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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1936)
M-EPffOKT) MATT, TftTfttTffE, MCTK)Kn.01Wft,S. VOSTUY. FlTftttTTARY 24, iflflfl ) Read svery sd on this page Tou will probably find xaotly th things you have been looking 'or or a ale or trade for unused artlolea you may have. Search your attlo or store-room you may find many things others are seek ing and ba able to realise Im mediate cash. II what you want isn't here, advertise lor It Tribune Classified ads are Inexpensive effective! RATES p word first insertlo: (Minimum 35c) Each additional insertion, per word la (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without ' copy ohanges . 91.35 Phone 75 FOB WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST If dog Is mlastng, can 1B18. WANTED-MISCELLANE0U8 Va NTED TO BUY Bunch of sheep. t Box 731, Tribune. , WANTto borrow" 11800 on fine home on Rogue river and highway. BROWN & WHITE, Realtors. WANTED Stock suitable for fox feed. Phone 1133. 1 vf ANTED . we pay cash for household goods, f furniture and stoves. We also buy metals, bides, pelts, wool and mo hair. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE. 27 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. WANTED Cook stoves, heaters, bed springs, mattresses, day-beds, eanl trry couches and cots or what have you? We pay cash or exohange. VEW DEAL PURN. EXCHANGE 423 E. Main St. WANTED FURS PURS FURS Highest cash price paid for raw furs. Complete line of traps on sale. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37-29 No. Grape St. Medford. WANTED j- 8mall beauty shop, good location. S. Z. Roberta, Qen. Del.. Medford, Ore. JTJNK- -JUNK TOANTPin CASH PAID for Inner tubes, lo per lb. up. Rags, cotton and wool, up to 5c per lb. Scrap Iron, small or large lots; also all other metals of all decnptlons. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 No. Grape; phone 1062. FOR KENT HOUSES yURNISHBD house. Adults, garage. 604 W. loth. TOR RENT Two modern houses. Call 336 S. Riverside. FOR RENT -6-room furnished house. 712 Pine, 818.60. For appointment phone 314-W. MODERN furnished half duplex. Key at 219 B. Ivy. FOR RENT March lat, email furnish ed house; hardwood floor, fireplace, bullt-lns; 25. Phone 689-J-3. TOR RENT 6-roon. modern furnish ed house, close In. Phone 457-J. 'tor rent Homes, furnished or unfurnished. BROWN fe WHITE. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house 15 Newtown. 4-ROOM furnished house for rent. electric range Inquire sod oouin Oakdale. FOR RENT Neat 5-room house. Redden St Co.. Tel. 720. FOE RENT APARTMENTS FOR , RENT 5-room apt., turn. Close In. 20 S. Fir. partly FOR RENT Apartment furnished; shower, steam heat, hot and cold water furnished Mall Tribune of fice. FURNISHED API'S Phone 870-X. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PLEASANT, airy sleeping rooms; steam heat, garage; reasonable. 1211 W. Main. ATTRACTIVE rooms, 404 8. Grape, FOR RENT BOARD ROOM ROOM Private home. Board If de- sired. Reasonable. 200 W. Jackson. SjomTlSuBOMlD Meals served family style. 146 So. Holly. BOARD AND ROOM, rates reasonable, at 716 E. Main. BOARD Home-cooked meals served In private home. Reasonable rates Near business district, 25 N. Orange St. Phone 1473-X. BOOM & BOARD Home cooked meals a.a per month 303 I Ho"V FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR "rent A diversified orchard on shares. BROWN S WHITE, Realtors FOR EXCHAN0E REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE 9 acres, 7 room house, big hen house, cow. truck, tools. Call at Repair shop 1617 North Riverside. Medford. FOlTsALE OR TRADE In crme prop erty, close In. Phone 0J5-J. IH'ILt tiadk jood 40 acres wtih nice 1 hn, Inr Hertford. BROWN at WHUa, iMhWta. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE! Jonathan ap plo 15c and 35c a box. Call at Ala Vista Packing house between 9 and 4 o'clock Bring own boxes. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE EAST SIDE BARGAIN 11 nnfl 5-room modern, plastered plUUU home, living room, dining room, kitchen, 9 bedrooms, bath, soreen poreh, and garage. Excellent soli for Isndscaptng and gardening, reasonably close In, In good district. With small expendi ture oould be made a very attrac tive home. Total price for qulok sale 11,000 0O a 160 00 down, bal ance on terms to suit responsible party. ALSO STOCKED AND EQUIPPED DAIRY RANCH, only one mile from town, excellent free soil, paid up water rlxht. 