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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1936)
PAGE FIVE INSULATION CUTS New Books JIEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, JfEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1936. ). OF F CROW INDIAN RESERVATION. Hardin. Mont. (UP) A hundred bi son are enjoying ft new domain in the wilds of the Crow Indian reser vation here after a 250-mlle trip In seven trucks from the Yellowstone national park. To Chief Robert Tellowtail, full blooded Crow Indian and superin tendent of the Crow reservation, goes credit for conceiving the Idea of bringing the buffalo back as a part of Indian life. Tellowtail was appointed superin tendent of the reservation a year ago the first Indian ever to hold a sim ilar position and Immediately out lined his plan, now considered one of the greatest of social experiments for the benefit of the American Indian. It la conservatively estimated that at one time some 60,000,000 buffalo roamed what Is now continental United States'. But with the coming of the white man the buffalo was killed off and In 1902 wal well on the road to complete extinction. In that year Congress appropriated funds for establishing a herd In Yel lowstone park to perpetuate the spe cies. That herd paved the way lor other herds and today there some 4. 400 of the animals In the United States. Canada has a herd of some 17.000. The Yellowstone herd la maintain ed at about 1,000 animals and each year the surplus Is disposed of slaughtered, sent to zoos and Indian agencies. Chief Yellowtall decided to obtain some of these surplus animals and establish a herd for his tribe. He obtained 115 head from Yellowstone and the national bison range herds. This year he wrote: "We have Just completed one of the best fences, made completely of logs, which com pletes the Inclosing of a land-locked area, locked on three sides by preci pitous rock walls and Inclosing an area which will support around 1,000 head winter and summer, using the deep canyons In addition, which have heretofore produced wasted feed. The reservation, with 2, 200 Indians, comprises more than 2,500,000 acres of land, much of It la suitable for Wild animals. "Whenever our herd outgrows the present area," Yellowtall said, "we have another land-locked area where we can put them. I am sure we have demonstrated to the country at large that we are safe and proper persons to entrust the protection of wild life to. Including buffalo, elk and other animals. Reports of visitors to the reserva tion bear out his statement. The In dians apparently are enthusiastic about the game preserve project, con scientlously observing the no poach ing regulations established by Chief Yellowtail. Shipping of the animals to their new home provided the greatest prob lem. After they were brought to the corral in Lamar Valley, Wyo., they were crated and hauled to the reser vation by truck. Such is the buf falo's temperament that It cannot be shipped as are cattle, but must be , placed In an individual crate. Pour crates to the truck la the accepted load. No More Knitting Before Speakers MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 17. (AP) The woman's club, after some de bate, reasoned It out like this: Knitting Is all right. In fact. : "produces lovely rhythm and grace But In the future, when there Is a speaker, knitting must be deferred Members decided It was too harrow ing for orators to address them selves to an audience of head tops- Be correctly corseted In an Artist Model by Ethelwyn B. Hoffmann. New book at the Jsckson County Library Include the following: Fiction. Bimos Edna. His Wife. Belter Golden Tales of the Far West. Blmey Eagle in the Sun. Deeping The Oolden Cord. Pranlteu Three Englishmen. Hlchena The power to Kill. Jams Home Ranch. Jameeon Love In winter. Klpltng-A Kipling Pageant. McKee After a Hundred Year.. Maaefleld Victorious Troy. Morrow Great Captain. Mundy Purple Pirate. Murasakl Shlklbu The Tale of Genii. rlorrls Hands. Noma Shining Windows. Sabatlnl Chivalry. Stern Shining and Free. 8trlbllng The Sound Wagon. Tra-vera Mary Popping comes Back. Walsh Blackcock's Feather. Woollcott The Woollcott Reader. Non-Fiction. Wlngfield-Stratford New Minds for Old. Stevens The Right Thing. Sedgwick In Praise of Gentlemen. Pack Challenge of Leisure. Fosdlck The Power to See It Through. Henderson Pare to s General Socl ology. Melltlejohn What Does America Mean? Hart Education for an Age of Power. Bain Parents Look at Modern Ed ucation. Blatz Nursery Education. Lombard Parent Eduoatlon Oppor tunities. Pierce It's More Fun When You Know the Rules. Smith The Command of Words. Jeans The Unlverae Around Us. Jones Worlds Without End. Maxim Life's Place In the cosmos. Moulton Consider the Heavens. Davis Element of Surveying. Sloane Elements of Topographic Drawing. Maeterlinck The Supreme Law. English Getting Acquainted With Minerals. Bradley Autobiography of Earth. Fabre Book of Insect. Schllnk Eat, Drink and Be Wary. Fortune, eds. of The Nervous Breakdown. Gee The Social Economic of Agrl culture. Hambrldge Enchanted Acre. Grave Forest Education. Brown Logging. Kwon Oriental Culinary Art. Schnackel Accounting by Machine Method. Ruckstull Great Works of Art ana What Make Them Great. Rockwell Flower Arrangement. Payent Design Technics. Bang Leathercratt for Amateur. Hale Boston Symphony Program Notes. Beaaley How to Play Tenni. Coffin Strange Holiness. Mantle The Best Plays of 1934-55 Roberta-Gone Rambling. Halliburton Seven League Boot Thorn The Untold