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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1936)
PAOE ELEVEN Read every ad on thla page You will probably find exactly the things you have been looking for or a aale or trade for unused articles you may have. Search your attic or tore-room you may find many things others are seek ing and be able to realise Im mediate cash. If what you want lsnt here, advertise for It Tribune Classified ads are inexpensive effective! RATES Per word first insertion. (Minimum 95c) Eaob additional insertion. per word (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy changes - .. $1.25 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST Man's Bulova wrist watch. Reward. R. W. MoConnell, P. O. Box 733, Medford. . . . IjOST Fountain pen bearing name of owner. Plnder please return to George Sherett, General Petroleum station, Main and Iry Sts. Reward. LQ6T If dog le misting, call 11. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl or woman for light housework. Phone 267-J. WANTED Unincumbered woman for general housework and care of two children: room board and spend ing money. References required. 714 S Oakdnle or Phone 941-J. WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED girl wishes house work. References. Box 70S, Mall Tribune. SITUATION WANTED Experienced cook and housekeeper hotel, camp or hospital go anywhere; local ref erences. Give full particulars first letter. Box 710, Tribune. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Used golden oak type writer desk and table. Tel. 1190. WANTED A 3-plece orchestra to play at Dutch Mill, Klamath Junc tion. WANT TO BUY Springer heifers. Ralph Wilson, Central Point, Tel. 111-X-l. WANT TO BUY or will trade town property for summer cabin or cabin site. Box 108, Tribune. WANTED TO BUY Bunch of sheep. Box 731, Tribune. WANT to borrow 1800 on fine home on Rogue river and highway. BROWN WHITE, Realtors. WANTED Stock suitable for fox feed. Phone 1133. WANTED We pay caeh, tor household goods, furniture and stoves. We also buy metals, hides, pelts, wool and mo hair. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE. 37 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. WANTED Cook stoves, heaters, bed springs, mattresses, day-beda, sani tary couches and cots or what have you? We pay cash or exchange VEW DEAL FURN. EXCHANGE 433 E. "Jain St. WANTED FURS FURS FURS Highest cash price paid for raw fura. Complete line of traps on sale. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27-39 No. Grape St. Medford. WANTED Small beauty shop, good location. S. Z. Roberts, Gen. Del., Medford, Ore. JUNK- -JUNK Will' l EI" CASH PAID for inner tubes, lo per lb. up. Rags, ootton and wool, up to 5o per lb Scrap Iron, small or large lots; also all other metals of all decnptlons. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 No. Grape. P"on 1082 - FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 8-room furnished bouse, 330 Haven, 25 month. Call at 334 Haven St. FoITrenT Furnished 4-room house; adults. 410 Hamilton. FURNISHED house, 4 rooms, oath and sleeping portch, 23. 329 S. orape. Phone 0. A. DeVoe. FURNISHED house. Adults, garage. 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT Two modern houses. Call 333 8. Riverside. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house 713 Pine, $18 50. For appointment phone 314-W. ,. - - MODERN furnished half dupiex. Key at 319 8. Ivy- FOR RENT 6-roon. modern furnish ed house, close In. Phone 457-J. FOR" RENT Homes, furnished or unfurnished. BROWN WHITE. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house 15 Newtown. 4-ROOM furnished house for rent electno range Inquire SOS South Oakdale POk rent Neat 4-room house Redden It Crt. Tl 720. FOrTRENTAPARTMENTS ron rtvt-s-room apt, psrt'.y turn. Close In. 20 S. fr. FOR RENT Apartment furnished shower, steam heat, hot snd coid water furnished Mall Tribune ol FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED BOOMS, with garden. 114 Almond. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8. Grape. FOB RENT BOARD ROOM ROOM Privet home. Board If de aired. Reasonable. 300 W. Jackson. ROOM AND BOARD Meals served family style. 