16 acrea grass and clover pasture, about 6 acres alfalfa, fain- , Uy orchard and berries. 6-room modern, plastered home, milk t house, garage and dairy barn. All j stook Including 19 milk cows, 4 1 heifers, registered Guernsey bull, one team, and farm implements, milking machine go, Present milk check .150.00 per month. An ideal little dairy In a highly Improved district. Priced tight at terms to suit responsible buyers. OHARLBS A. WING AOBNOY, INC. 109 E. Main St. Medford, Oregon 8 ACRES of fine valley soil, with new modern home, barn, garage, $8600. Want Medford home. Clear for Clear. The Real Estate Exohange, . 19 N. Bartlett. Phone 1498. FOB SALE or TRADE 82 acre Im proved farm near Leba-on. Box 732, Tribune. SUBURBAN HOME Approximately 2 acres; 6-room house, garage, poultry house; 2 miles from Medford. Price 92250; terms 9150 down, 925 per month. Can be op tioned to holder of bonus certifi cate. BROWN ft WHITE, Real to re. LONG LEASE OR SALE Improved 40, 80 or 160 acres. Must have your own equipment. Address Box 86, Macdoel, Calif, FOR SALE Smal house, olose In. Inquire 608 Palm St. WHEN you think of real estate think of BROWN & WHITE. 7 ACRES clover, alfalfa; city water. Improved. 3 acres, modern house, free water. . 4 -room house, bath, city water, 9460.00. City and oountry homes. Prompt attention bonus holders. ROBERTS. Realtor, 720 West 2nd. Tel. 1528-J HOLDERS OF BONUS CERTIFICATES We have several properties which we can sell on sasy terms and which can be optioned tr- holders of bonu3 certificates until certificates are cashed. BROWN & WHITE. Realtor. . 104 W. Main, Medford, : HOUSES for sale or rent. Jackson County Bldg and Loan Ass'n. 406 ACRES on beautnul Rogue riven 75 acres In alfalfa, finest bottom soil, over one mile river frontage, FREE WATER. This Is a fasolnat Ing plaoe for your recreational home and elso baa grsat commercial value ' and only a few minutes from Med ford. A rars chance to own one of the finest places on. the Rogue. BROWN tc WHITE. REALTORS. FOR SALE By owner, to to 80 -acre tracts. Irrigated Bear creek bottom land. V4 mile from Medford; exoel lent for gardening. Phone 1B24-L FOR SALE POULTRY AND EOOS R. I. R. hatching esus. 6O0 setting. T. J. Parsons, Phoenix. PLYMOUTH ROCK pullete for sale. B. W. Ford, Losler Lane. HANSON strain White Leghorn hatch . Ing eggs from old hens msted to cockerels of 875 and better dams. Phone 19-F-3. OAR-LEY POULTRY FARM Pedigreed Leghorn, R. 1. Reds, Hatching Egg. Baby Ohlcka. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Hardle 900 gallon sprayer, also new spray hose. Oregon Orch ards. Phons 468-J-l. The USED OAR Vslue are at attidebaker'a Sals Floor: 1131 Btudebaker coupe, tine shape, good rubber, radio, buy 1934 Ohsvrolat Sedan with radio Chrysler Air Flow with radio ' 1935 Ohrysler 6 sedan 1935 Studebaker 6 sedan Bulck sedsn, 9150.00 1934 Chevrolet Pickup Many others In the lower price class in cars and trucks SANDERSON MOTOR CO. TOTRADE Equity In 1984 VB for smaller car. Call evenings. 424 . Peach. FOR SALE 34 Chevrolet lV4-ton truck, dual, long whselbase, factory built stock rack and 28-ln. box; slightly used; recently overhauled, good rubber; 9550. T. J. Hlght, Box 231, Rt. 2. GOOD USED OARS Oct Our Prices before You Buy. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS 1934 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe. 1934 Ford V-6 Sedsn. Both Oars Priced Very Low. We have ths highest elaaa stock of Used Oars In Southern Oregon. See and drive them. Used Csr Lot, North Corner sixth snd Bartlett. LANGE MOTOR CO. Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer. S8 N, Riverside. Tel. 18. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SALE Horse. 1800 lbs., age 8. C. B. Alderston, 9 ml. up Thompson Creek. FOR SALE Dairy cows. 1 mile west of Agate School. Ray Millard. FOR SAIJ9 Sorrel mare, 9 years old. 1100 lbs , 975 00. or trad for 1400 tb. and pay difference. Call at 919 Alice St. 18 MO. OLD PI.VTO Colt for sale Route I, Box 419, Coleman Creek Road. FOR SALE 5-months-o!d heifer calf, stump puller and 3-botlMr, John Deere 10-lnch plows. C. Wright, i ' faotum, FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE; One team well-matched work mares. George Hilton, Grants Pass. FOR SALE DOGS PETS PBDIORBED Roller Canaries. Special prices on pairs. Thrasher's, Jack sonville. Tel. 173. ROLLER canaries, 91 S. Riverside. ROLLBR canaries. Phone 89S-J-9. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Oold "B" flat saxophone, like new. Cost 9165.00. Will sacri fice for 960100 cash. Phone 918 or call 820 E. Main. FERTILIZER Any vmount, 119 8. Fir. Phone 1B48-X. cheap. FOR SALE Electrlo range. Kelvln ator and 9 by 12 rug. A-l condi tion. 42 Rosa Court. FOR SALE Spray rig, pordaon trac tor, ground alfalfa hay. Herbert Ranch, HUlcrest-Phoenlx Road. nAQ a AT.mnlMM tvwm tl twit case ana niga ensir. tua s, nuuj , FOR SALE Baby buggy. 413 Arcadia SEVERAL good used "MoOlanahan" Incubators, 240-egg Siu,- e.u-egg 930, reconditioned, tested and sold complete. McClanahan Ino. Co , 960 West 12th St., Eugene, Ore. FOR BALE 1 string of pure amber beads. Inquire 142 N. Ivy. FOR SALE Baled o&t hay. Phone 7-F-14. FARMERS. ATTENTION I rtenuut implements ana rractore at exceptionally low prices. Agents for Cletreo ssles and parts. Rogue Val- ley Tractor and Imp. Co., 39 South 1 Grape St. Phone 906. FOR SALE Seven 8.000-gal. wood tanks. See Jones, Knight Paoklng Co., Medford. FOR SALS God Newtown apples at cheap prices. Inquire sgobe at Day Packing House, south Fir St. ALFALFA SEED 15c: loose alfalfa hay 910.00: baled alfalfa, 1-2-9 cuttings; oats and vetch, baled or loose, Tel. . 523-J-4. Otto Nledermeyer. FOR SALE. BOAT Exceptionally well made. Can be carried on car, C. Earl Bradflsh, 1) So. Central, FOR SALE Electrlo Kelvlnator, cheap. Phons 696-Y between 9:30 and 7, evenings. RED and green' apples. 250 box and . up. 701 w. Hth. FOR SALE Fine quality seed grains. Henry Nledermeyer, 1 mile north of Jacksonville on Old Stage road. Phone Jacksonville 964. arbjaiTbuy Large size Ex. Fancy Cornice In lugs - 9100 Newtown apples In lugs ... .16 Bring your own ontatners. AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS. INO. 919 80. Fir St. Medford, Or. Phone 926. FOR SALE Crown feedst land plas ter) Aero Superphosphate; Case farm machinery Flnley Implement Co.. oentral Point. TYPEWRITERS-Blerma 116 N Cen tral Phons 262 FOR SALE Baleo oat hay ground alfalfa and oat hay loose alfalfa hay. O. A. DeVoe. Phons 629-J-2. MISCELLANEOUS WHITE Leghorn pullets ISo, corn 91 cwt. will take ahoat. O. J. Logan. Orchard Home Drive. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts jf Title and Tltls Insurance. The only complete Title System lo Jackson county, MURRAY ABSTRACT OO. Abstract of Title. Rooms 8 snd 6, No. 62 North Central Ave., upstairs, Money to Lend MONEY LOANED IflO to 00 fof personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; elso Cars Refinanced. Leans oioaea i within 90 minutes, License No. S- 167. See W. 8. Thomas, 4A So. Cen tral- Long Diitanoe Moving LA ROE VAN serving Calif., Orcg. and Wash, points, semi-monthly trips. . Fully insured. Martin Bros, 701 S. 6th St., Orants Paas. Tel. 148-J Transfer. RBINKTNO TRANSFER CO. Long distance hauling. Furniture, cattle, anything. Ill N. Fir. Phone 1033 O. Stuart. KADS TRANSFER l STORAGE CO. Office 101 No. central. Phone 316. Prices right. Service guaranteed. TRUCKINQ AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling, furni ture moving, etc. Reasonable rates. Tel. 833. P. E. Samson Co. HAWLET TRANSFER Bnpert pack ers and movers. Special Uvea took moving equipment. Price right, 819 Nnrth Riverside. Phon 816. LEGAL NOTICES Order; Wtilt or Action by All Parties Having Claims A it I nut Depotlt Made with Huperlnlendent of Hanks hr the First Nstlnnal Bank of Me.ifnrd, Oregon, In Order In do a Trust Buslnens. In the CtreuH Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Determination, Establishment and Adjudication of claims agnlnt the deposit made with the Superintendent of Banks of the State of Oregon by the First National Sank of Medford, Oregon, lu order to do a trust buetnena. SaAed upon the petition of the Superintendent of Banks filed herein. It Is on this day ORDERED and ADJUDGED that alt persons, oe-part- nrMpe, aasoolatlons or corporations ; having claims against the deposit msoe wun n eupvrin vnoeni oi P.nkA fty tlie Firet National Bank of Medford, Oregon, in order to do a tmst buelnewt, are hereby required to commence action or suit thereon In this court within six mTnths from Iftstt ejto U to efaef tWevet ft barred and foreclosed of any claim on said deposit. It Is further ORDEREb that a copy of this order be published onoe a week for four consecutive weeks In the Medford Mall Tribune, a dally newspaper published in and having a general circulation in Jackson county, uregon. Dated this 91st day of February, 1936. H. D. NORTON, Judge Summon For Publication In the Olroult Ootirt of