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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1936)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MED FORD. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1936. PAGE NTNE Read every ad on this page You will probably find exactly the things you have been looking for or a ale or trade for unused articles you may have. Search your attto or tore-room you may find many things others are seek ing and be able to realize Im mediate cash. If what you rvgwant isut nere. advertise ior V-'tt Tribune Classified ads are Inexpensive effective 1 RATES pT word first Insertion -3c (Minimum 25c) Bach additional Insertion. per word lo rMlnlmum 10c) Per line per month without . copy changes ....$1.25 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST If aog is mibamg calll516 - WANTED FEMALE HELP .WANTED For temporary work, ste- snographer, experienced In lnsur fance, particularly adjusting. Tele- phone 2B8. MALE AND FEMALE PARTY to sell canaries at home on commission. Box 504, Tribune. "VANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Child to care for In my home, daytime. Reasonable. 406 King. HOUSEKEEPING or practical nursing. Phone 459 -X. DAY as aigat service carpenter work Lee WUliaina. 1520 N. Riverside. WANTED Day work. Mrs. Huson - Phone I346-M. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To buy 1500-lb. horse or light team. Frank Dunkln, Talent. WANT TO RENT Ranch suitable for raising turkeys. Oeo. Tedrlck, Ad ams Lane, off Old Paclflo highway. WANTED To rent a team. J. D. Brown, south end Kings highway. - WILL buzz your wood for cash or what7 Route 1, Box 411. HIOHEST market prices paid for Junk, metals, rags. Inner tubes. So. Ore. Junk Co, 404 Stewart Ave. WANTED Office desk, filing cabinet, , ' desk chair. Monarch Seed Co. JUNK- -JUNK W A MTBin CASH PAID for Inner tubes, lo per lb. up. Rags, ootton and wool, up to 5c per lb. Scrap Iron, small or large lots; also all other metals of all decrtptlons. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE -27 No. Orape. Phone 1062. HAVE BUYER for good well Improved suburban home with small acreage Come In and list your property. The Real Estate Exchange 19 N. Bartlett. Phone 1498. WANTED SOUTHERN BVIiXMNO St LOAN ASS'N stock and saving passbooks. ) Will pay !00 cents on the dollar Bring you stoor oertlflcates and p&ssbooka CHARLES A WTNU AOENCY. Oil). 100 s Main Phone 128 Medford. Ore. WANTED Used furniture, ranges, heaters, tools iruit jars, bw. nui brook Furniture Co.. In old Fire Hall Bldg, 112 K 6th. Tel. 647. WANTED We pa; cash toi Douseaoia goods t furniture and stoves We also buy metajs. aides pelts woo) and mo hair MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE - 27 H Orape St Pbone 1062 WANTED Cook stoves, heaters bed springs, mattresses day-beds, earn tary couches and cots or what have you- We pay cash or exchange NEW DEAL FURN EXCHANGE 428 E Main St. WANTED FURS FURS FURS ( Hlghest cash price paid for raw furs ' Complete line ol traps on sale - MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE , 27-29 No Grape St Medfnra FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished 8-room home In good location. Phone 1232-X. TOR RENT Desirable 8-room house; modern, clean, reasonable. 200 W. Jackson. FOR RENT 6-room house at 1122 East Main. Clean and modern; about half furnished; nice shade. ' large lot. Rent 125 00. water paid. W. E. Thomas, 45 So. Central. FOR RENT Very attractive furnish ed house; studio window. Frlgld alre, oil heat. etc. "18 So. Oakdale FOR RENT 8-room modern furnish ed house close In Phjne 467-J 4-ROOM furnished house for rent, electric range. Inquire 805 South Oskdale. UNFUPNISHF.D house. 4 rooms, oath and screened porch, at 1510 West Mam. 117 50; water not paid. 0. A . DeVoe. 323-J-2. FDH KENT home furnished o? 'Jnf'trnished Brown White FOR RENT 4-rooro furnished home with sleeping porch, good district, paved street. nssr grsde and Junior blh schools, rent HO 00 Also 2 room furnished house, 1 block from fTwie school. $15 00 CHARLES A. WINO AGENCY.. INC I Phone 728. 109 r. Main St. i-M UaU Jllbuae eeot ads, FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED apt.. 118 Almond. FOR RENT fl-room lower flat, fur nished; adults; 30, water paid. In quire 33 North or 240 So. Drape. FOR RENT Apartment. 