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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1939)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1939. PAGE THIRTEEN- unnu l i -U . i j j, i i j 1 1 1 1 l j i -i LJ. L Read wry on thl page. ton will probably fled exactly the tlilnga you bave been look ing lor or a tale or trade for unuaed artlclei you may bave. Search your attlo or t tor -room you may find many thing other are seeking and do able to realize immediate oaab. It what you want lent bare, advertlae for It Tribune Cl&e illied Ada are Inexpensive effective! RATES per word rim lnsertion (Minimum tSc) Each additional Insertion, per word . (Minimum loc) Per line per month without copy chance CASH or money order must ac company all mail order classified ads. LOST AND FOUND Lost Brown leather folder con-, talnlng papera, etc. Reward, re turn to Room 310, Liberty Bids., or phone 1610. REPORT lost aogs, animal cruelty cases. Humane Society Phone 1516. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Married ranch hand. Phone 468-J-4. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Reliable woman for house work. Two adulta. State particu lars. References. Prefer go home nights. Box 867 Tribune. WANTED Experienced waitress at Diamond Cafe, 137 E. 6th. Phone 131-J. WANTED Competent housekeeper, .must be good cook. 2 adulta. Box 1181 Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED GIRL wishes work aa sales clerk jr waitress. Refer ence. Phone 59. J. Green. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT 60 acres or more farm and pasture land, p. O. Box 141, Central Point. WANTED TO RENT Stock ranch, some Irrigated. Box 865 Tribune. WANTED TO BUY Feeder pigs. Jack O'Connor, Routa 1, Box 808, Klam ath Falls. WANTED Ford son and disk. Cash. Write P. V. Llempd, Rogue River. TOR SALE OR TRADE By owner, 70 acre wood ranch. Lots of wood. 6 miles from Medford. 813 Beek man Ave. WANTED 6800 at 8 Interest. Best security, monthly payments. Write Box 919 Tribune. MARKET HOGS WANTED. Poyer Brothers, 166 Welghtman St.. phone 6551, Ashland. WANTED Will trsde merchandise and some cash for shotguns, deer rules, .33 pistols. 317 North River side. WANTED Dressmaking, alterations. Katharine satterlee. Singer 8hop. 33 S. Grape. WE PAV MORE CASH For Your Furniture. ROI.HHOOK A ANDREWS 6th and Front. Phone 547. BEST PRICES PAID For Your Furniture CADS A OHRN. Phone 1192-J. WELL DRILLING $1 50 per ft first 60 ft., etc. J M Dod3e. 619 King M A. BLISS Painting and paper hanging contractor 313 South Orape. Phone 648-W. HIGHEST CASH PRIt'ES PAID For Your Furniture MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE , 27 N Orape St Phone 1062 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT House at 212 South Orange street. See Ben Harder, First National Bank building. FOR RENT Five -room house. $14, water paid. 1517 N. Riverside. FOR RENT Pasture land, large chicken house and 1-room dwell Ing. Both electric lighted. Mary Woodson. Rt. 1. Central Point. FOR RENT 4-room house, partly or unfurnished. 1217 W. 9th. FOR RENT 6-room house on South Newtown St.. 812.50. C. C. Pierce. Room 1, Palm building. FOR RENT 4-room modern house, furnished, electric range. $22 50, water paid. L. G. Plckell, 16 So Bartlett. SMALL UNFURNISHED HOUSE. Ber rydale. H. L, Cook. 10 Quince. FOR RENT Good -room house cloae In. Phona 417 FOR RENT 5-room house. 103S West 10th St. FOR RENT Duplex near Junior HI Call at 828 Haven FOR RENT ft-room modern houae 3 lot 2107 Caplt"! Ave FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment; ground floor, electricity, tele phone, hot water, garade. 11 Tripp. VACANCY Jan. 6: adults only. Find lay Apta.. 603 So. Holly. FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. 217 West 2nd St FOR i ir.lortanle apartment. Call 817 West loth. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart- ment. 40 Quince St. Phone 641-X. MODERN FURNISHED housekeeping win. new wooa range, 112.50. 314 Haven, near Junior high. 8MALL furnished apartment. 