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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1939)
MEDF03D MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1939. PAGE THREE Society By Clara Mary Davis Lemmona Leave For New Home In Portland Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lemmon, prominent Medford couple, left this morning for Portland to establish a new residence. The Lemmons have lived here for a ' number of years and are well known throughout the valley. On Friday evening a dinner party honored the couple. Hosts were members of the Tuesday evening bridge club of which the Lemmons have been mem bers for fifteen years. Dinner was served in the small dining room of the Hotel Medford. The table was attrac tively centered with a brass bowl filled with holly and brass candlelabra containing red can dles. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrich, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Rolfe, Dr. and Mrs. Wil liam P. Holt, Judge and- Mrs. Earl B. Day, Mrs. R. W. Sleeter and Dr. Eobert W. Sleeter. Several Visit For Holidays Lieut, and Mrs. James H. Ash baugh of Reno, Nevada arrived in Medford Sunday by motorcar to spend the holidays. The young couple will divide their time between the Gould resi dence on North Peach street and the R. W. Childreth home on South Peach street. Mrs. Ash baugh is a daughter of Mrs. William E. Gould and the late . Mr. Gould and is a sister of Mrs. ' Childreth. Also visiting in Medford is Mrs. Chester Irish of Los An geles. She is a guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Chil dreth, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bre wold of the Jacksonville high way and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Childreth. Mrs. Brewold is her sister and Mr. Childreth is the visitor's brother. A number of social affairs to honor the visitors have been planned for this week. HAVE YOU r . n n o JANUARY SALE Umh JETTICKS DISCONTINUED STYLES From San Francisco PRES. TAFT Sails December 39 PRES. CLEVELAND Sails January 11 PRES. GARFIELD Sails January 30 PRES. PIERCE Sails January 26 PRES. COOUDGE Sails February o PRES. ADAMS Sails February 17 'ROUND Ihe WORLD via Hawaii and the Orient, in no days! and Clubs Open House Is . Sunday Event At Robertsons' , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robert son were hosts Sunday after noon at their home on Thomas Road for a Yuletide open house. - Guests called between the hours of three to five o'clock and among those from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sublett, of Palo Alto, Cal.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clay of Pasadena, Lieut, and Mrs. Rob ert Emmens from Riverside, Cal., and Miss Dorothy Paley of San Francisco. The Subletts with their small child are the holiday house guests of Mrs. Sublett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Walker. She is the former Miss Lillian Walker, well known former Medford girl. Also visiting her parents, is Miss Mildred Walker, daughter of the W. W. Walkers, from Gresham. Miss Paley is the house guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John White. Newly Weds Are Party Honor ees Mr. and Mis. Barney Riggs of Talent entertained at a dinner party last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith of Med ford whose wedding was an event of December 12. Twenty-eight guests were bid den to the pleasant party. Mrs, Smith is a graduate of the Tal ent high school. The couple are making their home in this city where Mr. Smith is associated with the Postal Telegraph com pany. Job's Daughters , Install Wednesday Job's Daughters will hold In stallation of officers Wednesday evening in"the Masonic temple at 7:30 o'clock. Charlotte Older is the honor queen. Parents and friends of the Daughters are in vited to attend the ceremonial P WA $3.95 REGULAR STYLES $5 to 86 WHAT BARGAINS! - 11 u 5 m. m. DEPT. STORE law- fyou have ever talked about taking a trip to THE ORSEWT There are a hundred fxdting reasons for airing l President Liner Orient cruise rhij winter, but nose, we think, are more important than the low President Liner roundtrip fares and the current foreign exchange that curs shore costs in one-half or to one-third. Your Travel Agent has all the details of these most fasci nating of all cruises. He'll tell you how you can sail from California exactly when you please, stopover anywhere along the way ... in Hawaii, Japan, China or the Philippines . . . and then continue on the next or another of these almost identical ships. He'll tell you, too, about the friendly President Liners, with broad play decks, an outdoor swimming pool . . . and every stateroom outside. See him today or call or write us at Sit Califoinia Stsbit San Francisco DOuolas 6000 AMERICAN PRESIDENT LZNES Round-World Service Day Home Scene ' Christmas Party Saturday Evening The attractive Groveland ave nue home of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Day was the scene of a no host party Saturday evening. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. William Bowerman, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson, Mrs. Robert W. Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Graff Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ben Day, Miss Pat Mayo and her brother Stewart, of Portland. With the exception of the latter two, the guests in cluded members of a bridge club. Cards were enjoyed through out the evening and a midnight supper was served. Miss Mayo, who recently re turned to the states from a Hon olulu sojourn with her brother and. