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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1939)
PAGE EIGHT MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1939. MEDFORDrTRIBUNE "Eraryob In ftonthtrn Orr f oaf tteU lh Mall TrlboM." Dolly Kxcopt Saturday Published by - MEDFORD PRINTING CO. tl-17-:9 North Kir St. Pbon fl. ROBERT W, RIJHL, Editor. BRNEST R- OILBTRAP, Unfr. An Indpndnt Ntwapaptr. Entered aa atcondc!asa matter at Hert ford, Ore con, under Act of March I, H7t. BUUSCHI.TION RATRS Br Mall Ii Advance: Dally and BunrJay one year If. 09 Dally and Sunday lx montha... t.lo Dally and Sunday three month!. t.OQ Daily and Sunday one month... .71 By Carrier In Advance Med ford. Ash land, Central Point, Jacksonville, Gold Mill, Rofue River, Phoenla. Talent, and on motor routea: Dally and Sunday one year 91.00 Dally and Sunday one month... .71 All tirtni caah In advance. " Official Paper of the Mty of Hedford. Official 1'iiper of Jackson County. MKMIIEROFTIIK AHhOCMTEO I'RI HS Reoelnns Full Lmd Wire 8trlr. The Atioolaied Hreae le exclualvely entitled to thw uae for publication of all news dispatches credited to It or other wise credited to this paper, and tleo to the local nowi published herein. All rlshte for publication of epecla! dispatches herein aia also reserved. MEMBER OF UNITED PRESS MEMBER CP AiDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS Advertising Representatlvea WEST-HOLLIDAY COMPANY. INC. Offices In New York, Chicago. Detroit. Ban Pranclsco, Los Amelea, Seattle, Portland. St. Louis, Atlanta Vancouver. P C Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Many natives are now full of the Christmas spirit, and flu cures. A "Virginia Democrat" was here the first of the week, siz- lng up the third term sentiment. He seemed to know more about Portland, than Richmond. Hit mala feature of the program i to In l three-act melodrama, 'Relief Be Hanged." presented by the Rose City players, now on tour." -(Eugene Register-Guard). Prosper ity elgn. R. Sweeney, the watchdog of the county treasury, Is a Grand paw, and stepping proud. The state proposes to hire a lecturer to warn young people of the perils of drink. There is evidence some of the older folks could stand a sermon or two on the same subject. Says a press dispatch, describ ing a sea battle between two British warships and a Nazi man-of-war: "South American listeners sat by their radio sets, and heard the running story, al most as if they were listening to the round by round account to a prizefight." Even if the glories of no soup or hat, were mentioned between shots, this is going some, even In this trangest of all war. The way things have been going, and are muddled, it may come to light, the British were chasing one of their own ships. ... LKT'S HAVE ANOTIIKR ONE (St. Loull Post-Dispatch) "The market for war decora tions on sale In Bowery pawn shops Is booming, says a feature tory from New Tort. War-minded youngsters find them fine toy. So the medals are moving at prices from 35 cents up." ... The First Lady of the Land, yesterday criticized the Dies committee for charging "con sumers organizations" are Com munist "transmission belts". The Dies committee will fool around until it discovers a few Com munist "phonographs". ... "Murderer, swindler, Impersonator, attacker, army deserter, bogus fed eral officer, actor, radio program di rector, author, and smooth-tongued Lothario these are only a few of the designations by which he Is listed In the category of hla offenses. (N. T. Mirror), otherwise, he has no faults. BRITISH GOLF COURSES WANTED FOR GARDENS London, Dec. 14. (P) Eng land's golf courses should be planted in potatoes and cab bage, the London Daily Ex press declared today. "All these lush fairways are too great a luxury when we need every acre for growing food." the editorial said. "If the rich businessmen want exercise, let them put down their mnshles and take up their spades." No Ghost. Grove City, Pa., Dec. 14. (IP) A figure draped In white dash ed from Dr. P. A. Allen's home and fled down the street but It wasnf a ghost. It was a burg lar who. surprised while ran sacking the place, hid his Iden tity with a sheet snatched from a bed, Sneeie Costs S103. Amarillo, Tex. (U.R) Because one sneeze cost A. F. Morris $103, he's glad he doesn't have hay fever. Morris was driving his automobile