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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1936)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUXE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FREOAT, JANUARY 17, 1936. HOOVER IN FAVOR DIRECT SUBSIDIES L PSGE SIXTEEN1 Former President Injects Humor in Discussing 'Rugged Prima Donnas' Roosevelt Administration LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 17. (UP) Direct subsidy of special crops "until agriculture haa again been brought Into balaucfi" was advocated laat night by Herbert Hoover In the fourth of his current "debates" on the new deal. The former president spoke with his newly discovered humor and acrid sarcasm as he discussed the doing of "rugged prima donnas" In the Roose velt administration, which he de clared had used the urgent need of farm relief "as & cover to Impose the new deal philosophy upon the Amer ican people." I Summing up, he offered three i groups of policies as aids to sgrlcul- i ture. They were: 1. "Increase consumption of food by restoration -at employment. That ran come only with a balanced bud get, stable currency and credit. Olve the farmer our own home market. Adopt such aane national policies as . will again restore reasonable export Di fir nets. Out of this group of poli cies we can restore demand to many millions of fertile acres. a. "Retire the submarglnal lands where people cannot make a living, Do it In the more effective and hu mans way proposed by Secretary Hyde In 1932. Retard new reclama tion projects until the land can be used. 3. 'Encourage co-operative mar keting and those marketing agree ments which contribute to prevent gluts In the flow to markets. . The farm credit machinery established by Republican administrations and im proved by the new deal should be - still further Improved." Emergency Remains But, he added, further emergency measures are necessary, pending gen eral economic recovery. "They are doubly necessary," he aaUl, "as a new road must be built by which adgrlculture can get back onto solid ground from the quicksand of the new deal." He cuggested that, "Instead of try ing to find a balance to agriculture by paying the farmer to curtail a crop, we should endeavor to expand another crop which can be marketed or which would improve the fertility of the soil. The farmer should be Induced 'to grow such Imported goods aa vege table oils, sugar and Industrial pro ducts, replenish his soil with legumes and restore coverages, he said. "If we Include this suggestion with the policies I have already mention- ed," he continued, "which would re cover our lost acres from foreigners, we would be able to employ more than all the acres put out of action by the new deal. We would reverse this economy of scarcity to an econ omy of plenty." 1 To secure these objectives, he said, "I believe we must be prepnjed to subsidise directly such special crops until agriculture has again been brought Into balance." Within CoiiPtUutlon ' "I am advised," he added signifi cantly, "that It can be dons within the spirit as well as the letter of the constitution. "This work should be co-ordinated by s. non-poUttcnl national board," he said. 'The cost sou Id be borne by the general taxpayer and not loaded upon the poorest of the coun try through some tax like the process ing tax. Otherwlue this method will again be a subterfuge of pinkish na tional planning under another alpha bet." Fearing that "someone will shy at the blunt word 'subsidy,' " he pointed to the fact that under other names the principle has been applied to "railroads, highways, ships and avia tion, and silver mines and land recla mation." "We had better begin to use straight words and we will act straight," he declared. "A subsidy la a burden on the taxpayer, but It does not regiment or destroy the initiative or freedom of the receiver It li to stimulate that." GASOLINE THEFT FROM COP'S CAR BAD MISTAKE AHTOIUA, Ore. Jan. 17. (AP) Siphoning gasoline from the car ol St a be Trooer C. P. Smith wa a grave mistake. John Mnrklund, on parole from five-year robbery sentence, was the alleged gasoline thief. Ho was re turned to the state penitentiary to serve out a year and a half remain ing fn bin ntene medicated with ingredients of VicksVapoRub I yy Modern successor to old-fashioned cough syrups ... moro con venient . . . less ex pensive . . . lingers longer In the throat. MANN'S ANNUAL JANUARY WHITE SALE is an Event of Great Proportions, including Hundreds of Domestic and Personal Needs! Values which are incomparable! Specially pur chased Merchandise as well as our regular stock, A store crammed full of Bargains from the Lower Floor to the Roof. Don't miss this January White Sale because, it . means worthwhile Savings for you on things you need . . use . . and want every day. Women s Outing Flannel Gowns January White Sale of Women's and Misses' Outing Flannel Gowns. A long sleeve gown in stripes and white, selling regular -for 89c. 49 Balbriggan and Knit Pajamas. Special $1.00 Women's White Cotton Union Suits for 89c Women's Hand Made Nainsook Gowns at 79c Children's Cotton Slips, sizes 4 to 14 at 49c Rayon & Cotton Mixed Bed Spreads January Sale of Rayon and Cotton Mixed Bed Spreads. A full size 86xl05-inch spread that sells regular for $2.98. Extra special $195 2 yd. 36-inch Ruffled Curtains for only $1.79 21 yd. 36-inch