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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1936)
WESTERN STATES GROCERY CO. SECTION 4 PAGES WESTERN STATES GROCERY CO. SECTION-4 PAGES Tribune Thirtieth Year MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1936. No. 281. Western States Grocery Company Will Open New Medford Warehouse STRICTLY MODERN!! President PLANT INSTALLED FOR DISTRIBUTION Wholesale Cash and Carry Department for Grocers Feature 15 Will Be Em ployedBig Stock Shown Visitors ab the Western States Gro cery company's official open bouse and food show Wednesday and Thurs day will see a strictly modern dis tributing plant at the South Fir and Eleventh street location formerly oc cupied by the C and E. fruit ware house. Several weeks have been spent , in thoroughly remodeling this build ing In readiness for use as a whole sale house. ' In addition to being repainted in side and out, the Western States or ganization brought about numerous Improvements Including a new floor, and other changes to adequately ac commodate the needs of the firm. An attractive general office and two pri vate offices have been equipped for the Western States officials In charge of the local house. A wholesale cash and carry depart ment with all fixtures painted a cher ry red has been built at the new plant in order that southern Oregon gro cers may buy small quantities of merchandise. Stock is conveniently brranged after the manner of cash and carry grocery stores for the con venience of rapid selection. A separate door leads to the unloading platform In order to facilitate fast service. There will be 16 employes at the Western States Grocery house with enormous amounts of all types of food supplies in stock including prac tically all national brands to supply stores In- Medford, Ashland, Eagle Point, Applegate and other commun ities In the Rogue river valley. In front of the building there ts a -covered loading platform for trucks and there are spur tracks at the rear ir..ii m'Ui r .... t J J. T. Young, president of the West ern States Grocery company, Is ex pected to arrive in Medford .today from Oakland, Calif. In order to at tend the food show and grand open ing of the local warehouse. After successfully operating a ware house grocery in Pocatello, Idaho, Mr. Young bought out a wholesale gro cery house in Portland ten years ago from which the Western States Gro cery organization has been an out growth. Since that time this company has enjoyed a phenomenal expansion and there are at present nine whole sale houses operated by them In Ore gon alone. Mr. Young Is particularly enthusi astic about the future of southern Oregon, having been instrumental In establishing several wholesale grocery plants In this part of the state during the past year. Y STORES ARE AFFILIATED FM IN DISTRICT The steadily Increasing list of af filiated F.B.A. stores reaches a total membership In excess of 600. Forty three are located In the Rogue river valley, buying food and merchandise through the Food Buyers' association, according to H. L. Summerfleld, vice president of the association. The membership in this area, according to this F.B.A. official, is as fcVows: ASHLAND, OREGON Ashland Groceteria (Walters & Hardy), East side Grocery (E. McGee), Herbert Grocery, Loomls & Nelson, T. L. O'Hara, F. M. Schuerman. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON H. W. Davlsson. Roy Jones. GOLD HILL, OREGON Howard Drake, Riviera Auto Camp. A. A. Walker. GRANTS PASS, OREGON B. & B. Food Store, Clarks .Market, Douglass Grocery, C. A. ErlckMtn, Mill edge & Cavanaugh. GRAVE CREEK, OREGON ' C. R. Brock P. O., Leland, Oregon; Paul MooreheariV HOLLAND Harry Floyd. K Ell BY, OREGON H. M. Havden, John B. Lcvcn, J. II. Witt rock. MEDFORD, OREGON Dark's Grocery, R. E. Boyd, A. S. Rullen. J. W. Cook. F. R. Culver. D. G. Huber, Peyton & MrCay. Shirley Bros., Claire Shores, Walden Bros., Summit Grocery. PHOENIX, OREGON Phoenix Mercantile Co. ROGl'E RIVER, OREGON Fred O'Kelly, Jack Steward. SELMA, OREGON R. L. Hammer. TAKILMA, OREGON K. H. Messlnger. TALENT. OREGON Parks Grocery, Ray schumochcr, C. N. Sharer. WILDER VILLE, OREGON H. W. Baker. "Emotion" Perfume by Vlmay Chany. a favorite of movie stars. At Young's Drug Co., Main and Central. EUGENE, Feb. 18. (T) Represen tatives from six Oregon cities all of which will Install civil service sys tems in the respective fire depart ments as a result of the recent spe cial election, will meet in Eugene Friday, Feb. 28. to draw a model or dinance to aid lawmakers in Install ing the new plan. It was announced today by Mayor Ellsha E- Large, who called the meeting. Cities which are to send delegates Include Bend, Medford, La Grande. Albany and Baker. All but the last two have been heard from, accepting the Invitation. Herman Kehrll, director of the bu reau of municipal research at the University of Oregon, will attend the session and will aid in drafting the model ordinance. for unloading carloads of supplies. Everything has been systematically arranged throughout the plant In preparation for the opening event. Are you a member of Ethelwyn B Hoffmann's ( HOSIERY CLUB? - Join Now. A Special Party For GROCERS ONLY! Special entertainment and a dance has been planned for GROCERS and their families only THURSDAY EVENING. We cordially invite all grocers to bring their families and enjoy our hospitality A good time is assured 1 . Remember Thursday Night Reserved for Grocers Only! WESTERN STATES GROCERY CO. 7 Congratulations WESTERN STATES GROCERY CO. We Strive To Serve Consolidated Freight Lines Inc. Phone 569 Congratulations TO WESTERN STATES GROCERY COMPANY Upon The Opening Of Their New Medford Warehouse Tomorrow THIS bank is glad to Join the people of south ern Oregon in welcoming the Western States Grocery Company to Medford. The establish ment. of their new Medford warehouse marks another step in the development of this city as the distributing and trade center of an increasingly rich and prosperous' area ... It is another expres sion of faith in the future of the southern Oregon country. We wish the Western States Grocery Compnny success in their new Medford enterprise! A. A. SCHRAMM. Manager EUGENE THORNDIKE. Assistant Manager ORIS CRAWFORD, Assistant Manager MEDFORD BRANCH The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon "Oldest Bank West of the Rockies" - THIS BANK IS A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Om Mail Tribune want ads tmmr I ! miiM mtiifflitrr i ' i-i-niiiimiti mi . .. I E Quluu: I . : yiluSUL am Free Refreshments at the booths of Nationally Known Food Manufacturers! ' - " " 1 r .very one Is.. Invited! Attend' the WESTERN STATES GROCERY CO 'S SLte :, .... .- . f$S O Come! Help Us Celebrate! WC are proud to prrent to South ern Oregon people our new Med ford warehouse and offlcen, which erldenre our faith In the future progrcM of this fine rommunlty and trade area. A upectnrular Food Show ha been arransed In cooperation with na tionally known food maniifartiirer, for your entertainment during our two-day openlnic Wdnedar and TlmrsdaT. We want jon to come n our ruet. Eterr thlnc will he free and entertainment hi been planned for ion! L. O. RICKEL !anaer. Hundreds of Dollars Worth of FREE Grocery Coupons REDEEMABLE AT YOUR GROCER . P OOD HOW W Celebrating the Opening of Our Medford Warehouse ednesday - Thursday February 19-20 Colorful Displays Food Demonstrations Feature Dancing By Eve Benson's Studio Each Day at4 P. M. and 8: 30 P.M'. Music by the Medford High School Band, Wednesday at 3 P. M. WESTERN STATE GROCERY CO., Wholes? le Grocers ELEVENTH and FIR Streets, MEDFORD, Ore. 1 I 1 it til l l' Ill