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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1939)
PAGE SEVEN m -in 1,1 i c .J .1.1 :1 J I I, I L J I MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1939. I t Bead every ad on thta page You will probaoty (led exactly the things you nave been look lug (or or a tale or trade tot unused articles you may have Search your attic or store-room you may (Ind many thing others are seeking and be able to realize immediate cash- IS what you want tent here, advertise (or It Tribune Claa sKled Ada are Inexpensive effective I RATES Per word flrsl insertion... 3c (Minimum J5c) Each additional Insertion, per word li (Minimum 10c) per line per month without copy change $l-2r CASH or money order must ac company all mail ordei classified ads. LOST AND FOUND - STRAYED Brown mare. Notify N. D. Mclntlre, Jacksonville Star route. i REPORT lost dogs, animal cruelty cases. Humane Society. Phone 1616. WANTED FEMALE HELP ' WANTED Experienced girl, good ! cook. General housework, care of t one child. Box 4061 Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS , GOOD RANCH HAND wants work. Want furnished house and small wages. P. O. Box 663, Medford. f V ANTED Dairy work. Experienced. j Any kind of work accepted. Henry i Currle, Rt. 2, Box 176, Ashland. I WANTED Dressmaking, Sewing, tn i . your home or mine. Mrs. Mee. Box 69. Jacksonville Hwy., Medford. I JWANTED Carpenter work, remodel ! Ing or new work. A. B. Haddock. : Phone 634-M. 926 N. Central. I WANTED MISCELLANEOUS " "WANTED Carload fresh and springer cows this week. Mann, 4 Corners Service Station. Midway road. mm cut ij a urAMTirni I Eastern Cash Prices paid for your iurs ac nuiiie. mou uiueb, . and wool. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N. Grape St. Medford, Ore. DRIVING TO PENNSYLVANIA No vember 17th. Take one or two persons, share expenses. W.R. Barr, eo Weasku Inn, Grants Pass. WE PAY MORE CASH For Your Furniture. HOMfltOOK & ANDREWS 6th and Front. Phone 547. BEST PRICES PAID For Your Furniture. EADS & OHUN. Phone 1192-J. WELL DRILLING $1.50 per ft. first 50 (t., etc. J. M. Dodge, 819 King. WANTED Scrap Iron, brass, copper, all kinds o( metal. Medford Bar gain House, 27 N. Grape St. Tel. 1062. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID For Your Furniture. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. WANTED Dressmaking, alterations and rellnlng. Katherine Satterlee Singer Shop, 22 S. Grape. 6EWING. drapes, curtains, -'.lpcovers Alterations. Coats shortened and rellned 148 So. Holly. EKSTRAND for complete landscape service. Expert pruning. Telephone 808-X. M. A. BLISS Paintiug and paper hanelng contractor. 313 South Ornpe. Phone 646-W. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 3 -room furnished house $12.50. 1504 Prune. FOR RENT 4 -room modern house, $14, water paid. Berrydale district. Mac's Market, North Pacific hwy. FOR RENT Small modern house, $15. water paid. Phone 1393-H FOR LEASE OR RENT 1624 EfUt Main street, five-room furnished home, hardwood floors throughout, furnace, $45. Charles R. Ray. Room 217, Medford Bldg. Phone 302. FOR. RENT ft -room comnletelv fur- nlshed house, $35, water paid. 1 block off Main. 811 Taylor. SMALL FURNISHED DUPLEX. Hot water and xarbatte service. H. L. Cook, 10 Quince street. paraee. FOR RENT 4 -room house. water paid: $20.00 furnished. $17.00 unfurnished. 852 West 2nd. TOR SALE 5 and 7-room modern houses close in. 91.800 eacb. Pay 200 down and 120 per month, lneludlne Interest. These are exceptional bargnlna C. C. PIERCE Room I. Palm Bundles. Medford FURN. house. Tel. 1322-W or 389 FOR RENT Small furnUhpd house In rear. Adults. Also apartment for lady. 410 Hamilton. v FOR RENT Good 8-room house on North Rlrerslrtp. Inquire Phlppa Auto Park. Phon 417. I FOR RENT Duplex, near Junior HI. j Call at 328 Haven. FOR RENT 8-roo n furnished bouse. cloaa In. Phone 437-J. FOR RENT- Partly furnished modern house with a-ra " r'ov in. 17 5n .118 South Oafcd ' FURNISHED House i ,0 2 nua 3-iomti apartments. Aiults. 