334 Apple. FURNISHED APTS. Phone 878-X. FOR RENT Apartment furnished; shower, steam heat, hot and cold water furnished. Mall Tribune of . flee. BACHELOR apartment. 445 a. Front FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ATTRACTIVE rooms 104 S Orape FOR RENT BOARD ROOM BOARD AND ROOM, rates reasonable at 718 B Main ROOM it BOARD Home cooked meals, $25 per month. 303 N. Holly SOARD Home-cooked meals served in prlvtae home Reasonable rates Near business district 23 N. Orange St. Phone 1473-X. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS . FOR RENT 1H acres, 7-room house, barn, garage, all outbuildings. In Jacksonville on main highway. Hartman, Phone 413. LOT FOR SALE 50x100, all Improve ments In and paid for. Location, West Main and Summit. Priced for quick sale, cash or Copco stock. Phone Olmscheld, 278-J. FOR RENT '.0 acres, 0 acres Irrigat ed; house, outbuildings. Lester Messal. Lake Creek, Ore. FOR EXCHANGE ! FOR SALE or trade for hay, O. I. C. Drood sows, larrow soon. r. iwiubu, Table Rock. POR SALE or trade for hay or chick ens, electric washer, 8-tube radio, bridge lamp. Phone 4-F-13. WANTED To traoe 1ft -ton Graham truck for light oar. Call 3-F-23. . FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE Income prop erty clos In Phone 955-J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2 acres, one mile out: good house, lots of shade. Also 3 acres garden land; 4 acres, 4-room house; 14 acres orohard. H. O. WILSON, Phone 1564. HOUSES for sale or rent. Phone 195. FOR SALE 38 acres, fruit, fine land, some in alfalfa; would make good diversified farm; good 7-room house, large barn. Price $5500; small down payment, very easy terms. FOWLER It UPP, 44 North Riverside. FOR SALE 4-room modem house, I acre ground, barn, poultry house, garage, on Lozler Lane; $1385 full price; $525 down, balance $13 monthly. R. S. Roland, Phoenix. 20 ACRES, cultivated, close In, fine 4 room house, barn, large chicken bouse, 6A .free water. Price $1600; terms. Sheley Agency 1 mile north of city limits, Paclflo Hwy. FOR SALE Non-resident owned Im proved 45-acre estate on Griffin creek; 14 acres In orchard; at price recommended by neighbors. D. S. Bogga, Administrator. FOR SALE By owner. 24 sores; cher ries, pears, alfalfa: extra good build ings. Priced to sell. Box 350, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE 4 acres, modern house, outbuildings, pasture, fruit, berries, Irrigated. A snap, $1200; terms. Also Rogue rivet frontage with or without oablns. Everything In real estate. Roberts, 720 2nd. Phone 1628-J. FOR SALE lt4 acres 4-room plaster ed house breakfast nook bath fire place oement foundation a cozy well built home garage and woodshed, poultry house 20x20, cement floor. Price $1950.00. Compare this with other places vou have looked over. L. O. PICKELL, Exclusive Agent, -' 204 Eset Main. FOR SALE, jUASE OR TRADE 40 acre ranch sub-Irrigated, good house and barn. Box 366, Tribune FOR SALE By owner, 10 to 80-acre tracts, Irrigated Bear creek bottom land, Vt mile from Medford; excel lent for gardening. Phone 1524-L. FOR SALE 8 acres. Irrigated, 1 V miles from city limits; 4-room house, cow barn,' double garage. cnicxen nouae. i a. in oiuegrM. i snrt Lsrilno clover: school, electric ity, mall Jellvery, good road; cow and chickens go with place for $1,000. see or phone Clarence Pierce, Medford. HOUSES for salir or rent. Tel. lit evenings 1147-W. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown White FOR SALE 3 lota. 8 houses: terms or cash. Priced to sell. Call J. E. Rt. 4. Box 8. FOR SALE Three acres on Lozler Lane close to .highway. Improved with modern house, garage, etc. Big Pino LUuwji Company, 40 ACRES with nice new bouse to trade for home in Medford Mostly In crop, A fine turkey ranch. BROWN at WHITE. Realtors. BEAUTIFUL suburban nome with a fine diversified orchard: $6000: terms BROWN It WHITE. Realtors FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ONE span gentle horses, 1200 lbs. escb $70. Phone 1410. FAMILY COW Fresh In AprlL Phone 744-Y. FOR SALE DOGS PETS SHEPHERD puppies for sale. 518. FA..T Main sr. FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS . BUY chicks produced locally. Help our own rancher. Our chicks fully guaranteed. Dreaaler's SQUARE DEAL Hatchery, 1101 Main. Tel. 1550-Y. R. I. R. hatchlrwr ecss. 50c setting . 