14S So. Holly. BOARD AND ROOM, rate, reasonable, at 716 B. Mala. BOARD Home-cooked meals served In private home. Reasonable rates. Near business district, 33 N. Orange St. Phone 1473 -X. ROOM Jc BOARD Borne cooked meals. 25 per month 303 N Holly FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT A diversified orchard on shares. BROWN & WHITE. Realtors. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE a-wheel trail er. 438 S. Fir. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good gentle 1650-lb. work horse. 303 Mountain Ave., Ashland. FOR SALE OR TRADB-Ionathan ap ple 16c and 35o a box. Call at Ala Vista Packing house between 9 and 4 o'clock. Bring own boxes. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 acres, 7 room house, big hen house, cow, truck, tools. Call at Repair shop. 1617 North Riverside, Medford. FOR SALE OR TRADE Income prop erty, close In. Phone 955-J. WILL TRADE good 40 acres wtlh nice home for Medford. BROWN 4s WHITE. Realtors. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MUST SELL small acreage on Rogue river near Pacific Hwy., under Irri gation, some fruit, 4-room house, other buildings. Pull price $533. P. O. Box 613, Gold Hill. FOR SALE Bargain, 380 acres land. Inquire J. B. Andrews, 31 N. Grape St., Medford. EAST SIDE BARGAIN tf4 AAA 3-room modern, plastered plUUU home, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, screen porch, snd garage. Excellent soil for landscaping and gardening, reasonably close In, In good district. With small expendi ture could be made a very attrac tive home. Total prloe tor quick sale $1,000.00 $150.00 down, bal ance on terma to suit responsible party. ALSO STOCKED .AND EQUIPPED DAIRY RANCH, only one mile from town, excellent tree sol), paid up water right. 16 acres grass and clover . pasture, about S acres alfalfa, fam ily orchard and berries. 6-room modern, plastered hornet milk house, garage and dairy barn. All stock including 13 milk cows, 4 heifers, registered Guernsey bull, one team, and farm Implements, milking machine go. Present milk check $150.00 per month. An ideal little dairy In a highly improved district. Priced right at terms to suit responsible buyers. CHARLES A. WING AGENCY, INC. 109 E. Main St. Medford, Oregon FOR SALE or TRAUE 33 acre im proved farm near Leba on. Box 733, Tribune. SUBURBAN HOME Approximately 2 acres; 6-room bouse, garage, poultry house: 2 miles from Medford. Price $2230; terma $150 down, $25 per month. Can be op tioned to holder of bonua certifi cate. BROWN & WHITE. Realtors. LONG LEASE OR SALE Improved 40. . 80 or 160 acres. Must have your own equipment. Address Box 86, Macdoel, Calif. FOR SALE Smal house, close In. Inquire 508 Palm St. WHEN you think of real estate think of BROWN is WHITE. HOLDERS OF BONUS CERTIFICATES We have seversl properties which we can sell on easy terms and which can be optioned to holders of bonus certificates until certificates are cashed. BROWN & WHITE. Realtors. 104 W. Main, Medford. HOUSES for sale or rent. Jackson County Bldg and Loan Ass'n. 406 ACRES on beautiful Rogue river; 75 acres In alfalfa, finest bottom soil, over one mile river frontage. FREE WATER. This Is a fascinat ing place for your recreational home and also has great commercial value and only a few minutes from Med ford. A rare chance to own one of the finest places on the Rogue. BROWN 6c WHITE. REALTORS. FOR SALE By owner. 10 to 80-acre tracts. Irrigated Bear creek bottom land, tt.mlle from Medford; excel lent for gardening. Phone 1324-L FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS CHICKS. HATCHING 300 Reds, Wed nesday; 500 March 6th. Red hatch ing eggs. Dreasler'a Squsre Deal Hatchery, 1107 E. Main St. Phone 1469-Y. R. L R- hatching eeg. SOc setting. r. J. parsons, r noenix. PLYMOUTH ROCK pullets for ssle. a. w. Ford, boater Lane. HANSON strain White Leghorn hatch ing ems from old hens msted to cockerels of 275 and better dams. Phons 19-F-3. CAR LEY POULTRY FARM Pedigreed Leghorns, R. I. Reds. Hatching Eggs. Baby Chicks. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK aaLE Horse. 1300 lbs. age 8. C. B Alderaton. 5 ml. up Thompson Creek. FOR SALE Dairy co I mile west of Agate scnooi. ity suiiara. FOR 8AI.E Sorrel msre. 9 Tears old. 1100 lbs. $73 00. or trale for 1400 lb. and pay d.fference. Call at i'.i Aca 6V. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 18 MO. OLD FLVTO Colt tor sale Route I, Box 435, Coleman Creek Road. FOR SALE One team well-matohed work mares. George Hilton. Grant Pass. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES MODEL T Ford Coupe; food rubber, new battery, 1936 license. $18.00. See owner. Apt. No. 9, Rosewood Apartments, 349 South Riverside. The USED CAR Values are at studebaker's Sale Floor: 1131 studebaker Coupe, fine shape, good rubber, radio, a buy 1934 Chevrolet Sedan with radio Chrysler Air Flow with radio 1935 Chrysler 6 sedan 1935 Studebaker 6 sedan Bulck sedan, $150.00 1934 Chevrolet Pickup Many others In ths lower price class In cars and trucks SANDERSON MOTOR CO. GOOD USED CARS Get Our Prices before You Buy. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS 1934 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe. 1934 Ford V-8 Sedan. Both Cars Priced Very Low. We have the highest class stock of Used Cars In Southern Oregon. See and drive them. Used Car Lot. North corner Sixth and Bartlett. LANGE MOTOR CO. Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer. 88 N. Riverside. Tel. 18. FOR SALE DOGS PETS PEDIGREED Roller Canaries. Special prices on pairs. Tbraaher's, Jack sonville, Tel. 173. ROLLER canaries. 31 6. Riverside. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HAY FOR SALE Phone 198-R-l. Mrs. Mike Hanley. FOR SALE 7-tUbe Phllco radio, $15. Phone 1024. WURTS GIFTS was sold for taxes, lock, stook and barrel. Watch far notice of Bankrupt Sale to Public. FOR SALE Loose alfalla-vetch and oat hay mixed. Blue Club seed wheat. Vilas Ranch, Phone 301-R-l, FOR SALE Model T motor, good condition, $4. Warren M. Kelsoe, Rt. 4, Box 136, Just off Spring St. near Grange hall. FOR SALE Gold "E" flat saxophone, like new. Cost $165.00. Will sacri fice for $60.00 cash. Phone 313 or call 320 E. Main. FERTILIZER Any imount, 118 S. Fir. Phone 1648-X. cheap. FOR SALE Spray rig, Fordson trac tor, ground alfalfa bay. Herbert Ranob, Hlllcrest-Phoenlx Road. FOR SALE Dining room suite, book case and high chair. 403 N. Holly. SEVERAL good used "MoClanahan" incubators, 240-egg $10, MO-egg $20, reconditioned, tested and sold complete. McClanahan Inc. Co , 260 West 12th St., Eugene, Ore. FOR 8 ALE Baled oat hay. Phone 7-F-14. I FOR SALE God Newtown socles at I cheap prices. Inquire Sgobel 6e Day Paoklng House. South Fir St. ALFALFA SEED 15c: loose alfalfa hay siu.uo; baled alfalla. 1-2-3 cuttings; oats and vetch, baled or loose. Tel. 523-J-4. Otto Nledermeyer. FOR SALE. BOAT Exceptionally well maae. uan 09 earned on car. c. Earl Bradflsh, 15 So. Central. RED and green apples. 25o box and up. lut vv. tiwi. ' A RfcAL BUY Large size Ex. Fancy Comic In lugs $1.00 Newtown apples in lugs.. .. .15 Bring your own ontainers. AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS. INC 313 So. Fir St. Medford, On. Phone 936. FOR SALE Crown feeds: land plas ter: Aero Superphosphate; case farm machinery Fin ley Implement Co.. central Point. TYPEWRITERS Blenna 116 N. Cen tral Phone 283. FOR SALE Baleo oat hay ground alfalfa and oat bay loose aifslfa hay C A. DeVoe. Phone 828-J-3 BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts jf Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title S y a t e m in Jackson county. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title. Rooms 8 and 5, No. 83 North Central Ave., upstairs. Long Distance Moving LAROE VAN serving Calif., Or eg. and Wash, points, semi-monthly trips. Fully insured. Martin Bros, 701 0. 6th St., Grants Pass. Tel. 14S-J. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED $50 to $300 for personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; also Cars Refinanced. Loan closed within 30 minute. License No. 8 157. See W. E. Thomas. 45 So. Cen tral. Radio Service. Grunow Radios. RADIO ELECTRIC SERVICE Ira E. Chastaln. Phone 470. 