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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1939)
MEDFORT) MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1JUM9. PAGE THREB Society and Clubs By Clara Mary Davit Golfing Prizes Presented to Winners at Club Winners of the Rogue Valley Golf club women's champion ship tournament held several weeks ago were presented prizes at a no-host luncheon affair yes terday at the club. The followiug received prizes which were presented to them by club pro, Laddie Selkirk, who also gave a brief talk on golf. Mrs. T. G. Bunch, club champion, was presented with a beautiful cup designed with the figure of a golfer, by Larry Schade. She also had her name inscribed on the George Hunt perpetual trophy which remains in the clubhouse. Mrs. Belle Thompson, club champion for the past three years, was runner-up in the rp cent tournament. She received a handsome cup presented by the club. Mrs. Jerry Jerome, winner of the first flight, was given a sil ver sandwich tray by the Stand ard Oil company, and Mrs. T. J. Fuson, runner-up in this flight, a bronze ash tray with the fig ure of a golfer, by the club. California Oregon Power com pany donated a Silex for the second flight winner which was Mrs. Aletha Vawter, and Mrs Laddie Selkirk, as runner-up, was presented with a merchan dise order by Reinhart & Bar ker. Other prizes included a golf ball to Mrs. Willis Wood for low net score in the qualifying round, Mrs. Thompson a golf ball for low medalist. Those defeated in the flight held a handicap tournament and Miss Helen Thompson and Miss Mar- go Boyle also received balls. Today the local club members are entertaining a number of women from Reames Country ciud in Klamath Falls. Presbyterian Women to Hold Conference Here The Women's Missionary so ciety of the Presbyterian church met Tuesday afternoon in the church parlors. Mrs. Chester Guches led ihe devotional period after which Mrs. Sherman L. Di vine discussed the first few chap ters of the book, "Right Here at Home" by Frank S. Mead, giving in interesting detail the progress made in missionary work in this country. At the next regular meeting, November 21, a Presbyterial Leadership conference will be held at an all-day meeting in the church auditorium. Miss Elea nor Ewing of the national board in San Francisco will assist in the conference which will be at tended by women throughout this presbytery. A covered dish luncheon will be served at noon and the program will be an nounced at a later date. Following Tuesday's meeting a delightful social hour was en joyed. Hostesses were Mcsdames R. S. Daniels, H. F. W. Spilver and A. R. Clement. Franklin, Helen Gilpiam. Nan ette Holmes, Betty Nickelson' and Mesdames W. A. Holloway and Harry Nordwick. Bicycle Jaunt for Girl Scouts Friday Girls Scouts between the ages of 10 and 18 are to gather in the rear of the Junior high school Friday morning at 10 o'clock for a bicycle trip. Bicycles should be In good condition and repair tools as well as a first aid kit are re quired for memoers of each troop participating. Riders will be escorted out Jackson street to Ross lane and at noon the group will enjoy a rest and a nosebag lunch on the picnic grounds at the home of Mrs. Gipson Driver. From there the girls will ride to Jack sonville over the Old Stage road and then return via Ross lane. An adult for each eight girls will ride with them and every precaution will be observed to insure an enjoyable as well as a safe trip. Bay City Couple To Reside Here Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jewel are recent arrivals in Medford from San Francisco to make their home. Mrs. Jewel is the former Miss Clora Rippey and is the daugh ter of Mrs. E. M. Wilson of South Riverside avenue. She at tended the local schools and will be remembered in this city by many friends, The Jewels have secured, for the time being, the very attract ive home of the Wallace Haskins in the Big Applegate district. They plan to reside in this valley permanently. Newbry Family Is Honored at Party About seventy - five friends and neighbors gathered at the Phoenix Presbyterian church parlors recently to honor at a farewell party, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lester Newbry and family who are leaving soon for Yreka to make their home. Refreshments were served and the following program was en joyed: Piano solo, Natalie Wil cox; duet by Jean Hayse and Patty Furry; reading by Elva Caster; bass solo, R. A. Reddy; trumpet solo, Marian White. A handsome pair of silver can dlesticks were presented to the honored guests after which visit ing was enjoyed for the re mainder of the evening. Former Residents Observe Wedding The wedding anniversary re cently celebrated hv Mr nnrf Mrs. H. D. McBride at their Home in Anaheim, Cal., will be of interest to their many friends in the Rogue river valley. The couple lived here for many years prior to moving to California over ten years ago. A dinner party observed the McBrides' 57th wedding anni versary and among their guests were Mrs. Grace Ireciale and Mrs. George Morrison, their only children, who are also well known here, and Mr. Morrison. The McBrides were wedded at Durange, Colo., and later moved to Oregon and then to Santa Ana, finally settling in Anaheim 18 years ago. They make their home at 828 North Pine street in the latter city. Calendar Thursday. 6:30 p. m. Yorktown dinner, SAR, DAR, Presbyterian church. 7:30 p. m. Theta Rho, IOOF hall. 8:00 p. m. B. P. W., Girls' Community clubhouse. Friday 1:30 p. m. Friday Afternoon Sewing club, home Mrs. Johnny Grinstead, Jacksonville highway. 