916 North Central. FOR RENT Attractive furnished apartment. Adulta only. 618 So. Oakdale. FOR RENT Clean 3-room apart ment, close In. Cheap. Also newly decorated 4-room house furnished or unfwnlshed. Phone 528. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, pri vate Dam, gas. laundry. Gloria Pan Apta. 376 So. Central. FURNISHED APARTMENT, private bath, modern, close in, 615. phone 1366. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment. Garage. 1109 W. 11th. FURNISHED APARTMENT Heat, private bath, frlgldalre. 806 West Main. DESIRABLE FURNISHED APART MENT, heat, hot water, electrolux, garage. 10 Quince St. FURNISHED PAR-MENT Hot and cold water, lights, private bath Adulta. S13 So Oakdale. DESIRABLE apartmenta. 3 rooms and bath: gaa heat Inquire Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. FURN. 1, 3 and b-room Apta. Gar age. Adults. 604 W 10th. FOR RENT Apartmenta, Durell Court, 3rd and Holly. Inquire Apt 6. FOR RENT furnished Rooms ROOM for gentleman. 331 West 5th. FOR RENT New bedroom. Heated, private bath, outside entrance. 60 Rose Ave. FOR RENT Desirable room. Close In. 408 West 6th. HEATED, CLEAN, upstatra room Private entrance. Maid service. 610 So. Central. . PRIVATE ENTRANCE, warm, cheer ful rooma. 604 Pennsylvania. ROOM FOR RENT 11 8 Orange Hot and cold water In room. Garage Call evenings after 6 p. m. ATTRACTIVE ROuMS. 404 S Grape FOR RENT BOARD, ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. 163 K. Oakdale. BOARD AND ROOM 716 61 per day FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT One room furnished cabin for light housekeeping. Call at 920 N. Central Ave. FOR RENT 10 acres. Buckshot Hill road. 3rd house on right FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2 Duroc Jersey boars, 4 months old. C. L. Hockersmlth, Beagle, Ore. FOR SALE Heavy team and har ness; six feeder pigs; alfalfa hay; red sow, will farrow In two months. Complete set International Ency clopedia, never used, cost 150. sell $50. Phone 4715, Gold H1H, Ore. FOu fcALE Several pure-bred Duroc kowb to farro loon. Priced rea sonably.. Also pure-bred Duroc weaner pigs. Wing Orchards, Old Stage road. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALB Large colored fryera and roasters, 20c lb. dressed; also pen fattened Leghorn fryers, 18c lb. Mrs. R. E. Carley. Phone 2079-J. FOR SALE Laying hens, Hansen strain ttusseu special maiing. u. k. Koger. Central Point. Hills addi tion off Beall lane. FOR SALE DOGS. PETS FOR SALE Cocker spaniel puppies. 3 no. Kiversinc. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EAST SIDE PROPERTY. 6 -room plastered house and bath. Large back porch, cement founda tion, nice shade, cherry trees, cor ner property, close in, on pLved street. Price $2000, including fur niture. Terms. Also have several ex tractive buvs in Improved acreage L. O. PICK ELL, 16 So. Bartlett. FOR SALE 2 acres Irrigated and 2 houses, near schools, $840 with $400 down; will trade for dwelling in Medford. And. 1 acre and new 2-bedroom dwelling, modern, $1600. will trade for acroajie. And. Rrue So? r-Mu.' Tvc? "SS fornla. And. 7-acre xto camp. 29 cabins, lott of shade, store, living fornla. And well located grocery CUT-RATE PRICES - Nu-Way Mat doing about 130.000 annually, low tresa and Uphol.tery Co Phone overhead. And 3'4-aere auto camp 393 309 West 8th St. on niway. caoin. biuit. wr.ii atatlon; "sale or trade. Geo. H. Yeo Agency. Valley Real Entate. Med- ford. Rt. 4. pnone 3i-it-a. . FOR SALE 7-room home 4 btd- rooms. Oood location, sacrlllce price of 11900 Very unuiual terma Also have 169 acres on Elk creek for Just 250. Lota of timber. Log houae. Pierce. Room I. Palm Build- Ing. Medford. HOUSES FOR 3ALE in Medford and surrounding towns. Easy ternJ Jackaon County Federal Savings and Loan Association. FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS Convenient terms Lists available at National Farm Loan Office.. 30J Liberty Building. Med lord CITY and country proi ties RENTALS-- LOANS- INSURANCE C S Butterfl'ld Mdfo.d rulldlnc . '.VHEN you inina .,i reai aux of Brown Whjt. FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADE Chickens for boar hog. L. J. Reed, Climax Route, Eagle Point. FOR TRADE Auto parte and weld ing for wood. Mac is Floyds. EXCHANGE Practically new Easy washing machine for young milk cow Phone 610-J-2. FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR SALE or trade for Portland or vicinity, I acre with modern house In Central Point. Box 061 Tribune. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES '34 PONTIAC COUPE by owner. A bargain If bought now. Perfect condition. Texaco Station. East Main. SKINNER'S DEPENDABLE USED CARS BUICKS 1937 Special Sedan new rubber, heater, low mileage 675 1037 Century Coupe open seats, a very fine car for only 598 1936 Special Sedan new tires 645 1935 Special Coupe heater 375 i 1934 Special Sedan 296 1933 Special Sedan 165 CHEVROLETS 1935 Coach new paint and rubber ...... 315 1930 Sedan - 135 CHRYSLERS 1935 Sedan overhauled 395 DODOES 1937 Sedan radio and heater 566 1936 Coupe 435 1933 Coupe new paint 335 PONTIACS 1937 Sedan 595 1936 Sedan 476 1937 Packard Sedan radio, heater 645 SKINNER'S GARAGE Phone 103 Butck Cars OMO Trucks Used Car Lot Phone 655 '84 CHEV. COUPE, wagon and rack, Sldehlll plow, harrow and culti vator. Box 58. Beall lane. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS CLEARANCE SALE OF OAS RANGES AND OIL CIRCULATORS One fully automatic Gas Range with electric clock and lamp; waa 102.95; now 79.95. One full porcelain chrome base Gaa Range; was 76.95; now 66.95. One full porcelain Gaa Range; waa 62.96; now 47.95. One 3-burner Gas Rangette; waa 38.05; now 629.95. Special terma on all gas ranges small down payment; no more pay ments until March 1st. 1940. OIL CIRCULATORS One 13-inch Sunlight, heats up to 7 rooms; was 72.95; now 52.95. Two 10-lnch Sunlight, heats up to 6 rooms; was 54.95; now 44.95. One 10-lnch Deluxe Sunlight, heata up to 6 rooma: waa 69.95; now 54.95. Two 10-lnch Sunlight, heats up to 6 rooms: waa 67.95; now 43.95 MONTGOMERY WARD GRAIN fed pork. 9c lb. Phone 453-R-3. BODY FIR $1.50 tier. R-2. FOR SALE! Estate Heatrola, new. 617 Western ave. FOR SALE! Apple wood. Long lengths for fireplace. Wing Orchards, Old Stage road. . FOR SALS; Baled and loose alfalfa hay; also dry apple wood. Ed. Han ley Ranch. Box 201 Ross lane. FOR SALE) 9x12 rug. old rose with black border. Phone 72G-L. 2-WHEEL TRAILER Cheap. 217 So. Riverside, Apt. 9. SALE OR TRADE Young cat hounds. O. Worley, Anchor, Ore. FOR YOUR BEST TREES see Lafette Nursery, across from Beck's Bakery. Phone 1261. FOR SALE Dry apple wood, stove and fireplace. Phone Jacksonville 394 or 1261, Medford. HAMMERED HAY at Davis Stores. Medford. Ashland. NICE NEWTOWN APPLES. 3 boxes $1 00; half boxes D'AnJou pears; secondhand lumber Mrs. J. A. Perl Tel. 468-R-2. FOR SALE Washer service. Full line genuine Maytag parts Service on all makes Medford Maytag Co. 31 No Bartlett. phone 38. FOR SALE; Stem punctured Com tee pears. Amerlcsn Fruit Growers Inc.. South Pir St. DELICIOUS and Newtown apples 35c box and up. Bring containers Independent Packing Co., Phoenix FOR SALE Wood ranges, new and used, all prices Maytag Shop. 31 No. Bartlett. FOR SALE Oil heaters. $34.50 up Maytag Shop. 31 No Bartlett. FOR SALE Zenith washer, one year j 0ld Cheap. Maytag Shop. (3I No. Bartlett- j T-" " -"- - . L "V."" " '"" bale - Hydraulic pipe and lftnU Bo 837a- Tribune ElveSd, j OLYMPIC EOO MAH with milk t2M p Mck D,v BtorM ; APPLES Gentians', -alf mile north j Bfar Cre hrld;. Central Point MISCELLANEOUS rossi MOTEL Stucco furnWied cottages newly decorated. Fuel ,nd ngriU furnlhed. Renta aa low M ,i7 o. Central Point. ' BENEFIT DANCE-U. S. Hall. Jack- aonvuie, Saturday nurht, Dec. 30. SUva's orchestra. Sponsored by Amy Dow. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. Jackson County Abstract Co. Till Insurance Abstracts Escrow! Cuiiom Butchering. HAVE YOUR HOOS CUSTOM KILLED AND CURED by CRATER MEAT CO. Phone 1913 Auto Loans. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY to buy new or used cara Private money at new low ratea Immediate action. No red tape 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY. W. E. THOMAS 45 South Central. Phone 139. License M-217. $20 TO $1,000 On Your Car. 1930 to 1939 Model cara and Ugbt trucka. 