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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1939)
PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON', TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1939. Society and Clubs By Clara Mary Davii Local Women Home From Meeting In Northern City : About two hundred women delegates from every county In the state attended the Women's Institute of Government held at the Portland hotel Saturday. Mrs. Thomas F. McAllister, di rector of the women's division of the Democratic national com mittee was featured and session speaker. Attending from this city were Mrs. Edward E. Kelly and Miss Marjorle Kelly. Mrs. Kelly is director of the Democratic state speakers' bureau and conducted the round-table discussion. She presented five of her prize-winning women speakers in a con test. Winning second place by popu lar vote of the audience was Miss Mary Virginia Bryan, a for mer Medford girl and University of Oregon graduate. Her sub ject was "Youth Speaks to Presi dent Roosevelt." Miss Kelly, president of the Jackson county Young Demo cratic club, brought home the prize for having traveled the farthest distance to attend the Institute. The award, presented at the luncheon was an auto graphed copy of National Chair man Jim Farley's "Behind the Balltos." f Group Returns From Bay City Mrs. Oliver Rogers and Miss Verna Shelley returned to their homes here yesterday by train from San Francisco where they vacationed. They were accompanied by Mrs. Rogers' daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lucius Rogers of Ashland. They visited Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers in Palo Alto and the couple then joined the group for a trip to the Golden Gate inter national exposition on Treasure island. Mistletoe Club Will Luncheon Mistletoe club of Royal Neigh ' bors of America will meet Wed nesday at 12:30 o'clock in the Girl's Community clubhouse for a covered dish luncheon. University Women Enjoy Recent Meet; Favor Park Issue Forty-seven members and guests of the American Associa tion of University Women gath-f-red Saturday afternoon at the Hotel Medford for one of the organization's most successful and enjoyable affairs. Highlight of the meeting was the presentation of two equally sincere and well informed points of view on the neutrality bill. Mrs. Justin Smith took the "af firmative" side, or that favor ing the repeal of the present embargo act, and Miss Jose phine Kirtley offered statements to show that such repeal would not achieve our common objec tive of keeping the United States out of war. Mrs. Smith reviewed the history of this bill in house and senate and expressed the feeling that one cause of the revival of interest in the act was a felt need for neutrality. "In the interests of a true neu trality we should submerge our personal sympathies and 'sell America'," Mrs. Smith said. Miss Kirtley voiced the view point of those who believe pub lic sentiment toward war is fos tered by sale of munitions and she raised the question as to whether the United States em ployment situation would be permanently benefitted by in creased work In munition fac tories. Another argument in favor of this side was a long time plan for economic security would be in manufacturing mu nitions and planes for our own defense and the building up of better trade with our South American neighbors. At the close of these two talks the meeting was opened for gen eral discussion. Also on the program was Mrs. Royal Bebb who entertained with two vocal selections, "In dian Love Call" and "Ma Curly headed Baby." Mrs. C. I. Drum mond accompanied the latter solo on the violin. Mrs. David Yale, president, who presided, pointed out the very satisfactory response to the four study groups within the organization and two members : spoke briefly on the proposed ' park project, discussing Med- ford's need for such recreational I facilities. The club went on rec ord as favoring this project. Mrs. L. C. Taylor was in charge of the outstanding program. 