to work when he felt an urge to sneeze. When the sneeze was over, Morris' car had climbed a curb and crashed Into a tree. It cost $108 to repair the automobile.! Yes, Its a "Queer War" WE sympathize with our various and sundry correspondents who feel there is something decidedly "confusing" about the present war. When the reports are so conflicting, and often within a few days, from the same source so contradictory, how can such a re action be avoided? For over three months this department has carefully read the daily press reports, official communiques, and listened to the radio broadcasts, until in self defense we have made it rule to accept nothing as true, until it is confirmed by the "OTHER side," or by some authoritative and impartial observer, a type of observer extremely hard to find. ' And our advice to our readers is to do the same. It is, we believe, the only way to avoid serious disappointments later on. TAKE this sea battle off the coast of Uruguay, for example, which only last night was reported as a defeat for the German pocket battleship Admiral Scheer. Today the same press service, declares the Nazi raider of the Pacific was not even in the conflict, but the German vessel was the Graf von Spee! Last night the radio broadcast maintained the beaten German ship had limped into the port of Montevideo, and the commander had asked that his battleship be interned for the duration of the war. Today, the Berlin correspondent of the SAME service, declares the naval battle was a great victory for the Graf Spee, that one of Its three opponent cruisers was put out of commission, another badly damaged, and after a brief stop at Montevideo for the burial of the 20 dead, and care of the "gassed and injured", the Graf von Spee, will be roaming the Pacific againl Meanwhile BOTH London and Berlin are celebrating the same battle as a great naval victory!! WHAT is the average layman to conclude about it all? Unless he is the rare exception he will believe what he wants to believe and accept the London version, that the defeat of. the Graf Spee, was a great British victory and means the ends of the Nazi naval menace in the South Atlantic. But what if he learns tomorrow that the Graf von Spee has slipped out to sea again, or the of British freighters off the coast of Brazil! He will be. disappointed, disillusioned and generally "re- gusted." So, we repeat, our advice any sort of balance or composure in this conflict, is not to believe anything he reads or hears, until it has, without any reasonable doubt, been confirmed. He may miss a few local celebrations, but he will also miss the headaches that too frequently follow them. More Wrist -Slapping?' WELL, well, so the revived and reconstructed League of Nations kicks Soviet Russia out in the snow, and urges concerted aid to gallant Finlandl So far so good. But just HOW far and HOW good? At this critical stage of the .game, THAT Is the question. FR unless this noble gesture is followed up by something more tangible, than a few more whereases and wherefores, without teeth In them, it is going to do hard pressed Finland more harm than good, FAR more. . For like the sllng-shot pellets before referred to in this column, this tongue-lashing from Geneva, will only further enrage the Russian bear without in any material way, halting him, unless it is backed up by guns and airplanes and men, particularly the latter. FOR the great fear, that has motivated Stalin for a long time has been his fear of a "holy war" on the part of the capitalis tic world against him. This fear was undoubtedly the real reason for his non-aggression alliance with Nazi Germany, For in the event of such an uprising, he didn't wish a hostile and potent Ger many on his western borders. Nor a hostile Japan attacking him on the eastern. So he signed peace agreements with both of them. AND now this unnatural alliance is further cemented and made oreanlc. bv the lea cue throwing him out in the cold, where for some time, his new allies have been, also pariahs and outcasts as far as the League is concerned. And what does that add up to? A union of sympathy between Russia, Germany and Japan, stronger than ever before, a military and naval alliance between them far more likely. FR, obviously ,thls action by the League will merely confirm Stalin's suspicion that the capitalistic democracies of