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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1939)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1939. PAGE THREE WILL DISTRIBUTE Dividends totaling $13,700 will be distributed January "1 to members of the Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan association, A. P. Butler, l secretary, said today. Payment I will be at the annual rate of 4 per cent for the six months ' period. ; Directors of the association ! held their regular monthly - meeting last night and ordered the dividend paid on the basis of earnings for the six months. The dividend which members f will receive represents earnings of the association after all oper ating expenses have been paid and a substantial amount cred ited to the association's reserve fund. Added to the dividend which was paid six months ago, Mr. Butler said, the current pay ment will bring to approximate ly $27,000 the total amount which members in the Jackson County Federal Savings and r. Loan association will have re ceived within the last year. "On investment accounts the dividend will be paid in cash," Mr. Butler said. "In other in stances the dividend will be credited to the account in ac cordance with the wishes of the members." The Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan association Is v a member of the Federal Sav , ings and Loan Insurance cor poration, an agency of the United States which insures sav ings of association members against loss up to $5,000. EAGLES DANCE ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT AIDS DRILL TEAM Dr. W. F. Roney, president of Crater Lake aerie, Fraternal Order-of Eagles, announced this morning that advance ticket sales for the Eagle dance to be held in the Oriental Gardens tomorrow - night indicated a large attendance. Archie Legg's famous recording band will play. The dance is for the bene fit of the Eagles' drill team. Commenting on the drill team. Dr. Roney pointed out the following accomplishments of the organization: In 1934, in conjunction with the women's drill team, the state champion ship was won at Marshfield; in the same year, at the dis trict convention in Medford, the team won the first trophy. In 1937, at the state conven tion in Klamath Falls, the team took second place to Portland by only .1 of a point. At that time Captain O. Reed won the state championship ' for drill captain. In 1935, at Grants Pass, Medford tied with Port land in state silence drill com petition. For the past five years the Eagles' drill team has . been represented on Armistice " Day and Decoration Day pa rades and has functioned at funerals and initiations with aeries in northern California and southern Oregon. One of the biggest accomplish ments of the team was in Klam ath Falls in 1937, when it exe cuted 17 movements in 11 min utes. O. Reed is captain, A. G. Miller, lieutenant, and William Peck, manager. PORTLAND FOOD STAMP CONTRACT IS APPROVED Portland, Dec. 5. fF) At torney General I. H. VanWinkle approved a contract yesterday between the state relief admin istration and the federal sur plus commodities corporation for establishment of the food stamp plan in Multnomah county. It was forwarded to Secre- tary of Agriculture Wallace for final authority. . Princeisea Shop London, Dec. 5. Prin cesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose Went Chrtetmao ehnnnlna 0VIT,B in a Scottish five and ten cent store today and bought trinkets and handkerchief gifts for war refugee children. "They knew what they wanted," a saleslady said. Thousands Praise Simple PILE RELIEF This Quick, Easy Way. Simple piles need not wrack ind tor. ture you with maddening itch, burn and Irritation. Stuart'a Pyramid Suppositories bring quick, welcome reiiei. ineir 7-way medication means real comfort, reduces strain, helpa tighten relaxed membranes, gently lubricates and softens. Protective and antl -eh a fine, so easy to use. It's wonderful to be free of pile tor ture ajraln. Get cenulne Stuart's Pyramid Suppositories at your drug store without de.aj oc md 91-30. Film Actress Weds Radio Quiz Expert June Gale (above), fetching stage and movie player, reports from Fredericksburg, Va.. said had married Oscar Levant, musical brain truster of radio's "Information Please" quia program. Miss Gale was born in San Francisco. FOR CROP LOANS All farmers In Jackson coun ty expecting to request farm se curity administration assistance for next year's operations are asked to make application be fore the holiday season to avoid delay, announces Eugene Hamp ton, county FSA supervisor, 211 Fluhrer building, Medford. Funds are now available to meet all current demand for loans. Eligibility for FSA assistance requires that the farmer have a rent, lease, purchase contract or ownership of a family-sized farm, and that he be unable to secure adequate credit from the local banks or credit pro duction association to meet his operating needs, and maintain a "going unit." Letters of refer ence from place of origin is re quired where farmers have not established legal residence. The FSA program makes available operating loans