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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1936)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE. rEDFORD, (YRF.GON1. rONTTST. .TAKITATIY 27. 193B. PA'fiE F7TE Local and Personal Here On Business Al Jordan wu among Ashland visitors transacting business In Medford Friday. From Portland F. B. Hlldebrand ol Fortland arrived this morning for brief business stay In Medford. Young to Montana Donald Young. recently with KMED, left Sunday night for ale home In Citadel, Mont. Buslnees visitor Business visitors here today Included Csrlyle Natwtclt of Bagle Point. Calling Today Calling on Medford friends and shopping today was Beryl Sroee-way of Griffin Creek. Spends Week-end Here Miss Wllma Mutter, teacher In the Junior high school In Ashland, spent the week and hera visiting friends. From Ashland Among Ashland resident In this city Friday were Mrs. O. A. Briscoe, T. H. Elliott, Rol Be Freeman and W. Beeson. On Business Trip George E. Sni der left Friday evening on a business trio to Salt Lake City. Utah. He Is expected to return tomorrow. Vtslta In Ashland Irving P. Bees ley. newly appplnted scout executive .. of the Crater Lake area council, transacted business In Ashland Fri day. m From Trail Mrs. Erma Oushman of Trail was shopping and transact' lng business In Medford today, at were also Mrs. Rena Holwell and daughter, Wanda, also of Trail. Reames Better The condition of A. B. Reames. who Is ill at the Cool' munlty hospital due to complications following tooth extraction, wa ported today as much Improved by hospital attendants. Enjoy Skiing A large number of valley residents enioyea a aay 01 asi lng on the TJ. S. forest slide In the Union Creek area yesterday. About 0 cars were counted In the area during tht day. Ordered From City Edward Back man. 43. native of Germany, was or dered to leave town or spend 10 days in city Jail when he appeared before City Judge Allen D. Curry this morn ing. He was charged with begging on the streets. 9 Visits Sister J. H. Heath of Long view. Wn., stopped In Medford yea trday to visit his sister, Mrs. I. G Narrexen. Mr- Heath waa tnrouts north from San Francisco. Calif, where he transacted business In con' nectlon with the Associated OH com pany. Will Beside Here Mr. and Mrs. A V. Hardy and family, formerly of Grants. Pass, moved here Friday. They will reside here for some time. Mr. Hardy having been transferred In his business capacity with the Western States Grocery company. To Crater Lake J. Carlisle Crouoh chief ranger snd Charles 8. Chrlsler. chief clerk of Crater lake national park, left yesterday on an Inspection trio to the mountain resort, travel' ling via Ashland and Klamath Falls. Thev are expected back the latter part of the week. Here For Conference The Btv B. Wheeler of Roscburg. presiding el der of the Portland district of the Methodist Episcopal church South returned to his home this morning after1 preaching hers Sunday avenlng for the second quarter conference or the church. . Watch Stolen Mrs. J. Cummlngs of Butts Falls reported to city pollen that a valuable and unusual gold watch has been stolen from ber home there. She described tht watch as of Swiss make, saying that It told not only the time of day, but also the daya and months of the year, as well as ' reglsterlm the changes of the moon. t California Plates Void Stats police reported today that motorists driving In, Oregon with 1935 California license plates must get Oregon plates before February 1, when the old platea will become void. Arrests hsve not been made on old California plates to date. In keeping with the reciprocal cour tesy agreement with the awornii patrol. Mm. Tomlln Improving Mrs. John Tomlln. who haa been critically HI at the