Europe, probably aided by the United States, are only waiting for a chance to do him and his ideology in. To escape ruin and disaster therefore more than ever ha must have Germany as a friend on one border, and Japan on the other. Meanwhile it Is very doubtful If the wily despot In the Kremlin is leaning his head on his hands and crying into his vodka, as he reads the "bad news" from Geneva. Far more likely his firm jaws are clicking and his black eyes snapping, as he orders EVERY RESOURCE AT HIS COMMAND, in the air, on the land, and by sea, diminutive upstart on his northern border, by sheer power and overwhelming numbers, regardless of the cost In blood or treasure. THAT is the probable net result of this slap-on-the-wrist by the League in our opinion. Far better from a practical and realistic viewpoint, It had never been taken, UNLESS, It is backed up by the COMBINED AND FORCEFUL ACTION OF THE LEAGUE MEMBERS, by rushing to Finland at the earliest possible moment, what Finland must have if the Russian hordes are to be beaten, more airplanes, more guns, more am munition, and above all more men, more trained and properly equipped soldiers. THAT CAN be done, if England and France with everything quiet on the western front, behind the Maglnot line, should join at once with Norway and Sweden, in rushing reinforcements through their countries, to support the nation that unassisted is now fighting their battles, gallant bu outnumbered Finland. It can't be done, without Itl One of the few white doves I examined It through field ever seen In Texas was dis-glari at 30 yards and report covered this year by a gumc ed It appeared to be a pure warden in Gillespie county, lie I albino with pink eyes. Admiral Scheer, has sunk a couple to those who wish to maintain to crush this unrcgenerate and j Personal Health Service By William Signed letters pertaining to personal health and Hygiene, not to disease dUgoMla or treatment, will be answered by Dr. Brady If stamped self addressed envelope la enclosed. Letters sbould be brief and written In ink. Owing to tbe large number of letters received only a few can be answered. No reply can be made to queries not conforming to Instructions. Address Dr. William Brady, 268 El Cam I no, Beverly Bills, Calif. THE MELANCHOLY Perhapsthey were melancholy days a hundred years ago. What with automatic heat control and air conditioning and everything they are com paratively cheerful days now, don't you think? Well then, if you still insist they are m e 1 a n choly, you can hop in the bus and travel southwest for a week or so. or ride the train for two or three days, or fly for a few hours and be right back in summer, any time. Even if you have to stay on the job all winter there is a simple way to keep the days from being too melancholy and the nights from being too try ing throughout the winter. 1 refer to air conditioning. If an efficient system or equip ment for the purpose is not built In your abode or place of occupation, you can install simple, practical, efficient hu midifier in each or everjr room where any kind of heating is used. This is the important part of air-conditioning adding sufficient moisture to the air which becomes excessivly dried out by any form of artificial heating. It is not only for physical comfort and good nature that it is worth while. Another benefit, less manifest until you've had a season ot experience with It, is the relief proper humidi fying of the heated air brings to one with any kind of chronic respiratory trouble such as rhi nitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, laryn gitis, and the Increase in nat ural Immunity to 'acute respir atory Infections. Such humidifiers are now ob tainable in most any place, or a man handy with tools can build his own, The thing consists of a metal box or tank with a metal top or cover to exclude dust but with ample openings at the sides for free passage of air. A wire frame suDoorts many folds or loops of absorb ent wicking or material like turkish toweling which hangs over the wire so that many loops dip into the water. The box or tank stands on radiator, register, heater or stove, and evaporates a gallon or more of .......... J-!,.. ,1,1 . . ' waici uuny. wiien enougn wat The Capital Parade By Joseph Alsop and Robert Kintner Released by The North American Newspaper Alliance, Ino. WashlnEton. Dec. 