203 W. Jackson St. Tubes. Aerials. Repairing Transfer. REINKINO TRANSFER CO Long distance hauling, rurnlture. cattle, anything, ill N. Fir. Phon 1033 C. Stuart. EADS TRANSFER A STORAOE CO Office 1016 No. Central. Phon 815 Prices right. Service guaranteed. TRUCKING AND STORAOE Local and Ion; distance hauling, furni ture moving, etc. Reasonable rate. Tel. 833. F. B. Samson Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers. Special livestock movlrwr equipment. Price right, flia North Riverside, Prone 613, I'm Mad Trunin want ads. MISCELLANEOUS WHITE Leghorn pullets 75c. eorn $1 cwt. Will take shoat. O. J. Logan. Orchard Home Drive. LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Wil liam Mason Colvlg, sometimes known as William M. Colvlg, De ceased. The undersigned has been by the County Court of Jaokson County, Ore gon, appointed executrix of the estate of William Mason Colvlg. sometimes known as William M. Colvlg, de ceased, and has qualified. All per sons fsvlng claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, with the proper vouchers, veri fied as required by law, within six montha after the flrat publication hereof, to the undersigned, at the office of her attorney, Glenn O. Tay lor, Federal Building, Medford. Oregon. Dated and first published February 18th, 1936. MARY O. WARNER. Executrix of said Estate. OLENJJ O. TAYLOR, Attorney. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the County of Jackson in and for the State of Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of J. H. Doubleday, also known as Hiram Doubleday, deceased, Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified by the above entitled Court as administrator of the estate of J. H. Doubleday. deceased. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present them with the proper -ouchera with in six months from the first publica tion ot this notice to J. F. Fltegel, 32 North Central Ave., Medford, Oregon Dated and first published February 11, 1936. J. F. FLTEGEL, Administrator. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon. In and for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Prue M Piatt, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed oy the Hon. Earl B. Day, Judge of the above entitled court, as Executor of the Estate of Prue M Piatt, deceased, and has duly qusllfled according to law. All persons havli claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent same, with proper vouchers, snd duly verified according to law, at the office of T. W. Miles, attorney for the undersigned, at his office in the Jack son County Bank Building In the City of . Medford, Oregon, within alx months from the date hereof. Dated and first published Febru ary 4th, 1936. H. F. PLATT. Executor of the Estste of Prue M. Piatt. Deceased. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Luclnda Peck. Deceased. The undersigned, having been ap pointed Adlmlnistrator of the Estate of Luclnda Peck, deceased, by the County Court of the County of Jack son. State of Oregon, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said .estate, to present them to the office of the undersigned's attorney at 126 East Main Street, Medford, Oregon, properly verified and with proper voucners, wunin alx months irom tne date of this notice which Is February 4, 1936. W. E. PEOK. Administrator tor the Estate of Luclnda Peck. Deceased. O. H. BENGTSON, Attorney for the Estate. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that ths undersigned, John R. Tomlln, has been duly appointed and qualified oy the County Court jf the State of Ore gon, In and for the County of Jaok son, ss executor of the Last will and Testament of Elizabeth Talbot Tom lln, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby requirea to present the same, with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of F. P. Farrell, hla at torney, Room 10. Jaofcaon County Mail Tribune Daily ACROSB Break Viper Fellow Scent Solemn wonder City In Nevada Fabled mountain at the earth's . center Denoting the central part Ireland Item of property Mentlonable Plaputea Piece out Author of "The Raven" Gorideai of discord Mixing Implement Zealous Uncovered Self Indefinite quantity Sleep producing drug Postponed legal case Made a preliminary wager In poker Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle F O Bp AITHBFAD A N AE-jg N COURAGE Fr e rmi teHmon e y EL s t Iiol u3lW apiharem M nTTl 8.E y A M I DM OTftfl E R RAT I tML A f E1SI iHl ITSETBONYta ElLh DE H B L A N C ME R E M A W R I E gL AlWl g!ap esieInTd sbJe yTei 49. Kind of horse 4S. Color (1. Plncei of baked clay St. Metal fastener &a. South American river 6. Wander 66. Small Island fit. Meshed fabric 67. An KntUih queen ' 2 3 4 Ilk 8 f ' " 1 mLwl: IB '1 lip20 21 " ff wW" 21 Zf 3 31 32 Ws, 33 34 15 11 