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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1939)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1939. PAGE NINE WILL GAIN COLOR Eyes of Nation Will Be On State Next May Gives Convention Bargain Power By Paul V. Harvey, Jr. Salem, Oct. 20. (AP) When Governor Sprague launched Senator McNary's presidential boom two weeks ago, he as sured Oregon of one of the most colorful primaries In his tory. Next May Oregoniani will decide whom they want for their presidential nominees and the eyes of the nation will be on the Beaver state for some indications as to what the coun try wants. On the Democratic side, for mer Gov. Charles H. Martin will be leading the fight for Vice-president Garner, while Willis Mahoney, former Klam ath Falls mayor who has been defeated by Martin, McNary and U. S. Sen. Rufus Holman, will be heading the Roosevelt forces. Favorite Son Angle But on the Republican half of the ticket there will be the name of a favorite son Charles L. McNary, senate leader of the Republican party and a member of the upper house for 22 years. Opposing him may be Senator Taft of Ohio, Senator Vanden berf of Michigan and District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey of New York City. However, Oregon Republican leaders don't think McNary has much chance of winning the nomination. Oregon has only five electoral votes out of 531, whereas presidential nominees 'usually come from bigger states. The object in pledging Ore gon's Republican delegation to McNary would be to give this state some "bargaining power" at the convention. A state pledged to a favorite son always is in a better strategical posi tion than one pledged to an out sider. In Line For Rewards , If the favorite son doesn't get any place, that state is wooed and courted by the camps of the leading contenders. Some times such a state gets major political rewards, such as a vice presidential nomination for its favorite son. This really Is what McNary's supporters are angling for. In times past, Oregon's dele gations have been pledged to candidates who didn't have any chance whatever. This, party leaders feel, has made Oregon look ridiculous. The Oregon Statesman, pub lished by Governor Sprague. points out it is unlikely "that there will soon again be so fa vorable an opportunity to place in the White House a man after whose name will appear the words 'of Salem. Oregon'." Support Seen State Rep. C. C. Chapman of Portland, a Republican who publishes the Oregon Voter, warns people not to belittle Mc Nary because he's a local man. Chapman asks "Shall we sneer at our own native son merely because he has been one of us ill these years?" Senator Holman, although disappointed because he didn't get the first chance to throw McNary's hat in the ring, also got on the bandwagon, while several other senators said Mc Nary would be a good candi' date. Republican state officials, while asserting geography is sgainst McNary, thought the Idea was pretty good. Hoi Primary Races And speaking of the primary next spring, there will be sev eral other hot races. State Treas urer Walter E. Pearson, a Demo crat appointed last January, and Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle, a Republican who has served 19 years, will face re- nomination. Chief Justice John L. Rand and Justice George Rossman will be before the voters again, as well as all three congress men, 13 circuit judges, 25 dis trict attorneys, all 60 state rep resentatives and 15 