the Stat oi Oregon For Jaokson County. Willi am H. Slmonda and Minnie et monda, husband and wife, Plaln tlffa, vs. EllaL. Heck a thorn and husband, Roy B. Heokathorn; Effte B Potts and John Doe Potts, her husband (tru name unknown); Katherlne Dan iels, a widow; Joe Daniels end Mrs. Joe Daniels (true name unknown) husband and wife; R. v. Nelson end Mrs. HI. B. Nelson (true name un known), husband end wife; aleo ail other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or Interest In or to the proper ty described in the Complaint on file herein. Defendants. To Bffle B. Potte and John Due Potts, her husband (true name un known), the above named Defendant also all other persons or parties un known, claiming any right, title, es tate, lien or interest In or to the property desorlbed In the Complaint on file herein. In the name of the State of Ore gon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last day of four (4) weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, eeld period of four ( weeks being the time presort bed for publication thereof: and If you full to appear and answer the said Com plaint, for want thereof, the Plain tiffs will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In their Complaint on file In the above entitled Court. e succinct statement of which relief prayed for Is as fol lows, to-wlt: For a Decree and judgment against the Defendants hereinabove named for the sum of 1500 00, plus Interest thereon from the 16Ui day of Decem ber, 1034, at the rate of 6 cent per annum, plus $150.00 Attorney's fees, plus all Plaintiffs' costs end disburse ments hereinafter to be taxed, plus interest on said Judgment at the rate of 6 per annum from the date Of the Decree herein. That said decree and Judgment be held a first and prior lien upon the hereinafter desorlbed real property, and for Judgment and decree fore closing Plaintiffs' mortgage on the following described real property sit uated and being In Jackson County, Oregon, to-ant: The East Half (El of the South east Quarter (8E'4) of Section Twenty-eight (38), in Township Thirty-four (34) South of Range One (1) East of the Willamette Meridian, in Jackson County, Stare of Oregon, containing Eighty (80) aorea of land, more or less. That the usual decree ba made for the sale of said premises by the Sher iff of Jackson County, Oregon, ac cording to the taw and practice of this court. That the proceed of said sale be applied as follows: i, costs of this suit to be taxed. . To the payment of Plalntlffa' Attorney's fees In this suit. 8. To the liquidation of Plaintiffs' note and mortgage. 4. To the payment of all taxes and water assessmente levied and due against said premises. That said Defendants and all Per sons or parties olalming by, through or under them or any of them, sub sequent to the execution of said mortgage upon said premises, either ae purchasers, incumbrancers, or otherwlM, be barred and foreclosed of all right, claim or claims, or equity of redemption in said premises and every part thereof; and that the said Plaintiffs be allowed to stay In pos session of said premlsee during the pendency of this suit to the end that piaintirrs may oare for the premli abandoned bv Defendants. That Plaintiffs or any party to this eult may become a purchaser at said saie; mat tne Sheriff exeoute a Cer tificate of Sftle to ths purchaser and said purchaser be let Into immediate possession of the premises and the Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS I. Accessory to a . watch 4. Trustful belief t. Painting fashion II, Collection of facta it. Hearten -11. Dentruatlve ant 17, Medium of x oh a rift 18, Early alphabetic character 19, Annex SO. Grain to be ground It. Ancient galleys with two banks Of oars 36, Series of names ft. Kind of balsam 28, Leaf of the' palmyra palm t.. 9ultAbIs 30, Women's part of a Moham medan house 11. Nothing It, Female and pi par It. Among 14. Spsclt of dust Solution of Yesterday's Punts ASlR.1EgriMAlfgK I IN G E R NE b U IF P K, 81. ARWAggpSje ft R SPOB E 5 UPjgE S It fflT v a n h ojfE n. s : M ApffT E MXlKlN E E 'RlAlNlKlUEISUNlElAlglSl It. Wandering 17. Draws together II. Pronoun 10. Full of bones 40. Suppress tn pronouncing 4t feminine name it. Hawed 41. n MKe 49. Opening (0. Tranarnlts 11. Point where a bean sprouts V la I3 W Y 1 I7 l8 W I" 1 ,z It 4t - IP IP IPIPif w 1" w w Yw 32 li33" ' BP ii UuUq, aw i mill 1 1 ((iiUtu a mm.n n i 3s IT S37 www iK II srr MU w l wk' 1 I whole thereof; that plaintiffs hart such other and further relief In the premlsee ae to this Court msy seem just aua equitame, This Summons Is published by or der oi the Honorable H. D. Norton. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered In said Court and cause on the 80th day of January, 1B36 prescribing that this Summons oe served by publication thereof once each week for four (4) consecutive weeks In the Medford Mai Tribune. $ newspaper published regularly ta Jackson County, Oregon. February 10, 1939, la the date of the first publication of this Summons. O. H. Sbnqtson, Attorney for plalntlffa. 126 East Main Street. Mertfwd, Oregon. Meteorological Report Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Occasional rain or snow tonight and Tuesday; little onange In temperature. Oregon! Oocaslonal snow In sst and ram or snow In west portion tonight snd Tuesday; little change In temperature. Local Data Temperature a rear ago today: hlgheat 61; lowest 98. Total monthly prsclpltatlon, i Inches; excess for the month, .19 lnohes. Total precipitation since Septem ber 1, 1939, 16.96 Inches; excess for the season, 9.61 Inches. Relative humidity at 6 p. m. yes terday, 68 percent; 6 a. m. today, 10Q per cent. Tomorrow: sunrise. 6:66 a, nt.i sunset, 6:66 p. m. Observations Taken at 6 A. M., lanth Meridian Time mnr l K t Is fi f1 Boise . 46 89 49 69 90 86 60 46 86 44 69 43 40 44 46 64 40 98 .49 40 aa Cloudy .00 Clear .00 Cloudy T P Cloudy Boston Ohlcsgo . Denver . Eureka Helsna Los Angeles.... 1.06 Cloudy .06 T .13 oiouay Clear Snow Cloudy Medford New York Omaha -Phoenix .00 .00 p Cloudy .03 Cloudy ,18 Cloudy .38 p Cloudy ,63 Snow .43 Snow .16 Cloudy 30 ' Cloudy .03 Clear .00 t Cloudy .00 Cloudy Portland Reno - Roseburg Salt Lake ... San Francisco Seattle ......... Spokane walla walla Wash., O. C, Rcgue River ROOUB WVBIt, Feb. 94. (8pl.) An all-day meeting of the Ladles' Aid of Hope Presbyterian church was held at the home of Mrs. Casey, with Mis. Mcllvalne ae 'assistant hostess, Feb. ruary 33. Lunch and a social time was enjoyed by the 30 ladles attend ing, and various matters of business were attended to. Next meeting will be held at the ohuroh, Friday, March 6, when girls of the church will present a mis. slonary program. Rev. Bancroft Is filling the vaosnoy at the church un til a regular pastor I secured. An all -day meeting of Hie exten slon unit will be held February 88 at the Community hall. "Foods at Forty" will be discussed by Mrs. Mabel Maok. Use Mall Tribune wsn ads. Cross-Word Puzzle 10. Season for use 11, Formsr title of the governor of Algiers 14. Took a pleasure eiourslon 11 Is compelled te 19. Was the matter with Ifl. Deullng light II, More mature II. Containing boron Velocipede with one wheel The or earn Auctions Strainer made of a kind of woolen cloth Dealers In eertain articles ef apparel 14. American educationist If. Italian opera 37. Burdens SB. Lost i f fluid 40. Unit of work 41. Pasture 42. pemon 41. tarte receptacle 44. pried grass 41, Shep 47, Agalni prefix DOWN 1. Plump . United 8, counselor at law J. FalKe MtacH . roiier .arm t. Congealed water , As far at . Monotonous or oommon filaoe nnow Central Point CENTRAL POINT, Feb. H. (Spl.) Mrs. U K. Potter, who with her fam ily reoently moved to the Tolo die trlot, was treated to a happy sur prise on Prldsy, rsoruary 91, when a group of ladles from the Woman's Relief oorpe arrived la a body to spend the afternoon and give her kitchen shower. Many lovely and useful gifts ware Included In the as sortment. The afternoon wsa pleas antly passed with visiting and games, and a pot-luok supper served In cafe teria style. Included among those present were Mrs. Mary Rlohardson, Mrs. Rose Hermanson, Mrs. Dora Jonas, Mrs. Drama Milton, Mrs. Tlllle Maple, Mrs. Walter Hllkey, Mrs. Clara Farra, Mrs. Henry KUburn, Mrs. Km ma O lesson, Mrs. Iva Ooplnger, Mrs. Lois Richardson, Mrs, John Hllkey, Mrs. Wm. Hllkey, Mrs. Mervln Olea son, Mrs. O. c. smith, Mrs. Zaldee Smith, Mrs. h. H. Smith and the hon or guest, Mrs. Betty potter. Children pressnt were Mervln, Jr., and Jlmmle Olsason, Milton Hllksy and Nancy and Jaok Potter. B. R. Gleason Is remodeling the an nex to his barber chop, to be used as a beauty parlor In the near future. Mrs. Mary Langs ton, assisted by Mrs. Maynard Putney, entertained the Carnation club Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vlnoent and son Bobby, Mrs. Russell and daughter Joyce and Stanley Robblns of Talent will attend the Rural Mall carriers' convention at The Dalles. Traveling by motor, they will be supplied with chains In oase of emergency. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackford have moved to their home on Jaoksonvlllt highway, recently purchased from Mrs. Jennings. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Lofland made a reoent business trip to Sureka, stop ping over for the week-end In Ores cent City, With the Major Bowee amateur troupe, who were the attraction at the Craterlan theater last Sunday. February 16, were Mr. and Mr. Har old Kennedy of Joplln, Mo., and New York City. Mr. Kennedy la troupe manager and Mrs. Kennedy, Who la known on the stage as Vera Waters, la a nleoe of Mrs. I. R. Olmson of Central Point. Mr, and Mrs. Oleason, with their son Msrvlu, his wife and two small sons, attended the show and afterward enjoyed a delightful visit with them, as they dined to gether. Not having met for some time, the visit wsa all too brief for both Mra. Oleason and her nleoe. Griffin Creek ' GRIFFIN ORHHK, Feb. 94. (Spl.) Ladles of the home extension unit met Friday at ths horn of Mra. George Flsk. There were 30 members and three visitors present. Mr. Mabel Mack was also a gusst during lunch eon hour. This was the first lesson In meat cookery, whloh was oonduot ed by Mrs. Bessie Dsvls and Mrs. Alice Rloka. Th meat prepared was ussd for lunoheon and was greatly enjoy ed by all. Next meeting will be March 13. The place will be announced later. Leaders have been chosen for the 4-H elub work here, as follows! Sew liv? Instruotor, Mr. Maud Arnold, with Elinor Sslna, prssldent, and Joaa- phlns Arnold, vice-president, They had their first meeting Saturday, Mrs. Bemlce Stammen la leader of the girls' cooking club, and F. I. Caul- kins of the boys'. They will elect their officers at their first meeting. Frlsnds of th community attend sympathy to J. F. Ooller and family tn th passing of Mr. Collar's sister. Mr. Lucia Showers, who psased away last Monday at her horn north ol Medford, Mrs. Alios Conner Is vial ting at th noma of hsr daughter, Mr. Ray Skslns. Sh reoently reutrned from Ohlloquln. Mrs. Southsrland entertained a number of friend from Msdford at hsr horn Friday. Mr. Rose sturglll of Rees oreek cam down Friday evening and (pent the week-end at th horn of hsr son Clyde and family. Mia Marian Hurd, who ha been at Alameda, Cel., for ami time. Is now visiting at horn. Miss Marian Keep spent th laat week-end at horn and on Friday evening sh and her slaters enter tained with a play party for all young folk of the Sunday anhool. Then ar 40 children enrolled In th first, second and third grades, Mis Oeorglanna Huaeong, teachsr. Miss Luis Metager of Jackaonrtll has been hired for part time Instruotor to help indefinitely. Mra. Mattl Vogal entertained with a birthday party Tuesday evening, honoring hsr daughttr Beulah' 19th birthday. Ladles of th Sunday school enter talned with a Us snd shower, honor ing Mrs. Lester Wlloox, Thursday, St th hom of Mr. Laura Jon. Mr. and Mr. Clyde Sturglll had as Sunday dinner gusst frlsnds from Orants Pass Plans ar undrway to organla a Orangs at th sohoolhou, Wednes day arenlng, erebruary 99, Everrone interested tn th Orange work I ask ed to b ther. Th sum grad Cam out ahsad sgaln last week In th pUlng con test. Each orad I working hard U thss honors, Those reoelvlng 100 thl week wer! Hslsa Chili), Ruth Mead ows. Alin Keep, Settle Lou FOulk, Ultra Kimball, Jerry Vaahor and Iran Cherry. PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 94 (API Arthur 0. Jsckson. 40, drowned In ths Wlllamett river her laat night whsn h slipped In snow on the Standard Oil company dock and fell Into the stream. Lake Creek IA1U OH.EEK, Feb. 34. (Spl.) Quests Sunday at the B. s. Meyer home were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rage dale. Mr. and Mra. H. A. Meyer, Otto Vernon and H. O. Meysr. Mlas Marlon. Oebhart and Unsay Orlgxby of Medford were guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orlgsby. Mr. snd Mrs. S. O. Wilson of Sams Valley were business callers at the Tonn ranch Sunday. Mm. Margaret Nuasbaum very clev erly demonstrated meat cookery at a meeting of the Ladles' club at Mrs. Wsllaoe Ragsdals's home Thursday. About 94 ladles ware prsseut and the meat dishes prepared under super vision of Mrs. Nuasbaum were very dellolous. After lunch Mra. Nuasbaum save a report on her trip to the cor V11I19 home conference, Bad oolds are very prevalent and nearly half of the pupils are out ol school, Bellview