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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1936)
MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUXE. fEDFOKD. ORFGOT, STATION WAGON FOR CLIPPER SHIRLEY HAS HER DIFFICULTIES IN TENNIS COURT DEBUT 'REAL FARMERS' AT CONFERENCE W V& :"-. ' S, f;i J ill' - ' 5 i, " j V i j 1 It will be almost like arriving at any railroad station for trans pacific airplane passengers when they reach Midway Island, tiny mid-ocean atoll, for they will be hauled from the beach to the hotel In this station wagon, shown as it was loaded at San Francisco aboard tha steamer North Haven, which will carry equipment to the air line bases. The over-size tires are designed for travel on th sandy Isle. .Associated Press Photo) ROOSEVELT ENJOYS $50 DINNER With Postmaster General Jame A. Farley at hla side, President Roosevelt ate heartily of the $50 a plate meal at the Jackson Day din ner at Washinqton, D. C, before delivering the main address. (As eiated Press Photol DESERT CAMEL DRIVER HONORED fit ' This monument, dedicated at Quartzite, Aril., honors the memory of Hadll All, known to pioneer Arizonlans as "HI Jolly," last of the camel drivers who served the United States in the brief era of camel transportation across the desert In pioneer (lays. (Associated Press Photo ARMY BLIMP AT NEW HOME KF Hi U-tm i s-1 i ft mSkY t- ' 't.sui'isr' The army 'blimp TC-13 arriving at its new home, Moffett Field, efter a cross-country flight which wss interupted by an accident In Ttxaa. A ground crew of 60 men seized landing ropes and walked the 23l-fo:t airsh.p Irto ti e h.nngar, former home of the naval dirigible M-csn which was lost off the California coast. (Associated Press Phote) - - 4 3& 4 fctvvVJf .- i : assefBSMsT'"" ,&, 6hirley Temple, little charmer of the films, found It was a lot easier to act before the cameras than to hit the ball when she made her tennis debut on the courts at Palm Springs, Calif. These pictures tell the full story of her first attempts. (Associated Press Photos) " I I v ''i! Ill1 1 '117 li'-i " I V 111 !. V. LJ New Trial Asked By Congressman NEWS CENTER OF NEW JERSEY PRISON Rep. Marion A. Zloncheck (Dem.j of Seattle, Wash., sought a new trial after he was convicted In s Washington, D. C, police court of a charge of being drunk and disor derly In the course of a New Year's Eve celebration. (Associated Press Photo T-rr 1 : yXN In-, '--'4 :.v ' -....r V. : tesr Sri llQ-':i ' -'mi-- i h-;- '.-: ' n. pi -rp- U(yf il:. vis rv- r"J wjkjt'-.5t i ... I - h: . W. B. Doak (left) of Fairfax, Vs., and H. E. Sharp (right) of Stay ton, Ore., claimed they were the only real farmers at the AAA farm conference at Washington, D. C. Sharp, who said he attended scrool with Senator McNary of Oregon In "knee pants days." advocated the McNary-Haugen bill. (Associated Press Photo! MAKES GOOD IN OPERA This Is the press building at the New Jersey state prison at Trenton where newspapermen will hava their headquartera to flash to the world the news of tha acheduled exe.ution of Bruno Richard Haupt mann, convicted kidnaper-slayer of the Lindbergh baby. (Associated Press Photo) Champ Tunes Up ATTORNEY SLAIN IN COURTROOM SHOOTING Joe Benton (though he's Bentonelll on tha program), former Unl vereity 01 Oklahoma glee club tenor, sang the rile ot Dee Grieux m "Manon" with New York'a Metropolitan Opera only two days after hla first audition. Benton (left) Is shown being congratulated on his per. formanco by Lucreiia Borl, who aang the title role, and Edwaj-d John son, manager of tha open. (Aaaoelated Preea Photo) CUBAN KIDNAP VICTIM RESCUED One attorney was slain, and tha Judge narrowly escaped being struck by two shots In a Chicago court room when another lawyer, Ired by a ruling In a civil ault, drew a pistol and started firing. At left la the scene In the court as Coroner Frank Walsh (center, hsnd on desk) took charge of the body of Chris topher G. Kinney, the slain man, a few minutes after the shooting. Right, John W. Keogh, 89, named aa the killer, la shown In Jail after his arrest. (Asaoclated Press Photos) BRITISH LINER CONVERTED INTO TRANSPORT Sam Parka, Jr., of Plttaburgh, national open champion, driving In a practice round for the $9,000 Los Angeles open golf tournament. (Aa soclated Press Photo) Advises Haile i 1 h 4 ' - Here Is the ending of the kidnaping at Guanajay, Cuba. Paulino Gorostlia Jr. (right) la shown with Police Sergeant Abelardo Caro, who led th rescue equad that freed him from hie inductors. Shortly after ward, three euspects were killed In a gun battle with soldiers. (Associ ated Press Photo) GABLE GRINS AT DELIA'S NEWEST ... .. . ?'... .s-- . 1 i-r r .9 v y V The transatlantic liner Scythla was converted suddenly by Great Britain Into a troop transport in the Mediterranean nrvlcs to reinforce its African military position, (Associated Prsss Photo. John H. Spencer, who graduuated In 1929 from Qrlnnell College, lows, has been picked as adviser to Em peror Hallo Selassie of Ethiopia. He recently studied In Berlin and was In Paris when ho received his appointment (Associated Prose Photo) 1 4 i if --,'iyfSMr.. . X J . Vy 4 L , Vm , ,, ,fMiHT 1 JL ' 1 " I fl " . J -;- tjV-.. P 3 'iiiiiiiMiii i i t i..i2.u..-jt. The caricature of Clark Cable en tha backdrop eml'os benediction en Larry Stewart (right), S3 yssr old singer who obtained a llceme to wed Delia Carroll (left), dancer, who only a month ago said Gable was the "dlvinest man I ever met.1 She met tha screen 'over on s sea voyage, but It'e all over now, apparently. Tha license waa obtained In JNawJtprK, xAsaoelated Praia Phot. .