Story of Ex ploration. Lin My country ana My -i-eopw. Walnwrtght Beauty In Japan. Raawan Black Tents of Arabia. De Wattevllle Speak to the Earth. MacDonnell A Vlsli to America.. Drury California. Hubbard Cradle of the Storms. Bvrd Discovery. Blakeney Life and Exploits of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Day Life With Father. Deland If This Be I, A I Suppose It Be. Zwelg Mary, Queen of Scotland, and the Isles. Sandoz Old Jules. Sustmoto A Daughter of the Nohfu. Oliver The Ancient World. Rostovtsev Out of the Part of Greece and Rome. Wcllman Death In the Desert. Wells The New America and the Now World. Pamphlets. U. S. Department of Agriculture (1) Strawberry Varieties in the U. s (2) Eliminating Bat from Buildings. (3) Summer Crops for Green Manure and Soil Improvement. BLAST HAZARDS IN COAL MINES SHENANDOAH, Pa. (UP) One of the worst haiards In coal mining premature explosions Is believed to have been eliminated from Pennsyl vania mine through a discovery made by Andrew Koenlg of Mahanoy City, chief electrician for the Lehigh Valley Coal company. After a clever bit of "sleuthing.- Kocnlg discovered that stray electri cal current In the ground have been responsible for many of the deadly blasts. Koenlg, through the us of precis ion Instruments, traced these ground current to the motor line serving the mines; from overhead trolley wire and from ground wires which carried the current Into the natural conductors of the underground pas sages. A a result of Koenig's discovery, all Lehigh company mines will be made safe by having rubber sections put In air conveyors to prevent them serving as conductors. Wooden fish plate will be Inserted In under ground railroad tracks. Wooden plat forms will be used at the face of gangways. All of these wllUlnsulate against ground currents. As a result, Koenlg says, premature explosions will be eliminated, and the only way a blast of high powered dynamite may be set off Is by the deliberate action of the miner in charge of operations. Details of Koenig's discovery were reported to Lehigh company officials. who ordered the safety measures un dertaken immediately. The state bureau of mine also was notified, and it was Indicated that the safety measure soon would be ordered for every coal mine in Penn sylvania. , No exact figure are available on how many men have been killed by these premature blast. Koenlg made hi important discov ery while investigating the death of a miner at Packer No. 5 mine. The miner had been preparing to fire a charge of dynamite. The wires lead ing to the battery had been discon I netted. When the shot waa ready, a nearby worker saw the miner pick up Just one wire and connect it to the batterv. The terrific blast followed. PORTER'S y3ffjESjP Product Here's a real opportunity to enjoy Porter's Fril-lets, Macaroni, Spag hetti and other tasty treats made from 10096 Durum Semolina, the heart of tie finest wheat grown. Htallhfull Economical I Cmvtnimll Send 8 labels from any Porter pro duct to Porter-Scarpelll. Portland. ...Oat your Recto Cabinet FREE. NOB HILL PREFERRED... FOR THAT Kb MEASURE OF QUALITY JO NOB HILL COFFEE has (hat extra measure of quality that makes It preferred to all others by those who know and appreciate the best. Even though you paid a dollar a pound you could buy no higher quality coffees than those that go Into this famous blend. Nob Hill Coffee comes to you In the modem way. in the flavor-protected package, by scheduled delivery to the stores. It is ground to your order at the moment of purchase. irt o i ii n oo uu Remember, M is no longer necessary to pay a high price for the highest quality coffee. Manufacturing and packing economies bring you this top quality coffee at a truly economical price. Prices Featured for Saturday, and Monday, January 18 and 20 Red or Small White 3 lbs. Beans Peaches Tomato Soup 10c . Del Monte 4 or Libby 1 No. Vi can UU van uampsftv n Large 22 oz J JlfJ can. 3 fnr"UU Cheese Macaroni Tomato Sauce Brookfield, All varieties Yi lb. pkgs. 2 for Rose City 3 lba. Curve Out 8 oz. cans 3 for 25c 19c 10c Oregon Italian 3 lbs, U4' SHORTENING All Purpose Vegetable. 4 lb. ctn. BACONS High quality, Try. it once. You'll want more. Note the low price: Any size piece. In Grocery Dept. lb. S M P IP Sleepy Hollow Pure Cane and Maple Qt. jug 35c pork beans Van Camps 2V2 oz. cans 3 for Rockwood Pure Wholesome 2 lb, can US' Crystal Wedding Prern. . Lrg. pkg. FLOU . BLUE SEAL Guaranteed Hardwheat Blend You can't buy a better Flour 49 lb. bag $1.49 LION" BR AMD Klamath Flour 49 lbs. $1.29 fctisiMstfNi 2&S Libby 'a Tidbits 8 oz. can Pineapple Deviled MeatK1 e can, Pkff. Butter Kernel Whole No. 2 can COOkieS Fancy Asst. Corn Waldorf Jell-Veii A" 3 rolls Pkg. Fc 25c 15c 15c 10c 5V4c SAFEWAY QUALITY MEATS Youn. Tender Hfrv , Half or whole Beef Pot PF2 2 Roast lb. Choice, Tender Shoulder Cuts Veal Steak lb. 15c Fresh Columbia River Smelt lb. MATCHES , Favorite, Strike Every Time. 6 Box Otn.. ALL BRAN J gc Kellogg 't Lrg. pkg. . Pancake Flour age Max-i-rmim 2yi lb. pk. CORN MEAL ' Gold Medal ff l Limit. 9 lb. bag SALT j- Max-i-mum, Plain or il V Iodized 20 oz. pkg. r Sunbrite Cleanser4for15c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Gigantic Orange Sale Jumbo 80 size Juicy Navels. Several hundred cases were purchased for our 2 tores to obtain this low price. dozen SflOQ Case of 80's or 100's ?1.0S Rutabagas 4 lbs. 10c Lettuce '"' heads 4c GRAPEFRUIT e for 9" Ariiona Fey. SunkUt, 80 size ONIONS 5 lbs. II c Local Sweet Spanish I t 'v';i Kit: WWW if SAFEWAY STORES