1 to 18 months to repay. CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD B CROWN AGENCY. Agent. 123 Eaat Main M-236 Phone 807. DRIVE IN AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING SERVICE Deal with a southern Oregon owned Independent finance com pany where your needa will receive PERSONAL CONSIDERATION at all tlmea. Immediate acttonl No red tapel Our years of experience Insures you of the beat service. DRIVE IN for YOUR confidential loan. Used CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD "DRIVE IN" P. T. "JERRY" YOUNG Motor Investment Company Lie. M-274. Phone 159. 9th and Bartlett. You Can Save Money and Time by Getting Your , CAR LOAN OR REFINANCING Direct from the Lender, The OREGON FINANCE CO. Your Satisfaction Guaranteed. 46 South Central. Lie. M-21T. CAH LOANS Solve .our financial problems by refinancing or borrowing LOANS ON CARS 1932-1939 Trl-State Acceptance Corp License M-253, - MARK' A. GOLDY 109 B Mnin Phone 728 PERSONAL LOANS READY CASH for any purpose can be secured from us promptly, confidentially and at lAJW COST OVER 11 YEARS In Medford and thousands of satisfied customers, assures your complete satisiaction. OREGON FINANCE CO. 46 South Central. Phone 139 Ground Floor Crater lan Bldg, License S-211. M-217. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS I. Tree trunk 6. Unit of work L Point of land running Into water 13. SIkd 13. Oenus of the blue grass 14. Mud 15. Organ of Might 18. Dried grass 17. Oenus of the pickerel It. Commenced 20. Place in the ground tor growth II. Direct 32. Addition to a building 28. EngMsh coin 27. Exclamation 30. Border SI. Rodent 32. Fuel 33. I Abel " 34. Random 14. Lubricate 17. Long Inlet of the sea 18. Turf 4L Obtains ror temporary Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle VOIP AJCII OUSP jjTES a nmar te ptrmps J, Tig I P AfeA BIeIn AMR E SI S. S EM EigMSfT gl. jQj ma Aommmm ElSi c r a bMMsIMI a ABtAH linOiD UsMygD Y W RJAjgggJ &Mp PR E I OBMSlIliE NIC EIS A I AMAId E A N UMp L M GEMEffA RIP ESJtIE RS aFsii idieIdiaImeIrIaIsIe 45. Difficult 4fi. Winnow 47. Pagan god 48. Great Lake 49. Anger 50. Ibsen character 61. Expensive fl. Spread to dry 61. Host 1 12 13 r w i6 r wm ? , w iiit is f'5 7 7h'W'T WSW-W?' :kML- M lllll 23 2 25 26 S IJ it if T' ll as ""III-!!! lilllllllllll 38 3f AO W, 4T43 44 ,,. mill. I .v. fM fm ftIBl 1 m2 m3 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Expert Window Cleaner. LET JOE DO IT Expert Window Cleanera General house cleanera Floor waxing Jot Spence Phone 1172 Dresimaking, THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling. Puttons ana Buckles covered Room 320 U. 3 Natl Bank Jldg. Tel 1 IB I LOANS MONEY TO LOAM on modem dwell Inga of late construction 99 76 per month per thousand Low Interest rate. BROWN : WHITE. 104 W Main Nursery Stock. CARLTON NURSERY COMPANY Pralt. Nut and Shade Treea. Berrlee and Shrubbery Finest Oregon Grown Rosea. 8a lea yard three mile south on Pa cific highway W B Bnrmim Phone 851-R-3 Radiator Repairing. HOOPER'S RADIATOR 6ERVICB 33 South Bartlett ROOFING WE REPAIR ur apply uny type of root. paoco Kooiinga. smngiea. Coatings and Paints. Wall Paper One-third off Ekeraon Paint and Roof Co.. 38 So Bartlett Tel 243 Sanitarium. WE CARE FOR THE SICK ROGUE RIVER SANITARIUM TRAINED NURSES 24 HOURS PHONE JACKSONVILLE 82 Transfer. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 S Fir Street. Insured Carriers. Local and ong Distance Hauling. Phone 644. EADS TRANSFER & 8TORAQE CO Office 26 South Fir. Phone 316 Prlcea right. Service guaranteed CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Household moving and general hauling 29 8. Grape. Phone 2050 day or night. LEGAL NOTICES Notice To Creditors In the County Court of the State oi oreaon, lor JacKson county. In the Matter of the Estate of William Coy, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the county court of the state of Oregon, ior Jackson couniy. nas appointee the undersigned Frances Campbell executrix of the estate of William Coy. deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are re quired to present them with proper vouchers within six months from this date to Neff & Frohnmayer, 202 Cooley Theatre Building, Medford, Oregon. Dated December 15, 1939. FRANCES CAMPBELL, Executrix. Notice To Creditors Notice Is hereby given that Z have been appointed by the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, Executor or tne will of Minnie Duniap, de ceased, and have qualified. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, with proper vouchers, and duly veri fied, to me at the office of Harry C. Skyrman, Attorney ror said estate, at Room 409 Medford Center Build ing. In Medford, Oregon, within six months from the date erf this notice. Dated and first published Decem ber 29, 1939. HARRY B. CAMPBELL, Executor. Notice In the County Court of the State Cross -Word Puzzle I. Highway 7. Merry 8. Odor f. Italian city 10. Metal 1L Starting point of a sermon 1. Tilt 20. Run between ports 22. Invested with sovereign authority 28. Head covering 24. Arabian garment 25. Haul 26. Short sleep 27. Large serpent 28. Rowlna Implement 29. Antique 32. Former Rus sian empress 84. Concealed 3ft. Manner 36. Command 38. Cast off X. Merchandise 40. Operatic solo 41. Uncovered 42. Scent 42. Crawling animal 44. Kill 46. Proper DOWN L Ornamental knota t. Skip 2. River fn Siberia 1 Incorporate or Implant t. Lasting but a brief Umi of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of J. D. I Bell, also known aa James D. Bell, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the underalgned haa filed his final ac count In the above entitled matter and the above entitled Court has fixed January 37, 1940. at 10:00 ; o'clock a. m. In the County Court Room in the court House in MM ford, Jackson County. Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the eU le nient thereof. HARRY C. BKYRMAN. Executor. Notice Dog license for 1940 Is due Janu ary 2nd. Males, 11. 00; females, SI. 50. On March 2nd the law adds a pen alty of 1100 on all unlicensed doss. Mr. Cvrenus Combest will be tne enforcement officer and will be on duty the entire year. JACKSON COUNTY DOCI CONTROL BOARD MONTHLY STATEMENT JACKSON COUNTY OREGON NOVEMBER 1939 The following Is a schedule of the proceedings of the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, showing a Hat of clalmanta for supplies and servleea which were passed upon during the month of November, 1939. O. R. CARTER. County Clerk. General Cnuntv Fund H. N. Lolland. 172.00: A. C. Mlttle ataedt, 7300: E. B. Wilson. 1600; Jams E. Bunnell, $43.10; Lovlnger Company, H30S0; Wlnnlfred Sandcra $12.35; Red Cross travel, (14.49: Mall Tribune, (127.35: Marshall-Smith. Leonard, 114.80: Walter F. Monroe, 4.00: Clarence V. Tlede, $4.00; Leona Ormond, tIS.OO; City Sanitary. 5.00; John A. Chlshplm, H7 30; Pac. Tel. and Tel. Company, 29 85; Commer cial Printing Co.. 07.70; Heath'a Drue Store. 50c: Eaat Side Pharmacy. 49.31; Calif. Oregon Power Company, 264.19: Brophy's, 1.00; P. L. Ash craft, 40c; Porter Lumber Co., 5.04: Hubbard Brothera 61.05; The Frlde- ,eer Grocery Company, 44.60: M. ana M. Dept. Store, 12.35; Geo. Carpen ter. 3 .15: Jackson County Feed Co., 4.75: Olll Brothers, M.18; Render Tea Co.. 9.28; Baker Linen Company, 21.60; Beck'a Bakery, 9.66: Central Point Mattress Co., (56.00: Blldcrbnek Market. 2.0O: Ladlno Producta Co., 2.00; 8wltt and Co.. !498; Hnrdv'a Hardware. 1.80; C. J. Perrlne. aa 55: Ted's Feed Store, (1.10; J. D. Mars and Son. (11.25: a. R. Carter, post age, jsejo; Community Hosoltal, 0 25: State Industrial Accident com mission. a.45.16; J. R. Blerma. (1.00: Pacific Tel. and Tel. Comnany. (54.45; Jessie Kendall. (10.99; Don Crulk- shank. (11.25: Western Union. Iiui; Klocker Printery. 5 50; Hotel Med ford. (15.70: Ashland Tidings, 12.40: Timber Products Co.. 89.29: Aetna Life Insurance Co., 40.92: National Hosoltal Association, 48.00; Reliable Cash Grocery. 1.60: Alice oannee, 18.00: J. K. Olll Co., (13.53; Public Assistance, (1.895 92: Ina Huson, 30.00; O. R. Carter, travel, (90.00; County Court convention expense. (100.00; Sheriff, travel. (272.45: Calif. Paclflo Utilities, (11.61: Model Bak ery. (21.32: Emir Market. (12 42; Orover'a Dairy. (8.97: Oilman's Dslrv, 19.69: Medford Poultry and 6V?g Company, (10.13: Carold J. Parker, 5.39; Mrs. Qebhardt. 