14. Toft. Dewey and Vandenberg are the only Republicans of standing openly campaigning for the presidency, but numerous other great men in the party are ceaselessly, if somewhat mys teriously busy. Of these, the most important are Herbert Hoover, who has a large follow ing of old friends, and fnrmni federal jobholders, and the Sun Oil millionaire, Joseph Pew. who heads the new Pennsvl- vania junta. Among conservative H cans, Hoover and Pew are the strongest figures. Their doings are beins watched with nnm hension by friends of Governor Alf M. Landon and other mod erate leaders. They are not thought to be working together, for the moderates are almost unanimously convinced that Hoover wants to be nominated, and no one expects Pew to back him for the nomination. But each Is reported to be encourag ing the other with the object of building up a large conserva tive influence on the party con vention. Oovernor John Brlcker, of Ohio, who has been aptly described as "an honest Harding" la aald to be the real choice oi Pew and the Pennsyl vania Junta Pew. old Joe Orundj, and other Fennsylvanlans are osten sibly committed to support their own governor. the bumbling Arthur Jamea. James, however. Is not realty evrllable. although his personal be lief Is to contrary. The play Is sup posed to be for the Pennsylvania!!! to go to the convention with a bloc of Jamea delegates. Just as Boies Penrose's men went to the :eiO con vention win a bloc of d'lesrlea committed to Governor 8proul. then. If the right time comes, they csn mm Brady, M D. DAYS HAVE GONE er Is evaporated daily as a rule IS or 20 gallons daily is a moderate requirement in a house of average size the at mosphere will be most comfort able for all occupants If the temperature is not permitted to rise above 70, preferably kept between 63 and 68 degrees F. Proper humidifying of arti ficially heated air in dwelling, office, store or other building, is a definite builder of vite. Remember, vite means: "Preser vation of the characteristics of youth . .. greater pep . . . more vitality . . . the highest degree of natural immunity. . . ." This attention to proper hu midifying, in my opinion, really aoes tend to maintain natural Immunity against cri (kree) any and all of the Common Respira tory Infections, by keeping the mucous membrane lining the respiratiry tract in a more near ly normal state. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Something To Relard Wrinkles Can VOU suraeat anme ,miih a. other1 cosmetic for a middle agert woman to use to retard the coming of wrinkles, nabblneas and other tell tale signs of age? (o. W. D.) Answer Avoid soap and water, use plain freshly made cold cream or pure olive oil or the special skin oil formula given In "Save Your Skin." for cleaning the skin. To retard com ing of wrinkles and snairlnc, anri flabblness, take -two miles of oxygen on the hoof three times a day and an optimal ration of vitamins B complex and D to aunnlemant tt, dally diet. "Save Your Skin" Is 80- uage oooaiet dealing with common skin and comnlexion troubim. uivint recipes for many remedies and cos metics. For copy send 28 cents coin and stamped envelope bearing your address. Saccharin In recent renlv tn aiinrv vm, that up to five Brains nf xnci-hnHn dally Is harmless. I have been using Bucviiarm ior years, usually two half grain tablets to a cup of coffee. Some days I have used more than five grains. Understand from my physic Ian that Its effect Is harmless as long as It Is dissolved in a large quantity of liquid. (R. L. K.) Answer Your physician Is right. I merely mentioned the conclusion reached bv lnvestleatora sn vmn that up to five grains dally mny be used with Impunity. How much more than that one may safely take. i nave no mea. u I wanted alic or eight grains a day. or on occasional days, I would not hesitate to use It ii-roiecwa oy John F. Dllle Co.) Ed. Note: Persons wishing .to communicate with nr. rimitv should send letter direct to Dr. William Brady, M. D !6S El Camplno, Beverly Hills, Calif. throw the James delegates to Brlcker Just aa Penrose threw the Sproul delegates to Harding. History rarely repeats with such ghastly exactitude. It will ha nrartv hard to get Brlcker started when tne onio delegation Is for Bob Taft. In Harding's case. Harry Daugherty at loast had the Ohio votes in his