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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1939)
me'dford mail tribune, medford. OKECON. FRTDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1339. PAGE THREE APPLEGATE CCC B Two Receive Hospital Treat ment When Machine Ov erturns In Jacksonville. A CCC recreation truck, loaded with 20 Camp Applegate boys bent on enjoying Thanks giving night in Medford, over turned on a Jacksonville city street at 4:15 p. m. yesterday. Six enrollees were injured, two of them badly enough to re quire hospital treatment. Spending the night in Sacred Heart hospital were John Ro mine, 20, who suffered an in jured knee and John Mins, 18, who sustained a gash on the head. They were not seriously hurt and were to leave the hos pital this afternoon. The other youths suffered only minor cuts and bruises. Excessive speed was given as the reason for the accident by Lieut. Maurice N. Harris, motor transport officer of the Medford CCC district. Damage to the truck was estimated at $100, he said. The mishap occurred on the right-angle curve connecting Jacksonville's main street and the Medford-Jacksonville high way. The truck, operated by John W. Jordan, was traveling from Camp Applegate to Med ford, and failed to negotiate the turn. Following the accident a truck was sent from district headquarters here to transport the boys to Medford and the two Injured youths to the hos pital. Musician Lauds U. S. Athens. Tenn. (U.P.) Dr. Wer ner Wolff, formerly one of Ger many's most famous musicians, says that the world's musical Protests Relief AT PUBLIC ME (Continued crom Page One.) The budget will be formally certified and approved, and turned over to the county asses sor today for extension on the tax rolls. SOVIET NEWSPAPERS Mrs. Mary Wronskl (above), 62, with 32 others staged a sit down protest at a Cleveland re lief station. Mrs. Wronski said her son is a victim of paralysis, that she is two months behind with her rent and she fears evic tion. The sit-downers were pro testing curtailment of food to the needy. center has shifted from Europe to the United States. Wolff and his wife, Emi Land, are teach ing music at Tennessee Weslcy an College. He says that op portunity in the field of music in Germany has declined but in America it has increased. Has System Bodega, Cal. (U.R) A pelican at Bodega bay allowed a fisher man to feed it a fish out of his hand. Since then, it has never been known to catch a fish it self. The fishermen on the bay know it, and they have only to wave their hands and it will fly a half mile to be fed. But it will not fish for itself. Sweet Anger Addison, N. Y. (IP) Annoyed by bees about his house, Emil Olkey tore off some siding and discovered 100 pounds of honey. Ill II Lb. can 2 lb III BOYD'S ARRET 108 N. Ivy. S. & H. Stamps Phone 1054 Frea Deliveries 8-10-2-4 Specials for Nov. 25 and 27 Schillings Coffee 25c 49c CRACKERS 19c SiaCrisp Sodas 2 lb. box Grahams AM. 2 lb. box CO C Rita Crackers large pkg 21c CEISCO 49c - 98 c 3 lb. pail 6 lb. pail ... SOAPS Camay "7 Toilet Soap, 3 bars lib Ivory Soap C Medium siie bar WW Ivory Soap "1 7 large, 2 bars I I w Ivory Flake. , 4 -J- small, pKgs I I w Ivory Flakes A4 . large pkg fa I G Lava Soap bar Oxydol large pkg Oxydol giant pkg Dash large pkg Dash giant pkg P. and G. Laundry Sosp giant 10 bars . O.K. Laundry Soap, giant site 10 bars 8c 19c 53c 24c 53c 37c 35c Kitchen Queen Hardwheat 49 lb. bags FLOUR Flagstaff Hardwheat 491b. CI "SO bags ....... j) lidtl Queen $1.49 Crown Best Patent Pure, not bleached 49 lb. , d QQ bags . j .09 SQUASH Fancy Local J A. Danish, 3 for I U C Grapefruit Juics Texsun No. 2 AA. 3 cans fcOC Grapefruit Juice 4 O M Glen Ray, 46 oz. IOC Jello package 5c CORN, PEAS, STRING BEANS No. 303 tins 3 cans 25c Case 24 cans $1.39 Corned Beef No. 1 tin Pancake Flour Sperry No. 10 bag 19c 48c Miracle Whip Pints, 21 Quarts 32 Corn, Del Monte cream style No. 2 tin 10c Peat, Del Monte Early Garden No. 2 Garden lins 2 for LOG Baking Powder Gold Label " 10 ez. can WW Pearl Shortening 4 lb. carton 38c Oleomargarine OC Gem-Nut, 2 lbs bOC DOG FOOD Pard Bonnie 3 cans 250 4 cans 190 said "I have heard the county court had a trip to the fair last year out of this fund". County Judge Day. and Commissioners