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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1939)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORP. OREGON'. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24. 193S. PAGE SEVEN LOCAL and PERSONAL Keystone Cops at Craterian Club to Meat Jacksonville H.E.C. will hold business meet ing Wednesday at 2 p. m. In the Grange hall. Horn on Furlough Private Hoy Chapin of Company A, 29th engineers, U.S.A., at Oeeanside, Cel., is spending a 45-day fur lough at his home here. He is a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Chapin, at the Mer rick auto camp. Visits Relatives Gus Braun of Buffalo, N. Y., left last week for the San Francisco fair and to visit his son. Major G. U. Braun, at the University of Cali fornia, after visiting his cousin. Mrs. Jim Owens of Route 3, and other relatives here. Fined $25 Jack E. Gardner. 43. of Talent was found guilty of reckless driving In a city po lice court trial yesterday after noon and was fined $25. Gard ner drove an automobile which struck two other cars Saturday night at Central avenue and Maple street. He pleaded not guilty to the city police charge of reckless driving. Gets Big Buck A 242-pound, six-point blacktail deer was shot by George Hefner of Route 4 last Saturday at Fredenburg spring in the Greenspring moun tain sector, it was reported to day by Art Reed, professional hunter who accompanied Mr. Hefner on his hunting trip. It was the largest blacktail buck he had ever seen in all his years of hunting, Mr. Reed declared. It took Mr. Hefner eight hours to get the buck out of the woods to his car, the guide reported. The two men dressed the animal Sunday morning. New Residence Emil Ben dickson applied at the city build ing inspector's office yesterday for a permit to construct a new residence at 1324 Queen Anne avenue at a stated cost of $4,000. G. C. Wisner of 410 North Ivy street applied for a permit to build a new garage and repair a residence at a stated cost of $200 C. W. Hammond of 408 Beatty street applied for a permit to build a private garage at a stated cost of S100. Edward K. Pollard applied for a permit to reshingle his residence at 609 Oak street at a stated cost of $60. Plane Passengers Mrs. Julia Wilson left by United Mainliner last midnight for San Diego. Eino Hemmila and R. B. Warren left by Mainliner last night for Portland. Mrs. S. Schlosser de parted by Mainliner for San Francisco last evening. P. De Paolo arrived from San Fran cisco yesterday afternoon and leaving on the same plane were W. C. VanFleet of Los Angeles, to Portland, and C. E. Tuttle of Baltimore, Md to Chicago via Portland. The early morning northbound Mainliner due here at 4:25 a. m. was held at the south several hours because of fog in the San Francisco bay area and around Portland. The plane arrived here late in the morning. From Trail Thomas Bruno of Trail transacted business in this city today. From Ashland Dick Adams of Ashland called here on busi ness today. Medford Caller Bedford Biles of Rogue River attended to business in this city today. On Business V. P. Larsen, Lewis Conley and Elmer Adams of Jacksonville transacted busi ness in Medford today. To Klamath Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Quisenberry of the Vawter apartments are spending the week in Klamath Falls on busi ness. Visit Away Mr. and Mrs. John Rolston. Mr. and Mrs. George Maddox and Charles Austin spent Sunday visiting in Klamath Falls. From Coast Town Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Arthur of Crescent City, Cal., were week-end vis itors here. They are former Medford residents. Guest In Ashland Miss Betty Whipple spent the week-end in Ashland, visiting June Bryant and attending the teachers in stitute. At Matches Among Ashland residents attending the wrestling matches in the Medford armory last night were P. D. McDouRall, Harry Chipman