BKLLV1BW, Feb. 34. Mrs. Brford Poole was a week-end guest at the home of her parent. Mr. and Mrs. R, . Newbry. Mrs. J D. Meservey entertained with a birthday dinner for Mr. Meservey last Friday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mark True and Mr. and Mra. W. D. Jackson. Mrs. John Farmsr returned to her home Wednesday after spending sev-' eral weeks In Portland. She visited hsr daughters, Mrs. Army Spafford and Genevieve, and with her son, George. Mrs. George King has recovered from a recent operation and return ed to her home Tuesday. Miss Beryl King returned home elso. Beryle has bean with hsr aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Barron, In Ashland. Trustees of the Upper Valley Com munity club Mrs. Oscar Martin, Mrs. Archie Klncald and Mrs. R. E. Ball, with the officers, Mrs. Claude Conley, Mra. Lee Wallls and Alice Pagel, met at the club house Mon day to make final arrangements for sscurlng dance license, THE GRANGE Upper Rogii Grange Upper Rogue Grange No. 839 met February 90 with 99 msmbsrs and fv visitors pressnt, A very Inter estlng meeting was hsld, with many helpful suggestions for our nsw hall and bylaws from ths visitors, who were Brothers Perry and Coy and Sisters Perry, Coy and Taylor, of Eagle Point, whloh were appre ciated very much. A committee of three wer appointed, consisting ot Brother traughn, ohalrman, Frank Dltaworth and Sister Barrett, with Instruction to start Immediately on final plan and flnanolng of th building. Brother Vaughn had sev eral plans and lumber prloei on hand, One good brother started the ball rolling by presenting a check for 910 for the building fund, the ma jority expressed their willingness to help. Brother Orth waa appointed to secure a bulletin board for ths Grange. It was decided to have a boi put on the secretary's table for suggestions for the good of th order. The msster appointed two committees, a crltlo committee and reception committee. Th lactur hour was put on with th ooopsratlon of th H. I. club with numbsrs In honor of Wash ington's blrthdsy. Two dollars and fifteen cent was taksn In to b sddsd to th fund for regalia for th dsgre teams. A cake waa pre anted to Brothsr and Bister Hughes in honor ef thslr 39th wedding an niversary. All Orangert ar asked to bring a package of seed for th nest lecture hour and be prepared to report on a successful sesd they used last year. Officers ar tirgsd to be on hand at 1:49 to go through the officers' ssatlng drill, also ths first and second degrs team will hsr three a and Id a tss to put through. A good many of th numbers ar 111 with th flu. A very Interesting rsport ws given by ths visiting committee who were fflstsr Gl snd Barrett, and Brothsr Ray Mer- rlman, who Malted Phoenix Orange. Many h 1 pf u I suggestion wars brought back. All visiting commit tees havs oommented cn th fin receptions glvsn them. Th wsys and means reported pro. fit of 934.70 at their Isst dsncs snd announced another at Rogu Elk February 99. Everybody wsl- mm. Th H I. olub ssrved refresh. msnts st th end of th msstlng Th club mat Pshrusry 19 with nuter Glass. All Orange ladles ar urged to Join th olub. All other ladles ar mini as visitors Name wer drawn for Pollyannas. Ragl Point Grant. Oentral point Grange met In regu lar session, February 91, with 99 mam bars snd nearly as many visitors prss' nt. Oranges rep re tented wer Pho nil, Oold Hill and Jacksonville. Third and fourth degrs work was simpli fied by th Oentral point officer. Mr. Fay Rltalnger presented a splendid program honoring both Lin coln's and Washington' birthdays. J W. Fish, a member ot the Oold Hill Grange, entertained with a solo, ad octnpanlsd by Mr. Marjorl Pens. lecturer of Oold Hill Orange. Th eotint found team number one In th lead at thl meeting, for the first time. Th play "Candida." to be pre aeattd Ptbruary 37 at t p. m, b (he Southern Oregon Normal players, was announced. The Central Point Qrango hall can seat 960 persons and ss the play Is presented In the oenter of th room, without either special light. Ing or curtains, the hall is ideal for the production. Angus Bowmer, Instructor of dra matics at the southern Oregon Nor mal, has had manv reniiMrji tA nn- sens the play sgaln and finally chose vue ventral j-oint Qrangs hall for the purpose. Persons who have attm!Ml r.rri- ous showings have pronounced It ona of the finest plays presented by the Southern Oregon Normal. The play will be open to the public, but a slight admission charge will be made. Sams