for necessary livestock, feed, seed, machinery, household goods, and cooperative facilities; sup plemented by practical farm and home plans providing for business-like management and home production of family food needs. Where debt burdens are beyond capacity of the farm to carry, debt adjustment services provide for friendly negotiations between debtor and creditor to reach an equitable solution through refinancing, time exten sions or other adjustments. Applications may be filed at the Medford office from 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Monday through Friday, while information may be secured at all times. CUPID SET RECORD DAILY CARNATION Sacramento, Cal. Joe Kis ber's memory of his World war perils is always fresh. It blooms daily in the form of a red car nation. In 11)17 Kisber was in France with George McCarty. McCarty worked for a Sacramento flor ist and hoped to live to get back to his job. "If we get out alive, Joe." November, with a total of 31 marriage licenses issued by the county clerk, was the best month of the year for Dan i Cupid. It was a year ago this week that the Oregon marriage medical examination law went into effect. Marriage licenses Issued dur ing October numbered 21, and the total for September was 23. Sea Safer Than Can Washington, Dec. 5. (P) Autonobiles killed more sailors in the fiscal year 1939 than the sea did, the navy's bureau of medicine and surgery ieported today. Fifty-four men died of automobile accidents, while 33 drowned. he told his buddy, "I'll glv you a flower for your button hole every day, as long as wa live." "All right, make It a red carnation," Kisber laughed. McCarty got back to his flow er stand. Kisber was gassed and shell-shocked, spent fiva years in hospitals. Afterwards he found work as an elevator operator near his old friend') stand. And now every day, in cluding Sunday, he gets a fresh red carnation io wear in his lapel. Of all the teas, only the Med iterranean it contemporary with recorded history. Those who know their tea and nut exquisite flavor and clearness, take pride in serving Schilling Tea, Compare its fragrant, refreshing goodness! Compare it for tvtrylbing you want in a cup of teat Enjoy the best - insist on Schilling Tea. Medford American .Legion post and auxiliary are planning a comprehensive program for the district four conference to be held here December 20. All department officers of both organizations will attend, also Mrs. Ruth Mathebat, na tional vice-president of the west ern division of the American Legion auxiliary, of Alameda, Cal. Members of the post will meet at the armory at 2 p. m., and it is imperative that all post officers attend. All mem bers who can attend are also cordially invited, as problems will be discussed of interest to all veterans. ' ' ' Members of the auxiliary will hold their session at the Hotel Medford, beginning at 2 p. m. A banquet will be held at Hotel Medford at 7:30 p. m. for all Legionnaires and auxiliary members and their invited guests, whether members or not. Talks will be heard from De partment Commander Niel R. Allen, Department President Mrs. Wm. Horsfall and Mrs. Ruth Mathebat. Post and auxiliary units tak ing part in the conference are Roseburg, Kerby, Grants Pass, Ashland and Medford. Final plans will be discussed at the regular meeting of Med- u luiu puat aim auAiuaij', acc,- ber 13, at the armory. EAGLES APPOINT GIFT COMMITTEE The committee to distribute Christmas baskets to the needy for the Fraternal Order of Eagles was appointed this morn ing by Dr. William F. Roney, president. The committee Includes A. H. Banwell, general chairman, J. O. Cooksey, Lloyd Seymour, Charles Franks, Frank Root, George Tucker, E. B. Tucker, Mrs. George Tucker, Mrs. Charles Franks, Ray Norval, Jack Thomas, E. E. Benbow, Phil Whitlock, Ivan Gay, Charles Stelle, John Stelle, Ray Marx, William Powell, Walter Erskine, Ray Schumacher, Paul Robertson, Tom Edsall, Harry Ward, Fred Johnston and John Steger. The committee will hold sev eral meetings in the near future and will deliver the baskets on Sunday, December 24, it was announced. Peace was the content of the first message to go over the first successful cable, completed in 1866. It was word concerning the peace treaty signed between Prussia and Austria. un d ,or days ' nCLl DISCOMFORT Try CHICHE3TERS PILLS for functional periodic pain and discomfort. Usually Slve QUICK RELIEF. Aj your druggist for S, ' iu . . .1'' r -J !1X Z3 1 5- v -n WAS More than nine million times a day More than three billion times a year the public tests the quality of our Pacific Coast telephone service. Each call is an individual transaction. The measure of this service is not only its promptness, reliability and low cost. It is also the courtesy with which it is given. Our genuine desire is to make this a friendly and helpful institution ... and to give you the best, the most and the cheapest telephone service possible. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY National Hospital Association announces Prepaid Medical and Hospital Care for Individuals and Families THIS Is the most important announcement made by the National Hospital Association since its founding in 19061 It is the common sense answer to the ever-present problem of how we shall obtain medical, surgical and hospital care when sickness or injury overtakes us. It is the answer that provides protection for our health, our homes and our incomes and assures the doctors and the hospitals that their bills will be promptly paid. Prepaid Medical and Hospital Security Based upon a third of a century experience in providing medical, surgical and hospital care for the employes of the industries, the National Hospital Association is now extending its pro tection to individuals and their families under its improved Hospital and Medical and Hospi tal Security Contracts, through which the members are assured of full medical, surgical and hospital services and care by small payments made in advance while they are well. Scope of Service The improved Hospital Security and Medical and Hospital Security Contracts of the National Hospital Association are broad in their scope and embrace the various classes of services and care required, including services of physicians and surgeons, specialists, x-rays, clinical labora tory examinations, hospital care, operations, consultation before operations, oxygen, radium, x-ray therapy, physical therapy, blood transfu sions, biological serums, antitoxins, ambulance, care in private sanatorium, special nurses, and other recognized services. Of special interest to young-married people are the maternity provi sions of the Association's Family Contracts. Protection is World-Wide Holders of National Hospital Association im proved Security Contracts are protected wher- Pioneer association answers public demand for protection against the burdensome costs of sickness and in jury. Improved contracts follow the Association's famous Full Coverage industrial contracts and extend the benefits to provide world-wide security with free choice of doctors and hospitals! ever they may be at home or abroad. There are no geographical limitations under National's improved Security Contracts. Member Selects the Doctor and Hospital Most far-reaching of the many features of Na tional's improved Security Contracts is the mem ber's right to choose the doctor he wishes to attend him and to select the hospital. The mem ber is not required to use the staff physicians of any special bureau or group; thus, he may enjoy the confidence of the family doctor and the skill of the trained specialist. To our knowledge this is the first time in the history of medicine that the general public has been offered a world-wide medical and hospital security under a prepaid plan that gives the members the privilege of selecting the doctors and the hospitals they wish to attend them, ' Who May Become Members National Hospital Associadon's Improved Se curity Contracts are designed to be of service to the greatest number of people. All persons between the ages of two and seventy years men, women and children, regardless of wher they live are eligible to membership, the only provisions being that they shall be of good reputation and in good health at the time their applications are received. ' Contracts Fit Fqmily or Personal Budgets The National Hospital Association has designed several classes of contracts to meet the economic circumstances of those who are interested. There are two major plans, each divided into three classes to fit the personal and family budgets or the desires of those applying for member ship each plan and each class of contract fur nishing a complete service. ASK FOR FREE BOOKLET Everyone should know about the National's new plans of prepaid Hospital and Medical and Hospital Security for individuals and families. This subject is of such great importance and of such wide-spread public interest that the Na tional Hospital Association has prepared an informative, illustrated booklet containing com plete information as to how you can obtain this security for yourself and your family. The Association will be pleased to send you a copy of this booklet upon request. Simply fill in and mail the coupon' below to the Association's offices in Portland. If you have friends you would like to have know about National Hos pital Association Security regardless of where they live send us their names and addresses and we shall be glad to also mail them one of these valuable booklets. Remember National Hospital Association's new Security Contra are World-Wide. Clip and Mail this Coupon for FREE Illustrated Booklet National Hospital Association C. C. BECHTOLD, Gnral Manager EXECUTIVE OFFICES MOHAWK BLDG., 3rd AVE. AND MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, ORE. MEDFORD OFFICE ROOM 4, JACKSON COUNTY BANK BLDG. Uc-t Mull strpft llrphine 1720. NATIONAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Fort land office: Mohawk Bldf. Mr (l ford office: Room 4, JaokMB Co. Bank nlrlpt. PleaM lend illuitrated booklet without obli gation to: (If Miu oc Mn. please Mate.) ... I 1 jT i jK- . j I Cilj StMt , j I I I Smu i. i I,., .... i I StTL. .cur- Stmt- Slrttl- .air- Sff- (PI,,nTrl1) MT-1