pocket. Meanwhile, however, there Is no ouot oi tne Pennsylvania Junta's activity. Jamea has Just returned from Texas, where he had a long vis,!, wun nis aaviser, col. carl Estc. the ex-Democrat who left tt, nil business, bought a pair of false whiskers, and went Into politics In a big way. Presumably the real objective of ... von. vibiv was mat veteran master of southern delegates, the Republican national committeeman from Texas. R. B. Creajrer. Prnftirar the master fence-sitter of all time, is emimea as an ally by the Penn sylvanlans, but has recently given sign of being more inclined to favor Taft. Whatever Creager does, the Pennsylvanlans are out for any dele gates they can lay their hands on. As for Hoover, the former president grows more busy by the day. Every thing he does is watched with sus picion by hla Hepubllcan enemies. Fo- example, when the war started, he made It nlaln tn th Dm that he would like to head up Its war reuer work, me Red Cross was not Interested. Then, when Russia Invaded Finland, he telephoned to HJalmar Procope. the Finnish min ister here, to suggest that he organ ire relief for Finland. Procnne h-,i ly knowing what to answer, replied nint ma country would oe glad to accept anything Mr. Hoover offered. Whereuoon Hoover lMiieH ment to the effect that he had aureea to undertake the task. Normally such eagerness would be taken as a symptom of anxiety to work In a good cause, which was probably Hoover's real motive. But Hoover's onDonenta view denta only as part of Hoover's effort to build himself up ea a candidate. They repeat the old story of how he irpuuiira isgaen i,. Mills the day alter the 193 convention, to assail htm and all Republicans as Ingrates tor glvlne- the nomlnttinn t ten don. And they argue that. If Hoover nauira inn nomination then, fee must certainly want It now. Whether or not the Mills story is true whether or not the argument Is correct Hoover Is certainly as busy aa a bird-dog. He is constantly shuttling back and forth between hla apartment at the Waldorf In New York and his house In Palo Alto. On almost every trip, he stops off once or twice, for breaklaats. lunches, dinners and talks with local leaders. These Hoover visit, orgau I lred in advance by Hoover friends ; in the p!are visited, have developed ;a reenter rourine. Because of the general Republican respect for Hoo- ver, they are pretty effective. It seems most unlikely that Hoover can get the nomination, even U ho wants it. Yet Hoover, far more than Pew. should be able to speak loud at the convention. By Frank Jenkins TTHE league of nations is get ting ready to expel Russia Russia retorts that there is no occasion to expel her (because of the Finnish incident), as her relations with the "Finnish people's government" are whol ly peaceful. The "Finish people's govern ment" is the WHOLLY FRAUD ULENU government set up by the Soviets in the few miles of Finnish territory they have suc ceeded in overrunning. 4 DAREFACED absurdities such u as this still further turn world opinion against Russia, and in the long run will give no help to Stalin's ambition to RULE THE WORLD. CO FAR, the Russian drive against little Finland has fizzled. The correspondents re port soviet slain HEAPED UP before the Finnish machine guns. Todav's Finnish rennets say that Russia is massing a minion and a half men for a smashing offensive against the Mannerheim line, which le thp Finnish equivalent of the French Maginot line and the German wcstwall. The French, the British and the Germans all fear to throw troops against modern fortifi cations, remembering the slaugh ter of Verdun. But what does Stalin pan tnr a few thousands or a few hun dreds of thousands of slain? What did Genghis Khan care? What did Tamerlane care? What did Attila care? (Remember this: The of Genghis Khan, Tamerlane ana Attila were all OVER THROWN in time.) THE British house of commons, nl,.l.. . i : aiming a bcvici session lO discuss munitions and war sup plies, is installing SOUND PROOF doors. If you can imagine German spies with their ears pressed to the keyholes of the h nnp nf common doors, you ought to be able to get a laugh. Tip to playwrights: This ought to provide an idea fnr a good farce comedy. I AFT (probably a little brash) intimates that if he were President he'd balance the bud get in two years. FDR, speaking scornfully at his press confer ence, says