rhone 969-R. Thlbault. WANTED Dead and worthless ani mals. We will pick up free If you will phone promptly at our ex pense. Southern Oregon By-Prod-ucts Company. WANTED A Hereford or Durham bull, 12 to 18 months old. John Nealon, phone 118, Central Point. WANTED HORSES, cows for feed Eagle Point Fox Farm. Phone 27-X-7. WELL DRILLING $1 50 pet ft first 50 ft., etc, J M Dod3e, 519 King MARKET HOGS WANTED. Poyer Brothers. 186 Welghtman St.. phone 6551, Ashland. WANTED Dressmaking, alterations Katharine Satterlee, Singer Shop 22 8. Grape. WE PAV MORE CASH For Your Furniture HOI.HKOOK 4 A.MIKKvrg 6th and Front. Phone 547. BEST PRICES PAID For Your Furniture CADS OMRS. Phone II92-J. M A BUSS Painting and hanging contractor 313 Grape Phone 646-W paper South HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID For Your Furniture MF.DFORU BtBOAIN HOISB 27 N Orape Et Phone 1062 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 3-room lurnlshed house. $10.00. 1504 Prune. FURNISHED house for rent, equipped 334 Apple. FOR RENT Modern. f irnlh'd du- ; CITY and country prots ties P.CNT plex, with gsraae, 103 Crater Lake ALS LOANS- INSURANCE C S ATe or phone 145-J ) Butttrfieid. 409 Medlotd Building FOR RENT Small new house, larzer house and aDartment. 204 West Jackson. TWO-ROOM furnished cabin. $10 718 Welch. FOR RENT 6-room house In Phoe nix. J. A. Wilson. Rt. 4. Box 49. FOR RENT Pour-room furnish' burwalow; 2 bedrooms: close In. 412 West '.lib St.. c:oe to South Oakdale Ave. Phone 917 or 1579. SMALL UNFURNISHED HOUSE Ber ryda H L Cook. 10 Quince FOR RENT 5-room Loose. 1035 West 10;h St FOR RENT HOUSES POR RENT 4-room modem house I S lot, aim CapltOI Av. TOR RENT 4-room modem house, furnished, electric range. 22 50. water paid. L. O. PIckeil. Id So Bartlett. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENTS for rent, a-rooms. 33 Apple. CLEAN Housekeeping room, lights furnished. 19.00. 325 So. Ivy. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment-Heat, garage. 834 . Bartlett. ; FURNISHED HOUSE and apartment j Adults. 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT Ntcely furnished 2-room apartment, SIS pe' month. 317 E. Jackson St. OE BAUER APTS. Sth at Oakdale. Prestige, courtesy, with comfort able modem home. Furnished or unfurnished. Moderate prices. By day, week or month. Phone 71S-Y. FOR RENT Furnished Hotel Hol land apartments. Prlgidaire, elec tric range. DESIRABLE Furn. Apartment. Mod ern. 316 No. Central. FURNISHED APARTMENT, S rooma and bath. Electric range and re frigerator. (25.00. Adults. 128 Mistletoe. FOR RENT 2-room furnished apart ment: ground floor, electricity, tele phone, hot water, garage, 11 Tripp. FURNISHED APARTMENT Heat, private bath, Irlgldal" 8M West j i'aln. FURNISHED tPAR'.MENT Hot and j cold water, lights, private bath Adults 812 So Oakdale. ! DESIRABLE FURNISHED APART MENT, heat, hot water, electroiux. garage. 10 Quince St. DESIRABLE apartments. 2 rooms and bath; gas heat Inquire Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. FURNISHED APARTMENT; heated, hot water, Frlgldalre. Close In. 61 N. Oakdale. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms PLEASANT sleeping room with or without garage. 323 King. WARM ROOM, private entrance. 220 tf. Oakdale. HEATED, CLEAN1, upstairs room ! Private entrance. Maid service. 610 So. Central. PRIVATE ENTRANCE, warm, cheer ful rooms. 504 Pennsylvania. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS 404 3 Orape FOR RENT BOARD, ROOM BOARD AN7 ROOM 309 E. Jackson. ROOM for gentleman. 231 WeBt Sth. ROOM AND BOARD, girls preferred. Phone 422-L. ROOM AND BOARD. 