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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1936)
"NrEBFORD MAIL TTJTBUXE. DFORB. OREGON. THURSDAY. .TAXTTARY 16, 193fi. PAGE SEVEN Marx Brothers Craterian Sunday L. jr. XT rWltW ?', jF f S La. ' j v . V f. r ( Nil i ii'i-if -teiMi to iifM . There laughter In the offmg. This fact Is certainty with the opening Sunday of the Marx Brothers In "A Night at the Opera" at the Craterian theater. Groucho, Harpo and Chlco. whose antics have made millions laugh Groucho with his mlle-a-mln- ute wisecracking. Harpo with his "dumbness" and chasing of blondes, and Chlco. who does a little of both have what Is termed a proven com edy hit. proven by a personal apprar ance tour In which the boys tried out all sorts of different gaga and elim inated all but the ones which were sure-fire with the audiences. The new picture represent a de parture for the celebrated Kings of Laughter, inasmuch as It does not depend alone on madcap antics and Insane gags, but tells a straight, cred. lble story enlivened by musical Inter, ludea and an engaging romance be tween Kitty Carlisle, heroine of er eral Blng Crosby musicals, and Allan Jones, who msde his film debut with Jean Harlow In "Reckless." The principal locale of "A Night at the Opera" are Italy, an ocean liner and a New York opera house. Groucho. Chlco and Harpo. consti tuting themselves self-aj.jlnted man. agers, take over the destinies of pair of songbirds, Kitty Carlisle and Allan Jones, picking on waiter i-ing whose frantic Jealousy slmost wrecks the romance between Miss Carlisle and Jones, they make hash of the performance In the opera, appearing one minute on the stage, next In the orchestra nit and then among the audience. TILLAMOOK. Jan. 18. VP) The $20,000 Barvlew coast guard life boat was dashed on the rocks at Garibaldi and battered beyond re. palr( in the week-end gale. Several larze fl-Vi'iiT boats were demolished Western Drama Coming To Rialto V.; J- L ' . ; " f , . "'j'J KW. T'i With all advance reports hailing It as one ox tne greatest western pic tures to be brought to the screen since the days of "The Covered Wag on," the Rialto theater tomorrow and Saturday will show the picturl nation of Clarence E. Mill ford's "Bar 20 Rides Again." the third of this series to be brought to the screen. Featuring the adventures of "Hop along" Cossldy and his pals, "Red" and "The Kid," the film shows Cas sldy tracking down a notorious han dle In the Snake Butte country of Montana. Climaxing mnumeraole thrills with a wild -riding, hard-shoot, lng roundup of cattle rustlers, "Bat 20 Rides Again" will undoubtedly set a new standard of oomparlson for pictures of this type. Included In the cast are William Boyd In the role of "Hop a long," Jim my Ellison as "The Kid." Prank Mc Olynn, Jr., as "Red," Oeorge Hayes w the old desert rat, Jean Rouveral as the girl In the story and Harry Worth, whose characterization of "Nevada, ' the ruthless rustlers' leader. Is said to be one of the highlights of the picture. On Roxy Bill PORTLAND, Jan. IS. (ff) The state fish commission's report to day showed that total commercial fresh fish consumption In Oregon for 1B3 reached 3,673.001 pounds. In addition Oregonlans . ate around 14.000 gallons of oysters, and 380,874 crabs. Fresh and kippered fish, which In clude shrimps and crab-meat and clams, but not whole crabs, were eaten at the rate of about 3!i pounds per capita. The figures do not include canned flah. Boris Karloff plays a dual role In "The Black Room," screen shocker playing today and Friday at the Roxy theater. Marian Marsh, Robert Allen and Kntherine DcMille are also fea tured. COMMONWEALTH MEET SLATED FOR OREGON BUOENE, Jan. 16 A) Plana for the annual commonwealth conference to be held at University of Orenon on March IB. ao and 21, were launch ed this week by P. A. Parsons, head ot the department of sociology. Citizens and officials from alt parts of the state. Interested In various phases of government, conservation, resource, recreation and other fields will be represented at the conference VANCOUVER, B. C Jan. lfl. (P) Three armed bund its held up the Canadian Bank of Commerce on Pow ell street today and escaped with an unknown amount of money after woum'g Thomas Winsby, manager. In the .ft arm. and William Hobbs, teller, In the nock. Head COLDS Put MenthoLitum In I the auichtr I relieve ttuf fines and restore comfort. If you prefer nose drops, or throat spray, call for the MEW HEMTHQLATUM LIQUID In handy bottle with dropper waaiawwigsflipwwiywiwsiwsiiii'wwiM " &mm. m mm m was om m Come Early Avoid the Rush! Shows at 1:45-6:45-9:00 jrt-- T . 'I, r ;.v r. -.' 9-: - , ':V(F f 4SV :',.:. i ,' I H i -v v Jl ' "WVirfV ;.- :- x -;' HO RAISE if iill 111 I" PRICES Xti Mats - 25c ,Jd Eves - 35c fe'lmMteW t ;:-J' i- i?- 'ft U STARTS M 3 DAYS Two years in production ... 18 months in preparation . . . across the motion picture firmament flames a mighty screen drama ... an epic of tremendous sweep and emotional appeal climaxed by one of the most enthralling love stories of all time . . . magnificently brought to life to give you 1936's first big million dollar film thrill! Will Be the Best-Loved Picture of 1936! A Catt ot 6000 with 27 Featured Playen, Including: ELIZABETH ALLAN O EDNA MAY OLIVER REGINALD OWEN BASIL RATH BONE HENRY B WALTHALL WALTER CATLETT DONALD WOODS O FRITZ LEIBER H B. WARNER O CLAUDE CILLINCWATER man, II II f v UU 'W O C 1 F .... .. -f L,, , --"T i-1 ' ii i fim- n i i 1 in i Yft i r 1 nirii- --