2.50; L. V. Watklns, (7.80: Wm. Frldwter. (2.26; Oft tea and Lydiard. (11.00; Riverside Market. (87.19: Plggly Wlei?ly, (4.64; R. B. Sweeney, travel, (27.50: L. L. Low. (7.60: J. H. Sheldrake, (4.20: Health Dept.., (20.00; Shaw Sunnly Co., (12.94: Otis Elevator Co., (27.00; W. Caraon. (8 60; Lorraine Pierce. (2.00: J. A. Walker, (l uu; State Bounty Fund. (800.00; Depend ent Children, (640.80; Blind Assist ance. (49.00: Old Age Assistance, (2.842 66: A. 0. Mlttlestsedt. (84 00; H. N. Lofland. (54.00; C. R. Bowman. travel. (50.35: Dr. o, A. oitmn. (102.40; C. R. Rav. (27.90: W. S. Dally and Co.. (7.10: Office Stationery and Supply Co., (147.45: American Laun- drv. (3.30; ur. e. k. uumo. bix.ju, Community Hospital. (58.00; Zeller- bach Pener Co.. (3788: John Iiugh- lln. (528: Sealer Weights. (28.72; Henry Rose, (4.00: Dewey vanuuier 8.00; D. L. o- itn. as.uu; u. ana w. Association. 400.00: O. R. Carter. recording (2 00: Billings Agency, 3.20; c. o. Hartley, ao.w: oam Coy, 8.00: Katie orieve. ae.uu; licub Lemmon, 6.00; L. L. Dsmon. WOO: Chas. E. Gray, (8.00: Chee. W. Lu men. (2.00: L. E. LorJer, (2.00: O. M. Knox. (8.00: Mavme P. Tucker. (6.00; W. O. Avert!!. 2.00: Chas. H. Dels man, (600: H. W. Todd. 2.00; E. E. Foss. (6.00: Ira C. Luman. a.w Ellen O. Billings. 6.00; Geo. W. Walker. 8,00: Roy Prultt, 2 00: W. H Arnold. MAO: E. R. Chlldera. 2 00; Victor Bv.rsfll, (2.80: Mrs. Otto Frohnmever. 'tf.oo; county uourc. travel, (39.56: Leona Ormond. (10.60: Health Denartment. freight. (2 60; Kee Lox Co.. (1.50; Klocker Prlnterv. (14.00: J. B. Coleman, postage, su uu: Alice Ganriee. (6.00: Una B. Inch. travel, (45.90: J. K. Olll Company, (4 88; J. J. Wagner, (7.60; Clara cor unit ,4 98: Bovd's Msrket. 247; Reliable Cash Orocery, (5.17; 8afe. way Store, (8 00: Service store, 4.n couniy l.inrary J. X. Olll Co., 18.13: A. C. McClurg Co.. (13.14: Oregon News CO.. saajju; H. W. Wilson Compsny. (18 00; Rand M.'Nallv. 77c: Blancne poweu. mm Nedwlck's Book Store. 75c; Marshall- 'Jmlth-Leonard. (33 60: MacmlMen Co.. (12 32: Hansen Herdwsre. 95c: Newe l D. Chamberla n. (1.00: R. K Bawker Co., IMS; Avon Book Co., 3.83; Edwin Allen Co.. sb.uo. Road Funds Calif. Oregon Power Company 78 80; D. and D. Lumber Co., 43 82; Cedar Ranlds Engineering Co.. 24.83: Woodbury Company, (4322: Dawson Filing Works, (6 36: Medford Auto Wrecking Co.. 80c: Vivian Beam 16.75: Porter Lumber Co.. 2.00: Tokhelm Oil Tank Co.. (183 70; Hawklnson Tire Service, (181 94; O. F. Brlttaan. (2 33: Clara L. Con- away. (33.76: Frank Drnzer. (50.45; Don Fredericks. (57.92; Robert Craig 6563: Ed. Cowden, (36.66; Clyde Davidson. (3.10: Oregon Calif. Faat Freight. (1.99: Southern Pacific Co 2.80: Oregon Culvert Co.. (196 77: The White Motor Co.. (91.77: Older Tire Excharwe. (2620: Pacific Tel and Tel. Comnany. (17.20: Union Of! Company. (2 80: Colyear Motor Sales Co. (65 18: Enrl Snell. (65 00: Con- snlldnted Freight Lines. (14.18: W M. Tethrow. (99.75: Henry Meyer. 95 23: Joe movall. (57 39; J. W. Oil- lasoey. (70 03; A. H. Moore. 3l bo; Jim Merrltt. (12151: Far! Jones. 08.76; Leonard Andrews. (78 76: I vsl Hertman. (94.80; Menno Schmidt, (71 33: W. Edens. (57 73; R. O. Ar. rlivton. (23 60: Chester Pursell. (3073: Lea Hardy. a25.13: Cy. Heart, bar. (36 13; Wesl.v Hartman. (109 25; Percv Haley. (119 98: Don Brlttssn. 98.23: Lincoln Pence. (7723: Chas. Dooms. (11601; Ed. Htlllwell, U7 23; Oale Moulton. (1I6J17; C. I Bourne. I (90 00: W. A. Sheldon. (78 78: Ralnh I Merrltt (108 73: Ed. (lineal. (110 73; L. Hicham (110 68; H C Dooms. 112 26: W. I. Tolle. I03 74: John Moulton, S2-ai, D. 4. CUIlord, 6106.74: W. J. Burbtdge, 696.17: Keith Denman. 197.70; Jack Thrasher, 646 31; R. J. Rlnabarger. 6133.76; R. N. Finney. 6102.86: D. O. Modrell. 611326: A. Wattenberg. 6121.70: W. W. Phillips. 635.68: Kenneth Wat tenberg, 667 86; John H. Lacy, 110.73; Harold Tolle. 6116.17: Mlrl Morw, 996 .65; Art BofCtiU. 99 16; B H. Moulton, $89 08; Ray Edwards, 98 76: A. H. Smith. 56 97: C. Z Boyden, S8482; E. D. Brock. W2.B3: Winifred Sanders, $19 25; Robertson Hardware Co., 19.42; Standard OH Company, $8.70; Paclflo Truck Ex press. 