153 tf, Oakdale BOARD AND ROOM 718 81 per day FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 10 acret. Buckshot Hill road. 3rd house on right FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Two Guernsey heifers, freshening In two weeks. Tested. Ed Taylor, Talent. poR SALE 2-year-old Duroc boar. N. E. Judy, second house north white Griffin Creek school. FOR SALE Eight 100-Ib. feeder pigs. F. K. Craig, Rt. 2, Box 182 Beall I.nnp. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE A few Dryden Rock and Hollywood Leghorn breeding cock erels. W. E. McMlnn, Klamath Highway at Ashland city limits. GENTS Poultry Farm. New 1940 low prices on baby chicks. Send for catalog and prices. Gent's Poultry Farm, R-I, Eugene, Oregon, 10-MONTH laying Hampshlres, 1.00. Walter Franks, Central Point. ! 100 year-old Leghorn Hens for sale. Kimoer strain, w. F. Martin, s. P. Star Rt.. Medford. FOR SALE DOGS. PETS PUPS for sale 737 West 14th Street. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Special, 1938 Oldsmoblle coupe, 8395. See at Walter Abbey's Used Car Lot on 9th St. 84 PONTIAC COUPE, way above average, bargain If bought before January 15. Inquire Texaco Sta tion, East Mflln. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SACRIFICE 100 acres timber Isnd. $3 per acre. Also some smsll farms for sale or rent. Terma. 801 E. Main. Phone 862-X. FOR SALE 7-room home. 4 bed rooms. Oood location. Sacrifice price of $1900 Very unusual terms. Also have 159 acres on Elk creek for Just $250. Lots of timber. Log house. Pierce. Room 1. Palm Build ing, Medford, FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS Convenient terms Lists available at National Farm Loan Office. 202 Liberty Building. Medford I FOR SALE Small house and 2 lots, I or wsnted to borrow $300. good security. Ask the gardener. 242 I N. Front. HOUSES FOR 3ALK in Medlord and surrounding towns Easy terms j Jackson County Federal Savings : and Loan Association. For Sale SMALL EAST SIDE HOME, Just remodelled and decorated. Good location. Reasonable. Call 196. FOR SALE OR RENT Unfurnished Apartment Houee at 1005 W. Main. Ail newly refintshed and renovated. i Owner J. C. Case, 1112 8. Rlver- i aide, Mxdlord. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE WHEN you think ol rul nut think ol Brown a wrme FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE .... Klamath Falls property; town and vicinity for Me1 ford and vicinity. Address 129 South 8th St., Klamath Palls. FOR SALE or trade for Portland or vicinity, 1 acre with modern house la Central Point. Box 891 Tribune. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TOR SALE7& tom hiv. tMd ,ou I1 nd socd water. Phone I MUST MOVE 1000 cords of 12 and I 16 Inch tier and cord wood off ground at once. Will exchange wood for what have you. A. Powers, Applegat. Oregon. FOR SALE World Bicycle; fireplace screen; Kroehler overstuffed chair; all In good condition. German Rol ler canary and cage. 415 Edwards. FOR SALE Moltne tractor, $50. Sig nal Station, Talent. NEW FUR COAT, Silver Coney, sac rifice, size id. Burroughs Adding Machine practically new, less than half price. Gibson Tenor Banjo very reasonable. Call 836. LEAVING, must sell at once West lnghouse electric range; some min ing equipment and other articles. 