of the 30 state senators. As far as getting control of the senate is concerned, it does not make much difference whom the Democrats nominate. Republicans now control the senate 22 to 8. They have 13 holdovers, so they need to elect only three senators to retain a majority. And some of the con tests will be in districts that haven't elected a Democrat since the year of the blue snow. The Democrats have only two holdovers while six Democratic senators will be up for renom ination. In the house, the Republicans lead 46 to 13. Orchestras From Five Counties To Unite in Program A program, under rehearsal for the past two days, will be given by the combined orches tras of five counties in the gym nasium of the Southern Oregon College of Education at Ashland Saturday at 10 a. m. Delbert Moore, conductor of the Oregon State college symphony will di rect. The public is cordially in vited. The program follows: Orchestra: "Honor and Glory Overture" by Arthur Bergh "Walther's Prize Song" by Richard Wagner "March Militaire"....Saint-Satns String ensemble: "Waltz" by Weber "Minuet" by Hayden "Traumen" by Schumann TIRFRS RFTTINR I Meteorological Report I IULIIU ULI I IMU FAVORITES OVER MATH ELEVEN The boys who back up their favorite football teams with something other than vocal wagers have installed Medford's Black Tornado a one-point even money favorite over the Pelicans of Klamath Falls high in their big clash in Klamath Falls to night. At least $350 of Medford money has been covered in Klamath Falls this week, the local bettors spotting Klamath Falls one point. This amounts to giving Klamath Falls the ben efit of a tie. Several Medford business men raised $250, gave it to Wrestling Promoter Mack Lillard and told him to get it down in Klamath Falls. Lillard telephoned from Klamath Falls yesterday and reported the money was covered, even up. with the Pelicans getting the one-point spot. Another $100 was sent from here and covered on the same basis. The Tigers, 34 strong, left here this noon and were to rest in Klamath Falls until game time at 8 o'clock. John Sauls berry, big fullback, will prob ably open the game as Ike Orr, soph flash, is suffering from a painful boil on his neck. How ever. Orr will probably see ac tion before the night is over. No other changes were expected in the Medford lineup. Forecast MMford and vtctuuy: Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday, not much change In temperature. Oregon: Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday with rain In northwest por tion Saturday, cooler in the Interior of northwest portion tonight, mod erate southwest wind off tha coast. Local Data Temperature a year ago today: highest 0. lowest 37. Total monthly precipitation. 07 InchM: excesa for the month, -98 Inches. Total precipitation since Septem ber 1. 1939, 1.23 Inches: excesa for the season. .03 Inchea. Relative humidity at 6 p. m. yes terday 37 percent: 6 a. m. today 91 percent. Tomorrow: aunrlse 0:31 a. m., sun set 5:31 p. m. "Knews" Is Keynote Unique Hills Bros. Coffee Advertising "Knews" is the keynote of the fall advertising campaign which Hills Bros. Coffee, Inc., launches this month in nearly 400 news papers between the Pacific coast and Chicago. The comments of the guests at Hills Bros. Exposition theater on Treasure Island after Ihey had seen the sound picture In einecolor. "Behind the Cup," are responsible for the "knews." Expressions like these are being heard daily, "I never knew so much is involved in 'he produc tion of