he'll give a handsome prize if Taft will tell him ex actly how to do it. Well, individuals balance their budgets by following a simple two-word rule: "SPEND LESS." ALL individuals know that " failure to biffance their bud gets means ultimate bankruptcy. Governments, unfortunate ly, KID THEMSELVES. Old Cannon Ball. Seattle, Wash. (U.R) An an cient 100-pound cannon ball was found by a construction crew on a West Seattle golf course here, leading to speculation that it might have been fired in a historic Indian battle of 1856. The missile was imbedded four feet in the earth. Coffin Handles. Fort Worth, Tex. (U.R) Two hundred and fifty coffin han dles were discovered by police here where they evidently had been abandoned by a thief who discovered his loot was worthless. increase inpnce 801 $1.45 QT. $5.45 GAL. iwm ttktm WMMT fey un. ThU whiskey is 3 reus old 1 939. Nations! Diniller Prod'.Cotp In The Day's News - i , V '- .. .1. ' I NOW 1 3 YEVRS OLD .N.Y. Flight (TTime Medford and Jackson County History from the flies of the Mall Tribune 10 and to years ago. TEN YEARS AGO TODAY December 14, 1929. (It was Saturday.) State highway commission to spend million on roads coming year. U. S. Steel plans big expan sion to end depression drift. Telephone rate cuts due Jan uary 1. Heavy rains and a warm wind sweep valley, causing streams to rise rapidly; 3.83 inches of rain falls in storm. Conditions resuming normal, as snow melts fast. Wild turkeys of the county fraternize with tame birds and chickens, game warden reports. Wets in congress prepare for expose of dry hypocrisy. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY December 14, 1919. (It was Sunday.) Cold spell ends and chinook wind brings danger of floods throughout western Oregon. Electric light service resumed. "Dry Christmas" promised na tion by rum enforcement agen cies. Odd Fellows call off "home coming session" on account of water pipes freezing in lodge I nail. Deluge of bills threatened for special session of the legislature next month. British quell uprising in Per- 5 CHRISTMAS (F1IC PROTECT YOURHOMf. TUBERCULOSIS v The red double barred cross, so prominently displayed on this year's Christmas Seal, stand aa an emblem of hope and health hope to those who wish to protect them selves from the disease. r SELECT YOUR HOTEL AS YOU WOULD A CAR-FOR VALUE Whether you pay a dollar a day or a hundred, select your San Francisco hotel for value. On this basis, your logical choice in the medium-price field is the Alexander Hamilton a 22-story luxury hotel without luxury rates. Here's what the Hamilton offers you: An apartment with large living room, semi-detached bedroom (no wall beds), electric kitchen, dressing room, combination bath and shower and your daily rate is no more than you ordinarily pay for a hotel guest room. Famous food in two dining rooms, con venient downtown location, garage. For the happy surprise of your life, next time try the Hamilton. HOTIl ROOMS FROM $3. 00. ..APARTMENTS FROM 3 50 JII1I J Usiaajaaamiaw n.,Mi..HI,lti An amazing thing to Windsor in the Even experts were surprised at the remarkable quality of Windsor, which has now become 3 years old. Here, for your enjoyment, is finer flavor than ever before, makine Windsor truly the "Prince Bourbons", Careful. Therel Roanoke, Va.iP) While the defendant, charged with draw ing a pistol on another, wai being tried, the complainant listened to lawyers argue until he got the hang of things. Then, when the defendant denied the charge, the complainant rose from his seat and Interposed: "Your honor, please, I object to all that." The judge warn ed the complainant he must be quiet or go to jail himself. Use Mall Tribune want ads. ACII NG CHEST COLDS Need More Than "Just Salve" To Relieve DISTRESS! To quickly relieve chest cold misery and muscular aches and pains due to colds it takes MORE than "just a salve" you need a warming, soothing "counter ifTfranf"likegoodoldreliableMusterole used by millionB for over 30 years. Musterole penetrates the outer layer of the skin and helps break up local con gestion and pain. 8 strengths: Regular, Children's (mild) and Extra Strong, 41K. Better Than A Mustard Plaster I HEY! You'll Forget The Earth quake Scene in ban r rancisco 'when GAREO LAUGHS in (I Ninotchka" (Don't try to pronounce it SEE IT1) ha$ happened . , of Good n'iwiiiny.t.w