Arrowhead Springs hotel. Ar rowhead, Calif., Is slowly Improving sccordlng to word received by friends In Medford, and It Is hoped she will be sble to return to her home here In a short time. Mrs. Tomlln, eompsnled by her husband and sla ter, left by motor In December spend the holidays In southern Call fornla. but area taken 111 en routs, and on her arrival at Arrowhead her condition became serious. Project Announcement Only week ere eligible for WPA employment may be hired for construction of accessory buildings at ths U. 8. forest servles warehouse, Lewis TJlrtch, head of the national re-employment servles. em phasized today. To be eligible for WPA employment. It la necessary to have been on the relief rolls between May I and October 31, 1939. he point ed out. Mr. Ulrlch asserted he Is bound by the rules and asked lbs' no one apply for employment who ts not. eligible. Resumes Work Miss Marjorle Hlb bert has resumed her position st Ad rlsnne's following an Illness of two weeks. In Grants Pass Miss Jane Hansen motored to Grants Pasa yesterday and waa accompanied back to Medford by Miss Maud Morton, manager of the Cinderella shop at Grants Pass. Return From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Harry Young are back In Med ford after a vacation spent In Call fornla. They visited relstlvea and friends In Chlco for several daya. On Inspection Capt. Harry May. Jr., personnel sdjutant, and Lieut Phllo D. Smith, adjutant, left today on an Inspection trip to eastern Ore gon CCO camps. New Assignment Lieut. Ernest Brugger left today for ths CCO camp at Bly whither he has been trans ferred. He was formerly on duty at Camp Crater Lake. On Iave Capt. O. L.. Pierce, slstant district Inspector of the CCC. today began a 7-day leave of absence which he Is spending In Crescent City, Cal. From Chlloquln Visitors in Med ford over the week-end included Mrs. Ben Mitchell and two children of Chlloquln. They were guests of rela tives. Harder Away Ben E. Harder, presi dent of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, left by train last night on a buslnesa trip to San Francisco. Hs waa expected back tomorrow ol Wednesday. To Portland Lieut.. Hoy Croft, public relatione officer, and Eugene C. Golden, educational coordinator. left yesterday for Portland where they will spend several days trans acting routlns CCO buslnesa. On Guard Mission MaJ. Walter Abbey, commander of coast artillery batteries of the national guard In Ashland. Klamath Falls and Cottage Grove, waa to leave this afternoon fm Klamath to make an official Inspec tion of the unit there. He waa to be accompanied by Capt. Carl Y. Teng. wald, Capt. Clyde O. Young of Ash land, Lieut. Weldon H. McBee and Lieut. Beecher Danford of Ashland, Project Approved Capt. Carl Y Tengwald waa In receipt of word to day that the Medford armory Im provement plan had been approved by WPA. He anticipated that work weuid start soon. Improvements Include new roof, cement floor for ths entire basement, re-decoratlng of the audi torlum, sidewalks where none now ex ists, snd a fire-proof vault In Jjhe basement. Because of the work to be done, roller skating at ths ormary will be discontinued February 1, Capt. Tengwald said. Seeking Conventions A. H. Ban' well, manager of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, Is endeavoring to bring to Medford next June the annual atats convention of the Grand Army of the Republic, Daughters of Union Veterana, Women'a Relief Corps, Ladles or the O. A. R., Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil Wsr snd Its auxiliary. He la also making an effort to induce the Disabled Amen can Veterans of the World War to hold Its annual state convention hers in June. -f part calls for real dramatic action, to which he rises with