II If37 f"H mml 'itm 42 43 44- Ipf4 4 f ZZZZiZillZZZZ n3r j 55 I Iff" I 1 1 1 I Bank Building, Medford, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of this notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon. February 18th, 1936. JOHN R. TOMLIN, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Ellsaleth Talbot Tomlln, Deceased. F. P. FARRELL. Attorney for Executor. Resse Creek 11 REESE CREEK, Feb. 35. (Spl.) Brother Harry Powell, who has been quite 111 at hla home. Is very much Improved at this writing. Mr. Powell had a alight stroke. We are very glad to announce hla Improved con dition. He -became 111 February 30. Last week everything Indicated that spring was Just around the corner. Girls could be seen playing marbles on the school grounds at noons and recesses, but old man winter came along this week, bring ing a flurry of enow, changing the game to that of throwing snowballs. O. W. Miller, late of Colorado! near Denver. 'who bought our genial mall carrier's home In Eagle Point, has been driving our mall route, while Mr. Chllders has been building a new house. He will be back on duty aa soon as the house Is com pie ted. Mr. and Mrs. Wlirred Jack Just received another letter and radio gram from their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hani ford of Manila. They are Just fine. Mrs. Dennis Clark returned Fri day from the Bhrlners' hospital In Portland, where she had taken her little ton. Walter, for treatments. Mrs. Pearl Hatfield visited Thurs day with Mrs. Charles Humphrey, also Mrs. John Hank In. Miss Alice Ruttencutter, our pri mary teacher, spent Saturday In Medford shopping and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey were dinner guests February 10 of Mr. and Mrs. Al HUdreth of Butte Falls and also called later In the day on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trefren of Butte Falls. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jack was the scene of a lovely party Friday, It being Mrs. Jack's birth day. The home and school circle met for their monthly get-together day and bountiful dinner. Even though It was a very cold, windy, rainy day there was a good crowd and every one had a. fine time until .the word of Mr. Seamon's passing came, and the crowd left soon after, without the uaual business session. Those who enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Jack's home were as fol lows: Mr. and Mrs. H. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell and new baby, Marilyn Gale. Mr. and Mrs. Sanrord Ermlnson, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jack and two sons, Edwin and Alva, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gardner, Mrs. Ho mer Martin and son, Stanley, Mrs. Mike Heckenberger, Mrs. Theo. Rein, Mr. Thomas Vestal, Mrs. Ivan Hat field, Mrs. Charles Humphrey, Mrs. Dennis Clark. Mrs. R. D. Nlckolns, Mrs. R. M. Brown, Mrs. J. E. Leigh, Mrs. W. E Hammel, Mrs. Thomas Pullen. Mrs. Elmer Robertson end two children, Betty and David, Mrs. J. E. Grow, Ellens Grow, Mrs. Rose Sturgll, Mrs. Dennis Clark, Mrs. W. R. Lamb. Ralph Merrltt is working on their new home. He Is getting ready to move In before long. Among those going to the funeral of Mr. Seamon from this locality were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jack. Mr. and Mrs. James Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gardner, and quite a few other residents. Cross-Word Puzzle I. Plant without a woody stem 10. Source of Indigo 11. Southern Jobnnycake II. Narrow tabrlo SI. Pronoun M. And not 14. Flow back 15. Sheep-killing parrot it. Response to ft stimulus X9. Tavern 10. Pltrpen 13. Capable of being hHd or maintained it. Past 14. Mst 26. Copy of an original tt. Article 40. Fortification 41. Within: prefl 43. Wife of a rajah 4t. Historical periods 44. Postal service 40. Ardor 47. Division of ?nelent ireece 10. Corrode DOWN 1, Famous dirigible 1 Roman date I. Renounce 4. More faithful t, Old Dutch wine measure I. Beat 7. Ferulnlng to the feet I. Folded Foots Creek FOOTS CREEK, Feb. 35. (Spl.) Civic Improvement club met at the I. T. Qalllgher home for Its last meet ing. Fifteen members were present and a very Interesting program was enjoyed. Mrs. Stearns gave a book review on "Pioneer Wives," Mrs. Ban croft talked on Navajo Indians and