Tie Back Curtains at only $1.49 Short Ruffled Kitchen Curtains for only 79c 39-inch Curtain Marquisette, at per yard, 25c Double Bed Candle Wick Spreads January White Sale Special! New stock Washable Oandlewick Bed Spreads in all the wanted bedroom colors. These are full size spreads. S $198 22x44-in. White Cannon Towels at 2 for $1.00 . Heavy Weight Cannon Wash Cloths 3 for 25c Regular 85c Values in Guest Towels for 49c Stevens 16-in. Crash Linen Toweling, yd. 16c Sale of Ruffled Curtain Panels January White Sale Special! Ruffled Curtain Panels of dotted Marquisette for $1.00 each. These are 2 54 yds. long and 30 inches wide. All have full flounce. $10.0 20x40-in.. Cannon Bath Towels. Special 19c Cannon Dish Towels, 6 in a package for 85c 39-inch Unbleached Muslin. Spec, per yd. 12c 36-inch White Outing Flannel at per yard 15c 24x44-in. Martex Turkish Towels January White Sale Special! 22x44-in. Martex Turkish style towels. White with colored bor ders of green,' Blue, Rose, Lavender and Gold. A real 40c towel. 37 45x36-in. Hand Emb. Pillow Cases, pair $1.19 54x54-in. Linen Lunch Sets. Special at $2.98 72x90-in. Italian Lace Cloths. Special at $3.98 Candlewick Bath Room Sets. Special $1.79 36 -inch White Daisy Muslin January White Sale Special! 30-inch Whito Daisy Muslin, a soft finish dressing-free fabric that sells regular for 15c yard. White Sale price 12 Murray's Beauty Salon Announces a January Special on a Nationally Advertised "OLIVOIL" Permanent Wave I: $745 Complete with Shampoo Fincer Wav and Trim i MURRAY'S BEAUTY SALON MANN'S SECOND FLOOR FHONES 3(53 and 480 If m. fc ft w, v.t 1 --j ' ' if! ITT 7 I ! W ' id x January Clearance of DRESSES Street Afternoon and Sports Frocks in Fine Silks and Wools You will Immediately recognize th tailoring and fine quality of fabrics In these Better Dresses ... Vou also will recognize the fashion Tightness of these superb frocks and realize at once the Extra value In this sale! The S2B.50 dresses are f 19.75, the 19.75 dresses are $14.79. Wo urge you to see them to morrow In the Dress Shop on the Sec-, ond Floor. $19.75 and $29.50 Values ' On Sale Tomorrow $' HO 75 1 37 :.' 14- and 75 Mann'a Millinery Second Floor These New Fabrics and Straw Fabric 9 Ss? TURBANS Will Put You in the Spring Mood $998 Gay. and flattering . . . reason enough for wanting to wear them . . . not to mention what -they'll do to your dress-up moments with veils, bows, rh lues tone clips. Will you have black, brown or navy? You might even af ford several at this special price 1 1 -d Starting tomorrow all Winter (SI CC Hats are marked for clearance CD I J J omens Saturday Special) Wom en' and Misses Brushed Wool Sweaters In zipper and slip -on styles at 1.79. They come In good shades. Sweaters' $179 New Spring Coats and. Suits Just a mention of the New Coat and Suits on display up stairs, pish Till Coats, Tail ored and Swagger Suits In ohecks, herring bone tweeds and solid wool . . . Ves these new garments are very impressive. $ 1 095 READY TO WEAR SECOND FLOOR SALE OF NECKWEAR January Sale of Women's and Misses' Neckwear I Smart Satin. Lace and Pique styles In high or low neckline , . . Tailored or frilly . . . Regular ti.98. Your choice to morrow at Mann's $ 1 .00 January Sale of MEN'S SUITS We're saying goodbye to these $25 and $30 Club Suits. Every one perfect. Every one from our regular stock, but It's against our prin ciples to carry 1935 suits Into 1936, so come and grab these finely tailored, high quality suits at this unusual price . . . Single and double -breasted models to select from In sizes 36 to 42. $25. and $30. Values Q5.0 Men's Holeproof Part Wool Hose January Clearance of Men's Part Wool Holeproof Hose . . . plain and fancy patterns In sizes 10'i to 12. Regular 50c quality hose. pair $1.00 few WHITE SALE OF SHEETS Nationally advertised Sheets of the finest quality muslin, In full bed sires, deeply hem med and blenched snow while , . . Note the reduced prices quoted below. Famous WearwelU 63x108, Regular $1.05. Now 80c 72x108, Regular $1.15, Now 08c 81x00, Regular $1.15. Now 08c 81x108, Reg. $1.25. Now $1.10 Golden Gates 72x00, Regular 08c, Now 70c 81x00, Reg. $137. Now $1.10 81x108, Reg. $1.40, Now $1.35 Half Price Sale of Women's Shoes Every Pair New ... From our Regular Stock! A January Shoe Clearance that for real value and quality of merchandiw cannot be dupli cated. All Women's Street and Dress Shoes values to 5.85 are now Half Pri - .too . m tegular 12.95 S;ort Oxfords are Half Price H 49 and our regular 6.1S Johanson shoes for women at M 39. Just hjilf their regular value . . . Not all sizes In all groups but every pair from our regular stock. $49 $299 $339 VS:'JSl . ALL OTHER SIZES XV5 M -SM4l GREATLY REDUCED ' l$'KS$Af iX f it-A& ma Extra!! 75 Dozen Boys' Shirts and Blouses BOW MAIN FLOOR Famous Tom Sawyer and Kaynee Models in Plain White and Fancy Patterns Included In this Sensational Ssle of Boys' Blouses nd Shirts are sport collsrs, regular col lars, short sleeves and regular sleeve, white and fancy pat terns. Shirt styles and button on blouses ... A ryle for every boy. 59c Regular $1.00 Value Sale of Feather Pillows We Pay the Postage on Mail Orders January White Sale Special I Regular T9C Sanitary Prathrr Bed Pillows for only 5c each. A 17x34-lneh pillow covered with a reather-proof striped ticking. A grand value. MANN'S DOWN STAIRS 65 ea.