genuine artistry. Ths son of as admiral and Com mandant at Annapolis, he has risen to the top as a crooner In a New York Casino and 1 known throughout the nation. Piqued by ths scorn of his fsther. who tries to shams him Into carrying out ths traditions of the family, he enters Annapolis as a ca det, where he is unmercifully hssed because of his family relations, his crooning and his own haughty spirit. It Is not until his final year, wnen In training aboard a battleship, that he wlna the love, reapect and admir ation of hit shipmate by risking hit Ufa fighting through flame and scald ing steam. Dick la heard In three specially written songs for the production, one a rousing march time air, "Don't Give Up the Ship." There la a strong supporting cast headed by Lewie Stone, who playa the role of Dick's father, an admiral and Commandant at Annapolis. His work Is polished, sincere and talented. DECREASE SEEN IN COUNTY TAX FOR NEXT YEAR (Continued From Page One.) Dick Powell And Ruby Keeler Now In Craterian Hit Tht screen has had pictures of the West Point cadets, pictures of tht aviation corpa and practically all branches of the eervlcs each which aaemed to strike the publlo fancy and become box office leaders. Now comes the story of Annapolla. "Shipmates Forever." which hsd Its local premiere at the Craterian thea. tre yesterday, with Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler In the leading roles. And Ilka the others, thia new service pic lure resulted In capacity crowds who seemed to thoroughly enjoy ths film entertainment it offered. - This Is s sweeping panoramlo film, packed with thrills, romance and In fectloua song. Ths life of the naval cadet It presented in sll Its vivid col orlng. He Is shown sboard tht train lng ahlps, on tht greet battleships of the Pacific fleet, at play and at work aa well as In love. "Shlpmatea Forever" Is the most ro mantle as well as the most thrilling of the service pictures. Never hss Powell been given such an opportunity to prove his versatility before the screen aa in this picture. Not only does hs sing msny catchy sirs In his Inimitable manner, but his DEBATE SQUADS ARE CHOSEN AT Merchandise and stock in trad Is Utttd at 1788.610. Toirn and city lota are given a valuation of $3,768,840 and tha improvement thereon are lUted at $4,683,760. Farm Implements ar given a value of 8171.100. But 37 doga In th county have sufficient value to their owners to be listed on the tax rolls. They are valued at $340. The summary shows there ar In this county, 8.300 horses and mules, 1.174 stock cattle, and 7.188 dairy cows: 10,797 sheep, 1,381 goats. 3,- 050 hogs, 15,062 ohlckens. 154 rab bits 71 foxes and 1,254 hives of bees. 10 EINED FOR AUTO OEFENSES Robert Bell, 66. who live near the Dodge bridge In the Eagle Point district, waj this morning fined $100 and costs, his driver's permit re voked for on year, and sentenced to 30 days In the county jail on his plea of guilty to a charge of drunken driving. The Jail sentence wa re voked pending good behavior. Bell was arrested Saturday night by state polio near the Four Cor ner! on th Crater Lake highway, after he hsd allegedly struck another auto while leaving the olty for hit home. State police said that ha had failed to stop after striking the other machine, and that hs was driving without lights when arrested John Boggls, Medford used car dealer, was this morning fined $26 in Judge Allen D. Curry's city court his pies of guilty to a oharge of reckless driving. City police r rested Boggls at 1:80 this morning. They stated that Boggls hsd been drinking. 