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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1939)
PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1939. Society and Clubs By Clara Mary Davii Solo Harpist to Appear in City Sunday Afternoon Heading the calendar for en joyable entertainment Sunday afternoon is the appearance here of Ruth Lorraine Close, solo harpist who will be presented in concert at 4 o'clock in St. Mark's Guild hall by the Medford Musi cal society. The well known harpist will present the following program: I Solfeggietto Bach Chanson de Guillet Martin. Old French...Arr. by Perllhou Minuet Beethoven II Valse de Concert Hasselmans Fantaisie Saint-Saens Marguerite au "ouet Zabel ni Au Seuil du Temple Tournier Lolita la Danseuse Tournier La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin ..... Debussy First Arabesque Debussy IV French Folk Songs Ron Ron Ron Petit Patapon Grandjapy Le Bon Petit Rol d'Yvctot.. Arr. by Grandjanv Autumn Thomas Jazz Band pour la harpe Tournier Butlers Visit In This City Mr. and Mrs. Elliott (Jock) Butler of Albany have been vis tors in Medford for the past week at the home of Mrs. But ler's father, T. N. Parrett. The couple are former well known Medford residents. Wilson Home Will Be Scene of Meet , Daughters of the American Revolution will observe its twentieth anniversary Saturday, at the home of Mrs. E. M. Wil son, 340 South Riverside ave, nue, at 2 o'clock. The following members will lake part in the program of the resume of the past twenty years in D.A.R.: Mesdames Bert An derson, M. J. Morris, J. A. Perry and B. G. Harding. Mrs. W. W. P. Holt, Mrs. Bert Anderson and Mrs. Ralph Spen cer will act as assistant host esses. Dues will be collected at the session. Theta RhoClub Meets Tonight The regular meeting of the Theta Rho Girls' club will be held at 6:30 o'clock this evening in the I.O.O.F. hall. The session will be preceded by a formal banquet to be fur nished by the Rebekah lodge. Initiation will follow the ban quet. Margaret Pence will be Inlti ated into the club. All Theta Rho Girls and Rebekahs are in vited to attend. Miss D'AlbiniIs Honored at School Miss Corlnne D'Alblnl, dau"h ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Q. D blnl of this city, was recently honored at St. Helen's hall in Portland where she is a student of pre-nursing. The popular Medford girl was 'tidmitted Into the Curie society I an honorary club for students 1 of nursing who show outstand ing ability. i Miss D'Alblnl will spend the ; Thanksgiving holiday at her home here next week. Reid Home Scene Of Dinner Party Members of the Roosevelt school faculty were entertained at a delightful dinner party Mon day evening at the home of Mrs. Grace Reid on Vancouver ave nue. The affair was In keepine with the harvest time motif and the following guests were pres ent: Miss Sara VanMeter, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, Miss Lois Spinning, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hunsaker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Georgp Max well, Lynn Mills and Mrs. Mary Coffin. Mrs. Reid was assisted throughout the evening by Mrs G. Q. D'AIblni. Lois Schafer to Wed Mr. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Schafer of the Table Rock district an nounced the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter Lois yesterday. Miss Schafer will become the bride of Bob Bishop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bishop of Medford, later this month. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Medford high school, class of 1934, and has lived in the valley all her life. NOTICE It U necessary thst all club, or ganization and society notices De brought or phoned Into this of flea by Friday noon If they are to appear In Sunday's society page. Notices which do not reach tbu office oy Friday noon cannot De orlntfl Sund.v Slonekers Home From California Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Sloneker and daughter Noelle returned to I their home here yesterday from a two weeks' vacation trip spent in southern California. Mrs. I. L. Acker, who accom panied them to California, re mained for a more extended visit with her son, I. R. Acker of Temple City, Cal. Wenoneh Club Party Friday The Wenonah club will spon sor a public card party Friday evening in the Redman hall on Apple street. Bridge and pin ochle will be played. A door prize will be given. Dollar Days Frl. and Sat. Scalp Treatment 4 shampoo, finger wavep WINELAND Beatify shop Phone Jarkson Hotel OIH Birthday Party Honors Three Mrs. Dan Conner, Mrs. John ny Grinsted and Mrs. Frank Ovelman were honored Tuesday with a surprise pot-'uck dinner party at the home oi Mrs. Con ner on the Jacksonville highway Hostessess for the pleasant affair were members of the Fri day afternoon sewing club and the occasion celebrated the hon orees' three birthdays. Guests present were Mesdames Gordon Stagg, William Swartz, John Bowdish, Harry Barne burg, Robert Wert, Ida Hollars. Jane Hemstreet and the honored ones, Mrs. Conner, Mrs. Grin tsed and Mrs. Ovelman. Art Display Friday Evening The public is invited to view an art disp-ay by Ann Guetzleff of Ashland, Friday evening in the Sunday school rooms of St. Peter's Lutheran church, 10 Portland avenue. In the display will be char coal sketches, pencil drawings and oil portraits. (Additional Society on page 4) ats '3 MORE SERVINGS RICH IN VITAMIN Bt MvJ-B WHY? "It got me a $10 tip..." 2 Believe me, folks, waiter on the streamliner hat to hump to keep everybody happy like on our last trip. We bad a roly-poly Dutchman from Java and I took special care of him because he seemed kind of finicky, espedally about coffee. "Only Java know anything about good coffee," he said. He ordered a cup, anyway. Tve heard about your remarkable coffee," I said, serving him, "but I think you'll find this quire good." He picked up the cup and tasted it "Hmmm," he said. "It is really delicious. It b, in fact, superb. What kind, may I ask?" "It's M-J-B, lir," I explained. M-J-B$ RICHER ROAST gives you RICHER FLAVOR Drip or Regular Grinds Fr drip r gUtl ctfftt maktn I I continued i "Our passengers come from all over the world so their tastes in coffee vary. We use M-J-B because its Richer Roast gives a rich coffee flavor at any strength we make it" The gentleman from Java, was imprcssed."Waiter,"hesaid,"acceptthis little token of appreciation from one connoisseur of good coffee to another." It was a $ 1 0 billl Cor, iw ,r M-J-B Co. We Are Climaxing m? 6n?eai 11 tit Anniversary Sale with SSre WMe fr 7 lv ft 'ir w- , BARGAINS for i-KiDAY and SATURDAY! BETTER C0ATS BETTER DRESSES Hundreds Are On Sale For Dollar Days FOR THE HOLIDAYS No Refunds, No Approvals All Sales Final You'll thoroughly enjoy shopping In this pleasant, well arranged and deparimeniized store . . . Come and visit us during this sale. There will be plenty of experienced sales attendants to serve you. Regular Values to $59.50 Now . $45.00 Regular Values to S49.75 Now . $59.75 Regular Values to $39.75 Now . $29.75 Regular Values to $29.75 Now . $19.83 These prices Include Famous Krimma Kurls Dollar Days Special COATS 70 new Fall coats in lweed, camel ilesces. boucl.t and krimma kurli, a few Persian trimmed. All alios and colors. Guaranteed linings. Values to $25.75 Special Dollar Days $14.83 TAILORED SUITS Pin stripes, plain color.d gabardines, smartly tailored tor afreet and business wear. Sites 12 to 44 Regular $14.95 Values Dollar Days af Special 9.