801 E. Main. Phone 862-X. FOR SALE Dry wood, all kinds, cheap: Immediate delivery. Phone 116, or see at 215 E. 8th. FOR SALE Drag saw In A-l condi tion, $80. Will take wood as part payment. Wfrham Magneto or Parts Co.. 215 E. Sth. FOR SALE Alfalfa hav. phone 447-J-2. Jessie M. Mlnear. FOR SALE Up to 500 hives of bees. Inspected and guaranteed. Box 1082 Tribune. FOR SALE Cholco loose or baled alfalfa, E, H, Nledermeyer. Phone 697-R-l. BODY FIR, $5 cord. Phone 452-R-2, FOR SALE 4 tons clean alfalfa hay W. A. Prader, Box 11. Talent. APPLES Gebhard's. half mile north Bear Creek bridge. Central Point FOR SALE Electric range. A-l work ing condition, $6.50. 22 Keene Way Drive. FOR SALE Player piano. Mechani cally perfect. Cheap. 223 . River side. SONG BIRDS 1127 West Main St FOR SALE Baled and loose alfalfa hay: also dry apple wood. Ed. Han, ley Ranch. Box 201 Ross lane. FOR YOUR BEST TREES see Lafette Nursery, across from Beck's Bakery Phone 1261, HAMMERED HAT at Davis Feed Stores, Medford. Ashland. FOR SALE Washer service Full line genuine Maytag parts Service oo all makes Medford Maytag Co. 31 No Bartlett. phone 38. DELICIOUS and Newtown apples 35c box and up Bring container Independent Packing Co., Phoenix FOR SALS Hydraulic pipe and giants. Box 3376. rrfbune. OLYMPIC EGG MASH with milk 2 25 per sack. U-.vls Peed Stores FOR SALE Best wood in town guaranteed dry 223 N Riverside phone 815 Hawley Fuel Co CUT-RATE . PRICES - Nu-Way Mat tress ana upnoitery . rnone 293 209 West 8th St MISCELLANEOUS MINERS to sublease on hi-grade property. Must have own equip ment. Would grubstake. Lucky Eagle Mining Co., Sardine Creek, Gold H1H. WANT TO GET IN TOUCH with anyone who witnessed auto acci dent at corner West Main and Chestnut streets Thursday eve ning. January 4th, especially car behind Hupmoblle sedan. 334 Chestnut. Phone 919-H. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aulo Loans LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY to buy new or used cars Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tap, 1 TO 2 MONTHS TO PAY W. E. THOMAS 45 South Central. Phone 139. License M-3I7. You can Save Money and Time by Getting Your CAR LOAN OR REFINANCING Direct from the Lender. The OREGON FINANCE CO. Your Satisfaction Guaranteed. 45 South Central. Lie. M-211, DRIVE IN AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING SERVICE Deal with a southern Oregon owned independent finance com pany where your neds will receive PERSON AL CON S1DER ATION at all times. Immfdlat action! No red tape? Our years of experience Insures you of the best eerrlce. DRIVE IN lor YOUR confidential loan. Used CARS BOUGHT AND BOLD "DRIVE IN" P. T. "JERRY" YOUNG Motor Investment Company Lie. M-374. Phone 159. 9Uj and Bartlrtt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aulo Loan CAR LOANS Solve your financial problems by refinancing or borrowing. LOANS ON CARS 1932-1939 Trl-State Acceptance Corp. License M-253. MARK A. GOLDY 109 E. Main. Phone 728 $20 TO $1,000 On Your Car. 1930 to 1939 Model cars and light trucks. 1 to 18 Months to Repay CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H. BROWN AGENCY Agent. 123 Eat Main. M-238. Phone 807. Commercial Tax Accountant INCOME Tax Returns made and notarized. Victor C, Sether, Jack son County Bank Bldg, Phone 796 or 1193-J. Custom Butchering HAVE YOUR HOGS ' CUSTOM KILLED AND CORED by CRATER MEAT CO. Phone 1912 Dresimaking THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Pur Remodeling. Buttons and Buckles covered. Room 920, 0. 8. Natl. BankBltig, Teh 1181. Expert Window Cleaner LET JOE DO IT Expert Window Cleaners. General house cleaners. Floor waxing. Joe Spener. Phone 1172. Loans MONET TO LOAN on modern dwell tngs of late construction. $9.76 per month per thousand. Low int erest rate. BROWN & WHITE. 