4 SEED CATALOGUE Oardntra and farmers In all parts of southern Oregon, northern Call. fornla and many other sections of the United Statea have been mailed 1936 copies of tht Monarch Seed and Feed company annual catalogue lilting field and garden seeds, poultry feeds and supplies. More than 15,000 of these 56 page boqka were sent out aa ons of the services rendered to pat rens by It. A. Mlksche and R. M. Mlkaehe. Ths first page of ths Monarch' catologue contains a picture of the modern store at the corner of Sixth and Bartlett streets and photographs of Ray Mlksche. general manager; Bob Mlksche, sales manager; W. O. Andrews, retail service; A. I. Stevens, warehouse service: J. I. Wilkinson, delivery servles: Iva MeHenry. ac counting: B. C. Qulgley, warehouse foreman and H. A. Oreen, retail serv ice. Jackson county's new courthouse with Its attractive grounds la used In ths seed and feed book to Illustrate the effectiveness of tht Monarch im proved armory lawn grass mliture which produces particularly tlurdy. fast-growing lawns. Final squada for ths local teams have been picked for the Southern Oregon Conference debates between Medford. Grsnta Pass and Aahland high schools. February 18. 19 snd by Kenneth Scott Woods, de bating and Journalism Instructor at Medford high school. First affirma tive team will be Jeanette Thatcher and Mabel O'Nell; flrat negative. Velma Stubblefleld and Edward CarT. ter; second affirmative. LaVerna. Valller and Robert Conroy; second negative. Lee Bullls snd Ardo Stocks. Contests will be In the form of dual debates, the two competing teama presenting arugments In the afternoon In one town and In the evening In the other. Two perman ent Judges will be choaen from the faculty of the Southern Oregon Nor mal school and a new one aelected each day from the neutral town. The .question, which will be debat ed by teams In 32 or mors statea throughout the country. Is: "Resolv ed: The several states should enact legislation providing for a system of complete medical service at state ex pense." Through a system of confer. rnce and district eliminations, the best teams from all over the state will eventually compete for the state championship. Members of the local teams are now working hard on their speeches, with speclsl efforts being expended refutation material and refuta tion drills. Kay Francis Scores Hit Rialto Program Kay Francis brought tears to the eyes of women patrons snd a aus picious moisture to the eyes of many of the men in the Intensely emotion al drama. I Found Stella Parish which waa shown at the Rialto thea tre yesterday where It will play until tomorrow nignt. Miss Francis ts supported by an ex. ceptlonally talented cast, which in cludes Ian Hunter, Paul Lukes. Sybil Jason, Jessie Ralph and Barton Mac. bane. T Found Stella Parish" Is one of the most powerful dramatic produc tions In which ths brilliant atar has yet sppeared. The story concerna the hidden Ufa of a beautiful but mys terious sctress who hss climbed to the pinnacle of success and whose marvelous artistry la the sensation of all London. Her strange and sudden disappearance after the premiere ahowlng of a new and auccessful play startles the world and leads to search for her by a brilliant young Journalist. His discovery of her living in aisguise and tne publication of tht secret of her past life brings a scan dal that rocka two continents and wrecks the actress' life. How ths young Journalist finds out that he hat wronged her and how he finds out that he loves her Is brought about with a perfect climax. Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan 27.-(AP-USDAI HOOS: 2.00 Including 634 di rect. Market aetlve. mostly 9oo hlgn er; carload top 60c above Friday's. Bulk good to choice 1M-216 Is. truck-ed-lna mostly 910.7S; tew 910 so. Load lota largely 111; 230-310 lbs., 99 79- 10.25: few In load lots to 910.50. Llghi lights 910.25. Packing sows 99 50. Good to choice feeder plga 99.76- 10.50. CATTLE: 1.900; calvea 160. Market very alow, mostly steady, plainer quel Ity considered. Best she-stock weak to 25c lower than last week'a high time Several loads fed ateera 99.25-S.63: some held higher. Plainer ateera down to 93 and under. Heifers 93-6: cuttery kinds. 