1 'rtfTa II IrkLl it net in viTiHm ii SPECIAL 2-lb. can Johnson's Wax, Wax Applier and weighted Polishing Brush for.00 v.ALl!E . S "J 69 Hansen Hardware Sixth and Barllett Phona 35 D. A. R. Enjoys Recent Meet At Marsh Home Mrs. F. J. Newman presented an interesting review of the book, "The Tree of Liberty" by Elizabeth Page at the October meeting of Crater Lake chap ter, Daughters of the American Revolution, held recently at the home of Mrs. H. E. Marsh. The book is a story of a fic tion family and covers a fifty year period in history preced ing, during and Immediately succeeding the revolution. Stu dents of history have proclaimed the book one of the truest pic tures of the early family, life of this nation. The Rev. E. N. Mallory. gave a brief history concerning Jack sonville, its churcher and schools. Plans were perfected for the celebration of the birthday meeting of the chapter to be held at the home of Mrs. E. M. Wilson. This event will mark the twentieth anniversary of the chapter and the fiftieth for the national society. Mrs. Fred Strang delighted the group with two vocal num bers, "Let All My Life Be Mu sic" and "Take Joy Home." Mrs. Marsh was assisted throughout the afternoon meet ing by Mrs. E. H. Hurd, Dr. Virginia Rigg and Mrs. C. M. Hurd. Georgia Webb Is Feted At Shower Party Friday Miss Georgia Webb, bride- elect of Donald P. Green, was complimented at a shower party last week when Mrs. Duke Lor ton was hostess at her Cargill Court apartment. Guests included the Misses Aline Fowler, La Verne Stephen son, Marian Gould and Leah Knox and Mesdames Robert Lewis, Richard Witt, Chet Lind- ley, Harry Bcesley, LaVern Mathews and Harvey Eads. The honoree was presented with attractive miscellaneous gifts during the pleasant eve ning. The popular Medford miss will become the bride of Mr. Green at the Presbyterian church on November 19. She is the daughter of Mrs. Leona Webb of this city. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Mono ureen of Santa Ana, Cal. Mrs. Johnston To Leave For East Mrs. T. Slater Johnston re turned to Medford yesterday from San Francisco where she attended the opera last week and took In the Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island. Also attending the opora were Mrs. H. S. Deuel and Mrs. Harold Johnson. I Mrs. Johnston plans to leave Medford around the first of No vember for Portland where she will visit for a week prior to leaving on the streamliner for the east. In New York she will Join her husband who left here Sunday by motorcar, and the two will spend the winter in Rochester. In the east the couple will visit with Mr. Johnston's relatives. I P F.O. Maatlrm Wednesday, 1 P. M. Chapter AA of P. E. O. will convene Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. L. Brown, 105 Geneva ave nue. Mrs. Dell Welsh will as sist the hostess. i Members To Take Window Articles Members of the Rogue Valley Radio club are asked to bring articles for the Navy day win dow display at the Chamber of Commerce to the latter place Thursday afternoon from 2 to 3 o'clock. Group Returns From S. F. Opera Mis. M. N. Hogan, Mrs. Chauncey M. Brewer and her daughter Barbara, and Mrs. R. W. Sleeter returned to their re spective homes here Sunday from San Francisco, Cal., where they vacationed for a few days. Main objective of the trip was to attend the opera which opened in the bay city last week. On Saturday the local women heard Lily Pons with the sym phony orchestra. They also went to the exposition on Treasure island. - Nile Daughters To Sew Wednesday Daughters of the Nile are in vited to gather tomorrow after noon at 12:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. B. Cunning ham, 616 South Oakdale avenue for a pot-luck luncheon and an afternoon of sewing. The sewing will be donated to the crippled children's hos pitals and it is desired by Nile officers that all members par ticipate In the worthy cause to morrow afternoon. Mrs. Cunningham is to be tele phoned by those planning to attend. Medfordites Enjoy Bay City Opera Among the several valley resi dents attending the opera In San Francisco last week were Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Newbury and Mrs. Glenn Jackson. The group left here Wednes day and traveled to Salinas, Cal., where Mr. Newbury transacted business. Later they enjoyed brief stays at Carmel and Mon terey. Friday evening they heard Kirstin Flagstad, leading Metro politan opera star. While in the Bay region, the group also enjoyed the Treasure island exposition and the Wash ington State-California football game in Berkeley, Saturday. Local Couple Wed In Reno Service The marriage of two well known Medford persons took place yesterday in Reno, Nev., according to an Associated Press dispatch received here. They were Miss Phyllis Smith and Robert M. Boyl. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Smith and Mr. Boyl is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Boyl. Thn.two aro both graduates of tne Mecitorci nign scnool and have made their homes here for a number of years. The bride groom is associated with Gates Auto company here. Luncheon Party Enjoyed by Many Mrs. Alarik Lamm and Mrs. John C. Boyle were joint host esses Saturday afternoon for a delightful affair at the Hotel Medford. Fifty-nine guests were bidden to the luncheon, after which bridge was enjoyed for the re mainder of the afternoon. Fall flowers decorated the luncheon tables. Sunday School Party Enjoyed Miss Lucile Seller entertained her Methodist church Sunday school class at a very enjoyable party recently. Class members present at the party where games and taffee pull were enjoyed included Marguerite and Maxine Hick man, Joan Utz, Lota Kid well. Betty McKinscy, Marjone Bow man and Helen Dooms. Reames Chapter Will Meet Soon Reames chapter. O.E S., will convene Thursday evening at 8 in the Masonic temple. Mary Webber heads the October com mittee In charge of the affair. HEALTH for OLDSTERS As Well As YOUNGSTERS 'V.l fr A-n- GRADE "A" PASTEURIZED MILK Cards and refreshments will be enjoyed during the evening. Mill Sailer To San Francisco Miss Lucile Seller left Mon day for Vallejo, Cal., where she will visit her brother, Harlin Seiler. She also plans to attend the Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure island for a week. Oak Grov Club Meets Tomorrow The Oak Grove Neighborhood club will convene Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Wallace Brill on Lozier Lane. Delia Debs To Meet Tonight Delta Debs will convene this evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Ruth Nordwick, 919 Rcddy avenue. Job's Daughters Meat Wednesday . Job's Daughters will convene Wednesday evening at 7:30 o clock in tne Masonic Temple. Degree Team Will Convene Rebekah decree team will convene Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the I.O.O.F. hall. P. T. A. Activities Meteorological Report FORESTALLED BY MMDY Husband of Wealthy New York Woman Kills Her and Companion, Suicides. Parent-Teachers association of the Jackson school will meet Fri day afternoon at 3 o'clock in the school. Business, program and refreshments will be enjoyed during the meeting. All mem bers and friends are asked to attend. 4 Calendar Tuesday 7:00 p. m. Eagles Auxiliary, club rooms. 7:00 p. .m. Nevita, O. E. S., Masonic Temple in Central Point. 7:30 p. m. Delta Debs, home Ruth Nordwick, 919 Reddy ave nue. 7:30 p. m. A.A.U.W. Crea tive arts, home Mrs. Darrel Hu son, 4S Lindley avenue. 8:00 p. m. D. A. V. party, armory. Wednesday 12:30 p. m. Nile Daughters, home Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, 616 South Oakdale avenue. 12:30 p. m. Mistletoe club, Girl's Community club. 1:00 p. m. P.E.O.-AA, home Mrs. H. L. Brown, 105 Geneva avenue. 