504 W. Main. Nursery Stock CARLTON NURSERY COMPANY Fruit, Nut and Shade Trees, Berries and Shrubbery. Finest Oregon Grown Roses. Sales yard three miles south on Pacific highway. W. B. Barnum. Phone 85I-R-2. Personal Loam READY CASH for any purpose can be secured from us promptly, confidentially and at LOW COST OVER 11 YEARS in Medford and thousands of sat isfied customers, assures your complete satisfaction. OREGON FINANCE CO. 45 South Central. Phone 139. Ground Floor Craterian Bldg. License S-211. M-217. Radiator Repairing HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE !W South Bsrtlftt Roofing WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof, Pabc6 Roofings. Shingles. Coatings and Pal tits. Wall Paper One-third off. Ekerson Paint and Roof Co.. 38 So. Bartlett. Tel 243. Sanitarium WE CARE FOR THE SICK ROGUE RIVER SANITARIUM TRAINED NURSfS 24 HOURS PHONE JACKSONVILLE 82 Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS ' L Specks of dust t. Form 11. One who al- friays mer taming IS. Bervlle or sordid U. By Ins au thority or assurance of It. Bode II. Artificial language IS. Pronoun to. Laments loadir !1. In good health 23. Qlul 21. Kalnr 35. One-ol an l dtgenovia Japanese raca SC. African sale-lopes Solution of yesterday's Putzle O L E ApWIE" A L PO R E 1031 Eqc y s i iEMfppLjIASES wo bfe jai -ib vWd ete O Ki EM30 A Pj A E R ) E R upf c on I n ec t Mo f ffS AR SM C A T j ANT Mb eIIeTe rMare S STlEWRiDmsIl Rllll P t LM ElRMMlOp E SIT aseIrEnaIesau rIeisIoIsIa1rsTFy e 4b. Pay oourt to 64. data ut 4. Old mutlcii 8- Hot not DOWN 47, 8pontanoua U Of lh mind popular ax- t. H?pothUcai pre an ion of forca approval t. Fauct 4ft. Com pas i point 4. Sufficient! fO, Venae I for poatlo ma kins ft S. Huaka of beveraga threaiiatt if. fditd train II. Unit ol work 32 Thin pieces 1&. Cxoretfllone of contempt IS. Race track tipster Sort food St. Fait 42 Edits 41. allatake ;" 'Wm "Mil uu m&A III mk wm is "ttWT0 Wz S -JM 22 fc24 wwi ill n 33 347Z 3S 3t 37' '.Iff'li .!(((, 38 W 40 1" !IZZllZ Hi HJ n 5 SI 7Z,S 3 vii 'Ml I I I H MM hi BUSINESS DIRECTORY Transfer CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Household moving and general hauling. 29 6. Grape. Phone 2050 day or night. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fir Street Insured Carriers Local and Long Distance Hauling. Phone 644 EADS TRANSFER 4 STORAGE CO. Office 26 South Fir. Phone 315, Prices right. Service guaranteed. LEGAL NOTICES Votlce To Creditor i la the County Court ol the State el Oregon lor the County of Jackson. ! In the Matter of the Estate of Gjr- ! tine Lorentzten Boksaspen, also known as Tina Lauretaen. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY OWEN that the undersigned has been dulv ad regular appointed Administrator of the above settled estate tinder pd by virtue of an order of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, duly made, rendered and entered upon December 16. 1839, and all creditors having claims against said deceased are hereby notified to prs- sent the same auiy verified to tne undersigned at its banking house In the City of Medford, Oregon within six months from the date of this notice. Dated t Medford, Oregos, tW 18th &m f December. 1939. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Administrator of the Estate of aor titis Larentzen Boksaspen, also known as Tina Lauretses, de ceased. Roberts as McAllister. Attorneys for Administrator, Medford, Oregon. Notice To Creditors In the County Court of the State o ot-egon, for jneKson ixmmy. In the Matter of the Estate of A. C. Ftero. Deceased. Notice Is Hereby Given that the county court of the state of Ore gon, for Jackson County, has ap pointed the undersigned Grace Fiero, administratrix of the estate of A. C. Flero, deceased. AH persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with proper vouchers within six months from this date to Nelf & Fmhn mayer, 202 Cooley Theatre Buikttng, Medford, Oregon. Dated January 0. 