and Allen Aulry. In New Home According to Medford friends of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Thompson, the couple re cently moved from San Gebricl, Cal., to Stockton, Cal.. to re side. Mrs. Thompson is the for mer Arlene Butler. t Hurt in Fall Mrs. Will An drews of Cargill Court apart ments is confined at the Porter J. Neff home in Highcroft addi tion with an Injury which she suffered when she fell on the stairs at the Neff residence. - .rMrm fe . L-'sAnA.. ,..... :., i .J. From Hollywood's famous Keystone Cops and Mack Sen nett Bathing Beauties of yester day to today's spectacular pre miers comes the miraculous story of Hollywood as it really happened as portrayed in 'Hollywood Cavalcade , coming Edward Bromberg, Buster Keaton. Stuart Erwin, Alan Cur tis and Jed Prouty heading a cast of thousands. The scene above with the once popular and laughable Keystone Cops, brought back to life with several of its original cast in cluding Ford Sterling and Ches- E HELD VIOLATED IN GERW1ANJEIZURE (Contln'ied trow Page One ) to the Craterian Theatre to-iter Conklin. is just one of the pleasant memories that will be revived in this cavalcade of the film industry from yesterday to the present day. morrow for a four day run. Filmed all in technicolor, "Hol lywood Cavalcade" stars Alice Faye and Don Ameche and has Charlie Chan in Mystery Hit M E D FO R D'S GREATEST CONCERT SERIES Holly Theatre Season 1939-40 00. A. Hunt presents Ossy Renardy Violinist - Not. 7th Donald Dickson Rnrltone - Fh. fith MARIAN ANDERSON Famous Colored rontralto In Con cm Mar. 3rd. Season Tickets Now On Sale In row W.MI 1 rows t.v.W. 1 roirs 4.40. Tnel. Tai. ("nnoert rle Bosofftrr PRUITT'S RADIO MUSIC CENTER 111 w. Main. Phone 7I Minor Accident Virgil A. Swanson of Medford and L. R. Bradford of Jacksonville Star route drove cars involved in a slight accident at the intersec tion of Jacksonville highway and Oak Grove road Monday afternoon, according to a report on file today. Reservists to Meet Ropuo River chapter of the Reserve Of ficers association will meet for regular study period In the Med ford armory at 7:30 tomorrow. Subject to be studied is "Func tions of the Medical Corps with Combat Troops." Instructor will be Lieut. Lawrence Buonocore, medical corps reserve, assistant surgeon of the Medford CCC district. 2 Flue Fires Two flue fires occurred during the height of a wind squall last night but both were put out by the fire depart ment's chemical crew without damage. The fires happened within five minutes of each other and were attributed to the wind which caused an overheating. The first occurred at 8:40 in the dwelling occupied by O. V. Riik ula, 1211 Locust street. The second, at 8:45, happened in Mabel R. Ray's residence, 1104 West Main street. . Adrienne's Launch Anniversary Event Marking 14th Year Adrienne's popular local ready to wear shop, are cele brating their fourteenth anni versary with a birthday sale of attractively priced new fall mer chandise being offered to the many friends and patrons who have helped to build the store up from a small beginning 14 years ago to the distinctive place that ' it holds today, Adnenne Steward announced today. The sale, which will start at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, will mark another milestone for this popular store which is rated as one of the finest department alized specialty shops in south ern Oregon, includes a new modernistic beauty salon, as well as an extensive stock of women's apparel. A complete ladies' shoe department, owned and operated by Dr. Lantis, oc cupies a prominent place In the store. , Adrienne's also operate a smart specialty shop located in the Medical Center building in Klamath Falls. The United States has en gaged In six major wars. Cm Mill Trunin rai ids. J'S-- W M eWHffeea.. Sidney Toler, in his new role as Charlie Chan, meets new ob stacles in infamous Dr. Zodiac, master