Valley Grnnge Ways and means committee of Saras Valley Grange announced another dance to be given In Ca ton's hail, Saturday night, Feb, 28. Good munto has been secured. Proceeds will be used to help finance the now Orange hall. All grangers and their families and Invited guests are welcome. - A lunch of pis and coffee will be served In the hall. Regular meeting February IS en- Joyed a good attendance. Visitors present from Gold Hill were Mr. and Mrs. Flene and Mr. and Mrs. Howss. Ths building committee reported work progressing nicely on the hall base ment and expressed appreciation for labor donated. Trucks have been busy the past week hauling gravel for ths cement foundation. Lecture hour was composed of harmonica solos by Rlohard Karner, Information on con test and practice of songs tor muslo festival. Albert Straus, R. E. Neaion and 8. 8. Abbott were appointed as critics for th Grange achievement oontest. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tonn wtll serve refreshments at next meeting, March 7. t COURT HOUSE NEWS Furnished by th Jackson County tbstract Co.. 131 B Sixth Strast Real Estate Transfers Amy M. Amldon at vlr to F. O. Goets. q. O. D. to lot 1. SVi of the NE14 of BE 14 of NW!4 of Bsc, 4, Twp. 39 8., R. 3 East, Mark P. True et a! to Ivan W. Far mer et ux.W. D. to S',4 of NWJ4 of Sco. 90, Twp. SO 8. R, 1 East, less land, 70 acres. Orac H. Orr to Carl Hosier W. D, to 8V4 of N(4 of 8Eri of NW)4 of Bee. 38, Twp, 39 8.. R. 3 West, . Frank W. Bruah st el to Wallace B. Pearson et ux. W. D. to northeasterly half of lots 81 and 83, Pracht's Add. to Ashland. J. T. Hartford to P. Lewis 8mlth. Q. O. D. to land tn Sec. 83, Twp 88 8, R. 1 West Charles E, Oratg et ux to Maud L. Shew. w. D. to 40 acres In Sso. 9. Twp. 38 8., R. 1 East. W. B. Cook st al to Jamas F John son. q. 0. D. to land la Seo, 94, Twp. 93 B R. 9 East. , Shsrldan F. Thornton to Ethel Pow ell Clary. w. b. to lot , block 10, Ashlsnd, Fred J. Pick st al ta Bert M. Glut et u. S. o. O. to 40 urea In Seo. 10, Twp. 38 S., R, 4 West. Martin 8. Johnston et ux to Rich ard BsrryW. D. to loti 11 and 13, block 38, Oold Hill, P. A. Skinner to 3. B. Skinner, W. D. to lots 3, 4, 8, 7 and 8 Seo. 80. Twp. 87 8., R. 4 West, containing 1S3.88 acres, Ernest Rogsrs et ux to Ralph Mark. W. D. to 90 acres In Seo, 39, Twp. 39 8., R. 1 East. Ivan W. Farmer et ux to Brnast Rogsrs. W. D, to 88 acres In Sso. 38, Twp. 89 8 R. 1 Esst. L. 8. Hicks et ux to Ernest L. Scott et ux. W. D. to lot 30, block 3 Glen Oak Sub. of block 1, extension to Sis kiyou Heights Add. to Medford. O. W, Gillette et ux to Charles A. Humphrey. w. D. to SIS, of Bit, of Sec, 4, Twp. 89 8., R. West Henry D. Blrdaall et ux to Emily Shelley. W. D, to land In DLO 43. Twp. 39 8., R. 14 Eaat, and In block Y, Railroad Add. to Ashland, Rachel Mead et vlr to Lorenso O. Inakcep et ux W. D. to land In Sea, 36, Twp. 87 8, R. 3 West. Robert Clinkenbeard, et ux to Ephraln H. Mayes et ux W. D. 180 A in Bec4 38, Twp. 98, 8. R. 4 W., W.M. B. O'Connor to Robsrt CUnken beard et ux W. D. BE't WH NE and NEK NEri ""' 89, Twp. 88 . A. 4W. Spancer Ohllders st ux to Wltham Mualo Company, lnc W. D, Lot in South Sea Add. to Medford. 0. M. Richardson t ux to Oold Darling WJ. Lot 0, Block 39, Oold Hill, S. O. Beebe to Oeorge Thompson et ux W. W. Land In Bsc. 11, Twp. 99 8. R. 1 E., W.M. Hazel I, Ferns to Henry Kerby t al W. W. WUj 8W 14 Sec, 19, Twp. it 8. R. 1 W. W.M. Henry Kcrby et al to Haral I. Fsrnt W.D. Tract In Block "H ', Talont. Kalth Oil and Land Co. to Ed Bear W.D, Bi UKVt Scou, 9, Twp, 40 S. R. 9 B. W. M. oont. 80 A. Jessls M. Mlnear et al to Raymond Clair wyant et ux W. D. 1-9 A. la Maunuin Sunset Add to Medford. City of Jacksonvllls to Mary Steha Wlnnlngham W. D, N. 96 ft. Lota 8 and 4 and S. 80 ft. Lots 7 and I. and all of Lot 0, Block 1, Jackson ville. ".kipper Hureumht PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 94 (AP) Captain Th, Molbach-Nsllsen, 43, master of ths Norwegian motorshlp Oregon Express, died her Sunday from Injuries received when he ws burned two weeks ago In a fir thai swept th cabin of his ship. Leads Lumbermen PORTLAND. Ore, Feb. 34. (API Carl Blackstock of Seattle will lead the Wsatern Retail Lumber men's association ss president agein next year. He ws reelected presi dent.' and Seattl ws chosen 1937 convention city at th final session ot th convention her Saturday. "Emotion" p e r f n m a hy VlmaJ Chany, a fa vol It of mo vis stars. At Young s Drug, Co., Mala and ueuursi.