Perry and Billings, arose in turn, and said they had paid their own way to the fair. County Engineer Paul Rynning explained part of the fund would be used to se cure federal legislation seeking money for highway improve ments, and the rest as the coun ty's share of the newly formed Pacific Highway Association, for the purpose of securing more tourist travel, and improve ments. Hood explained he want ed to know the facts, so he could refute the rumor. Henry Conger inquired about the allotment for stock inspec tion and thought as long as a fed eral inspector was stationed in the county, this was unneces sary. County Agent Robert G. Fowler explained the purposes, and County Judge Day said the time the government inspector would be available was proble matical, so the fund was neces sary. Alford Defends Item Former County Commissioner George Alford of Fern Valley was present and defended the budgeting of $600 for expenses of the county court in work con nected with sale of county lands. He declared it was a good investment, and good business, as viewed from his own experi ence as a county court member. The hearing was harmonious throughout, with Henry G. En- ders, of Ashland, acting as chair man. Other committee members present beside the county court were W. H. Young of . Eagle Point, and Leonard Carpenter of Medford. There were only 30 people present at the session, including six women, and a small boy, with his father. U. S. MAY STRETCH SUBMARINE NETS Washington, Nov. 24. (IP) Congressional sources said today that the navy may ask congress for funds to equip some of the nation's major harbors, particu larly those used by the fleet, with the latest type of anti-submarine nets. Well-informed persons said naval officials have learned the British have developed a new type of anti-submarine net so far superior to anything in the United States that consideration was being given to seeking about $40,000,000 to provide similar protection for American harbors. The new British net was de scribed as being composed of three-inch steel bars in a mesh small enough to stop torpedoes as well as submarines. IT E PUZZLES POLICE Eugene, Ore., Nov. 24. Wt Investigators are awaiting further study today of the char red body of Thorvald Peterson, lone chicken rancher whose re mains were found in his flam ing home seven miles south of here yesterday morning, before deciding whether his death was suicide or could be layed to foul play. The remains of the middle-aged man are being sent to Portland for an analysis today. A burned automatic pistol was found beneath Peterson's head. Three' other rifles were found in the ruins. Authorities are also baffled by the fact that five buildings, widely sep arated on a half acre plot of ground, were leveled by fires. The flaming buildings were dis covered by a passing woman I motorist. Moscow, Nov. 24 i.V) Soviet Russian newspapers, pressing attacks against Finland, today reported growing difficulties and dissension in Finland over the government's refusal to come to terms with Moscow. Dispatches datclined Helsinki. Finland, and Tallinn, Estonia, again accused Finnish leaders of wanting to go to war with the U.S.S.R. against the wishes of the Finnish people. (Finnish Premier Almo K. Cajnnder in a speech last night declared Finland had gone as far as possilble toward meeting Russian territorial demands and that "no war of nerves or econo mic pressure will make Finland bow down." (He represented Finland as ready to resume negotiations at any time but only on a "basis not implying a violation of her vital interests.") Repeal of the United States arms embargo was attacked by a cartoon in the newspaper Mos cow Bolshevik which played on the term, gulf stream, to depict a "warm new gold stream" flow ing from England to America with American munitions manu facturcrs raking in dollars from the surface. CASES OF BLINDNESS YIELD TO OPERATION UPON SINUS CAVITIES Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 24. (.?) Sinus operations, greatly feared by many sufferers from sinus trouble, are curing many cases of blindness. The dramatic results of drain ing the sinuses far back In the head occur when there has been interference between them and the optic nerve due to infection, Dr. James B. Costen