1 I. I. Pvsoqs, fiiotlt . FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Turkey Toma. also dress ed turkeys. Phone 132-L. FOR SALE Black Minorca hatching eggs, 50c setting; also two black Minorca roosters. W. K. Meadows, 1 ft miles north on Old Pacific Hwy. FOR SALE White Jersey Olant hatching eggs. Call afternoon and evenings. James Baughman, Route 1, Box 394-A, Central Point, Oregon FOR SALE Baby chicks, all breeds. Right prices. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. CARLE Y POULTRY FARM Pedigreed Leghorns, R. I. Reds, Hatching Eggs. Baby Chicks. - RHODE ISLAND RED hatchlngeggs 50c setting: $3 hundred. Mrs. Frank James. Rt. 3, DeBarr Ave. OU?TOM fLvTCHINO Booking ord ers for vikev eec only Eggs day old and 8-wWx old poults Winston Hatchery P O. Box 966 ftoseburg. Ore FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 28 CHEVROLET Coupe, perfect me chanically; only $145.00. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth. Our USED CARS give you the most value for your money, see them; Airflow Chrysler; nice shape. 1935 Alrstream Chrysler, like new. 1935 Studebaker Sedan; splendid value. 1934 Chevrolet Master Sedan; has a radio, heater, new rubber; runs like new: Is a real buy. 1933 Chevrolet Town Sedan. . 1931 Pontlac Sedan. Studebaker Sedan $125.00 Chev. Truck, compound 75.00 1934 Chevrolet Piokup. Naah Sedan, small size ..$69.50 Ford Touring 20.00 SANDERSON MOTOR CO. Studebaker Sales and Service. HOOD USED CAftS Chrysler. Plymouth Trade-Ins. The Best Cars for the Least Money. 1934 Chrysler Airflow Sedan new car guarantee. Two 1933 Plymouth sedans. 1934 Dodge DeLuxe coupe. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. 1931 Chrysler 6 Sedan. 1984 Ford V-8 Sedan. 1929 DeSoto Roadster. 1929 DeSoto Sedan. 1933 Chrysler Royal 8 Sedan. ' 1934 Terraplane Sedan. We have a number of "28, '27 and '28 models at your own price. LANGE MOTOR CO. Chrysler Dealer Plymouth Used car lot 6th & Bartlett FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TWO light rowboats. 339 Mae St. HAY and Shire logging horse for sale, weight about 1750. Dora E. Smith, mile west, of Talent sohool. FERTILIZER SPECIAL! $2.33 yard. 116 S. Fir. Phone 1648-X. GOOD Newtown apples, 25c per lug. J. G. Love, Central Point. Tel. 198-J-l. WESTINGHOUSE electric range, used short tlms only; also R. C. A. Ra dlola 60 radio for sale. Tel. 278-J. FOR SALE practically new 1930 model D-15-27 John Deere tractor with 3 sets of extension rims; used about 3 weeks: 80 dlsoount on purchase price for quick sale. John W. Reed, Rt. 2, Box 195, Grants Pass, 6 miles out lower river road. FOR SALE Majestic car radio priced very low; good oondltlon. Tel. 260. FOR SALE Fine quality seed grains. Henry Nledermeyer, 1 mile north of Jacksonville on Old Stage road. Phone Jacksonville 364. FOR SALE Grain and alfalfa bay. Cox Ranch. FOR SALE Baled oats and vetch hay. Phone 7-F-14. ' A REAL BUY Large size Ex. Fancy Cornice In lugs ...... .....o..$1.00 Newtown apples In lugs .15 Bring your own .ontalners. AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS. INC. 213 So. Fir St. Medford, Ore, Phone 926. TIRES A few new tires (by private party), sizes 17. 18, 20 and 21. Prtoed below wholesale. Phone 744-Y. FOR SALE Library table, dressers, dressing table, highboy, breakfast set. miscellaneous furniture, garden tools. Phone 662 or call at 1009 South Oakdale. APPLES Washed Newtowns for sale. Very low prices. Myron Hoot Ware house. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. R. V. Beall, Beall Lane. FOR SALE Baled grain hay and hammered alfalfa. L. A. Salads. Central Point. FOR SALE Electric Incubators from 60 to 400 capacity. Roy Stanley, Eagle Point. FOR SALE No. 1 quality flrat cut ting alfalfa hay, baled, $11 per ton. Phone 396, Jacksonville. John H. Hueners. WOOD Dry laurel and fir. Phone 376-X. FOR SALE Dry. old growth fir and hardwood. Phons 547. FOR SALE Recleaned field seeds, rraln and the "dope" to treat seed before planting. Monarch Seed at Feeo Co. FOR SALE Super phosphate, sulfate of ammonia, aneep guano, gypsum Fleht prices. Monarch Seed It Feed Co FOR SALel Liquid lime-sulphur. Oct our prices. Monarch seed and reed Co. COMICS PEARS Put up In half bosee. SO to 50 pesrs per box. large home use. $1 00 to $125 Medford lot sna own, io. rnone w. FOR SALE Crown feeds; land plas ter; Aero Superphosphate: esse farm machinery. Pulley Implement Co, central point. TYPEWRITERS Bierma 118 N ceo' tral Plvne 282 FOR SAi. Bslev oat Bay ground alfalfa and ott ha? loose alfalfa Jui. c. A. iXVot, f ooas m-l-i . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS APPLES We deliver Tel 132-L MISCELLANEOUS IT COSTS No Extra to have your auto greased by a mechanic Phone 13B8. Frees' Oarage. 801 N. Central. BUSINESS DIRECTORY abstracts? JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Abstracts ol rule and ntle Insuranoe me only oompiete litis 3 y s t e m in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT! CO. Abstracts of ntle Rooms 8 and 6 No 82 North Central Ave. upstairs Income Tax Reports prepared. INCOME TAX Federal and state re turns prepared. See Ear) Foy. Room 11, Jackson County Bank Bldg Phone 798. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED $50 to $300 tol personal or household purposes on ' House Furnishings or Autos; slat Oars Refinanced Los oa closed within 30 minutes License No 6 157 See W S rbomss 45 So Oen tral Transfer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE OO Offloe 1016 No Central pbune 318 Prices right Service gusranteed rHUCKJNO AND STORAGE - Local and long distanoe hauling furni ture moving etc Reasonable rates Pel 833 F B Samson Co HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack srs and movers Special livestock moving equipment Prices -Ight 619 North Riverside Phone 615 WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. (AP) Sec- rtary Swanson of the navy, who la lit of pleurisy at the naval hospital, was said at 11 a. m. to be m "a serious but no hopeless condition." A bulletin issued at that hour, Oapt. O. O. Thomas, commandant of the hospital, said: "The secretary Is better now than at 0 o'clock this morning." Secretary Swanson, who haa been 111 since February 5, when he frac tured his rib in a fall at his home, is In the same building with Colonel Louis Howe, the president's secretary, who also ?s 111. List Speakers At Lutheran Conclave SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb. 13. (AP) A list of speake'd was announced to day for the annual conference of the west coast district of Lutheran Feder ated Churches to start here February 20. -It Included: The Rev, Dr. T. O. Burntvedt, pres ident of the Lutheran Free church of Minneapolis; Rev. E. G. Larson, 811 verton. Ore.; Rev. O. C, Olson, Ev erett; Rev, R. A. Hansen, Ellensburg; Rev. C. M. iveraon, Belllngham; Rev. Walter Pederson, Unemclaw; Rev. J. H. jelmeland, Ferndale; Rev. N. C. Anderson and Rev. A. S. Berg, both Tacoma; Rev. H. A. Johnson and Cas per Pouson, both Portland, Ore. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS DUC OUt ; Motives Condiment Nautical yearbook Anger Ten times ths square of three Silent Sun rod Egyptian river Substance used on a violin bow Tora hum- mint bird Crowa old Automotive fuel: oolloq. Brother of Odin Diner Suipiclous: slang By Deer's horns A rain; prefix 11 M Facility Edlblt sea weed Founder of the Quaker NAVY SECRETARY SERIOUSLY SICK Solution of Saturday's Puzzle LACEHNAHTlft0t uponItoh wa Wei TEMTjAGol I SLjlH E XTR A US N AS H ES i!.YESlG HTM I N R UNjE 1 Tra COTTONMOPE RN iilk M JT JM G gl CREASEDjjLAT HE HARMjjT I PCH ARi a gio ! a"l I RENq pIeIeInUlIyieeIeIniIdIsI 14. On the oesaa 5ft. Edge 17. Staring (ft. Sting of a -noBquito SO. Symbol for neon 11. Kind of flih 62. Group of related npecies 4, Kdihie tubsr (I. Structural unit of a cell 17. Character In "Parsifal" CI. Exert to the utmont TO. Prophetess College degre Acceisory of an automo bile engine Antique Ax handle Depart Myself Lubricate Z 3 14 15 16 7 pfi I? 0 I 2 lJ 4 IfP2r $3 r mjl 'WW iIEZZiI5I ZZii ,Mi M ?rZFlfLZsZZll3rZZ k r zi if n Z5 bit SS7 to ilM J H I I I 1 I I py I 1 1 1 M 1 (0UNTY Elk Creek ELK CREEK, Feb. 13. (Spl.) The Elk Creek Social club held a business meeting Friday night and elected new officers for the coming year, after which the evening was spent In danc ing and at a late hour a basket sup per was served, Mr. and Mr. Srvln Hutchinson spent Thursday evening at the Homer Chamberlain home. Mrs. Ida Miller Is visiting at the home of her son Weston, at Persist. Mrs. Stuart Dltsworth left Monday evening for Oakland, Cal., for an In definite stay. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffey and fam ily have returned to their home at Klamath Falls, after spending several days at the J. 8. Garton home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chamberlain and boys and Norman Chamberlain, all of Keno, spent Sunday at the L. A. Chamberlain home. Lon returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. McQuln of Medford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Sinclair. The newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Johnson, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Johnson. Alberta and Lincoln Pence, Vernon Chamberlain and PetST Sandoz spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs Stuart Dltsworth. Byron Duncan of Persist, who has been on the sick Hat, spent several days at the home of his sister, Mrs Ida Miller. Marlon Trusty was a business caller In Medford Wednesday. ' Long Mountain LONG MOUNTAIN, Feb. 13. (Spl ) Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Holman were pleasantly surprised Thursday even ing with a farewell party. Twenty eight guests were present. The even ing was spent visiting and playing games. Refreshment were served near midnight. Mrs. M. L. Prultt was happily sur prised Saturday evening with a birth day party. About 17 gnests were present. The evening was spent play ing cards. At 10 o'clock lovely re freshments were served. Ed Kolbaba, who haa been living on the Henry Dally ranch this winter, la now working for Prof. Englehart. Ross KUne was a business caller at the Holman ranch Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Boren and fam ily have moved on the Holman ranch for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Holman and family have moved to their nloe nw home five miles east of Eagle Point. Mrs. Inch, county sohool super visor, visited the Long Mountain school Monday. Don Prultt had the misfortune to sprain his ankle Monday, which caus ed him to lose a few days of school. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Boren made a business trip to Medford Monday They were accompanied by Mra. T. J. Boren of Hog oreek and Mrs. Jessie Trout of Eagle Point. Daw Mall Tribune want ds. Cross-Word Puzzle 14. General aipeo of a land scape It. Otherwise II. Beam of light SB. Be preient at 34. Clod of war S7. Large SO. Dash 13. Syllable .... hesitation It, Imposing entrance IB. Reilst author It 3T, iHcarce 40. Festival 41. Hnlr ointments 42. Marked by grace and refinement 44. Short for a man's name 41. Six-line tsmas 44. Manifests 47, Rescinds 49. Hasten tO, Fruitless 41. Dramatic musical composition SB. Weird (I. Genua of the maple tree St. Garden plots it. Alcoholic liquor 61. Devoured 44. Metal-bearing rock DOWN 1, Flowering plant J. Desert train S, Unclose: poetio 4. Alternative I. Fa ten (. Piecing out 7. Wilson's sec retary of the navy f. Consider I. City In Minne sota, 10. Exlat 11. Island In the Aegean Sa It. Burden 11. Aborigines 14. S-l) liquid measure; nhhr. AVirsham'i birthplace Briefs Climax CLIMAX, Fob. IS. (8pl.) Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hurst wnt to Medford Wednesday and returned Sunday, They made a final disposal of thsir Medford property, haying sold It to Mrs. Myrtle Burton. Mrs. L. H. wertc spent the week end at ber boms bare. Eugene Wlnnlngham has been cut ting wood for Bata Coy. Two men from Medford came up Saturday with three hounds, to track cougars, but wre quite unsuccessful L. H. Wert went to Medford Mon dsy and returned that evening with a load of grain. He was abls to make the entire trip by oar. N. p. Hanson Is pulling stumps on bis homestead here. There wna about two Inches of snow here one day laat week, but It soon melted, when we read of the sub zero weather and storms In ths mid dle west, we are glad we live In southern Oregon. It la Indeed a fav ored apot. Candidates in the coming eleotlon should not overlook Climax, for here are to be found ths highest priced votes in Jackson oounty. Central Point CENTRAL POINT. rb. 13- (Spl.) Mr. and Mra. Wlllerd Phelps, who have beem visiting at the home of Mrs. Phelps' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Catey, and sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd KUne, for the past several weeks, left for Port land Monday morning. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Truman Brenner were Mr. and Mra. Hubert Smith of Eagle Point and Mr. and Mrs. Roy KeUy and children. Miss Bette Hill, who has been con fined to her home for some time with flu, haa recovered and returned to tfohool. Honoring the sixteenth birthday an niversary of Miss Lavon Reiser, the Misses Adalene Gaaaman and Nelda Ayers arranged for her a merry sur prise party. February 4, at the C sea man home. Gamea were enjoyed and delicious refreshments served. Pres ent were Misses Barbara Koehler, Er ma Richardson. June Wld. Marie Dole, Adalene Cassman, Nelda Ayers, Lavon Ke liter, and Messrs. Merle O'Connor, Marlon O'Connor, Lorne Webster, Kenneth Lewman, Newton Smith, Arthur Cop 1 tiger, Alan JoweU, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ayers, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Kelzer and Mr. and Mr. Case man. Mrs. Ira C. Root left by stage Mon day morning for her home In Soap Lake, Wash., following a visit of sev eral weeks with her mother, Mrs. Mary Oleason, and brother, K. R. Qleason and family. Mrs. Root will stop In Eugene And Oakland to visit briefly en route. , Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Potter of Tolo were Tuesday host at fl o'clock din ner for Mrs. L. H. Smith, Mr. and C, E. Smith and daughters, Misses Zaldeo and Dorothy, and son Donald. Interesting games were enjoyed throughout the evening. Member of W. R. C. No. 87 x requested to bear In mind that on Saturday, February 16, there will o a patriotic program, valentine -change and the regular quarterly birthday celebration. All members ore requested to be present. ( THE GRANGE Phoenix Orsnje Phoenix Orange and members of the community were entertained on Tuesday night with Copco pictures on "Porestry," showing the beautiful stands of timber and ths wild life found there. Regular business wss held, with Master Oeorge Drake in the chair. Mr. and Mrs. Lofdshl wars obligated In the first and second ds- grees. Visitors included Mrs. Barrett, Mias Olass, snd Mr. Mem man of Upper Rogue Orange, and Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Bams Valley Orange. Mr, and Mrs. Prank Marshall, two msmbsrs of ths local Orange who had not been present since moving to Beagle last fall, were welcomed, as was sn- otber new member, Mr. Works, who received the first and second degrees it, Central Point laat wssk. Mr, and Mrs. Lofdahl snd Mr. Works will be given the work In the third snd fourth degrees at nsit meeting. The charter was draped for Mrs. Donna Oraffls, who recently passed away. All are sorry to lose Mrs. Oraf fls from our midst. She was lovsd snd cherished by all and will be greatly missed. A covered dish supper will be served st the next meeting In honor of the fifth birthday of the organi sation. Next meeting of the Home eco nomics committee will be at the home of Mrs. Prank Dentar, Sr., February It. A covered dish dinner will be served st noon. The ssrvlng committee Tuesday night was Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Denier, Mrs. Oer mer and Roy Denser. , Race With Family la Fatal For Girl SUPERIOR, Arus., Feb. U, (AP Seventeen-year old Marjorle Stoll waved to her parents as she roared past them on a highway ehe on a motorcycle and they In the family car. "Let's catch up with her," said her mother. The Stolls pursued snd soon over took the motorcycle. They found It crumpled In a ditch, Marjorle was dead. BREEDING FLOCKS PULLORUM FREE Ten Year Campaign Of Eradication Brings Re sults O.S.C. Tests Over Million Blood Samples. CORVALLIS (Spl.) Nearly all leading poultry breeding flocks of Oregon are now free from pullorum disease as the reeult of a 10 -year In tensive campaign of eradication worn, reports Dr. W. T. Johnson, poul'.ry pathologist of Oregon