99c; Shell OH Company, $27 38; Finley Implement Co., $17.50; Med ford Lumber Co.. $20.00; Lorena Com pany, $1.18; W It ham Magneto Co., 87c; Medford Olaw Co.. $6.37; Hub bard Brothers, $26.96; City of Ash land. $2 50; Young's Service Shop, $1440; Medford Water Commission. $3 90; Eagle Point Water Commis sion. $2.50; Hubbard Wray Co., $14.70: Hanwn Hardware. $14.30. Jacksonville Jacksonville, Dee. 29. (Spl) ElEhteen Townsend club members of Jacksonville at tended a meeting in Rogue River December 26. Speakers included Mr. Sumner, national deputy, Mr. Norris and Martha Spcnker. A benefit dance will be held Sat urday night In the U. 8. hotel, sponsored by Amy Dow. SUva's or chestra will play. Funda will be given to needy families her. The public Is Invited. Ben Huntington was a Christmas dinner guest at the home of hla sister, Mrs. Ruth Qutgley, In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wella and daughter Mallna. of Wyoming, are visiting Mrs. Wella' mother, Mra. Fred Butcher, here. They arrived Sunday and are planning to make their home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Mallery at tended the 47th wedding annlveraary of Mr. and Mra. William Worthlngton In Ashland, December 29. The . Herman Offenbacher home waa the scene of a Chrlatmaa dinner at which Mr. and Mra. Ray Coleman, Mr, and Mra. Paul Jennings, Mr. and Mra. J. B. Coleman and W. R. Cole man were guests. Mr. and Mrs. O. , 0. Dorothy and daughter Carmen entertained Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lawrents and family at bridge Chrlstmaa night. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bherrlck and children Lucille and Malvln, ot Hood River; Mr. and Mra. Bennett and Mr, and Mra. Glen Charotta Sanger were Chrlstmaa holiday and dinner guests at the Gua Sanger home. Mr. and Mra. Bherrlck and family returned to their home December 27. Mrs. Addle Marsh was a Chrlstmaa dinner guest at the Ernest Lanley home. Miss Mabel Crelghton and Mrs. Jesse Jones of Salem visited their cousin. Miss lasle McCully, here De cember 97. Walter Hubbard of Klamath, Miss Orma Hubbard of Washington, Lo well Blackford and Mlaa Lorlne Davis of Central Point shopped her December 37. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Smith visited her mother, Mrs. Martin, In Klanv ath Falla recently. Ella Evana has moved to Califor nia to raslda with her mother. Homer Hartman spent Chrlstmaa with hla brothers, Wesley and Lyle Hartman, here. Mr. and Mra. Clinton Smith and children, Loyal and Marlon, and Julia Morgan of Medford were Christ mas dinner guests at the Ernest Lanley home. Mrs. Julia Williams, Mrs. Lulu Saulsberry and son John, George Merrltt, and Mlas McCully enjoyed Christmas dinner In Medford. Shirley Central of Granta Paas visited her mother over Christmas. Her atster Donna went home with her to apend a few days. A family gathering waa held Chrlat maa day at the manse. Oueata were Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Mallery and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elsen, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hsmllton and sons Robert and Harper, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mallery, all of Medford. Home Extension club met at the Presbyterian church December 30. Mra. Mabel Mack discussed weight control. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dorothy were Christmas dinner hosta to Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dorothy and daughter Carmen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mat sen and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Culy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davlea enter tained Christmas ave. Oueata were Orandmother Armpiieat. Mr. and Mra. O. C. Dorothy, and Mlas Carmen Dorothy, Mrs. Anna Davles, John Davlea and Mr. and Mra. Ed Starr. Ship Line Sued By War Refugee Philadelphia, Dec. 29. (IP) Contending he was forced to give up his steamer cabin for a cot during the rush of travel- ers from Europe before the war, Whitney Golt ud the United States Lines in federal court, asking $20,000 damages. Goit declared he suffered