of St. Louis. Mo., told members of the South era Medical association at one of its closing sessions today. In a series of 13 cases studied, both sudden blindness and pro gressive blindness wore found, with some patients reporting spots before their eyes, blurring. I clared, the operations relieving bleeding from the nose, tonsil ! both pressure on the optic nerve) infections, and headaches, Drainage or flushing of the remote sinuses in the middle of the head brought about complete or partial improvement in ten of the 13 cases. Dr. Costen de- and infection of sinuses. The United States has under construction two battleships of 43,000 tons each, the largest on record. WHITE SATIN ITS PURE GRANULATED L GSANUkATSD J? ' SUGAR Just Compare "White Satin" With Any Other Sugar! Th Onlv Suear Made In Oregon L Tut AHjutMit am a Holloway's Reliable Grocery GIRL KILLED IN UPSET OF AUTO NEAR BAKER Baker, Ore., Nov. 24. (IP) Eileen Silverthorn, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Silver thorn, was killed early this morning eight miles east of Baker on the Baker-Huntington section of the Old Oregon Trail when an automobile in which she was riding overturned. 700-Pound Shark. Durgan, South Africa. (U.R) What is believed to be a world record for spoon fishing has been established by a Durban angler, H. Robson, who landed a 700 pound sliway gray shark after a five hours' battle. Do ALL of your Christmas shopping in this conveniently arranged, well de partmentited store- Gifts for every mem ber of the family JSP a VW- s yJy r- "T --"m fin. . v - a A Regular M. M. Dept. Store Holiday Service m- mi -v- WRAPPED In attractive holiday style and all ready for the tree . . . This M. M. Store service Is. of course FREE! Comes to the M. M. Store TONIGHT And Saturday We cordially invite you to see our holiday win dow displays, especially prepared for Medford's Christmas Opening TONIGHT. We also urge you to see the complete displays throughout our store SATURDAY. You'll be delighted with their completeness; pleased with the qualityof merch andise: surprised at the consistently low prices featured for this Christmas feasonl SHOP V 1 ft I Use our Lay-Away Plan Gifts will be attract ively wrapped and laid away until Christmas. M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE PAY LESS-DRESS BETTER 220 EAST MAIN TELEPHONE 232 . Here's The Answer to your food shopping problem (liirlnc the busy holiday seatnn. Jut mil 20 ami an evperlenred order rlerk will carefully celert your fond. Any Mze order will he ilelUerei! free. Sjitp Time, Trouhle and Money the Kelt ahlc Way. Be Wise Bay Wise j and Economize at Holloway's PEACHES, Fancy Royal Club, large No. 2Vi can 19 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Royal Club, large 46 ounce can 19) CRANBERRY SAUCE . .. can 15 BAKING POWDER, Schilling 12 os. can 27 2V4 lb. can 77e) SHORTENING, Pure Vegetable 4 pound package 49 TOMATO JUICE, 24 oi.. '. Urge can 10r WHEAT FLAKES, Carnation, small pkg. free with purchase large pkg. a m m m m m. m iav b C H I L L I IN ub. 28c COFFEE2ib, 55c Two kinds Ptuuloior and Drip PACKED IN WOODEN BOXES Tuna Flakes 2 cans 25c Raisins 4 lb. pkg. 25c Wax Paper or Paper Napkins 2 for 15c KRISPY CRACKERS, Sunshine CANDY BARS, Sunshine fresh LARGE WHITE BEANS MATCHES . MORNING MILK, tall cans WALNUTS, local, new crop MIRACLE WHIP .1 lb. box 29 3 for 10$ ..package 19 ..6 box carton 17 4 for 25 lb. 15 .....quart Jar 35 Free Jar Silver Polish with Johnson's Liq. Wax, qt. 98 Borene, Large pkg. 29 Granulated Boap Borene Bar Soap 4 for 17 CORN or PEAS, Meeo STRING BEANS, Royal Club CORN, Royal Club cream style.... SHERBERT MIX 3 cans 25 2 cam 25 2 earn 25 can 5 Try our Canned POPCORN It's fine It's Red E Popt FRESH RANCH EGGS at all limes, graded and Inspected CROWN Ueit Patent, 49 lb. $1.89 FLOUR Kitchen Queen, 49 lb. $1.49 RELIABLE FRUITS and VEGETABLES Lettuce 2 for 13 Large solid heads Blue Lake Beans 3 lb. 25 Sunkist Oranges doz. 25 Valencia 220 slse Large Artichokes 2 for 13 &J 'JVtZi Jt0r Xitl fW: tKM I I CITY MEAT MARKET 112 N. Central The Home of Good Meats PHONE 324 'Any Size Order Delivered Free Leg of Pork Roast 20c Shoulder of Pork Roast ft. 15c Lean Home Cured Bacon Backs n. 20c Lean Home Cured Cottage Ham it. 20c PAY CASH AND SAVE