murderer who sets up a concession on Treasure Island and starts a ruthless slaughter of .victims that get in his way, in "Charlie Chan at Treasure Island," which heads the double bill opening for today and to morrow at the New Rialto Thea tre. Cesar Romero plays Dr. Zo diac and others In the cast In. elude Pauline Moore, Sen Young, June Gale and Douglas Dumbrille. "Career", starring Edward El lis and Anne Shirley, plays as the companion feature with the new Chan mystery. GOLD HILL VOTES 30 10 3 FOR LEW Gold Hill, Oct. 24. (Spl.) In a special election yesterday. Gold hill citizens voted 30 to 3 in favor of a $4,598 tax levy for general fund purposes in the year 1940. Gold Hill has no tax base for general fund purposes and it Is necessary that such levy be authorized and approved by the legal voters. This was the third year the special election had been held and the levy has been favored by a large majority in each instance. Young Grandmother. Roseburg, Oct. 24. (AP) Mrs. Luella Wren of Roseburg disclosed yesterday she had be come a great-grandmother at 49 when a son was born recently to her grandson and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Spendow, Jr., in Colorado. Mrs. Wren's daughter, Mrs. Marie Gorsh, thus became a grandmother at 31. Mrs. Gorsh resides at Butte, Mont. Uao Mall Trlbun want ads. itself into these three parts in the White House view: 1. She was on a perfectly legal and lawful voyage under existing laws. 2. Under the neutrality act requested of congress, she could not have sailed on that voyage to a belligerent port. 3. The state department has sent cablegrams asking its rep resentatives at various points abroad to develop the facts and report. The reports now are be ing awaited. Rest On Tradition In requesting Russia, as a neu tral, to release the ship and crew, unless such conditions as storm, lack of provisions or a breakdown of machinery forced her into port, the American gov ernment will rest its case on a traditional American attitude. Russia, on the other hand, may rely upon Article 23 of the 1907 Hague convention on neu trality to enable her to contest the probable United States claim. This article stated that "a neu tral power may allow prizes to enter its ports and roadsteads, whether under convoy or not, when they are brought there to be sequestered pending the de cision of a prize court. It may have the prize taken to another of its ports. "If the prize Is convoyed by a warship, the prize crew may go on board the convoying ship. "If the prize is not under con voy the prize crew are left at liberty." U. S. Declined. When the United States rati fied The Hague convention it specifically declined to accept article 23. Russia, therefore, may claim the City of Flint can be detained in port until a German prize court dpcides her fate, but the United States will say that such detention is illegal. The City of Flint, a 4.963-ton vessel owned by the U. S. mari time commission, was in the hands of a German prize crew of 17 and flying the nazi flag, when it put in at Tromso, Nor way, last Friday night. It stopped there to land 38 British sailors it had rescued a week before from the Stonegate, a torpedoed British freighter. The City of Flint apparently had been taken near Great Britain soon after the Stonegate rescue. British Detain Ships. Authorities at Tromso, who said the American crew was still aboard when the City of Flint left, there Saturday evening, ex pressed the belief the Americans would be sent home from Mur mansk. Meanwhile, maritime commis sion officials said that "several" American merchant ships now are being dctaianed for search by the British. "This has been going on ever since the start of the war and it is perfectly legal," I spokes man said. The City of Flint was carry ing about 5.000 tons of general cargo, destined for Liverpool and Glasgow. It was assumed in Washington the Germans re garded the cargo as contraband for Britain. On the freighter, the mari time commission said, were such items as tractors, lard, cereals, canned goods, flour, apples, wax, lubricating oil. cotton, sewing machines, plows, asphalt, pitch, grease, machinery, silk, com mercial chemicals, disinfectants, feathers, rags, coffee, lumber. gauze, hair and wallboard. FOR SALE Cletrae. model 'W: also cows and pigs. B:aokburn Ranch, naxt to 401 Orchard. SFE lw Hsnn for Investments and bluings rhn.