7:30 p. m. Navy Mothers club, home Mrs. Florence Cuffel, 909 North Central avenue. Use MaU Tribune Want Adj. Delta Debs Have Dinner and Party Members of Delta Debs en joyed a dinner and dancing party held last evening at the Chateau. Those participating were club president. Jerry Edwards, the Misses Mary Holloway, June Kincade, Mary Lee Strang, Mary Shreve, Mary Gritsch, Anita Davis, Jackie Thurman, Jackie Flynn, Lea Henderson, Charlotte Older. Betty Hardy, Ruth Hend rick, Pat Wilkinson, Cart Bach eldon, Jean Pease, Barbara (Additional Society on Page Two) SI For your enjoyment, Kentucky Straight Bourbnn WliMkey fa mnusforftntincfull (la war, teste, and smooth ness. PT. QT. 90 91.70 BORN WITH THE REPUBLIC Est. 1780 90 Proof Copt. Jas. E. Peppt r & Co.. Inc.. Lexington. Ky. RICH IN VITAMIN Si MJB WHY? "We learned the answer from the Sarah B..." ... -i teas' 1 The wife and I were cruising up the river when the coffee gave out two days from the nearest landing. Thai won't mean much to you unless you've run out of coffee on a cruise. It's just about as serious as running out of fucH But luck was with us. Along about eve. ing we sighted the Sarah B. 2 Got some coffee you can spare?" I yelled, recog nizing my friend Bill Robinson. "Sure," he yelled back. We came alongside and Bill tossed over can. That night we had the swellest coffee I ever tasted. Even in our battered old tin pot it had a full, rich flavor. The wife was impressed. M-J-B'i RICHER ROAST gives you RICHER FLAVOR Drip' or Regular Orlndi 3 Why didn t we know about M J B before?" she asks. "Search me," I said. "I've read about its Richer Roast but I never dreamed it'd make such a difference. We ll stock up on M J B at ihe next landing." P. S. U"hen we got home we seni Bill a present and enclosed this note: "One good rurn deserves another." Guess he's still ondering what we meant! 0i. 1JS by M J-BCa, Your M. M. Deparimont Store it all on one floor, conveniently department lied lo facilitate your shopping. M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE PAY LESS DRESS BETTER 220 EAST MAIN TELEPHONE 232 We Broadcast Specials eech day over KMED at lOill Slim as a THAT'S FASHION'S ADVANCE THEME That new up - to - the -throot and down-to-the-walst effect that's so typically 1P39 .... In a specially priced group ! Ufa?.. r s- throot and down-to-the- J eH M I , iKUf' effect that's o AM 71 Tj Z r typically 1039 .... In f 1 I t .' a specially priced group at ,A JL 1' " (left) Style 2296. A charming I ' f jewel-frock to make your waist- l f jf . ' line seem tiny ... in half sizes. $ , I I middle) Style 389. A flattering t J I j I version of the wasp-waist... t jFjf ff M 'I ( ' l Size. 12 to 20. P . J ; S .. V . I -(right) Style 2295. Front ful- ! " ' ,y . - '-. .Ej - ' 1 ncss just where it sets off your t . ' , figure to advantage... half sizes. L. . . .:. READY-TO WEAR DEPARTMENT MARCY LEE DRESSES It mftlcea no dlfrertnc whethsr you wear a size 0 to 44 your slae U Included In this new shipment of Marcy Lee Street Dresses that arrived this week. They are all very mart, clever dresses, and when you sea the lovely materials and how beautifully they are tailored; ltlta ourselves, you will wonder how It Is possible to buy such won derful dresses at so low a price. $2.98 FALL COATS We bought a bargain and this bargain we are passing on to our customers. 25 New Fall Coats. Every Coat was a real buy at $12.95 and some sold for $14.95. Come try them on. Take your choice at only $9.85 Pay Less and Dr. si Better MUNSING WEAR for WOMEN Buy Munslng TuckStltch Underwear at these, new low prices. Come take your choice of Munslng TuckStttcb. pants, briefs and vests. Regular ADe values. While thla lot lasU 39c IN OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT 30 Wool Munslng TuckStltch Vesta and Panties. Regular and three-quarter length. Regular 76c values r v'- mat. Men's RAIN COATS We can't prevent the rain but we can keep you dry In one of our ideal rain coats. And at only UP $3.95 Navy, Tan and Grey; all new coats and fresh this Fall. You can't afford to be without one of these splendid new waterproofs when so little will buy so much. Same in boys' sizes. $2.98 MEN'S MAYO WINTER UNION SUITS 98c Heavy weight Winter weight Union Suits, short or long sleeves, ankle length. IN OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENT BOYS' BOOTS Boys' H full leather soles, Ooodyear welt boots. Sizes 1 to fl, made over the same lasts as the men's boots. .4fre Is more wear for less money. $3.65 Gang Buster SHIRTS Tor the small boy ages 6 to 14 years. Made Just the same as the men's. While the present stock lasts. 75c 48c 40 Wool Munslng TuckStltch Vests and Panties in regular length. Regular 08c value' 68c TuckStitch Gowns and Pajamas by Munsing. $1.95 value. Your choice .;.... A regular $1.59 BE A GOOD AMERICAN AND A GOOD NEIGHBOR GIVE TO THE COMMUNITY CHESTI M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT SENSATIONAL SALE OF PEQU0T SHEETS Buy now! Buy for months to come! For after October 28th all Pcquot Sheets and Cases will be a great deal higher. For over a hundred years Pequot Sheets have been America's most outstanding Sheets. For softness, for whiteness, for durability, you cannot equal Pequot quality. 81x108 Pequot Sheets. Regular $1.80 value. 4 JQ Now 9 I iWV 81x99 Pequot Sheets. Regular $1.49 value. MA Now - - - 9 I eaCijJ 72x108 Pequot Sheets. Regular $1.45 value. 4 AQ Now 9 I eSiW 72x99 Pequot Sheets. Regular $1.35 value. 4 4Q Now - 9 I I W 42x38 Pequot Cases. Regular 32c value. 9 Of Now btfC 45x36 Pequot Cases. Regular 39c value. 9.9a Now ObC 220-222 EAST MAIN ST. PHONE 232 0