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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1938)
PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOTil). OREGON, SUNDAY. JULY 10, 1938 A10YER BESETS FDR BLESSING OF (Continued from Pwe One.) dent's special train resumed its course to Port Worth, Texas, where Mr. Roosevelt will spend Sunday at the home of his son, Elliott. Just before the train departed, the president pencilled out a tribute to Justloe Cardoza, word of whose death had lust reached him.' , The president, following-up his re cent Washington radio chat, devoted much of his address to a plea for liberalism In government. "America need a government 'of constant progress along liberal lines, he said. "America requires that this progress be sane and honest. America calls for government with a soul." Sharply Critical. At one point, the president, was sharply clrtlcal of those "who seek office, sincerely or otherwise, on Im possible pledges and platforms peo ple with panaceas for reforming the world overnight people who are not practical and progressive. "Theodore Roosevelt was perhaps a bit rough when he referred to such people as 'the lunatic fringe. Strictly speaking, they are not lunatics, but In many cases a little push would shove them over the line." Mr. Roosevelt drew his most thun derous applause when he made Inferential reference to former Gov. W. H. "Alfalfa Bill' Murray m being nationally "known as a Republican This statement was Interpolated In to the address after It had been written. He used again his reference to "Yes but people" to describe those who object to ''progressive" govern ment policies. 4 ----- - ' i - - ""W ", V 1 v r1 m "J? l it 1,4 HS:,: T TRIPLE KILLING MINNEAPOLIS, July . (AP) County Attorney E. J. Ooff said today Robert McLeod told him he killed a Maple Orover farm couple and their hired man "so they would n't overhear him eteallng cattle." McLeod, a former North Dakota convict, was captured yesterday at South St. Paul a few hours after Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oswald and their hired man, John Kujawa were found beaten and shot to death In their beds. Ooff said McLeod told him he had fone to the fdrm, where he formerly was employed, early Thursday and loaded two cows Into a truck and was about to drive away when he decided the truck would make so much noise It would waken the I uswaias. Then he went Into the nouse and killed them In their beds. SHIRLEY PICNICS ... hi f FOOD FOR THE HARVEST ARMY in the Texas wheat country Is rationed out at tha chuck wagons, and the lunch table may be most anything: the ground and even the broad back of a . fellow worker (left of the forks). In harvesting the wheat, binders tie the stalks Into bundles? and separators winnow out the grain and blow the straw Into great piles. POLITICAL PLOT OF NEW DEALER HYDE PARK, N. Y.. July B. (AP) Shirley Temple departed for New York City tonight after onjoying what Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt described as "a perfectly plain picnic" with the Roosevelt grandchildren, Stitle and Buzzle Dall. . Dressed In a light blue polka dot dress and a red ribbon In her hair, the 9-year-old movie actress told her youthful host and hostess at the Roosevelt country estate here that "It Is very nice of you to have me up to this beautiful place." Shirley will be Vie guest of Gov. and Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman tomor row at Purchase, N. Y. WAITRESS JAILEO WASHINGTON, July 9. A parting presidential shot at Gov. A. B. Chandler, opponent of newdeal- favored Alben W. Barkley In Ken tucky's Democratic senatorial prl- mary, exploded In the capital today. Politicians here were still -talking avidly about the president's unpre cedented endorsement of Barkley in Kentucky yesterday when Senator Logan (D.