a nervous ailment because he was forced to sleep next to a bar room on the American Mer chant, Attractive Modern FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR RENT W.ll Furnlah.d Inquire 1610 E. Main 81. We- COURT HOUSE NEWS Marriage Licenses Robert Clifford Beattle and Ellnov Shults. Alfred O. BoUng and Thelma Fort In. Oarland Winifred Rock and Violet Charm lan Sturgeon. Circuit Court Divorce, Helen Irene Haxtbauer vm. Simon Hartbauer. Proliute Court Eatatt, of Zera Dahack, deceaaad. Estate of H. H. Landers, deceaaed. Estate of Emma Wing, deceaaed. Guardianship of Frank D. Madison. Guardianship of Gerrold Wilcox, minor. Deeda Mary Duggan to Stanley vaugfesa at al, W. D. 40 acrea In See 4. Twp. 36 S., R. 9 Weat, Willamette Meridian. Rose Velma Votlmer to Medford Corporation, W. D. In See 19, Twp. 94 8., R. 9 East. W. M. Lionel J. Cox at ux to B. L. Barry et ux, Q. C. D. In Medford. Helen V. Van Dusen to L. OX Plckell et ux, W. D. In Medford. Clyde Fields et al to Emma Fields. Q. G. D. In Jackeonvtlle. Lillian E. Ehrheart et vlr to Lu cille Llndbeig, W. D. In Medford. Clara Emma Whelden to Elnor M. Brown, W. D. In Medford. Henry Mapston et ux to Eugen G. Goff et ux, W. D. In Medford. . Ralph L. Witt et ux to J. B. Leigh et ux, W. D. In Twp. 31 8 , R. 1 East, W. M. John A. Reuter et ux to Cordelia Reuter et al, Q. O. D. In Jacksonville. George R. Riddle to Frank O. Hyde, Q. C. D. In Section 18, Twp. 38 S, R. 4 Weat, W. M. Harry K. Avery et ux to Jennie Bullock, property in Ashland and 16.36 acrea In Sec. 8, Twp. 89 S R. 1 East, W. M. (Quitclaim Dead) E. P. Hltt et ux to Jennie Bullock, property In Aahland and 16.80 aerea In Seo. a, Twp. 39 8., R. t Eaat. W. M. (Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure.) Wlllard F. Horn et ux to Stat of Oregon, W. D. 7.89 acre In See. 33, Twp. 38 8., R. 1 Weat. W. M. Roy J, Warren to Delmar S. War ren et ux, W. D. In Medford. Ralph A. HUblg et ux to W. . Van Vector at ux, W. D. In Ashland. Edith Margaretha Antla, Executrix et al to Albert J. Braun at ux. Deed In Medford. Joeeph J. Bpltzer at ux to Jo W. Thornton et ux, W. D. In Twp. U 8., R. 1 Weat, W. M. Emma L. Hall to Cheater L. Whit ney et ux, W. D. In Section 90, Twp. 36 S., R. 4 West, W. M. : Albert E. Colllnga et ux to John P. Colllnga, Q. O. D. 98 acre In Sec. 86, Twp. 40 8 R. 4 West, W. 1C Albert K. Colling et ux to John P. Colllnga et al, Q.C.D. Ditch Right. Addle smith et vlr to B. L. Powell et ux, W. D. In Aahland. Anna K. Koehler to Samuel D. Koehler et al, W. D. In Aahland. Beatrice Oalbreath, Guardian to Alfred 8. Hilton et al, Deed, la Riv erside Subdivisions. Beatrice Oalbreath to Alfred (V Hilton at ux, Q. O. D. In Riverside Subdivisions. Alfred 8. Hilton et ux to Sydney E. Ashford, W. D. In Riverside Sub divisions. Earl Owlnga et ux to E. O. 81111 man et ux, W. D. five acres In Twp. SS 8.. R. 1 West, W. M. Carrie Ma Morand et Ttr to Clar ence I. Drummond t ux, W. D. la Medford. H. M. Olaen t ux to Mark A, Ooldy, Trustee, W. D. on Stewart Avenue. He 'Grange Lake Creek Grange Lake Creek Grangers enjoyed a special treat when invited to Wyant's hall for a Christmas play, presented by pupils ot Lake Creek school, their teach er, J. R. Tyrell, Mrs. J. R. Tyr-. rell, Mrs. Frank Kllngle, and Mrs. L. H. Wyant. Recitations by first graders of the school completed the pro gram, The Grangers then returned to their own ball to hold a abort business session, the first sine th celling of the hall was completed and the last to be conducted by 1939 officers. Those of th committee and other who gay their time to work on the hall deserve much prats. Reed Charley was re-elected Orange cooperative director for a period of two yeara. A abort lecture program Included songs by the Orange and violin solo especially well rendered by Char main Charley, tiny daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Leland Charley. c 3 NEED CASH? BORROW ON YOUR CAR un ua explain Bow aay It I to Bat ready an with your car a Neurit Phon II for full Information Commercial Finance Corp "The Fnandly Finance Company" W W Welxsr President First Natl Bant Bldg Pnon It License Number 114