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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1936)
1 MEDFOKB MAIL' TTiTBTTSrE, MEDFORT). OREGON. SUNDAY. JANUARY 19. 103fi. ' PAGE SEYEN I'i; DE MOLAY TO INSTALL OFFICERS 1UM 12; INVITE PUBLIC ATTEND (Contributed) Tha public la welcomed to the bi annual De Molay Installation which la to be held on Tuesday, January 31, at 8:0O in the Masonic Temple. Jack Woods of Medford, will be Installed as the master councllar and will re tain this highest office In the chap ter until the next fall Installation next September. Dale Roberts, who was elected and served as Junior' councilor last September will be In stalled as senior councilor for the ensuing term. George Gates. Jr., will fill the position of Junior councilor. As public Installation comes but twice a year. In September and In January, It therefore is an occasion for the members of the order and they have endeavored to make this the most Impressive in the life of the local chapter. Refreshments will be served after the Installation. , The officers of the De Molay have brought the chapter to the end of a very successful fall term. Under the able leadership of Prank Hull. Jr., the chapter has given several dances, taken In as fellow members a num ber of p.romtslng boys, and has maintained Its financial credit. Jack Woods is expected to further the present prosperity of the order and aid In Its growth and servloe. The members of the De Molay wish to thank the Masons on the advisory council for their help and coopera tion In the past term. The success of the chapter Is In great measure due to these men who aid us In th,e work and who supplement our inex perience with their mature counsel. LIBERTY LEAGUE DINNER SOLD OUT WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. (AP) With the $50-a-plate Jackson day dinner of the Democrats still a vivid memory, the American Liberty league announced today It has turned' away 4000 persons who want to attend Its feast here January 25. The league'a publicity department reported that the 2000 available seats were taken weeks ago, but that applications continue at the rate of 700 a day. Whereas the Jackson day diners heard but one speaker the presl dent the Liberty league will hear three, Alfred E. smith, former rea- eral Judge Charles I. Dawson of Kentucky, and Dr. Nell Carothers of Lehigh university. Roosevelt School 6A Graduates Are Honored By Circle Roosevelt Rome and School circle honored Its 6A graduates at the meet ing January 17 In the school audi torium. The program enjoyed by the graduating class Included songs and a play. A group of 6B mothers acted a hostesses for the day. . The 6A class roll Includes: Clark Carltone. Eleanor Daley. Gordon Hayes. Robert Leonard, Richard Mor row, Doris Robinson, Virginia etlm son, Marnelle Bevens, Harold Fawcett, Cornelius Hendrlckson, Roberta Mead ows. Muriel Piatt. Donald Shanahan, Philip Todd, BUI Wall, Betty Ann Dale, Junlr Gunnett, Ruth Huber, Robert Mitchell. Lola Prlngle, Nada Sinclair and Robert Todd. A District meeting of A. T. A A. M , Grants Pass, Tues day, Jan. 21st. a P. M. Grand Master will be pres ent. All Master Masons Invited. GEO. B. ALDEN, Secy, O. O. HORNER, M. M. CAUGHT IN ROUGH DRY No Starch 8 lbs. 56c 71 ea. add. lb. 111 At Craterian -a. ' 88$?. i The Marx Brothers. Grouch o. Chlco and Harpo, bring their non sensical antics to the screen of the Craterian theater today la "A Night at the Opera," their first picture for almost two years. Kitty Carlisle and Allan Jones act as foils for the continued crazi ness of the three boys, besides bringing in the romance to the story. Lady Lions Review Activities Of Year And Extend Thanks Mrs Vera S bangle was hostess to the Lady Lions