1"0 p. m. Oak Grove club, home Mrs. Wallace Brill. Ii80 p. m. Get Together Reno, Nev.. Oct. 24. UP) A distraught husband last night shot to death his wealthy New York wife on the eve of her Reno divorce suit, killed her nurse and then himself. N. A. Webster, New York City, retired sea captain of old sailing ships, took his divorce seeking wife, Mrs. Phane Web ster, and her nurse, Miss Louise Daniels, on a ride to lonely Pyramid lake near here, stop ped the car and shot the two women, then turned the gun on himself, according to the sher iff's office. Suit Dua Wednesday Mrs. Webster, who married the former sea captain after her first husband died, came here for divorce September 12 and was to have filed suit Wednes day. Webster followed her here, attempting to dissuade her. Sho was about 55 years old and mar ried Webster, who had been her gardener on her Long Island estate after his retirement, ac cording to her Reno attorney, Albert D. Ayres. The triple shooting occurred on a lonely road 35 miles north of Reno. Webster was about 60. The nurse about 50. Versa Found On a table in Mrs. Webster's hotel room, in which her lug gage was all packed for an early departure, was scrawled a verse: "When all the world Seems gone to pot And business on the bum; A luted chtn. And a 2-cent grin. Helps some, my girl, helps iome." The verse was not signed, and there was no Indication whether Mrs. Webster had written it to console herself on the eve of her divorce, or whether her es tranged husband had sent it to her. Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Bhowers to night, partly cloudy Wednesday with frost In the morning. Oregon: Partly cloudy tonight with showers In south portion, colder In eait portion with freezing tempera ture, local frosta In west portion. Wednesday partly cloudy. fresh northerly winds off the coast. Loral Data Temperature a year ago today: highest 62, lowest 44. Total monthly precipitation, 110 Inches; excess for the month, .82 Inches. Total precipitation since Septem ber 1. 1939. 1 96 Inches: excess for the season, .56 Inches. Relative humldltj at p. m. yes terday 62 percent: 6 a. m. today 97 percent. Tomorrow: sunrise 6:35 a. m., sun set 5:15 p. m. Thomas, died Sunday of burns suffered when a lamp exploded and burned. The mother res cued another child. Wonderful for CHILDREN! ... end they do Ilk tha dcllcioui nutlik flavor. Ohtervationt Taken at 5 a. m 10 Meridian Time. 8 jq I X q 5 3 s s H f B u xS a c o ? 0 Boise 79 46 .00 Clear I Boston 62 31 .00 Clear Buffalo 40 29 .06 P Cloudy Chicago 52 45 .00 Clear Denver 78 46 .00 Clear Eureka 58 50 .43 Rain Havre 56 33 .00 Cloudy Los Angeles..- 79 60 .00 Cloudy i Medford 69 41 .74 Rain i Omaha 79 47 .00 Clear Phoenix ... 92 68 .00 Clear j Portland .... 42 .32 Clear I Reno 78 50 .00 p Cloudy Roseburg .... 68 42 .65 Clear Salt Lake ...... 74 53 .00 P Cloudy San Francisco 62 56 T Rain Seattle 68 38 .81 P Cloudy Spokane 68 43 .01 Cloudy Wash., D. C 64 49 T Cloudy Wenatchea . 65 40 .00 Clear Babe's Injuries Fatal. The Dalles, Ore., Oct. 24. (AP) Robert Thomas, 10-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Elk's Hallowee'n DANCE FOR ELKS AND INVITED GUESTS Guests by Invitation Card Only ELK'S TEMPLE SATURDAY NIGHT, OCT. 28 WHIPPLE ORCHESTRA Elks 50c per couple, Invited Guests $1.00 per couple. Don't miss this grand Partyl SECURE TICKETS NOW club, Eagles hall. 2:00 p. m. S. W.V. Service club, home Mrs. Edith Bundy, 504 South Central avenue. 7:30 p. m. Rebekah team, I.O.O.F. hall. 7:30 p. m. Job's Daughters, Masonic Hall. BRY BLf! Three Kinds To Choose From Factory - Planer - Rough All The Same Price Valley Fuel Co. Tel. 78 3 26 W". Main Bottled Energy YES slrl it conl MILK is the FINEST food because contains tha most Important elements of calcium, minerals and butter tat. Milk is lha most economical food, too, bacauta it gives you tha GREATEST NOURISHMENT per food dol lar spantl It's a GRAND HEALTH DRINK lor young and old delicious to drink and packed full of energy giving vitaminsl YOUR FAMILY MimiM en Jot tne benefit f Hi:KS .MMrmizrtl Milk rich In rrciim rontrnt. You Mill (tntl It vih):ihl an A ltrrucc i a fixxl nml In nil tM ' nmklnc . . . hi! MO UK Mil K for (.lit- TI H 111 1 Til! M:i wr tlrllvrr YOl R UI1 nnlrrT o SNIDER DAIRY & PRODUCE COMPANY f- t-Sn PINT V. sio5 m?. QUART jfl" ""'j -W A VtoM BOURBON f J jm 1 l 1 Every Dro at Leas 4- L 4 Years A Skillful "Wedding"of Several Straight Whiskies GOLDEN wedding is all whiskey the result of a priceless blendin-4 formula. U Is not one but sevi-rn! distinctive whiskies carefully se lected and expertly "wedded." ! In straight whiskies in this produc , 4 years or more old. Blended at milder 90 proof. Gopyrluht t.?9. Jo. S. Finch Co.. Inc.. SchOTlr). P.,. 00 I'ROOF