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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1936)
BEDFORD "Nf ATTi TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDXT, JANUARY 14, 1938. PA'GE NTNTC 7 fit n fPSiP?iyf . . Compare with Other Brands! 81x99 Inch LONGWEAR SHEETS .We bought them before prices increased and 88c is close to to day's wholesale pricel Thousands of women from coast to coast know Longwear sheets! They know how well they wear! They like the soft, smooth finish and snowy whiteness of the 64x64 muslin. Better stock up now! Last 4 days at only . Matching Longwear pillow cases, sale priced at. ,23c in. wide. 64x60 count. Sturdy. Yd. w( UNBLEACHED MUSLIN BLEACHED MUSLIN 36 in. wide. 80x80 count. Pure finish. Yd UNBLEACHED SHEETING 81 in. wide. Longwear quality. Sale price, Yd BLEACHED SHEETING Longwear quality. 81 in. wide. Yd L12V2C 31c 34c 12c PRINTED BATISTE, 38 in. wido, vat dyed, tub fait, yd. 27-INOH WHITI FLANNEL 71, ft Fine quality, fleeced both lidei, yd. 2C 36 INCH L0NOCL0TH Plain' colon, 72x76 count. 1 9lo f Sale prioe, yd. . I 2C UNBLEACHED TOWELING 1 7 18 in. wide, colored borderi, linen, yd. I Iw 72x84 inch WHITE BLANKETS 69 5 Wool Doublft Blankets They're 8 wool, the rest fine quality China cotton. Beautiful plaid, pastel col on. Full bed size. 269 Last four dayi at this low sale pricel 5 wool, 95 soft, snowy white China cotton. Pastel striped border and sateen binding. Extra large aire. Singles. 2-lb weight 11 EACH W CANNON" TURKISH TOWELS Extra Size Towels 23x46 ins. Almost 4-ft. long. Pink, blue, green ftq. borders. Double loop I afwC MxIMnch Wash Cloths Extra fine quality, at this low price, n Complete assortment of colors, Each OC Special purchase! That's why the price is so low. Extra site, 22x44- inch. Double loop weave to make them extra absorbent Blue, pink, gold, green borders. Bale priee, , Last 4 Days January White Goods Sale! Last Change to Save! Wards largest white goods pur chase in 63 years of business I $1,000,000 worth of quality mer chandise bought months ago at the market "lows", priced to save Ward customers $225,000 in this January White Goods Sale! Silvania PRINTS life Regularly 15c The new Sprinf patterns are In! Florals, geo metrics, dots, checks and stripes. In gay colors. Tone of spring is in every one of the striking new prints. Tubfait, 64x60 percale, BROADCLOTH Lustrous plain color broadcloth. In ten of the most popular shades. All wash able 38 In. wide. 2h T4, 46" Table As practical as It Is prettyl A whisk of a damp cloth and It's olean. Gay pat- terns, plain colors. Oilcloth' 21 S&k i iSfefe WMf mfmr - ft y 'Vs L i' 'V- " fesiy mw a sj fagu Rvgffli I K -V "S I ? J3 I Compare with Nationally Advertised Sets ai $24.95 KV "jjll''i. VV v , You've said, "If someone'd bring out a personal rf 4 radio at a small price, richer in tone and more de- ivSV ,wfLs3i IKS pendable in service, I'd buy it I" Here it is! New! h t A s XTf jJ J J - And whether vou eet vours as an "extra or tor I Tubes 2 of Them Dual-Purees , VV-'il'" ' ' h " - on shelves and in small spaces. Wards huge- P. -r?A f -f SZtZP volume price now lowest in tnis great r-uay aaie i uceniea ty r c a and Hoieitine M ' WE CARRY A MJp tm. m.. O Q ft 8 ::vV' K COMPLETE LINE OF I VTfl I 4t0 03 U vfe V 1 BATTERY RADIOS i Iff If ' ' r". i v: I L RANGING FROM j i If ;:;;V;v;. 4T09TUBES jJj fyuk WARDS RADIO VALUES! Get Favorite IreuJcait Prtejrami wit Full, Rich Tone Same Folic Calls Special Imag Circuit Prevents Station inferferenc. Automatic Velum Control I Tubes 2 of Them Dual-Furees Illuminated Airplane Dial. Vernier Tunlna Efficient stable oscillator Circuit Fully Shielded. Cadmlum-Platd Chants Approved by Board of Fir Underwriter! uceniea ey c A and Haieltln cn EUROPE! METAL TUBES! 7 TUBES! SAVE NOW! 4 DOWN S MralUr CuTTf Ctort Now (tt forelrn ttitlonl with leu nelssl Improved reception with Genuine Metal Tubes! Clean-cut station separation, finer tone, Instant Dial with US stations lilted, tons control. Bits at this 4-dij pries I CHOOSE FOREIGN PROGRAMS WITH THIS MANTEL! HAS METAL TUBES rls Frlc 4 Days Onlyl 2988 (I DOWN MiMMf Cm II It CWft Think ef fsttlnc your choice o( popular foreign and U. 8. proframa at so small a pricel Ths same ef fsctivs Ward chassis as the console at left Sale price 4 days onlfl All Ward Radios Lleenitd by R. C. A. and Haiejtlnt TT