-es. 122 N. Contra!. FOR SALE -To settle estate. 80 tons of hay at Applee-ste; make offer. Inquire of Charles M'e. S17 Beatty 8t , or Thomas Mee, Applfate, Orecon. The fact that the City of Flint was taken to a neutral port rather than to Germany compli cated the situation, in the belief of legal experts. They said thet onl yexceptional circumstances bad weather, need of repairs or lack of supplies warranted such an action. 4 Large Shipment Of Peppermint Oil Is Shipped By Oregon W. J. Lake & Company of Portland and Seattle, brokers for peppermint oil in the north west, have just shipped a full carload of this valuable oil to the east, according to word re ceived from Portland. Ben Burk company was one of the purchas ers of this big shipment, valued at more than $100,000. The harvest of approximately 1,200 acres of peppermint pro duced In Clatskanie, Rainier, Salem, Eugene and other districts of this state was represented in this shipment, it was announced. The shipment is claimed to be the most valuable single car of merchandise ever shipped from this state. WANTED Man to do palntln In trade for down payment on car Walter W. Abbey Garage. Bth and Bartlett. FOR RFNT 6-ronm furnished house 107 Oenesee. Tel 124 or 546. SELECT ereeri ptne slabs Rltf load S4.00 Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 0.11. CERTIFIED teacher will give plsno lesons for Inmlns Phone 1424-R TRADE Equity In acres and .t-room modern house ror pickup truck and some money, or small place clear. Inquire first house on left beyond Sprlne Street Orange hall. JONATHAN Apple, sale or trade for wood or (train. L. o. Frlnk. Talent. FOR SALE or TRADE Equity In 1917 Ford de luxe coupe, extraa. Phone 128. WANTED Man to do carpenter work In trade for down payment on car. Walter W. Abbey Oarage. Ith and Bartlett. FOR RENT Lunch room, modern living quarters. 235 No. Riverside. Phone 1260. VPHOISTERINO. furniture repair lng. Phone 060-R. Thlbault. Medford Lodge No. 103. A.F.A M. Special communi cation Wednesday evenlnjf. Oct. 26. 1039. Work In the F. C. degree. Erie M. Oray, W. M. Stated Communication of Renmes Chapter O. E. S., Thursday evening. October 26th at 8 o'clock. Social night. Visiting members Invited. Lillian Gray. W. M. Hattle M. Alden, Secretary. FOR RALE Tn order to promote the registered Ouernsey breed in south ern Oregon, we are offering to ex change several registered Guernsey bull calves rrom advanced regis tered cows for grade or mongrel bull. No strings attached, only the calves must go Into good hands and he well taken care of until a serviceable age. you keeping your present grade bull until that time. For particulars sea Wing's Cloverhlll Registered Guernsey Farm, Old Stage Road, Medford. STTLI. AVAILABLE Double lead Green Pine Slahs. M. VALLEY FllBL CO. Tel. 76 LOST Blue and while Colson bi cycle. Reward. Call Jacksonville 114 or Medford 1S6. FOR SALE 2R Dodge pick-up. runs fine, or trade for nveetoex or grain. R. S. Axtell. Trall-Laurel-hurat road. FOR MALE Equity In like new. V room bunsralo 11O0OO. balance about ai2..0 per month Also a.soo 00 contract on aisoooo prop erty, 6"r semi-annually. Inquire at 517 Beatty St. FOR SALE White enamel wood ranse. with rolls. 728 Summltt or phone 1341-R. WE HAVE some good single beds, springs, mattresses, heating stoves, ranges, tables, dressers. oU circu lating heater, etc. These article must be sold out by November 1st, renirdless of price. Al8 TRADING POST Jacksonville Highway FOR RENT Attractive furnished Duplex. Every electrical conven ience. Adulta. 