604 West lOtb i FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 8-room furnished house also 4 -room furnished house, close in, 25. water paid. L. O. Pic We 11 lfl So Bartlett FOR RENT APARTMENTS WELL FURNISHED front apartment, laundry room, electric washer fur nished, hot water day and night. Inquire 817 W. 10th. ATTRACTIVE studio apartment, well furnished, everything modern. Pri vate bath, Bendlx laundry, etc. Employed couple or business wo man. 316 N. Central. FOR RENT Desirable apartment, Hotel Grand. FOR RENT Modern 1 nd 3-mom apartment. 414 8. Riverside. FOR RENT Apartments. 834 Apple FURNISHED APARTMENT, hot and cold water, lights, private bath Adults. 012 So Oakdale. FOR RENT Nice furnished apartment for rent. Oil heat, hot and cold water fur nished. Good beds, good location Only $35. MARK A. GOLD? 109 E, Main. Phone 728. Evenings, Call C. R. Beebe, 1633-X. FOR RENT East Main apartment. Two adults. $16. Phone 61 days. 1959-l evenings. FOR RENT New, modern 4 -room apartment, newly furnished. 801 North Central. APARTMENTS For Rent $15. $12 and $11. 230 Beatty. Inquire at Shady Nook Grocery. DESIRABLE apartments, 2 rooms and bath; gas heat. Inquire Farmers it Fruitgrowers Bank. FOR RENT Apartments, D u r e 1 1 Court, 3rd and Holly. Inquire Apt 6. GE BAUER APTS. th at Oakdale; modern furnished or unfurnished, large or small. Comforts and cour tesy by WEEK or MONTH. Phone 713-Y. FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM and BOARD 153 No. Oakdale. BOARD AND ROOM 716 $1 per day. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms ROOM FOR REWi $2 80 week: pri vate entrance 408 Edwards ATTRACTIVE ROOMS 404 S Grape FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 10 acres. Buckshot Hill road. 3rd house on right. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Jer&ey and Guernsey dairy cows, also Guernsey bull. W. J. Phillips, Meadowbrook Rranch, Eagle Point. WEANER PIGS FOh. SALE or trade for grain. Mace Ranch, Central Point. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. K. P Mur ray. Crater Uke Hwy. Tel. 408-R-l FOR SALE DOGS. PETS FOR SALE Two beautiful toy terrier pups. 1028'2 West 11th. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, no trades '36 Chevrolet standard sedan. Radio, new rub ber, good mechanical condition. For appointment write Box 4129 Tribune. '34 CHEVROLET COUFr Wedgewood gas range, priced right. West Beall Lane, Rt. 1, Box 58. FOR SALE: 1929 De Soto coupe. Good condition. Sacrifice, $75 cash. 408 Edwards. FOR SALE Sturdy model A Ford truck. V-8 rear end, with 7x12 flat bed; good condition, $100. Wl'.l consider trade for good boat and outboard motor. What have you? Inquire at Sims Bros. Cycle Shop, Medford. FOR SALE Model A. long wheel base truck, extra stock body. Cheap for cash. L, W. Tame, Talent, Ore gon FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE Clear 12 acres, house, barn, fenced. 115 Clark. FOR 8ALE Brand-new modern sub urban four-room home with sleep ing porch. Hardwood floors, inlaid linoleum, modern plumbing, 60 foot drilled well. Located about one mile from Medford city limits. Lovely view from large studio win dow. There are 10 acres of land all under Irrigation: barn with 20 tons of hay. Property fenced and crossfenced. Can be bought fur nished or unfurnished. Charles R. Ray. Room 217, Medford Bldg. Phone 302. FOR SALE OR TRADE Hall In Ore gon. Nice ballroom, excellent floor, furnace, good stage. Possibilities for skating. Good payroll town Also six-room house in same town. $2500. Box 24. Asalea, Oregon. FOR SALE OR RENT 5 -room house. Woods Lumber Co. '.CITY and country prope.