93 90: low cutter snd cutter cows 92 50-3.30; common to medium 93.76-4.50: good beef sows 94.75-9 25 Bulla 94.50-5.25. Vealers around 60c lower, good to choice ir-9; common to meaium .e.ou-i.ou. SHEEP: 2.250 Including 218 direct. Market very alow, few sales lambs weak to 26c lower; older classes stesdy. Losd choice 88-lb. fed lambs 99.50. Pew other loads held above 9.25. Good trucked-lna 98.75: com mon to 97. Medium ewes 84; choice quotably 95. CHICAGO. Jan. 37. (AP-U8DA) HOGS 28.000. strong to 16 higher than Saturday's average: top 910.25 some held higher; bulk 170-280 ib. 910.00-20; 270-350 Ib. 99 .89-10.18; bet ter grade 140-180 lb. 89.76-10.6: most sows 89.00-40. CATTLE 14.000. calvea 1.000; steers unevenly steady to 25 lower, mostly weak to 25 off, with very little done buyers attempt to force prices back to last Monday's level; medium gradea predominating; bulk of qual' Ity to sell at 910.00 down; best early 911.50: both local and outside de mand alugglsh In sympathy with slow dressed beef msrket: heifers unevenly stesdy to 25 lower; mostly steady early at 98.00 down to 86.50; cows scarce, fully steady; bulla 25 higher and vealera strong. SHEEP 20.000: fat lambs opening slow, Indications around 25 lower: early blda 910.00 down on lamba now held 910.-35 and above: sheep in In creased number, undertone weak; feeding lambs scarce; Indications steady to weak. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 27, (AP-USDA) CATTLE 750; salable Bupply Includes about fourteen loads steers, qusllty mostly medium; slow few esrly ssles about steady, under tone weak; car good around 1100 lb fed ateera 97.76; choice vealers quot ed up to 99.50. SHEEP 276: holdovers 600: lamba slow, opening about steady. under tone on heavy lambs weak to lower, packaga gocd around 80 lb. medium' pelt Oregon lambs 99.80; ewes absent, quoted 99.50 down. Portland Produce THIRD LAMSON TRIAL OPENS IN SAN JOSE SAN JOSE. Calif., Jan. 27. (AP) Ths Jury venire of 250 names wss reduced quickly to 102 as the third trlsl of David A. Lamson. accused of alaylng hla wife, opened before Superior Judge J. J. Trabucco here today. Lamson appeared In t gay mood and aald he hoped for a rapid trial. He declared he was confident acquittal. WHY FEAR CHAPPED1 LIPS r To aulcklr t-eJiw .hnnlnd. rouohneso. 7creKkinit. "PI" aoolhtrrgj coolinu aiantnoiaium. rtr The? STUDENTS of MEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL Present MOTHERHOOD? THE period in a woman's life just before her child is born need not- be 9. time of illnest and anxiety. At such a time it is essential that good health and good spirits be maintained. The tonic effect of Dr. Fietre's Fsrorlte TrtttriB- Hon nourishes and Krenirihens the wxiy of IV ttpemnt mother, waits nwans, reuna. Ihit It ll ilo sttenrnenlnl the iiu aipla tmwlnv Into womsnnonn and for women In middle life oln Ihroeth ih "rhanvr ." "Fsrorlte Prralpllon is iutt the vegetable tonic needed. Buy now! New slat, tablets SOc, Heole 9I .O0 It $1J. M trtJ nf MIMTHOUTUWI UQUID "The Pirates of 'Penzance A Light Opera By Gilbert & Sullivan AN ALL-HIGH SCHOOL CAST 1QO VOICES IOO TONIGHT - TUESDAY 97 OO 2 NIGHTS-JAN. ' "O Curtain at 8;00 P. M. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM RESERVED SEATS-45 GENERAL ADMISSION' 23 PORTLAND, Jan. 27. (AP) Butter Print, A Grade, 36Ae Ib. In parch ment wrapper, S7,o lb. In carton; B grade, parchment wrapper, 36J4o lb carton, 85140 lb. Butterfat Portland delivery: grade, deliveries at least twice weekly. 