coffee" ... "I never knew how important the coffee tester is" ... "I never knew be fore why Hills Bros, coffee is al ways so perfect." From these expressions Hills Bros, developed an educational advertising cam paign which incorporates strong selling points and reasons that demonstrate why people who drink Hills Bros, coffee say, "Now, that's what I call good coffee!" In keeping with the educa tional theme of the advertising I regarding the production of Hills Bros, conee, an illustrated con tinuity shows the reader how "the correct grind" produces best results in every type of coffee maker drip, glass maker, per colator, or pot. The instructions for using "the correct grind'' in these various types of coffee makers are now appearing on every can of Hills Bros, coffee. North Bend, Ore., Oct. 20. (AP) Twelve sections of trestle at the North Coos Bay Jetty were swept out and rock rip rapping was slightly damaged yesterday by high seas. icht Coughs due to colds... checked without "dosing". WICKS VAPORua J:I.l'H.:VeVMfH.'HM.l.rCT Observations Taken at 6 a. m, lin Meridian Time. S 5 1 5 ? i h 2? SB CTTT- J -f S . f ' f Father Confesses Asphyxiating Baby Seattle. Oct. 20. (AP) De tective Chief Ernest W. Yoris said today John F. Wundcrs, 21, confessed he turned on the gas which killed his 16-months- old daughter, Belle Frances, two nights ago. Wunders, mechanic and self- styled amateur criminologist, insisted he could not explain why he did it. He signed a confession. Serve hot or cold Van the delicious, thrifty, tlmpl Gives you a holiday from cook ing... delicious secret sauce... flavor penetration cooking method... nutritious, energizing Camp's Pork and Beans e-fo-prepare, balanced meal in Vitamin B...a meal liked by millions . . . ewteibly economical . . . order today at your grocer's. OVERHEARS AT TREASVRB ISLANBl ll3l Expo' Golden Gate International Ex position. You are inriied to see 'Behind the Cup, a sound picture in Cinecofor that drpirt the production of fine coffee. "HV1 Mi 77u Cbvwcfc Qjund fvnr TiMt" "There's no mystery about making coffee when you use I be Correct Ortna. It pro duces perfect coffee in any kind of maker if you care fully follow directions. And listen don't regrind The Correct Grind. You'll lose aroma, flavor, freshness.' YwrBtst Buy ilTESflip&DR if) SINS QKAMULATBO The Su9i tyQ, Msd. In Oreoon 5U0AH i Boise 67 37 .00 Clear Boston 66 57 T Cloudy . Bufralo 73 .... Chicago 71 T i Denver - 78 46 .00 p Cloudy ' Eureka 63 51 .00 Foggy Havre - .... 35 .00 Cloudy Los Angelea.... 80 48 .00 Foggy Medrord 69 43 .00 P Cloudy , Omaha ... 77 48 .00 P Cloudy , Phoenix 91 49 .00 Clear Portland 66 58 .03 Cloudy Reno 73 39 .00 Clear Roneburg 73 50 .00 Cloudy Salt Lake 69 35 .00 Clear San Francisco 68 47 .00 Clear Seattle 65 53 T Cloudy Spokane 68 45 .01 Cloudy Wash.. D. O 73 49 .00 Foggy Wenatche ..... 66 61 .00 P Cloudy j OaX01 30ET301 SOI o 1 $ J'f 'fri STy' IMFOiTANft Carefully birt Z -ZZgA I I timina for ch method. Meiar 2 SSfiSS1'""" -MSvsrlB " Wi jfhiftyijfrfiA Js&yfi&'b? tablespoons of coffee 10 etch T I 0 d4rfP" ' "mkn s5St friSferV y--' cup of water. Vary witer slighdy ( 1 " trL I IjiS M,p MlTHOOi 6 to 8 mlontei I k Wl.