Mrs. Powell sang two selections, after which refreshments tare served by the hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Ed GuetrJaff were Medford shoppers February 33. They were accompanied by Mrs. Beth Bow ers. Harvey Moe spent the week end aa a guest of Tommy Henderson. Etta Moe and Josephine Prefoun taln, who have been attending St. Mary's academy at Medford, returned home February 31 and will attend the Gold Hill high school the rest of the term. David Bird wye left Friday to spend a few days at the Victor Blrclseye ranch near Phoenix. Ethel Henderson was ft week-end guest of the Clyde Maples at Gold Hill. Mr. and Mrs. George West and daughter, Pauline Champlln, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Pauline Wahl. Mrs. Vencll Cerveny's father, Mr. Towne of Sitka, Alaska, la spending a few weeks at her home here. Next Sunday, March 1, he will apeak for a short while after Sunday school serv ice. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodcock snd sop, Lyle; Mr, end Mrs. Tom Gain gher and Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Douga were visitors at the George Lance home the past week. Those from here who attended the Grange supper last Monday evening ware Otto Puhrman, John Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutch Ins and son Duanne, Pierre Douga and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and daughter, Phyl lis. Mrs. M. O. Boomsllter returned home the last of the week from Grants Pass, where she has been Un der the care of a doctor. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Fish ,of the colony and Mrs. Letsy Miller attended the recreation club at Medford Feb ruary 19. Williams Creek WILUAM8 CREEK, Fab. 35. (8pl.) Maynard Jackson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. BeTt-Jackson, broke his arm In two places below the elbow whll running down a hill near the old Turvey place and waa taken to Qrants Psas for treatment. The Jacksons live on the Molly Hall place and are looking after the Turvey place dur ing the absence of the owner, Cap Verdln. Mrs. Clarence Coon, Sherman Reed and Mr. Pollard have all been on the sick list with flu. Mr. Pollard Is Wayne Large father and I making hla home with hit daughter and son-in-law. Mr. Bert Holzhauser spent ths af ternoon Monday with Mr. 0. R. Rob erts. Mrs. Ben Lettekln and small daugh ter have returned from a week' visit with her sister, Mrs. Oretchen Deere, of Woodland, Cal. R. O. Orlffln, who has been stay ing at the w. H. Lemmon home thla fal land winter, has gon to Pine Ridge, where he will work as saw filer. He formerly lived then and was saw filer for several year. A daughter waa born to Mr. and Mr. Azel Boldget, Monday, February 17, Dr. Mozler of Oranta Pass at tending physlclsn. Mrs. May Ostchcr I attending mother and child. Raymond Payne of the U. 8. army, who 1 visiting his parents her, ex pects to return to Port Worden nesr Sesttl, where his company baa been stationed, the 36th of this month. Bud Field and Jess fiplcer hav been buying cattle for shipment to California. Three head were taken from the Cleve Wilson place on day last week. W. H. Record wa called to Lea An gele last week by th death of an older brother and will remain for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottrell have returned from Stockton, Cel., where Mr. Cottrell has been employed this winter. They will Uv In th Frank Miller home for th present. Mr. Cottrell Is a son of Mr. Miller. Lewi Pence and Mr. and Mr. Oli ver Morton of Medford visited recent ly at the hom of hi grandfather, Jeff Penoe. Mr. and Mra. Delbet Rexford end small ton left Sunday for Yachat. Or., after a month' visit here with Mr, and Mr. Rexford' parant, Mr. nd Mrs. Charles vencll, and other relative. Emery Butt 1 spending a eoupl of week at hi old hom In Califor nia, visiting and attending to busi ness. Th senior and Junior classes of th high school were taken to Grant Pas one day laat wek, where they spent part of th day listening to a court trial In order to acquaint thm selves with court procedure. After ward they wer visitors at th Cou rier office snd vera taken through one of the bank. Th Williams' Ladle club met with Mr. Emery Butt Wednesday, Mr. Arlln Sorrel waa appointed sergeant at arm with th chief duty of keep ing order during