-Ky.) made public a letter from Mr. Roowvelt dated February 1. It said the governor had made a proposition" to the president the day before, and had "seemed sur prised when I told him that you and I would be the last people In the world to traffic In Judicial ap pointments In order to satisfy the ambitions of one office-seeker." Mr. Roosevelt's letter did not say tn so many words what Chandler's j "proposition" was. But, coupled with an announcement which Logan had Just issued, it conveyed the Idea clearely that the governor fad sug gested that the Junior senator from Kentucky be appointed to a federal judgeship. This would have per mitted Chandler to be appointed to succeed him in the senate, and would have left Barkley a clear field In his race for renomlnatlon to Ken tucky's other senate seat, "I want you to know how fine I think your statement of Monday was," the president wrote, referring to Logan's announcement that he would decline any Jurlclal post of fered him. "The governor put you and Alben and me Into a most dis agreeable situation and wholly with out any necessity therefor." YANGTZE SECTOR SHANGHAI, July o(AP) Jap anese naval officers said today their "heavily operating" air forces were attempting to blast out Chinese de renders 30 miles above Kluklang on the Yangtze river. Stationed at Kluklang, 135 miles below the provisional capital of Hankow, were the U. S. gunboat Monocacy and the British gunbost Cockchafer, remaining to protect tneir nationals despite Chinese and Japaneso warnings of dangerous, uucKly-mlned waters. The bombing operations followed by a few hours a Japaneso note to foreign powers urging "voluntary evacuation" of an 80-mlle area, from Kluklang to Hwangahlhkang, marked out for an Intensified battleground. Japanese announced they were rushing 30,000 troops for land op erations In the tone. Murray Pardoned ' SALEM, July 9. jp) Governor Charles H. Martin today issued a con ditional pardon to Thomas Murray, wno la serving a 10 year term in the state, penitentiary here for manslaughter. Supreme Court Vacations SALEM, July 9. P) The stato supreme court will recess July 15 for the summer vacation. Arthur S. Ben son, cleric of the court, announced today. The court will reconvene Sep tember 6. Klamath Fire, Held KLAMATH FALLS, July 9. (Jfj Two forest fires which broke out In seperate parts of Klamath county yesterday wore controlled today, but not before one had destroyed more than 80 acres of pine timber. SWEDISH PRINCE IN BOSTON FETE BOSTON, July 9. (AP) Ready to make his first public appearance since he came to the United States to participate In the SOOth anni versary of the landing of the Swed ish colonists In Delaware, Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf, of Sweden, ar rived here tonight with a message of good will for the Swedish pop ulation of New England. Tomorrow he will address Swedish people from all parts of New Eng land at a tercentenary celebration, After being awarded an honorary degree Monday from Harvard unl verslty, the crown prince will visit several museums. Favors Licenses Unused Patents WASHINGTON, July 0. (AP) Senator King (D., Utah) urged to day legislation for compulsory li censing of unused patents as one way of tiurblng monopolistic tenden cies In business. King, a member of the monopoly Investigating committee, wrote Thur- man Arnold, assistant attorney gen eral, that he hoped the Justice de partment would recommend such legislation when It completes Its part in the monopoly study. There is no doubt. King assert ed, "that some large corporations have bought up patents that they have never used and had no In tention of using at the time they were purchased. They thus have Im peded progress while protecting their own process of manufacture or pro ducts." The principal export of Honduras is bananas. Use Mai. Itlbune Want Ads. PITTSBURGH, July O.-(UP) His face seared by add thrown by a waitress who accused him of un welcome advances, one-armed John Lovas, 34. tonight faced possible per manent Impairment of his slqht. The waitress, Jacqueline FVlegey, S3, was held In Jail on a district attorney's detainer. She said that aha had accepted a ride from Lovas after she got through work In a McKees port bar early today. When Lovas drove her to Elisabeth and allegedly msde advances, she hurled the add which she was taking home to use as a disinfectant. AFTER FDR BOOST GEORGETOWN, Ky., July 9. (UP) Oov. A. B. Chandler today charac terized 8en. Alben W. Barkley, his opponent for the Kentucky Demo cratic nomination for U. 8. senator as the nation's No. 1 coattall rider." Undaunted by President Roosevelt's endorsement of Barkley In Covington, yesterday, the governor In a cam paign talk here said he "could do more for the state of Kentucky In six years than Barkley has done In 28 years." He apparently referred to the presi dent's comment that Barkley