-tles RENT- I .rH Zt L. V ,r. Butterfleld. 409 Medford Building. ' SALE OR TRADE Highly Improved . 87 acres. 406 J St. ! FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS Convenient terms. Lists avatlaDle at Nations: Farm Loan Otrice, 803 Liberty Building. Medford. FOR SALE OR RENT Marshall boms on Oakdale. Tel. 131S-R. WHEN you think of real estate think i of Brown & White. HOUSES FOR SALE In Medford and surrounding towns. Easy terms Jackson County Federal Savings an-1 Loan Association. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Will take rood milk ' cow In exchange on piano. Bald- ' win P'sno flhoppe FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS OK SALE Ciocheted c-rdspreaJ. full bed size. Call at Coy's Cafe, Gold H11L FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BARGAIN! Nearly new Electrolux vacuum cleaner. Call Ashland, 5473. FOR SALE Recleaned Blue Club Seed Wheat. Phone 533-J -4. Otto Nledermeyer. DRY SEASONED WOOD, close In, 125 tier. Phone 453-R-a. USED FURNITURE FOR SALE Elec tric stove and refrigerator. 714 Beck man or phone 371-j. FOR SALE Gentleman's $35 over coat, size 40. will sell for $15. 1114 8. Oakdale. Phone 1634. SALE OR TRADE Low 3-burner gasoline stove tor small range, revolver, .23 rifle or what. Box 4028 Tribune. Schuessler Mineral Salts. 600 Clark FOR SALE To settle estate. 90 tons of hay at Applegate: make offer. Inquire of Charles Mee, 517 Beatty St.. or Thomas Mee, Applegate. Oregon. FOR SALE Washer service. Full line genuine Maytag parts. Service on all makes. Med ford Maytag Co., 31 No. Bartlett, phone 38. FOR SALE Hydraulic pipe and giants. Box 3376. Tribune. USED MAGAZINES sold and traded at Jack's Secondhand Store, 106 South Grape. OLYMPIC EGG MASH with milk. $2.25 per sack. Divls Feed Stores. FOR SALE Grapes and Walnuts J. A. Manke. 4 miles west of Medford. FOR SALE Delicious apples. Inde pendent Packing Co., Phoenix. CUT-RATE PRICES - Nu-Way Mat tress and UphoUterv Co. Phone 293. 200 West 8th St. FACTORY BLOCKS, 1 cord load $4.50.. Pine slabs, cord load $3.75. Phone 333 Central Point Fuel. FOR SALE Walnuts, 12c and 15c Hay, finest I ever put In the barn, $14.00. Delicious and New town apples, 8 lugs for a dollar. Trelchler, Central Point. THE CARLTON NURSERY Company are the exclusive growers and dis tributors of the patented Rio Osa Gem peach, plant patent number 84. W. B. Barnum, local represen tative, sales yard three miles south on Pacific Highway. FOR SALE -Nice sized Newtown ap ples washed and sorted 45c, C grade 25c or 5 boxes $ l .00 one box or truckload. Winter Nellis pears cheap. Joe Kantor, Route 4. Fern Valley. APPLES Gebhard's. half mile north Bear Creek bridge. Central Point BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE to rlgnt party, service station on main highway In Cen tral Point. Has lunch room facili ties and living qunrters. For infor mation phone 952 or write P. O. Box 1074. Medford. PERSONAL CARD Readings. $1.00. 329 Jeanette. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE I will not be responsible for debta contracted by any person or per sons other than myself. Ira B, Clnrk. Prospect, Ore. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Radiator Repairing. HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE. 33 South Bartlett. Abstracts. Jackson County Abstract Co. Title Insurance Abstracts , Escrows Chimney and Furnace Cleaning. NOTICE For Chimney and Furnace Cleaning - - Oil Stoves Vacuum Cleaned, call Oeorge Eaton at 647 LOANS MONEY TO LOA.l on modern dwell lngs of late construction, $9 76 per month per thousand. Low Interest rate. BROWN & WHITE. 