club covered dish luncheon Monday aterjioon at her home on Dakota, avenue. She was assisted by Mrs. Chas. Prltchett and Mrs. Jean Brault. Despite the rain and the fact that the meeting had been unavoidably postponed twice, the affair was well attended and en Joyed by all. An Interesting discussion of the activities and charitable attainments of the club during the year Just ended followed the luncheon and a vote of thanks was extended for the splendid co-operation of Medford merchants and citizens who gener ously assisted In fulfilling the pur poses of this civic auxiliary. Their hearty cooperation made It possible for the Lady Lions to spread happiness among approximately a thousand little ones of Medford and vicinity, who otherwise would not have known the Joy of a Christmas toy. , ' Special thanks are extended to" the Medford Mall Tribune staff, Mrs. W. J. Virgin and KMED, A. K. Ban well. The Dally News, 151 no Hemlla, of The Dally News Eino Hem Ilia of Ella C. Westerlund, C. L. Hopkins and Firestone, Woolworth's, W. S. Bolger. of Penney's, Mann's Department Store, Gates St Lydlard, Medford Business College, Aletha Gray and the firemen and their wives. 4 Individually designed Spencer dress and surgical garments. Mrs. H. M. Welahaar, Phone 1S33-R. Use Mall Tribune want ads. Ore aecl Bullion Purchased Ikwrf br Stet. of CtMmk BHUIUhU IW WILDBBRG BROS. SMELTING RHFININO CO. OS: 742 Muta St-t Fcmte Phnt: South Sn Framing A WEB- SO many other things to b done, washday seems at times to be an unbear-' able burden. MANY more women would have us take laundry troubles out of their homes (orever, if they knew the cost would be little more than for washing at home.' We render a perfect laun dry service, and expect all we serve to hold us to this standard Colman Returning in New Role ? & 'fry? "p" " ' ' Fresh from his triumphant por trayal of Sydney Carten In "A Tale of Two Cities," Ronald Colman re turns to the Craterian theater screen Thursday as the smoothly sophisti cated character that endeared him to movie goers In such pictures as "Raffles" and "Bulldog Drummond." The new film la -The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo" and as $he title Implies, Is a rapid moving romantic adventure of a man whose amazing luck held fast until he forced the gambling club to shut down lta game. Set in the gay capitals of Europe REPORTER JAILED NEW YORK, Jan. 17. (P) Martin Mooney, a reporter who refused ' to reveal aources of Information used In WYT1ME: K10OUSJ Starts Today -3 Days At l:30-S:0O-6:43-:H TOPS in Musical Magic otel fan Pablo XHonirmirFMiMrkM Completely Renovated and Redecorated RATH With dehched bath fromOfldafly With Bath -j from l J5 dar FREE - Amwiiooibi e a rage nsi7co SH0 OIRECTIO1J TO MOTCU Jiau on Wain Tfiyhway (fan PabhAwm) drtcfy to20thStrtet HkMpnent" Harry BSfnmf nf'mf Mola8Sel 'n li'A fflV Januftry a CD 1 11 MMU01IIVE.AT2t)nrfr I pSiiSiC Tovm 8 P'VlTI Central and teeming with the brilliancy and color of the continental smart set, the picture has Joan Bennett in the female lead. Colman enacts the role of a pen niless Russian prince who uses the savings of a number of expatriate friends to run a handful of francs into ten million In the Sporting Club at Monte Carlo. Miss Bennett has the role of the girl hired by the gambling syndi cate to lure Colman back to Monte Carlo for another session at the tables. She falls In love with the man she n paid to deceive. a aerlea of articles on racketeering, today began serving 80 daya In county Jail, . the sentence received for con tempt to court. In addition, Mooney was fined 250. Mooney. who was employed by th New York American, was commlttted Romance on the Rio Grande! Love chased this madcap pair from Old Mexico . . . ' back over the bor der . . . and left a trail of laughter all the way! witfl GAY... ROMANTIC. : ) )- W , "Kilg J 4 . , '''' I STARTS U'1' TODAY ttotAA FOR 3 ' DAYS! fk' r; WV She loved the wrong' R.