would be more valuable as a seasonmi mem ber of the senate than the youthful governor. Klamath Tavern nurm. KLAMATH FALLS, July 9. Fire which swept tip from beneath the building Inst night razed the Pine Cone Inn, tavern located in the thickly-settled suburban area a mile south of the city limits, earning loss estimated at 100 00. Postal Clerk Held MAR3HFIE1J3. July 0. (pi Justice G. N. Bolt, acting United States com missioner, bound David Henry Ward. 21, Bandon substitute postnl clerk, over to the federal grand jury on a change of tampering with the malls. Ward was accused of -opening a let ter addressed to the Bank of Bandon and extracting money. INSTALMENT PAYMENTS CUT! jStf Arc your auto payments or othor Instalments hard to meet? See us about refinancing the balance you till owe and reducing your pay ments irom one-third to one-hali. II you need some extra cash at the same time, we can probably ar range for that also. . . . Convenient repayment plans you will like OREGON FINANCE CO. formerly Ore. ft Wash. .Mir. Po. W. F. Thomas. Mr. '1 s. f'-ntnl. I.lrense No. s-tll. M-m. Phone I3! SPECIAL NOTICE To All Sufferers Of Chronic Ailments We Have Recently Added To Our Staff Y. G. LEE, HERBALIST Mr. Lee, who will act in the capacity of consulting herbalist, has had 20 years experience as a practical herbal ist, and has just returned from China where he has spent several years in research work. We are more than proud to be able to offer the people of southern Oregon the added services of Mr. Lee. CONSULTATION FREE As our consultation is free, take advantage of this oppor tunity to consult one of the most outstanding herb special ists in this country. Yori owe it to yourself and your family. Know Where You Stand Herbally Mr. Lee, after consultation, will give his honest opinion as to whether he believes herbs will be of benefit or not. If not, he does not want to sell you any herbs, as the policy of this company is to give satisfaction' and relieve human suffering. Remedies For The Following Ailments weak and rundown, have Gas, Constipation, Rheumatism, Asthma, Hay Fever, Female Trouble, Chronic Cough, Influenza, Ulcers, Piles, Prostate trouble, Sinus trouble, Arthritis, Colitis, Nervousness, Appendicitis, Tonsilitis, Ecsema or Heart, Liver, Stomach, Bladder. Kidney, Lungs, Blood, Urinary disorders,' Herbs will give you relief when others fail. Hi CHAN & CHAN CHINESE MEDICINE COMPANY 235 East Main Street Open Daily 10 a. m. to 12, 1 p. m. to 6 MALE SCIENTISTS QUIT COLORADO RIVER BOAT TRIP LEE'S PERRY, Ariz., July 9. P) Ranks of tha Colorado river boat expedition divided today after 300 odd mllei of cooperative battling through death-lurking raplda and whirlpool. Some or the adventurers, resting at this northern Arizona outpost, spoke of Internal dissension, but the two quitting members offered other rea sons for leaving at the half-way point In a 666-mlle voyage from Oreen River, Utah, to Moulder Dam In Nevada. Eugene Atkinson, University of Michigan geologist who barely sur vived a half-mile ride over Seven Rapids, clinging to a capsized boat, declared the trip had served lt pur posebotanical study and departed to do research work In Texas. Don Harris, a U. S geological sur vey worker from Soda Springs, Ida ho, quit after being Informed he had been transferred from Mexican Hat, Utah, to Salt Lake City. Expedition Leader Norman D. Ne villes of Mexican Hat said the ad venturers were not dissatisfied and recruited Del Reld of Mexican Hat and Jack Stockatell of Hutchinson, Kas., for the remainder of the trip: The two women boatnlst-boaters who collected three unknown specie, of cacti voiced stern objections to suggestions that the trip end here, Portland Youth Drowns OOEUR D'ALENZ, fdaho, July 9. (JP) Kenneth Elmer, 18, Portland, drowned yesterday In Pend Orielle lake, coroner E. H. Teed said the body was recovered an hour later. Jap Fishers Balked. NEWPORT, Ore., July 9. (JP) Newport yesterday rejected the ap plication of Japanese fishermen to operate out of Yaqulna bay. Re fusal came after local fishermen and business men-&ad been consulted. INT FOR HIGH BENCH WASHINGTON. July 9. (AP) The death of Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo gives President Roosovelt an oppor tunity to make his third appoint ment to the supreme court. u,n. names were mentioned In speculation tonight over