th bualnea mast ing. Mr. Alice Hartley ha offered the use of th Methodist church as a club meeting plao for member of th club whoa home are too small to accommodate the thirty or forty member who are usually present Mr. E. W .Sargent, cousin of Mr. Ray Record, who I tulUng hire, wa a visitor. Robert Oass snd Ruby Oray were married at Medford Februery 19. The young couple are at horn to their friends In the email house on the John Utteken place. Sams Valley SAMS VALLEY, Feb. 23. (Spl.) Same Valley Demonstration unit will hold a meat cookery demonstration at the school house Thursday with a covered dish luncheon. At thla meet ing also will be given the report from the unlf's delegate. Mrs. O. T. Wil son, of the attendance at th Home Interest conference st Corvallls. A white blsnket of snow covered the ground Monday morning, con trasting vividly the previous appear and of grass widows and other spring flowers that had shown up with the sunshine of last week. Mra. Pete Burreson, who was Injur ed In a wreck last December near Burns, returned home Saturday ac companied by her sister, Mrs. Helen Southworth of Senaca, with whom Mra. Burreson had made her home while recovering from her Injuries. Friends are glad to know Mra. Burre son Is now able to walk and Is gain ing her health rapidly. Ladles' club 'met Thursday at the home of Mrs. George McDonough due to Illness In the Frlnk home, where the members were scheduled to meet. A Vslentlne box end a shower wer two pleasant features of the after noon. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Oeo. McDonough. Basketball fans are exypresslng keen Interest In the game to be played at Medford tonight between Butte Falls and the local high school boys. This game will put the visitors another step nearer the county championship. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duggan and family sr. located In their new home recently purchased from John Dug gan and Mrs. Mary Wood sen. A. . Autenreath and John Hoiat of the Orange way nd means com mittee announce another Orange dance Saturday night with the aame good order and music had February 8. Rrgue River RCOUB RIVBR, Feb. 35. (Spl.) Live Oak Orange met at the Com munity hall February 17 and started off the evening with a basket supper at which about 38 members gathered at a long table and enjoyed the hour before Orange. During the business meeting Mrs. Louise Brlcker was elect ed lecturer and Mr. Mary Smith was elected lady aslstant steward. Wm. Brlcker ol Phoenix was the visitor of the evening. All commmlt teee are requested to report at next meeting. On February 13 the H. E. olub met at Mrs. Brlcker' when reo lpes wer exchanged, The next meet ing will be on March 13 at the home of Mra. Pierre Danga at 1:30. The Rogue River Clvlo Improvement elub met February 14 at the home of Mrs. I. T. OalUger, who wa host ess. Mr. Bancroft gave a talk on Arizona. Mra. Stearns gave a book review and Mrs. Daniel Powell gave several musical number which were greatty enjoyed by the ladles. The silver anniversary wilt be Observed March 0 at th Community hall, at which time It 1 hoped all charter member can be present. Mrs. Sam Sandry will be chairman and the club will be hostess. Mr. and Mrs. WlUard Grim of Tilla mook apent the week-end with Mrs. Orlrn' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sandry. Mra. Ray Moore was called to Bend last week on account of th sudden death of her little grandson. Her aranddaughter wae very 111 too, but le reported better now. On Friday night, February 14, a very Inteseatlng program wa given by th high school and grade pupil. A good attendance was out and the proceeds will go to buy curtains for the stag, ot the newly remodeled gymnasium. Wallace LeMolne, John Aunne, Don, Clarence and Mllo Blakely and Rich ard Scott left Sunday for Kirk, Ore , to as about employment. Mr. Bertha Lund returned Satur day, February 15, from Oorvallti, where ahe waa a delegate to th borne extension oonfereno from the Im provement elub. Dave Oalvln and "Slim" Hawkins left Monday for the Klnkle and Oal breath oamp In California. Ml Myrtl Willis returned last week to her school duties after being away three week at th bedside of her father, who passed away Febru ary 8, after a long Illness. . Many are suffering with colds and some hav