State college. This disease, formerly called bacll Uary white diarrhea, haa been the most Important factor in brooder stock losses, he says, and Is yet, where chicks come from untested flocks. By testing the breeding stock by means of treating blood samples with serum, Infected birds are located and eliminated, thus preventing trans mission of the 1 nicotian from paront stock to the chicks. Eradication of the infection from , breeding stock finally results In production of pollorum free chicks. ' More than one million blood sam ples taken from Individual birds have been tested at the O. 8. C. laboratory In the past 10 years. The testing method used Is accurate to a higi degree, as are somewhat similar tests for bovine T. B. and Bangs disease. Another and somewhat related step In the progress of Oregon as a poul try breeding state is the final approv al of the Oregon Poultry Improve ment association as a unit In tne federal system of record of perform ance of U. O. P. organisations. F. L, Know 1 ton of the state college, R. O. P. supervisor -for this state, an nounced the acceptance of the Ore gon organisation following a recent conference between the state offlcors and two representatives of the United States department of agriculture. The agreement arrived at means that the Oregon R. O. P. formed la&t April la now fully accredited nation ally and that members can sell R. O. P. chicks, hatching ' eggs, cockerels and pullets this year rather than wait until January 1937 as first thougnt necessary. Officers an directors of the V'. S. R. O. P. in Oregon are Morris Chi-ls-tensen, McCoy, president; Virgil Par ker, Blachly, secretary; J. A. Hansen, Corvallls; P. A. Ocnt, Eugene; Lloyd Smyth, Canby; Ambrose Brownell and Fred Cockell, Mllwaukle; and U. Q. Kirk, St. Paul, directors. CAPITOL DESIGN RULES 1 PORTLAND, Ore., reb. 15. (AP) Carl P. Oould, Seattle architect, said rules for the contest on drawing archlteoturaj plans for Orsgon's new capltol will be published about Maroh 1 and ths Judging of designs will be about May 10, Alton Baaaett, euoutlve secretary of the capltol rsconstruotlon ' commis sion, said AO architectural firms have asked about the contest. It will bs nation-wide. , Oould ssld the new state house probably would be completed and ready for occupancy In April, 1038. BIRTHS Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. fleeg miller of ,107 King street, a girl weighing six pounds, two and a halt ounoas, at Sacred Heart hospital, Wednesday, February 13. Mother and baby were reported today , to be doing nicely. Big Truck Wrecked When Brakes Fail SILVERTON, Ore., Feb. 18. (AP) A five-ton truck and trailer belonging to the R. O. Dale and Warren Bros. Construction Co. of Aberdeen, Wash., left the road on a hairpin curve near here last night and was practically demolished. The driver Jumped from the seat when the brakes failed to hold and escaped with minor Injuries. Wolves Campaign At Chicago Door CHICAOO, Feb. 18- (AP) Wolves, apparently driven south by severe cold, camped almost on Chicago's doorstep. In adjoining Lake oounty the situation was such that the board of supervisors announced a 113 bounty would be paid for each one slain. Frank Cal ta vara collected first, He found one in his chicken coop, I I ,. S..IM BIRDS AND DEER STARVE IN PILOT ROCK REGION PINDLsTTON, Ore., Feb. U (AP) Apparently authentic reports to stats police told today of laree numbers of ducks, quail and pheasanta atsrvtng to dsstb In the Pilot Rock and Uklah districts. - It was said deer carcasses also were In evidence. The section has been snow covered sevsrsl weeks. H'ratlisr. Northern California: Partly cloudy with occaalonai ahowers tonight and Friday: snow over high mountains: no change In temperature; valley fogs; moderate southwest wind off eosst. Oregon: Partly cloudy tonight and Friday; allghtly colder tonight; mod. erate easterly wind off coast. Ose Mail TriDuue waul ada. COURT HOUSE NEWS Furnished by the Jackson Counts tbstract Co.. 131 S Sixth street Marriage Licenses Raymond J. Kite and Irene u Swank. Fred Witt and Lottie Pitta. Robert P. Oaas and Ruby B. Oray. Adrian B. Ranney and Oni p Prince. Walter Aubrey and Joseplne Inektp. Circuit Court Prank T. Welghlll