37-380 lb.; country routes. 30-370 id. B grade, deliveries less than twice weekly. JJ-3c lb.; C grade at market. B Qrade Cream for Market Buying price, butterfat basis, 66c lb. Egga Buying price of wholeaalers: Fresh speclsla. 17-18c; extra, 17o; standards, 15c; extra medium, leo; extra medium firsts. 12c; undergrade, 12c; pullets. 12c dozen. Cheese Oregon triplets. !7.e; Ore gon lost. 18c. Brokers will pay fee below quotatlona. Milk A Grade. Portland delivery. 52ie lb.; butterfat bsslt for 4 per cent. Country Meats Selling price to re tailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, under 150 lbs., 13 to 14V,c lb.; veslers. No. 1. 13-lV,e lb.; light snd thin. S-12c lb.: hesvy. 7(, 8o lb.; cutter cows, 7-8c lb.: can- ners. 87o lb.: bulls. 12-13o lb.; lambt. 15-lTc lb.; medium, 12-130 lb.; ewes. 3-9e lb. Live Poultry Portland delivery. buying price; Colored hens, over S'& lbs., 17-iec lb.; under 6 lbs., 17-18c lb.: leghorn hens, over lbs., 15-16c lb.: under S'4 lbs., IS-lie lb.; leghorn broilers. 2 lbs. snd up. 20-2 to lb springs, over 3, lbs., 18-19c lb.: col ored springs, 2 lbs. and up, ib-iqc lb.: roosters, 8-9c lb.: pekln ducka. young. 14-170 lb.; geese, U-12c lb. Onions Oregon, 91.76 per loo ins. Potatoes Local, 81.40 cental; Klam ath, 91.65 cental; Scappoose netted gems, 91.40 cental; Deschutes netted gems, 91.05 cental. Wool 1935 clip, nominal: Willam ette alley medium. 25c lb.; coarse and braid. 23c lb.; eastern Oregon, H-32c lb. Hay Buying price from producer; Alfalfa. No. 1, 818-16.50: eastern Ore gon timothy, 817.50-18: Willamette alley timothy. 916-18: oata and vaten, 612.60-13; clover, 811-12 ton, Port, land. Portland Wheat Wall St. Report NEW YORK, Jan. 27. (API The stock market apparently experienced few more Inflationary twinges 10- dsy and prices pushed up fractions to a point or more. There was con siderable profit taking near the fin ish. A fast buying flurry followed the senste's repasaage of the aoldlera bonus bill over the president's veto. The pace slowed later. Tht close wsa firm. Transfers approximated 3,ioo, 000 ahares. Today s closing prices for 32 se lected stocks follow: Al. Chern. tfc Dye 168 Am. Can 1" Am. o Pgn. Pow. 8i A. T. & T. 10H Special Convocation of Crater Lake Chapter No. II It. A. M. Tuesday. Jan. 28th at 7:30 P. M. Work in U. M. degree. Visitors Invited. A. NORMS, H. P. OEO. ALDEN. Secy. Anaconda Atch. T. S. P. Rendlx Avla Reth. Steel California Pack g. Caterpillar Tract. Chryaler Coml. Solv . Curtlss-Wrlght DuPont Cien. Poods Qen. Mot. ...... Int. Harvest. .. I. T. Jt T. Johns-Man. Monty Ward North Amer. .... Penney (J. C.) Phillips Pet Radio Sou. Pac. ..... Std. Brands St. Oil Cal. . St. Oil N. J. Trans. Amer. ........ .. Union Carb. Unit. Aircraft . U. S. Steel 3014 70 4 24", 62 Vt . 35 V, 80 87H . 2iaj 4 144H 34H 564 . 69 14 . 171 106i 37 4 28 H : 73 y, 43 12H 28 16V4 41H 66 13 7SV4 39 U 48 PORTLAND. Jan. 27 (API Grain: Wheat Open High Low Close May 874 874 8714 87 July 79 V, 79', 79 K 7914 Sept 78V4 78',, 78V, 7B4 Caah: Big Bend blueetem.; ditto 13 per rent. 91.2214: dark hard hard winter 13 per cent. 31J1; ditto per cent. 94'4c: soft white, west ern white, western red. hard winter. 84: northernsprlng. 85c. Oats. No. 2 white. 923.50. Corn. No. 2 S. yellow, 830.76. MUlrun. 917.50. THoday'i car receipts: Wheat. 39; barley, 2; flour, 16; corn, 1; hay, a. Stive NITW YORK, Jan. 27 7P Bar sil ver eteady, unchanged from Friday Jan. 24, at 44. a. n Chicago Wheat OHICAOO. Jin. 37(AP) Wheat; Open High Low Clow My . .. 