619 No. Riverside. WANTED Scrap Iron, to supply In creasing demand. Spot cash paid at latest market price. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 North Grape St. Phone 1063 WANTED Wood to sell. 1405 No. Riverside. Phone 1261. FOR SALE Equity In Income busi ness property, or trade for car, cash, terms. 246 8o. Riverside. FOR SALE BARGAINS 10 Acres, good deep soli. Irrigated, near Medford. paved road. $792 53. small down payment: and 8 acres, paved highway, ne-ir Medford. new 4-room house, modern, cut to Slaon.on. terms: and 160 acres, only HonooO: and 6-room modern house and ground' now aifiOOOo. terms; and good business with 1.42 acres and 2 houses, a steal at $1400.00 with S60000 down: and other hlehway business, sale or trade. GEO H. YEO AGENCY, and VALLEY REAL ESTATE. 3 miles on South Pacific Highway. Phone 841-R-3. FOR SALE By the lug r by the truck truck load Newtowns. Nlc quality, good sizes. Bring contain ers. MYRON ROOT & CO., INC. Warehouse 47 South Fir St. SEE BARNEY for carefree winter driving. BARNEY'S SIGNAL, 8th and Riverside. DINE & DANCE WITH GRIFFIN CREEK GRANGE THURSPAY terVENINO K. P. HALL MEDFORD Sausage Supper 5:30 to 8:00 Notice Have searched the white house on Valley View Drive. Two cellars and attic and all of the house. Found no alcoholic beverages. Chief of Police McCredle. Too Late to Classify WANTED To Rive you my price for but Id 1112 yemr new home. I can save you money. Char.PB Mee, con tractor, 617 Beatty St., evenings, FOR SALE! 1030 new Naah -Lafayette series, 4-door sedan, equipped with Weather-oyei cruising gear, nt n bargain price. Come in and e It. ALSO Used Cars from tafl up. We must mato room for more cars. WALTER W. ABDEY Corner 0th and Bartlett FOR SALE 6-foot double tractor disc, A-l condition. John D. Hoist, Sams Valley. 00 orool . . CoDvrlaht 1939, Schenlev Onlilleri Corp., N. Y. C Mate - - IMS Adults . . 25r Lnges , . . 30r Klddles . . 10t. FEMALE TROUBLE Do you t' "rouble. F. Ulcers, j Female f Be relieved by our herbal remedy. Do you have Oat, Constipation. Stomacn iron Rheumatism, Prostate Trouble, rhlMren't Red VTettlnf. Asthma, Trouble, Plies, Chronic Cough. High Blood L' Pressure. Arthritis, Colitis. Nervousness Tontllltls: Heart, Liver. Bladder. Kidneys Lungs. Blood, irlnarv Disorders? Herbs will often glta you relief when others fall. C H. CHA Tree consultation. 8. M. NO Today and Wed. The Weirdest Mys tery Ever Brought To The Talking Screen .... Mark fo thrill y n u aenln I Vt hat Stars! What spooks! CHARLES LAUGHTON MELVYN DOUGLAS Raymond Masiay Gloria Stuart Lilian Bond iMii A:4S-9:0n Adulta . . 35 Loses . . . -IOC Kiddles . . 10c . Itlofll 111 ( k..t-' w :. j 51 ... Mill W .M 31 tan""" .. . "... A. -S nwt .tort J"u " -f -all I with EDWARD ELLIS ANNE SHIRLEY JOHN ARCHER RKO RADIO PICTURE T0DAY&WED-7tt;o Features Only Than knoas the mar- "25 derom secret of Dr. Z.odlao . . I " i f; VJri' as death strikes on the e- f l t &3,f-l j position ay nay! I vfjCfT 4 AT TREASURE ISLAND with SIDNEY TOLER San Young Cesar Romero Paulint Moor June Gal Starts Tomorrow for Four Big Dayslg Stars of Today and Yesterday in a Fabulous Story of the Fi.m Capital . . . Then and How! 1. 4 1 rffl fc, litres r icr'irn Tv .W..Il"fTr-:i '1YL... 1 Hi I I X 9 -'-t MT TIMF.S TONITE: I I Not line "Alexander's Ragtime Band" a pletur BIG enough, GREAT enough to break lta all time boxofiice record . . but here It eome . . the tory et Holly wood ae It really happened and filmed in eolorl raw Carole Lombard Cary Grant Kay FrancU in "IN NAME ONLY" fAYE-AMfH J. EDWARD ALAN STUART BROMBERG CURTIS ERWIN LYNN BUSTER DONALD JED BARI KEATON MEEK PROUTY Photographed in TECHNICOLOR Xaat.r t sn Hhowt lit 1:4A :tfi 9:00 Matt too - Ere 40t Kiddles a Dime ln-11-t-ft P.M. Chan & Chan Mnn Tue. Wed. mine MedtHne Cv IM E. Main Mcdfnra