104 W. Main. CASH IN A HUHBYI Emergencies are no respectors of persona or conditions. And usually they occur when wa are least ready to meet them. If you need cash QUICKLY, see us. Our service Is geared for emergency apeed. (No In quiries of friends or employer no endorser no delays of any kind.) Vou get the money the same day you apply. We advance up to 1300 on your own signature and security (auto, houaehold gooda, etc.) Come In, phone or write for com plete information wunout oouga tlon. OREGON FINANCE CO. 45 South Central Phone 139 Ground Floor Craterlan Bldg. License 8-211. M-317. Auto Loons. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY to buy new or used cars Private money at new low ratea Immediate action No red tape 1 TO 20 JONTH8 TO PAY. W. E. THOMAS 45 South Central. Phone 138. License M-217 120 TO S1.000 On Your Car. 1030 to 1939 Model can and light trucka. I to 18 months to repay. CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H TROWN AGENCY. Aent 123 Bast Msln. M-23S Phone 807. You Can Save Money and Time "y Oettlng Your CAR LOAN OR REFINANCING Direct from the Lender The OREGON FINANCE CO 45 Soum Central, Lie M-217. BUSINESS DIRECTORY CAR LOANS Solve .our financial problems by refinancing or borrowing. LOANS ON CARS 1932-1939. Trl-State Acceptance Corp. License M-253. MARK A. GOLDY 109 E Msln. Phone 728. DRIVE IN AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING SERVICE Deal with a southern Oregon owned Independent finance com pany where your needs will receive PERSONAL CONSIDERATION at all times. Immediate action I No red tape t Our years of experience Insures you of the best service. DRIVE IN for YOUR confidential loan. USED CARS BOUGHT AND BOLD "DRIVE IN" P. T. "JERRY" YOUNG Motor Investment Company Lie. M-274. Phone 159. 9th and Bnrtlett Dressmaking. THE FASHION SHOP-Dressmaklng Fur Remodeling. Puttons and Buckles covered. Room 320 0. 9 Nntl Bank Jitlg Tel 1181. Expert Window Cleaner. LET JOE DO IT Expert Window Cleaners O e n e r a I house cleaners. Floor waxing. Joe Spence Phone 1172 Musical Instruction. HOMER MCDONALD offers courses In Popular Piano Piano Accordion. Voice. Saxophone, Clarinet, Violin. String buss studio. Snnrta Bide Ph 942-J Nursery stock. CARLTON NURSERY COMPANT. Fruit, Nut and Shade Trees. Berries and Shrubbery. Finest Oregon Grown Roses. Sales yard three miles south on Pa- cmc mgnway. W. B. Bnrnum. Phone 851 -R-2 ROOFING WE REPAIR or apply i.ny type of rooi. raDco Roollngs. Shingles. Coatings and Paints. Wall Paper One-third off. Ekerson Paint and Roof Co., 38 So. Bartlett. Tel. 243 DON'T let your leaky roof spoil your piaster and disposition through the rainy montha ahead. Call Mon son, 1263. Estimates free I Sanitarium. WE CARE FOR THE 8ICK ROGUE RIVER SANITARIUM TRAINED NURSES 24 HOURS PHONE JACKFONVII I E R2 Transfer. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 S. Fir Street. Insured Carriers. Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone 844. CITY TRANSFER tc STORAGE CO. Household moving and genera hauling. 29 S. Grape. Phone 2050, day or night. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 28 South Fir. Phone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed FURNITURE MOVING and STORAGE Bee our Individual locker rooms be fore you arrange for storage space for your household goods. Our new storage department Is dustless and conveniently located. Crating serv ice at low rates. Van Body equip ment. Anywhere For Hire service Phone 833. SAMSON STORAOF WARFKOUSF, Closing time for Too Late to Ctas- slfy Ads Is 1:30 p m. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS I. Seed covering 6. Front of the foot It. Singing volet 12. Dismay :5. Owned id. pays attention to 1 7, Uncle: Bcotcta S. Plural ending '.3. Device for re tracting light rayt :0. Italian river ;2. Symbol Tor arsenic t. Former rulera ;3. Prime J7. Kind of nvSlo tube Pouch :j. Mountain In -.1. Sole Solution of Yesterday's Puzzla pJaJ sis jf iiL JLfi 2. Hftip 3. Recion I. K"lf V Skill Hard outer covering i. Bag 'j. Waste allow- ance i:J. Exclamation 3. Pronoun 3, Brazilian ma caw 4. Ourselves 49. Age 48. Fiber of old hemp rope 50. Beverage 61. Recesses U Stagger BS. insect S6. Memorandum DOWN 1. Pain 2. Cooking In a certain way Ts w w 111 Jilt 27 (fffl II2? W ML ii-if Wl li Hf 4z in MZjZ ! 35 W s ' I 1 wA 1 1 wk Mil Bozell Grapples SCHULZ PRIMED AFTER OF LOSSES Belcastro Meets Clayton; Pettigrove Faces Piluso Ladies Get Free Ducats Minus his mask and a greater wrestler than ever before, Paul Bozell, erstwhile Black Dragon, returns to Medford tonight to clash in the armory main event with Hans (Hitler) Schulz, the Dutch destroyer who is becom ing rather frantic to cop a go after suffering setbacks in his last two crawls through the local hemp. The climax struggle tops a ladies' night program featuring a glittering array of mat talent in three matches, every one of which figures to bring down the establishment. All fern i n 1 n e fans, accompanied by another person who purchases a ringside or balcony pasteboard, will be admitted gratis. And the card starts at 8 o'clock sharp, remem ber, instead of half an hour later. Bozell Likes 'Em Mean Bozell, coming back to this territory after a two years tour of the southwest, middlewest and east, will haul 205 pounds of grappling brawn through the ropes. He will be out-hoftod by Schulz, who thumps the Indica tor close to the 225 spot, but those who recall the swath Bo zell cut through southern Ore gon wrestling circles in the past aren't worrying over his ability to take care of himself with the Nazi naughty boy. Paul has met some extra tough babies in his time, and he hasn't found one yet who could out- tough him when he really gets LEGAL NOTICES Administrator's Final Notice. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the Ba tata of Edwin B. Hawkins, deceased, has filed In the County Court ol Oregon for Jackson County his duly verified final account and said Court has fixed Saturday. November 18 1039. at 10:00 o'clock In the fore noon of said day at the Court Room of aald Court In Medford. Oregon as the time and place for the hearing of said final account. All persona having objections to said final ac count are hereby notified o make or file the same with said Court on or before said date. CLAUDE L. HAWKINS. Administrator of the estate of Edwin B Hawkina. deceased Dated and first published Octo ber 16, 1939. Cross -Word Puzzle IS. In that place 14. Savory meat Jelly 19. Cultured wo man 31. Alternative 24. Compositions for a single performer 25. Hobby 2. Walk pom pously 27. Female deer 28. Take a seat 20. Bmall rug 32. River flat boat 33. Metric land mean urea 36. Stage player :i6. Stuffs 3B. Thron-toed sloth 39. Place confi dence in 40. One who In herits 41. EnKiiM musi cal composer 43. Related 44. Departed 45. Relieve 47. Devoured 49. Ancient wins recentncl B0 In txrrttm K2 Rnf!lh Iffrr 53. At horns I. Poetic nam for an east ern country 4. Place of the seal: abbr. I. Touthful years 6. Seaweeds 7. Flnlnh t. Near 9. Recline 10. Garden fruits 11. Units Mat's joe Louis 1 One of the besi and most col orful wrestlers now appearing in southern Oregon is King Kong Clayton (above), clever Negro from Birmingham. Ala., who tangles with Pete Belcastro in the middle event of tonight ladies' night program In the armory. Clayton is favored to wallop the Mad Italian. going. Schulz is mean, but that's the way Bozell likes them, for then he can open up with his own crippling equipment. His Boston crab hold is one of the best in the business. Rematch