- 006'"'' Jm. ' I Ut'cM fii preferred. If lessthsn 2(5 capacity I t&5ffi '1 i my m " r'P ' J'f4V$ f 4 J I I t B Ji H p- 1AM VACUUM MA KIR Si Pat op- i ; 1 :jk2y W m tp-d Er bowl OQ '"r w'r boiU. g lwr 1 A 5 Ws eAJ Coffee and water iboala b in coo- H uct 3 to 7 minuiM. E '"memmm immrfi'V'r MiCOLMORi Start with cold or tSfA m ; hot water. "Perc" 7 to 10 mi nut teal! TMIY TAKI A IAMHI MOM IVfIT ilNOLf 1AOI" It's a Tisitor to I . after steady pumpioa auru. j Hills Bros. Exposition Theatre sneaking. And the sample from -'- MaJ every bag of green coffee that comes into the Hills Bros, plant is . fci 1 ent at once lo tne coffee-testers to be compared with the original JttJ . 1 sample on which the coffee was purchased. These samples mutt ffij P i t I matc& to protect the matchless quality of Hills Bros. Coffee. j; tAf 1 ' 1 I "Now that's what I call good toffee!" ' ,-.cLLw 1 fl """?riy: ''J0' '' 'JLrzl. Wh COffHFOTt Brio coffe and water ! 11 in, .--.. -Jjf ..x J&:,J U to,. Stir well. Add small - r ife lO7vi. amount of cold water and let stand V , 1 fVTi' ttSv ' Winnies to settle around . hp ; mils Rros Coffee i ttrurtinn on making J U'i (G) AVj r-sf-vS' I JjpYk I enfirr irri( or a jrr. J fes ty&il7lYlkvt I K'ZZlH expy of Ie booklet UVifegl VCfSTll "Th Art of Coffr: , If. ! n r, '1 PgTgaQ- -1 : A J Making" AMrmHM, JPC Wfo "'J iSSJ m If ' C Hrm. fffee, nr., Son f l SyKf-L ;',J ITIIHHOi Pncrholliniw.teroe M r- ,...: V JF VVV.VJ 11 Jri yrZlj 71 code. Stir well. Slir itun in t I rrooruro. OxCTV Pi 3j W- W minm... Sleep lot IM.I ol 10 lo I i r a, ...y::ZylkL7 ""' L LUMANS' Our Free Delivery at Your Service Telephone 353 or 354 LUMANS' Prices Effective 'Til Monday Night CRISCO 3 Pound Pall 53c 6 Pound Pall S1.05 ' 354 4T - s T- ? I 'S FfiFP 4 1 KRAFT'S DINNERS A meal for 4 In 9 minutes 2 pkgs. 25c P. and G. SOAP 7 BARS IVORY SOAP LARGE BAR OXYDOL 2 large pkgs.. CAMAY 3 Bars .. ft FT? i 5 i j . . "va a x m .m li WW 9C p H y I 25c 43c i r 19c TUNA FISH MECO BRAND CATSUP MECO BRAND DURKEE SALAD DRESSING nliinerlrU Brand QUARTS A KRAFT srtW 25c FREE nisnr.s PINTS J 15c j ar X SssssssssssssssssssssssssssssskM 1 4 2 lb. 39c I ARHF TINS 9Rr sssiraa a yt siai a s w a. ww nriTTi r 4 QUI ILL IUC 1 POTATOES (KLAMATH) 50 lbs. No. 2's 49c en Ik ii a iV7n JU IMd.llU. I O I Uu Tall 20 os. cans each 10c 1 lb. tins 26c 2 lb. tins 49c LUMAN S Offer These SURE TO SCORE A HIT ON THE FAMILY TABLE THIS WEEK Choice young fat Hens lb. 20 R. I. Bed and Barred Rock Fryers, milk and corn fed lb. 23 Prime Rib Roast, boned and lied lb. 20c Swiss Steaks, cut from young tender beef lb. 200 Beei Pot Roast, choice cuts lb. 1 If Beei Short Ribs - lb. J.O Young, tender, corn fed Pork Shoulder Roast lb. 1 5c Leg Roast - - lb. 20c Loin Pork Chops or Sleeks - lb. 200 Fresh Side Pork lb. 15 Country Style Sausage, seasoned )ut right lb. 150 Veal Roast, choice shoulder cuts lb. 15 Veal Loin Steaks lb. 200 Small, lean, tender Hams, whole or half lb. 250 Bacon, medium thick. No. 1 quality lb. 200 Home Rendered Lard lb. 200 Phone 353 or 354 Free Delivery NEW FLOUR PRICES DRIFTED SNOW "M.85 FISHER'S BLEND " ll 1.79 KITCHEN QUEEN : M.49 KLAMATH BOQUET" 1.29 CASTLE BRAND r; 1-39 GUARANTEED "KIPIESS Syrup With the Purchase of Any Sise Can MILK 6 tall cans 39c Oregon or Swift's Premium CHOCOLATES 2 lbs. for 19c Old Fashioned Assorted Centers LUMANS1 Fruits and Vegetables WEEK-END 8PE01AL8 Sweet Potato Squash lb. 2ic LETTUCE, crisp, solid each 5c ONIONS 10 lb. Ho. rs 15c TOMATOES . . . 3 lb. 10c Grapefruit full of juice 5 for 1 9c APPLES new crop 6 lb. 25c LOCAL CABBAGE . . lb. 2c Lumans' Bakery Goods Fresh Bread Daily Finest of Cakes and Pastries SATURDAY SPECIAL MOCHA MALT CAKE The layers are a blend ol butter, malt and chocolate, producing a very delicious ilaror. Topped with an unusual Icing of coffee, mocha and walnuts. 49c 01301 OE301 0130 3001 i