&5 Regular $22.50 Values Dollar Days - A Special ylQ.Uli Rich, warm colors that put you in Autumn tempo . . . purples, wine, teal blue, slate blue; yes black, too. Dresses as new as to morrow, button trimmed, tucked shoulders, braid trimmed, sequins, long and short sleeves, dresses for bridge, luncheon, and evening wear. Sites 12 to 20; half sizes 14Vi to 24V4. $19.75 $22.50 $29.75 DRESSES Lovely new fall dresses in Tail's smartest styles and colors. Short and long sleeves, bustle effects, new sleeve treatments, swing skirts. Missy and half sites and junior sixes 12 to 20i 11 to 17; 14a to 24V4 Black BoyBlue Grey Blackberry Moss Green Regular Values to $19.75 Dollar Days Special $12.11 Extra Special HOSIERY By GOTHAM Regular $1.35 values in s.rvlc. and chif fon. Broken siset and colors. DOLLAR DAYS SPECIAL 93c HOUSECOATS and Chenille ROBES A largo group of flow red rayon and chenille housecoats in aipp.r and wrap around 1 1 y 1 . s. Sit.s 12 to 48. EXTRA SPECIAL For Dollar Days $3.88 Christmas Gift HOSIERY by Gotham and Mojud In all th. n.w Fall shades. Chiffon and s.r vice. Sites B!a to 10' j. Rogular 85c Hose 3 pair S2.00 DURING DOLLAR DAYS DRESSES ttuntlreil'. of iln's.r for strtft. artrrnmm and (.port nr wlu,ol wrar. Alto tlmu-r (IretM nnj formal.. I.lnht weight wools. roiiRh crepe, nlpant and plaid MN's Mrp 12 ti 'in: Women's l7es 31) to 44. Regular Values to S16.50. DOLLAR (J" QQ DAYS 3)1 .CiiS 2 Dresses S15.00 EXTRA SPECIAL 2 Racks Dresses AH types of new Fall dresses. Ire.v and smart new sport models. A1 paras, plaids and wools. Regular Values $12.50 DOLLAR DAYS Only $5.00 DOLLAR DAYS SPECIAL FORMAL?! $7.88 One rack of Formats, broken sizes, lots of colors. Value $9.85 to $19.75. PAJAMAS and GOWNS A large group of broken sizes and colors In rayon pajamas and gowns. Values to $1.98. Dollar Days Sp.cial 98c ' HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS . Mojud Hose e Gotham Hose . Wear Pruf Slips . House Coats, Robes . Pajamas e-!''44.4H.t- LADIE'S READY-TO-WEAR Medford Building - Phone 28 Hundreds o Dollar Day Bargains in Burelson's Downstairs Store Hundreds of Printed DRESSES Cotton dresses, housecoats and smocks. Broken sizes. KQ Values to $1.98 lC 2 for SI .00 Limit 4 to a Customer DRESSES A large group of spun rayon, acetate rayons for sport and school wear. Plaids smartly trimmed and swing skirts. Sizes 12 to 20 and 38 to 48. Many new arrivals today. Hundreds of Dresses All $2.98 Values S1.9S BRAND NEW Cotton DRESSES A large group of cotton prints, regular $1.98 values, all sizes. g i fft Dollar Days Special ) I .UU Limit 4 to a Customer DRESSES Hundreds of dresses taken from our main floor. Alpacas, wools, silk prints, plaids and spun rayons. Sizes 12 to 20 and 36 to 44. Values to $7.95. Anniversary Special $3.03 SLIPS Tea rose, white, black and navy. Sites 32 to 44. Values to $1.59. J fs M Dollar Days Special JjM UU HOSIERY By Gotham, Berkshire and Durham chiffon and service. Sites 8 z to 10'. Broken sites and colors. Cfao, Dollar Days Special ...-tJyC 2 par for S1.00 SLACK SUITS In spun rayon and gabardine, win., royal, rust and navy: sites 12 to 20. $1.98$2.9Sto$3.98 LARGE GROUP NEW FALL COATS Fleeces, boucles, tweeds in belled and boxy styles. Smartly tailored in Fall's smartest colors. Regular Values to $14.95 DOLLAR DAYS SPECIAL CHEHILLE ROBES Zipper and wrap-around styles. Sizes 12 to 38. S2.SS An Ideal Christmas Gift. Now Only Cotton Prints and Seersucker HOUSECOATS An ideal Christmas gift. Sizes 12 to 20 and 36 to 48. Dollar Days Special $1.98 to $2.93 SWEATERS All colors and styles. Anniversary Special $1.00 $1.93 $2.93 SKIRTS Gor.d skirts, swing skirts and plaited and skating skirts in new Fall shades. Sizes 24 to 32. Dollar Days Special $1.38 $2.93 $3.93 Rubber Rain Ccats While, red. royal. Regular $1.49 values DOLLAR DAY 1 " SPECIALS 51.00 I