aasumea buslnes. name of "Rogue Valley Tractor tc Im plement Co.," Medford. Earl Leever assumes business name of "Aahcroft it Leever," Ashland, Ore. Vern Marshall and Amos Turnbow assume business nams of "Southern Oregon Junk Co.," Medford, Ore. viola M. Josselyn vs. Edward L. Josselyn. Divorce. Probate Court Estate of J. H. Doubleday, deceased, -Probate. Real Estate Transfers I. H. Dove et ux to W. R. Relch- steln et ux. w. D. to lot 7, block I, Jackson Add. to Medford. J. D. Brown et ux to Orchard Park Farms, Inc. W. D. to 21 acree in DLO 38, Twp. 38 S R. 3 West. urace H. Orr to Harry Banks. a C. D. to 8E',4 of NW of Sec. 11. Twp. 88 S R. 1 West. J. W; Hamlin et ux to Ira D. Phlppa, W. D. to lot on Rlveside Ave., Med ford. Frank Hurst et ux to Myrtle Hurst Hobbs. W. D. to one-hslf Interest In lots 7 and 8, block 40, Medford. J. C, Brown et al to w, J. Sanders et al. w. D. to It; acres In DLO 72, Twp. 87 8., R, a West. W. J. Bandera et ux to Jack Clark S. W. D. to 1 acre In DLC 72, Twp. 37 8.. R. 3 West. W H. Relchsteln et ux to I. H. Gore et ux. W. D. to lot 3, block 9, Ross Add, to Medford. Han let A. Norcross to Alta Pearl Norcross. W. D. to north 100 feet lot 23, H. B. Carter Add. to Ashland. Harriet A. Norcross to Alta Pearl Norcross. W. D, to lot on Beach Bt. Ashland. M. A. Bliss et ux to Earald H. Bar ton et ux. W. D. to part lot 8, Oak Drove tract. Mollis Keene et vlr to Lloyd 0. Morthland et ux. W. lot In block 4, extension of Siskiyou Heights Add. to Medford. Ouy C. Jacobs et ux to John 8. Owens et ux. W. D. to lots 1 and 2, SW'4 of NE'. of SV4 of NWW or Sso. , Twp, 30 B R. 1 West, NEW DEAL IN TALK TO POM CLUB (Continued from Page One.) ' confusion In government, confusion In economic life and confusion In Ideals. Psw national problems have been solved." Referring again to President Roose velt's address, Hoover said: He (the president) says 'the only thing we have to tear la fear.' . . . Just so. It was the supreme court deolslons crashing through New Dual tyrannies which brought a gleam of confidence from the fears that hsd retarded recovery. The guiding spirit of the alphabet has not been love. It has been tear." lilts Inflation. The former president particularly emphasized his opposition to Infla tion, declaring: "The explosive forces of Inflation are already being generated, . , .' The American people have a rtgVt to know and to know now whr.t steps the president proposes to clean up this budgst and money conru alon, Unless this confusion can b quickly dissolved It will lead to on of the greatest tragedies of all hu manity inflation." , Hoover divided his talk Into dis cussions of confusion. Including fear, greed, dictatorship with democracy, economic life, fiscal and monetary policies, relief, recovery, administra tion, authorities,, snd constitution. He said there was no confusion in Now Desl politics. Commenting on the relief program he declsred: "Under that guise (relief) gnat soclologloal experiments hsve bsen undertaken. ... It haa Impaired self-reliance and morals, both in in dlvldusls and local government. The poison ef politics Is mixed In the breed of the helpless." still Many Jobless. Hoover said y"ws have started on ths road to recovery. . . . But it is a confused recovery. We still have 30,000,000 people on relief after three yeara." Re referred to th NRA and AAA as "towers of Babel, " commented that "ths dsclmsl point (in the na tion's deficit) , . . has moved stead ily to the left" snd declared . . the currency has Its foundation In the will of one man." The former president said "the ' average price of Industrial stocks has been restored to 1030" and saked "but have the real Incomes of fsnnere and labor been restored to 1928." "Millions have been made In tho stock market. ... At the same time millions of Americans are tramping the streets looking for work." "Did It ever occur to American wage eamera that devaluation was a cut in wages?" he Inquired. "The faith of this nstlon csn M restored. To that purpose at;4 that purpose alone you and I art dedi cated." A portion of the address was cut from ths air when the speaker ex ceeded his allotted tlms by three minutes. The address drew repeated ap plause. Hoover Is to go to Seattle late today.