1930. GRACE FIERO, Administratrix. Riviera Riviera, Jan. 9. (Spl) MrsJ George Hutehins was in Med- ford January 6, calling on Mrs. Pauline Wahl who sent her best wishes to all her old neighbors and friends here. Mtb. Wm. Kowss and daughter Edith have returned from southern CaHforrjSa where they spent the holi days with relatives. Roy Cameron apenc several da?s the past week with MP daughters in Grants Pass. Rowland MUler made a trip to CorvaiHs and northern cities the past week, returning to his worfc at the Benton mine January 5. Bill Cotton of Blrdseye creek also re turned to the Benton mine Friday. air. and Mrs. O. L. Stanley and two daughters left Tuesday tor Sac ramento, Calif., aftor residing at the Pickett auto camp tor a few months, Phyllis Miller and Sybil Walker returned to their studies at O, 8. O. at Corvallls January 3. Gerald Fitz gerald of Sams Valley, also a student at O. S, C, accompanied them. Lawrence Smith of Sardine Creek was a Rtriera caller January ?. Cross -Word Puzzle t. Small nth T. Domentlo row la i t. Uoreavet I Jumbled type 10. fasten Ing Una IL Baianca 11. Flowering watar plant II Knot 19. Athletic field Inclosed; by aeata XI. Manual digit 22. Legfelaf 25. Ventf.at4 27. Stain 2, Number 31. Wam pomp- it. Linger by tba way 14. Small Euro pean har ring IV Bobty 1. Woka 17. Valoclty 40. Skill 41. aVnciant b&o ctianaJtu cry 44. Part of a plant 4T. Ooddeaa of tfaa harvest . No: Scotco 61. Biblical city il. Symbol for iron Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daitey and family were Grants Pass visitors Jan uary 7. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Johnson and son and Bobby Cameron of Hanley, Ore., visited at the Blrdseye home Jan uary 6. Health unit mat at th Paul Throne home January 8. Howard District Howard District Jan. 9. (Spl) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young and children Wallace Jack and Freddie, were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Paul Robertson Sast Wednesday. Mrs. E. W. Thomas, who was til the past week, la better at present. William Olson is recovering from a recent illness at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs, Lew Oilman. Mr. Olson has been with si daughter In Grants Pass for several weeks. Fr lends ol Mr Olson are vary glad' to hear of his improvement la health-, Parneil Glesen of Eagle Point spent i Sunday night with Wilmet Robert-1 son. After spending the past weea In Grants Pass he returned to his home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthews ol Prospect spent the week-end with Mia, Matthew' family the McCul loeks. Howard P.-T. A. will meet Friday, January 13, at 3:30 p. ra. In the school for the regular monthly ses sion. All parents, members and friends are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robertson had aa recent visitors Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mendenhall of Big Lake, Mo. Mis, Mendenhall Is Mr. Robertson's sister. The two hadn't seen, each other for 3fl years. Derby Derby, Jan. 9. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gross and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jack son and family of Medford spent Sunday and New Year'a eve with the Samuel Johnson family here. Mrs, Nick Mayers visited Derby school Thursday. Chaa. Ryan of Reese Creek Ttsited here Friday. Bill Webber 1 Tlslting hit eon. Ralph and ramlly of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kay spent the holidays In Medford. Mrs. Ky suffered with the flu throughout her entire TOWkilws, Derbv school reopened Jan. S with all pupils, present. Ladles olub will hay a) all day meeting at the Derby school house Jan. 11. Ail the ladles ol Derby oia trfct are urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Haynes and family spent Saturday muting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webber and Mrs. BUI Webber. Kathleen Burg to rtaiUng Bar par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Burg. She has been attending high school is Xlamaih Falls. Foots Creek Foots Creek, Jan. 8. (Spl) Mr. and Mrs, Chester Biles and daughter Barbara, of Los Ang eles returned to their home af ter spending the holidays with Mr. Biles' parents, Mr, and Mrs. David Biles. They were accom panied home by Mrs. Biles, who will visit with them and other relatives for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McQullj and daughter, Zor and mm. McOutty mother and slater, who are vlaltlns them from Canada, called on Mr. Pauline Wahl In Medford Deo. SH UT, and Mrs. Le Kyle had ,aa guests Jan. 1, Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family of Grants Pass who e enrout hotna after spending the holldafs with relatives in hot Angeles. Al Lunbecx left Jm. S for Los Angeles to visit his mother. Mrs. Iiunbeck will visit her mother at Davenport. Wash. Both expect to return home In a couple of weeks. Floyd Lance or Trinity Center, Calif., and son, Bobert Oeorge and daughter. Ruth visited relatives here December 39, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Origgs have as gueet Mr. Griggs' brother ol Call, forma. Lake Creek Lake Creek, Jan. 9, (Spl) Mr. and Mrs. William Hoefft and family and Mr, and Mrs, Ted Hoefft and family were guests New Year's day of the Steve Smiths at Phoenix. Mrs. J. B, Short waa an overnight guest ot Mr. and Mr. Herb Orts som Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hoettt were host to a irg party of friend Thursday night at th Wyant hall. The evening was spent Is game with an excellent aupper served at mid night. Comber Pox of Bly spent th holi days with hi parent, Mr. and Mr. U. K. Pox. Mark Hoefft west to Ashland th first of the week to enter th South era Oregon College of education. Sunday gueet st th Tons hom wen Mr. and Mrs, Harry Tonn and family and Mr. Prank Hansen and daughter. Rose Marie. Lew Orlssom, who ha been tn the community hospital tb put two weeks Is reported much Improved and all bop hs sis com horn in a few day. Will Nelson ot Coker Butte Is spending t few tfy with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Orlssom. Among the attending th Sams Valley dance were Clyds OrlMom f John Wich, Lloyd Watefcv Mary : Nttssbsura, Joan Nussbaura, Mar- : garet Walch and Mr. and Mrs, 1. 1 Meyer. Mrs, B. Short called, Monday 1 on Mr. Jsnn2 Meehau at th Ttd Hoefft home. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tyrrell spent the holidays at their Dead Indian rort returning to Lake Creek Mon day. SchooJ reum4 la Lak C?tk district Tuesday and at Lost Creek on Wednesday, Thlmbte Oosalp club met Wednes day with Mrs. Roy Grtgsby with a very good attendance,. Present war y&es&A&ms Mars Hoeft, the! Hoefft, Ella Tyrrell. Amy arissom, AIHe Farlow, Dorothy RasdiLB, Edith Jones, Jennie Meehan. Anna Tonn. Miss Margaret Walch and the hot tew Mrs, Boy Orlgsby, COURT HOUSE NEWS Marrlag Llcsni i VoIIfe V. Gonce and lucflle M. Adam. Wttttam L. Byrum nd Naomi H. Coggirts. Lambert Sklllman and Etten Maris Frsje. Donald Millspaugh and Mar garet Fousle Joseph W. Blackwelt and Elsie Dean. Circuit Coart Divorce Opal S. Barrow vs. Floyd D. Barrow Geraldme Dtmlava vt. L. X. Dunlava. Probate Court Estate ol Minnie Duntap, Dec. reeos Vivian M. Palmer et vtr to Boy r. Jones, W. D. la Central Point, Mrs. Kta Corerdsle Knight a ! to Ned A. Coverdala et al, W. O. 80 acre In Section 4 Tvp, 31 9. R. i West Willamette Meridian. talent Campbell Berry et al to Richard B. Campbell at nl. 9- O. D. In Ashland. Q, B. Butler at ux to Raj Spencer. Dead, 18 acres in Section kit, TWP. 39 a. R. t East W. M. Gnr.t Mathews to Amelia, Math. ews, W. t. one-half Interest hi 3d acres In Section J. Twp. 87 S. R. West WUlamett Meridian, Roy Hoiiister et ux to Owen Brad ford, Q C. D. la Rogue River. Albert A. Ball to Thorns R Hall et UK. W. D. on Crater Lak High way. Balph Nichols et 21 tc Lewi . Hall et ux, w. D. In Medford. a, K. Billlnga, Cuoutor to Jack. son Count, Oregon, e. Dee In Ashland. Sum i, Zara et ux to Waiter K. RadcUft et wt, W. D. la Perry Sub division. Jane h. O'Brien at mi to Oeorvts O. eampbell, W. 0. in Section 0 and M Twp. 58 a. R. v.est w, h. W, B. MeDanta) at mi to Oeorfe. C. Campbell, W. D. tn Becttortt 30 and Two, M 8. R. 4 West W, M Herman Offenbachar st ul to George O. Campbell, W. D. in See. ttsnt. m and U Twp. SS a, B. 4 West W. M. C, Vroman to Jessie K. Hayes, W. D, 1 Twp, SS ft. It. s Weat W, M A. O. Mnlnger et us to Cetestla Rogers, Deed, 4 acres tn Twp. S 8. R. I Sast W. M. Zda Blsnchard to Theima D. Sow land, W, D, one-half Interest In ttnd la Section 1 and 17 Twp, M , R. z West W. M. AUos . WlUlama et vlr to State ol Oregon. W. D. 3.2 acre in Sec 36 Twp. 39 S. R. t Cast W. M. andj 19 acna In B4S Twp, SB a, B, a Bast W. M. H. A. Wefertlng et ux to J. T. afe Klnney t ux. W. D. In Mtdtord. Moore Hamilton, et ux to BeoW Hamilton, W. D. W.0S cre In Seo. 85 Twp. JS, 8 R. 1 Weat W. M. The United States of Amsrtca to Ployd B, Darland, Land Patent, 40 acre If! Sec. 33 Twp. 14 8. X. West W. U. LUlles A, .Fortune at fit to Irl et tlx, Q. C. D. in Sec. Ml Twp. 8T a. R. I West W. U. Oeerg W. Petty at. urn to Irl Groves et ux, Q. C. D. Is See. Twp. 37 S -t. 1 West W. M. Brownsboro Brownsboro, Jan. 9, (Spl) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whipple of Nye, Mont., and Mr, and Mrs, Loyd Whipple of Roseburg were guests at the Wright home Fri day. Mrs. Jim Truabtood helped with th 4-H club dinner at th BuMmws. Wray tractor show Wednesday. Mrs. Merton Emertck visited friends Is Medford a lew day last wtk. Study club met Friday with Mrs. Wright, Subject; "ChUdrta and th Use of Mossy. Mr. and Mrs. Jim TrueMbod had a sUwer guest New Sears sight Mr. and Mr. H. W. Wright and family. They afterward attended th msvte ts Mediate. Rer. D. D. Randall, miastosary for this district, visited th Sunday school last Sunday. Mr. acid Mr. O. A. Ha awn enter tained th following guests at a 13 o'clock dinner New Tsar' day Mr. end Mrs. Csco Puller and son QKnn Ot Ashland, Mr, and Mr. Lawrsse Leonard, Mr, asd Mr. W M. Hansen, Gerald Hansen, Mrs. Rehrar, Louis Rohrst and Brae Hansen. Annie WItaon (pant th Mew Tear's fcsHsay with few psnsta, Mr, and Mr. John WlUon. Oat Mail Tribune want sda. LODGE NOTICES Tabi Hock Council, No. 23. Stated communication Tues day. Jamary 9, 1940v ERLK M. OR A 7, Tit. M. Talent Talent, Jan. 9. (Spl) Through cooperation ol th merchants of Talent and the