-'l.f V man . . . untU a buck ' tL private came along 'J-fi-v, and et things right I In "Red Salute" The hitherto little-known work ings of the United States border patrol are revealed in "Red Salute." this year's outstanding romantic comedy starring Barbara Stanwyck with Robert Young opposite, start ing a three-day run at the Rlalto theater today. This branch of the federal ser vice comes Into play when a pretty socially prominent American co-ed and a young buck private find them selves stranded across the Mexican border, and make a wild dash for the United States and home, with cupld doing the backseat driving and Uncle Sam trailing. The comedy cast includes Cliff Edwards, who will always be remem bered as "Ukelele Ike," Ruth Don nelly, the long-legged lass with the brittle tonRiie. and Hardle Albright. by Judge Otto A. Rosalsky. In refusing to reveal his sources of Information. Mooney pleaded profes sional privilege when called before the grand Jury. Judge Koenlg found him in contempt of court. The Law and the News TOLEDO, Ore., Jan. 18. (AP) Grove Patterson, president of the American Society of Newspaper Edi tors, said today he will appoint a committee of prominent newspaper editors to meet with a committee of the American Bar association to study Improved methods of handling legal cases from a newspaper stand point. 4 BUCKINGHAM'S foe Cream. Candy and Party Specials. The Crest. J3fl So. Central. .EXCITING! DADCDT Vr,IIUtl rtwukn i i wiiv4 HARDIE ALBRIGHT RUTH DONNELLY LIFF EDWARDS PLUS Franklyn Panborn In "Ye Olde Saw Mill" rartoon Mewir. Ml M Jolson at Roxy Mammy I Al Jolson and his "mis sus." Ruby Keeler, arp together way 'V'-"!' 1 1 "II". PANDEMONIUM REIGNS T tin CP f ii w imii i nwm. iiihu, louay j. 3:15 'jj (j f' 1 Starts Today -3 Days I ( I k The laugh hit of the century ;' Vk . ' ... a thousand hilarious I jV i " 8'tuatin8 'n a girl-filled,- 1 1 1 music-crammed, merry-go- ' K, H j i j : round of riotous insanity! ' Si mi ( 1 1 l Ms A f"" -:'' Si vl K X . MONEY-BACK K k yi vj---- -liv-Nc guarantee 1 14 I ? I AS.- -S JJl ROAR WHEN YOU S ' 'j ; II ifl KITTY CARLISLE jXffll) I i hllhH J N E s I W III i0jr I iJ it cost $1,000,000 : J X II Yi ' H ' not including dam- P . :; ill . 1 )' I If 'l 1 ag9 1" the Btudio, for ! '.' ; ' j! "I l jv'Ih' 'i thi8 00 mlnules ot " s ''"' for the first time In "Oo Into Tour Dance,' a musical comedy romance with song numbers, high-stepping girls and a supporting cast that in cludes Olenda Parrell, Patsy Kelly and Helen Morgan, among others. It starts a three-day run at the Roxy theater today. LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 18. (AP) Mayor Charles W. Bryan today as serted his brother, William Jennings - " ww : iiji .uiinn iiinipiin miiui inB iaa;aa'.Aiaiiisfi'aa.iaVsMhiataWlirthwJ NIITQ ARC UCSJC iiwiv riiiiu 111.111. nurtiii.i tKli'DV I L E a k 1 I 11 Ifl III tr- Bryan "never betrayed anyone, any where any time n his Ufa" when In formed of Senator Clark's attack on the commoner a the senate. "The published lecords of William Jennings Bryan's life proved my statement," Mayor Bryan, twlca gov ernor of Nebraska, averted. Mayor Dry an who In 1034 was the Democratic vice presidential nomine said he clearly remembered the Balt imore convention and that the Neb raaka Democratic committee met a short time following the national session and endorsed the action of the commoner and the Nebraska del egates. "They didnt betray instruction and the delegates voted with him," the mayor atd. 4 Use Mail Tribune want ads. SUPREME AftJllUTi a9UBBid9