been quite IU, among whom are Mr. Lloyd Smith and Carl Smith. Ever tried Model Bakery' POTATO BREAD for toast. Order loaf from your grocer today The Rogue River Townee nd elub met Tuesday evening at the school auditorium with a fair attendance. Vlc-Preident Lacrosse had charge of the meeting. A discussion on the difference between the sale tax and the transaction tax was enjoyed and many good Ideas were brought out. The president. Mr. Dover, wa away, having gone on to Portland after the convention at Eugene. The youth,' viuB mn on Thursday night at th Community hall, with the meeting m charge of President Gordon Hatch. About 40 wer present and several more Joined Thursday night. This olub only recently orgenlred with 37 charter members. The officer are: President, Gordon Hatch; vice-president, Lewi Smith: secretary, Mar garet Bates, snd treasurer, Kathryn Blakely. At their next meeting, March 5. they are putting on a good program and have Invited elub No. 1. Mlse wtlda Fix recently returned to her home here from Klamath Falls, where she ha been with her father, who has been tere oping the higher altitude would benefit hie asthma. Mra. Fix went over to stay with her husband. Th Rogue River aenlors gave a party Wednesday night to Mis Eve lyn Schmidt at her apartment. Mm Schmidt la their class sdvlsor. The school faculty were guest ol the Wlmer faoulty Monday night at their reading study, at the home of Mra. Jack Steward, a guest of Mis Marjorla Olta and Mlas France Beatty. Those from here who attended were Mr, and Mra. Hugh Hartman, Mr. Powel, Miss Schilling, Mlas Schmidt, Mlsa Danford and Mr. Brlcker. Live Oak Orange report a very nice um wa taken In at the pie social they gave recently at the Community ball. Mr. MoReynold of th forest service gave an Instructive talk on wild life, Illustrating it with pictures. Thompson Creek THOMPSON CREEK, Peb. 33. (Spl.)i O. C. Mauat, from the Orange Cooperet! ve Supply association of Central Point, transacted business on Thompson creek Pebruary 19. M. Boggs of Medford was a bust ness oaller here February 18. Mrs. J. R. Hoffman attended th Applegate borne extension unit Tues day.. Mr. and Mrs. Hunergardt and fam ily left Thompson creek Pebruary 17 for their new home In Seattle. George Millard, buyer for the Rogue River Meat company, transacted busi ness here February 19. O. H. Elmore attended the Agri cultural economic conference held at the courthouse February 30 and 31. Betty Borde, Beverly Mee and Ileen Knutsen have all recovered from the measles. . ' THE GRANGE Phoenix Grange. Regulsr meeting of Phoenix Orange will be held tonight. Fifth birthday of the Orange will be observed with a covered dish supper served at 6:30. Program lor the lecture hour will be put on by the Home Economic club. All Orangtr and families are urged to attend. AU those who have) not been solicited for om article of food for the supper are requested to bring a dessert and salad or a hot ' dish and dessert. Another Important date In the pro ' gram of the Phoenix Orange la a card party to be held Thursday night of this week at the hall under auspices of the ways and means committee. The annual ohlcken dinner will b. served at the hall March I. . . Gold Hill Orange. Regular meeting' to Oold Hill Orange wa held February 30. The men were In charge, thla being a Leap Tear meeting. Several talk were given by the men. Arthur, Brown, a atate officer, talked on "Youth": Mr. Croft on "Peaoe and. Prosperity"; w. O. Howe gave a re port on th agricultural counoel whloh he had recently attended; W. Nlsh aang. and Mrs. F. N. Tj gart gave a Leap Year reading. A resolution committee oonsUtlnff, of 1. W. Nlsh, w. H. Ferguson and F. W. Rlcter wa ohosen to formu late resolutions to be eent to the legislature regarding legislative mea sure. Everett Roeencran had charge ot game snd entertainment. WINDOW OLASa We aell window glass and will replace your broken window reasonably. Trowbridge Cab inet Work. BUCKINGHAM'S Ice Cream, Candy and Party Special, Th Crest, .35 So. Central. Jimmie Jingle Says: Folks say they're food, folks say "land sakesl They're goodthese rolls and coffee cakes. Ton. too, can start the day light. It yen have some of the Model Bakery's famous coffee cakes or Danish pastry Tilth jour break rant coffee JOiim tOtlHtM . MOHtKW