Talent News Flashes, and Com munity club, the usual treats for the children at the commun ity tree were given. Heretoforw the school board donated to ward the treat but word from the county office prohibited us of money for that purpose. Crater lAtee Camp Pita Olils held their beautiful ceremonial at th home of Mrs. Claude Wtliiama frldaj evening. The eandla lighting eera monlal was given. Kino girls re ceived flrat rank of trail seekers; tour second rank ot wood gatherer, and four third1 rank of ftremaker. The silver braoeleta were presented by Ura, Mae. Lowe, and Mrs, Maria, Boaraman. RecMrtg tnrer brace- lets were Betty Board man, Hilda, Many. Juanlta, Boarsman and La velle Mason. Four hundred and nfty honors were given foe work achieved, by this group, Helen and Mabst Romtngsr were given the silver ring. The beautiful 4 Impressive gowa osremonlsl waa presented for La Velio Mason, Clatc Ma Wltbrow, Juantta. and Betty Bwxtmas.. Betty Mont gomery received St feathers for work; achieved In U Blue Bird group, After tb ceremonial there waa n exchange of gifts and refreshments; Mr. and Mr. Harry Lowa and Hilda and Bobby spent Wednesday and Thursday at asms valley. The S.Sengtw of tt M. B. church will meet at 6:30 Instead of 7:40 until th summer months. Miss Paulina Jacobs was takes Emanual hospital In Portland as th malt o! a rataeak ot hex g. Willi Jacob (ecotnpanied her. Roata Ma, Harry and R. Leonard wtre jnarritfi to Medtcxd last, week. Talent school opened January 3 attar a to-day vacation. Mr, and Mm, 4, KssUton of Tula Lake spent th week-end flatting relatives hen. Talent high ball team w defeated K-4 by th Sag! Point aggregation, Th Talent school band played severat seteeUsn and tbs Hr'.U team performed between1 halve. Epworth, league gav a watch party at th Thompson hem. The card club held watch party at tb horn ot Mr, and Mrs. Barney Bigg. Mr. and Mrs. Bawtey transacted business to Ashland Thursday, Mr. and Mr. W. Sontgomry a Oreenvlew. Calif., visited mend tit Talent Thursday, Olad To Meet Ion club will ase at the otty hall nursdsy evening;. There will be. th usual pot luck upper foliowsd by program. Mr. Karl Baylor 1 program chairman. Dark Hollow Dark Hollow. Jan. 9. (Spl ) Orin Kerr spent the past week with his family on the Coleman Creek road. He has been work ing at Elk Creek where U family lived. Lo Morton built a small garaga for brother Wwrd truck over tea week-end. He felted tin tree and trimmed them himself, Lonia Brown cslUded with tfc neighbor' dog while tiding hr new blk Saturday, A small bump sa Th forehead and few paint acar on the bike resulted- Mr. Mtt4 Dasbarty TlsStefl school Monday. Mr. O. Hall and sons, a ten ana Mslrtn, called on friend and rl tlves here Sunday. Th Jojkmtog boy scout of In dependence school district received tenderfoot badges; Walter Medley, Sdward Morton vod Virgil Morton, Shlrrti Doty is scoot leader. Mr. Emma Roberta and Biuf Hanscom v lilted horn folk January at Mud Spring ranch. WUlma and Berai Sauei hiked bom from Msseslx Saturday. Ofen Kerr epent Sunday afternoon vuUU&g th Cathoou family. Weaiher Northern California; Unset tled tonight with showers ex treme north portion and snows over Sierra: Wednesday partly cloudy with local snows In tits Sierra; cooler central and south portions tonlghU moderate west wind off the coast. NEED CASH! Si ""P BORROW on YOUR CAR LM u tsslais sow ay It la to a rssdr n rrctt four ear security fhon tl for full information Commercial Finance Corp. TTis vriendfy rrnanc Company W m Walkn Vnaldent first Kail Bass Blot pboe tl License Rum ear las c