1.01-02 l.oa i.oift l.oiTg, July 89-90 .90 .80H -89H Sept. .88 -88 .88 ft .88 ft Cole Holme, as oommander of Mtdiord post ot the American legion, thli afternoon sent the following telegram to Senator Frederick Steiwer and Representative James W. Knott "Congratulation upon success and deep appreciation of your untiring effort for adjusted compensation Mr. Holme announced that is soon a concrete Information la receWed regarding procedure, .veteran organl tat l ons here will arrange to take care of applications for payment of the adjusted service certificates. ftanFranrlwoButterfat SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 87. m First grade butterfat. 89ft, f o.b. Ban Prsnelseo. jor M.uta umauvu fo quickly relieve the ' stinging tormentuwmen Resinol in D Shows 1:45 8:45-9:00 Adults 25t Kiddles- 10C The most fun and thrills for months! Ends Tomorrow Nite! It's Even Greater Than We Expected I Ask anyone who has seen It . . . they'll all agree It's Kay at her Best! KAY IFCIARIOS aSW; I i M MM SB r tSlLd-kJ UB1 . "V i'HW -s- m M 1 alaTeW r tWV jam jjw- u tkaal Jir ssBBBsaaraUaaeaeaaBBSBBaeBBaVj E5 WEDNESDAY ONLY E5 IAN HUNTER ' v Vf' JC ''JNl PAUL LUKAB ? . ' tl 4l SYBIL JASON V VA II -'' II BseitBBBBaaaaaaati lsf I I... TL..u.J..1 tsassaaaasaeameaaa, , f as H y wennesnay, iuursuij. i m 0n, moment of mttimu ... a llfetlmt 0f TTTwt 1 Vvv"i fif -XvAiiSi vouii laugh your M love ... and t onf that reached her . A rSj7yW jfejcrTiMEl V ! 'Wr ' 7 "M" n"""' 0,f tCKziN m heart Hke the faint, far mugio of a dream I 1 t&stji$ v)r5x H UGH HERBERT V wkh L. 'T??Mr'j Zwm'm'Z Vn XSy?i HELEN BRODERICK y" VSSiK11 T 1 A yfiJwkb ROGER PRYOR T I flffifaffi I lZ CSrYt FR rSirKoErtllNG SJ58ftfe wdayoniy yy hXll ERIC BLORE f uQiy JjFUQar ySKiV' I he was to - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY OOOD OROK Will trade for wood. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. POUND Kys to ear In container. owner call at Mall Tribune olllee. FOR SALE Hot water tans., mat tresses, wheel-barrow, davenport aH, organs, set of drums. Incuba tors. Jerk's 2nd Hand Store, 406 B. Main. FOB 8AI.E Thoroughbred Jersey bull. Robert purves. Box 63, Talent. Oregon. FOR SALE Good two-wheel trailer, 15. Complete new welding outfit, 50. 638 N. Riverside In back. FOR SALE 3 acres Bear Creek bot tom: S room house, 9600. Part caan. Boa 1309, Tribune. FOR SALE Baby bed and allk float mattress, sire 40 incnes. oooa con dition. 708 So. Peach St. FOR SALE Fresh Guernsey neuer. Mann, V, mile north 4 corner eerr Ice Station, Midway Road. FOR SALE Boya balloon tired r.l- cvrle. Practically new, o. huo oo. Holly. FOR SALE OR RENT Oood 6-room house. 2i acres. 916 monvn. buildings, 1 cow. Will lease. Mnesa reason. J. E Jones, Route 1, Bo 89-A. Central Point. BOYS wanting morning routes apply Mr. Halley, Merrick's Auto Camp, cabin 14 after 6 p. m. today. 936 ENTIRE cost 40 acrea, 16 miles. Vlmont. Hotel Grand. FOR SALE 3-wheel car trailer, en closed, large enough for house trailer. No. 66 Merrlck't Camp. FOR RENT Five-room furnished house on Cottage. 9a7.50. Phone 1303-w. WANTED Woman for genernl house work, by the day. Phone 1041-M. WANTED Cletrac model W. State price and oondlllon. Pine Camp. Route 1. Grants Psss. Ore Medford Lodge No. 8S. I. O. O. ". Meets on eacn Tuesday, 7:80 p. m., I. O. O. F. hall. 919 W. 6th 8t. Members art Hrged to be present and rutting brothtrt always welcome. Motors To Portland Miss Emma Bunn motored to Portland Saturday to spend the week-end with friends. Hohlweg's Top Shop Let Me Make Tour Car Dust And Draft Proof , Bar I let t at Klghth .Phone 687 8,r II 8:46-9:001 1 111 Mats . . . 23c Bret ... lie Kiddles 100 Hurry! Ends Tomorrow Night! CAPACITY CROWDS AND NO WONDER! ghe was to and tit waa 40 but Youth had to be terred! THE HEATING SYSTEM In Dr. Hedge' fine new office in the Jackson County Building & Loan Build ing was installed by the Modern Plumbing & Sheet Metal Co. PHONE 620 COMING THURSDAY rr WL urn 17 0 410 EAST MAIN tine MeiUheUrMm eeiitji rt kerne elhtn uil'