Promises Action Taking second rank to the one-hour main event is the Ernie Piluso-Duke Pettigrove rematch, slated for the opening spot. Pi luso, Pacific coast light-heavyweight champion, made hambur ger out of Pettigrove last week and Pettigrove has displayed a certain amount of courage in de manding, and getting, a return squabble with the Italian-Amerl can flash. This affair again may be the best of the evening. In the center bout Belcastro goes against Clayton, the clean classy and clever dark boy from Birmingham, Ala. King Kong, smooth as oil and to wrestling what Joe Louis is to boxing, is expected to take the measure of Belcastro, despite Pete's soiled method of working. E I San Francisco, Nov. 13. (IP) Bespectacled little Dominic Di Maggio, voted the Pacific Coast baseball league's most valuable player last season, goes to the American league Boston Red Sox next year climbing into the majors from San Francisco sand lots Just as his two elder brothers did. Sale of Dominic's contract, along with that of Larry Powell, young left-handed pitcher, was announced by the San Francisco Seals of the Pacific Coast league. Powell will report In 1941. Frank "Lefty" O'Doul, man ager of the Seals, aid "we get cash and two players" from Bos ton. "The players will be decided at the major league meeting in Cincinnati Dec. 4, O'Doul said "I am not at liberty to discuss Ihe cash involved." College Celebrates Win Over Webfoots Corvallls, Ore., Nov. 13. VP) The first Oregon State college football team to extend victories over the University of Oregon to four In row had the student body at its feet today. President George W. Peavy listened to demands for a holi day and ordered a cessation of activities between 3 p. m. and 6 p. m. Cheering undergraduates Immediately organized a free rally dance "honoring Eberlc Schultz. captain of las'. Satur day's victorious team." Nazi Tonight LA GRANDE SIGNED llO PLAY TORNADO Mac High Cancels Own Date With Tigers to Clear Way LaGrande Undefeated Medford high's drive to take on all logical contenders for the mythical state prep football chnmpionshlp rolled merrily on today when Principal Leonard Mnyficld announced completion of arrangements with LaGrande for a game here next Friday night between that undefeated eastern Oregon aggregation and the unbeaten Black Tornado. The clash was made rosslble when McLoughlin higl. of Mil-ton-Freewater, originally slated to play Medford here next Fri day eve. graciously cancelled its date with the Tornado. May field explained that Mac high, In a letter received here yesterday, agreed to call off the game pro viding that the two teams could get together next season if Doth were undefeated. Word of LaGrande's accept ance of the Medford offer was contained In a telegram from Jim King, LaGrande principal. LaGrande Tied. LaGrande hasn't been beaten in Oregon this year, but was tied once by Pendleton, 6 to 6. Last Saturday LaGrande walloped Baker, 34 to 0, to tie Pendleton for the Blue Mountain league championship. Pendleton is out of state title consideration be cause of a defeat by Bend. The scheduling of LaGrande for next Friday night brought to two the number of state title claimants lined up for battle by the Black Tornado. Coqullle's Red Devils will play here on Thanksgiving Day, leaving only Milwaukie of the No -Name league unslated by the Tigers, And it Isn't Medford's fault that Milwaukie isn't being played, for the locals attempted to sched ule that team for Thanksgiving Day or December 2, only to be turned down. gaelsloseto iryioo San Francisco, Nov. 13 VP) It was a gloomy group of St. Mary's football players that was enroute to New York City today for the Fordham game Saturday The Gaels' 7 to 0 loss to Univer sity of San Francisco yesterday made this one of their most dis astrous seasons In 19 years. The first U. S. F. victory over St. Mary's in 15 years of pigskin rivalry came on a break at the opening of the third period. Ivan Pivaroff, St. Mary's end, fumbled the klckoff and Right End Bill Telesmanic of U.S.F. pounced on the ball on the Gael 22. Three plays later Fullback Cliff Fisk passed to Left Halt Marv Mosconi, who dodged 10 yards to the goal line. Right Half Mel Reld place-kicked the extra point. 