a successor to Justice Cardozo. flinnt nardoKO was from New York, there were reports that his death might open the way for the nomina tion of Senator Wagner (D., N. Y.) to .v. hie trihimai. Waaner has been one of the president's most active supporters on Capitol hill and has been a leader In advocating New Deal legislation. The belief was widespread also, however, that a westerner would be nominated. The section beyond Min nesota now Is unrepresented due to the retirement of Van Devanter, of Wyoming, and Sutherland, of Utah. Brooklyn Manager Chased From Game PHILADELPHIA, July 9. Bur leigh Crimes, Brooklyn Dodgers man ager who got Into trouble with tha umpires so often last year he was rep rimanded by President Ford Prick of the National league, was chased from a game today for the third time this season. G'lmes was ordered off the Dodg ers' bench in the second Inning of the game with the Phillies for bait ing Umpire Dolly Stark, who was call ing balls and atrikes. A disputable de cision on Arnovlch In the first Inning provoked the argument. Find Climber's Body HOOD RIVER, July 9. ( The body of Bob Blanke. Salt Lake City youth who lost his life In a faU Into the Devil's Punch Bowl from a cuff he was trying to scale, was recovered yesterday. Closing time tor Too Lata to Clas sify Ads la 1:30 p m. mm Forced LIQUID A TION OF CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH FRANCHISE CLOSING OUT Sale MUST CONTINUE Dailv-and Late Each Evening, Including Sunday 144 Cars Released Hundreds of Thrifty Buyers are snapping up unsurpassed Public Bank Sale Prices. Don't wait till they are all gone. Come now wnile our selection is still good! Take ad vantage of Liberal Trade-in on your present car. Note how greatly each car has been reduced for immediate liquidation and special long easy terms designed for every. one's budget. This is not an ordinary op eration but strictly a forced liquidation regardless of financial losses. Don't pass up this great Money-Saving Chance to buy a better car for so little money. Come right now I Let ns quote a deal you cannot afford to turn down. Only a few more days to go at Public Bank Sale Prices. 1 rf pmmmmmmmmnmmiim !' -4rvv.'; tea J. E. Douglas, Liquidating Enjftner, Newly Appointed Liquidator tn Charge Under Dire Stress Condition Select Your Car by Reading These Price Reduction! Original Public DOWN Approximate Stock Price Bank Hale PAYMENT Installment! Was Price Now Cash - Trade-In I Semi '37 Ford Sdn 775 595 195 16.00 '37 Chry Imp Cpe 1145 845 275 18.00 . '37ChrySdn. 995 865 265 20.00 '37 Ford Stake Pickup ... 655 555 165 13.50 '37 Ford Fordor 745 645 215 14.00 '36 Chry Sdn 825 725 235 liOO '36 Dodge Sdn 745 645 215 14.50 '36 Inter. Pick-up, short box 500 395 130 10.00 '36 Int'l Pickup, long bed . 600 495 130 11.00 '36 Ply Sdn 695 . 585 185 14.00 '36 Ply Cpe 600 495 160 1500 '36 Ford Sta Wag 675 545 175 14.60 '36 Stude Sdn 775 645 215 14.50 '35 Ford Panel 495 395 130 10.00 '35 Ply Sdn 575 465 150 11.50 '35 Chry Cpe . . '35 Ford Sdn . . '35 Chev Panel '35 rnrd Tudor '34 Chev Ch . . , 660 500 520 495 480 465 295 395 365 365 150 130 130 120 120 11.50 10.50 13.00 12.00 12.00 '34 Chev Truck 500 395 135 12.00 '34 Stude Cpe 485 395 130 11.75 '33 Chev Cpe 395 295 95 10.00 '33 Ford Sdn 365 265 80 9 00 '32 Ply Sdn 325 265 85 9.50 '31 Ford Cpe '31 Chrysler Sedan . '30 Pontiac Sedan . . '30 De Soto Coupe . . '30 Chevrolet Coupe 255 285 200 240 200 75 75 125 145 125 30 35 50 45 40 7.95 7.80 7.50 8.00 7.50 '30 Chevrolet Sedan '29 Chevrolet Coach '29 Chevrolet Sedan '29 Ford Tudor '28 Ford Coupe '27 Bir'ck Sedan 225 160 200 135 100 85 165 95 135 85 65 35 50 30 40 30 25 30 7.50 7.75 7.60 7.65 6.95 6.00 Balance of Our Stock Not Listed Here for Lack of Space Is Likewise Reduced and Carries 30-Day Service Guarantee Copvrlht by 1. B. Douglas, IMS. All Bights Kt.trvfd Over 30 Real Bar gains in Cheap Cars that hare been tradet tu during oar sale ranging In prlca from Sit to 30 Including lords Chew, Rulrk. Dodgf. E9ev Mnde. No reasonable nfrrrs will bf refuted. We mutt llqiitd.ite at c-nre. Hurrr, hurr. nuny! H. F. Lange CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH, SPONSOR Located 25 South Riverside New Car Sales, 33 North Riverside Brand New Cars with Bonns Discounts to be Deducted for Sale Price, "38 Chrysler Touring Sedan, brand new. '38 Plymouth Pickup, brand new.