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mayo, were holiday house guests of Judge and Mrs. Earl B. Day. She is Mrs. Day's niece and a prominent member of the college set in Portland. Alliean Maxwell Named Star Head Adarel chapter, Order of East ern Star of Jacksonville elected its officers for the year last week. Alliean Maxwell was chosen worthy matron, Ira Luman, worthy patron, Faye Peters, associate matron, Frank Knut zen, associate patron, Mattie Luman, conductress, Dorothy Waldron, associate conductress, Leila Shores, secretary, Anna Laughley, treasurer. Following the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Grant Todd enter tained members at their home on the old Jacksonville high way. Stunts and refreshments were enjoyed during the gay affair. Visitors Feted Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fuson were hosts yesterday aft ernoon at their home on Hill crest road for an open house af fair honoring their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Redfield, of Beverly Hills, Cal. Guests called during the aft ernoon to greet the visitors from California who have been the house guests of the Fusons dur ing the Christmas vacation. Also entertaining with open house were Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Stuart who invited in a few friends Saturday evening at their attractive Modoc ave nue home. 1 Eagles Card Party Tonight The auxiliary of the Fraternal Order of Eagles will entertain this evening at 8 o'clock in their hall at 42 North Front street with the fourth of a series of card parties; Grand prizes will be awarded this evening and refreshments will be served. The public is invited to attend. Sandersons Host Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Sanderson were hosts to friends on Christ mas day at their home on Ross Court. Dinner guests included the Sanderson's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sand erson, Mrs. Edith Garrett and Mr. and Mrs. Clatous McCredie. Mikiches Hold ' Open House The Raymond Miksche home was the scene of Yule open houses both Sunday and Mon day as many friends were bid den to drop In for Christmas greetings. (Additional Society on Pago Two.) see how little one will cost on a President Liner this winter H ''SSP HM0tX tlmtted Quantities! fj k hV Shoes . 29c , f n yrvv . I rssf.-css a 1 1 W A tiw ' Limited Quantities! SCOOPIII I lm te o 4 CHILDREN'S Women's ft i? FLANNEL FLANNEL Mm firrPDPnc gowns ;..' IS 1 -aa .JW" I At I Group One Group of MISSES' WINTER COATS Reduced to $5.99 The buy yon have hwn wait ing for. Sizes 12 to lfl. Every one a bargain! (Second Floor) 300 Yardi 27-Inch OUTING FLANNEL To Sell t 6c Yd. Oood weight Outlnr. Flannel, 27-Inch, striper). Buy plenty at tills low price! Be early to Rpt your share. (nalrony) Women'a Pure Silk SATIN GOWNS and PAJAMAS Reduced to $144 And 2.44 Window pieces, display pieces, nil slightly soiled but other wine a bargain, everyone! Only a few so come enrty. (Moln Floor) i "it 4 J? I Reducedl 3-Pound COTTON B ATTS 49c The bent buy of the wanon! Large size 3-pound fluffy cot ton butts at a fraction of thclt former price I Slightly tolled. Quantity limited. (Balcony) Special Sailing Children's HOUSE DRESSES At Only 33c Fast color Printed Frocks that any girl will enjoy! Bargain priced, tool (Second Floor) Whila 200 Yardi Last 36-Inch PRINTS At Only 6e Yd. Yards end yards of Beautiful Prints at a special low price! you'll have to be here early for this. (Balcony) no" !-( . 0 " . e'- ssss'.i . a.'issjwtemi OUT THEY GOI Odd lots, broken alias, Incomplete- assortments VALUES EVERY ONEI We're regrouping repricing before taking Inventory. We cannot advertise everything, but you'll find bargains In every departmentl Thrifty shoppers come early! 34c Warm and cozy Outing Flannel Sleeperl Sizes 1 to 8. Bargains! (Main Floor) Box of 12 SANITARY NAPKINS 10c oft and ahsorhent. Bargain priced I ' (Main Floor) Bargalnsl One Group of WINTER COATS and SUITS Repriced to Sell $5oo smart styles, broken lots rea son enough to be here when the doors open! (Second Floor) Special feature! 100 Yards 54-Inch . WOOLENS Reduced to 77s yd. Better qus-'Uty Woolens at a reduced price! Only 100 yards, so don't wait! (Balcony) Men's Lined DRESS GLOVES 57c Warm lined, black or brown eapeskln Dress Gloves at tbls price Is news! quantity lim ited. (Main Floor) Men's Coat Style SWEATERS At Only 79c Closely knit Cotton Sweaters, coat style for comfort, Voura for only 79 cents. (Main Floor) Men's Flannel PAJAMAS 73c Warm and eozy, full cut sire. A special bargain at this low price! (Mala Floor) vwasaaej Twits sue Limited quantity of these warm and fleecy Outing Flan net Gowns to sell at this low price! Better hurry for youi Mre. (Main Floor) Bargain Featural BOYS. " FLANNEL PAJAMAS 79c Rtyled the way boys like them. Warm and servlceabl, too. (Main Floor) Reduced! One Nov, ... io don Men! Here Is Savings! 4 ONLY DETTEIt TOPCOATS Repriced to Sell at The best buy of the season, and right when you need warm Topcoatl Only 4,' so you'll have to shop nowl (Main Floor) One Oroup of MEN'S LEATHER JACKETS Repriced to $500 And S.00 Better grade rapeskln Leather Jackets repriced to sell fast. Dont delay, as the quantity Is limited! (Main Floor) 1 inwa 1 nisjuiju Bataalnsi One Group HOUSE COATS and FROCKS Reduced to 50c Your chance to sart money! Higher priced HooM Coats Tnd Frock, priced treme- low for quick disport (Second Floor) Drastic Reductions! BETTER MILLINERY 25c Smart, aauoy felts at bargain price! Yours for only aso. Other at 50c end $1.00 (Hecond Floor) Reducedl Women'! All-Wool SKIRTS $1.44 Reduced to a fraction of their former price! Only 41 In this group. Shop now! (Rccond Floor) h of Rac i l.. Cttrrea 6 IfiLOO W 9 .'P """"" Speciallll Part-Wool WORK SOCKS While Quan tities Last Qc pr. Serviceable and warm. Stock op now for the cold months ahead I (Main Floor) Men's Dress SUSPENDERS 25c Fancy eolored suspenders at a clear-away price. Strong and durable! (Mala Floor) CENTRAL AT SIXTH