1 Nine Dunked When Bridge Collapses McAUen, Tex., Nov. 13 VP) Sudden collapse of the Interna tional bridge at the end of the nicklc-plated road-to-hcll dump ed nine persons Into the Rio Grande last night. Francisco Delgado, 30, of Edlnburg, Tex., is missing and feared drowned. Eight persons escaped drowning or' being crushed to death In the wreck age. Two cars were piungco Into the water as twin cables at each end of the bridge snapped. 3 Colonial Garage 6th and Ivy Kt reefs JMrriford, Ores on Com p lets Lubrication Rervlre Recently remndrlert at an espenw or aflfHin.oo including: Ladles' and me n't Reitroomt Drink tng fountain Repair department New roof and hard turfaca floor In to ran department. Wa taka pride in courteoue tervlca to our gueata and '.n keeping our place clean complete Una of fltnndarri Product Special ratea on tor by day, week, or month Hi Invlta your inspection and lug (fit lone T. C. I1KAIY. Manager Phone t)9 tt e never Ho. In aye at your aerTlc TEX OLIVER DENIES MQVE T0 STANF0RD T0 SUCCttO InUKNHlLL Portland, Ore., Nov. 13. (U.R) "Tex" Oliver, University of Ore gon football coach, told the Unit ed Press yesterday any reports that he intended to leave his Oregon berth for another Job were "pure rumor and have no basis In fact." Oliver said he had read re ports that an effort was being made to land him at Stanford, but denied any "official con tacts" had been made with him. "All I know about the report Is what I read In the newspapers," Oliver said. The Oregon coach was re ferred to by several sport writers on the coast as a possible suc cessor to Stanford's Claude E. "Tiny" Thornhill, whose tenure on the Indian campus has been made precarious by a disastrous season. LEAD PRO LEAGUE New York, Nov. 13 VP) The New York Giants and the Washington Redskins maintain ed their first-place tie In the eastern division of the National Professional Football league yes terday while the Detroit Tigers slumped into a leadership dead lock with the Green Bay Packers in the west. The Giants toyed with the Chicago Cardinals, 17 to 7, and' the Redskins walloped Brooklyn, 42 to 0. Detroit took It on the chin from the Chicago Bears, 23 to 13. Green Bay got the Jump on Philadelphia and finished ahead, 23 to 18. Other pro scores: Cleveland 22, Columbus 0. Cincinnati 28, St, Louis 14. Los Angeles 28, Oakland 7. Dayton 19, Kenosha 7. FIVE BEAVERS INJURED IN WEBFOOT STRUGGLE Corvallls, Ore., Nov. 13. VP) Five members of the Oregon State varsity who were injured in the game with the University of Oregon Saturday will be un able to practice this week and some of them may not be able to play against California here next Saturday. Durdan, halfback, sustained lacerated cheek, M. Kohler, half, a badly sprained left thumb; Jim Klsselburgh, fullback, a badly bruised shoulder; Bob Pena and Walt Jelsma, end and tackle, respectively, injured knees. rsiiKlts I Firtt choice with Western dog owners. Proved by vests of test Ingl Nothing else need be fed with this complete dog food. Experiments prove it coju leu per day to feed I 3 NEED CASH? BORROW ON YOUR CAR on us eiplsin Dow tsij It la to Dsn rasd; cash wltb four or m security FUunt SI lor full information Commercial F."narse Corp. The rrlendly Plnsnes Company" W W Walker President First Natl Bant Bldg Phone (1 License Numnar 184